What is the best way to promote Clickbank products?

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WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO PROMOTE CLICKBANK PRODUCTS? DEarly in my career as a affiliate marketer I often wondered why Clickbank top affiliates seemed to be making lots of money online

Review by: Steven Jackson Online Marketer




02 EARLY IN MY CAREER AS A AFFILIATE MARKETER I OFTEN WONDERED WHY CLICKBANK TOP AFFILIATES SEEMED TO BE MAKING LOTS OF MONEY ONLINE I searched around for some years looking for a tool or platform that would allow me to share Clickbank products easily. My main criteria was, it wasn’t to expensive and something I wouldn’t need to add the products individually to social media sites or my blog. There is a lot of rubbish out their and a lot of products that say they can do something when really can’t. In my case I was looking an affordable shopfront or store that I could present all the Clickbank products automatically on a simply platform. Finally after trying out lots of affiliate plugins and platforms I was guided to a very useful and affordable storefronts platform called CBProads.

CBProads is commonly known as CBProads storefront or Clickbank Pro Ads storefront, because it offers the Clickbank marketing affiliate a marketing platform that can be used to promote Clickbank products and the platform itself. I originally joined for FREE so I could check out the system and see whats what. Once I realized what I was missing out on and how little it was to upgrade to the lifetime Pro membership, I paid and have had no regrets.




03 CBPROADS STOREFRONT OVERVIEW AND REVIEW The Clickbank ProAds platform was originally begun in 2006 offer a simply integrated online store for Clickbank members. Clickbank Pro Ads offers its customers storefronts, niche storefronts, affiliates storefronts and a WordPress plugin to integrate the platform into your webshop. Why would products?






The main reason is the commission. Clickbank pay as much as 75%, which is amazing. Compare to the 5 to 7 % commissions paid by Amazon, Clickbank is a steal.

THE CLICKBANK PRO ADS AFFILIATE PROGRAM Even though many find Clickbank Pro Ads by searching Clickbank for affiliate products. I formally arrived after search for a product such as Clickbank Pro Ads and then believing that it would be a great product to market. So, from my experience anyone working on Clickbank will be happy to hear about such a exciting product. If you have been on Clickbank for long, you already understand the time and energy it takes to add all the different products online. This system allows you to bypass all of that and simply choose what you want to sell or use one of the many niche site already available.





What do you get with your CBProads storefront Pro Ads package? First of all the Clickbank Pro Ads package comes in two levels, the free membership and the Pro membership. The main difference between the free and the Pro versions are that your bonuses are 50% less in the FREE one over the Pro. So, it is well worth investing in the pro package once you have looked over the free one. Also, a good this to know, is when you subscribe to the FREE package you will receive an email offering a great deal on the pro package, which is much cheaper than the normal price. The Clickbank storefront I know this is unusual for an online or affiliate marketer NOT to own a website or two, but for those of you who are new to marketing online as a affiliate, this may interest you. Getting a foot hold into this industry can be complex and confusing for the newbie. Mainly because some kind of online skills are needed such as html editing, multi media design and SEO. This is where is gets interesting, the Clickbank shopfront has already been setup with multiple webshop just for you. The only thing you need to do is add some text and a logo to personalize your online store. Clickbank will still pay your commissions and you can still use the Clickbank report to check out how many people are viewing and buying the digital products. The best bit of this is that you do not need to purchase a web host or a domain name to get started. The only thing I have been wondering is why there is 5 different versions of the storefront. The versions start at 1.0 up to 5.0 and of course the quality of the sites get better every time there is a new version. My question is, why keep the older versions when they could be replayed with the newer version? However, this does not take away the usability of the system, but discontinuing the older versions could be something they should consider in the future.




05 CBPROADS STOREFRONT FEATURES: The advantage of having a storefront for your Clickbank business is to save time and money from sharing the digital products individually. However there are many other reasons to invest in such a affordable and profitable platform: Such as: There are more that 13000 Clickbank products that you can sale The commission start at 50% to as much as 75% The Clickbank Pro Ads storefront is 100% integrated into your existing Clickbank account for Pro members All your commissions will be paid directly into your Clickbank account The CBProads storefront can be customized and personalized including adding your own statcounter and affiliate banners





One of the main marketing concepts in regards to SEO marketing is the ability to market something in your niche. This does make it far easier to write content and share it online if you have a deeper knowledge of the product you are selling. This seems to be a trend many marketers us to make money, so fortunately, Clickbank Pro Ads offers a sections of 17 niche websites for your pleasure. The topics range from acne removal, weight loss programs to making money online and much more.




07 USING THE WORDPRESS PLUGINS IS THE BEST WAY TO PROMOTE CLICKBANK PRODUCTS If you are a blogger and you are interested in monetizing you blog in a big way, using the Clickbank Pro Ads WordPress Plugins is a great idea. I have been using it on many of my blogs with great results. The plugin allows the user to display on the blog various niches on their blog including up to 100 niche products. Â Clickbank adverts and banners This is self explanatory, but for those who need to know, the Clickbank ad rotator is a great apt that give you the opportunity to add advertising scripts to your blogs and webpages. The is such a passive method of making money without really doing anything apart from copy and paste.




08 HOW MUCH DOES CBPROADS STOREFRONT COST? As I have already mentioned, the is two versions, the FREE version which is of course FREE and the Pro version.

The pro version costs $37.00 This is a one time payment for a lifetime memberships, however if you take the FREE version you are likely to receive a promotional email once in a while offering a slight better price. Note: In regards to the FREE version, you are losing 50% every time you make a sale through this platform In addition, you will notice as apart of the FREE version that you will be limited to the amount of traffic you can send to your ads and you cannot be apart of the Clickbank Pro Ads affiliate program, I guess you could use the Clickbank link if you want.





Even though I have been in online marketing for some years, I can see the attraction of this product for the newbie. Yes, there is some experience and technical skills needed, but nothing too extreme that someone who really wants to try someone new online would not be able to handle it. I think that this package is a great training ground for someone new to online marketing. This is also great place to make mistake without the world falling on top you you. Anyone who started online marketing without any experience will tell you about losing complete blog, websites and even database and the stress of it all. Clickbank Pro Ads takes that away and give the user a simply platform where you can play at being a affiliate marketer until you have the confidence to move onto bigger thing.





IS CLICKBANK PRO ADS THE BEST WAY TO PROMOTE CLICKBANK PRODUCTS? THE CONCLUSION As I mentioned at the start of this review, I was searching for this type of product for a long time and I even looked at Clickbank Pro Ads a few times. Clearly, when I first looked at it, it didn’t provoke much interest, but then it just did. I think it must have been a few years ago when I looked at an older version which was not as good as the latest manifestation. The main issue for anyone marketing Clickbank products is the amount of time it takes to either write some content or share a post or even find the right product for your genre. Clickbank Pro Ads takes a large amount of fuss away from making money online which is the key to the success we are all looking for. In my opinion, if you are intending to sell Clickbank products then you should be using the CBProads storefront to optimize the amount of people who are going to purchase your products and pay you between 50% and 75% commission. So, is the ClickBank Pro ads platform the best way to promote Clickbank products online? Yes of course it is. For more details about making money on Clickbank, click on the source link below and add your name and email address on the form and I will get back to you asap. Author: Steven Jackson Source: What is the best way to promote Clickbank products?

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