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36 Pages
53nd Year, Issue 20 May 27, 2010
Stittsville News The oldest community newspaper in the city of Ottawa - Founded in 1957
At Ottawa Waldorf School: Medieval play features big noses. P10,11
Patent Grants the answer?: Landowners group claims yes. P6,7
Running and jumping: High school track and field competition. P20,21
June 19th fundraiser to help seven year old JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF The community is rallying behind a Richmond family and a seven year old daughter who has been diagnosed with two types of leukemia. Shelby Dozois, a grade two student at Elisabeth Bryere French Catholic School in Kanata, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia (AML) and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on April 1 and is currently undergoing treatment at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. To help the family, a “Wild4Shelby” fundraiser is being held on Saturday, June 19 at the Richmond arena. The event will include a buffet dinner catered by the Lone Star Ranch restaurant, silent auctions, door prizes and more. Entertainment for the evening dance will be provided by a local band called “Cheshire Grin.” Hopes are that at least 600 people will attend this fundraising event. The buffet dinner will begin at 5:30 p.m. with the dance beginning at 9 p.m. Tickets for both the dinner and dance are being sold for $35 for
adults and $15 for children (age 16 and under). There are advance tickets only with Monday, May 31 as the deadline date. Tickets can be purchased at Sue’s Hair Advantage on McBean Street in Richmond (phone 613-838-4753). There are also tickets available only for the dance. These tickets are available in advance at Sue’s Hair Advantage and there will be a limited number available at the door. Funds raised will be used to help the family offset costs incurred while Shelby undergoes treatment at CHEO. She may also require further treatment at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. Shelby has already completed ten days of chemotherapy treatment and is at CHEO where she is being monitored and is undergoing tests to see how she is responding to her treatments. Future treatment options may include a bone marrow transplant. Prior to her diagnosis, Shelby was a very active and healthy child. She was involved in ringette and was looking forward to the soccer season.
City of Ottawa Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri, left, and Robert Matthews, right, principal architect for EMA Architects, point out features of the new Ottawa Carleton District School Board elementary school which is to be built on Hartsmere Drive in Stittsville, opening in Sept. 2011.
New school considers trees, sun JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF
Trees and the sun are both key factors in how a new elementary school in Stittsville will be located on its 2.8 hectare site on Hartsmere Drive. The site, which is currently zoned institutional which allows a school, is heavily treed and every effort is being made by the Ottawa-Carleton District School FUNDRAISER, SEE 2 Board to preserve as many of these trees as possible on
the site. In addition, the new school will be positioned on a slight angle to Hartsmere Drive in order to take full advantage of solar benefits for the building. The project’s principal architect, Robert Matthews of EMA Architects, told more than 30 people at a community information meeting on Wednesday, May 19 in Stittsville that efforts have been made to keep as many of the existing trees on the site as possible. NEW SCHOOL, SEE 33
5977 Hazeldean Road Kanata / Stittsville
Here comes Artists and Authors in the Park JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF Books, art, music, poetry – these will all be part of the annual Artists and Authors in the Park celebration at Village Square Park in
Stittsville this Sunday, May 30. More than 50 artists and authors are expected to participate in this year’s event which will run from 12 noon to 5 p.m. at the park at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Abbott Street in the heart of Stittsville. Hosted by the
Stittsville Village Association, this event has grown over the years, beginning with just exhibits by artists but including authors and their works a couple of years ago. HERE COMES, SEE 3
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Shelby’s mother, Hilary, was providing day care in her home prior to Shelby’s diagnosis. She is now at CHEO with Shelby. Marc Dozois is on extended leave from his job at Canada Post so that he can spend time at the hospital as well. Shelby also has a sister, ten year old Paige. Shelby may have to go to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto for a bone marrow transplant. Her sister Paige will be the donor if Paige turns out to be a match. If this happens, the family will likely have to stay in Toronto for an extended period. If Paige is not a match, Shelby’s treatment will probably involved several more rounds of chemotherapy at CHEO. The goal of the Wild4Shelby fundraiser and other fundraising that is underway for the Dozois family is to provide funds so that the parents Marc and Hilary can focus all of their energy on helping Shelby fight her illness and to ease any financial strains. A trust fund for Shelby has been set up at Scotiabank in Richmond. A post office box in Shelby’s name (P.O. Box 391, Richmond, Ontario K0A 2Z0) has been established to receive donations by mail. The West Ottawa Ringette Association used two recent banquets as fundraising opportunities for Shelby. This involved a silent auction and the sale of ball hats with “Wild4Shelby” on them. Wild is the name of West Ottawa Ringette teams while four is Shelby’s sweater number for her team. There are collection tins for Shelby at some businesses in both Richmond and Stittsville. A number of Richmond families raised funds for Shelby at the recent Richmond-wide community garage sale. For more information about the “Wild4Shelby” fundraiser or other information, please contact family friend Jen Sinclair at Wild4Shelby@ rogers.com or contact Tammy Schofield at tammy. schofield@ yahoo.ca or at 613Shelby Dozois 831-9170.
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Brenda Tirrell heads new executive and attempts are being made to get more involvement on some of the streets with lesser participation. A door to door campaign has been mounted, with homeowners receiving fridge magnets, door stickers and pamphlets explaining the program. Any Crossing Bridge area residents interested in signing up for Neighbourhood Watch should contact Mr. Blanchard at cbra.nw@gmail.com. Right now, Mr. Blanchard is working with the Ottawa Police Service to determine where to erect Neighbourhood Watch signs in the area.
