REW 09-20-19

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News Press Stillwater

REALESTATE W E E K LY Your best source for weekly real estate news and listings for Stillwater and surrounding communities

“Bringing Buyers and Sellers Together Professionally”

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September 22, 2019


The percentage of home shoppers recently surveyed who said they would pause their home search until the economy recovered.

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News Press Stillwater

PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-3 PM 3319 E 3rd • $127,900

Linda Schmidt Broker 405.880.3048

sion office. Keith can be reached via email at, phone at 405-747-8320, or in person at the Payne County Extension office, located at 315 W. 6th in Stillwater.


s’ Choice Aw ds

If you have a high value turf area, or one that’s newly seeded, or some other plant armyworms find attractive, controlling these pests can be done with the proper application of an approved insecticide. There are too many brand names of insecticides to list them all here. However, look for products with one of the following active ingredients; Acephate, Bifenthrin, Carbaryl, Cyfluthrin, Deltamethrin, Permethrin, and Spinosad. Bacillus thruingensis var. kurstaki (Bt) is also a good option if you treat while

and other beneficial pollinators. For more information on this or any other horticultural topic, you can contact Keith Reed, the Horticulturist in the Payne County Exten-


are primarily leaf feeders, meaning they prefer the softer parts of plants, typically leaving the growing points undamaged. In other words, if you have a mature stand of healthy turfgrass, control is generally not suggested. The damage, while it might be significant, will be temporary. Oftentimes, armyworm damage looks like a lawn mower with very dull blades has recently been over the area. It is also common to see a turf area showing signs of drought (blue-wilting), even when moisture levels are adequate.

•R e a


mind that Monarch butterflies will be passing through Payne County any day now. All the products designed to kill armyworms are equally effective at killing Monarchs



Home Grown

the insects are still small. A typical recommendation would suggest these products can either be applied as sprays or granules. And that’s true, but because of the fast-moving and fast growing nature of the armyworm, this is one case where a spray is likely to be more effective. As always, a product is only as effective as the quality of the application. Read and follow all label directions when using any pesticide. This is a great opportunity to talk about thinking holistically before reaching for an insecticide in situations like this where the pest may be unattractive or causing temporary losses. Keep in


The Payne County Extension office has observed some areas of very high fall armyworm activity. Armyworms are NOT the tree pests we commonly see this time of year, those are Webworms. They are a different species. Fall armyworms feed at or near the ground and prefer grass species. While it is easy to miss seeing these caterpillars, once you’re aware of their presence, you may be alarmed by the sheer numbers and the damage they do. You will also quickly understand where they get their common name as they move by the thousands across the landscape. If you find your landscape over-run with these pests, there is some good news. The damage they cause is rarely fatal to the plant. Armyworms


Stillwater NewsPress • Friday, September 20, 2019

Very high fall armyworm activity reported

405.624.2626 131 N. MaiN, Stillwater


Rosetta Heppel 405.880.0869

Beverly Carter 405.743.9618

Sandy Blankinship 405.269.9523

Mike Branson 405.612.5347

Tana Rutan 405.612.1496

Alane LeGrand 405.747.6950

Judy Kasso 801.824.8166

Virginia Cussner 405.747.7601

Diana Field 405.747.4684

Oscar Fortune 405.747.6042

Jeff Grizzle 405.714.4037

David Heppel 405.269.6907

Giovanna Facchini 925.482.5744

Hard to find 3 bedroom 2 bath home in better than move-in ready condition! Recently renovated home has a new roof, exterior and interior paint, vinyl plank flooring in the living room, new carpet in the bedrooms, new dishwasher, and new microwave. Located in a desirable neighborhood close to elementary school and shopping. Don’t miss out on this terrific home at a great price!

Dena Cornforth REALTOR® 405-880-4121 602 S. West St. Suite A, Stillwater, OK 74074 405-372-8326 •

How can I cope with seasonal allergies? Angie’s List

can make your life easier in allergy season. A pest control company can get rid of pests such as cockroaches and mice, who create allergy symptoms. A housecleaner can help get your area spic-andspan and get into all the nooks and

Dolores Lemon CRS, CRB, GRI Broker/Owner 405-747-7822

crannies. Outdoor yard workers or landscapers can cut grass, prune bushes or rake leaves without exposing you directly to pollen and mold spores. UPGRADE YOUR FILTER Not all HVAC filters are the same. A HEPA (high effi-

ciency particulate air) filter is the most effective one, removing nearly all particulates from the home. However, these are also large and sometimes require a professional to retrofit your system. To get the best value for your fil-


Donna Rhinehart GRI, CRS Realtor Associate 405-612-0509

ter dollar, check the MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) rating. The higher the rating, the more effectively it blocks. Standard filters have a MERV between 1 and 4. A high-efficiency filter has a rating between 5 and 12. Consult

Downtown Office - 723 S. Main Street Bringing Buyers & Sellers Together .... Professionally

your owner’s manual before installing a filter rated 13 through 16. A filter with a higher MERV rating than your system can handle might restrict airflow or damage the equipment. HEPA filters range from 17 to 20, the highest efficiency.

