Gryphon Gazette 2011-12, Issue 6

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The Newspaper of St. George’s Independent School

The May 2012

Gryphon Gazette

Volume X, Issue VI

Reflecting on the Class of 2012

Photo By: Trish Dianetti

Memorable Moments of the Graduating Class Zoe Leake ’14 Dagny Vaughn’14

Every class, no matter which school or what year, leaves memories when they go. The class of 2012 is no exception, with its many genuine scholars, comedians, and athletes. At the Gazette, we thought it important to give the teachers one last chance to brag on them or embarrass them before the seniors pack up and head to college Dr. Cort Casey’s sophomore English class has been known to be quite the interesting experience. Although he has moved on to other endeavors in his life, he jumped at the opportunity to share his favorite memorable moments of the class of 2012. “John Marc Shelly put his casted leg through a three feet tall, forty-pound glass vase that I had kept our classroom fish in. Glass shattered, gravel spewed forth, Hayden Tupman cried. It was mass chaos on a Chernobyl level,” he says. When was it not mass chaos in that classroom? “Once, while reading about Grendel slaughtering thirty Danish warriors, Albert Cantu let slip a giggle. Immediately after the ‘he he

he’ slipped out, Albert’s face of the lion who scares off returned to that all-too-fa- Thisbe and who chews on her miliar look of Celtic stoicism dropped veil, leaving it blood that is carved in granite,” Dr. stained. Stephen played the Casey recalled lion so well that he totally In a heatupstaged ed moment “Dr. Cort Casey’s sophomore the maof journal jor charwriting that English class has been known a c t e r s same year, to be quite the interesting ex- and stole Rachel Mc- perience.” the scene Neill broke f r o m the still silence of writing them. I never saw Stephen one day with “I AM SWAMP as a quiet student after that GIRL!” and was soon thereaf- day,” he says. You never know ter visited by Mrs. Bran. how the experience of acting Dr. Casey also takes pride will change a person! in his ability to bring the Often Mr. McGraw found man out of his students: “I himself in the position of corremember Andrew King tak- recting the unruly behavior ing his first step in my class of Drew Bishop when he was early one August morning. in the seventh grade. EvBy the end of the year, he eryone deserves a little love was eating solid foods and and appreciation once and a could say ‘Mama’, ‘Dadda’, while, though. and ‘Beowulf ’. Now that is “On Drew’s birthday, I elesome solid teaching!” he said. vated Mr. Bishop to the temMr. Patrick McGraw let us porary status of Cardinal-forlook deeper into the senior the-day in my Church of the class by telling us stories Coach Potato. Drew got to about them in middle school wear my Cardinal’s baseball English and Language Arts. cap all day in class because “Stephen Hayden was a I typed up an official-looking quiet seventh-grade English proclamation that he could student who amazed me with show his other teachers,” he his acting skills one day in said. class when we were reading A Other students needed only Midsummer Night’s Dream. an assignment to achieve Stephen had the minor role optimal performance, like

“Also,” Mr. Culley added, Duncan Monger. “Duncan impressed me with his initia- “when Terry was in kindertive on his seventh-grade re- garten, every time he would search project. He wrote his walk into the classroom he paper on Joe Theismann and would announce, ‘HEY I’M found a way to interview Mr. TERRY AND I’M FROM Theismann at his home in THE COUNTRY.’ Country Germantown. Duncan made accent included.” Skipping ahead a few a DVD of the interview which he donated to the McClain years, Mr. Culley took the time to share Eleazer’s and Library,” he says. Mr. McGraw also reflected Michael Brasher’s Aztec Rap on a sixth-grade Sophie Ken- video in which Brasher did nedy staring wide-eyed as the worm across the hood of he collected manure for his a car. In a moment of weakgarden from her parents’ ness, Mr. Culley also admitted his, and barn, so obviother ously wonder- “HEY, I’M TERRY the f a c u l t y ing what some AND I’M FROM THE m e m b e r s ’ , crazy teacher appreciation could want COUNTRY.” for Amanda with such a disgusting substance as ma- Bennett’s Twitter feed “funny things Jennifer Lincoln nure. Mr. J.P. Culley knows that says,” as well as any time teachers’ stories about Terry Lincoln opens her mouth. Mrs. Kristi Schultz dubbed Eleazer could take up this whole article. “When Terry the year of teaching this class was just starting out at SGIS “the year of the most broken — about Junior Kindergar- lab equipment” and shared ten — he had an extreme ob- that at their sophomore session with pirates. In the lock-in, Mr. Luther Mercer junior kindergarten room, dressed up like Santa. He there is a loft, and during the proceeded to fall asleep and day Terry would climb up to nobody could find him for the the top of the loft with an eye rest of the night. patch on and act like a pirate, even though he looks nothing Continued on pg. 7 like Johnny Depp.