The annual cemetery service will be held on Sunday, June 6 at St. Clare’s Catholic Church on Dwyer Hill Road at Dwyer Hill. The outdoor mass will begin at 9 a.m.
ation’s recent annual general meeting, president Brenda Tirrell paid a special tribute to outgoing executive memThe Crossing Bridge ResiMaking outdoor living beautiful, since 1995. ber Elizabeth Rouleau who is dents’ Association is alive and stepping down after serving well and doing quite nicely, Featured in the • Design and installation of interlock and natural stone on the executive for 20 years. thank you. Globe & Mail, • Garden design, installation and planting Some of her accomplish- The Stittsville News • Landscape renovation, repairs and upgrading Current membership has ments included helping to es- Silicon Valley North, • Seasonal lawn maintenance reached 327, up substantially tablish the community rink at Canada News Wire, from the Association’s 203 CTV News Net A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary members in 2007. Award Winning Company School and helping to pro- and CBC radio’s A Neighbourhood Watch duce the Homeowners Direc- “Here and Now” program, coordinated by tory for the area. James Blanchard, has been “She touched everything 613-227-0637 established in the Crossing and will be greatly missed,” Bridge area, in existence for a president Tirrell said of Ms. www.makingoutdoorlivingbeautiful.com little more than a year now. It Rouleau. has up to 99 percent participaCONNIE RIVINGTON-HOWIE President Tirrell also extion on most streets in the area Sales Representative tended thanks from the Association to Coldwell Banker First Ottawa Realty of Stittsville for sponsoring the Association’s recent Homeowner John DeVries Ltd. Bus (613) 836-2570 Directories. President Tirrell also Dir (613) 978-0635 thanked Fran Cooper for being instrumental in keeping the Crossing Bridge “gateway” area at Carp Road and Hobin Street well groomed with flowers and plantings. The Crossing Bridge ResiDunrobin Shores What a View dents’ Association recently Like new 2 storey on picturesque lot. 3 Stunning view from this executive lot near bdrms, 3 baths, custom kitchen. 2 car Braeside. Bring your dream home made a $250 donation to the attached garage. $339,500 building plans. $89,000 Stittsville Food Bank. The annual Crossing Bridge ING LIST community-wide garage sale NEW JOHN BRUMMELL PHOTO is taking place this coming Members of the new executive of the Crossing Bridge Residents’ Association in Stittsville are, seated, Sunday, May 30 from 8 a.m. left to right, Josh Fowler, street rep coordinator; Brenda Tirrell, president; Anik Cousens, secretary; and to 12 noon. Fran Cooper, liaison rep to the Stittsville Village Association; and, back row, standing, left to right, Guest speaker at the annual Brent Conley, member at large and garage sale coordinator; James Blanchard, Neighbourhood Watch general meeting was city of Amberwood Adult Lifestyle Hidden Lakes coordinator; Cathy Skinner, vice-president; and Olivier Aubert, communications director and website Ottawa Stittsville ward counSpacious bungalow in mature neighbourBeautiful 2005 Holitizner Home on large hood. 2 + 2 bdrms, 3 bthrms, sunroom, coordinator. Missing from the picture is treasurer Lisa Goudie. cillor Shad Qadri. Carp walk-out lot. Upgrades! 4 bdrm, 2 car garage, eat-in kitchen. 3 btw and Gourmet Kitchen! $699,900 p.m., several of the authors in attendance Youth ConneXion group of the city of HERE COMES, FROM 2 Private cul-du-sac. Gardens. $399,500 at the event will be at the Ottawa Public Ottawa’s Parks and Recreation DepartNow the event has evolved into an af- Library’s space, reading from their books. ment, will see youth poets in the comternoon celebration of not only artistic These will include not only children’s munity honoured for their submissions to and literary accomplishments but also of books but also adult books as well. this contest. music and poetry. Starting at 1 p.m. and running through Artists and Authors in the Park will also There will be an official opening of the to 3 p.m., Village Square Park will also feature a BBQ held by the Rotary Club of event at 12 noon featuring city of Ottawa be the site of a concert by the Stittsville Ottawa – Stittsville. Waterfront Executive Home Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri community band. This will add a musical Everyone in the community is encourWOW! Waterfront, 59 acres and stunning Gorgeous 2 storey home on picturesque 2 who is the honourary president of the sparkle to the event. bungalow. 3 brdms, 3 baths, hardwood, acres. Custom built 4 bdrm. Full suite with aged to attend this Artists and Authors in granite. Detached garage/workshop. 2nd kitchen & bath. Granite, Hardwood, event. Something new this year will be the the Park event this Sunday, May 30 from Picturesque! $899,900 Walk-out. Spectacular! $749,900 From 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., the Stitts- presentation of prizes to the winners in 12 noon to 5 p.m. Come out and enjoy www.rivington-howie.com ville branch of the Ottawa Public Library the first-ever Youth Poetry Contest in seeing works of art by local artists and Email: connie@rivington-howie.com will have an area where stories will be Stittsville. see some of the literary efforts produced read to children. Between 3 p.m. and 4 This poetry contest, organized by the by local writers. 444 Hazeldean Road KANATA JOHN BRUMMELL NEWS STAFF
The executive of the Crossing Bridge Residents’ Association for the 2010-2011 year involves Brenda Tirrell returning as president, Cathy Skinner as vice-president, Anik Cousens as secretary, Lisa Goudie as treasurer, Josh Fowler in charge of street reps, Fran Cooper as the liaison representative with the Stittsville Village Association, Brent Conley as the advertising coordinator and Olivier Aubert as the director of communications/website coordinator. In her remarks at the Crossing Bridge Residents’ Associ-
Cemetery service at Dwyer Hill
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
4 Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
e-mail news@yourstittsville.com
Art, literature, music, poetry - all at Village Square This Sunday, May 30, will see what has developed into perhaps the premier cultural event in the Stittsville community take place at Village Square Park in the heart of Stittsville. The annual Artists and Authors in the Park event, hosted by the Stittsville Village Association, will run from 12 noon to 5 p.m. It is quite simply a community celebration of art and literature. But there’s more. There will be music thanks to the Stittsville community concert band and, for the first time, youth poetry will be featured, with the distribution of prizes for the winning entries in a new poetry contest for youth. Besides the displays and exhibits by more than 50 local
artists and authors, the event will also see the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library set up, with stories being read for children and perhaps even some adults. Even some of the authors on site are going to be reading some of their writings. What is so great about this event is that those who attend get an opportunity to meet and chat with these creative artists and authors in attendance. Indeed, there is also the opportunity at this event to purchase a work of art or a book right from the artist or author. How cool is that! That this all takes place right in the heart of the community where you can bump into neighbours and friends and
enjoy what will hopefully be the spring sunshine is an added bonus. It also will be a fantastic opportunity to enjoy the musical stylings of the Stittsville community concert band. This group has grown in numbers and has expanded its musical offerings, ensuring that their performance will be a memorable and enjoyable one for all who stop and listen while visiting Artists and Authors in the Park. What is best of all is that this is all taking place right here in the middle of the community, free for one and all. What better way to spend a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon, surrounded by art, literature, music and poetry. It doesn’t get any better than this.
