5 minute read
Use your doTERRA website to improve your doTERRA enrollment rate
If you want to join doTERRA or you have a doTERRA membership already, this training slideshow will help you enroll more people into your team.
Everyone including the person who introduced you to doTERRA will be telling you how important prospecting is for you to be successful, fortunately doTERRA as apart of the doTERRA starter kits you will receive your own personal doTERRA website

Simply by sharing doTERRA via social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

However, the trick is what you do before you start sharing your doTERRA website.

Creating a profile on your doTERRA website
It seems so simply, but most people do not even add an image. Creating a personal profile should be the first thing a new doTERRA wellness advocate should be doing. In addition, the most powerful information you can offer on your doTERRA website is instruction on how to join doTERRA. Note: They can be as detailed or as simply as you please, but this type of guidance will create a higher enrollment rate in itself. Two simple examples to your right
How to become a doTERRA wellness advocate or wholesale customer?
Click on the link at the top of the page called "Join & Save" How to become a doTERRA retail customer?
Click on the link at the top of the page called "Shop"
However, you can create a more detailed enrollment instructions

How to become a doTERRA wellness advocate or wellness customer
1. Click on the link at the top of the page called "Join & Save"
2. Choose your kit (When you purchase a product enrollment the enrollment fee is waived)
3. To purchase the 35$ enrollment, click on the "Individual Products" button and then click on the Bag button on the top right hand side of the page.
4. Review your order and proceed to checkout
5. Fill in your details
6. Choose Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer
7. Enroller ID and Sponsor ID is: 930175
8. All Wellness Advocate packages includes a free webshop, back office and no monthly fee
9. Fill in your Shipping details
10. Pay for your order
Quick and easy tip
Add your doTERRA website to your Facebook profile or your Facebook page introduction.
Now we share our doTERRA website

The key to sharing doTERRA is to use your doTERRA website as a tool for when someone becomes interested in what you are doing. For example, you are speaking to someone on Facebook about healthy living and the topic of essential oils comes up. Your doTERRA website has all the information your prospect will ever need to make an educated decision weather doTERRA is the company for them or not. In many cases, people will join your business without even you taken them through the joining process.
Is working online a real option for a doTERRA wellness advocate?
The doTERRA rep earns money in two ways:
1. Selling the products
2. Educating and supporting their sales team
So, if you are struggling sharing doTERRA products with family and friends, the internet is your next best option. The internet is a great place to find people that think and believe in the same things as you do.

The Fourteen steps and twenty seven tasks to online success

For more information about sharing doTERRA online or in fact any MLM because I recommend this recently publish eBook that explain simply how to build your business online.
eBook Summary
What's inside
The role of this eBook is to lay out a basic plan for running a MLM business online rather than using the more traditional methods such as reaching out to family, friends and colleges. To help the total beginner to build an MLM business online this eBook will take the reader through all the skills and knowledge needed to succeed. Finding your niche
An important key to being successful in online network marketing is to become a specialist and an authority in your niche. However, developing your own niche is not always as easy as it sound, until you know how.
Understanding SEO
The greatest content in the world if not read has no value. So, being found and not being found will be the difference between your success or failure in your blog and business. Creating your MLM blog
The internet has a record of being the best forum for reaching out to people that care and believe in the same things as you do. This eBook will take you through the steps needed to have your blog up and going fast.
Writing your first article
If you are not accustomed to writing, creating your first article could be a challenge. However, investment of time and energy in great content will sustain your business and will be an investment into your long term marketing strategy.

Steven Jackson quote:
"The social media and the internet are simply a virtual extension of the physical world"
The author
Steve Jackson has been an entrepreneur, network marketer, online marketer, eBook author and podcaster, because he feels it ticks all the boxes for him and gives him the financial freedom and the global independence he has always desired, which means he can choose where and how he lives and works.
Steven helps people all over the world to make positive changes in their lives everyday by helping them achieve their goals, make extra money and gain more personal freedom to live the life they desire.
I hope the information on this slideshow has been useful. If you would like to know more about doTERRA or network marketing in general click on the link on this page or go to: