PRIMO STRINGS MUSIC PROGRAM The reimagined 2022 Primo String Music Program is well underway in the Junior School, with approximately 40 students enrolled in the program. The Primo Strings Program offers individual lessons on either Violin, Viola or Cello to students from Pre Primary to Year 4. Parental involvement is a key focus in these lessons. Although COVID restrictions made this challenging in Semester 1, thanks to Teams Meetings, many parents were still able to watch the lessons, ask questions and engage remotely. As soon as the students in the Primo Strings Program have learnt the first 4 – 5 pieces in their music book, they will join the Junior School’s newest ensemble ‘The St Hilda’s String Stars’. Currently, the group has around 15 students who rehearse together every Friday morning. There will be some performance opportunities for these young String Stars at various events later in the year.