Tiffany Aranda GRI, CRS Realtor Associate 405-714-1214

Kyle Bottger Realtor Associate 405-612-6724

OPEN HOUSES 9-22-2019 Jack Allred Broker Associate 405-747-8647

Jennifer Oliver GRI Realtor Associate 405-612-4984

Lori Kastl CRS Realtor Associate 405-880-2844




1600 Manfield $234,900 Dolores 1328 Williamsfield $339,000 Donna 1902 Glenwood $170,000 Tiffany 6928 Frontier Landing $499,900 Lori 923 Will Rogers $115,000 Melissa 3911 Rutledge $539,000 Ann 4322 S. Western $439,000 Jennifer 1228 E. Virginia $219,900 Amy

3414 La Point $229,000 Donna 5324 Country Club $299,999 Tiffany 726 Allyn $449,000 Lori 1008 Will Rogers $125,000 Melissa 724 Stallard $256,000 Ann 2415 Trophy Lane $589,000 Amy 1117 S. Gray $114,500 Dolores

Melissa Woods GRI Realtor Associate 405-385-2035

Amy Parsons Realtor Associate 405-714-0882

Ann Morgan Realtor Associate 405-614-9600

Don Zhao Realtor Associate 202-848-2120


Dianna Norman Realtor Associate 580-761-3926


Stillwater NewsPress • Friday, September 20, 2019

the ductwork and sucks it back into the filter. This also High pollen prevents moisture counts in many from developing parts of the counin vents, which try have quite a can allow mold to few people paying flourish. close attention to KEEP YOUR their allergies and HOUSE CLEAN keeping medication AND TIDY or inhalers close Regular house at hand. But aller- cleaning prevents gens lurk both in allergens from the home and out- sticking around side. You can take and makes sure these steps to min- mold and microbes imize allergens in can’t grow. A bit your life and find of Lysol disinfecsome respiratory tant at the bottom relief. of your HVAC KEEP YOUR filter will help HOME SEALED kill microbes. A The best preven- vacuum with a tion is making sure HEPA filter helps allergens don’t get kill microbes, and into your home at you should clean all. Keep windows dust using a wet closed and use air cloth rather than conditioners that a feather duster to are well-sealed avoid spreading it and maintained around. with regular filter CHANGE changes. Keeping YOUR PERSONwindows sealed at AL HABITS night is particuWhen you’ve larly important, as been outdoors, pollen counts from change clothing as trees typically soon as you get inpeak in the mornside. This prevents ing. you from bringing ALLOW AIR outdoor pollen into TO MOVE the living area. THROUGH THE Consider declutterHOUSE ing personal knickThe more you knacks for the run air across sur- season – pollutants faces, the cleaner can collect, and it remains. Ceiling this makes dusting fans or portable easier. Regularly fans keep air circu- wash your bedding lating all the time, in hot water to kill without needing dust mites. Use to open windows allergen-proof casor doors. You can ings on pillows and also run your mattresses. HVAC fan with CALL IN PROthe heat and air FESSIONAL off, which cleans HELP allergens out of Numerous pros By Paul F. P. Pogue,

What do I need to know about contractor liens? give a supplier, subcontractor or contractor a partial If you intend to legal claim to the hire a contractor for property for unpaid repairs or home im- work or materials. provements, it’s im- A lien can wreak portant to brush up havoc on a project on the lesser-known by tying up bank contract option loans, clouding title known as a contrac- ownership and scartor lien waiver. ing away potential Liens are a contractors – it can powerful tool coneven force the proptractors can use to erty’s sale. enforce their debts. A lien may seem While no contracthe most unfair tor wants to resort when you’ve alto using a lien, ready paid the gensometimes they’re eral contractor, but a necessary outthe contractor failed come. Contractors to pay suppliers have an interest or subcontractors. in your home until Those additional they’re paid – essources can file a pecially suppliers lien on your home, and subcontractors. and in that case, Since they can’t you may have to repossess bricks pay twice to clear it. or other products In that event, you once they’ve been have standing to installed, they need sue the general conthis legal avenue to tractor, but the prorecover their invest- cess will likely be ment if they’re not long and difficult. paid. Fortunately, Though particuyou can take steps lars vary by state, ahead of time to mechanics’ liens protect yourself. By Paul F. P. Pogue,


Stillwater NewsPress • Friday, September 20, 2019

Angie’s List

Open Sunday 2-4 P.M.

tract. Make sure to HOW TO include the names AVOID LIENS The most import- of subcontractors and suppliers in ant tool available your contract as to you is a subwell. Stay in touch contractor/supwith them and plier lien waiver, make sure they’re sometimes known paid on time. as a lien release. With a lien waivThis document is er, when the project an important step is successfully comfor larger projects pleted, both parties that involve worksign off and state ing relationships that the contract obwith contractors, ligations have been subcontractors, material providers, met, including that the general contracequipment lessors and anyone else in- tor has made all volved. Any reliable necessary payments to materials suppligeneral contractor ers, subcontractors will have no probor vendors. lem offering these If the general documents. contractor doesn’t To get a lien agree to sign off on release and avoid the subcontractor unexpected fees, homeowners should lien waiver, you can withhold payment first ensure that until he or she has they’re working with contractors who are licensed, bonded and insured. Consider THE RE/MAX SIGNATURE EXPERIENCE Dedicated professionals providing unrivaled service. always including a lien waiver or subcontractor lien waiver clause in your project’s conRE/MAX SIGNATURE 114 W. HALL OF FAME, STILLWATER, OK 74075 405.533.3000 |

Gina Killough 405.612.2210

Ted Newlin 405.714.5309

Tina Darr

Cheryl Carpenter Martin 405.880.7354

Vicky Jerome 405.747.7239

Candy Yundt

THE RE/MAX SIGNATURE EXPERIENCE 405.697.0045 405.742.4525

Dedicated professionals providing unrivaled service. Brooks Thomas 405.880.3476

407 E Pams Dr, Perkins • $174,000

Julie Bahl 405.762.3744

RE/MAX SIGNATURE 114 W. HALL OF FAME, STILLWATER, OK 74075 405.533.3000 | Kasey Longan 405.880.5569

Amanda Meberg 405.612.2096

Candy 22 Yundt OPEN-HOUSE JAN. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND Brooks Thomas SUN. Gina Killough Beth Peterson

This is the one you have been waiting for! Beautiful well maintained 3 bedroom 2 bath housed with security system located in the popular Kinder Wells addition.

101 S Main, Perkins, OK 74059


proven they’ve paid their suppliers or subcontractors. If possible, make checks out to both the contractor and subcontractor or supplier, requiring two signatures to cash. One of the most essential things to know about liens and subcontractor lien releases is how they’re enforced in your area. Although the general principle is the same for most areas, each state or municipality has different standards for the application of liens and their releases. If a lien was improperly filed, you may be able to get it removed.

Hosted by: Josh Harp (580) 370-5325 405.880.4370 405.880.3476 405.612.2210 2618 Lyndsey Ct.

1-3 Beth 405.742.4525

6209 615 W. Canterbury Tina 5812 W Spring Preston Ln 5124 W 5th Ave Serenity Ln #81-2:30 Hill Ct 12-1:30PM Julie 1-2:30 1-3 PM 1124 Stoneridge 2-3 Kasey PMDr.Longan Julie Bahl 3-4:30 PM Ted Newlin Brooke Stuart Kristin Dondlinger Vicky Jerome 405.762.3744Vicky Jerome 405.714.5309 405.880.5569

Each office independently owned and operated.

Tina Darr 405.697.0045

Cheryl Carpenter Martin 405.880.7354

Amanda Meberg 405.612.2096

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5 favorite hostess tips for the holidays By Katie Laughridge

bors at the table. It is also a great personal touch that won’t go unnoticed. There are so many place card (and place card holder) options, it’s easy to find a style that fits perfectly with your table theme. One of the busiest areas at a soiree (at least at mine) is the bar. Catering to different tastes can be overwhelming if you aren’t ready. Make sure to display the bottles you are serving to avoid far-out requests and to subtly educate your guests on what is available. Then the most important part (and, perhaps my favorite) is have a variety of glassware for your cocktail options. No whiskey in a wine glass here. I also love our marketing gal Karlyn’s tip for taking it an extra step – try handing out a few coordi-

nating colors of cocktail napkins to identify the different liqueurs, that way when you offer your in-law another drink you know it’s vodka soda and not gin without having to ask again. Having guests stay with you overnight? Utilize small, homey touches throughout your guest spaces. Holiday bathroom towels are a great way to show that extra thought and care when into preparing for your visitors. Candles are another item that can make a cozy impact while making your room smell amazing too. Lighting one in the guest bedroom and bath adds warmth to a space that can sometimes feel stale. You don’t want the rooms to feel like they haven’t been used since last year. Long-term vis-

itors are a whole other ballgame. One of my basic rules of thumb when hosting overnight guests is to make sure to have plenty of throw blankets within reach. This includes the public living spaces and the bedrooms. Not only are throws a great visual addition to your rooms but it’s no fun walking through a dark house to ask for extra covers. It might seem like an insignificant item, but it goes a long way in making your guests feel comfortable. Other creature comforts like robes, drinking glasses and a bottle of water, and (my 3-year-old’s favorite) SNACKS help make your guests feel at home. These are just a few of the many ways you can make a get-together a delightful experi-

Open Sunday 1-3 pm


ence, for both you and your guests. I might even have to do a part two of this with all the extra ideas swirling around in my head. What are some of your favorite host-

ess tips? I would love to know. Share them with us in the comments or on our social media channels using #nellhills. Until next time – happy decorating.

5008 N. GARFIELD - 1 owner, 3 BD/ 2 BA / 2-car garage in the NW area close to Lakeside Golf Course. Most doorways and master bath are handicap accessible. Split bedroom arrangement, energy efficient, storm shelter, privacy fence around the backyard. PRICE CHANGE $179,500

26 CANYON RIM - 1 owner, 3 BD / 2 BA / 2-car garage in NE area close to schools. Formal living and formal dining room, lots of storage, enclosed sunroom with heat and air, beautiful landscaped yard and a privacy fence in the backyard. ................................................$184,900

1400 N PERKINS RD. A-8 - 3 BD / 1 1/2 BA / 2 level townhouse. Nearly everything is new. Kitchen has granite counter tops, all 3 bedrooms are upstairs. Close to shopping center and restaurants. ....................................................................................... PRICE CHANGE $58,000

8023 E YOST RD. - beautiful fenced 20-acres grassland, custom built 4 BD / 3-car garage, a 30x50 shop with bath and 2 fireplaces - 1 indoors and 1 outdoors, fishing pond, close to Stillwater on paved roads and many extras. ...............................................................$549,000 4902 W COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE - 4 BD / 2 BA / 2-car garage / a large fenced backyard with covered patio. Formal dining/living room and family room with shelving by fireplace. Large kitchen with dining area and pantry. Master bedroom has walk-in closet. Walking distance to Country Club House ................................................................NEW PRICE CHANGE $183,500


2008 COUNTRYSIDE DRIVE - Custom Built 3 BD / 3 BA / 2-car garage in SW area. 3 living areas, formal dining room and a large master bedroom.............................................$325,000

Downtown office space for rent


Call Barbara Today!

311 S. Orchard For Lease 3/2/1

1102 W. Avery Lane| $350,000


PERFECT LOCATION - RICHMOND ELEMENTARY Easy access to turnpike and Lake McMurtry 5 Bedroom / 3 Bath 2 Car Attached Garage & AWESOME SHOP!

133 N. Duck 2BD 1 BTH CH&A

Deena Rudd


Realtor 405-714-0176 ®

1020 N. Boomer | 405-533-3800

Insurance and real estate


Serving Stillwater Since 1950


Hosted by: TANA RUTAN 405-612-1496


30+ years of experience

BARBARA HOUCK - REALTOR® - 747-8804 KENT HOUCK - REALTOR® - 372-7060 JOHN GAGE - REALTOR® - 612-6068

372-5343 x130 • 8 MAIN PLACE/Ste. 2 • DOWNTOWN STILLWATER



910 S Blue Ridge St • $435,000

FANTASTIC HOUSE IN DESIRED LOCATION!! This 3000+ sq ft home sits on a large lot overlooking Stillwater Country Club’s 1st Green.

Stillwater NewsPress • Friday, September 20, 2019

setting your table a couple days before your event and It’s that time of prepping as much year again. We are as you can in adentering the season vance to avoid being of family gatherfrazzled the day of ings, holiday soirees the gathering. This and dinner parties. also allows you to Entertaining famhave a gorgeously ily and friends is a thought-out table rewarding and fun and still be fully enexperience – but it gaged with greeting can come with its your guests instead own dose of stress. of being distracted Not everyone is by what you might a ready-made exhave forgot. pert hostess (and Timing is everyeven if they are, thing at a dinner there is still plenty function. One to learn!). That’s problem I’ve experiwhy I wanted to enced is how to get gather my five everyone from the go-to hostess tips door to the table for making every in a timely manfunction, whether a ner. This is where weekend-long stay a simple solution for guests or a one- comes in: place night cocktail party, cards. Not only do the best it can be. place cards help Hosting a dinavoid the “where ner is a great time should we all sit” to showcase your dance around the beautiful dishes chairs but it enand other tabletop courages your atpieces. Making tendees to find their sure a dinner runs seats promptly and smoothly is no start getting to small task. Try know their neighTribune News Service


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Real Estate Rentals Homes

Stillwater NewsPress • Friday, September 20, 2019

Orlando, Mullhall Schools Rent house available, 18 miles West of Stillwater. 300 E. Cherokee. Close to High School, $700/mo 4br 2 bath, appliances furnished, fenced yard with big shade tree, CH/A, 3 car detached carport. call Mike 405-641-4053 723 S. Kings 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 car garage, washer and dryer, wood floors, CH&A. $725 mo., $500 deposit with references. Call 405 742-7706

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Lot for Rent! Valley Acres Mobile Home Park 2800 West Lakeview $275/month. 2008 or newer and in good condition. Cathy’s Management Services 405-372-5532


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Recent recalls involve possibly dangerous dressers, home generators About Real Estate DAVID MYERS about 10 minutes. If you prefer to talk with a live person, call the agency’s toll-free hotline at 800-6382772. Though the CPSC would like to have your information for its files, it already knows about the problem. Though no injuries or deaths have been reported due to tip-overs, retail giant Kirkland’s recalled about 3,000 of the dressers it sold – one is black model with five mirrored drawers produced by The Design House; the other is a Crestview Collection cream-colored dresser with six un-



mirrored drawers – in late August because they pose a tip-over risk if they aren’t properly anchored to a wall. The dressers were sold for about $200 between January 2016 and May 2019. Call Kirkland’s toll-free at 877-5414855 or visit www. to see if your chest is part of the recall. If it is, stop using it immediately and place it in a room that children cannot enter. You can either return the chest to the Kirkland’s store for a refund or call the retailer to receive a

free tip-over restraint kit and schedule a free in-home visit to have it professionally installed. In a far wider recall, American Honda is still in the process of recalling and repairing about 300,000 of its portable gas generators – many of which were purchased by homeowners for backup power – because they can spring a leak and spill gasoline onto the floor, posing a serious fire or explosion risk. The recall involves some of Honda’s EB2200i and EU2200i models, which sold for about $1,100 to $1,300 from February 2018 through February of this year. Consumers who think that they may be affected by the recall should call American Honda at 888-888-3139 or visit

powerequipment. to see if they have one of the defective models. If so, they should stop using the machine immediately and contact a local authorized Honda Power Equipment service provider to schedule a free repair. *** DEAR DAVE: I applied for a mortgage to buy a house, but my application was rejected after the bank ordered a copy of my credit report and found out that there is an outstanding legal judgment against me for about $10,000 in child support that I owe to my ex-wife. I don’t dispute that

Open Sunday 1-3 PM 1112 W. Harned $175,000

This Cedar Ridge Bonus floor plan is set up for entertainment! With an added gameroom and two dining areas, you will have all the space you need! This 3 bed, 2 bath home has a split bedroom plan.


3 bedroom, 2 bath, built in 2015 For more information and pictures

2502 Trio Ranch Dr. • $325,900

Lovely one owner brick ranch home on a great street near Boomer Lake. Good curb appeal, covered front porch. Storage is great - interior can use some updates. Selling as is. Many walk in closets and built-ins. Exterior in excellent shape with vinyl siding. Very nice white fence, updated HVAC, roof. Replacement windows. Opportunity is knocking! Don’t miss this sweet home near Boomer Lake on a quiet street. Three miles North of OSU. Richmond Elementary. See more of this home at

You will love this Sweetwater floor plan--3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a 3 car garage! 101 S Main, Perkins, OK 74059


Hosted by Lanae DeMuth (405) 714-1934

Fisher Provence, REALTORS®

(405) 377-1000 Page Provence CRS, GRI Broker Associate (405) 612-0194


go to

also worth noting that many lenders take an unusually dim view of applicants who have a child-support judgment on their credit record. Banks figure that if someone is willing to turn his or her back on the family after a divorce, there’s no reason to think that the borrower will take payments on a mortgage any more seriously. Do the right thing: Pay your ex-wife the money that you owe, and don’t even think about buying a house until you’re sure that you can handle both your future child-support obligations and mortgage payments. You will likely feel better about yourself, and your kids will feel better about you.

Open Sunday 1-3 p.m.

2422 Trio Ranch Dr. • $348,900

3612 S. Fountain View Dr.

I’m behind on my support payments, but isn’t it illegal for the credit bureau to report such personal information? Can I sue the bureau or the bank for invading my privacy? ANSWER: You could sue, but you wouldn’t win. Federal law allows credit bureaus to record and publish court-ordered judgments, including those for child support, which then stay on the debtor’s record for at least seven years from the date of the judgment. Frankly, I’m a bit dismayed that you’re trying to buy a house when you’re already behind $10,000 in payments to your ex-wife and kids. It’s

Stillwater NewsPress • Friday, September 20, 2019

Retailer Kirkland’s cites tip-over risks of some of its furniture items, while Honda says about 300,000 of its portable generators could begin to leak gas. DEAR DAVE: We purchased a new chest of drawers at a Kirkland’s store earlier this year and put it in our master bedroom. Twice it has started to tip over when I pulled out a drawer of my clothes, but I caught it both times. I would like to report this problem to the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission, but I don’t know how. Can you help? ANSWER: Sure. The easiest and fastest way to report a problem is to fill out the short online complaint form at the CPSC’s saferproducts. gov website. It takes

Yost Rd.

To Cimarron Turnpike

11 27

McMurtry Rd.

Quartz Dr. Duncan

Nancy Lee Dr.





mC t.

Perkins Rd.

Knoblock St.

Star Dr.

Jardot Rd. Marine Rd. Burdick St. Manning St. Briarwood St.

Payne St.

16th Av.

t. is S Lew

Lowry St.

Lowry St. 37th Av.

35th Av. 36th Av.

37th Av.

44th Av.

Jardot Rd.

Hunters Cr.

s Dr. Deerfield

Wild Turkey Pas

Vista Ct. Vista Ln.

44th Av.

Cottontail Ln.

4,18 & 19




Hightower St.

Henderson St.

S. Westchester St.

Young St.

Mockingbird Ln. Collins Ct. Colby Lance

Villa Dr.

Drury Ln.

Raintree Av.

Eastgate St.

Crestwood Cr.


4th Av.

17 &24

3rd Av.


4th Av.

Peach Tree Av. Stonegate Av.

19th Av.

32nd Av.

Perkins Rd.

Husband St.

Western Rd.

Sangre Rd.

Timberline Dr.


Washington St.




Lydia Ln.

34th Av.

Fern St.

Main St.

35th Av.

3rd Av.

5th Av.

17th Av.

Main St.

Husband St.

Knoblock St.

Cambridge Dr.

West St.

33rd Av.

2nd Av. 4th Av.

Jardot Rd.

Ransom Dr.


29th Av.

32nd Av.


Pinewood Cr.

26th Av.

31st Av.


Pos Oakwood Dr.

9th Av.


30th Av.

Denver Ct. Denver St.

Jardot Rd.

Jardot Rd.

Payne St. Payne St.

7th Av.

24th Av.

Mar Vista St. 28th Av.

Denver St. St.

Grandview St.

Blair St.

4th Av.

25th Av.

26th Av.

Timbercrest Cr.

4th Av.

19th Av.

22nd Av.

Timbercrest Dr.


Blair St. Payne St.

Eastern Av.

Cottonwood Dr.

Crestwood Dr. Crestwood Ct.

21st Av.

22nd Av.

Cedar Ct.

Matthews Av.

3rd Av.

Stallard St.

Hall St.

Leigh St.

Burdick St.

James Ct.


Aetna St.

Springfield St.


Pennsylvania St.

Hartford St.

Lowry St.

Chester St. Fern St.

17th Av. 18th Av.

Birchwood Ct.

Connell Ct. Connell Av.

Ct. Wedgewood

Virginia Av.

Maple Av.

Hartford St.

Lowry St.

Chester St.

Fern St.

15th Av.

Skyline Ln.


Karr Ct.

12th Av.

13th Av. 13th Pl. 14th Av. 16th Av.

Wedgewood Ct. Wedgewood Dr.



Wedgewood Dr.

Stallard St.

Manning St.

Donaldson St.

Hartford St. Dryden St. Benjamin St. Burdick St. Burdick St. Berry St. Arrington St. Marshall St. Doty St. Blair St. Grandview St.

Lowry St.

Lewis St. Lewis St.

12th Av.


8th Av.

8th Av.

11th Av.

Young St.

Skyline St.

Canyon Rim Dr.

Skyline St.

Briarwood Dr.

Dr .






nn y Ct bro . ok


Dryden St.

Benjamin St.

Burdick St.

Perkins Rd.

Grandview Ct. Grandview St.

Manning St.

Manning St.

Berry Ct. Arrington Ct. Arrington Dr.

Hartford St. Dryden St. Redbud Ct.

Star St.

Lewis St.

Hoke St. Husband St.

Masin St.

Husband St. Husband Pl.

Main St.

Duncan St.

West Bl.

Duck St.

West St.


Whitney Ct. McElroy Rd.


7th Av.

9th Av. 10th Av.

Payne St.

Dryden St.

Hartford St.

Crescent Dr. Glenwo od Dr.

Husband St.

Main St.

Duncan St.

West St. Duck St. West St. Duck St.

West St.

Knoblock St. Knoblock St.

Hester St.

Washington St.

Ramsey St.

Benjamin St.

Park Dr.

sb Hu

Ramsey St.

Hester St. Knoblock St. Knoblock St.

Washington St. Bellis St.

Monroe St. Jefferson St.

Adams St.

Blakely St. Stanley St.

Pine St.


4th Av. 5th Av.

5th Av.

5th Av.

Redbud Dr.

er ightow

Park Dr.


Pa rk Sta Dr. rD r.

r. dD an

Dr. Park Cr.

Keller Dr.

Husband St.

Crescent Dr.

Ramsey St.

Ramsey St.

Lincoln St.

n St. Monroe St. Jefferson St.


Monroe St.

Hester St.

Hester St.

Ramsey St.

Duncan St.

Garfield St. Clevelan

Walnut St. Melrose Dr. Pine St. Redwood St. Gray St. Cleveland St. Stanley St. Garfield St. Gray St.

Orchard St.

Walnut St.

McFarland St. Kings St.

McDonald St. Teal St.

Bluestone St.

24th Av.

Willis St.


4th Av.


Walnut St.

t Dr.

Summ erlin Ct. Bridlew ood

3rd Av.

8th Av.

Western Rd.



August Dr.


Oxford Dr.

Dr .

Kerr St.

d St.

Black Oak Dr.

Maple Av.


21st Av. 23rd Av.

Dr. dar

Cedar Ct.


7th Av.



Maple Av.

University Av.

12th Av.

11th Pl.


Elm Av.

Elmwood Cr.

Elm Av.

Sunrise Av.

McElroy Pl.

Arrington Dr.

Virginia Av.

Virginia Av.

19th Av.

24th Av. August Dr. Cambridge Ct.

Wil lia

Pa rk Gr vie ee w C nv r. ale Cr Da . vis Ct. Ma

Washington St. Ramsey St.

Monroe St.

Airport Ln. Lincoln St.

Lincoln St. Lincoln Brooke Lincoln St. St. Hollow Ct. Monroe St. Monroe Monroe St. St. Jefferson St.

Ivy Ct.

Liberty Ct.

McFarland St. . Kings St

Willis St. Willis St.

Dr. Ridge Dr.

Ridge Dr. Rid ge

Kings St. Orchard St.

Willis St.


Wicklow St.

Devon St.

Devon St. Wicklow St. Eagle Summit

Rocky Ridge

r. dge D Fox Le

Miller Av.

Brooke Av.

Will Rogers Dr. Cimarron Pl. Cimarron Dr. Leland Frontier Dr. Linda Av. Willham Dr. Ct. Boyles Ct. Willham Dr. Manning Ct.

Connell Av.


. Rd

Fountain View Dr.

7th Av.

Arbor Cr. 22nd Av. 23rd Av.



Country Club Rd.

Morrill Av.

5th Av.

Will Rogers Dr.

5 12

Dryden Cr.

Hall of Fame Av. Mathews Av.

Krayler Ave.

Fountain View Ct.

44th Av.

Turtle Pond Ct.

Scott Av.

Lakeview Rd.



one D

st Wood

n St.

Scissortail Dr.

Helena Hts.

Cantwell Av.

Connell Av.

Connell Av. Scott Av.

Krayler Ave. Ridgecrest Av. Brooke Av. Moore Av. Franklin Ln. Knapp St.



Forest Trail Ct.

Red Rose Dr.

Aloysius Cr.

Cantwell Av.

Emma Swim Ave.


Doral Ln.

Woodland Trails Dr.

Pheasant Eagle Creek Ave. Ridge Ave.

Briarcreek Dr.

Deer Crossing Dr.

Wentz Ln. University Cr.

k Ln.


Wehr Ln..

31st Av.

Inverness Ln. Fox Ledge Dr.

18th Ct.

e Roc

Isabell Pointe Dr.

29th Ct. 30th Av.

Scott Av.


32nd Av.

Ct. . nery ock Ln R dle Sad


Fox Ledge Ln.

22nd Av.

Quail 25th Av. Ridge Ct.



Fox Ledge Ct.

Black Oak Dr.


k Dr.

18th Av.

20th Av. 21st Ct.

erd aV


Murray Ct.

Willow Park Cr.

P low

Chapel Hill


13th Av. 14th Av.

17th Av.

n. eL

Legendary Ln.




10th Av.

15th Av.

Pioneer St. Quail Ridge Dr. 28th C t.


Bristol Rd. Av. 24th Av.


Woodlake Dr. Deer Creek Ct.


Franklin Ln.

Pioneer St.






Black Oak Dr. Countryside Dr.

Tanglewood Cr.



19th Av.

18th Av.

Shadow Creek Ln.

4th Av. 5th Av. 5th Av.

yP urre

Surrey Dr.

r. k D r. r. 15th Av. Old Forest D D roo stb hire ar Charleston Cypress Mill We orks alam Y Sh 18th Ct.


Shiloh Creek



Lou Ct

Loper Billin gslea Ln. Ct.

7th Av.

3rd Av.


Sawgrass St.


Davinbrook Ln. Fiddlers Hill St. Berkshire Dr. Dublin Dr.

Fairfield Dr.

Fairfield Dr. Mansfield St. r Ridge Ct.

Hillside St.


18th Av.


Westbrook Ct. 15th Av.


try oven


Pioneer St.

Sangre Rd. Murphy St.

Shumard Ct. Oak St. W. Shumard Dr.


Westridge St. Hillside Ct.

land Ct . Ja Lind a

Summer Hill Ct. Germaine Ct.

Austin Ct.

Squires St.

Charles Dr.

Rid lue Sprin B gdal Wo e Dr. odc res t Dr. 11th Ct. Edgemoor Dr.

Iba Dr.

Oak Trail Dr.

Rd . Walking Trail Dr .


Western Rd.

Windsor Dr. 2nd Ct. Kea ts D r.

Abbey Ln. Windsor Dr.

Oak Ridge Dr. Basin Ridge Dr. r. ge D

Stoneridge Dr.

Westwood Ln.Westwood Dr.

Greystone St.



Vil la

drid ge W oo

Crestview Ct. Cowboy Ct. High


Lyndsey Ct.

Range Rd.

Crestview Av.






la od


lo Wil


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Sunset Av. University Av.

8th Av. 9th Av.

Country Club Dr.


Charring Cross


Richfield Ct.

Murphy Dr.





St. Tyler Av.

Farm Av. Olive Ln. Drummond Av. Athletic Av. Monticello Dr.

Arrowhead Pl.

Arrowhead Av.

5th Av.

Aggie Dr.



11th Av.

. Club Dr . Country Club Ct Country 14th Av. Woodland Ct. Oakfield Ct. 16th Av. Dr.


Admiral Av. Sherwood Av.

4th Av.

Prescot Dr.

d woo


10th Av.

8th Av.

gle Tan

Kenslow Dr.


shir evon

9th Av.


er C

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Durham Ct. Ashford Ct.

Frontage Road 7th Av.

Ashton Ave.


ointe en P Gard ill ng H Spri Deer Run Ct.


Fairway Dr.


5th Av.

e Dr.


5th Pl.


Pecan Lake Av. Trenton Ct. Pecan Trail Ct.



8th Av.


Cleveland St.

McFarland St.

McDonald St.

Willis St. Ridge Rd.

Miller Av.

2nd Av.


Stoneyb rook St.

Pecan Hill St.


Stillwater NewsPress • Friday, September 20, 2019

7th Av. 8th Av.

Richmond Hill Rd.

Washington St. Garfield St.

Hunters Ridge Land Run Dr.

Dr . W rig ht

d. sR ces l Ac tria dus rt In

Preston Liberty Cr. Cr.

Airp o

Valley Dr.

Mark Circle

Charolais Dr.

Sangre Rd.

Keely Ct.

Range Rd.

Country Club Rd.