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Changing of the Guard SOPHIE

Dear St. George’s Community,

Here I am. I am graduating. I wear a new badge of independence and I carry a new weight of responsibility. It’s all up to me now. I hate to admit it, but I am scared. The newness is overwhelming. The starting over is nervewracking. I worry about not being smart enough, or brave enough. As I sit and worry that I’m not ready for this incredible, once-in-a-lifetime chance, I hear the chorus of sometimes nagging, occasionally frustrated, usually kind, and often inspiring voices in the back of my head. No, I don’t mean to say that St. George’s has lit- inspire, persuade, and that they are right; I can erally driven me crazy; lead, I wholeheartedly do anything. though there have been believed him and have See, I was listening; times I thought growing since tried to emulate his I was paying attention. up here would. I mean, philosophy. And now, I couldn’t be instead, that you, the When Mr. Adcock gave more grateful that you many members of this me a copy of Ralph Waldo kept me on track, not only community, have shared Emerson’s essay “Self- nurturing values within your unique and remark- Reliance,” I studied it me, but showing me what able gifts with me and and found myself trying those values look like. I taught me invaluable les- “in the midst of a crowd, couldn’t be more appresons, lessons that steady [to] keep the perfect ciative that you supportmy voice, lift my chin, sweetness of solitude.” ed me, challenged me, straighten my shoulders, When my parents, demanded that I be a perand guide my life. Parke and Joe, first son of whom I am proud. I know deep down in- shared “The Little EnWell done; you have side that I am filled my proverbial ready, because “Somewhere, sometime tool box with practical I know that during the last eighteen knowledge and powwithin me, I erful wisdom. Though carry each of years, things shifted. I assure you it is quite these lessons, I grew up.” well stocked, it is not and that these yet full. But now it’s lessons have prepared me gine that Could” with up to me. well and made me strong. my little self, they began Somewhere, sometime In the fifth grade, Mr. their lifelong mission during the last eighteen Taylor sent home a let- to teach, convince, even years, things shifted; I ter quoting Aristotle: “We brainwash me, into be- grew up. And now it is are what we repeatedly lieving that I can do it; my job to make sure that do; excellence then, is not I can do anything; I can my tool box stays full and an act but a habit.” I read do everything. Their un- gets fuller, to find people it, and I never forgot it. breakable, unwavering who can add to it, to take When Mr. Duff dem- confidence in me carried on experiences which will onstrated, through his me through when my enhance it. It is a lot of every conversation, his own confidence in myself responsibility, yes, but every action, that the cul- broke down. Their belief don’t worry, you have pretivation of enthusiasm in me, my gifts, and my pared me well. is by far the best way to future has convinced me To all those who have

Gryphon Gazette

Copy Editors

Sophie Kennedy

Regan Hewitt

Nathalie Vacheron

Virginia Whitsitt

Features Editor Dagny Vaughn Zoe Leake

May 2012

Best Wishes, Sophie Kennedy Editor-in-Chief 2011-2012 P.S. To Nathalie, the future Editor-in-Chief of the Gryphon Gazette, I pass on the lessons I have learned. Pursue excellence in all you do; cultivate enthusiasm in those who challenge you as well as those who support you; do not allow the world to change you, but go into the world always as yourself; and lastly, know, beyond any doubt, that whatever you seek to do, you are capable of, it is only a question of your desire and your willingness to pour the whole of yourself into your pursuit. Good luck.

