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We have been delighted to hear news and tales of alumnae from royal appointments to braving the elements. We have shared a couple of these below, and warmly encourage any other stories or snippets of good news to be sent our way.
Class of 1984 and Former Head Girl
We want to recognise and congratulate former Head Girl Shona Haldane, who was installed as a Senator of the College of Justice on 22nd February 2021. This appointment is made by Her Majesty the Queen on the recommendation of the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon. Shona gains the title of The Honourable Lady Haldane. Prior to this appointment, she spent 24 years at the Bar as an Advocate, including nearly 11 years as a Q.C.
Class of 1960
Earlier this year, lockdown spirits were lifted in the UK with the arrival of snow and sledges, and many donned skis and skates. Here in Edinburgh, there were people ski touring through the Pentlands, sledging on every golf course in town and even ice skating in Inverleith. We loved receiving the pictures of Jenny Cook reliving many skating days of her youth on the frozen-over pond at Inverleith Park. In a pair of vintage ice skates she took to the pond for hours, enticing some of her grandchildren to join her and see what fun could be had on the ‘rink’ next to her house. Jenny’s enthusiasm and impressive skating skills were captured for posterity in The Edinburgh Evening News too!
Reunion events are currently on hold at the time of writing but please visit the foundation network to keep up to date with news of school and virtual events www.foundation.stge.org.uk/events The OGA AGM will be held virtually on Thursday 3 June at 6.30pm. Please contact us if you’d like to join the meeting.