Annual report 2016 17

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Annual Report 2016-2017



School Council & Parliament


Primary School Council, page 16

Letter from the Chairman, page 6 Meet The Board of Governors, page 7 Letter from the Principal, page 8

Secondary School Parliament, page 18

10 School Highlights Primary School Highlights, page 12 Secondary School Highlights, page 14

20 Celebrating our Community Student Diversity, page 22 Staff Appreciation, page 24 Learning Through Giving, page 25 Friends of St George’s, page 26


Annual Report 2016-2017



Student Achievement


Primary Academic Achievement, page 30 Secondary Academic Achievement, page 32 University Destinations, page 33 The Graduates of 2017, page 34 Our Alumni Association, page 36 Developing Sportsmanship, page 38 The Arts, page 40

Income and Expenditure Accounts, page 55


Balance Sheet as of December, page 56 Luxembourg Government Subsidy Law, page 57 Stability and Building Fund Accounts, page 57-58 Budget, page 58

School Development COBIS Accreditation, page 44 Parent Feedback, page 46 School Services, page 47 Information Technology, page 48 Technology Enhancing Teaching, page 49 Ecological School, page 51

Annual Report 2016-2017



Annual Report 2016-2017

About Us St George’s International School, Luxembourg is an inclusive, vibrant international community of over 750 students aged from 3 to 18+ years. The School prides itself on being a well established premier British international school in Luxembourg, providing an outstanding education to all its students enabling them to access top universities worldwide.



St George’s will prepare its students to be outstanding 21st century global citizens.

We believe that learning should be accessible to everyone, with every student able to find the tools and opportunities they need to achieve their full potential.

Achieving potential through challenge and care.

We believe in nurturing strong values in our students based on mutual understanding and respect.

Mission To deliver a well-rounded and world-class international education. In a friendly, dynamic and supportive environment, St George’s prepares each student to lead a purposeful, fulfilling and successful life - to be the very best they can be.

We take considerable care to ensure that learning is personalised according to individual needs. We believe that students thrive when there is a strong partnership between school and home. We pride ourselves on offering a warm welcome and providing ongoing support for all new families.

Annual Report 2016-2017


Letter from the Chairman Christopher Cheesman Chairman of the Board of Governors Dear Members of the St George’s International School community, It is with great pleasure that I introduce the St George’s International School Luxembourg Annual Report. The Report aims to give everyone connected with the School an overview of the activities, organisation and achievements that have taken place during the last year. It also contains a summary of financial information showing how the school gets its money and how that money is used. One of the major additions to the school this last year has been the Zinnen building, which has been widely used. In particular, the auditorium has been used for drama and musical performances, Christmas shows and the very successful musical “The Spirit of Africa’’. The staff performed a hilarious pantomime for students and graduation ceremonies for both Primary and Secondary were held there. In addition, visiting lecturers and performers have provided very stimulating talks for students and the broader school community. The Art Department continues to provide an outstanding array of talented artists and this was once again presented through the School’s Art exhibition. I know that many of you attended the show and saw the artwork on display, the very impressive examination portfolios from Secondary and some great artwork in a variety of media from the Primary students. A lot of activity has also been taking place to broaden the relationships with the local community in Hamm and the school community generally. With the very strong support of the Friends of St George’s the Summer Fayre was the perfect opportunity to showcase the great variety of international representation at the school. This year was the most successful fayre we have held so far. Staff are also engaging across the local education community hosting book based learning workshops and Foundation Stage best practice training from peer schools. We are also very lucky to have hosted international student teachers in the school as part of their practical experience. There is an increasing demand for places due to the growing reputation of the school due to its excellent ISI inspection results in 2015. With regard to the school, St George’s was asked to undergo a pilot accreditation inspection regime for the Council of British International Schools (COBIS). The staff presented the school in their usual


Annual Report 2016-2017

professional manner and achieved an excellent standard in the report. Very well done to all concerned. This pilot scheme also helps us to prepare for the next ISI school inspection, planned for February 2018. School results continue to impress and our graduates will be taking up courses across many excellent universities around Europe. I would like to close by thanking the Luxembourg Ministries and the Ville de Luxembourg for their continued and generous support of the school. There is also a wide community of people that provide their time and effort for the good of the school and its students and I would like to pass on the thanks of the Governors for all those who volunteer in this way. I offer particular thanks to all those connected to the Friends of St George’s who organise many events that take place throughout the year, I would encourage everyone in our School community to engage with them. Finally, I would like to thank all the hard working staff for their dedication and effort throughout the year, they are the foundation upon which the school is built and our most important asset. With best wishes and on behalf of the Board of Governors,

Mr Christopher Cheesman Chairman, Board of Governors


Mr P. Charlton, Vice Chair

Mr F. Morvilli



Mr R. Feiereisen, Vice Chair

Mrs L. Munari

Mr M. Amorim

Mrs D. Ries



Mrs S. Shtayyeh

Mr G. Sardelli

Mr D. McGahey

Mr P. Schonenberg

Ms H. Montague

Mr M. Turner

Annual Report 2016-2017

Mr S. Ziegenhagen


Letter from the Principal Dr Christian Barkei Principal Dear Parents and Friends of the School, Welcome to the Annual Report of St George’s International School, Luxembourg for 2016-2017. The Report serves as a formal report to our parents and wider community on the activities of the School during the past year. We have firstly had a very successful year as a School community. Our excellent examination results received in the summer of 2017 at both IGCSE and A Level reflect the hard work and continued effort our students made with the support and guidance of our teaching colleagues. Equally, our end-of-year testing in Mathematics and English indicated the very good progress made by many of our Primary students. We have documented these in the Annual Report. I am particularly pleased that this hard work and effort is evident across the board – students in general have worked hard and applied themselves to their studies. The School participated in a variety of sporting competitions this year as well as international challenges in debating, mathematics, the sciences and the Mérite Jeunesse amongst a number of others. We do this because it is important that our students have the opportunity to spread their wings beyond their own community and our sustained engagement with other schools across Europe and beyond is one that we strongly support. Our students are drawn from over 50 nationalities and it is right and important that they experience a wide variety of challenges and opportunities on a global scale. Closer to home, students, staff and parents have raised substantial amounts for charitable causes both in the Grand Duchy and abroad and I remain encouraged by the engagement with charities focussing on education and eradication of disease. Our students remain engaged, compassionate and critical and that is how they should be. We believe at St George’s that learning should be accessible to everyone, with every student able to achieve their full potential within an environment that is positive and supportive. This philosophy is at the heart of everything that we do and is exemplified in our motto ‘achieving potential through challenge and care.’