Enjoy mesmerizing play while supporting Friends of Hospice JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF A mesmerizing play that tells the inspirational story of a touching relationship between a student and his former college professor during the latter’s final days is coming to the Ottawa Little Theatre in Ottawa. And as befits the story in the play, funds raised at the play’s opening night on Wednesday, Aug. 4 will be going to support Friends of Hospice Ottawa which provides in home and day hospice care as well as other services to those in the west Ottawa area who are battling a life threatening illness. Tickets for the opening night, which includes a reception, a dessert extravaganza catered by A.J.’s Catering and an opportunity to meet the cast, are being sold for $55 each. They are available by going to the Friends of Hospice Ottawa website at www. friendsofhospiceottawa.ca. More information is available by contacting Ruth Cameron, director of event planning and financial management for Friends of Hospice Ottawa, at 613-838-5744. The play, “Tuesdays with Morrie,” has been written by Mitch Albom based on a best selling biography that has sold more than eight million copies. It tells the story of a relationship which develops between a student and his former teacher. Mitch Albom, an accomplished journalist, has enjoyed great success
as an acclaimed newspaper columnist and broadcaster but he has been living a very shallow life. He gets a second chance to redeem himself by reconnecting with his old college professor, Morrie, during the latter’s final days. The play, which was performed in Bracebridge in 2008 and in Orillia and Gravenhurst in 2009, features Bob Dermer as Morrie and Roger Bird as Mitch. Bob Dermer has performed on stage in Canada, the United States and Europe. He co-starred with henry Winkler on Broadway in “42 Seconds from Broadway” and for nine years was the character Sam Crenshaw in the TV Ontario series “Today’s Special.” Roger Bird, who is a teacher at Huntsville High School, has been a radio reporter, producer and news director. He also enjoys writing and performing sketch comedy. “Tuesdays with Morrie” is being touted as a play that will make people laugh as well as hold the attention and interest of the audience from the opening curtain to the final bows. It promises to be a great evening at the theatre while also raising funds for Friends of Hospice Ottawa. Friends of Hospice Ottawa has its office in Richmond while also operating one of its two day hospice programs at St. John the Baptist Anglican Church hall in Richmond. Friends of Hospice Ottawa was the recipient of the People’s Choice top non-profit community organization award presented by the Kanata Chamber of Commerce last February.
Stittsville News
Vice President & Regional Publisher Chris McWebb chris.mcwebb@metroland.com 613-221-6201 Regional General Manager John Willems john.willems@metroland.com 613-221-6202 Director of Advertising Terrilynne Crozier terrilynne.crozier@metroland.com 613-221-6206 National Sales Manager Paul Burton paul.burton@metroland.com 613-240-9942 Director of Distribution Elliot Tremblay elliot.tremblay@metroland.com 613-221-6204
A bicycle rack in the form of a stylized bicycle and rider stands at the front of the Goulbourn Recreation Complex on Shea Road in Stittsville.
Children’s crafts at Museum JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF Springtime means flowers. And so what better theme for a Sunday afternoon of children’s crafts and activities at the Goulbourn Museum than “Spring and May Flowers.” This special afternoon of crafts for children aged 4 to 12 will take place at the Goulbourn Museum
80 Colonnade Rd. N., Nepean, ON K2E 7L2 T: 613-224-3330 • F: 613-224-2265 • www.yourottawaregion.com
Editor in Chief Deb Bodine deb.bodine@metroland.com 613-221-6210 Managing Editor Suzanne Landis suzanne.landis@metroland.com 613-221-6226 Editor: John Curry john.curry@metroland.com 613-836-1357 Reporter John Brummell john.brummell@metroland.com 613-836-1357 Flyer Sales Bob Burgess bob.burgess@metroland.com 613.221.6227
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at Stanley’s Corners this Sunday, May 30 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The registration fee is only two dollars per child. At the session, children will be creating a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and an array of springthemed crafts using a variety of materials, patterns and techniques. In addition to making these crafts, children will be able to For distribution inquiries in your area or for the re-delivery of a missed paper or flyer, please call 1-877-298-8288 Classified Advertising Danny Boisclair danny.boisclair@metroland.com 613.221.6225 Distribution District Service Rep. Collin Cockburn
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Distribution: 11,239 Homes Weekly Advertising Deadline - Monday Noon Classified Deadline - Monday Noon Editorial Deadline - Monday Noon
play in the Museum’s General Store exhibit and also explore the military exhibition that is set up at the Museum. However, there are only so many spots available at this craft program. So, anyone interested should call 613-831-2393 or should email education@goulbournmuseum.ca to reserve a spot at this “May Flowers” craft day. Publisher’s Liability: The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising from errors in advertisements beyond actual amount paid for space used by the part of the advertisement containing the error. The publisher shall not be liable for non-insertion of any advertisement. the publisher will not knowingly publish any advertisement which is illegal, misleading or offensive. The contents of this newspaper are protected by copyright and may be used only for your personal non-commercial purposes. All other rights are reserved and commercial use is prohibited. Permission to republish any material must be sought from the relevant copyright owner.
