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Stitchy Glossary AKA WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN? written by Dana L. Costa


FFO An FFO is a fully finished object, one that has been stitched and framed (or made into whatever its final form will be). It is the sister to the UFO or the unfinished object, one that is either a work in progress (also known as a WIP — bonus glossary word!) or a abandoned project because your heart just isn’t in it anymore.
FFO project and photo shown above courtesy of Alexandrea Wolfe.
SAL What is an SAL? It’s a stitch along, meaning that a group of people are all working from the same pattern, typically with portions of the pattern being released on a set schedule.
While everyone works from the same pattern, not everyone is always working with the exact same floss and fabric since people like to pick their own to personalize the project. Typically there is also a Facebook group and/or Instagram hashtag to follow along with others who are part of the SAL group.
See StitchLife’s featured SAL from Satsuma Street on page 9.
FROGGING No one likes a visit from the frog!
Frogging is the process of going back to methodically pick out stitches that you messed up. Wrong color? Frog. Wrong place? Frog. Miscounted? Frog.
When frogging, be sure to use a blunt needle so you don’t damage your fabric while removing your sin. For larger portions, I have to admit that I’ve used a seam ripper but I don’t recommend it!
Photo above is the exclusive pattern from the February issue of StitchLife, created by Cassi Medina from SassiStitch Boutique.