Annual Report 2016-2017

In viewing the exhibition, I am very much struck by the variety of work and material on display and the many different and imaginative ways in which students have interpreted aspects of their lives. - Dr C.Barkei, Principal The Annual Art Exhibition, 2017

As you view our Annual Report you can see that our students are always at the centre of what we do; whether in the Foundation Stage or at A Level. We are proud of our students and their achievements; combined with the individual care and attention provided to each individual. We carefully support and advise all graduating students and parents on appropriate universities and courses; I am particularly pleased that we are seeing a growth in alumni of the School returning to the Grand Duchy and keeping us informed of their professional and personal progress. In drama, music and art our students have now had the opportunity to show their own creativity and enthusiasm in original and exciting ways in the new Zinnen building which was opened at the beginning of the year in September 2016. I am particularly pleased that the building is being used in so many different ways; it has really become an integral part of the School very quickly. The continued progress documented in the Report this year would not have been possible without the dedicated work and full engagement of all the members of the Governing Body. My particular thanks go to Mr Christopher Cheesman and his colleagues on the Board of Governors and in the Committees of the Board for their unstinting contribution to the success of the School. I would also like to thank and recognise our colleagues in the Ministries of Education and Finance in Luxembourg as well as the City of Luxembourg who provide continued generous support to the School in a number of ways. Essentially then, the report before you gives you an overview of our community during the past year. Teachers in Primary and Secondary in classrooms and laboratories, on stages and playing fields approach the task of education and instruction with dedication and enthusiasm every day and I thank them sincerely for their engagement and commitment; our colleagues in the school offices ensure that the School runs smoothly and efficiently – increasingly with the use of modern technology – and the positive engagement and support of all our parents allows us to offer an inclusive and welcoming school community we can all be justly proud of. With my best regards,

Dr Christian Barkei Principal

Annual Report 2016-2017



Annual Report 2016-2017

School Highlights

Annual Report 2016-2017


Primary Highlights Ms Claire Nuttall

Head Teacher (Primary) It has been another action packed year at St George’s, full of many activities and events. It seems hard to believe that the Zinnen building did not exist until this year, as it looks as if it was always there. It has certainly enhanced our provision: our assemblies now have a professional sheen enabling the students to showcase their outstanding work. The shows have been stunning, allowing us to add many more special effects and benefit from a professional stage. It certainly has been a tremendous year, here are some of the events that took place highlighting some of Primary’s achievements:

Arts & Drama The Spirit of Africa

In October 2016, St George’s hosted its first school performance of the year in its brand new Auditorium! Year 4, 5 and 6 students put on a spectacular performance of ‘The Spirit of Africa’. The show fully showcased impressive dance routines, singing, and acting skills. The remarkable lighting effects alongside the impressive acoustics showed the auditorium off in its best light!

I would like to thank everybody who contributed to The Spirit of Africa, what a great show, good quality, the kids, costumes, music, dancing – it was amazing! I am so happy to have my children at St George’s. - St George’s Current Parent

Workshop at the Philharmonie

Students in Years 3 to 6 were invited to the Philharmonie to participate in an educational music workshop about creative composing. The students had the opportunity to work with young professional musicians to create three different compositions based on drawings and poems that they had made about the orchestra.

Book Week with Gillian Cross

This year St George’s had the privilege of welcoming the renowned author, Gillian Cross to the school. She provided workshops on creative ideas, writing and original character building, enabling the students to unlock their imagination. London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) students put on an extremely professional performance of ‘The Demon Headmaster’, written by Gillian Cross. This was a great hit amongst the students, parents, and even the author herself!

Ballroom Dancing

Primary were in awe when they saw Secondary students showcase their ballroom dancing skills. The Primary students from Years 3-6 were eager to practise their dancing skills for their first ever Easter ball.

STOMP Workshops

Peter Francis, a former STOMP performer, devised dance workshops with the students which featured in the performance The Spirit of Africa.

School Trips Students at St George’s have the opportunity to go on many school trips throughout the year, enriching experiences outside of the classroom. There were simply too many trips to mention them all, but here are a couple that stood out:

Dinosaur Explorers

Year 3 became intrepid dinosaur explorers as they travelled back millions of years in time at the Dinosaur Park, Teufelsschlucht in Germany. The visit was a success in enabling the children to see true to life replicas of the dinosaurs and witness how and why the earth changed millions of years ago.


Annual Report 2016-2017

Trip to Dinant (Belgium)

Year 6 went to Dinant for their residential trip. They had a fantastic time hiking, cross country cycling and rock climbing. They also had the opportunity to climb rope bridges and slide down ziplines. School trips are an excellent chance for students to develop new skills whilst experiencing the world outside the classroom with their classmates.

Competitions & Challenges Award-Winning Students

Year 5 and 6 French groups participated in a writing competition organised by the publishing company “Bayard-Milan” in Luxembourg and Belgium. One of the texts, written by four students in Year 6, was nominated for the Top 20 out of 800 texts! The group of students were invited to the “Foire du livre” in Brussels to hear the final results and to collect prizes for their class. They also participated in a workshop with the author and the illustrator of the story!

Olympic Medals in Reception

Students in Reception received a special ceremony where they were presented with medals for their efforts in physical education thoughout the school year! Events included running, jumping and throwing. The respective national anthem was played for each gold medallist.

Special Guests Christine Majerus

St George’s had the pleasure of inviting professional cyclist, Christine Majerus to take over Primary’s assembly. Ms Majerus is a renowned Luxembourgish cyclist who competed in the 2012 and 2016 summer Olympics and hopes to take part in the 2020 Olympics hosted in Tokyo. Students were given more insight into road safety and had the opportunity to ask Ms Majerus questions.

HRH The Duchess of Cambridge Meets Primary

Eight Year 1 students represented St George’s during a visit to the MUDAM (The Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art) in the hope of seeing HRH The Duchess of Cambridge. Students were not only lucky enough to see her but also had the chance to speak to her and present her with a posy of flowers. A rare experience that the students will cherish.

Maths Quest, Geneva

St George’s came 7th out of 25 competing schools. We are very proud that one of our students came joint 2nd place for the highest score for the individual round out of 100 children! This trip was a fantastic opportunity for students to demonstrate their strong ability to work as a team.

Nayden Kostov

Nayden Kostov, author of Fact or Myth, hosted a lively assembly session, he talked about his work and inspiration, describing himself as an accidental writer. He explained that he began by writing a blog which became very successful due to all the facts he was writing about. Nayden tested the students’ knowledge on facts and myths, and surprised them with several myths that they thought were true!

It was one of the best assemblies I’ve been to! Ms Majerus was definitely an inspiration to the children, yet also taught the students about the important safety aspects of the sport in a very imaginative way. – A St George’s Primary Teacher

There have been many positive events for parents this year, with the Friends of St George’s working hard to arrange social events. In the Primary we have led a range of workshops in various subjects to help parents get a full picture of how we teach. The science fair was hugely successful, allowing students and parents alike to try exciting (sometimes messy and noisy) science experiments. I would like to extend my special thanks to the staff, students and parents of St George’s, without whom the school wouldn’t have the friendly, positive and welcoming community we are all so proud to be a part of. Best wishes,

Ms Claire Nuttall

Head Teacher (Primary)

Annual Report 2016-2017


Secondary Highlights Mr Mark Fleet

Head Teacher (Secondary)

It has been another tremendously successful and productive year in the Secondary section of the School, there are simply too many notable events to mention them all but here are a select few highlights:

Arts & Drama AMIS Festival

Four talented St George's students were invited to join other musicians from across the globe to study at the AMIS (Association of Music in International Schools) Jazz Workshop programme held at the American School of the Hague.

Year 9 Christmas Project

Year 9 students put on fantastic mini drama performances for Primary students to enjoy. The students were given the challenge of creating new and original ‘festive themed’ theatre pieces for the target audience of 7 to 8 year olds. It was evident from the loud roars of laughter and the audience participation that they were a great success.

School Trips

In music lessons, Year 7 had the opportunity to work with the early music ensemble “Quatricinia”. This group specialises in music of the Medieval and Renaissance eras.

Shakespeare Festival

Year 8 students performed abridged versions of Shakespeare’s plays at the Shakespeare Schools Festival in London alongside schools from the UK.