Dinner at Ashton
The annual dinner in memory of Gertie Jones at Christ Church Ashton is coming up. A hot turkey dinner in her memory will be held this Saturday, May 29 at 5 p.m. at Christ Church Ashton. There is only one sitting. Tickets for this dinner are available now from Marion Jones at 613-838-5405 or from Rev. Jim Kirkpatrick at 613-253-2878. 385198
Fiddling and stepdancing took over the Richmond Curling Club in Richmond last weekend as the Ottawa Fiddle and Stepdance Competition took place there. Among the competitors was Hannah Girard of Stittsville who placed fourth overall in the 12 year old and Barristers and Solicitors under novice stepdance category. She earned her placing thanks to her www.rickassociates.com energetic reel accompanied by live W. John Rick jrick@rickassociates.com music played by Chad Wolfe. Lindsay R. McIntosh lmcintosh@rickassociates.com This annual Ottawa Fiddle and Christine S. Thomas cthomas@rickassociates.com Stepdance Competition showcases Tel: (613) 592-0088 the talents of both young and older PHOTO BY LEANNE DOUTHWRIGHT 591 March Rd, Ste 109 Kanata fiddlers and dancers, with a lineup Serving our community since 1987 in the areas of: Hannah Girard of exciting live performances of • Business law • Real estate in both fiddling and traditional Ottawa stepdancing • Wills and Estates • Environmental law Richmond. Valley style stepdancing.
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Susan Hughes holds up her Solomon’s Seal which won the “best in section” honours at the spring flower show of the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society in Stittsville on Tuesday, May 18.
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5 Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Hannah Girard places fourth
Property rights may rest with Patent Grants JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF The preservation of individual property rights may exist in historical documents known as Crown Land Patent Grants. These Patent Grants, in reality a contract between the Crown and the landowner, give the landowner of today protection against any invasive bylaws or legislation pertaining to the land, those at the annual general meeting of the Carleton Landowners Association were told on Thursday, May 20. Elizabeth Marshall of the Collingwood area, secretary of the Ontario Landowners Association and a researcher with the Association’s Patent Committee, said at the meeting at the former Goulbourn municipal building at Stanley’s Corners just south of Stittsville that a Crown Land Patent Grant gives today’s rural landowner control over his or her land and the legal authority to defy intrusive legislation such as that protecting wetlands or endangered species. She said that the Patent Grants set out the original conditions pertaining to the ownership of the land, with a 60 year period provided for the Crown to change or revoke the Patent Grant. This has never happened and so today’s landowner, as an heir or assign of the original landowner, has inherited these rights as set out in the Patent Grant. This is unreserved ownership of the land except, in some cases, for certain features that may
be listed in a particular Patent such as gold, copper, iron, silver, white pine and navigable water. She urged all rural landowners, even if they own only a part of the original land grant, to apply to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources for a certified copy of the Crown Land Patent Grant pertaining to the property. This costs $50. All that is needed is knowing the lot, concession and original township where the property sits. Ms. Marshall contended that while provincial governments can pass legislation pertaining to public lands, they cannot pass any legislation related to privately held land because of these Patent Grants which clearly provide for land ownership with no strings attached, as it were. This was the most major revelation at the annual general meeting. But receiving much attention as well was the current attempt by the Carleton Landowners Association and on a provincial basis the Ontario Landowners Association to become more structured and organized so that the organization will have more credibility and influence. The meeting also heard from several speakers that there is a need to develop the organization’s fundraising capability so that it has a “war chest” to take legal action against the government in situations where property rights have been trampled.
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City of Ottawa Rideau-Goulbourn ward councillor Glenn Brooks, left, and Mike Westley, right, of Goulbourn, who is on the board of directors of the Carleton Landowners Association, look at the certified Crown Land Patent Grant which applies to Mr. Westley’s property on the Flewellyn Road.
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economic growth, environmental planning and other areas of interest. Deborah Madill, communications director for the Ontario Landowners Association, who also spoke at the meeting, added her voice to the need for the organization to become more structured. “We really have to be structured,” she said. “We really have to be strong.” She said that membership numbers have to grow and the organization has to become strong, lamenting that if this does not happen, rural landowners are going to lose everything. “We have to go out there and kick butt,” she said.
AGM accepts slate A 13 member Board of Directors for 2010 was accepted at the annual general meeting of the Carleton Landowners Association in Stittsville on Thursday, May 13. The slate, which was accepted by a show of hands at the meeting, includes Tom Black, who has been the president, as well as Marlene Black, Gerry Jette, Sarah Trant, Donna Wilson, Bill Schaubs, Jim McKenzie, Mike Westley, Peggy Kelly, Sonya Vanek, Jack MacLaren, Doug Cully and Shirley Dolan.
