Brand Ambassadors

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shop progress

brand ambassadors

welcome to the brand ambassador program of shop progress! Thanks so much for your interest in becoming a Shop Progress Brand Ambassador! At Shop Progress, we believe that advocacy should be affordable, which is why we design and produce all of our own apparel in house to keep our products at a low cost. We believe that telling the stories of LGBTQ+ individuals will help create a more authentic movement for equality, and Shop Progress is just one way to do that. Here’s where you come in: As Brand Ambassadors you will receive 2 shirts a month, and in exchange, you agree to post on social media twice a month on your social media platforms. For example: On Instagram, you’ll post a selfie of you wearing the Shop Progress shirt, add a caption, talk a little bit about Shop Progress, AND let your followers know that they can get this shirts and other amazing designed shirts at The same image can be used for Twitter, and Facebook. Also! If you regularly update your YouTube channel, we ask that you do a quick promo in your video at least once a month, and including a link to in the

description of your video. HERE’S WHERE IT GETS REALLY GOOD: There’s some cash involved too, and a discount to your followers! We will provide you with a promo code with a discount for your followers and for every shirt sold with your promo code, we’ll give you $1 and cut you a check each time $35 accumulates. Your follower goes to the shop, uses a discount on their purchase, and you’ll get a little kickback! How great is that? The more shirts you push, the more cash in the bank you get. :) Once we get this whole thing going, there will also be a quarterly competition. The Brand Ambassador to get the most shirts sold with their code attached to it gets a $50 bonus. So to sum it up: You get two free shirts a month. You post twice a month on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook (which can be the same image and caption). You mention it once in a video a month if you are a YouTuber. The more shirts you sell, the more cash you get back!

What we do

It is the mission of The Change Project to elevate the visibility of LGBTQ people and advocate for improved quality of life through the arts, strategic partnerships, and community programming in the Southern and Midwestern United States

BRAND AMBASSADOR POLICIES & PROCEDURES AGREEMENT VERSION 1.0 UPDATED APRIL 27, 2016 Hello! And welcome to The Shop Progress Brand Ambassador Program! We’re excited to have you on board. Attached to this letter, you’ll find our Brand Ambassador Policies and Procedures Agreement. Please read these terms carefully, then digitally sign, and return it to the TCP representative you’ve been in contact with. You should have already been explained how the program works, but if not, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re looking forward to working with you to help spread affordable advocacy to everyone! Sincerely, The Change Project SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 - Policies for the Brand Ambassador Agreement These Policies and Procedures, in their present form and as amended at the sole discretion of The Change Project (hereafter “TCP”, “Shop Progress” or the “Company”), are incorporated into, and form an integral part of, the Shop Progress Ambassador Agreement. Throughout these Policies, when the term “Agreement” is used, it collectively refers to the Shop Progress Brand Ambassador Program and Agreement, these Policies and Procedures, and the Shop Progress Brand Ambassador Plan. The person or company that is Brand Ambassador is hereafter known as “Brand Ambassador”. 1.2 - Changes to the Agreement TCP reserves the right to amend the Agreement and its prices in its sole and absolute discretion. By executing the Agreement, a Brand Ambassador agrees to abide by all amendments or modifications that TCP makes. Amendments shall be effective 30 days after publication of notice and posting the amended provisions, but amended policies shall not apply retroactively to conduct that occurred prior to the effective date of the amendment. 1.3 - Policies and Provisions Severable If any provision of the Agreement, in its current form or as may be amended, is found to be invalid, or unenforceable for any reason, only the invalid portion(s) of the provision shall be severed and the remaining terms and provisions shall remain in full force and effect. The severed provision, or portion thereof, shall be reformed to reflect the purpose of the provision as closely as possible. 1.4 - Waiver TCP never gives up its right to insist on compliance with the Agreement and with the applicable laws governing the conduct of a business. No failure of TCP to exercise any right or power under the Sponsorship Agreement or to insist upon strict compliance by a Sponsorship with any obligation or provision of the Agreement, and no custom or practice of the parties at variance with the terms of the Agreement, shall constitute a waiver of TCP’s right to demand exact compliance with the Agreement. The existence of any claim or cause of action of a Brand Ambassador