Media Screening

Year 11 to 13 Secondary Media students showcased a series of talented work consisting of music videos and film pieces. Year 11 to Year 13 students showed their media film and video work, this was followed by a drama performance by Year 12 students.

Art trip to the MUDAM

Year 10 Trip to Krakow

Choir Trip to Switzerland

Erasmus Trip to Spain

Year 9 and 10 GCSE students and Year 12 A-Level students had the opportunity to visit the art gallery and had a 2 hour drawing workshop based on the current exhibition.

Our newly formed Secondary Choir with their Director, Mrs Trono performed with 140 girls from around Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South America in the AMIS Middle School Honor Girls Choir Festival at the International School of Zug and Luzern.


Year 7 Music Workshop

Annual Report 2016-2017

Students had an unforgettable experience in Krakow. During their stay, the students visited the former concentration camps at Auschwitz and Birkenau and had a tour of a salt mine.

This was our first year of taking part in the Erasmus+ project ‘Ready, Steady, Work!’, an EU programme in the fields of education, training and sport. Four of our Erasmus team members visited our Spanish partners in Cartagena. They participated in a variety of workshops and spent time visiting the famous Roman architecture and also had time to do a spot of sunbathing on the beach!

Competitions & Challenges VOCABEXPRESS

Vocab Express is an online vocab learning application that was designed and developed in conjunction with a number of secondary MFL departments. The St George’s Year 7-10 students won the VOCABEXPRESS worldwide competition - a fantastic achievement!

UKMT Junior Maths Challenge

This year students in Years 7 and 8 took part in the Junior Mathematical Challenge; a 60 minute paper that tests problem solving and logic skills. Over 250,000 students from schools across the world returned scripts for the Challenge with the top 6% receiving a gold certificate, the next 13% silver and the next 21% bronze. From St George’s 19 students were successful in achieving certificates. This represents our largest number of certificates for a single mathematics competition so far!

Special Guests Jon Robinson

St George’s Secondary school welcomed author Jon Robinson to St George’s, Mr Robinson presented his debut conspiracy thriller ‘Nowhere’. During the presentation Mr Robinson got the students thinking by creating ‘what would you do’ scenarios. He asked them to imagine themselves in a similar situation to the students in his novel. During the afternoon, Jon set up workshops with small groups of students, these workshops were centred on creative writing and generating ideas enabling the students to unlock their imaginations and release their potential.

TOTB Competition

Secondary students represented St George’s by participating in the Belgium & Luxembourg section of the Top of the Bench (TOTB) competition. The students were split into two teams: ‘Gallium’ and ‘Vanadium’. After an intense competition, team ‘Vanadium’ emerged as the overall winners with team ‘Gallium’ finishing as joint runners up. Our winning team went on to represent Belgium & Luxembourg in the final of the competition, held at Loughborough University in April 2017.

GIN Conference

Year 12 students attended the Global Issues Network (GIN) 12th European annual conference at the Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg. The theme of the conference was, ‘Facilitating Sustainable Change through Education and Integration’. Our students represented the school very well in their presentations and handled their Q&A sessions with excellent composure.

Camille Bloom

Year 7 and 8 Secondary students hosted a concert with Gibson endorsed International Act, Camille Bloom to raise funds for the St George’s Arts scholarship.

Steven Frank

St George’s was privileged to welcome Holocaust Survivor, Steven Frank for the third year running, he gave a poignant talk on his harrowing experiences during the Holocaust. For more than 20 years, Steven has been keeping history alive by telling his story complete with pictures and artefacts.

The professionalism and commitment of the Secondary staff coupled with the energy and enthusiasm of the students here at St George’s is what makes this school so unique. It is a privilege to witness and to be a part of this exceptional learning community. Thank you to staff for providing these wonderful opportunities, thank you to students for engaging with them and thank you to parents for supporting them. Best regards,

Mr Mark Fleet

Head Teacher (Secondary)

Annual Report 2016-2017


Primary School Council, 2017


School Council The Primary School Council is a student body that is authorised to put forward initiatives throughout the Primary school. The exciting thing about the Council is the independence that the students have to drive forward their ideas and promote change within their surroundings. This independence has an extremely positive impact upon the whole school. During the 2016-2017 school year, Primary students made the decision to sponsor a new charity. The Mobile Mini-Circus for Children (MMCC) and its local partner, the Afghan Educational Children’s Circus (AECC) together form a cooperative International/Afghan non-profit organisation dedicated to empowering young people. Established in 2002, MMCC has grown into an education programme focusing on teaching children to lead throughout Afghanistan. Similar to previous years the School Council have been busy coming up with new fundraising initiatives; this year they hosted a successful dress up day which raised €344.83 and organised two Movie Nights raising €655.17. To top off a busy year, the students organised custom-made tea towels featuring students and staff from each Milepost, they raised a total of €294.90.


Annual Report 2016-2017

Alongside their fundraising initiatives, the students put forward ideas for school improvement, these ideas were presented to the Senior Management Team (SMT). Below are a few of the suggestions that were accepted: A new noticeboard to keep the school informed about all the upcoming school projects Improved ‘privacy’ screens were installed in the changing rooms School water drinking fountains were replaced Each year the Primary School Council goes from strength to strength, it is evident that the students respect their roles on the School Council and take their position seriously, they are making the Primary school a better place by listening to their fellow students. The Primary Council should be very proud of all their achievements and initiatives during the 2016-2017 year. They have contributed to the School, to their chosen charities and to the wider community.

The Primary Council hold a meeting every two weeks to discuss their new improvement ideas, their fundraising initiatives as well as to give an overview on how their projects are going.

I have been so impressed by the dedicated hard work that the school council have put into their roles. Their intelligent thoughtful ideas have helped to make the school a better place, reflecting a vibrant learning environment. Their care and support extends beyond the school, to helping others in the community, and in particular in supporting children in Afghanistan with our school charity Mini-Mobile Circus. Many thanks to all the students that have been involved. – Ms Nuttall, Primary Head Teacher

In December 2016, the Primary Council presented their chosen charity, their new projects and initiatives in front of the Board of Governors. The board were very impressed with their confidence and presentational skills.

Annual Report 2016-2017



School Parliament The school Parliament plays an integral role in the school community and the wider life of the school, organising an array of events for the students to lead and participate in, generating funds for many worthy causes and raising awareness of the plights of those less fortunate. It is fantastic to witness the students demonstrate initiative, leadership and compassion as they immerse themselves in the activities. - Mr Fleet, Head Teacher Secondary

The Secondary School Parliament is a student body at St George’s that allows students to contribute to the running of the School by organising a wide range of activities and initiatives. Thirty committed students are allocated in four different Ministries: The Ministry of Education The Ministry of the Environment The Ministry of Charities The Ministry of Sports and Arts In 2016-2017 the students organised a range of projects and fundraising activities in order to support various charities. Here are some of the highlights:

Movie Night Fundraiser for Femme International

St George’s Parliament, hosted a charity fundraising Mothers & Daughters Movie Night to raise money for Femme International, an international non-governmental organisation that is committed to breaking down the menstrual taboo on a global scale by using education and conversation. In East Africa, menstruation is one of the biggest reasons why girls miss school, often dropping out altogether, this puts them at a significant disadvantage when compared to their male counterparts. A total of €391.40 was raised (a one-time donation of $35 provides a Femme Kit to a young woman or girl). A monthly contribution helps the charity to sustain their programming in East Africa.