Scott Av.

Hall of Fame Av.

Virgina Av.

8th Ct. 9th Ct. Trenton Av.



Knotts Av.


Dells Av.

Ct. Av. uita rgia Chiq d Ct. Geo woo Wild Brentwood Dr. n Dr. Peca Redbud Dr. Redbud Dr. Randolph Ct. Eskridge Av. Windrock Hartman Av. Cr. Tyler Av. Tyler Av. Highview Av.

Dr. nett Graham Av. Ben Will Rogers Dr. Eskridge Av. Eskridge Av.

Eskridge Pl.





Lauren Lane

Keller Dr. Lakeview Ct.

d Dr.

Tyler Av.

Mercury Av.

Liberty Dr.


McElroy Rd.

Walnut St.

Tyler Av.











1st Av.

 14


Brooke Brooke Jefferson St. Moore Franklin

Farm Av.



Hereford Dobi Ln.


le r. G

D od

Swim Av.


Warren Drive

Valley View

Lakeview Rd.

Thomas Av.

rst D


Marcus Dr.

Harned Av.

Mohawk Av.


Liberty Rd. Preston Av.

oke r. Brollow D Ho

Bradley Pl.


Oak Crest Rd.

4th Av.

Boomer Lake

Osage Dr.

Eastland Dr.

Wiley St.

Preston Ln.

Eskridge Av.

3rd Pl.

Parkway Dr.

Frances Av.

Airport Rd.

Newman Av.

Hillcrest Av.

Lakeridge Av.

Rutledge Dr.

Reese Landing


. Dr



te S



Tobacco Rd.


Lakeview Rd.


Harned Av. Madison Ct.

Thomas Av.


Memory Ln. Country Ln.

Airport Rd.

w illo

Harned Av.

State Ln.


Cheyenne Av.


Newman Av. Hillcrest Av. Brown Av.



Arapaho Av.

Lake Sh



Ute Av.

Cherokee Av.



Rogers Dr.

Hartwood Av.


Richmond Rd.



Ranch Av.


gate Dr .


Stillwater Municipal Airport

Lynn Ln.


Britton Ct. B Dr. ritton Greenbriar Cr. Dr. Au d Ma ene D rieD r. r. Greenvale Ct. Ct. side C rook

Golf Dr.


Vena Ln.

3rd Av.

Stonecrest Ave.

Stonecrest Ct.

Lisa Ct. Lori Ct.

Windmill Ln.

Windsor Cr.

Husband Pl. Northgate Dr.

Falls Dr.



Richmond Rd.

Park Pl. Tower Park Dr.

Richmond Hill Ct.

nd St. Husba

• Open Houses may be cancelled in case of inclement weather. If you have questions, please call the hosting REALTOR®. Coldwell Banker 21. 3319 E 3rd 1-3 ........................................................Dena RE/MAX Signature 22. #8 Preston Ln 1-2:30 ............................................ Vicky 23. 5124 W 5th Ave 1-3 .......................................... Brooke 24. 615 Serenity Ln 2-3 ............................................Kristin 25. 5812 W Spring Hill Ct 3-4:30 ............................. Vicky Century 21 26. 910 S Blue Ridge St 1-3 ........................................ Tana One Broker Place 27. 1102 W. Avery Lane 1-3 ....................................Deena FSBO 28. 3612 S. Fountain View Dr. 2-4......................................




Amethyst Ave. Chateau Pl. Peaceable Acres Rd.

• All Open Houses are Sunday unless otherwise indicated.

d Win

Topaz Ave.

Chateau Dr.

Week of Sunday, September 22, 2019

Real Estate Professionals 1.1600 Manfield 1-2 ............................................... Dolores 2. 1328 Williamsfield 1-2 ........................................Donna 3. 1902 Glenwood 1-2 ............................................. Tiffany 4. 6928 Frontier Landing 1-2 ......................................Lori “East of 68th & Western” 5. 923 Will Rogers 1-2 .............................................Melissa 6. 3911 Rutledge 1-2 .................................................... Ann 7. 4322 S. Western 1-2 ...........................................Jennifer 8. 1228 E. Virginia St 1-2 ............................................. Amy 9. 3414 La Point 3-4..................................................Donna 10. 5324 Country Club St 3-4................................ Tiffany 11. 726 Allyn “Hwy 177 past Yost Rd” 3-4 .............Lori 12. 1008 Will Rogers 3-4 ........................................Melissa 13. 724 Stallard 3-4 ....................................................... Ann 14. 2415 Trophy Lane 3-4........................................... Amy 15. 1117 S. Gray 3-4................................................ Dolores Fisher Provence 16. 1112 W. Harned 1-3..............................................Page 17. 4514 E Zachary Lane 2-4 ................................... Karin Frontier Realty 18. 2422 Trio Ranch Dr., Perkins 1-3 .....................Lanae 19. 2502 Trio Ranch Dr., Perkins 1-3 .....................Lanae 20. 407 E. Pam’s Dr, Perkins 2-4 .................................Josh

Burris Rd.

Burris Rd.

Chateau Ct.


Jardot Rd.


Yost Rd.

Perkins Rd.

Yost Rd.

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