against TCP shall not constitute a defense to TCP’s enforcement of any term or provision of the Agreement. SECTION 2: BRAND AMBASSADOR BENEFITS 2.1 – Brand Ambassador Benefits Once an Application has been accepted by TCP, the Brand Ambassador will have the following benefits as long as they stayed qualified: (Qualifications in section 2.1.2) Two (2) free t-shirts per month of the Brand Ambassadors choice (excludes some designs based on production cost). Participation in Shop Progress Compensation Plan. (Compensation Plan in section 2.2.1) Participation in the Shop Progress Quarter Sales Competition. (Quarter Sales Competition in section 2.2.2) 2.1.2 – Brand Ambassador’s Benefits Qualification Brand Ambassador must have a following of 5,000+ across various forms of social media (Twitter, Facebook Fan Page, Instagram, YouTube, etc). Brand Ambassadors are either vetted and selected by TCP staff or can apply for the position online. 2.2.1 – Shop Progress Compensation Plan Brand Ambassadors will be assigned a coupon code (such as “LASTNAME10”) to give to their followers. This code will give customers a percentage off their purchase of Shop Progress products and for each shirt sold with a coupon code, Brand Ambassadors will receive $1 per shirt sold. Checks will be mailed once a Brand Ambasadord ammases $50 in compensation. 2.2.2 – Quarterly Sales Competition In each quarter, Brand Ambassadors are encouraged to to continually promote Shop Progress to their followers, and the Brand Ambassador with the highest sales tied to their promotion will receive a $100 bonus. The promotional sales will be tracked via coupon codes used at check out. SECTION 3: BRAND AMBASSADOR OBLIGATIONS & RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 - Social Media Promotion In exchange for free Shop Progress products, Brand Ambassadors agree to promote the Shop Progress brand and product in the following ways: Instagram: posting a photo or video twice a month in Shop Progress apparel, tagging TCP, and pointing followers to Twitter: posting a photo or video twice a month with the same terms as above (using the same photo from Instagram is acceptable) Facebook: posting a photo or video twice a month as the same terms as above (using the same photo from Instagram is acceptable) YouTube: if a Brand Ambassador has a YouTube channel they regularly update, promote the shirt you are wearing at least once a month. Mention the shirt being worn, what Shop Progress is, and that viewers can get their own at The brand ambassador will have a link provided in the info section of the posted video. (Sample language will be provided but can be modified to fit the Brand Ambassadors style.) 3.2 – Failure to Meet Obligations Failure to meet obligations will result first in a communication in the form of an email and phone call from a TCP staff member. If the Brand Ambassador is unable or unwilling to fulfill their du-

ties as explained to them after a conversation is had, the Brand Ambassador’s agreement with TCP will be terminated. 3.3 - Online Representation While TCP does not wish to restrict the personal or creative expressions of our Brand Ambassadors, we ask that they stay mindful in their conduct displayed online, as not to associate The Change Project or Shop Progress with any illegal or defamatory behavior. The Brand Ambassador agrees to represent the products and Shop Progress (including all brand names and intellectual property associated therewith) in good faith and to the best of their professional ability. The Brand Ambassador further agrees to conduct themselves in a strictly professional manner. TCP reserves the right to dismiss or terminate any agreement with Brand Ambassadors based on behavior, real or perceived, witnessed on any of the Brand Ambassador’s social media platforms. SECTION 4: LOCAL LAWS AND ORDINANCES 4.1 - Adherence to Laws and Ordinances Brand Ambassadors shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations in the conduct of their businesses. Many cities and counties have laws regulating certain home-based businesses. In most cases these ordinances are not applicable to Brand Ambassadors because of the nature of their business. However, Brand Ambassadors must obey those laws that do apply to them. If a city or county official tells a Brand Ambassador that an ordinance applies to them, the Brand Ambassador shall be polite and cooperative, and immediately send a copy of the ordinance to TCP Staff. 4.2 - Status as Independent Contractor The Brand Ambassador is, and is intended to be, an independent contractor with respect to the Commitments and all services to be performed by them pursuant to this Agreement, the Company shall have no right to direct or control the manner in which the Brand Ambassador performs the Commitments or any ancillary services. The relationship of the Brand Ambassador to the Company is that of an independent contractor, and nothing herein shall be construed as creating any employee, partner, joint venture, or other relationship. 4.3 - Grant of License; Ownership of Photographs/Videos The Brand Ambassador grants to TCP and TCP hereby accepts a non-transferable license to use any photographs/videos the Brand Ambassador personally submits to TCP or creates for the promotion of Shop Progress. The Brand Ambassador also authorizes TCP, its representatives, employees, and assigns, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish photographs/ videos the Brand Ambassador submits to TCP. The Brand Ambassador agrees that any new photographs/videos that are produced by TCP are owned by TCP. The Brand Ambassador agrees that any photographs/videos they personally submit to TCP and any new photographs/videos can be used for printed material, editorial trade, publicity, exhibit, marketing, electronic form, illustration, production, web content, social media, publishing, advertising, and any other purpose and in any manner and medium; and to alter the same without restriction. The Brand Ambassador agrees and understands that there will be no financial or any other reimbursement for the use of any of the photographs/videos. The Brand Ambassador releases TCP, its representatives and employees from all claims and liability relating to all photographs/videos SECTION 5: CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT 5.1 - Cancellation or Forfeit of Brand Ambassador Agreement

If at anytime a Brand Ambassador wishes to discontinue or can with TCP, a written notice must be given 30 days in advance. During this time, the Brand Ambassador will complete any duties or responsibilities related to promotion associated with the calendar month they are currently in. TCP will pay any remaining commission money from Shop Progress sales. On any Social Media site on which you have previously identified yourself as a Brand Ambassador, you must conspicuously disclose that you are no longer a Brand Ambassador of Shop Progress. TCP will also discontinue using any photographs that the Brand Ambassador personally submitted within 90 days of the cancellation. Any photographs or video produced by TCP are owned by TCP and can be used after the agreement cancellation. 5.2 - Termination of Brand Ambassador Agreement TCP may terminate the Brand Ambassador Agreement for any reason at any time and will be effective immediately. 5.3 - Failure to Meet Obligations and Responsibilities If a Brand Ambassador fails to promote the Shop Progress brand per the guidelines listed, Brand Ambassador Agreements may be canceled per the discretion of TCP staff.

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