‘Bottle Top Competition’ to Train Guide Dogs

The Secondary Parliament put in place a bottle top competition, a game in which students collect as many bottle caps as possible, three containers representing each ‘House’ were placed by the Secondary school entrance. By participating students are helping the environment by recycling something they don’t need and at the same time helping to train guide dogs for the blind - the caps are donated to the guide dog foundation ‘handi chiens’ who sell them on to be recycled for a small profit, all the money raised is used to train guide dogs. This year’s House winner collecting the most bottle tops for the charity was EARTH!


Annual Report 2016-2017

This year the Parliament elected to continue supporting the charity United World Schools (UWS). This charity aims to improve educational opportunities for children living in the world’s poorest, remote and post-conflict regions. As a result, St George’s was partnered with a school from the village of Pea, Cambodia. All of the fundraising initiatives by the students were aimed at raising money for this partner school in Cambodia, over the academic year they raised over €400.

World Challenge Southern Peru World Challenge is a life changing expedition, Year 12 students learn leadership skills, and have the opportunity to develop their independence, teamwork and confidence. The challenges and expeditions widen students’ outlook on life. In order for students to take part in the World Challenge, they need to prepare months prior to their departure date, it starts with planning, team building, fitness training and, most importantly, fundraising. Year 12 students used their own initiative to raise money by organising a Primary Movie Night, cake sales, some students took on jobs, such as babysitting and tutoring in their spare time.

My highlight was reaching our summit of approximately 4600m, the breathing was difficult and most of us were exhausted having not slept the night before but the view was absolutely worth it, and we could even see our camp from the top. That night we lit a fire and sat around it, while singing songs and listening to music. Since we’d had a lack of oxygen for the preceding days, the sense of euphoria from being able to breathe normally again was incredible and that night we all slept much better. - St George’s Year 12 student

Annual Report 2016-2017



Annual Report 2016-2017

Celebrating our Community Annual Report 2016-2017


Student Diversity St George’s offers a world class international education to approximately 750 students aged 3 years to 18+ years from 55 different countries. The figures below reflect the different countries of the world represented at St George’s, the student community is actually far more diverse - it is this internationalism that plays an integral part of making St George’s an exceptional place to learn.





































Czech Republic

























Annual Report 2016-2017





We do feel [our daughter] has started her education in such a positive way, with excellent teachers, facilities and ethos as well as a great opportunity to be surrounded by children from all over the world.

St George’s has families from

55 different


- Former St George’s Parent, Leaving Questionnaire







New Zealand











United Kingdom




















Russian Federation


South Africa

Sri Lanka



United States



Annual Report 2016-2017


Staff Appreciation Staff Seniority Awards

We are very grateful for the high-quality education and service at St George’s. We can confirm that [our daughter] has benefited enormously from the great and friendly atmosphere and environment at St George’s, she adapted herself very well to her classmates and teachers with different cultural backgrounds.

(September 2016)


(10+ Years)

Mrs Kelly Mrs Skinner Mrs Turner


Mrs Berg Mr Burrows-Pym Ms Carty Mr G. Cooper

Mrs Cotton Mr Diver Ms Dixon Mrs Dunster-Chan


Mr Bargache Dr Barkei Mrs Cooper Mr Dewhurst

Mrs Evans Ms Hotchkiss

(3 Years)

Mrs Fleet Mrs Fitzpatrick Mr Heinz Mrs Lang

125 Teaching staff


- Former St George’s Parent, Leaving Questionnaire

(5 Years)

Annual Report 2016-2017

Ms Lennie Mr Shaw Ms Skinner Ms Stone


Mr Todd Ms Trono Mrs A. White Mr Wilson

Nationalities Represented

Mr Wolf Mr Xavier


Student-Teacher Ratio

Learning Through Giving St George’s has a caring and supportive community committed to helping others. Students of all ages are encouraged to get involved in fundraising activities for their selected charities throughout the 2016-2017 school year. The School’s charitable contributions totalled €11,568.91 for the following causes:

Macmillan Cancer Support Provides specialist health care, information and financial support to people affected by cancer

Ilula Orphan Program

Community-based service organisation that is changing the lives of children and their families in Tanzania

Save the Children


For children in need

Comic Relief

Has a vision of a just world, free from poverty

Supporting men’s health issues

Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner

Supporting children with cancer and terminal illnesses in Luxembourg

Relais pour la Vie Support for those suffering from cancer

United World Schools

Creates educational opportunities for children living in the world’s poorest regions

Unity Foundation To empower communities through education

Femme International

Is dedicated to promoting women’s health through education

Annual Report 2016-2017

The Royal British Legion Asks the nation to recognise the sacrifices made by the Armed Forces of the past and by today’s generation.


Friends t of S George’s The Friends of St George’s, also known as the ‘Friends’, was established in 2014 as an important parent organisation within the School community. The Friends of St George’s are an active, warm and inviting organisation made up of St George’s Parents, this organisation helps with school development, organises events and its members serve as ambassadors to new and existing families.

Summer Fayre, 2017

After-Work Party & Silent Auction, 2017

As every year the Friends made a fantastic effort organising community events and raising money for charity. During 2016-2017 they raised €5,939. Their main fundraising events included:

Freshers & Followers (17th September 2016)

An information day to help families integrate into the School and Luxembourg. Clubs and associations representatives from the Luxembourg community gathered at St George’s to provide more information about their services.

Christmas Quiz (9th December 2016)

An adult team quiz night with the School’s Principal as the quiz-master.

After Work Party & Silent Auction (12th May 2017)

This event was organised by the Friends of St George’s for all the parents to enjoy, an ideal event for them to get to know one another and also raise funds for the Arts Scholarship via a Silent Auction. Total raised: €948.41.

Summer Fayre (17th June 2017)

The Summer Fayre is always a fun community event for everyone to enjoy! Stands of all different nationalities are set up selling traditional food and goodies. Overall this event raised an incredible €4,695.

Informal events included:

Chocolate Factory visit 16th November 2016 Indian Cookery demonstration 15th February 2017 Skittles Night 4th May 2017


Annual Report 2016-2017

After-Work Party & Silent Auction, 2017

Christmas Quiz, 2016

A Walking group meets on a regular basis to walk in the region of Luxembourg City and surrounding areas. Coffee mornings are available each start of a new half term, a small get together to touch base and set the next term’s activities in motion.

Annual Report 2016-2017



Annual Report 2016-2017

Student Achievement

Annual Report 2016-2017


Primary School Academic Achievement

Aside from the termly assessments in Literacy, Numeracy and Science students are also evaluated using standardised assessments on an annual basis. St George’s conducts the Progress Test in English (PTE) and the Progress Test in Maths (PTM).

What is the Progress Test in English (PTE)?

The Progress Test in English is a series of tests of English for students from age five to 14. The tests are differentiated according to age, students are tested from Year 1 to Year 6.

The test for the youngest children comprises a short section that tests phonic knowledge and skills with a reading comprehension exercise based on a single passage.

Children aged six and seven are tested on their English skills and comprehension.

The older Primary students are tested on their English skills (spelling, grammar and punctuation) with a test of reading comprehension based on a narrative and linked non-narrative text.

English, Year 6 (ages 10-11)

% of questions answered correctly by St George’s students compared with the average drawn from 35,000 peers.

St George’s

English Skills: Grammar & Punctuation

English Skills: Spelling

Test Average


Authorial Technique


Reading Comprehension: Narrative








Simple Inference





Reading Comprehension: Non-Narrative



Complex Inference



Students at St George’s scored significantly higher than the standardisation average, despite the large percentage of non-native English speakers.


