Stillhart Concept and Design devises stategies and concepts in the field of visual design, CI/CD
Clients Asylorganisation Zürich Credit Suisse Freitag lab. ETH Zürich GTA Verlag Kanton Zürich, Qualitätsmanagement Ken Architekten Kunsthaus Zürich Medizinhistorisches Institut Naturmuseum Winterthur Neil Tully Associates Randle Siddeley Associates Stadt Zürich, Wirtschaftsförderung Schweizer Arbeiterhilfswerk Schweizer Heimatschutz Schweizerische Nationalbank Schweizerische Bankiervereinigung SIA, Fachverband Swissmem, Fachverband Tamedia, Verlagshaus Theater HORA, Stiftung Züriwerk
Stillhart Concept and Design This is a graphic arts workplace with high standards in form and content. Solutions are sought for typical problems involving appearance and design of print media as well as for overall concepts and exhibition graphics.
Martin Stillhart «Fauxpas Grafik» was set up in 2001 and developed together with Gilles Bachmann. As of 2011 Stillhart has his own firm. He completed a fouryear apprenticeship as a typesetter in a publishing company, then studied typography design under Wolfgang Weingart at the Basel School of Art. Experience was gained as an assistant in various offices in Zürich before working stays abroad Designers Republic in Sheffield, Landor Associates in San Francisco – as well as in the Atelier Lars Müller in Baden. Partners Stillhart has realised many projects working closely with architects, exhibition designers, historians of art and culture, photographers and media designers. This has led to long-standing cooperation.
Performance We plan and coordinate complete CI-processes and -strategies, from concept and outline to successful realisation. And careful attention is given to individual components within the framework, for instance the design of a single poster or catalogue. We offer a professional combination of different media such as print and screen. Customers Our clients are active in the fields of industry, commerce and culture, e.g. Art Museum Zürich, Swiss National Trust Society, Zürich Town Council, Swiss National Bank, Winterthur Natural History Museum, Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects, etc.
Winterthur Museum of Natural History Stillhart designed the public image it presents. With a view to implementing a long-term concept all printed products, labels, captions, inscriptions and interactive applications have been developed in our firm.
GTA Publishing Company Martin Stollenwerk photographed the concrete monoliths of the SBB architect Max Vogt. we designed the corresponding photo collection in book form, which was praised by Book Art Foundation and awarded a prize as one of the most beautiful German books.
Z端rich Art Museum Working closely with the curators, Stillhart designed posters for various temporary exhibitions in the museum.
Z端rich Mineral Stillhart gave the label an initial visual identity.
Swiss National Trust Fauxpas Grafik has been in charge of the visual identity presented by the Trust since 2001. We are responsible for coordinating the graphics of the various sections and have directed and implemented corporate design throughout. Our mandate comprises the designing of diverse publications, invitations and websites, as well as the regular tasks in connection with the awards, Wakker Prize and Schultess Garden Prize.
HOLM째 We designed the graphic image presented by the Z체rich furniture store, which specialises in classic Scandinavian products.
Garden Prize The Schultess Garden Prize awarded annually has a commemorative publication designed by us to mark the occasion.
Winterthur Museum of Natural History In the permanent exhibition young and old have the opportunity to learn more about nature. In addition, temporary exhibitions emphasize various aspects. Every exhibition is accompanied by special events. We create appropriate advertising material and design the suitable presentation of particular objects.
Swiss National Trust The most attractive hotels, walks, baths, means of transport, architecture from the fifties and the most beautiful gardens and parks in Switzerland – Stillhart is responsible for the entire series of publications.
Theatre Hora We have been designing Theatre Hora programmes for more than ten years.
Z端rich Town Council Using our modern, innovative brochure Z端rich promotes economic development. A selection of key thematic images favourably presents the advantages of the urban location.
Z端rich Art Museum Publicity for the exhibition commemorating the eminent Swiss architect, Karl Moser, consisting of posters, invitations and brochures, was designed by Stillhart.
Schweizer Heimatschutz Seit 2001 betreut Fauxpas Grafik den grafischen Auftritt des Schweizer Heimatschutz. Wir sind für die grafische Zusammenführung der diversen Sektionen verantwortlich und haben das Corporate Design gesamtheitlich begleitet und umgesetzt. Das Mandat umfasst neben den jährlich wiederkehrenden Auszeichnungen «Wakkerpreis» und «Schulthess-Gartenpreis» die Gestaltung diverser Publikationen, Einladungen und Websites.
Verein Job The organisation helps young people find suitable places to receive training or further their education. The designs of all previous annual reports were realised.
Winterthur Natural History Museum The relevant publications for the temporary exhibition ÂŤFungiÂť were designed by Stillhart.
Stillhart Concept and Design Zweierstrasse 129, CH-8003 Zurich Telephone 0041 43 333 11 06
Impressum Herzlichen Dank an das Naturmuseum Winterthur für die Leihgabe folgender Tierpräparate und Mineralien: Bergkristall, Streifenhörnchen, Igel Jungtier, Siebenschläfer, Griechische Landschildkröte Herzlichen Dank an H.P. Walther für die Leihgabe folgender Tierpräparate und Mineralien: Alpensegler, Amsel, Entenküken, Nachtreiher, Schleiereule, Seidenschwanz, Teichhuhn Herzlichen Dank an Josef Berüter für die Leihgabe folgender Objekte: Ammonit, Muschelkalk Fotografie: Frank Blaser