4 minute read
The Busted Nest
W H E N Y O U R P U R P O S E I S C L E A R ,
M E A N I N G .
Sithandweyinkosi S Sivela At about ten to twelve weeks old, the eaglets will be ready to fly. They will not know that they can fly until they try. Therefore, the mother eagle will slowly begin to withhold some food from them( the eaglets), so that they hunger and fly to to the nearest perch to look for food. Note that the mother eagle has been feeding these eaglets for the past ten-twelve weeks , showing how much she loves them. Withholding food from them now does not mean that she has suddenly changed her mind and now hates them. No! It actually shows how much she loves them that she does not want them to spend the rest of their lives on their backs waiting on "Mama " to feed them. She loves them so much that she wants them to also experience the splendor of the world that she has seen all of her life. In short, she ' s saying "life ' s not only about eating and sleeping, there ' s so much more out there little ones. That is what your instinct is telling you right now. Remember there is no voice as accurate as your instinct in life. It is the GPS of your purpose, it has the co-ordinates to your destiny; and if you follow it correctly, you will never get lost. Your instinct is whispering to you in that small voice "There ' s so much more out there... " or you get this feeling everyday when you feel that your life is not all about where you actually are right now, or what you are doing now. You feel like there ' s gotta be more to your life than this job, more to your life than the lifestyle you are living right now. You ' re right. There ' s certainly more to life than what you have right now. There ' s more to who you are than what you are right now. As long as you are living on this earth, there will always be another level to life. What then is keeping from flying? Is it fear? I have seen a lot of places where fear has been spelt out as the acronym of False Evidence Appearing Real. As long as you are human, fear will always be on your battlefield. Remember, your destiny does not come to you, you go to it.


Are you afraid of falling? Here
' s the solutionwe fight through our fears and failures by maximizing our forward motion. When fear hits, dig deep and fight it through. Actually, it is when you fall out of your nest that you find out that you can fly. The whisper of fear will always be there: "What if you fall" , "What if you fail?" , "What is everyone going to say? Marian Williamson wrote "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves "' who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlighted about shrinking so that other people won 't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It' s not just in some of us, it' s in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Sometimes you are not afraid of failure, you are actually afraid of success; asking yourself who you are to be great. The answer is simple: you were were created to be a problem solver, to be a solution giver and your life and talents are not only about you. Realizing your purpose will help others realize theirs too. Someone, somewhere is waiting for a lifetime. That which you feel afraid of-DO IT AFRAID! Fear will never disappear but your time on this earth will one day do. If you are still waiting for the time when you no longer feel fear, that time may never come. You do not want to look back one day and say Ï could have been, I would have been.