Annual Report 2016-2017

What is the Progress Test in Maths (PTM)?

The Progress Test in Maths (PTM) is a series of age-appropriate tests to ensure that students are making and maintaining good progress in mathematics. Each test assesses aspects of mathematical skills and knowledge, together with the key process skills of fluency, mathematical reasoning and problem-solving. The PTM series consists of eleven tests: 10 tests covering the age range 5 to 14+ years (Progress Test in Maths 5 to 14), plus an additional test for students aged between 11 and 12 years, which can be used as a transition test on entry to secondary education (Progress Test in Maths 11T). For the youngest children (PTM5, PTM6, PTM7 and PTM8) the teacher reads the questions and the answer options aloud so that the need to read is minimal. PTM8 to PTM14 tests are in two parts: Mental Maths, and Applying and Understanding Maths. Mental Maths questions are timed and played from an audio file (or read by the teacher).

Maths, Year 6 (ages 10-11)

% of questions answered correctly by St George’s students compared with the average drawn from 35,000 peers.

S George’s t

Test Average







Fluency in Conceptual Understanding



Mathematical Reasoning



Problem Solving



Fluency in Facts & Procedures









Ratio and Proportion






Annual Report 2016-2017


Secondary School Academic Achievement Overview

St George’s Secondary school is a caring and supportive learning environment where there are high expectations of all students. The Secondary school has 250 students, small enough to be able to focus on the individual needs of the student, but large enough to offer a broad and balanced academic curriculum. St George’s Curriculum

St George’s International School is proud to offer the National Curriculum for England and Wales. This curriculum prepares our students for their role in an increasingly challenging and rapidly changing world. Students learn in a stimulating, caring and supportive environment where academic excellence is balanced with opportunities for personal development. The National Curriculum leads to IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) examinations which are taken at the age of 16 and then later A Level examinations taken at the age of 18, qualifications recognised and highly valued by universities worldwide. Results 2017

Students at St George’s perform consistently above the UK average. To establish individual learning targets, St George’s also conducts standardised testing.


A/S Level

A2 Level



A/S Level

A2 Level

375 exams taken

91 entries

86 entries

19 subjects

14 subjects

18 subjects

89% A*-C Grades

75% A-C grades

88% A*-C grades

Pass Rate

5+ A*- C Grades

C or above

A*/A Grades
















Pass Rate

C or above

A/B grades1













Pass Rate

C or above

A*/B grades













There is no A* grade available at A/S Level. Therefore the percentages shown represent A/B grades for A/S level exams.


Annual Report 2016-2017

University Destinations 8

students will be attending UK Russell Group1 universities


of all A-levels were

A* - B Grades


students are attending World 50 universities!

The members of the graduating class of 2017 secured places at the following universities: Degree Course


Aerospace Engineering

Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)

Sport and Fitness

Haugetun Folkehøyskole (Norway)

Media and Entertainment Management

Inholland University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)

Politics, Philosophy and Law

King’s College London

Philosophy, Politics and Economics

King’s College London

Business Management

Northumbria University

Criminology and Psychology

Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL)

Ecology and Environment

Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL)

Business and Management

Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL)


University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Aerospace Engineering

University of Bath

Theoretical Physics

University of Durham

Computer Science

University of Edinburgh


University of Exeter

Aerospace Engineering

University of Glasgow

Drama and History

University of Kent


University of Newcastle


University of Oxford

Media and Communications

University of the Arts London (UAL)

Contemporary Media Practice

University of Westminster


University of York


Russell Group universities have huge social, economic and cultural impacts locally, across the UK and around the globe.

The Graduates of Class 2017 I’m going on to study History at the University of Oxford in October as a result of my hard work during my A-level course but also due to the continuous support I received from my teachers. They helped me pursue options I did not even think I had and encouraged me to really achieve my full potential. - Megan, Graduate of 2017

University of Oxford to study History

The last years have gone really well, and the Head of Sixth Form has been really helpful giving us guidance on University choices. Teachers also gave us extra lessons and coursework to help us prepare for our exams. - Emma, Graduate of 2017


Annual Report 2016-2017

University of York to study Law

Teachers were extremely supportive, helped us prepare our personal statements set aside time to help us prepare for the interviews for universities.


University of Glasgow to study Aerospace Engineering

- Arnaud, Graduate of 2017

The teachers at St George’s supported our career choices by being proactive, helpful and motivated. The A-level system allowed for specialisation. University of Durham to study Theoretical Physics

Alex, Graduate of 2017

St George’s provided me with many opportunities. The skills I have learnt, especially from being part of the Sixth Form student leadership team, have helped me tremendously with my career choices. The teachers are excellent in giving unconditional encouragement and support to each individual student, but also guiding us in the right direction in terms of career choices. - Sophie, Graduate of 2017

Inholland University of Applied Sciences to study International Media and Event Management

Annual Report 2016-2017


Alumni Reunion 2017 at the Summer Fayre

Alumni Facebook group

Our Alumni Association

At St George’s we believe that the achievements of our alumni are a tangible reflection of our School. This year, St George’s established an alumni association to connect former students to one another and the School. A new brand identity was created as well as a private Facebook group as a means to stay connected enabling the School to send updates, communicate upcoming events, interesting facts, nostalgic photos and so much more. The alumni have the opportunity to network with each other and to share what they are up to. At St George’s we define an alumn as anyone who has been a student or member of staff at our School.

See what some of our Alumni have to say... I am currently studying hospitality and business management at Hotel School The Hague. St George’s gave me the skills to adapt quickly to my surrounding environment.

- Ida,Graduate Class of 2016


Annual Report 2016-2017

Since graduating from St George’s, I have completed two years of my degree in Aerospace Engineering with a First. - Luca, Graduate Class of 2015

Mrs Duxbury and Mrs Griffiths at the Alumni Stand, 2017

I am back in Luxembourg and will be starting as a Year 4 Teacher at the European School, in September. St George’s gave me great examples of teachers that I can base my own teaching style on.

- Olivia, Graduate Class of 2010


Alumni Reunion 2017 at the Summer Fayre

My biggest achievement since graduating from St George’s is obtaining a First in my BSC Biology, which led me to achieve a scholarship for a PHD in Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Bath.

- YI-Wen, Graduate Class of 2010

St George’s gave me the opportunity to study all the subjects I needed to do well at the university course I wanted to pursue.

- Ru, Graduate Class of 2016

Doing my A-levels, joining the Debate Club and the Global Issues Network (GIN) at St George’s all helped me with my confidence in leading a team and with public speaking. I am currently studying Psychology at the University of Exeter. - Alana, Graduate Class of 2016

Annual Report 2016-2017


Secondary students demonstrating their ballroom dancing skills for all Primary students to see

COBIS Secondary Games

Developing Sportsmanship St George’s provides each and every child of any age the opportunity to develop skills, talents and sportsmanship. Students throughout Primary and Secondary have the chance to compete locally, nationally and internationally in a variety of sporting disciplines. During 2016-2017 there has been an ongoing growth and development of St George’s sporting opportunities; a new running track was put in place for all year groups to utilise, ballroom dancing was implemented in the Physical Education Curriculum alongside many new after-school extracurricular activities. This year we have seen increased enrolment for sporting events and extracurricular activities. Of the 71 clubs offered 23 were for Sport, 5 more than last academic year. Students can choose from a wide variety of different sporting activities after school. Options during the 2016-2017 academic year included football, basketball, ballroom dancing, swimming, sports leadership, martial arts, athletics and yoga. Many after-school activities depend on age and ability level.

