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RECONCILIATION RESEARCH THEME In response to the Calls to Action produced by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, businesses and educators alike are encouraged to learn about and seek to remedy past and present harms experienced by Indigenous peoples from the colonial policies and practices of settlers in Canada. Several faculty within the Schwartz School of Business conduct research that aligns with this agenda.


Dr. Mary Oxner Dr. Oxner’s work falls within the theme of reconciliation with Indigenous Women in Atlantic Canada. Working with Mi’kmaw and Inuit women and students in the region, Dr. Oxner reports on the unique barriers Indigenous women in business face and their approaches to overcome those barriers. Dr. Shelley Price Understanding that food security is already a challenge in Canada’s North, Dr. Price and her research team are exploring the impact of hydroelectric dams on marine ecosystems, fisheries, and livelihoods, especially subsistence and commercial fishers and their families. Dr. Brad Long In the context of extractive industries, Dr. Long’s latest publication argues that CSR may not be an appropriate framework for reconciliation unless it accommodates the free prior and informed consent of Indigenous peoples and their spiritual values and knowledge.

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