Why should you be a doTERRA wellness advocate and join doTERRA?

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Business overview

DOTERRA WELLNESS ADVOCATE Why should you be a doTERRA wellness advocate and join doTERRA?




My name is Steven Jackson and I am a doTERRA wellness advocate. My skill set spans all parts of the industry including being an entrepreneur, network marketer, online marketer. eBook author, podcaster and mentor. I have been in network marketing for many years, because I feel it ticks all the boxes for me and gives me the financial freedom and the global independence I have always desired, which means I can choose where and how I live my life. The world is changing and life is less predictable than it was in the past. At the moment, the world is going throw a massive economic and health upheaval. We as individuals and as a community need to take action. The main issue is that many of us have become complacent while everything falls apart around us. The days when we could have the same job when we left school or college until we retired is impossible. Our social welfare systems are just not coping with the society that we are living in today. It is time to join the real world because if we don't the real world will join us.


THE SOLUTION? A strategy I have used while I was employed was to find a second income stream and maybe join a affiliate business. If you join a home based business you can insure you have some money coming into your household. Nobody wants to join the unemployed. Fortunately, for you, there has never been a better time to join a home based business. It seems from my perspective as a network and online marketer that the home based affiliate business is king. I realized some years ago that if I did not take action myself and find a solution I was going to be in the bad situation. I needed to find something where I could support my family and myself independently. I browsed through many businesses until I decided to join doTERRA in 2014. In retrospect, if I hadn't of joined, I could of ended up in a untenable situation. I was lucky, that I was well established and confident in my doTERRA business before I found my job being pulled away from under me. However, a friend of mine was not so fortunate.

Joining doTERRA, a friends story I recall a very good friend of mine who was running a well established cafe for many years. He enjoyed a loyal customer base and made great coffee. He wasn't rich, but he was doing better than most and he loved his job. Unfortunately, a Starbucks moved in a short distance away and even though he kept his loyal customers he finally had to close down. There is a happy ending to this story. He was smart enough to see it coming and planned for the future. He decided he would join a home business so he could earn a second income. Firstly, he considered affiliate marketing, but realized he lacked the skills needed to be successful and make money. His next choice was becoming a wellness advocate with doTERRA because, he understood that he needed to learn some new skills which doTERRA offered for free. He has been a advocate for a few years when writing this page and is enjoying the success.



From his business experience he understood that he needed a solution to his problem. This is not something that we all have intuitively, but you can look for the signs yourself. Such as: Are you in a declining industry? Is your company reluctant to do repairs? Has a similar company moved in your area? Is your company being purchased by another company? Is your wages late all the time? Of course, there are many other signs that should tell you that your future prospects are shaky. For my friend, the problem was already here and becoming a doTERRA affiliate and building a business from home was the solution. He could have simply sat down and done nothing. Alternatively, blame the world for being unfair. Sadly, the world is unfair and it doesn't care if we win or lose in life.

The unachievable goals of the 9 to 5 crew When I joined doTERRA I was looking for something new. It just happened that, I was browsing online just like you and reading a article about doTERRA. It suggested I take a look at doTERRA and became a wellness advocate. After reading the information I realized doTERRA was the company to join.

The goals most of us aspire to is to simply create our own wealth by the time we have retired. However, relying on the weekly lotto as a retirement plan investment is not the way to go when the are plenty of home businesses to join. The problem is we believe that this goal is achievable, but the numbers don't add up. Most people don't save for retirement or more likely, can not afford to save for retirement. In most cases we work for 40 hours a week for 40 years and end up with only 40% of our average earnings to retire on. Finding a business like doTERRA will allow you and your family to have choices. If you want to renovate your home or buy a new car or even relocate to another area its your choice. As an example, being stuck in one area when there may be more affordable options and opportunities available else where seemed to make sense to me. Some of you may want to find better schools, better local health care, cheap and better housing and an overall better environment.

Is it a leap of faith when you join doTERRA? I have been with doTERRA a long time and from my experience with other network marketing businesses doTERRA is the most well run. It has a massive support team, training portal and experienced leaders such as myself that guide new wellness advocate in the right direction.

I must admit the webpage caught me at the right time. I was looking for something new and interesting. After reading the information about doTERRA, their essential oils and the business plan I was hooked. I felt confident that I could somewhat succeed and make money from home and online with doTERRA. Many of my team often ask me what my key is to my success with doTERRA. Many believe that it will be complex or something too difficult for the average person to do. It is far from the true. Of course, if you have never run a business there is going to be a learn curve. Remember, you are embarking on something new. That means you will need to learn new and existing skills. What is great about learn new skills and knowledge that it will help you in other parts of your life.