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Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
The Carleton Landowners Association has developed a draft set of bylaws which are now available for viewing on the group’s website at www.carletonlandowners.com. The bylaws are devised to help the Carleton Landowners Association to become a more structure group that would then be perceived as more credible and would gain more respect within the rural community. Having a “war chest” to legally back up protests to infringements on property rights was endorsed by Mark Tijssen, a Carlsbad Springs area resident who is now battling the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources following an incident in which he killed a pig on his property and then allowed some of it to be taken off the property. He lamented the costs, ranging from $45,000 to $100,000 which he could be facing if he decides to fight the government in court. If he agrees to a plea, his fine will only be a couple of thousand dollars or so. He praised the Carleton Landowners Association for providing moral support and advice to him but he lamented the group’s financial inability to help in any legal battles. “What we’re missing is the ability to take on these legal fees,” he said. He said that the provincial government would be more worried if the Landowners group had a war chest for such legal battles. “That’s my concern,” he said, “is that we are not well armed.” He urged the Carleton Landowners Association to go a step beyond just providing moral support in cases of injustice against property rights and develop a financial clout that would enable those involved in clear cases of injustice to be defended. Carleton Landowners Association president Tom Black of Goulbourn said that
having such a war chest is something that those involved with the Association have dreamed about but the problem is that there needs to be someone to fill such a war chest with money. Jack MacLaren of West Carleton, the current president of the Ontario Landowners Association and a former president Tom Black of the Carleton Landowners Association, in his remarks at the meeting, agreed with the feeling that the Association needs a war chest. “You’re right,” he told Mr. Black and Mr. Tijssen, “we need a war chest.” He noted that the organization, which began seven years ago with four people sitting around a table, has now grown to 21 county associations in the province. He said that the provincial organization has to become more structured and is now looking to hire a communications officer who would also do fundraising. Those at the meeting also heard from Mary Campbell, mayor of McNab/Braeside in the Arnprior area, who lamented that all provincial legislation these days is written from an urban point of view. However, she urged people to work from within the system to bring about change, advocating that they get involved in municipal politics. “We have more potential power than we ever had since 1850,” she said about municipalities, noting their new powers related to
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Giving with hair JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF She has only just turned five but already Adriana (Adri) Kavanagh of Goulbourn knows how to give to others. Adri turned five years old on Monday, May 3rd and although she had never had her hair cut, she decided that she wanted to cut off her 12 inch long pony tail and donate it to help a cancer victim. It was deciced that the hair PHOTO COURTESY OF SHERI KAVANAGH would be donated to A Child’s Adriana (Adri) Kavanagh with her new Voice Foundation because this organization is involved with short hair style.
City of Ottawa Councillor Reports By Shad Qadri, Councillor Ward Six Stittsville City of Ottawa I hope everyone had a nice long weekend and you were able to relax and enjoy yourselves with your families. Proposed ‘holding zone’ to development lands in Stittsville and Kanata South The City is proposing a Zoning By-law Amendment to apply a ‘holding zone’ on particular development properties to manage growth with respect to available capacity and until such time that capacity at the Hazeldean Pump Station (HPS) can be demonstrated. Additional capacity would be provided through identification of additional flow through the design of the pump station or through an upgrade to create additional flow. Following the Ontario Provincial Policy Statement, the City has been monitoring the HPS and based on the projected growth, an upgrade to the station would be required in approximately 2011-2012. At this time, the HPS flows are below the rated capacity and based on historical consumption, there remains approximately two years of residential capacity within the HPS. There are planning applications having an advanced status, which are predicted to use over half of the two-year capacity. The City has already initiated the necessary Environmental Assessment for upgrades to the HPS. Acquiring provincial approvals could be delayed, as such it is considered prudent to implement a ‘holding zone’ or lower case ‘h’ over lands which are tributary to the HPS in order that the City can manage growth responsibly with available capacity within the HPS, and to flag to property owners that future development requiring approval under the Ontario Planning Act may be put on hold where warranted until capacity is considered available within the HPS. For more information and to provide comments by June 4, please contact my office and the City Planner, Don Herweyer, at Don.Herweyer@ ottawa.ca or 613-580-2424 x 28311. Additional information is available on my website. Sweetnam Drive noise public meeting Given the continued noise and operational concerns with the businesses on Sweetnam Drive, I have arranged a public meeting with by-law staff and Ottawa Police to address concerns. If you reside in the area, I encourage you to attend the meeting on Wednesday, June 2 from 7-9 p.m. at the Fringewood Community Centre located at 14 Fringewood Drive
children’s wigs and provides them to children suffering from cancer who are from families that cannot afford to pay for them. Adri had her hair cut at the Chiquitaz Hair Salon in Stittsville on Saturday, May 8. She not only is very proud of her new short hair style but she is happy to have donated her hair to such a worthy cause. She now wants to grow her hair long again so that she can go through the experience all over again. Adri is the daughter of Mike and Sheri Kavanagh of Mansfield Road in Goulbourn.
Calling all book lovers JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF One “must attend” event every spring in Stittsville, especially for book lovers, is the annual book fair at A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary School in Stittsville. This year’s book fair, BBQ and raffle is coming up this Friday, May 28 and Saturday, May 29. The event gets underway at 3:45 p.m. this Friday, May 28, with the book fair running to 7:30 p.m., the BBQ running until 6 p.m. and raffle tickets being sold until 6 p.m. The actual raffle draw will
begin at 6:30 p.m. The book fair will continue on Saturday, May 29, running from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Book prices at the book fair will range from 25 cents to two dollars. All proceeds from this annual book fair, BBQ and raffle will be going to support school programs and activities at A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary School. Everyone in the community is most welcome to attend this book fair, BBQ and raffle which is being held at the school which is located on Hobin Street just west of Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville.