Ballroom Dancing

In the academic year 2016-2017, St George’s implemented 8 weeks of Ballroom dancing into the Physical Education Curriculum to help enhance students’ social skills as well as to develop their confidence. Studies in the US suggest that student exposure to dance and other forms of art is linked to improved test scores.

Basketball Trip to Graz

Students in Year 6 to Year 8 travelled to Graz, Austria to represent the School in a unified Basketball tournament. They made the School proud by winning gold and silver medals in their respective competitions. What an impressive achievement!


Annual Report 2016-2017

COBIS Secondary Games

Primary Sports Day

Using the new running track

Benelux Games

Fourteen Year 5 and 6 students travelled to Brussels to take part in an International Schools Football and Netball tournament. The netball team, who had only started to learn the game of netball 4 months previously, played extremely well, winning all the games in their pool. They also won the elimination round games and progressed to the Final, winning second place overall. The football team also played well, winning all of their pool matches going on to win third place overall. The football team only conceded one goal in 6 matches! These games are invaluable experience for the students, they all demonstrated great sportmanship throughout the competitions.

COBIS Secondary Games

This year the Secondary COBIS games were hosted in Sheffield, in May 2017. Twenty-seven schools from seventeen countries came together for three days of intense sport consisting of swimming, athletics and football. St George’s team did well over-all, demonstrating a strong sense of sportsmanship. Taking part in the COBIS games is a privilege for students giving them an excellent opportunity to compete against students across the world in a range of sporting disciplines.

Mérite Jeunesse

The Mérite Jeunesse, also known as the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, is the world’s leading youth achievement award offered to students from Year 9 to 13. There are 3 levels: Bronze Award, Silver Award and Gold Award and each award is comprised of four sections in the areas of Community Service, Skill Development, Physical Recreation, Expeditions and, for the Gold Award only, a Residential Project. Expeditions this year have included Bronze expeditions around Echternach and Clervaux, a Silver expedition took place around Troisvierges and a Gold expedition around Interlaken, Switzerland. In these expeditions students work together in small groups, demonstrating their teamwork, communication, campcraft and navigation skills.

The COBIS Games experience is such a fantastic one for the kids, one which will remain with our son for life. [The Teachers’] relaxed and supportive approach with the team was perfect. - A St George’s Parent

Annual Report 2016-2017


Year 1

Sixth Form Exam Work

St George’s Art Exhibition 2017

The Arts

Students from Nursery to Year 13 are granted a lot of creative freedom in their artwork. In the older years the students are involved in projects in which they have the freedom to express their own individual creativity. St George’s Annual Art exhibition is a fantastic opportunity for students to display an abundance of originality conveying all the hard work they have put into their work throughout the academic year. This event provides an ideal occasion for students, teachers, parents and friends to admire and discuss the creative arts in a supportive and positive environment.


Music is an important part of school life at St George’s – not only does the School offer A Level options in both Music and Music Technology, it also provides younger students with opportunities to practise and perform to a high standard. This year the applications for music lessons increased significantily, St George’s provided 182 music lessons per term, almost double the amount from the previous year. Out of the top three instruments played, 92 out of 172 students attend piano lessons, 27 students have guitar, bass or ukulele lessons and 15 students are learning to play the drums. The level of musical talent at St George’s is exceptionally high. In October 2016, the school formed a Jazz Combo comprised of a drummer, a pianist, a bassist, a flute player and a bari-saxophonist. In June 2017, the Jazz Combo were honoured to be invited to perform at the Queen’s Birthday party hosted at the British Ambassador’s residence. In Autumn 2016, an Intermediate Wind Ensemble was formed, students who achieve a high level in this Ensemble can request to join the Jazz Combo. A Beginners Wind Ensemble is also available for those who have had at least one year of lessons or a recommendation. AMIS This year students in Secondary have been to a number of events organised by AMIS, Association for Music in International Schools. AMIS is dedicated to promoting excellence at all levels of music education. The non-profit organisation provides and supports professional development through practical teacher and student workshops and organises music festivals for students to perform at. St George’s Choirs Students have the opportunity to join the Primary Choir, the newly formed Secondary Choir, Ensembles and bands. Since the opening of the Zinnen building in September 2016, St George’s can offer its students a fantastic new Auditorium seating over 320 people, acoustically designed music rooms, recording studios. During the year 20162017, the Primary school hosted it’s first ever Choir Day welcoming a selection of schools from around Benelux. It was a fantastic opportunity for students and teachers to learn from one another, see different techniques and showcase their talents all under one roof. 40

Annual Report 2016-2017

St George’s Art Exhibition 2017

St George’s Art Exhibition 2017

Performing Arts

St George’s Drama Department is thriving, the school offers an after-school Speech and Drama course in conjunction with the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA); Primary school participants take exams of their acting and improvisation skills at the end of the course. The results of these exams were outstanding, with the vast majority of students receiving merits and distinctions. The students are taught a range of skills including performance and presentation skills, interpretive skills and technical skills.


2016-2017 was a very successful year for the St George’s Debating Club. A brand new team of six Year 12 to 13 students represented the School at the annual COBIS World Debating Championships held in Malaga, Spain. Sixteen COBIS schools from all over Europe, the Middle East, South America and Asia competed in this prestigious competition. The team performed exceptionally well and were only defeated in one debate at the Quarter Final stage of the competition. The Debate club gives students life skills, it provides students with the confidence to express their opinions clearly in public, learn multi-faceted knowledge across many disciplines inside and outside of academic subjects and develop the ability to articulate balanced, informed arguments.

One of my best experiences at school so far was going to the COBIS World debating trip! I really gained a lot on the trip, not just public speaking skills but also socialising with people that had similar interests to me and a multitude of views on politics and society.

- Mykola Head boy, 2017 Media

2016-17 saw a busy year in Media Studies, starting with integrating a new suite of Apple Mac computers. Year 11 students were fortunate enough to visit the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) office in London during their school trip in September, and students attended a film festival which gave several Media students the opportunity to interview the British and Irish Ambassadors and the chance to network with people within the film industry. Towards the end of the term, Year 11, 12 and 13 Media students spent a day at the Centre Marienthal, a government-backed facility giving students the opportunity to access a professional ‘green screen’ studio that helped further polish their music videos and film openings. The media students finish the year with a huge screening event showcasing all their hard work achieved thoughout the year.

The Arts Scholarship

St George’s newly implemented Scholarship for the Arts has been a great success enabling the Art Department to work closely with St George’s community to create events to raise money. During the academic year 2016-2017 €2,365 was raised for the Arts Scholarship which will be awarded to students who show exceptional diligence, dedication and excellence in their chosen artistic field during the next academic year. The Scholarship will aid students in the development of their careers in the arts through the provision of professional instruments or by funding enrichment courses for the arts. Annual Report 2016-2017



Annual Report 2016-2017

School Development

Annual Report 2016-2017


COBIS Accreditation

During the academic year 2016-2017, St George’s officially became one of the first British International schools overseas to be granted the COBIS Patron’s Accredited Member status.

