I’ll Teach You How To Generate 2 – 3 Sales Per Day With These Profit Pulling Lead Generation Strategies! By Melinda Caldwell 1
Terms and Conditions Income Disclaimer: This document contains business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) or you. I make absolutely no guarantee expressed or implied that by following the advice below you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense. Your results may vary. Success in ANY online endeavor is a result of hard work, time and a variety of other factors. No express or implied guarantees of income or spillover are made when reviewing the material provided. Liability Disclaimer: By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given below, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that me or my company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information presented below. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. Terms of Use: You are given a transferable license to this product. This report is for educational purposes and can be shared. Any recreation or altering of any information on this report will cause for legal action. In other words don’t change anything on this report
HEY…HEY…HEY!!! Hello, my name is Melinda Caldwell, and I just want to congratulate you for taking the first step to generating tons of leads online by downloading my free report!
By using this report, you’re going to learn how even today you can start generating more leads, sales and business partners for your business.
Now there are hundreds of ways to generate leads, but unfortunately most people fail at generating leads for their business. As they say…”No LEADS, No Business!”
But you’re in luck because I am going to share with you, for FREE, three components that you will need to start generating tons of leads and sales for your business.
I’m also going to share with you some Top Earner Tools that I have used over the years to generate thousands of dollars online.
When you finish this report, you will have access to all the tools and knowledge that you need to start creating a lead whirlwind!
Now, listen, you can read this report until you’re blue in the face, but if you don’t put it into action…you’re wasting your time!
So let’s get started so you can start seeing some amazing results within the next 90 days!
Awesome sauce…Let’s get started!
Melinda Caldwell “The MomPreneur” Facebook: YouTube: Twitter: Blog: Website:
How to Get Started Generating Leads For Your Business! Let’s say you owned an ice cream parlor and you sold the best ice cream that money could buy in your town, the only problem is that you placed your ice cream parlor in the middle of a corn field.
Now that might sound stupid, but that’s exactly what we do with our online businesses. We spend so much time putting them together and making them look puuuuurty…but when it comes to putting our websites in front of people, no one can find you.
So let’s say you rented some space in a busy shopping plaza next to a kids clothing store, you’re sure to drive some business into your parlor, right?
Yes! Because now you have put yourself in a position that targeted customers can find you, and being next to a kids clothing store will attract tons of parents with children. Bingo!
We do the same thing online. We create or sell a product and position that product or service in front of people who would actually want it.
It all comes down to this. No leads coming in…No sales coming in…No money…You shut down!
So let’s talk about some ESSENTIAL components that you HAVE to have to start generating leads into your business. This is standard!
Capture Page A capture page or landing page or lead page is a one-page website that captures the email of a potential prospect. Someone will give you their information because you have promised to give them something that they need and desire!
Have you ever gone out shopping and the salesperson asked for your email address at the register? Even large stores like Carter’s and Macy’s create giant lists and will give away coupons and all kinds of giveaways just to get your email address.
Why…because they know that they can market to you over and over again if they have your email address.
Now there are many things that you can give away. For instance, a training video, a free report, an ebook, a free audio, a free CD in the mail or even a free consultation.
I want to show you a capture page that I use that generates leads and sales for my business. Feel free to click the image to see it live on your screen. (Just right click and scroll down to “open hyperlink”)
In almost every affiliate marketing program known to man, each company will have a landing page that you can start using right away, and when you are new, it’s good to go ahead and get your feet wet and use their stuff.
But when you get into more advanced marketing strategies you will see that you should create your own capture pages. And there are some great companies out there that I can recommend to you that will give you simple templates that you can use to create these landing pages.
So I told you that there were 3 components to generating leads and sales online. Let’s get to Number 2….
Auto-responder Service to Create Follow-Up Emails So back to our examples. So I love to go to Carter’s because they have really cute kids’ clothes there for my one year old. How do they get me in here all the time? Well, they stalk me with emails offering me 50% off of my bill or a %20 coupon.
They always give me an irresistible offer sent directly to my email address! There are times that I am not even thinking of buying clothes but who can resist those sales!
They use an auto-responder system, which is a system that allows you to create one email and send it to the list of emails that you have generated.
You can group the emails into different niches, campaigns, whatever you like and market to them by sending them an email as much as you choose.
So let’s say that you are a personal trainer and you create a three-day video training series and upload your videos to YouTube. Your goal is 8
to let your list know that you now have a free training series that they can have access to to learn how to flatten their stomachs without doing sit-ups!
With an auto-responder system, you can set it up to where the autoresponder will send them a series of emails over the course of three days.
Or if you created the series on your blog and wanted to let your list know that your new training series is on your blog, you could send one big email and drive traffic to your blog because they would like your training series.
Awesome stuff, right!
Now, if you are going to make a lot of money online, there’s no way that you can get around not having an auto-responder. It’s not going to happen. The money is in the follow up.