Take action Set goals Make a plan Work on it everyday Keep going until you succeed Yes, I can hear you all say, "easier said than done". Yes you are right it is, but anything easy would not be worth doing. Why do people fail doTERRA business?



There are many excuses and reasons why people are not successful in their doTERRA businesses. In many cases it is a self inflicted. Such as: Lack of commitment to building a business Finding reasons why one can't do something rather than finding reasons why one can  Life gets in the way (Very flaky reason) Simply not taken action All of these reasons why life gets in the way is because there is no structure to their business and so there is no plan to work from. So, before you join consider for a moment what you are will to commit to and are you willing to plan your future so you can have doTERRA success.



For those of you who will join my team and commit to the key bullet points to success Being successful means having the right mindset to be successful. If someone starts from a position of being negative about what they will achieve, success is unlikely. So, give yourself a chance and consider these attributes and skills that will increase your chance of being successful. This simply list will sky rocket your business towards a super nova. Business mindset: Even though many other MLM businesses have a very low start-up fee do not believe that it is any less a business worth perusing and treating as a business. Product guru: In the case of doTERRA, you need to immerse yourself into the essential oil products, learn about their uses and how they can benefit you, your family, friends and of course the customer. Setting goal: This has already been mentioned, but I will say it again. If you don’t set goals for yourself you won’t know when you have achieved them. The list: The saying goes that the “Money is in the list” and that is so true, but how you create your list is a different matter. Duplication: When you have joined doTERRA you will become the first member of your business but you eventually are going to add team members to help you leverage your time and efforts. This a very important because you want to be able to offer a duplicable system that is simple enough to start making money right away. Passionate: This one is huge in my opinion and this is why. Your passion for what you are doing as a distributor is ultimately what is going to bring you the success Never give up: This is an old idea, but still relevant today. The fact is no business regardless if it is a traditional or MLM starts making big money on day one. To be successful you need to work at it everyday until you are where you want to be. It’s as simple as that. Contact your sponsor: In the case of my team we have a two stage membership and business overview as apart of our doTERRA success planner which helps to kick-start a new consultants business in a really big way. At the end of the day, success is in your hand. Your enroller can suggest, help and support, but the actions come from you. So, finally the reason why some wellness advocate while others don't? It is because they have the right mindset to succeed.


AND WHY DOTERRA? THEY ARE BOTH GOOD QUESTIONS, BUT OF COURSE AFTER SOME YEARS IT BECAME CLEAR WHY DOTERRA. They have become one of the fastest growing direct sales companies in the world. Even though doTERRA had modest beginning when it opened their doors in 2008, it has kept its original philosophy. This is creating and developing the highest quality essential oils in the world. While at the same time sustaining and maintaining a prolific and loyal customer base. In addition, the wellness advocates / distributors that markets and promotes the oils trust that doTERRA is committed to providing them with the best therapeutic grade essential oils available globally. This gives the advocate a home based business that pays commissions and bonuses for the work that they do. Anyone who commits to being a doTERRA wellness advocate can achieve great things by gaining high ranks and high earnings overtime. However, anyone believing that they will be successful without taken action needs to reassess why they want to start a business in the first place.

What type of products does a doTERRA Wellness Advocate sell? I think that you already understand that doTERRA products are therapeutic grade essential oils. They are created from completely all-natural sources, such as bark, stems, flowers, seeds, as well as roots. However, what some people do not realize is that doTERRA also offers other oil infused products. Other products available are wellness, skin care, hair care, supplements and weight loss products infused therapeutic grade essential oils. So, if your customers are looking for more than essential oils, there are many other products available to them. I personally use the Lifelong Vitality pack which is supplements full of essential nutrients, metabolism benefits, and powerful antioxidants designed to help promote energy, health, and lifelong vitality.

Even if you only want to sell doTERRA products at retail the plan allows you to earn 25%, however, the real money and success lies not only in sponsoring new reps, but also training them. Supporting and helping new team member is one of the keys to success. Once your team member starts to build a team you as a leader needs to help them training their team to do the same. As a doTERRA leader develops, they will have the skills to help and support their future downline independent of you. Regardless, if you build your business online or in person duplication is the key towards doTERRA success.

What are the doTERRA wellness advocate benefits in regards to the compensation plan? Most doTERRA wellness advocates forget to research the compensation plan before they join, when really they should. Luckily doTERRA offers a simple and workable compensation plan that allows everyone to earn from the very start.

Of course, there is more to the doTERRA compensation plan, but that can be discussed once you have become a doTERRA wellness advocate and been through our membership and business overview with me. If you have any further questions about becoming a doTERRA wellness advocate click on the source link below and add your name and email address on the form and I will get back to you asap.....

Author: Steven Jackson Source: Why should you be a doTERRA wellness advocate and join doTERRA?

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