St. Thomas Eagles' Nest Spring 2019

Page 48


In the summer of 2017, Josh Wolf ’19 was prepped for an elite California baseball tournament playing for a Prospects National team filled with high caliber hotshots from throughout Texas. He sought out the only other Houston-area representative - a long tall talent from Huffman named Brody Logsdon. “We met at the airport. He was traveling alone and I was with my dad,” Wolf says. “Brody and I started talking, built a relationship on the trip and stayed in touch. I told him about the advantages of attending St. Thomas and that he should consider making the move. He and his family looked into it. And he did.” Fast forward to the second Wednesday in November 2018. Wolf and Logsdon were, in fact, Eagle teammates paired as part of the next wave, their childhood aspirations churning into reality. The two were side by side celebrated in the St. Thomas Hall of Honor on National Signing Day, brothers in arms plotting separate collegiate courses Wolf to Texas A&M University and Logsdon to Sam Houston State University.



Wolf cemented a decision determined one year ago well before the first pitch of his junior season. Logsdon’s fate took shape only in the previous few weeks during an unofficial visit to the Huntsville campus. “There’s a togetherness at Sam Houston that’s difficult to describe but you feel it, an accountability that pushes players to be their best,” Logsdon said. “The values in place are my values, such a great fit with the coaches and players. I’ve worked so hard to reach this point and it’s awesome to have my family and friends here, so many who have supported me on the journey.” Even though Wolf confirmed a verbal pledge made to A&M in November 2017, the letter of intent pomp and circumstance was hardly anticlimactic. “I’m very excited to officially be an Aggie,” Wolf said. “It’s a dream come true. The verbal is a big deal but there’s nothing like putting the pen to the paper and knowing for sure. This is a tremendous thrill knowing all the hard work has paid off.”

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