Layout Editor

Photo Editors

Samer Istanbouli

Opinion Editor Emily Dickey

made me who I am today, I promise, I will not let you down. As a dear old friend, “The Little Engine that Could,” has said, “I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.” Now, I know I can.

Alexis Harshbarger

Hello St. George’s community, There are many more sophisticated and elegant words to use to describe the enduring and eventful 2011-2012 school year, yet only one simple, encompassing word penetrates my mind: wow. For me, this word covers every spectrum of this year, ranging from “Wow, the Gryphons took home two state championships!” to “Wow, I really regret subjecting myself to the woes of taking honors pre-calculus.” I’m sure we’ve all had euphoric moments that accompany various academic, athletic, or extracurricular achievements this school year. I’m also sure we’ve experienced various lows, afflictions, and disappointments that result from falling short of goals we’ve set for ourselves. Now is the time to look back on these moments and appreciate them — appreciate the good memories, and appreciate the ones you learn from. This is the time of our lives when we need to cherish the fleeting moments of youth that we will one day reflect on with nostalgia. This is the time of our lives when we

Advisor Margaret Robertson

Samer Istanbouli

Sports Editor

Student Life Editor

Ian John

Meredith Gatlin

need to collect wisdom from the faults and shortcomings that we will one day reflect on with bittersweet gratefulness. I am fully aware that the words I am about to impart unto you are utterly generic and painfully cliché, but as there is a time and place for everything, these words ring true in the context of this editorial. Next year is a new year, and an incredible opportunity to act upon the “new year, new you” philosophy. The whole summer, though only a wistful eight weeks in length, stretches before you like a neatly-spread picnic blanket. Among the threading of the picnic blanket are hidden opportunities for you to seize — if you take the initiative. Whether your summer is checkered with trips, camps, college visits, work, or other plans, you have the power and time to decide what next year is going to be like for you. You want to be a better soccer player? Go out and practice. You want to be a better student? Be thorough in your summer work. You want to get more involved in extracurricular activities? Plan ahead — be proactive. When summer is over, you can fold up your picnic blanket feeling suntanned and satiated. That golden glow will give you confidence for all of your endeavors, and that yummy satisfaction will have you energized to hurdle over any obstacles that may loom before you. So as the school year draws to an end, and as summer playfully glints in the distance, I encourage you to treasure your memories and get ready to make some new ones. Pack up your picnic basket and prepare yourself for a relaxing, yet productive summer so you can be the very best you can be when August rolls back around. Sincerely, Nathalie Vacheron Editor-in-Chief 2012-2013

Gryphon Gazette




St. George’s Independent School


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Spread your wings, the future beckons

Photo By: Samer Istanbouli ’13 Albert Cantu ’12

My mother asked me the other day if I could believe that the year was almost over, to which I responded with an unintelligible grunt. However, the question also got me thinking. I’ve gone to school with the same people for fourteen years. I’ve made intimate friendships with the vast majority of my classmates, and met people whom I’ll keep in contact with for the rest of my life. Sometimes it makes me

quake with anxiety about leaving it all behind next year. But after long, sleepless nights and countless pencils snapped out of rage and fear, I’ve come to the realization that our leaving is only the end of a very small part of our lives. More importantly, our leaving is the beginning of the rest of our lives. Personally, I’ve had anxiety about leaving my very close friends because

they’re going to school in the far-flung regions of the country. If you’re like me and find people you actually like, you want to hold on to them. I realized that it’s so easy nowadays to stay in touch with people who are meaningful to you. All it requires is a little effort. I’m also looking forward to all of the new friends I’ll make in college, and how I will soon be surrounded by brand new people whom I can relate to and who I

