Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
In Search Of The Muses
Dead Head The Rose - Steve Rabone 2022
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Influences & Inspiration
Page 8
Page 10
Page 12
Impact Assessment Plan
Page 14
Bibliography & References
Page 16
Risk Assessment
Page 18
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Overview ‘I am an artist that cannot paint, a song writer that cannot sing therefore I am photographer’ (Steve Rabone, 2022) In preparation for my Final Major Project (FMP) I took the opportunity to review my practice. Like many photographers before me, such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Irving Penn and Sharon Core I came into photography with a creative intent that I couldn’t fulfil through painting. My song lyrics written but unheard. Photography has been my passion and outlet for my artistic ideas. This artistic influence has been a constant companion over the course of my MA studies. I have taken the opportunity to use each of the last three modules to focus on the relationship photography has with the other creative arts. From poetry, creative writing and history, through to song writing and music. Jeff Wall suggests that pictures are like poems (Wall, 2015) and I now intend to use this FMP to further explore and illustrate the connectivity between photography and the creative arts.
Linger - Steve Rabone 2022
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Proposal ‘The Greeks even went so far as to anthropomorphise this creative source in the form of the Muses’ (Tucker, 2021,p38)
In searching for a narrative that could bring together my interest in photography and the creative arts my research took me into Greek mythology and in particular the nine daughters of Zeuss and Mnemosine, the Muses. From Calliope (Epic Poetry), Clio (History), Erato (Love Poetry), Euterpe (Music), Melpomene (Tragedy), Polyhmnia (Sacred Poetry), Terpsichore (Dance), Thalia (Comedy), Urania (Astronomy) the Muses have become an anthropomorphised representation of this creative source (Tucker, 2021). Each representing and symbolising a specific art, they have developed characteristics and attributes that have evolved over time, through their representation in paintings, poetry and sculptures. I therefore intend to use these as the foundation and narrative for this project. At the time of their creation, photography did not exist and therefore does not have it’s own Muse. I will explore whether photography is now the tenth Muse or if it is in fact Apollo who accompanies all nine and is entwined in all of the creative arts.
The Dance of Apollo with the Muses - Baldassare Peruzzi
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Methodology ‘What we really discern is the deceptive, ambiguous and giddy riddle of violence, passion, poetry and symbolism that lies at the heart of Greek Myth’ (Fry, 2017,p227)
I will use still life photography as my main methodology for the representation of the Muses. As referenced earlier, the Greeks anthropomorphised creative inspiration in the form of the Muses. However I am keen to avoid the more obvious route of portrait photography of using models to represent them and instead capture their attributes and influence through still life photography. My immediate plans are the creation of nine digital images, one for each of the Muse. Each will have an aesthetic of beauty, a trace of reality whilst retaining an element of ambiguity. Unlike a painting these photographs will have a trace of something directly stencilled off the real and I want my work to illustrate this (Sontag, 1977, p154). I will use the language of flowers as the signifier for these images, a language that has built up over time, from ancient civilisation to present time (Diffenbaugh, 2011,p1) to emphasise the characteristic of the Muse and replace the need for a human form. ‘Love had heard that an immortal language never could die: that although silent, it still slept somewhere amongst the flowers’ (Miller, 1847,p22). By the choice of specific flowers I want my images to speak to the viewer.
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
I will use additional objects to bring out hidden meanings and specific significance, a technique that was common in still life paintings (Impelluso, 2003). As Panofsky stated in 1953, I want to pair symbolism with the use of inanimate objects such as flowers and other props to give context to each image (Panofsky, 1953). I will pay particular attention to the signifier and signified elements of each image as discussed by Roland Barthes in Rhetoric of the Image (Barthes, 1977,p32). In addition to the more overt elements of the imagery I will also explore the use of consonance and dissonance. In the same way that a musician brings harmony to music through the reception of pleasant sounds, the consonance (Schmidt, 2017) so I will look to bring this harmony where appropriate. However as seen in Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of ‘Lady with an Ermine’ there can also be an opportunity to break this harmony, through dissonance. In this example the detailed painting of the hand being the metaphor for the girls lack of innocence (Schmidt, 2017), so I will work with elements of dissonance. This direct link to photography and the other arts such as music and poetry will offer a further illustration of the Muses influence.
