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Respect the Contract Chapel beyond the sermon

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Building a Mystery

By Libbie Davis

Illustration by Kate Winstead


When a school follows a certain religion or set of religious ideas, it can spark backlash within its community. There is often a discussion of if it’s fair to the students who may not follow said religion or those who feel forced into it, especially when the school incorporates it into everyday life.

When reading the school’s mission statement, it states that “St. George’s Independent School is an Episcopal school dedicated to the pursuit of excellence…[through] an inclusive learning community that nurtures outstanding academic achievement, relationships, leadership and character reinforced by Judeo-Christian values.”

Our school incorporates worship into our lives once a week through a chapel service. However, there are students who might question if that should be required to attend.

As an Episcopal private school, the school itself has a right to establish a religion within the school and to expect their students to respect that. When someone chooses to attend St. George’s, they choose to follow the guidelines that align with the school’s beliefs. Part of that means attending chapel. It’s not out of line to expect students to attend chapel once a week for 30 minutes.

Some students might see attending chapel as being disrespectful to those who don’t follow Christianity. While that could be the case at some private schools, St. George’s makes an effort to be inclusive in the way they worship. On October 11th, a rabbi came and spoke about Judaism’s high holy days and the choir sang a Jewish hymn to honor his being there.

Chapel is valued by the St. George’s community in a lot of ways. Worship is sacred in every religious setting, and the faculty of St. George’s does its best to keep it that way. The beneficial aspects of chapel are important to understand and respect. For some people, our once a week service may be the only time they have during their week to worship.

The intentions the school has when it comes to making chapel a school wide expectation are not nefarious. It is likely that they simply want to strengthen the students’ faith and give them a break from all the chaos of school.

It’s understandable that students who don’t follow Christianity may be uncomfortable during chapel, but they and their families made an agreement to respect that guideline when they chose to be a part of our community. It has never been a secret that worship is a big part of our everyday lives on campus.

It’s a respect that goes both ways. The school itself respects that not everyone agrees with Episcipalian views, and they adapt to it as best they can. Those same people have to understand that faith is what our school is built on. It clearly says so on our website for everyone to read before they decide to attend here.

There’s a set of values that St. George’s was built on, and there’s a set of expectations that the school has set for their students. When you choose to attend our school, you choose to respect those values, and to respect the system behind it. You also choose to attend chapel once a week.

It’s fair for our school to make chapel mandatory, all things considered. When a school is founded with certain principles and values, the students and families who choose to attend it also agree to respect those principles and values. It’s not that anyone is trying to make students with other religious beliefs uncomfortable in chapel, it’s that they are upholding the faith instilled in the school and the faith students chose to respect from day one.

OPINION POLICY: The Lodge opinion section is a venue for the free expression of the student views at St. George’s Independent School. The opinions represented in this section are those of the authors alone and do not nessesarily reflect those of the Lodge staff or of the St. George’s community at large. The Lodge strives to be an open forum for the thoughtful and deliberate exchange of comment and criticism and therefore welcomed letters to the editor. Letters to the editor will be printed in the opinion section of the newspaper, should not exceed 300 words and must be signed amd accompanied by a verifiable email address. These letters will not be printed if the content is judged obscene, violates the privacy of others or encourages physical disruption of school activities.

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