can form bonds with. If you fall, all you have to Anxiety was replaced do is get up again.” I’d like with excitement as I be- to believe that the sentigan to view my imminent ment is true, and I’ll soon departure as a positive in- put it to the test. stead of a Finalnegative. “I’ve come to the realization ly, I’d I began just like that our leaving is only the to think to say end of a very small part of of all the that I’ve i n c r e d - our lives.” t h o rible, new oughly things that I would learn enjoyed writing for the and the possibility of find- Gryphon Gazette and that ing a subject that I could my only regret is that I be passionate about and did not get involved soonlearn and love for the rest er. I love the people I’ve of my life. met throughout my career I began to think of all at St. George’s, and I can the wonderful stories that say that for all its faults, I would be able to tell there is really no place when I came back and the that can compete with the limitless possibilities I teachers, the people, and would have once I gradu- the style that defines the ated. It was then that I school, and by extension, truly began to understand defines us as students. that this moment is really I will sincerely miss all the beginning of the rest of my friends, but I have of our lives. no doubt that we will meet My grandmother put it to again in the future. And me in a quaint and com- when we do, we will be forting way: “You are just older, smarter, and more beginning to grow your experienced, and I know wings and they’re just go- that we will be prepared ing to get bigger and big- to take advantage of what ger and bigger from here. the world has to offer.

SENIOR ENVY: Closing the Writing Portfolio at Last Emily Dickey ’14

Throughout the school year, no matter how earnest the attempt to focus our preoccupied teenage minds, summer is always looming in the distance to keep our hopes and procrastination alive. The first day of school begins the anticipation of a carefree, non-stop-fun summer, like the glimmering of the everso-distant North Star, leading us through the inevitable allnighters and pop-quizzes of the school year. With the innumerable breaks, dances, and holidays peppered through these nine long months, one thing in particular haunts us as the freedom of this endless summer

approaches: writing portfolios. Since the first week of middle school, these dreaded portfolios have put a damper on every bright aspect of school: recess, flex, and study hall. It is 9:58 as you rush out of your sophomore history classroom; flex has just begun and the endless aching for a marvelous, perfectly baked chocolate chip cookie has become unbearable… you are about to round the corner when you remember: Monday is advisory day. Faint from hunger, you trudge back to your classroom and struggle through 31 minutes of reflecting, printing, hole punching, and stapling. Even for those who enjoy writing, the experience is a

May 2012

painful one; perhaps like dropping a “leet” Call-of-Duty player in the middle of Afghanistan. Sure, there are some similarities, but let’s face it… even just one day of the latter, and anyone in their right mind would be running home with their tail between their legs. I can only imagine the pure bliss this year’s seniors will feel when they turn those daunting binders in for the last time. And as we underclassmen look at them with envy, let’s try to find the silver lining in all this. For example, I will get to write at least twentyfour more reflections and use up around 30,000 more staples and page protectors throughout my high school career.

Yippee. Graduation comes hand in hand with the many awards to be won by deserving seniors. One, in particular, is the Writing Portfolio Award. After all these years, seniors have reached the end of this dreaded task. And unless you possess a Rachel Porter-like love for your portfolio, this may be one of the best privileges of all. So, with the end of the year waiting on your doorstep, I leave one last morsel of guidance for our non-seniors: do not let yourself slip into the tailgates and tan lines euphoria that is summer… we still have plenty of portfolio entries to look forward to.

St. George’s Independent School

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Ode to the Senior Class

“Writing Prowess” and “Childlike Wonder”: Seniors Leave Their Wills

Kate Sweat ’14

Stephen Hayden ’12

I write to you, the senior class— The days are winding down Until you leave our little school To travel all around. You surely will be missed ‘round here, We’ll remember you with joy; Your legacy will live in our halls With every “Remember when…?” story. You’ll leave to us the senior lounge, Much less clean than what you got. A place of eating and Super Smash Brothers, The juniors will love it a lot. Though senior privileges kept you hidden, So we didn’t see you much— The glimpses of you we got in the hall Will be what we miss the most. So as you go to college now, The “freshmeat” once again, We wish you all the best of luck, Our lovely senior friends.

