Developing Our Vision: An introduction to the Strategic Plan
Vision My vision for St Helen’s is for it to be north London’s exceptional independent school for girls, providing an outstanding education that enables every girl to realise her full potential, both intellectually and as a well-balanced individual. I am also determined that the School’s successes are nationally recognised.
Mission To provide an outstanding academic education and to develop young women through the provision of excellent teaching, first class facilities, vibrant and exciting opportunities and by embracing the enduring values of the School. By providing our pupils with choice, opportunity and the skills necessary to succeed they will be prepared to lead and make an exceptional contribution to wider society. School Development Strands • • • • • • •
Leadership and Governance Curriculum Co-Curricular Pastoral Staff Communications Resources
Headmistress’ Introduction I am delighted to present the School Strategic Plan which will support and direct the development of St Helen’s in its ambition to establish itself as the exceptional school in north London over the next five years. What will make St Helen’s the exceptional school in this most competitive of markets is the quality of the educational experience which we provide for all of our pupils, from Nursery to A Level, and our first-class service to our parent body, to our Alumnae and to the community of Northwood and north west London which we serve. The St Helen’s educational experience is, at its heart, dedicated to each girl achieving her full academic potential and to exceeding her own expectations. But an academic education can only provide a young person with the keys to accessing further opportunities in higher education and careers; it does not in itself ensure success. For this reason, we at St Helen’s remain fully committed to providing our pupils, through our extensive co-curricular programme, with the breadth of opportunity and experience which will equip them with the confidence, the understanding of others, the ability to judge and to take risks, and the intellectual curiosity to go beyond the limitations of examination syllabuses: skills which will enable them to excel in their professional and personal lives. At the heart of what has made St Helen’s the first-choice school for so many parents in the past has been the warmth and care provided through our pastoral support, and we remain dedicated to ensuring that each and every girl is known, valued and respected by her peers and our staff during her journey through the School. St Helen’s has the opportunity to become a leading voice in the community, both locally and nationally, and to demonstrate the value and importance of single-sex education to the development of outstanding professionals of the future – to the women who will lead nationally and internationally in fields as diverse as engineering, medicine, law, journalism, accountancy and teaching; who will be entrepreneurs, researchers and managers; who will hold the highest positions within small start-up companies and multi-nationals; who will nurture and lead their families and their communities. We will achieve all of this by carefully developing and supporting our wonderful resources: our pupils and their families, our talented and committed staff, our Alumnae and the wider community, our beautiful grounds and buildings. We will maximise our close relationship with London and all that it has to offer intellectually, culturally and in terms of opportunities. I set out my Vision for St Helen’s in the spring of 2014 and this Strategic Plan provides the framework for the achievement of that Vision. The four pillars which lay at the heart of the Vision – academic excellence, a challenging co-curricular programme, outstanding care for each child, and the need to communicate and to celebrate the achievements of our pupils and the School – provide the key strands to the Strategic Plan. In addition, there are three further strands which are the means by which we can resource and support the achievement of these four pillars: the development of our staff, the maximisation of our resources and the quality of our leadership and governance. The seven strands of the Plan are therefore not presented in a form which reflects any hierarchy of importance, but which rather shows the ways in which they are interdependent. I took my time in developing the strategy for St Helen’s because I wanted to ensure that everything that we do as a School is part of a cohesive programme with which we make best use of our valuable resources. I have watched, listened and asked many, many questions. Staff, governors, parents, Alumnae, and pupils have all contributed enormously to my understanding of what makes St Helen’s tick and what it can achieve, given the right encouragement and direction. This Strategic Plan, therefore, reflects a great deal of consultation, careful thought, rigorous analysis and testing. I am confident that it will enable us to achieve our stated aims.
Leadership and Governance Overall Aim: To provide the leadership and scrutiny of that leadership to ensure that the Vision for the School is achieved by 2019
Success Criteria: St Helen’s established as the exceptional girls’ independent School in north London
What we have achieved so far:
1. 2. 3. 4.
