True success, true happiness lies in freedom and fulfillment
SELLING ESSENTIAL OILS IS THE MOST PROFITABLE PRODUCTS TO SELL ONLINE The main objective when starting an internet marketing business is to research what the top selling items online are and how they can be monetized
The main objective when starting an internet marketing business is to research what the top selling items online are and how they can be monetized My name is Steve Jackson and I am an online marketer, network marketer and podcaster. As you may have noticed, I did not mention essential oils as apart of my personal profile. Saying that, I have learnt to use and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of the oils in my daily life. Unlike many others that get into this business I have done my research and realized that essential oils are a booming industry. Essential oils have many uses including stress relief, relieving pain, anti-aging, hair, skin and body care and even toxic free cleaning. The uses are limitless so it is no wonder that sales in essential oils are massive. This brings me onto the income possibilities. It seems after speaking to many individuals about why they wanted to buy essential oils was complex. Some were looking for an alternative to traditional prescription medication, some wanted to enhance their well-being and some were angry with the pharmaceutical companies. Whatever their reasons were, only a few said they were interested in making extra money from home. I was surprised how few saw the financial benefits of selling aroma oils online or at home. This was my eureka moment and the time that I said, "if they couldn’t see it, I could".
Research and review How does someone make money selling essential oils? Before you do anything else, finding a trustworthy, honest and legitimate company is important. The best ones will offer an essential oils direct sales program. I have only got one to suggest, because after years of research only one company seems to offer everything. When I had done my research these were the characteristics I felt were vital for the marketer to feel safe in their business. Also safe in the knowledge that long term sustainability was possible, so considering, the company's reputation, brand, product, support and compensation plan was essential. Below are the questions I asked before joining any company Reputation of the company As a general rule, a reputation is built on manner as much as on achievement What is the reputation of the essential oils company? When was the company founded? How positive are the reviews of the customers and distributors? Company branding The most important thing to remember is you must know your audience How close does the companies brand reflect your values? Do you believe that the company is professional? Company products Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers Do your love the products? Are the products ethically and sustainably made?Is there enough choice? Is there enough product options to create niche marketing ideas? Would you feel comfortable selling essential oils?
Training and support In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn Is there enough training and support for the companies reps and distributors? Is there enough sales and marketing material? Is there one on one as well as online training? Costs and fees Count the cost first. Don’t pay too big a price for pursuing minor values What is the start-up cost of the business? Are there any hidden costs or monthly fees? Are there any minimum requirements? Is there an extra cost for a web site? Are there any selling restrictions? Compensation plan It's how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success What is the essential oil business plan? Are you open to direct sales? Is it possible to make money from an essential oil business opportunity? Conclusion True success, true happiness lies in freedom and fulfillment After completing my research I only found one company that satisfied my list of questions and complete my quest. The company is called doTerra and they were found in 2008. Their mission has been fro the start to offer therapeutic grade essential oils to the world. They have a great product, they are high quality and professional company, and a compensation plan that allows me to work wherever I please. Meaning, doTerra ticks all the boxes for me
What is the best marketing method to sell products online? Network marketing gives people the opportunity, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth After years of experience working on and off line in this industry. I would suggest that network marketing holds the best promise for online success. However, the main challenge for many new to working online is their fear of being found and data security. I have used this quote before and I will again, "the internet is simply a virtual extension of the physical world". The whole point of working online is to be found and so some of your details will also be found. Once you have resigned yourself to this situation you will find it easier to achieve online success. This does not mean you should not be aware of the risks involved in personal branding and online marketing. You should take the same precautions you would take in daily life. We as a society have become accustomed to sharing, connecting and buying online. This means we should take advantage of this new world order and benefit from the ability to work and be wherever we want to be. The online network marketer is the future, so you can be apart of it or not. What is network marketing? For someone wanting to start a business on a budget network marketing is a great choice. Getting started is easy and very affordable by simply purchasing an enrollment or starter kit. The minimum outlay is about 35$ / 20€ / £20 which in the better companies includes a free webshop and no monthly fee. The general enrollment process is: 1. You first join as a distributor or in the essential oils companies a wellness advocate. 