Dear residents, 6303 Hazeldean Road revised plans & public meeting The applicant has submitted revised plans for the proposed shopping plaza on the northwest corner of Carp Road and Hazeldean Road. The applicant is proposing to modify the footprints of all originally proposed retail pads with the exception of the supermarket building (Sobeys) at the southwest corner of the site and is proposing two new retail buildings; a Tim Hortons with a drive-thru facility and a Boston Pizza restaurant. I encourage you to attend a public meeting to review these revised plans on Thursday, June 3 at 7 p.m. at the Fringewood Community Centre located at 14 Fringewood Drive in Stittsville The revised plans are available on my website for review. If you are interested in this file please contact my office to be included on the email distribution list. For more information and to provide comments please contact my office and the City Planner, Sean Moore, at Sean. Moore@ottawa.ca or 613580-2424 x16481. Have your say in the Lansdowne Park design proposals Last Thursday, the City unveiled the five proposals for a new urban park for Lansdowne. The City, the National Capital Commission and Parks Canada teamed up to host an international competition for the design of a park which will be part of the redevelopment of Lansdowne. The public will have a chance to view the five finalists in venues across Ottawa including this Saturday (May 29) and Sunday (May 30) at the Kanata Recreation Complex between 10 am and 8 pm. The designs will be on display for public viewing until May 30. Public feedback on the designs is requested, and the final day for comments is May 31. The winner will be chosen on June 4. Have your say in Ottawa’s financial future I encourage all residents to get involved and share your ideas for Ottawa’s 2011 Budget and long-term financial plan. City Council will consider and approve a budget for 2011 early next year. The City is also revising its long- term financial plan. So, the City is inviting residents to give us your ideas and suggestions on how to balance services within the financial resources of the City. One way to get involved is to take part in the
Financial Sustainability Summit on Tuesday, June 22 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Ottawa City Hall. We’re asking people to help us by going to ottawa.ca/financialsummit in advance. Submit your questions and ideas on anything involving City finances. Questions and responses will be posted on the Financial Summit web page. During the Financial Sustainability Summit on June 22, discussions will centre on the questions and ideas that have been submitted online. Note that the summit will be open to the public but new questions or comments will not be accepted at the event. So please consider visiting ottawa.ca/ financialsummit. Questions can be submitted to financialsummit@ottawa.ca by June 15. Doors open throughout Ottawa Buildings of architectural, historical or functional significance will open their doors to the public on June 5 and 6. And for the first time in nine seasons, the Embassy of the United States of America will be part of the event, one of 18 new facilities. However, admission is limited and visitors must pre-register through the embassy’s web site at http://ottawa.usembassy.gov/ to receive an invitation for a 20-minute guided tour. The Transportation Safety Board lab, which analyzes black box data as part of its investigation of marine, railway, pipeline and aviation accidents, is also a new addition this year as is the Parks Canada lab where visitors can watch conservation scientists at work and examine unique objects recovered from historic shipwrecks. Residents can also experience peaceful places of worship, mind-blowing museums, green gardens, amazing artist studios and more free of charge. Within our community, the Goulbourn Museum will be open for you to visit. Please visit the City’s website at www.ottawa. ca and follow the links to Doors Open Ottawa, as there are specific times and availability of buildings throughout the City. Graffiti – Reporting and prompt removal can lead to prevention To some, graffiti is an unsightly blight on the urban landscape but to many, including local business owners, graffiti is not just an aggravating nuisance – it takes significant amounts of time, money and effort to address. Graffiti includes all types of markings or writing with paint, markers,
scratches and even acid-based etching on glass. The City is raising awareness of the problem and is working with stakeholders to remove and prevent graffiti year-round through its Graffiti Management Program. Graffiti vandalism is a crime with serious consequences and residents are encouraged to help. Studies show that quick removal of graffiti is the best way to discourage further acts of vandalism. Don’t ignore graffiti – report it! To report existing graffiti on any property (public or private), complete the online form at ottawa.ca/graffiti or call the City of Ottawa at 3-1-1 (TTY: 613580-2401). Hate-related graffiti constitutes an additional criminal offence other than vandalism and should be reported immediately. If you see graffiti vandalism happening, call 9-1-1. It is considered a crime in progress. Graffiti vandals risk being charged under the Graffiti Management By-law as well. Private property owners are responsible for the removal of graffiti on their own property. Under the By-law, all property owners are required to keep their property graffiti-free. If your property has been vandalized with graffiti, be sure to file a police report by calling the Ottawa Police Service Call Centre at 613-236-1222, extension 7300 (TTY 613-760-8100) and remove it from your property as soon as possible. Visit ottawa.ca/ graffiti or call 3-1-1 to learn more about removal and prevention. Graffiti – Prevent it. Report it. Remove it. And help keep Ottawa beautiful. Always listening and acting on your concerns As your Councillor, I always welcome your keen input and ideas on how we can sustain and improve Stittsville. Please contact our office anytime by phone at 613-580-2476 or by e-mail at Shad.Qadri@ ottawa.ca. My ward office is located in the Goulbourn Recreation Complex, located at 1500 Shea Road. The hours of operation are Mondays 92pm, Wednesdays 3-8pm, Fridays 9-5pm, and Saturday 9-1pm. Please do not hesitate to pay us a visit. I welcome your call or e-mail to arrange an appointment. If you are not part of my electronic outreach list and would like to be added, please contact my office to ensure you receive pertinent information concerning our community. 373809
8 a.m. and ending back home at 7 p.m. The tour will involve travel to Montreal by Deluxe Coach. Ticket price for any Horticultural
Society member will be $50 which will include admission to the Botanical Gardens. Non-members of the Society are most welcome to attend but their ticket price will be
613-831-9287 www.swiftmove.ca 389111
The Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society will be holding its annual spring plant sale this Saturday, May 29 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the parking lot at Bradley’s Insurance on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville. The rain date for this event has been set as Sunday, May 30. This spring plant sale will feature home grown plants as well as
some gently used items at a “Dis and Dat” garden table. In addition, parents will be able to register young gardeners in the Society’s Junior Gardeners program at this event and pick up the seed kits for the program’s summer growing project. Later in the summer, the Horticultural Society is holding a very special event, namely a bus tour to the Montreal Botanical Gardens. This will happen on Wednesday, July 14, with the tour beginning at
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In Your Community Stittsville Information Session Monday, May 31, 2010 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Goulbourn Recreation Complex 1500 Shea Road Councillor Shad Qadri and Hydro Ottawa are hosting an Information Session to discuss electricity reliability and the distribution system in Stittsville. Hydro Ottawa representatives will be available to answer your questions and are looking for your feedback. Please come and join us on Monday, May 31. Hydro Ottawa would like to thank our customers in Stittsville for their continued support as we work hard to further enhance reliability in your area. 390279
Stittsville Public School students Alexandra Pike, far left, and Taylor Darbyson, centre, present an enlarged cheque for $1,900 to Theresa Qadri, right, who is representing the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville. The funds, which will go to help in relief work in Haiti, were raised by Mme. Dagenais’ grade five class at Stittsville Public School through a program called “Putt-Putt World.”
