Pax et Bonum Magazine: Winter 2021

Page 18

WE’RE THANKFUL FOR YOU! THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THANKFUL THURSDAY Our 10th annual Thankful Thursday on November 4th was a success! We are overjoyed with the support from our students, current and past parents, alumnae, grandparents, staff and faculty, and countless others who came together to provide financial assistance that helps more than 25 percent of our current students at St. Francis Catholic High School. Thanks to your many gifts, we received more than $170,000 on that day and the total continues to grow! Our Troubies brought the energy, getting up early to cheer parents on as they dropped off their daughters and let them know how much their sacrifices are appreciated. They continued the excitement throughout the day which included fun games at lunch, and volunteering to help make thank you calls to the hundreds of donors who participated in the day. Thank you to our entire St. Francis community, near and far, for your support of our Troubies and this impactful initiative. It’s not too late to donate!


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