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Held on November 3rd, St. Francis’ 11th annual day of giving, Thankful Thursday, was a booming success! Our Troubies are well loved and supported by the St. Francis Catholic High School faculty and staff who invest countless hours and resources into providing them a holistic educational experience for their mind, body and spirit.

The support from our students was contagious and reverberated out to our families, alumnae, alum parents, grandparents and countless others who came together to provide the financial assistance that helps 24 percent of our students this year. The student energy was evidenced and many arrived early to cheer and kick off Thankful Thursday as students were dropped off. They continued the excitement throughout the day which included thanking a teacher or staff member, student versus staffulty games at lunch, and volunteering to help make thank you calls to the many donors who participated.

Not to be outdone, our parent and grandparent community visibly supported the day by volunteering to collect student donations and making thank you calls. Our Grandparent and Parent and Clubs conducted peer-to-peer outreach, were onsite volunteers, and our Dad’s Club hosted their annual rousing auction that evening raising additional funds for tuition assistance and creating a fun and festive environment.

Thanks to the many gifts from all of our community, we raised more than $115,000 on that day and the total continues to grow!

You can still make a gift at www.stfrancishs.org/dayofgiving

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