Lady with Ermine - Leaonardo da Vinci
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Alongside the main nine images I also intend to capture a range of supporting images that will form part of the wider dissemination of this project. These additional photographs will include macro images taken from different vantage points of the main scene together with further illustrations of the creative arts such as street performers and dancers that will add further context to the work. The use of text and supporting poetry will also be explored both as a direct link to the creative art of the written word but also to help identify the scene and give the image its anchorage (Barthes, 1977,p38). By using still life as the methodology for this project there are limited ethical concerns for this project, compared to a photoshoot using models . However I am aware that in referencing Greek mythology I should be sensitive to other cultures and beliefs. Whilst the majority of photographs will be taken indoors, there will be some images taken in public and outside locations and therefore normal photography ethics will apply. I will ensure that no vulnerable persons or minors are photographed without the explicit permission of their carers or parents. All imagery will be my own and captured during the period of my MA studies.
Solo - Steve Rabone 2021
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Influences & Inspiration ‘Let the Muses descend and invoke prose’ (Federman, 2013,p1
My early influences as a photographer were wide and varied but always come back to the decisive moments of Henri Cartier-Bresson, the strong vivid colours of Steve McCurry and the sheer scale and beauty of Sebastiao Salgado as the foundation on which my practice was built. However as my photography has developed and my focus switched to Still Life so I have drawn inspiration from a number of contemporary photographers.
1841, Sharon Core
Untitled(120) Bas Meeuws.
Untitled, Harold Ross
Sharon Core’s floral still life was a major influence on my Still Moments project for the Informing Contexts module. These dramatic images, themselves inspired by the paintings of the Dutch masters of the 17th century, have both the consonance and dissonance in them that I am looking to evoke in my work.
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
On the face of it, Bas Meeuws has a similar look and feel to Core’s work, but his spectacular arrangements are largely composite based, with the ‘structurally impossible’ bouquets created in photoshop. Each individual flower resized, cut and pasted into the image from his library of over thousand separate photographs. I will be investigating how this workflow could be brought into my project, both from an aesthetic but also sustainable point of view (see Impact Assessment for for further details). Harold Ross’s work has a very distinct style that I was again first introduced to during Moments of Still. His work is all shot in the dark, with the camera open on a long exposure, whilst he literally paints the light in with a torch. This technique not only ensures a high level of detail, but also makes the creation of the image more akin to painting, the movement of the torch mirroring the movement of a paint brush.
Vase of White - Steve Rabone, 202
I intend to use this innovative technique as another illustration of the relationship between photography and the other forms of creative arts.
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Dissemination ‘Nine lovely daughters embody thee; Dear knowledge thou enraptures me!’ (Federman, 2013,p57)
The main body of this project will be the creation of nine images that will be a still life representation of each Muse. I intend to use a high resolution and/or medium format camera so that each can be produced as large images.
Exhibition Concept Sketch - Steve Rabone 2022
At this stage I have not defined how each image will be displayed as I am keen to use the early part of this project to explore innovative ways that they can be viewed alongside the accompanying additional photographs, poetry and text. The use of multiple exposures and triptychs may form part of this.
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
However I do then intend to exhibit the work to bring the nine Muses to life for a new audience. I will be approaching a number of venues to seek permission and agree an exhibition period in the summer of 2022. The use of either a local botanical garden or theatre are high on the list of possible venues. The driving force for studying the MA was to both get serious with my photography but also be taken seriously and the completion of this FMP will also be used as the springboard and launch of a wider digital presence of my practice. I plan to re launch my website and ‘Fine Art Photography’ practice. As a result the additional dissemination of this project will be digitally based and will enable the development of a different viewer experience with the inclusion of both additional spoken words and music to add further references and links to the creative arts. This digital output of work will give the project the potential to reach a much wider audience and add to the sustainable nature of my FMP as explained in the Impact Assessment.
Let Your Embers Burn - Steve Rabone
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Timeline ‘To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace’ (Wilde, The Canterville Ghost, 1887)
The production of this FMP will involve working to a strict timeline that will take me through three phases. These will be research, production and dissemination of the work over the course of the next eight months. However throughout this period I will also continue to take a range of photographs, write poetry and lyrics all of which may be used in the final output of this project.
Research Phase (January to March 2022) • Further research the Greek Myths and the associated stories of the Muses. • Investigate and understand Floriography and the language of flowers. • Review the use of symbology and the use of signifiers in photography including a further reading of Image Music Text by Roland Barthes. • Identify local florist and picture framer. • Take a range of practice shots and experiment with different composition, edit and display ideas. • Contact local venues to secure exhibition slot for summer 2022. • Review website provider options.
