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Lot ST Clarity 95843
• Due 6/3/23 to
• Featuring a daughter of the headlining ST Genetics donor selling as Lot 10, Momentum 1287, sired by the proven and now-deceased ST Genetics roster member, Clarity.
• Full sisters to Lot 11 include: Clarity 95779, selling to Butz-Hill for $7,500 in the 2022 ST Genetics LiveOnline™ Sale; and Clarity 95870 selling to ButzHill for $6,000 in that same offering.
ST Greater Good 1055 [AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF-OHF-OSF-RDF]
Lot G A R Method N1078
• Greater Good 1055 is currently the ONLY non-parent female in the breed with her combination of CED, BW, WW, YW, SC, HP, PAP, CW, Marb., RE, $B and $C.
• Greater Good 1055 is a powerful growth prospect sired by proven ST Genetics roster member, Greater Good and produced by the foundation Rita in the ST Genetics donor program, Daylight 9224. • The dam of Lot 12 posts a BR 3@95, a WR 3@99 and a YR 2@100 while showing ultrasound ratios IMF 22@102 and REA 22@102.
• A maternal sister sells as Lot 40. • Due 10/21/23 to Connealy Commerce.
• Method N1078 is a proven and productive foundation ST Genetics donor and blends the featured female sire, Method with a dam who combines the proven maternal of Sunrise and the Marb. of the 44 Farms sire, Ambush 28.
• Method N1078 posts a WR 1@102 while showing ultrasound ratios IMF 5@110 and REA 5@100. The dam of Lot 13 records a BR 1@98 and a WR 1@107 while carrying an ultrasound REA ratio 5@106. A daughter sells as Lot 14.
• Has a 3/23/23 heifer calf, Lot 13A, by Connealy Craftsman.