3 minute read
Overcoming fear
Sithandweyinkosi S Sivela
If you meet the people, you call role models, they will tell you what it took for them to be there. I believe most of them, if not all, had to fight the monster called fear. It’ s not abnormal at all to feel fear. Remember, life is a battlefield, a fight for your future, and fear is just one of the many foes you have to fight on your way to your destiny. The many thoughts will definitely come, telling you why you are not enough, why you can never fit in a room. Destiny will always be waiting, and fear will be there destructing. Therefore, the way through our fear and fear of failure is maximizing our forward motion. When you feel like slowing down, and the voices of fear and doubt are getting louder and louder, it is time to accelerate. On the other side of your fear is another level, on the other side of that selfdoubt is excellence, on the other side of that fear is victory, on the other side of fear and doubt are dreams fulfilled. Fear will always be there, and sometimes you just have to know how to manage its volume, learn how to silence it slowly but surely; because if you say that you are waiting for a time when fear and doubt will disappear completely, that time may never come. In-fact, let that the fear and self-doubt, not diminish you but be your pillar when you get up there- I mean, let the fear, and doubt just serve as a reminder that nomatter how high you fly, you do have some weaknesses. Let it serve as a reminder that if you find yourself on a horse, you got to remember those who are failing to get on a donkey. Let it be a reminder that you have to give it your best to maintain the light that shines in you: the achievement and the success is just the flame, and the flame needs oil to keep burning, and the oil is the character. Talent will surely take you places, but character will keep you there. Therefore, the fear and doubt will not weaken you, but just serve as a reminder that nomatter how high you get, you sometimes have weaknesses; and oftentimes high places are slippery places. GDC|3
Is it the fear of failure? Do not let the fear of failure rob you of the productivity of life. In fact, whatever the fail may be, turn it around and look at it as a life lesson. There are lessons one can learn from the failure that you could not have learnt from the success. Spread your wings, when you fall, you will find out that you can fly. Marian Williamson once said “Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are more powerful beyond measure. It is our light and not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves: “Who am I to be gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is in everyone; it is not just in some of us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. GIRL YOU ARE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR AND YOU ARE ENOUGH TO CHANGE THE ATMOSPHERE!
" O U R G R E A T E S T F E A R I S N O T T H A T W E A R E I N A D E Q U A T E . O U R D E E P E S T F E A R I S T H A T W E A R E P O W E R F U L B E Y O N D M E A S U R E .

- M A R I A N N E W I L L I A M S O N