Finally, it has come to that very memorable time of the year. No, I do not mean Christmas in July, nor do I mean summer break. I am referring to the renowned senior wills. After asking many of my fellow classmates from the noteworthy Class of 2012 to construct a will, and staying true to the work ethic of a third-trimester senior completing an ungraded task, only a few were returned to me. The first constructed will comes from a very sarcastic columnist that can make anyone laugh despite his usual grimace: Albert Cantu. He has most graciously decided to will his “writing prowess” to a young man by the name of Ian John, a junior. Staying true to the format of a standard will: “may Ian use this skill to write his own freaking newspaper articles while someone else harasses him about it and see how he likes it.” The best of luck to you Ian, and may you use your newly

acquired elite “writing prowess” for the greater good. Next, we move to Cara Bargiacchi’s will. She wills her ability to get out of trouble from her parents to her younger sister, sophomore Mia Bargiacchi. The eldest Bargiacchi says: “may Mia use this power to its fullest extent for all kinds of mischief and shenanigans.” I hope you solemnly swear that you are up to no good on a regular basis. Good luck, Mia. Another will I received was one constructed by the talented Corky Paul. She was considerate enough to pass on her tennis skills and her childlike sense of wonder to junior Libby Heflin. Paul claims that Heflin’s tennis skills are lacking, therefore who better to pass on their skills than Paul, a state champion for TSSAA girls’ tennis? As for the childlike sense of wonder, the will does not state a reason for passing on this youthful legacy to her. Although I am sure, deep down, Heflin knows she needs some

sort of childlike wonder to keep her grounded throughout her senior year. Next, we have an important will from the brilliant Kim Sammons. The will states that Sammons will leave the Math Center to the well-deserving juniors: Annabelle Bright, Kiyana Kavoussi, and Collin Brown. The will states: “may they help the center continue to prosper in the quest to make mathematics better known and understood in the school and the world.” Annabelle, Kiyanna, and Collin: may the likes of Newton, Pythagoras, and TI-84s be with you. Finally, our illustrious Prefect of Spirit, Terry Eleazer, appropriately has the last word in this article. Eleazer wills his school spirit to the equally illustrious Brendan Horton, a junior. “May Brendan have the loudest vocal chords in all of Ferguson Field and McNeil Gym, and may he grill the tastiest meats at McCool field.” May the charcoal be ever in your favor, Brendan.

Class of 2012 Salutes the Class of 2022

Ten years ago, we stood where you stand today. Over the last ten years we’ve experienced many things, learned many lessons, and made many incredible memories. It is our hope that over the next ten years you will grow as much as we have. It is our hope that when you stand in our place you will look back over your time at St. George’s Independent School with as much love and gratitude as we do now. Sincerely, The Class of 2012 May 2012

St. George’s Independent School



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A Night to Remember An Evening of Southern Charm

Rachel Smith ’13 All the fun expectations of the theme “Southern Charm” were met and even exceeded at the Junior and Senior Prom on Saturday, April 20. The decorations that filled the Pink Palace Mansion were tremendous, as well as the tasty variety of foods, such as candy, mini cupcakes, and chocolate-covered pretzels. The decorations con-

sisted of real, spraypainted flowers, tissue flowers, lights in the concessions, tree branches, and an abundance of candles in mason jars. It was one beautiful night; all the girls wore their long dresses (though there were a few short ones), and the guys dressed up in their tuxes. The DJ spun music throughout the whole night while everyone

May 2012

danced, ate the delicious treats, took photos in the photo booth, and just hung out. A special thanks to the prom committee at St. George’s, especially senior Mary Margaret Skudder, Mrs. Beth Skudder, and senior Brenna Woods, for spending several months planning the event. Additional thanks go out to the teachers who volunteered to supervise and chaperone, as well as

the parents who lent a hand to the festivities. St. George’s is fortunate to have held such an extravagant prom. It ended on a good note as our very own senior, Hugh Stephens, played DJ for the last forty-five minutes, providing us with some classic tunes from his favorite band: Earth, Wind, and Fire. Prom was truly an enjoyable event for all.