2. This gives you the option to purchase products directly from the company as a wholesale customer 3. This also give you the option to recruit other distributors as apart of your downline 4. When you begin to recruit others into your team you will start to receive a percentage of their sales and a residue income. 5. If this sounds a bit confusing, your sponsor and the company support system will help you and steer you in the right direction. The other benefits of running a network marketing business online are: Marking money from personal sales Making passive income from your downlines sales Great support and training material Monthly promotions The ability to work 24 / 7 online Sharing your duplicatable online marketing system with your team Global access to customers Option to live and work wherever you want No need to speak to family and friends
Seven benefits for selling products from home and online We have already established that essential oils are one of the top selling items online, but let's break down and really find out what that means. Get started straight away Many of the better company such as doTerra oils offers a free webshop to all the new distributors. This allows someone new to the business to get started from day one, You simply enroll as a doTerra wellness advocate and within a few minutes you are up and running your business online. Low start up cost Even though overtime you may feel that you want to invest more money into your business in the early stages the start up cost is very low. The basic enrollment kit will be about 35$ / 20€ / £20 which as I have already mentioned include a free webshop and no monthly fee. Nevertheless, once you have got started I would suggest investing in you own personal website, domain name and host. As a benefit of joining my team, I offer help and support in this area by guiding your through the process of setting up your personal website or blog. Global reach I think this goes without saying that there are more people living in the world than living in your town, city or even country. The most socially educated butterfly cannot get around to everyone. As I mentioned in the intro to this section, you can only bully your family and friends for so long before you have been taken off the Christmas card list. Selling and even sponsoring new people to you business is on the whole a numbers game. I am not going to say that recruiting is only a numbers game because a relationship needs to be built prior to them joining your business. However selling essential oils is definitely a numbers game of sharing as much as possible to as many as possible. There is nothing cheaper than marketing online and attracting organic traffic to your website, blog or landing page. Finding the niche in your business Targeting your viewers is the key to building your business. This means that the amount of visitors to your website does not need to be large, because you have targeted them to a specific topic or subject. The customer or prospect is already in the right mindset when they visit your page and so preconditioned to buy your products or join your business. Information branding As an example, I recruit most of my best leaders who have read one of my articles. Through discussions with them I have found that their reasons for joining my team was that the topic fill an intellectual void, They believed that I had some vital information that they did not have and join me would fill that gap towards their future success. The fact is there is an unlimited amount of room to develop a reputation and brand as an expert in the field of anything. This can be achieved via simple blogging and providing tips and ideas that will improve their health and wellness with essential oils or as an online marketing guru. Methods that work well are blogging, content marketing, video blogs, Facebook live, podcasts and eBooks. If within these mediums you become an important source of knowledge you will find that the money will follow.
Selling essential oils near you means selling online In the past I can recall my wife running home parties and to be fair she loved doing them. However, the western world with all its benefits has become time starved so nobody really have the time to attend such events. Today, the internet is king and so selling aroma products means selling online. Free from administration Any of the online marketers including myself will tell you that working online free up your life by a massive amount. When you run a essential oils business online you have no warehouse, no money tied up in inventory, no order forms, no delivery costs or arrangements and no travelling to the office unless you really want. Your only role is to find ever more interesting way to sell aromatherapy oils.
How selling essential oils online is so easy? Today it’s not about ‘get the traffic - it’s about ‘get the targeted and relevant traffic When we piece together the puzzle our conclusions we can see that there is a simple set of rules that will help you achieve success. Below I have set out my personal favorite that have worked for me and my team. Become a product guru To start with, nobody can know everything. There are too many essential oils and blends for one individual know, so find your niche. Your niche will not only help you remember the oils, it will also help you optimize the keywords used in your content. Start with a subject that you are interested and really go deep into the subject.
