2 0 0 9 Innovations and Creative Solutions for Today’s Real Estate Market
serving builders
Our Workout Team
S upporting B uilders , D evelopers , & L ending I nstitutions Today’s challenging times are possibly the most fierce that we have experienced in nearly 75 years. With a commitment to finding solutions, Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty has brought together a diverse and talented team of professionals with a single focus of supporting builders, developers, and lending institutions. We have found that many projects that were started in 2005 to 2007 are experiencing some form of challenge or distress and are in need of workout support.
Workout Team includes housing development experts at both the regional and national level, vacation and resort experts, land use and entitlement experts, community management experts, on-site New Home sales force, Worldwide Auction Realty Services, property management services, public relations and creative marketing support.
Innovations & Solutions
C reating N ew I nitiatives that will S timulate T oday ’ s R eal E state M arket Today’s global recession has heavily impacted our US real estate and financial markets. Not only are we experiencing declining property values and new home sales, but also today’s consumers have rallied to the sideline and are waiting for a positive signal that it is okay to purchase real estate once again. The tools and resources we have successfully used in the past to market projects have become virtually ineffective. With our eye on the unique challenges facing builders, developers, and lenders, Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty has developed new marketing innovations and solution-driven strategies designed to attract and stimulate property buyers worldwide. Many of these tools and resources are exclusive to Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty.
Solutions for Non-performing Assets
S upporting L enders , S ervicers , and O utsourcers This is a historic moment in time for banks and financial institutions. It is a time for decisive and focused action. Today the challenge facing lenders, servicers, and outsourcers is a tidal wave of nonperforming residential projects, office buildings, commercial developments, and undeveloped land holdings that may prove to be much more difficult and costly to manage than the residential workout currently under way. To assist its clients to meet this challenge, Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty has brought together a diverse and talented team of professionals who have the expertise to analyze non-performing assets and bring together innovations and solutions that will not only assist in liquidating, but more importantly maximizing the asset’s overall potential. The team’s management services have been successfully deployed in assignments ranging from a few REO and short sale properties to cases involving hundreds of units as well as repositioning undeveloped properties to achieve their highest and best use.
Our Brand
G lobal R each
V isibility
Today we live and work in a global environment where commerce has no boundaries. Business transactions and communication take place at lightening speed. As worldwide markets sink into recession, trust and confidence with whom we are working with becomes vitally more important than ever before. Individuals and businesses want to know that they are dealing with reputable companies with high integrity and a commitment to service. This is where a company’s brand becomes critically important. Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty is associated with one of the most recognized brands in the world, a brand that is synonymous with unique properties, global outreach, and quality service.
Innovation & Messaging Services
A N ew F ocus
strategic marketing custom websites
R eaching
G lobal M arket
In today’s global market, how we reach and communicate with
graphic design
the consumer has forever changed. In years past, builders and developers had access to substantial marketing dollars, most of which was invested in print advertising, elaborate brochures, project branding
and lavish marketing events. In today’s market environment, we no longer have enormous marketing budgets to work with and there is a need to do more with less. In order to maximize a project’s marketability,
interactive eflyers
Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty has formed its own stand-alone advertising group, Innovation and Messaging Services (IMS). This group of highly talented professionals has the ability to create high impact, cost effective marketing strategies with global reach.
public relations
With Generation X and Y being over 60% of today’s market, old practices are no longer effective and have been replaced with creative messaging.
direct mail
broker outreach
World Marketing Center
G lobally U niting B uyers & S ellers Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty has created a one-of-akind $4.5 million World Marketing Center specifically designed to globally unite buyers and sellers. In today’s real estate market we can no longer rely on finding qualified buyers in our immediate market area so we must expand our search regionally, nationally, and internationally. Stirling
Marketing Center provides a global platform for today’s savvy developer who desires to successfully stand out from competing projects. Our World Marketing Center services include New Home marketing and sales, exclusive builder alliances, commercial marketing and sales, and Tel-Net global outreach through a dedicated team of professionals.
Worldwide Auction Services
A n A lternative to T raditional M arketing
S ales
Today’s real estate purchasers have positioned themselves on the sideline waiting for a clear signal that the market has bottomed out and now is the time to buy. Even well executed, traditional marketing plans have only generated limited sales activity, mainly due to buyer’s lack of urgency. An alternative to waiting and maintaining ongoing holding costs is to conduct a Worldwide Auction. A wellfacilitated Worldwide Auction will attract hundreds of prospects and place them in a competitive environment that generally will bring forth realistic market prices followed by property closings within approximately 30
days of sale. The alternative for waiting and hoping for a better market is a Worldwide Auction.
Worldwide Auction R E A L T Y
New Homes
A n I nnovative A pproach
N ew H ome S ales
Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty’s New Home Group provides Florida builders and developers with exclusive on-site marketing and sales support. In today’s challenging and competitive marketplace, having the right team on site has never been more critical than it is right now. Combining highly trained New Home professionals and experienced leadership with solution driven marketing strategies will ensure maximum exposure and desired sales results for your projects. Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty’s New Home Group works closely with the World Marketing Center, Worldwide Auction Services Team, and Innovation and Messaging Services Group to achieve their clients’ desired goals.
A G lobal A pproach to M arketing and S elling C ommercial P roperties Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty, while being most noted for representing some of Florida’s finest residential properties, has also built an impressive reputation for successfully marketing, selling, and leasing high quality office buildings, retail centers, industrial buildings, mixed-use developments, and development sites. Today Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty’s exclusive referral network includes multiple countries around the world, states across the US and the entire state of Florida. Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty Commercial Group has become a very important division within the company and actively supports all company initiatives. Whether we are marketing stand alone projects or worldwide auctions, Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty Commercial team is playing an important part of the company’s success.
Rental Lifestyles
E xclusive L easing
M anagement S trategies
With today’s market volatility, a variety of strategies may need to be implemented in order to maximize and preserve a property’s value. Traditional marketing strategies may include on-site sales campaigns and worldwide auctions. Stirling Sotheby’s International Realty has added a third component – Rental Lifestyles – which can operate independently or in conjunction with other forms of marketing. Rental Lifestyles offers its clients interim and long term white glove, five-star leasing and management service.
Workout Team
Roger Soderstrom Founder/Owner
Stir lingSIR.com
Angie Milan Director of Innovation & Messaging Services
Jon & Lori Chipps Directors of Worldwide Auction Realty Services
Troy Fletcher Sr. Business Consultant
Bill Graham Sr. Business Consultant
Charles Cook Sr. Business Consultant
Jim Cooper Land & Entitlement Specialist
Peter Voigt Director of Rental Lifestyles
Joyce Marsh Sr. Business Development Consultant Unique Properties
John Haley Development & Investment Specialist
Pamela D’Amelio Investment & Unique Property Specialist
Jay Heckendorn-Telenda Director of REO & Special Workouts
John Kurtz Global Sales