St. George’s Independent School



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g n i m Swim





ol G y t rsi a V s Girl


Total Golf Points

Boys Varsity Golf Final Record: 5-1-1

Total Volleyball Points

Girls Soccer Final Record: 8-11-3


Football Final Record: 10-4

Girls Basketball Final Record: 19-9

Basketball Final Record: 21-9

Gryphons by the Numbers

Total Football Points

43 1,304

Total Girls Soccer Goals


Total Girls Basketball Points



Total Basketball Points


State Championships won (So Far...)

College Signings

Brandon Hill Playing football at the University of Alabama. John Marc Shelley Playing baseball at Mississippi State U. Hunter Lindley Playing baseball at Austin Peay State U. Omar Williams Playing football at Austin Peay State U. Amy Matula Playing volleyball at LeHigh University. Katie McCormack Playing volleyball at Birmingham Southern C. Jennifer Kim Playing golf at University of Pennsylvania. Anna Lewis Matson Swimming at Tulane University. Lukas Leung Swimming at Clark University. Alex Bran Playing basketball at the United States A.F. Academy. Alec Mulvihill Playing basketball at Drury University.




Ones to Watch

We asked senior athletes who they will be watching next year in their respective sports. Here’s what they had to say:


“Connor Green (a freshman) has a good body size for a freshman and is 5-0 for pitching with a good off-speed. He’s got good velocity for a freshman pitcher and he’s a smart player overall. He’s definitely one to watch for next year.”

John Marc Shelly Volleyball “Roxanna Wood

Girls’ Lacrosse “Caitlin Johnson. (a sophomore) This

is her first year and she showed exponential improvement from her first day to her last. I can only imagine how great she will be at the end of next year, or by her senior year.”

Christie Zettler Football

(a freshman) look out for Roxanna - she’s going to take the competition to another level. Her hits get more powerful each season. So next year we can only imagine what she can bring to the team.”

“Clay Crenshaw (a freshman) gives good effort with always putting forth one-hundred percent, not only as a running back, but as a team player. With a little work and seriousness, he will be great.”

Basketball “Justin Wertner (a freshman) is pure

Soccer “Vasili Doan

Rachel Stevenson

shooter, three point shot maker, tall, lanky, and a good dunker. He could possibly be the next Jimmer Fredette at BYU. He definitely has potential to shine and will be probably one of the best players on the team.”

Alec Mulvihill

May 2012

Hugh Stephens

(a freshman) is a great and upcoming player for soccer. He works hard and hustles hard, and is a good team player overall. I would definitely keep my eye out for him.”

Sam Lane St. George’s Independent School

Student Life

Page 7

The Rising Cost of Higher Education

Graphic by Alexis Harshbarger ’13

Madison See ’13

The rising cost of college threatens to make higher education harder to achieve for most Americans, and even students at St. George’s are beginning to feel the pinch. With college tuition fees increasing 439% in the past twenty years and the average family income only rising 147%, more and more students are forced to take out enormous loans or put their families into a considerable amount of debt. Even public universities (which are 300% less expensive than private ones)

still cost about 28% of the average family income (all percentages taken from the Miller Center website of the University of Virginia). “It was the number one issue,” says senior Ashley Moody about college tuition factoring into her decision on where to go to school. Many seniors are depending on scholarships and holding their breaths while waiting for these decisions to come in. “If I don’t get that scholarship, I can’t go. It’s really important,” adds senior Rachel Stires. When asked about their college education plans, most seniors admitted that the cost of college strongly factored into their decision on where to go. The majority of students are going to schools with some sort of financial aid — whether it is a sports scholarship, academic scholarship, or even just going to school in Tennessee and getting the Hope Scholarship. Need-based scholarships are always an option, but it is becoming more difficult for students to get the money they need. Many schools claim to meet “all demonstrated need,” but it is often less than one might expect. When deciding demonstrated need, admissions boards

look at what kind of school the student went to for high school, how much parents make, and the family’s tax reports. After all this, colleges decide how much to give. The average financial aid for a student is $10,000 per year. This could pay for tuition, fees, grants, room, board, or books. When spread this thin, $10,000 does not go very far. Students who do not qualify for scholarships are forced to take out massive student loans. More and more students every year are graduating under an average loan debt of $22,700. But is it worth it? Even with enrollment levels at their highest in our nation’s history, many people think that the quality of higher education has diminished as these institutions face monetary pressures. Courses have been cut and more part-time teachers are hired to try and save money for the school. In a report released by the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, public universities recognized the cost crisis, but showed a different side of the cost of tuition. That report pointed out that families have multiple higher-education choices, such

A Five-Star Play:

The Cast of “Building Character”

Photo By: Erika Zurburg

Tackling Bullying on Campus in “Building Character” Rachel Stires ’12

If you have ever been to a St. George’s production, you know that they do not disappoint. As an actor, I am usually occupied on stage, so this was the first time I had watched a St. George’s play in three years. I was definitely not used to the experience! Needless to say, I was completely blown away by this show. “Building Character,” the long -awaited SIS project of senior Evan Vihlen, is definitely one of the best plays I have ever seen. It is a cleverly compiled script of interviews conducted by Vihlen. He asked stu-

dents, teachers, and alumni of St. George’s what their stance on bullying was and how it had affected them. During the production, the cast brought these interviews to life. “Building Character” features new actors, as well as seasoned veterans, and all of them did a fantastic job. The cast included senior Gabe Vogel, sophomore Kate Sweat, sophomore Zoe Leake, senior Joe Holley, senior Albert Cantu, senior Sophie Kennedy, senior Tara Schulz, and senior Andrew King.

May 2012

The message of this play is a powerful one as it features bullying and how it affects people every day, as well as how it affects people after the bullying itself has stopped. I thought that the minimal use of props and costumes was very innovative, and I loved the picture frames hanging above the actors. I believe that Building Character was a real success, and that it has taught all of us who had the privilege to see it an important lesson on bullying.

as community colleges, where tuition and fees average about $3,200. Another higher-education choice mentioned were private research universities, though those often cost more than $33,000. It has been made even more difficult for students in America to go to the university of their choice because of competition with international students. With so many obstacles, we can only hope that this increasing cost trend will end soon, otherwise fewer and fewer people will be able to achieve higher education in the future.

Reflecting on 2012 Continued from pg. 1

Mr. Brent Hill shared some more recent memories of the athletic achievements of the class. Five boys from the Class of 2012 were inducted into the 1,000-pound club, which is the maximum weight between squat, bench, and clean. Two strapping young gentlemen, Omar Williams and Brandon Hill, will be playing Division One football next year, and Drew Bishop will walk on at another Division One school. Williams was awarded “Offensive Player of the Year” at the Blue Cross Bowl, and from this very class, there were two Mr. Football finalists this year. Congratulations, boys! Mrs. Beverly Brooks also took the time to share some of this year’s college guidance highlights. “Once at the Summer College Guidance Boot Camp, I was making fun of boys who sit like praying mantis’ while wearing khaki pants. I then proceeded to look over and see Andrew King, red as a cherry, and sitting most definitely like a praying mantis,” she recalled. “For the senior scavenger hunt, seniors,” she went on, “Evan Vihlen, Meredith Compton, Ashley Moody, and Amanda Bennett came to my house, washed one dish, stole a roll of toilet paper, and trick or treated at my front door,” she says. Her favorite story: “while I was away for a conference, Ashley Moody and Evan covered my door with fake threats and pictures.” Apparently the stress of her being away was just too much to handle. As we all know by now, the faculty very much appreciates the talented Jennifer Lincoln, and Mrs. Brooks shared one of her shining moments: “One day, Jennifer Lincoln was sitting in Mr. Gibson’s office and out of nowhere asked if she could paint his nails. He, of course, said no and she looked thoughtful and said ‘But what if I used clear polish?’” This group of individuals, the class of 2012, will be so sadly missed and so happily remembered. Though they are moving on, they will most definitely be remembered in the hearts and minds of the students and teachers they leave behind.

St. George’s Independent School

May 2012

2012 Graduates of St. George’s Independent School will be attending 54 different colleges and universities in the Fall.

Where the Gryphons Go Page 8


St. George’s Independent School

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