Think about it. Have you ever been in limbo about whether or not you wanted to make a purchase online. Maybe it took that company 3 emails loaded with coupons and offers for you to finally decide, “Yes, I will purchase your product.”
Studies have shown that it can take seven times of engagement or more for a consumer to feel like they trust you enough to purchase 9
your product. So sending them to your offer one time is not enough! You’re basically leaving money on the table. You have to build a relationship with them through auto-responders.
Now let’s get to the third component…
A Blog Nowadays it is STANDARD to have a blog for your business. Why? Because you are constantly in competition with other marketers who are selling the same thing.
Everyone is trying to sell their products and services on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and all of the other social media sites, but the problem is that these social media sites are way too distracting for people to make a decision whether or not to purchase from you or not.
Another example. So let’s say that I am that personal trainer again, and I create a three-day training series on how to flatten your abs without doing crunches. I upload those vides and send a message through my auto-responder list letting them know that I have some awesome videos for them to take a look at.
So instead of sending them to my blog that has all of my videos, I send my list to YouTube. The problem with this is that when they go to take a look at your videos on YouTube, there will be tons of other
videos lined up on the right side of the screen with the same information.
Even after the video you will find that YouTube will give your viewer suggestions. If you were trying to make a sale from the video, the problem is that your chances of converting that sale has gone down drastically.
If you place the videos on your blog and send your prospects to your blog, there are no other distractions except for more information on your blog about your other products and services.
Do you see why when you create content, you MUST place it on your blog and then send your customers to your blog? NO DISTRACTIONS = MORE SALES!
How To Generate Traffic To Your Capture Page As I said in the beginning, there are hundreds of ways to generate leads for your business online, and if you stick around, I’m going to give you 77 more ways to generate traffic and leads as well.
Another key ingredient to success online is knowing how to use your capture page, your auto-responder and your blog the right way. 11
If you check out this helpful resource here, it will give you even more information on how to generate 20 plus leads per day and 3 sales per week for your business.
Now this is very important to remember. Traffic is broken down into two different categories: Free traffic strategies and paid traffic strategies.
Let’s get started!!!
How To Market For Free Facebook - Many people know that Facebook is one of the best places that you can market on the internet. It’s a great place to share your content from your blog and drive traffic to your capture page.
There are definitely some rules that you need to learn when it comes to marketing on Facebook. I’ll give you access to a system that teaches you Facebook marketing strategies, the dos and the don’ts at the end of this ebook.
Twitter – Twitter is the ninth most visited social media platform in the world. You are allotted 140 characters to create your marketing message.
There is a science to marketing on Twitter, so you definitely want to invest in your marketing education to get the ins and outs as it pertains to generating more leads and sales on Twitter.
Pinterest – Marketing through images is sooooo on the rise! You can make a killing with websites like Pinterest. With a little Keyword research knowledge and some eye-popping images, you can drive tons of traffic to your images on Pinterest.
Instagram – Instagram is another awesome platform to use to market images that lead to your capture page. Once again, a little Keyword research knowledge, a unique username and a couple of automated tools will help you skyrocket your business using Instagram.
Video Marketing – This is by far my favorite way to market online. When I got stared in 2007, this was the first type of marketing I tried and soon began to make thousands of dollars online using sites like YouTube.
When you combine uploading your videos to YouTube and then placing the YouTube videos on your blog, that’s when the magic happens!
People love to buy from people that they feel that they have a connection with. YouTube allows you to create this connection because they can actually see you. They can hear your voice, 13
whereas, on an article or blog post they don’t have the same connection because they can’t see you.
Google Hangouts – Google Hangouts are great because they really allow you to engage with your audience LIVE! They are like mini webinars and they’re FREE!
This is such a powerful way to drive traffic to your business. Number one, your audience can see you live and, number two, these Google Hangouts are recorded, so you can re-market that same Hangout over and over again.
I actually did a video/blog post that teaches you how to create a Google Hangout HERE.
Podcasts – A podcast is a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.
Imagine creating audios that people are listening to over and over again. More leads, more sales!
Article Marketing – With article marketing you can create articles and upload to highly-trafficked article sites like and 14
Many people would say that writing article submissions is a thing of the past. I beg to differ. You just have to know exactly what you’re doing.
When writing articles, it’s going to take some marketing education and learning how to do proper keyword research. Keyword research involves knowing the exact “key” phrases that your audience is typing into the search engines.
Once you know the key phrases that they are using, you will then place those key phrases into the article so that your article can rank in the search engines.
If you would like to learn the basics when it comes to keyword research, you can watch this video that is linked to my blog.
You can use this training to begin to rank your articles and blog posts.
So those were just a few free strategies that you could use to start driving traffic to your business.
Paid Online Lead Generation Strategies Solo Ads - A solo ad is basically giving you the ability to rent someone else’s list and market your offer to their list. If you want to start generating leads and sale rapidly, you want to get ahold of a great solo ad provider.
Your solo ad provider will not guarantee you that you’re going to actually make a sale, but they will guarantee you a certain amount of clicks.