9 Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Plant sale now, Montreal bus tour coming
$60 per person which will include not only admission to the Botanical Gardens but also membership in the Horticultural Society. For more information or to purchase tickets for this bus tour, please call Catherine at 613-8363588.
10 Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Medieval times at Ottawa Waldorf School their crowns and suitably attired, they made their majestic way into the performance area, taking their regal seats overlooking the performers while sitting beside a suit of armour which was on display. Their immediate proclamation of the lifting of all taxes for the week brought a cheer from the assembled performers, all wearing medieval-era costumes. After music, song and dance, the performers settled into the presentation of a comedy “The Nose Competition”, focused on judging who had the biggest nose. There were some beauties, as noses go, all mask-like artificial creations that brought what might in medieval times be called some “merriment” to the gathering. The play was followed by the beginning of a royal banquet, publicized as a “Food Fair for a Feast and Fit for a King!”.
Wearing his big nose mask as he performs in the play “The Nose Competition” at the recent Medieval Spring Fair at the Ottawa Waldorf School in Stittsville is student James Prado.
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Rivers — A Source of Drinking Water
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Four municipalities in our region get their source of municipal drinking water from local rivers: Carleton Place, Ottawa, Perth and Smiths Falls. Their intake pipes draw water straight out of the Mississippi River, Ottawa River, Tay River and Rideau River, respectively. That water is then filtered, disinfected and tested before being piped out to homes and businesses in those urban areas. The Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Committee (SPC) is now completing studies that will make municipal drinking water even safer! These rivers and the land that drains into them upstream of the intakes were studied to determine where pollutants might be able to get into the water and how vulnerable the intakes are to contamination. Knowing this will allow us to create policies that will help prevent contamination in crucial areas. First, the studies assessed how vulnerable the intakes are to contamination. For instance, Ottawa’s intakes, that are over 300 metres from shore and more than 6 metres deep, are generally less vulnerable than intakes in smaller rivers like Perth’s whose intake is only four metres from shore and is less than two metres deep. Next, the studies mapped land and water where polluted runoff or spilled chemicals could flow downstream and reach the intake. Three important Intake Protection Zones (IPZs) were mapped: a 200 metre buffer around each intake (IPZ-1); an area within which runoff and spilled contaminants could reach the intake within 2 hours (IPZ-2); and a large area within which water could reach the intake (IPZ-3). Lastly, scientists determined how easily contaminants (if present) could enter the river within these three zones – the vulnerability of the area. They considered: amount of land in IPZ-2 (more land, more chance of contamination); land cover, soil type, permeability and slope (all determine if water will run off into the river or seep into the soil – higher runoff means more chance of contamination); and the presence of pathways like ditches, storm sewers and tributaries which make it easier for contaminants to get to the river. In IPZ-1, only Ottawa’s intakes received the lower of two possible vulnerability scores. In IPZ-2, Smiths Falls and Ottawa received the middle of three possible scores while Carleton Place and Perth received the highest. This is the first time this type of study has been done in Ontario and there has been a lot of debate about methodologies. While it’s not in the public interest to underestimate how vulnerable our drinking water sources are, it also isn’t right to assign the most restrictive vulnerability score to an area without scientific rationale. The SPC considers these results to be a reasonable first time assessment with the desire to reassess them (and assign vulnerability scores in IPZ-3) once more provincial direction is provided. Land uses are now being looked at within the most vulnerable areas to estimate how many significant threats to the water supply currently exist. Examples include municipal landfills and sewage treatment plants, large volume fuel storage, large volume fertilizer and pesticide application and spreading of manure. Many of these land uses can easily reduce their threat by implementing best management practices. A Source Protection Plan containing policies to address each threat will get underway this fall and will involve lots of public input.
Wearing a big nose mask in the play “The Nose Competition” at the recent Medieval Spring Fair at the Ottawa Waldorf School in Stittsville is student Didier Richard.
Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Region 613-692-3571 or 1-800-267-3504 ext. 1147 janet.stavinga@mrsourcewater.ca www.mrsourcewater.ca
Next Meeting June 3, 2010 6 p.m. Smiths Falls
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Coming Up! Next SPC meeting is June 3 at 6pm at the Smiths Falls RCAF Wing (44 Abbott St. North). Committee members will be there early for a “meet and greet” from 5pm. The only agenda item is the approval of a DRAFT version of our Assessment Report. This report is a collection of all our technical findings and it will be posted this summer for public consultation – see our next column for details!
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By Janet Stavinga, Chair
Court jesters Bo Hansen, left, and Dustin King, right, amuse the crowd with their antics at the recent Medieval Spring Fair at the Ottawa Waldorf School in Stittsville.
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SENIOR STAR KICK-OFF Tuesday, June 1 • 2pm Rae Chalmers, our very own Kanata Senior Star 2008 will be at Chartwell Kanata to perform. Come out for a preview of Senior Star 2010!
JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF It was medieval times all over again at the Ottawa Waldorf School in Stittsville on Sunday, May 16. One of the highlights of the medieval spring fair which was held at the school was a medieval play “The Nose Competition.” It featured not only a variety of noses of different lengths and dimensions but also dancing, music and the antics of a pair of court jesters, played by students Bob Hansen and Dustin King. They jumped through hoops, battled with sticks and otherwise entertained during any lull in the play’s activity. All of this was watched by the medieval king and queen, played by willing adults Jeff Korentayer and Allyson McQuinn. Wearing
11 Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Stittsville Sport Physiotherapy Centre NOW OPEN! JOHN CURRY PHOTO
Ottawa Waldorf School students Jonah Alvarez, left, and JOHN CURRY PHOTO Leah Lavictoire, right, wear their “big nose” masks as they Ottawa Waldorf School students Grace Hendrickson Jones, perform in the play “The Nose Competition” at the recent left, and Emma Grant-Zypchen, right, provide music at the Medieval Spring Fair at the school in Stittsville. recent Medieval Spring Fair at the Stittsville school.