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Strong executive leadership team which is focused on strategic development of the School whilst maintaining close contact with the learning and teaching, pastoral and co-curricular objectives Senior Leadership Team strengthened and engaged fully in the leadership and delivery of the School Strategic Plan School is well-prepared for Inspection Provide for exceptional Governance
Priorities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Executive team maintains the momentum of strategic development within the School and ensures that all stakeholders are engaged by it Leadership team better informed about learning and teaching throughout the School with active monitoring of educational provision Leadership and management roles of SLT within the School defined St Helen’s is fully prepared for Integrated Inspection Governing Council has the expertise and experience to engage fully in the outstanding governance of the School Governing Instruments reviewed and updated
We have reviewed and restructured the Governors’ committee structure to provide oversight of, and constructive critical engagement with, the key areas of School life: Education, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing and Communication, Enterprises and Risk We have recruited a new Governor with first-hand experience of leading two exceptional girls’ independent schools, to lend her insight and experience to the Headmistress and the Governing Body We have additionally recruited a number of new Governors with specific expertise in finance and project management, and provided them with induction and training We are developing opportunities for Governors to gain first-hand experience of the exceptional all-round education which St Helen’s provides; on Founder’s Day this year the Governors shadowed a large number of lessons across the whole School and then took part in an afternoon of strategic discussions
Curriculum Overall Aim: To ensure that the curriculum, or the structure for and content of learning and teaching, is appropriate to the needs of academically able pupils, as well as being forward-looking and responsive to changes in educational thinking in the 21st Century
Success Criteria: Learning and teaching which stretches and challenges all pupils by promoting independent thinking and intellectual resilience and which prepares them to be the leaders of tomorrow in their chosen fields
What we have achieved so far:
1. 2. 3. 4.
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A streamlined, co-ordinated, synchronised whole school curriculum A curriculum which extends and enhances academic provision and which facilitates high level intellectual thinking Classroom practice which promotes learning and teaching of the highest quality Outstanding results at A Level which support successful applications to the most competitive universities and courses
Priorities: 5. 6. 7. 8.
To review and enhance the core curriculum areas across the School To take full advantage of the opportunities afforded by the changes to external syllabuses and the Futures Programme and to refine further the provision for Able, Gifted and Talented To maximise the potential of lesson observations, sampling of pupils’ work and the use of data to enhance learning and teaching To provide the learning opportunities and teaching to enable pupils to achieve outstanding results at A Level
We have reviewed and developed the academic curriculum in a number of key areas, including: Language, Mathematics and English for LSH and Junior School; A Level reforms for Sixth Form; Latin and the Science Skills course for Year 7 We have created a rich and varied Sixth Form academic enrichment programme, which includes preparation for university classes in all of the most popular degree areas, the EPQ, the fortnightly Wednesday lecture and the St Helen’s Portfolio which is to be presented for the first time to our Year 13 leavers in July 2015 The Individual Needs department has been established to provide screening, assessment and support for girls in Junior and Senior School, and to advise the dedicated LSH staff. The progress of pupils is carefully and frequently monitored throughout the School, and pupils are mentored and engaged in target setting to ensure that they exceed expectations We have increased the provision of ICT within the school to enhance pupils’ learning and to support imaginative teaching using the latest technology by developing a new VLE, installing Apple TV in classrooms to enable projection from iPads, equipping all teaching staff with iPads and providing training in their use in the classroom as part of the strategy to use ICT to its best advantage to support and inform planning
Co-Curricular Overall Aim: To provide an exciting and challenging programme of activities and opportunities which enables girls to develop the characteristics which empower them to become exceptional individuals
Success Criteria: St Helen’s pupils, at every stage of their education, enjoy a broad and stimulating co-curricular programme which develops their character and abilities and which provides them with the skills and experiences which will give them the competitive edge within Higher Education and professionally
What we have achieved so far:
