There is a massive argument online discussing what are the best MLM companies to join, however my research has shown that essential oils seemed to have the most positive feedback My name is Steven Jackson and it has been over 20 years since I first looked at network marketing after my wife decided to start a home business many years ago. I was skeptical, but she really liked the products and she was making money at the same time. I am not sure if she really understood what she was getting into. She loved doing sales, marketing and meeting people so it didn't seem to matter to her that she was doing network marketing. My part was very simple, I did nothing. Well, I did drive her to parties and meetings once in a while but my business involvement was zero. It was only later when life at home became quieter that I decided that maybe I could try doing some kind of home business. The choices was and still is vast. There are so many business opportunities available that it is difficult to know where to start. In the early days I looked at a few tech businesses believing that it would suit me as a man. However, I only achieved modest success, but it did give me the knowledge and the skills I would need later in this industry. As the years went on and the internet seemed to offer is better future I drifted into online and affiliate marketing. Online marketing is a great skill base that offers lots of positive elements for financial freedom. These new skills helped me toward MLM success in the sense that virtually work online 24/7 . Finally, about six years ago I found a company that ticked all the box for me and offered a product that my wife loves. And that is the key to running a essential oils direct sales business, because when someone loves the products so much, they want to buy them each month. So, if my wife loved the oils so much so would others.
WHAT MADE ME JOIN MLM IN THE FIRST PLACE? There are many articles out there that talk about the well dressed man pitching the MLM business and forcing people to enroll. Well, I don't believe anyone can be force into this business. The commitment and belief needed is quite vast, so beyond the skills needed, diligence and persistence are more important. I personal knew what I was looking for and searched the internet to find it. The best way to find the business that suit you is to create a criteria list that would satisfy specific needs that reflex you as a individual. My criteria was: An affordable MLM High quality Health and wellness products that my wife liked Good reviews Finally, before joining a MLM business, you need to ask yourself a question, do you believe in the concept of multi-level marketing or not? Depending if you have had a positive or negative experience in the industry may influence your views. From my prospective, I have had both, starting from great companies with great products to companies going bankrupt. But for those of you who have run your own business in the past, you already understand that these scenarios are the same in traditional businesses. Nevertheless, why do I return to this industry? Well, I have never lost money even in the worse case scenarios and the knowledge and friendships I have gain are always positive. Overtime, one understands the risks involved are deal with them professionally and do not throw money at a bad situation. At the end of the day, MLM is simply a business model and uses a marketing method that allows anyone who is willing to learn new things to run a business from home. This is what really exist me. Arguably, MLM is a leveler that gives hope and a opportunity to the masses, if they are only willing to take it.
WHAT IS A MLM HOME BASED OPPORTUNITY? MLM is a marketing method used by many companies to sell and market their products. This form of marketing has taken the world by storm. There are so many unique products and services to sell it is hard to know what to choose that will suit you. Starting from the beginning, MLM is about people and relationships. Regardless if you are using old school or online methods to sell your products the concept is the same. The only difference between the traditional to the online method is that the online method of building a MLM business is that the relationship is build post enrollment. Once you have establish some kind of relationship with your downline you are able to motivate and help them to become successful in their business. Most if not all MLM businesses will offer free online, webinar, one on one and podcast training. It is so important for anyone new to network marketing to get fully involved with all forms of training, because without the skills and knowledge of building a business and presenting the products success in unlikely. The business plans in network marketing companies vary, but the main consideration should be sustainability and longevity. Nobody want a business that does not allow everyone the possibility to make money for day one, year one and in five years. Traditionally it should start from selling the products to the customer at the retail price while the representative purchases them at the wholesale price. After that each company will have a unique bonus plan that will suit the products and the business profile. This information is normally shared before you join the business, but often it takes a few reads before someone new fully understands.
WHY IS ESSENTIAL OILS DIRECT SALES SO SORT AFTER? There has been a drive for some years for individuals such as myself and others to find a way to make money from home. We could argue about the social economic influences of the 20th century regarding gender equality, but I think it goes beyond that. Yes, it is true that in the past it was possible to live with one wage earner, but since both partners work, wages of both have decreased. This situation has motivated as a necessity for someone in the family to peruse a alternative income from home. This is normally the female of the family because she may have a more flexible timetable during parental leave than the husband. However, more and more men are embarking on the home based business adventure. The essential oils aspect I feel comes from the mistrust of the pharmaceutical companies. This created a desire to find a personal healthcare alternative to the existing dogma. More and more people are looking at herbs, essential oils and holistic method of self and family care. So for the entrepreneurial stay at home or workaholic parents to join MLM company that offers essential oils just makes sense.
What does essential oils direct sales companies have to offer? From my long experience in the industry, I have found that the main advantage to join MLM essential oils businesses over other MLM firms is the training. Of course there are other aspects that I think are worth considering such as their very sellable products, socially aware mindset, and a vastly better chance of creating a sustainable income from home. However, none of that matters if you are not willing or able to commit to the training that is fully and freely available online.
HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN ESSENTIAL OILS DIRECT SALES? If you love the essential oils and you are purchasing them as a wholesale customer as a rep then you are saving money from day one. And then as I have already said, selling the oils at the retail price to the customer will give you profits straight away. On the other hand, beyond selling essential oils to family and friends other methods need to be implemented to get reach outside your social circle. Some, leaders will ask you to create your prospect list. For someone new to this industry it may have some benefit, but for someone who has offered products and a business opportunity to friend and family before less so. Below I have put some tried and tested methods of achieving success in a essential oils business: Running essential oil classes Coffee morning Mother and baby circles Yoga classes Health spa presentations Health and wellness fairs Social media marketing Online marketing Blogging Landing page marketing All of these methods will give you the opportunity to share the products in a relaxed and friendly way. The online methods on the other hand is the most passive way to share the products which many prefer even if it is highly skilled and intensive method. Regardless how you decide to run your business, remember, treat it like a business. You are a pad sales rep and you get rewarded by the amount of products you and your team sale.
What does it take to be successful in essential oils direct sales? There is definitely a mindset involved in becoming a network marketer in any company including an essential oils direct sales company. Before I tell you what mindset does work, I will mention what doesn't; sitting and waiting for something to happen, saying what you can't do, rather than what you can and working on your business ones in a while rather than everyday. However, what does work: 1. Be a serious dreamer 2. Aim for your goal 3. Aim high! 4. Know your WHY! 5. List all the possible changes you will have to make 6. Clarify all skills needed to achieve your set of goals 7. Make your goals achievable 8. Make a 1-year plan 9. Specify the moves you make to achieve your goals 10.Mark all the things you will do within a year on your calendar 11.Always make assessments on your Business Plan 12.Become a Leader This list is where we separate seeds from chaff. Many will read this list and decide that running a home business is far more involved than the thought. If this is how you feel, that is OK, you have made a decision and that is all anyone can ask. However, if you read this list and say, I want to be a later, I want to be successful and I want to have financial freedom, then click on the "Learn More" button below and we will get back to you.
WHAT ARE THE BEST MLM COMPANIES TO JOIN IN ESSENTIAL OILS? As I said to a friend of mine, I know that this may sound a bit grown up and adult, but I don't like disrespecting other company, which is the main reason I have mentioned mine. Using the word best for anything is subjective and simply an opinion. So, if you would like to work with me and find out why people join MLM in the essential oils industry click on the source link below add you name, email address and a short message on the form and I will get back to you asap... Author: Steve Jackson Source: Why do people join MLM essential oils direct sales?