Facebook PPC - I highly advise that if you’re interested in using paid advertising through Facebook, that you invest in your internet marketing education.
You’ll need to know how to create an ad, who to market it to and how much you should be spending on these ads.
Banner Ads - Using banner ads is a great way to market your home based business because you can easily target market your audience.
For instance, if you are selling high-end doggie collars, you definitely want to place your banner ads on a website or blog that caters to high-end products for dogs instead of a blog about cars.
You would simply contact the site’s admin to find out what they charge for you to advertise on their site, and then you would need to create a banner with the url to your product or service so that when the banner was clicked, you can drive traffic and leads to your business.
Be sure to have a budget. Depending on the popularity of the website, you could pay from $25 to $10,000 to rent real estate on someone else’s site.
Classified Ads - I’m sure you’ve heard of Craigslist and/or Backpages. You can create a text ad and advertise your products or services on these free ad sites.
Depending on what city and what kind of listing, Craigslist may charge you $25 to place your ad. There are also other free ad listing sites.
Just Google “Free classified ads sites” for more sites.
Try to be as targeted as possible when creating ads and speak directly to the target in the ad.
For 77 more ways to generate more traffic to get more leads and sales, CLICK HERE. 17
SO WHAT IS YOUR NEXT STEP? Now that I’ve given you tons of ideas about how and where to market your business online, plus another resource that will give you 77 more ways to generate more traffic, now it’s time to ACT. Not tomorrow. Not next week! NOW!
Take one or two of the lead generating strategies and just go forward. You’re never going to make money if you don’t get started.
It is my ultimate desire to see more people achieve financial success online as well. I really want to take part in your success.
I’m sure after you’ve read this manual, understandably you have more marketing questions, so I also have some awesome bonuses for you to help you get on the right track.
When it comes down to it, I don’t know any successful online home based business owner that doesn’t have these 3 things in their arsenal:
#1 MARKETING EDUCATION: In this day and age, you have to learn the marketing language. Gone are the days that people want you to sit down in their homes and explain your business.
Consumers want to make a decision right from the comfort of their own homes, so you need to be able to communicate with them in a way that makes sense that us not salesy and pitchy.
#2 SALES PROCESS THAT CONVERTS: Remember, at the end of the day, you need LEADS and not only that, those leads need to eventually turn into sales!
I have no desire to make a warm market list of family and friends. I don’t desire to do 3-way calls with my upline, and I really don’t like cold calling people who have talked to 20 other people from the same list!
So I use the Kalatu Viral Blogging System. It helps brand myself online, build relationships with my prospects and best of all it allows me to AUTOMATE my business!
#3 A Mentor – The last thing you want to do is try and reinvent the wheel. You want to learn from someone who has been there, done that and bought the T-shirt. A mentor will allow you to cut the learning curve in half!
A mentor will help keep you accountable and not only that, but your mentor should be connected to a team of people who are operating under the same vision, and that is to see you succeed.
For the past 7 years I have done very well as an internet marketer, and I also work with a team of individuals that are second to none! I’m not saying this for brownie points, but having the RIGHT mentor will save you tons of time and money.
LEAD PAGES – To create those amazing landing pages, I highly recommend using Lead Pages. It’s so easy that you will have high converting funnels set up in minutes.
GODADDY – I don’t use anything but GoDaddy when I buy domain names. What I will do is get a 7% discount through Ebates and buy it through my Ebates link. Every penny helps!
Usually when you join a business, they will give you a long drawn out web address. For instance, here is the link to my hair extensions website:
I bought a domain name so it looks like this:
See the difference? Get a domain name! They’re only 12 or 13 bucks a year and many times you can find a sale.
What’s great is that you can try the blogging platform out and training for FREE before you buy.
I love this blogging platform because it allows my blog posts to go viral and helps brand my business. Using their services also allows my blog to rank faster in the search engines.
AUTO-RESPONDING SERVICE: GET RESPONSE: Remember we discussed collecting emails. Well, GetReponse is an awesome service that’s going to allow you to create email messages and follow up with your prospects. 21
Recommended Reading:
THINK AND GROW RICH THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH THE COMPOUND EFFECT GO FOR NO Courses: Law of Attraction MANIFESTATION MIRACLE (By far the best Law of Attraction course you will ever find on manifesting the life you want!) 22
Recommended Audios: BORN RICH SERIES- BOB PROCTOR Part1: UyKI Part 2: NWpn8 Part 3: TBUPw4 Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Beyond the Secret: JcsaQ
I hope you take FULL ADVANTAGE of these resources as they have completely changed my life. If you would like to learn how to close 85% of all your prospects, make the most money you ever have online, you deserve to watch this video.
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I want to thank you for taking the time to read this free report. This is the first step to making money online!
Please feel free to connect with me so that I can help you grow your business and succeed.
Remember, nothing happens until you take action!
To your success, Melinda Caldwell
P.S. Connect with me on Facebook Visit my blog: Follow me on Twitter: Find out how to generate an extra 1K per month: