How Can Family Photography Nurture Child’s Self-Esteem? Family Photography especially family portraits said to be the most concealed yet influential facets that parents and professional photographers should consider to nurture children’s self-esteem – to have them self-reliance and confidence in their own value and aptitudes. In modern eras experts and psychologists have done some research and study discovering the connection.
Parents who display family portraits in their home raise their children with greater confidence and self-reliance. Family photography in home apparently makes children feel loved and gives them awareness and understanding their backgrounds, which help with confidence.
But before anything else, understand what Self-esteem is. And, how can family photography, especially family portrait, help to develop a children self-esteem? According to Stanley Coopersmith, a researcher in this era:
“Self-esteem is a set of attitudes and beliefs that a person brings with him or herself when facing the world. It includes beliefs as to whether he or she can expect success or failure, how much effort should be put forth, whether failure at a task will “hurt,” and whether he or she will become more capable as a result of different experiences. In psychological terms, self-esteem provides a mental set that prepares the person to respond according to expectations of success, acceptance, and personal strength.”
Research conducted by experts found that the no. of portraits of children displayed in their home is greatly influenced by how many of their photographs they think of when growing up. Some experts said that photography let’s children learn who they really are and where they stand. They learn their lineage and the exceptionality of their own family and its story. Once a kid sees a portrait with them included in the picture they say to themselves “These are my family and I am part of what and who they are, that is why I am absolutely belong here”.
Displaying family portraits prominently gives an important message that our family and those included in that photo is very important with each other, and shows that we treasure and value all the memories we have experienced. It shows how much we love our family, and it gives a comfort to our children.
Moreover, it is recommended to have photos of the children with the whole family displayed in the children’s bedroom so they can always see it before sleep and first thing they might see every morning. It will bring joy and inspiration to the children to start the new day with a smile.
My Family Photographer in Brampton also believe that family photography especially family portrait is a great influence to nurture children’s self-esteem and to have a strong confidence to themselves.