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Vale + for MOZZA

‘Grab hold of the other battery post - the positive one’

a tribute by Kelly ‘Hooch’ Hunt

Adrian ‘MOZZA’ Morrisby 1972 - 2021

There are thousands of words I could write about Adrian ‘Mozza’ Morrisby. They would document where he was born and raised on the South East coast’s Orford village.

They could go on to speak of his childhood of boating and fishing in and around Maria Island, Schouten Passage and many trips to Port Davey. Paragraphs could be typed about his effect on his industry of vehicle refinishing and repair and his love of motorsport that included racing, commentating and parts supply.

The many, many sentences, you could amass in describing his passion for not only fishing, but the promotion of Tasmania its fishing and boating treasures would be massive.

Yet there are two numbers that tell you a great deal about the man that was Adrian Mozza Morrisby. 2000 and 42 000.

On a Thursday in September 2021, in our busiest of lives, 2000 people attended his funeral at Blundstone arena. There was no official count and if you look at the seating it was closer to 3000. The 42 000 number however, is spot on, and it is an accurate metric - as 42 000 people took time out to watch the funeral’s live feed of a humble man from southern Tasmania.

This man never got a 100 for Australia at the MCG, never captained a rugby side, and never punted a six pointer to win a final. Hell, I’ve never saw him touch a footy let alone kick one.

Mozza was magic.

A man of great power and enthusiasm that was infectious. This man could raise your spirits, put a smile on your face and have you living the very best version of you in a five minute meeting.

This man put others before himself at every opportunity and went above and beyond when asked to help any and all in need.

No cause was too large or too small for him to put his effort behind and he was a champion of the people.

He leaves behind an army of people true to him and faithful to the very core. They have his ideals instilled in them and they will rise to any and all occasion with the man’s mantras ringing in their ears.

“Grab hold of the other battery post – The positive one”.

“Pay it forward”.

“One life, live it – ‘cause it sure as hell ain’t no dress rehearsal”.

He lived by these and many more one liners that built into a movement that powered his life and many of his friends and tribe. He used this magic for the greater good and had an army of followers that helped do fabulous things for the community and people he loved.

He was a humble man in these endeavours, but by nature of their speed and power, the press and even members of parliament would make mention of them and be impressed.

Mozza was a unicorn in this world. The one and only “Adrian MOZZA Morrisby“ and his name will live on in people’s hearts and minds for a great deal of time. When planning your next fishing trip have him in your mind and remember three things that were very close to his heart.

Mozza’s edicts for life

WEATHER – Learn to read it, have a solid grasp on what the wind and swell will mean to the area you fish. Just don’t look at the weather of when you want to get on the water in the morning, but what it is forecast to do later in the day. Have a mind set of what you might do different if the weather is stronger than the forecast and have a plan B and C.

MATES AND FAMILY – Treasure them. Fishing means many things to many people and a day on the water can be about loading up on fish for the freezer and family meals. Mozza used fishing to get out of his day to day and take mates and family for an adventure. In this world of crooked work /life balance he liked nothing more than getting away and hit the reset button. It would be about fun, laughs and catering. He knew that the lives we lead can be a pressure cooker and at times there just needs to be a release.

ATTITUDE - The world has gone down the path of distrust and negativity. It seems the default position is to hate and ridicule and try and make yourself feel better by putting down someone’s enthusiasm and dreams. Not our Mozza. He spent his entire life putting others first and helping them feel good about themselves. It would start with a kind word of encouragement and have you leave with a massive smile on your face and the energy to do big things. Or just mow the lawn you had been putting off for a few days. He was all things to all people and if you were lucky you would get one of his trademark hugs.

So please do him the honour in his passing and strive for a positive attitude and outlook with everything. Always default to helping and being part of a solution. Bring smiles and laughs to as many situations as you can and simply help. In anyway you can. If you see something out in this big wide world that needs some assistance, then just simply ask. What can I do and do you need a hand?

An amazing Tasmanian, an amazing one of a kind, once in a generation character who created a footprint we would hope never fades.

A devastating loss but we all can do something each day so his departure is not in vein .

Tight lines and see you at ramp or out on the water.

Much love, Kelly ‘Hooch’ Hunt

“One life, live it – ‘cause it sure as hell ain’t no dress rehearsal”.

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