he 39th FIPS Mouche World Fly Fishing Championship will be held in Tasmania, December this year. Who is organising the Championship? The Championship is organised by the Australian member body of FIPS Mouche, Fly Fish Australia Inc. (“FFA”). FFA and its State committees organise State and National fly fishing competitions and selects Australian representative teams to compete in international events. To find out more about FFA visit www.flyfishaustralia.com.au Where will the Championship be held? The Championship will be based out of Launceston. The event programme is as follows: Saturday 30 November 2019: Registration; Opening Parade and official welcome Sunday 1 December 2019: Captains meeting and draw Monday 2 December: Competition Fishing Starts at all venues Monday 2 December 2019: Competition Session 1 Tuesday 3 December 2019: Competition Session 2 Wednesday 4 December 2019: Competition Session 3 Thursday 5 December 2019: Competition Session 4 Friday 6 December 2019: Competition Session 5 Saturday 7 December 2019: Conservation Symposium and medal presentation; Gala Dinner Sunday 8 December 2019: Farewell breakfast The Championship venues comprise three lakes and two rivers. The lakes will be fished from drifting boats. The rivers will be divided into beats and competitors will be permitted to wade. Lake sessions are four hours (from noon to 4 pm). River sessions are three hours (from 1 pm to 4 pm). Lakes are: Little Pine Lagoon, Woods Lake Penstock Lagoon. Rivers are: Mersey River Meander River. Fishing News - Page 14
The event venues be closed to fishing for the event as below To help manage logistics for this World event the lake venues will be closed to recreational fishing for the Championship from midnight on Sunday 1 December to midnight on Friday 6 December inclusive. Only the competition sections of the river venues (see below) will be closed to recreational fishing from midnight on Sunday 24 November to midnight on Friday 6 December inclusive. The Mersey River downstream of the Olivers Road Bridge (on C138) to Hoggs Bridge (on C153). The Meander River downstream from the Huntsman Lake Dam to Barretts Bridge on Long Ridge Road (on C166). The organisers would like to thank all anglers for their understanding and support of these temporary regulations. Will the competitors be able to fish the venues before the Championship? The competition venues will be closed to competitors and their agents (eg team captain and managers) for 60 days prior to the Championship. As a consequence, most of the competitors from overseas will be fishing the venues for their first time when they compete. Will the venues be stocked for the Championship? No fish will be stocked into the rivers or Little Pine Lagoon or Woods Lake. Penstock Lagoon received its normal annual stocking of wild brown trout by the Inland Fisheries Service. Is the championship open to spectators? Everyone is invited to the opening parade through the streets of Launceston. On the days of competition members of the public are welcome to watch the competitors fish. At the lakes spectators will be able to watch the fishing from the shore. On the rivers there will be viewing areas established for spectators and access will be made available subject to landowner permission. Spectators are asked to stay well back from the rivers so as not to spook fish or unsettle the competitors. The championship will provide an excellent opportunity for spectators to see the skills of some of the world’s best competition fishers. How will boat fishing on the lakes be organised? There will be two competitors in each boat together with a volunteer controller who will drive the boat, deploy the drogue as requested and measure and record type and length of fish caught. Competitors must be seated while fishing and are only permitted to stand when netting a fish.
How will the competitors fish the rivers? Competitors will fish the rivers employing a range of techniques to match the water that is being fished: dry fly, nymph under dry, European nymphing, swinging wet flies and fishing streamers. Some competitors will carry multiple rods on their person and will change rods/techniques repeatedly. A volunteer controller will follow each competitor from the bank. The competitor must present each fish caught to the controller who will measure, record and release the fish. Are volunteers and volunteered boats required? Members of FFA and of a number of Tasmanian anglers have registered to be controllers on the river venues and a number of boat owners have also volunteered their boats for the event. There are sufficient volunteers to run the event. Landowners and their support! Landowners on the Meander and Mersey rivers have given their permission for the event to be held on sections of the rivers which run through their properties. The organisers are very thankfull for their support.
Who is in the Australian team? Christopher Bassano - Tasmania Joshua Flowers - Tasmania Jon Stagg - Tasmania Tom Jarman - Victoria Mark Bulley- NSW David Hemphill - NSW Craig Carey - Captain (Tasmania) Mischa Berndtson - Manager (NSW) Benefits to volunteers and spectators. The Championship will showcase competition fly fishing and it is hoped that those who watch the Championship will be encouraged to participate in the sport. Competing at State and National level or international level (eg, at Commonwealth, Oceania and World Masters championships) are opportunities to learn new skills and to form friendships with other fly fishers. The sport is welcoming and encouraging to all ages, genders and skill levels. Contact Fly Fish Australia if you would like to know more.
www.tasfish.com - Get the knowledge - Get the fish.