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Production Phase (April to June 2022) • Produce a minimum of three main demos of final images for review by tutors and peers. • Capture feedback on the demos prior to final production. • Sketch out and plan each main image. • Source flowers and additional props. • Complete main photoshoots and edit images in line with selected output. • Finalise additional imagery, poetry and lyrics to accompany work. • Confirm booking of venue for exhibition. • Continue build of new website.
Dissemination Phase (July to August) • Finalise edit of all images and print as required in terms of output. • Send out invites to selected local community for exhibition. • Images to be supplied to local picture framer. • Finalise content and functionality of website. • Exhibition of ‘In Search of the Muses’. • Launch of new website.
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Impact Assessment Plan ‘Reworking the culture and conversation around Fine Art Photography allows us to reimagine. It allows us to make cultural changes around consumption and waste as a form of applied care’ (Cazenave, 2021, p84)
From the research through to the dissemination of this project I have looked at ways to ensure the economical, ecological and environmental impacts are both considered and reduced wherever possible in order to have a creative yet sustainable practice. In assessing this further there are a number of key elements: Localised Production & Dissemination • The main imagery for this project will be produced in my indoor (garage) studio therefore minimising travel. • Flowers used will all be sourced from local independent florists and purchased when in season. • Images will be taken at various stages of flowers life cycle thereby reducing need to purchase them multiple times. • Will look to press flowers to create additional imagery and maximise their usage during production phase. • Exhibition will be at a local venue in order to reduce travel and carbon footprint of guests. • Framing of main images to be undertaken by a local framer using recycled materials.
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Economical Considerations • Props for images to be sourced locally and where possible from second hand and/or charity shops. • In addition props to be borrowed from family and friends. • The use of a high resolution / medium format camera to be achieved through the purchase or hire of second hand equipment. • All cameras and lights used will be powered with rechargeable batteries. • Immediate plan is to shoot main photos in the dark on long exposures with light painted into the scene via a torch. Whilst this may reduce the consumption of power for lights this will be offset by more power used by the camera which will be open for a longer period. Digital Production • All images to be taken and edited digitally therefore reducing need for additional chemicals. They will be stored on a cloud based network rather than hard-drive. • Will look to re use previous images of butterflies and other flowers to enhance photographs through Photoshop, similar to the work of Bas Meuuws. As a result this will reduce the need for the additional expense of large bouquets and extra travel. • Local exhibition to be supported by digital artefacts such as digital photobook rather than physical book. • Second part of the project’s dissemination will be re launch of my website which will all be digitally based and open it up to a much wider, global audience without the need for additional travel.
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Bibliography & References Images 1.
Dead Head The Rose - Steve Rabone
Linger - Steve Rabone
The Dance of Apollo with the Muses - Baldassare Peruzzi
Lady with Ermine - Leonardo da Vinci
Solo - Steve Rabone
1841 - Sharon Core
Untitled (120) - Bas Meeuws
Untitled - Harold Ross
Vase of White - Steve Rabone
10. Exhibition Concept Sketch - Steve Rabone 11. Let Your Embers Burn - Steve Rabone
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
References Avery, H.P. and Wilde, O. (1977). The Canterville ghost. New Orleans: Anchorage Press. Barthes, R. and Heath, S. (1977). Image, music, text. Glasgow: Fontana/Collins. Alice Cazenave ‘Reworking the Culture of Photography’ in FLETCHER, H. (ed) 2021. This is (still) not a solution. London: The Sustainable Darkroom p.84. Federman, JG. (2013) The Muses Epic Odes. Poet Press, Seattle, Bothell Fry, S. (2017). MYTHOS : a retelling of the myths of ancient Greece. Penguin Books. Impelluso, L., Sartarelli, S. and Getty, P. (2003). Nature and its Symbols. Los Angeles The J. Paul Getty Museum. Kirkby, M. (2011). The language of owers : a miscellany. London: Macmillan. Foreword by Vanessa Di enbaugh Miller, T. and Andrews, J. (1847). The poetical language of owers, or, The pilgrimage of love. London: Charles Gri n And Co Petry, M. (2016). Nature Morte : Contemporary artists reinvigorate the still-life tradition. London Thames And Hudson. Schmidt, Marian - Street Photography. 2017. Photography and music - Street Photography. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 October 2021]. Sontag, S. (1977). On Photography. London, Great Britain: Allen Lane. Tucker, S. (2021). MEANING IN THE MAKING : the how and why behind our human need to create. S.L.: Rocky Nook. J. (2015). Je Wall Interview: Pictures Like Poems. [online] YouTube. Available at: HkVSEVlqYUw. Willette, J. (2013). Erwin Panofsky and Iconography, Part Three | Art History Unstu ed. [online] Arthistoryunstu Available at: https://arthistoryunstu
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Steve Rabone In Search of the Muses Risk Assessment Form
Photographer’s Name:
Steve Rabone
Assistants’ Names:
Module Leader:
Jesse Alexander
Loca on:
Redditch & Birmingham
Date(s) of Shoot:
Various dates between Jan – Aug 2022
Descrip on of work: This risk assessment covers the production and dissemination of my Final Major Project for my MA in Photography with Falmouth University. The production will be largely studio based and the dissemination will be a public exhibition at a local venue.