Understand your customers niche Ask yourself, who is your customer and what is their profile? What type of issues do they have and what makes them business from you? Once you have found out what information they need they are likely to spend more time on your website or blog rather than some other sites. Warm lead list campaigns Even though I have not mentioned this, but creating a warm lead list is going to be a vital element of your marketing system. As prospects join your list and receive some information about the products and the business opportunity they will also want to know about the deals you have available. doTerra for example have throughout the year various promotions such as 20% off enrollment kits, free product of the month and two for one offers. In addition, the holiday products are always worth sharing with your customers via a newsletter using an emailing service. Planning your global success There is an old expression in network marketing and in traditional business, "Without a plan you plan to fail". Unfortunately, many that decide to start in business for themselves in network marketing do exactly that. The fear of commitment and the fear of not achieving the goals they have set themselves is the fundamental reason why people fail in network marketing. Day one need to be the day that you empower yourself and decide what actions need to be taken for you to make money selling essential oils online. So, go into details what you are intending to do in the first three months and then create an overview of what you are doing over the next 12 months.The reason for setting goals is to keep you focused on the job at hand. The biggest distraction for the online network marketer is procrastination, so be committed and be consistent and success is yours. Be brave and get a website It doesn't matter if your essential oils or company are the most profitable products to sell online if nobody can find you. The glue that will hold the system together will be your website and the marketing methods you are using to attract organic traffic. The tools available to you are many and so pick what suits you best. My personal choice is article marketing where the main goal is to create interesting and valued content. Each individual content can be used in various ways such as a podcast, a video overview, eBook / PDF option, blog article, landing page / squeeze page content, in an RSS feed and shared on social media platforms. However, returning to having your own page, because I can hear you all screaming with fear. Creating a blog or website has never been easier. Most hosting companies such as iPage offer free website creators and free wordpress blogs which need only the ability to write in WORD. In a short amount of time you should be ready to go, but as I mentioned earlier, my team members get my expertise as apart of the package.
Why do I need to know SEO? A few weeks ago before writing this article I had an interesting call from a fellow online marketer. He was picking my brain and ask me "who was creating my content and building my websites?" I told him that I did it all myself, because I optimize my content and pages far better and it was cheaper. About an hour later he text me and asked me to cheap over his papers and give him an overview and a price to optimize them. I was surprised to find out that he had no meta tags, no sitemap, no alt on his images and even though it was index on Google it got 0/10 ranking. This means that he was getting no organic traffic at all, so nobody was reading his content and nobody was buying his products. The importance that someone sees and reads your webpage or blog is simply the point. You want to be found. You may be the greatest writer in the world but if you do not show up on Google and nobody reads anything you write you are wasting your time. Thankfully, there are tools and methods that make SEO easy and again as apart of my teams training one on one SEO training is available. Sharing content on social media Before I jump into social media sharing a little tricks that has helped me to keep track of who I have shared with is to create an XL file. At the top I put all the social media platforms and down the left hand side I put the URL of the blog page or the landing page. Every time I share on a platform I put a mark so I do not repeat too much and get band by the platform. If we agree that we have optimized our website and Google has indexed it and we can be found. So, everything is looking great. The next stage is to drive traffic to our webpages via social media platforms. If you haven't signed up for any of the social media platforms start signing up now. The main ones are Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram, but there are many others worth joining. However, as a suggestion, even if you join all of them, in the beginning work with just two of them. Newsletter the world Even though social media is great, the most effective method for me has been sharing my new content with my warm leads list. They are already interested in what I have to offer because they subscribed to one of my pages earlier. So, sharing some interesting tips is something that will gain great results.
Does marketing essential oils online really work? “It’s hard to find things that won’t sell online” - Jeff Bezos Many will argue that the traditional network marketing methods still works. Yes, of course it does, but nobody can disagree that the amount of work needed is extreme. Using online methods saves time, money and effort, consequently creating higher earnings. However, nobody is saying that working online is easy. The fact is anything worth having is never easy. It takes work, but unlike the online method, the traditional methods involves, disappointment from canceled meetings, inactive downlines and difficult family relationships. On the other hand, the online method translates more of your personal action into profits. You are in control of your actions, your communication and your list building. I am so confident that my online methods work that I am willing to share my knowledge with my team. So, regardless of where you are on the globe I will help and support you to get their business moving online.
Contact us and learn how the top selling items online are sold If you have found this guide to be helpful and you would like to know more about one of the most profitable products to sell online add your name, email address and a short message on the form below and someone will get back to your asap..... Author: Steven Jackson Source: Selling essential oils is the most profitable products to sell online