1. To embed the co-curricular programme at the heart of the school ethos 2. To provide a rich co-curricular offering which enables girls to experience a range of activities, and is stimulating for staff to deliver 3. To enable girls to engage with the wider community through the co-curricular programme 4. To establish the Futures Programme
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Priorities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Establish the core principles of exceptional co-curricular provision Evaluate our current provision against these core principles Create opportunities for all girls to undertake a broad and stimulating co-curricular programme which enables them to extend and expand their knowledge, skills and experiences Enable girls to undertake and experience meaningful leadership and teamwork opportunities throughout all Sections of the School Create a conceptual and logistical framework for the Futures Programme (to be launched in September 2016)
The range of opportunities for older girls to participate in exciting and challenging expeditions has increased by our becoming an Independent Licensing Authority for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme, by trips such as those to Malawi and Iceland, and by language exchanges to Spain, Germany and France We have developed our relationship with the wider community by means of events such as Remembrance Day (2014); the community service scheme in Upper School; the activities of the Eco Teams throughout the School, culminating in the renewal of our Green Flag award for the fourth time; and the creation of the Charities Committee in the Sixth Form We employ many more specialist coaches to extend the range of activities for girls in sport in Junior and Senior School The Futures Programme is being designed to promote outstanding provision for all pupils to prepare for life after St Helen’s
Pastoral Overall Aim: To ensure that every girl is known individually and that, in partnership with her parents, she is given the environment and support she needs to realise her full potential
Success Criteria: That the school has the knowledge, understanding and capacity to offer appropriate pastoral support, and that an appropriate amount of time is dedicated to training and development of skills in this area. Indicators of success may include improved retention, increased loyalty to school, more frequent positive feedback from pupils and parents, continued good reputation locally for outstanding pastoral care
What we have achieved so far:
1. To have a pastoral system in which the child is the focal point and which ensures that the individual learning needs of every child are recognised and addressed 2. To promote a culture in which all members of the community are known, valued, respected and supported and where achievement is recognised and celebrated, and to which all can contribute 3. To build and maintain a strong partnership with parents as we believe we are better able to fulfil our aims if we work closely together
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Priorities: 1. Clarify roles and responsibilities within the pastoral structure to ensure that every child’s needs are met and that they know how to access the support they need 2. Improve knowledge and understanding of all staff in recognising and meeting individual needs of students 3. To have a PSHCE programme which ensures the girls are appropriately prepared for the world beyond school 4. To provide extended day provision which meets the needs of current and future St Helen’s parents 5. Continue to develop mentoring systems which give students real ownership of their progress 6. Further develop partnership with parents
We have enhanced the role of tutors in Senior School, empowering them to become the first port of call if girls or their parents have any concerns. We have provided more contact time in which they are able to mentor their pupils, providing them with individual care targeted at their needs The PSHCE programme in the Senior School has evolved under the direction of the PSHCE Co-ordinator, developing into a more coherent programme which includes modules on the issues facing girls today such as online safety, health and relationships education, and the promotion of British values We have improved communication systems within the School, enabling progress to be tracked and monitored and significant information to be shared efficiently and effectively, and for parents to be fully informed of their daughters’ progress We continue to work hard to keep the girls and their parents informed about how to evaluate and manage the risks which they face in a rapidly-changing world
Staff Overall Aim: To ensure that the School recruits, develops and retains the best staff possible to deliver the teaching and operational aims of the School; to ensure that professional expectations are high and reflect a culture of continuous professional development
Success Criteria: 1. 2. 3.
Staff at St Helen’s embody a culture of continuous professional improvement and development; sharing best practice is a continuous and integral part of inter- and intra-departmental discussion St Helen’s staff have access to a wide-ranging and bespoke programme of professional development activities which is responsive to the needs of pupils, staff and the School CPD is regarded as the entitlement and professional duty of all staff
What we have achieved so far:
1. 2. 3.