We were very pleased to be approached by COBIS to work with them as one of the trial schools of the new accreditation scheme and we wish the new scheme all the success in promoting high-quality British international education worldwide. - Dr C. Barkei, Principal

As of the 1st April 2017, The Council of British International Schools (COBIS) released a brand new external validation system that is designed to support whole school improvement and development. The scheme works on a five year cycle and is available to both COBIS members and other British Schools overseas. According to COBIS the scheme ‘is rooted in self-evaluation with professional validation from expertly trained and informed peer school improvement partners and peer accreditors’.

Successful Member of the

Patron’s Accreditation & Compliance Scheme

St George’s agreed to participate in the initial pilot accreditation programme, not only because it was an honour to be approached by the largest educational association of international British schools overseas, but also because the accreditation strongly aligns with the School’s values, providing St George’s with the opportunity to demonstrate its educational excellence.


Achieving potential through challenge and care.

rollupbanner_2017.indd 6


Annual Report 2016-2017

06/06/2017 14:34:29

Year 12, course work Annual Report 2016-2017 45

Parent Feedback

We are extremely grateful to St George’s for everything our child has learned: A positive approach to life, an open mentality, a modern study method with modern content - surely an education that will help him for life!

We have thoroughly enjoyed the four years we have spent at St George's and will greatly miss the community. Our child has flourished at the school, in no small part due to the excellent and caring staff and administration. Thank you.

- Former St George’s Parent

- Former Parent, Leaving Questionnaire


Congratulations on this new format which I think is not only effective but time saving.

of leavers agree their child was happy at St George’s

- Current Parent, commenting on the new digital welcome packs

Leavers Survey 2016-2017 0%











I found it easy to approach class teachers if I had a concern or question I felt I was well informed about my child/rens' progress in school The school and staff enabled my child/ren to achieve high academic standards in their work I feel the level of work to be completed at home was age appropriate School Management handled any complaints that I voiced well The school encourages and achieves high standards of student behaviour I feel that there is a high level of care given to students I feel that we gave a good level of support to our child/ren and to the staff through participation in school life, parent teacher meetings, information meetings I would be happy to recommend St George’s to friends or colleagues My child/ren have been happy at St George’s Strongly Agree


Annual Report 2016-2017



Strongly Disagree



School Services School Canteen

The St George’s canteen

The School offers a canteen service to all its students and staff. The meals are prepared on-site daily offering a wide range of healthy dishes that suit a variety of tastes. Desserts consist of fruit and yogurt with the occasional delicious treat thrown in as a surprise. The salad bar proves to be very popular amongst all the year groups, and students can supplement their warm meal with a variety of raw vegetables and mixed salads.


Students leaving by school bus on an average afternoon

In addition, the School caterer offers sandwiches as an alternative option for students who prefer a cold lunch, with orders possible on a weekly or daily basis. As the number of students grows, so does the number of lunches served – the canteen served 77,100 hot lunches to hungry students, approximately 1,800 more than the previous year.

School Buses I’m amazed that my children are now eating vegetables! Thank you. - Current St George’s Parent

After-school Care/Homework

Fun Club is always in high demand and the School does its best to accommodate children in Reception – Year 6 who are in need of after-school care. Five extremely popular Fun Clubs were offered to 106 students during the 2016-2017 school year. Secondary Homework Club was also very well utilised by students in Key Stage 3. Study Halls for Key Stage 4 and 5 students also continued to run, however, a number of students preferred to revise at home. The School always encourages students to participate in Study Halls as a way to receive additional teacher support with their homework.

As the demand for buses continues to grow the School works hard to improve its service every year. The School continues to offer buses to the following areas: Bertange, Canach/ Moutfort/Sandweiler, Kirchberg and Fentange/ Hesperange/Bonnevoie. During the 20162017 school year St George’s added two larger buses for the Kirchberg and Canach/ Moutfort/Sandweiler routes. Approximately 248 of the School’s 621 families utilised the bus service during the 2016-2017 school year, which is 40% of families. An average of 120 students take the bus on a given morning and 128 students take the bus in the afternoon.

Annual Report 2016-2017


Information Technology The use of technology in the classroom has the potential to enable teachers to deliver transformational learning opportunities. The use of iPads, whiteboards and interactive table tops continue to support learning by producing excellent outcomes for students of all ages.

School App Survey

During the academic year 2016-2017 a survey was sent out to parents asking whether they would benefit from a school app if it was used as a primary means of communication.

82% stated they would be very likely to use it. 13% responded that they would be likely to use it. 1% were unsure. 4% said they would be unlikely to use it.

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 has been gradually introduced to the school in order to enhance classroom and school collaboration. Over the course of the academic year 2017-2018 Microsoft Office 365 will be fully implemented; Group Spaces, Staff Portal and some lesson plans will be all operated in Microsoft Office 365.




Nowadays it is considered a standard procedure to provide a means to protect students and staff from possible emergency situations. This year St George’s implemented a new security communication system to protect our students and staff in the unlikely event of an emergency.


Annual Report 2016-2017

St George’s is investigating potential apps to launch in 2017-2018 to facilitate smooth communication from the School to the parents, accomodating their needs as much as possible.

Social Media

St George’s also has the responsibility of ensuring that students are appropriately engaged with the digital world. Students across all age ranges are taught about the dangers of social media and are given guidance on how to avoid being compromised online. In 2016-2017 St George’s implemented primary and wholeschool Twitter accounts, which have been a very effective way of engaging parents, keeping them up to date with their child’s daily activities, achievements and much more.

Technology enhancing Teaching


The use of technology in the classroom is transforming the face of education for the better. Teachers are implementing more and more iPads into their teaching. In Primary there are approximately 60 iPads available for students to use during their lessons. Secondary have 20 iPads and each faculty have iPads for general use. We believe that having iPads available in the classroom offer our teaching staff more diverse methods of delivering instruction and engaging students.

A Tale Unfolds

A Tale Unfolds provided workshops for all of our Primary students. These workshops are a perfect example of how the use of technology can radically improve literacy skills in the classroom. Students created a storyline, acted it out and filmed the production entirely on their iPads.

Whiteboards and Interactive Table Tops in EYFS

This year all Early Years Foundation Stage classrooms received an interactive whiteboard as well as state-ofthe-art touch sensitive interactive table tops.

Annual Report 2016-2017



This year Primary students were introduced to NAO, a small robot. Nao enhances opportunities in the classroom by making learning more fun and interactive. NAO captures the students’ attention through personalised lessons which are motivating and engaging. The interface is very easy to use and has an inbuilt progress tracker which can monitor progress through data collection and graphs.

Student Digital Leaders

The new auditorium has opened up opportunities for students to get more involved backstage. The auditorium has a tech room and with the appropriate training, selected Secondary students have mastered the technique to control the lighting and sound backstage for their own performances. The Primary school introduced the new concept of Digital Leaders, where students learn how to control the tech room using the different lighting effects, sound effects, curtain control, etc. Primary students have been filming scenes and taking photographs around school then putting these together to create backdrops for performances. They also know how to compile and display the opening and closing credits for shows. The auditorium’s tech room gives students a real insight into what it is actually like working ‘behind the scenes’.

International Olympiad in Informatics

Alex, one of our Secondary students represented Luxembourg in the International Olympiad in Informatics. The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is an annual international informatics competition for Secondary school students from various invited countries, accompanied by social and cultural programmers. The 29th International Olympiad took place in Tehran. The fact that Alex won the initial entry competitions and was invited to represent Luxembourg in the finals in Tehran was an incredible achievement in itself. Alex will be going on to study Theoretical Physics at the University of Durham in September 2017.

St George’s takes pride in all the accomplishments achieved during 2016-2017 and is even more excited about the year ahead. We look forward to taking on the challenge of ensuring our technology supports the learning of each and every student.


Annual Report 2016-2017

Ecological School Secondary Environmental Initiatives

The School Parliament implemented an Eco committee to help raise awareness of the impact the School has on the environment. Meetings were set up with the Senior Management Team to discuss ways in which the School can improve its carbon footprint. This year has been extremely productive, a ‘Let’s Get It Sorted’ poster demonstrating how to use the recycling bins was designed and distributed around the school. Charity collection points at the Reception Desk were encouraged, signs to remind staff to turn off lights, printers and whiteboards were reinforced in each classroom and in all the staffrooms.

Reducing Paper

Once a term the St George’s IT department sends out a summary of staff’s printing habits in order to make them think twice before printing. The report shows the amount of trees consumed, CO2 produced and how much energy was used in relation to lightbulb hours. These reports have put printing into the forefront of our staff’s minds.

St George’s Eco Club

In the attempt to encourage the School to become more environmentally friendly, St George’s has introduced an after-school Eco Club aimed towards in Years 3-6 (Key Stage 2) students. The club includes learning about energy saving, measuring rainfall, coming up with innovative ways to re-use water, highlighting the need for saving energy, recycling initiatives and encouraging wildlife into the school grounds, to name but a few.

Annual Report 2016-2017



Annual Report 2016-2017


Annual Report 2016-2017


Finance January - December 2016 Transfer from stability fund 0.8%

Income Government subsidies 28.3% Tuition & Fees 70.7%

Like all international schools, St George’s relies on tuition fees as its main source of income. However the School also benefits from the generous support of the Luxembourg Ministry of Education. The amount of assistance received for operating costs varies each year and is proportionate to the number of students in the School. Further details on the amount of subsidy received can be found on page 57 of this report.

Furniture, Equipment 5.4%

Other 3.3%

Buildings 8.7% Educational Expenses 7.2%


Great staff make for a great school – that is why salaries and related personnel costs account for the main expenditures of the School, followed by educational expenses.


Annual Report 2016-2017

Salaries 75.4%


Summary of Income and Expenditure Accounts (January - December 2016 (EUR)) Jan-Dec 2016

Jan-Dec 2015

Jan-Dec 2014

Net Tuition/Application Fees + Ancillary Activities




Frais de Scolarité/Admission et Activités Annexes

Subsidies from the Luxembourg Ministry of Education




Subventions du Ministère de l’Education Luxembourg




Fonds levés par les parents

Transfer from Stability Fund




Transfert du Fonds de Roulement

Other Income (2)


- 723


Autres Produits






Jan-Dec 2016

Jan-Dec 2015

Jan-Dec 2014





Salaires et Frais Liés

Educational Expenses




Matériel Didactique

Buildings (Utilities, Maintenance, Sports Facilities, etc)




Immeubles (Entretien, etc)

Furniture + Equipment (including IT)




Mobilier et Equipement (y compris Informatique)

Other Expenses




Autres Charges






Parents Fundraising - Net (1)

EXPENDITURE Salaries + Related Expenses



Notes : The School’s 2016 accounts were audited and approved by Luxembourg Government in March 2017. (1)

The accumulated net amount raised by parents (€1,855) is ring-fenced and planned to be used in 2017.


The Other Income includes both the Income and the Expenses linked with the Erasmus project.

Annual Report 2016-2017



Balance Sheet as of December 31st, 2016 (EUR) 31st Dec 2016


31st Dec 2015

31st Dec 2014







Buildings and Equipment (Net Cost)




Bâtiments et Equipement (Coût Net)






CURRENT ASSETS Accounts Receivable




Comptes Clients




Subventions à Recevoir




Autres Créances

Bank - Stability Fund Account




Banque - “Fonds de Réserve”

Bank - Building Fund Accounts

see below

see below


Banque - Comptes “Building Fund”


see below


Banque - Comptes d’Epargne et Courants















Subsidy Receivable Other Current Assets

Bank - Current Accounts Petty Cash



EQUITY Retained Earnings


- 151,506

- 151,506

Report à Nouveau




Résultat Exercice

Stability Fund




Fonds de Réserve









Refundable Deposits




Cautions Remboursables

Accounts Payable




Comptes Fournisseurs




Prod. constatés d’avance

Other Current Liabilities




Autres Charges à Payer

Bank - Building Fund Accounts



see above

Banque - “Comptes Building Fund”

Bank - Current/Savings Accounts

see above


see above

Banque - “Comptes d'Epargne et Courants”











Current Year Profit/(Loss)


Prêts à Long-terme


Prepaid Tuition Fees


Annual Report 2016-2017


Luxembourg Government Subsidy Law

The School receives three types of subsidy that have been in force since January 1st, 2004: 1. Per student subsidy to support annual operating expenditure for all students age 3+ on September 1st. These amounts for 2016 were: Primary students €3,463 Secondary students €6,991 The law does not allow for the subsidy to permit the School to make a surplus. If a loss is made, the Government does not provide any further support. However, negotiations with the Government have resulted in approval for a Stability Fund. Contributions to this Stability Fund are invoiced as a separate item to parents and the amounts received are held in a separate bank account. If the school suffers a loss, the amount of the loss can be recovered from this Stability Fund. The Stability Fund is now capped by the law to 50% of the salaries and related charges in 2012. 2. Maintenance subsidy up to a % of the standard government cost per m³ for school buildings. For maintenance of building infrastructure only. The School started to receive this Subsidy in 2010. Since 2014, the maintenance subsidy has amounted to 1% of the standard cost per m³ for school buildings. 3. Building subsidy covering up to 80% of Government-approved quotes for buildings.


Stability Fund Bank Account

Transfers into, and out of, the account (EUR):


Amounts In















































Annual Report 2016-2017



Building Fund Bank Accounts

Building Fund contributions have been in operation since 2003. The account has two principal uses. First, it provides a short-term credit facility for the financing of any building. Once the total cost of the new building, net of Government subsidy payments, has been finalised, the net cost of the building may be transferred to a long-term loan. The repayments on this loan are then financed by drawings on the Building Fund. Transfers into, and out of, the account (EUR): EUR

Amounts In

Paid for Constructions



































- 3,819,857

- 223,863

- 2,314,047







Budget Jan-Dec 2017 (EUR)


Jan-Dec 2017


Net Tuition/Application Fees + Ancillary Activities


Frais de Scolarité/Admission et Activités Annexes

Subsidies from the Luxembourg Ministry of Education


Subventions du Ministère de l’Education Luxembourg

Parents Fundraising - Net


Fonds levés par les parents

Transfer from Stability Fund


Transfert du Fonds de Roulement


Autres Produits






Salaries + Related Expenses


Salaires et Frais Liés

Educational Expenses


Matériel Didactique

Buildings (Utilities, Maintenance, Sports Facilities, etc)


Immeubles (Entretien, etc)

Furniture + Equipment (including IT)


Mobilier et Equipement (y compris Informatique)

Other Expenses


Autres Charges






Christopher Cheesman, Chairman of the Board of Governors Annual General Meeting, June 15th 2017


Annual Report 2016-2017

Annual Report 2016-2017


Achieving potential through challenge and care.

St George’s International School, Luxembourg ASBL 11, rue des Peupliers L-2328 Luxembourg Phone: +352 42 32 24 Fax: +352 42 32 34 E-mail:

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