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Note 8 Related party transactions
from Kirkbi Annual Report 2022
by stibo
KIRKBI A/S´ related parties comprise Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, Sofie Kirk Kristiansen, Thomas Kirk Kristiansen, Agnete Kirk Thinggaard and the Board of Directors and the Executive Management of KIRKBI A/S. Related parties also comprise subsidiaries and associates and Boards of Directors and Executive Management in these companies. Related parties further comprise companies where the mentioned shareholders have significant influence.
Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, Sofie Kirk Kristiansen, Thomas Kirk Kristiansen and Agnete Kirk Thinggaard have as shareholders significant influence in KIRKBI A/S.
In the financial year a certain number of transactions related to services took place between the owners of KIRKBI A/S and KIRKBI A/S. These services have been paid on normal market conditions and the total fee paid to KIRKBI A/S amounts to DKK 34 million (2021 DKK 20 million).
There were no transactions in the financial year with the Board of Directors or the Executive Management besides transactions related to employment, except from the circumstances described above.
For information of remuneration to the Board of Directors and the Executive Management, see note 2.
Transactions with subsidiaries and associates have included the following:
Loans, receivables and commitments related to subsidiaries and associates are specified in the balance sheet or in the notes.