To recruit and induct exceptional individuals to St Helen’s staff To reward and retain staff in a way which reflects their expertise and commitment to the School To foster a pervasive culture of continuous professional development, improvement and career progression among all members of staff
Priorities: 1. Enhance professional development opportunities for all staff 2. Further develop first-class Annual Professional Review (teaching) and Appraisal (non-teaching) systems which aligns the personal professional development needs of staff with the needs of the School 3. Review Staff Structures to ensure clear areas of responsibility and lines of accountability 4. Conduct a robust and transparent remuneration review of the School to ensure that salaries are competitive and will attract and retain the best applicants 5. Develop recruitment systems to ensure the very best staff are identified and recruited
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All teaching staff now participate in an annual cycle of Professional Development Review which has created an open and wide-ranging discussion throughout the School about learning and teaching Staff are actively encouraged to participate in training and to undertake post-graduate education, in order to ensure that their knowledge and skills are continually refreshed We have created a greater number of two-year positions of responsibility within the School, providing staff with the opportunity to develop invaluable experience of whole-school leadership which will in turn help their career progression We are reviewing the salary structure for teaching staff to ensure that we reward and encourage excellence in the classroom, commitment to co-curricular activities, and genuine leadership
Communications Overall Aim: To share information effectively with all stakeholders (both internal and external) and to ensure that the School attracts and retains the most able pupils
Success Criteria: 1. St Helen’s is known and recognised as the exceptional girls’ independent School in north London and becomes the first choice for parents and girls in the region 2. Stakeholders comment positively about the quality of communications received from St Helen’s 3. The School’s reputation is enhanced locally, regionally and nationally
What we have achieved so far:
1. To provide accurate, reliable and timely information to internal stakeholders 2. To develop positive relationships with the wider stakeholder community and celebrate St Helen’s successes in the wider media 3. To develop and deliver a robust and professional external marketing strategy
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Priorities: 1. Create robust, reliable, coherent and consistent systems of communicating, giving all stakeholders the information they require in a timely manner 2. Develop a three-year Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations Strategy: identifying our target markets more accurately and reaching out to them 3. Review Admissions and Transition processes (7+, 11+, 16+)
We have created more opportunities for formal and informal communication with parents through meetings with Class Reps, Junior Assemblies, parent surveys and pastoral evenings We have placed communication with our parent body at the heart of our planning by developing the Parent Portal as an integral part of our new website, redesigning and upgrading the School Calendar with the facility to filter by Section and category of event, redesigning our weekly Newsletter, and developing an active presence on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter We have undertaken a range of actions to make the School more distinctive and recognisable: we have adopted a new domain name ( to place us firmly within the London community, updated our publications and communications into a contemporary and professional style, and designed a new and dynamic School website with excellent functionality on mobile devices, tablets and desktop PCs The Development Office has been established to promote excellent relationships between the School, current and former parents and Alumnae of St Helen’s
Resources Overall Aim: To facilitate the provision of an exceptional education through the provision of an outstanding teaching and learning environment that is delivered within available resources
Success Criteria: Delivery of an enhanced estate and teaching facilities without compromise to the financial security of the School
What we have achieved so far:
1. Deliver enhanced facilities for teaching, learning and an expanding co-curricular programme 2. Maximise income and control expenditure to build up resources to support the Vision
• We have significantly enhanced the Estate by providing exciting and flexible spaces for learning and activities, including The Centre, the floodlit Dome, the PTA-funded Climbing Wall and new facilities in LSH for outdoor learning and play • The new Junior School plans have been delivered on schedule, with work due to start on the new building in July 2015 for completion by September 2016. The School’s Masterplan for the Estate has now been completed, and further projects are due to begin from summer 2015 • We have increased the provision for Bursaries to support new pupils who would not otherwise be able to afford the education we provide, and our own pupils if they experience significant hardship • St Helen’s Enterprises makes a significant contribution to the funding of Bursaries through the income it receives from letting our facilities, providing weekend and evening activities, and offering membership of our gym
Priorities: 1. Develop the Estates Masterplan to make best use of the site and to develop facilities for future needs 2. Enhance ICT Provision to support Teaching, Learning, Communications and Administration 3. Ensure that all teaching and learning takes place in a safe and secure environment 4. Increase Trading Income 5. Establish fundraising stream of income 6. Drive efficiencies in School Operations
St Helen’s School Eastbury Road Northwood Middlesex HA6 3AS Tel: 01923 843210 Email: