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Kelly Collins, a graduate of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, was a member of the Ambassador Leadership Board, a three-year Sports Medicine Intern, and a Christian Service Leader. She is a true servant leader who brings authenticity and dependability to all those she encounters. Her incredible work ethic and natural ability to adapt to a variety of challenges will be put to good use as she studies Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno. The following is Kelly’s prayer given at the Baccalaureate Mass for the Class of 2021.
Heavenly Father, we pray for us, the graduates of the Class of 2021, as we take the next step in our journey. Gracious God, we thank you for the many blessings and people who have helped us get here today. God of Wisdom, we thank you for our teachers, staff, faculty, and administration who have guided us during our four years of high school. Loving God, thank you for our parents, families, and loved ones who have given us the great opportunity and blessing of our Catholic education. Creator God, thank you for each person who has impacted our lives and shaped us to be the women we are today, the women who are going out to change the world.
Generous God, bless the St. Francis Class of 2021, the twohundred and seventy-seven Simbas that make it up and watch over us as we move into the future. Give us the strength and grace to persevere during challenging times. May we be a light of hope wherever we go. Remind us to draw upon the great knowledge we have learned, the obstacles we have overcome, and the experiences we have had - while walking the halls of St. Francis. May these gifts help us create a more loving, just, and peaceful world. Stay with this class of graduates as we move beyond the campus of St. Francis, show us the great plans you have in store, and allow our futures to be ones filled with peace and hope. In Your Son’s name, we pray, Amen.