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Calibration steams ahead
disciplines, such as pressure, material analysis, mass and electrical testing. Not only do we need to adhere to each individual instrument’s calibration schedule, we need to analyse its wear rate and track its location throughout our sites.
“As the volume of instruments being sent to commercial calibration laboratories reached a critical level some time ago it was decided that a first-class, onsite calibration facility, with results traceable to UKAS (The United Kingdom Accreditation Service) should be established. Now fully operational, in addition to making commercial sense, the facility’s ability to calibrate and return critical instruments to production in hours, as opposed to days, and sometimes weeks when sent for external calibration, aids the company’s overall efficiency.
“Having previously used a fairly limited DOS based gauge management software system in our calibration facility, to help improve our efficiency we undertook a search for a more up to date product. After narrowing our search and arranging demonstrations of the four most suitable systems, impressed by its advanced capabilities, we purchased IndySoft’s calibration and asset management software.
“As well as having all of the features that we were looking for, IndySoft software proved extremely flexible, fast, easy to use and it had an excellent reporting function.
“Not only did IndySoft’s staff provide excellent initial training and help us to configure the software to suit our specific needs, on the rare occasion that we experience a difficulty, IndySoft provide an instant response.
“As our gauge inventory has expanded and our calibration workload has grown, had we persevered with our previously > used DOS based software system, the administration of our calibration system would now be a logistical nightmare. The speed and ease of use of the IndySoft system has helped us to ensure the continued effective administration of our busy calibration function. In addition, the availability of IndySoft software updates makes our system future-proof.
“Each working day, the IndySoft system provides a comprehensive list of gauges to be calibrated, and importantly for us, their locations. Once calibrated, the system updates the gauge’s history, provides a fail/pass decision and gives us access to analysis tools. It really helps that all relevant information is displayed in a logical way with excellent graphics.”
IndySoft has regularly introduced innovative products that have become established as industry standards. IndySoft’s paperless system with full audit trails has recognition of compliance to many quality standards, such as AS9100, QS9000, TS16949, ISO9000, FDA 21CFR Part 11 and ISO17025.
Calibrations can be performed on a pass/fail basis, test point results or even from embedded Excel or Word documents. A software module is included allowing users to perform studies such as R&R, Linearity, Bias, Stability, Failure Logs etc.
Managing Director of IndySoft Europe, Jake Bishop added. “More often than not we supply IndySoft software to in-house calibration facilities and commercial calibration laboratories that have previously been using manual systems. So it is particularly rewarding when companies such as Spirax Sarco chose to replace their less efficient, existing software systems with IndySoft Calibration and Asset Management Software. Invariably, potential customers currently using inferior software packages recognise their inherent limitations and have formulated ‘wish lists’ of features needed in a replacement system. As IndySoft Calibration and Asset Management Software delivers all of the required elements, when given the opportunity to demonstrate, in the vast majority of cases, IndySoft is chosen as the replacement system.
“In addition to its suitability for managing the gauge stocks of smaller concerns, IndySoft software’s unmatched ability to administer extremely large inventories, that include multiple gauge categories with mixed calibration schedules, across multiple sites, renders it ideal for use within the most demanding of situations. These attributes meant that IndySoft was the ideal answer to Spirax Sarco needs.
“Much of IndySoft Europe’s remarkable sales success has been due to satisfied customers recommending our software to other potential users. IndySoft Calibration offers the most flexible and easy to use calibration system. New users are able to calibrate equipment and generate certificates of calibration ‘Out of the box’.
“Through the use of an exclusive process modelling engine, IndySoft users can configure their own, event driven systems with checkpoints and rules set at every point along the equipment path. This flexibility ensures that assets are handled according to company’s existing workflow and procedures. Users are able to track all equipment as it moves about their businesses, manage schedules such as preventative maintenance, calibration, service/repair, and create user defined timetables.”
8 IndySoft.com
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Working with manufacturing organisations around the world to ensure their products meet appropriate quality standards, G&P’s recruitment team identify, screen and place suitably qualified personnel into open roles within manufacturers. The permanent, temporary and contract roles cover a wide range of quality associated positions such as production operatives, vehicle technicians, quality engineers, supplier quality engineers and auditors.

“Quality remains the primary