Persons at Risk
Iden fy all those at risk
Technical Sta :
Academic Sta :
General Public:
Cleaning Sta :
Emergency Personnel:
Students: Visitors:
Admin Sta :
Canteen Sta :
Estates Sta :
Library Sta :
Especially at risk:
Check list Equipment
Hot lights
Smoke machine/ re
Flammable materials
Risk of Fire
Welfare of Assistant
Welfare of model
Working at Heights
Loca on
Transport to loca on
Vehicles/tra c
Weather condi ons
Con ned spaces
Derelict Buildings
Compressed Gasses
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Due to the style of photography much of the work will be shot in the dark under long exposure settings with subjects lit by a torch
Tripping & Collision RISK OF
All photographs to be planned in advance including where to walk / shine torch during photoshoot. Floor area around the still life subject to be clear of all trip hazards.
Composition of subjects and flowers will involve the use of scissors, wire and other sharp objects
Cuts and associated injuries RISK OF
Extreme care to be taken when cutting / composing flowers and other props. Consider wearing safety gloves if appropriate to minimize the risk of cuts
Initial planning ideas for photographs may also involve the use of sparklers, fire and smoke.
Room / Studio to be well ventilated and correct fire extinguisher to be in close proximity during this element of the photoshoot. All materials to be used in accordance with manufacturers guidelines. The majority of photoshoots will be completed solo and therefore I will be lone working.
Injury followed by long period before rescue
Other family members to be fully aware of my whereabouts throughout photoshoots. Mobile phone to be taken with me at all times to raise the alarm if required.
The exhibition of my work will be in a small local venue yet to be confirmed.
Overcrowding / Crushing RISK OF
Event to be ticketed or by invitation only to control numbers due to the relatively small location to be used. Consideration to run more than one exhibition / performance if necessary. Plans currently involve a possible musical performance during exhibition. There are a number of hazards associated with the use of musical instruments and electrical cables
Tripping and Electrocution RISK OF
Musicians to be responsible for their musical equipment. All wires to be taped down to floor in public area and a clear demarcation area set up to split the audience and performers up.
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Due to the public space and the invitation of people into this event there are the normal hazards associated with crowds in the event of fire or other threats.
Burns / Loss of Life / Crushing
Event to be ticketed with all attendees checked in and their whereabouts known throughout event. All escape procedures in the event of fire to be communicated to attendees and meeting point both advised and sign posted. Where applicable these procedures will mirror those already in place for the venue.
On site risk assessment: these are control measures that arose on your shoot N/A at this stage but the following on site risk assessment will be completed on the day of the shoot and exhibition.
Emergency Informa on and Procedures Phone
Charged mobile phone with full signal
Medical Exper se
Follow normal medical procedures as per the event loca on.
Emergency Procedure
In the event of an emergency dial 999 or 112 ensure that you or someone can con rm loca on / post code of event
Medical Treatment
Local A&E to be con rmed once event loca on speci ed
Evacua on procedures
Ambulance access to be con rmed once loca on speci ed
Incident/accident repor ng
All incidents or accidents should be recorded
Assessment carried out by •
I have ensured that I have reviewed the hazards and risks associated with this project and taken necessary steps to remove hazards where possible or reduced the risks associated with the remaining hazards to a minimum.
I have recorded the main hazards, risks and control measures in this document.
I have ensured that those working with me have been briefed on the nature of the tasks they are to perform, and are aware of the hazards associated with the task and the measures in place to reduce the risks associated with those hazards. (if applicable)
I will con nually assess hazards and risks ‘live’ on site to ensure that nothing has been overlooked or has changed since ini al assessment.
Steve Rabone FMP Proposal
Signed: Steve Rab e
Assessment reviewed by
Date: 10.2.2022