MAB trifold

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Managing Across Boundaries “Since 2009, MAB has worked to ameliorate an array of transnational security threats and development challenges that are complex and inseparable. They cannot be solved with traditional approaches. Solutions must be found between established paradigms and by engaging public and private sector stakeholders in innovative partnerships.” —Brian Finlay

Managing Across Boundaries An increasing array of transnational challenges­— from WMD proliferation and the global drug trade, to contemporary human slavery, arms trafficking, smuggling, terrorism, and counterfeit intellectual property—have become so widespread they threaten to overwhelm the capabilities of even the most wellintentioned governments to mitigate their destructive effects. The Managing Across Boundaries program looks for innovative government responses—at the national, regional, and international levels—and for smart public-private partnerships to mitigate these threats. Our experts and researchers work to conceptualize and catalyze “whole of society” solutions to the most pressing transnational challenges of our day.

We are eager to partner with others in this important work. Please call the program’s director, Brian Finlay at 202.478.3444. Visit for more information.

Our Global Reach North America MAB collaborates with governments, multilateral organizations, peer institutions, and the private sector to facilitate partnerships to secure the global supply chain and to address transnational challenges, such as developing global regulations for the international arms trade and preventing other acts of illicit trafficking.

Central America MAB works with the OAS, SICA, national governments, civil society, and industry to identify WMD nonproliferation resources that can be dually leveraged to address drug trafficking, arms proliferation, and the corrosive impact of criminal gangs on regional peace and prosperity.

Key Global Supply Chain

Middle East and

Caribbean The OAS and CARICOM are key MAB partners in the Caribbean Basin where Stimson is helping countries transition from tourist to trade-based economies, and building capacity for sustainable development and the prevention of illicit flows of drugs and arms.

South America MAB is working with partner governments and industry to enhance the region’s ability to prevent the illicit flow of contraband, particularly at border crossings, and to increase support for the training and equipment of border security personnel.

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East Asia Europe

MAB works closely with East Asian governments to devise solutions for security and development capacity building that impacts a wide variety of needs, from WMD nonproliferation to transnational crime, in the near region.

MAB engages with the high technology industry building a business model and pilot projects that mutually leverage government foreign policy objectives and corporate profit motives.

d North Africa

North Africa, MAB focuses een WMD nonproliferation ar power, water scarcity, ansnational crime.

Central Asia MAB participates in UN and national governments’ programs and initiatives, sharing MAB’s dual-benefit security/ development assistance model.

South Asia

East Africa MAB has partnered with governments and civil society on the ground to facilitate capacity-building programs that ameliorate regional security threats and development needs, while simultaneously contributing to a more robust nonproliferation regime and global counterterrorism agenda.

MAB collaborates with regional experts and border security practitioners in analyzing the relationship between WMD proliferation and transnational crime, arms trafficking, drug trafficking, and social progress.

Southeast Asia MAB works with governments and regional experts to identify the interlinkages between maritime security, civilian nuclear power, human trafficking, climate change adaptation, capacity building, piracy, and arms trafficking and WMD nonproliferation.

Brian Finlay

→ // 202.478.3444

Managing Director and Senior Associate Brian Finlay has previously served as executive director of the Threat Reduction Initiative, following service at the Brookings Institution, and the Century Foundation. While in government service in Canada, he was project manager at the Laboratory Center for Disease Control and worked with the Department of Foreign Affairs. He sits on the board of directors at iMMAP and Trojan Defense, LLC.

Johan Bergenäs → // 202.478.3443 Deputy Director Johan Bergenas has previously worked at the Monterey Institute, Oxfam America, and as a reporter covering a wide range of defense, security and development issues.

Rachel Stohl

→ // 202.464.2679

Senior Associate Rachel Stohl has previously worked at Chatham House, the Center for Defense Information, the British American Security Information Council, the United Nations Center for Disarmament Affairs, and the Program for Arms Control, Disarmament, and Conversion. She is also an adjunct professor at Georgetown University.

Allen Moore

→ // 202.478.3429

Senior Advisor Allen Moore has been a global health consultant to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, CSIS, and the Global Health Council. Previously, he was Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade (President Reagan); chief policy advisor to Senator John Danforth and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist; Chief of Staff of the Senate Commerce Committee; and a domestic policy advisor in President Ford’s White House. He is a lecturer in global health at George Washington University and has extensive private sector experience. Research Associate Nate Olson has previously worked at the Project on National Security Reform, United States Institute of Peace, and the Carter Center. Research Assistant Esha Mufti has previously worked at the Center for International Policy.

The Managing Across Boundaries Program Whole of Society Solutions to Transnational Challenges

Counterfeit Goods WMD Proliferation

Economic Underdevelopment

Government Illicit Drugs


Private Industry

Civil Society

Arms Trafficking

Money Laundering Human Trafficking

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