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Performing in the play “The Nose Competition” at the recent Medieval Spring Fair at the Ottawa Waldorf School in Stittsville are, from left to right, Alyson Terry, Laura Prado, Taite Krueger, Claire Hendrickson Jones, Pamela Whitlock and Aritz Beobide-Cardinal.
Wearing a big nose mask in the play JOHN CURRY PHOTO “The Nose Competition” at the recent Jeff Korentayer, left, and Allyson McQuinn, right, play the roles of the King and Medieval Spring Fair at the Ottawa Queen respectively at the Medieval Spring Fair at the Ottawa Waldorf School Waldorf School in Stittsville is student Adie Glatt. in Stittsville.
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A total of 357 players were registered with the Richmond Munster Minor Hockey Association for the 2009-2010 season. Of these players, 308 played on house league teams. There were three who played for the Tier 1 Ottawa Valley Titans while eight played for the Tier 1 Upper Canada Cyclones. Nine played for the Ottawa Valley Silver Seven Tier 2 teams while 29 players played in the Osgoode Richmond Tier 3 program. For the 2009-2010 season, the RMMHA had 22 teams playing in the Lanark Carleton Minor Hockey League. This included five hockey initiation level teams including the Canadians, Panthers, Blue Jackets, Penguins and Senators. There was an average of 14 players per team.
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Tryouts coming for Capital City Storm teams leading Club has been operating for five years, striving to offer quality programming, excellence and success not only in the gym but outside it as well. Capital City Storm endorses an inclusive attitude, based on the belief that there is a spot for everyone on an all-star cheerleading team, all in a safe, fun and positive environment. Capital City Storm competitive teams compete in events in both Canada and the United States. These teams combine stunt work, dance, gymnastics and dance, making all-star cheerleading a fast paced, exciting sport not only to watch but also to do. All Capital City Storm teams consisted of both new and veteran athletes who work together to be the best that they can be. And they are showing that they are among the best anywhere. The past year has seen Capital City Storm teams success at various levels. The senior team (ages 1518) placed second at the Nationals in Mississauga and first at the CheerleadPHOTO COURTESY OF SAMANTHA RIEM ing of America Nationals Three Capital City Storm cheerleaders who were part of a provincial in Buffalo. These placings championship team are, from left to right, Ashleigh Dodunski, came on top of first place finishes both at ProivnHayley Dodunski and Jenna Dodunski.
SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Stittsville is a cheerleading hotspot thanks to Capital City Storm. This All-Star Cheerleading Club, located at 119 Iber Road in Stittsville, is developing cheerleaders and cheerleading teams that are not only capturing regional, provincial and national honours but also are following the club’s motto of “Believing, Achieving, Succeeding, Together.” The Capital City Storm All-Star Cheer-
cials and at Regionals. The Capital City Storm junior team (ages 12-14) was third this past year at Nationals after placing first at both the provincial and regional levels. The Capital City Storm youth team (ages 9-11) placed first at the Jamfest Nationals in Syracuse as well as first at the regional competition. The Capital City Storm mini team (ages 68) was third at Nationals while placing first at the regional competition. The Capital City Storm Open Team (age 18 plus) placed first at the PCA Nationals this year. Capital City Storm also has a parents’ team which competed in a non-compete division at the Nationals. Besides all of these competitive teams, Capital City Storm also offers a recreational
program for both 3-5 year olds and also 610 years olds. This program runs on Sunday afternoons. The current season has ended now for Capital City Storm but tryouts for the teams for the coming season are happening this Saturday, May 29 at the Iber Road location. Times for the tryouts are posted on the Capital City Storm website at www.capitalcitystorm.ca. These tryouts are important for being placed on a team. Some placements are accepted in the fall but only if teams still have spots available and usually these fall spots are limited in number. So, attending the tryouts this coming Saturday, May 29 is the ideal and will lead to being placed on a team for the coming season. For more information about the Capital City Storm, please email info@capitalcitystorm.ca.
One-day depot for household hazardous waste on Saturday, May 29 You are invited to bring your household hazardous waste to the one-day depot. Just drive in and our attendants will unload your material and dispose of it safely. You don’t even have to get out of your car!
What is hazardous waste? Energy efficient light bulbs, turpentine, brake fluid, aerosol containers, fire extinguishers, mercury thermometers, pool chemicals, insecticides, stains, wood preservatives, barbecue starters, propane tanks, oven cleaners, disinfectants, herbicides, fungicides, furniture stripper, gasoline and window cleaner.
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Avoid lineups for the following products: •Waste oil can be brought back to a “Take it Back!” partner retailer; check the City’s website at ottawa.ca under Garbage and Recycling. •Residents are reminded that pesticides, herbicides and BBQ propane tanks can be brought to the HHW depots for safe disposal.
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Stittsville artist John Madden stands beside one of his paintings which is now on display at the ArtSpace wall at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library.
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A visit to the ArtSpace area at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library these days can take the viewer to the Scottish highlands, to an Irish road, to a misty lake, to a schooner on the high seas or to a trawler at anchor in an Irish cove. These are among the scenes depicted in the current nine painting exhibit by Stittsville landscape artist John Madden at ArtSpace. It is well worth dropping into the Stittsville library branch sometime before June 13 when the exhibit ends and venture to the ArtSpace wall in the back right rear corner of the branch to see these framed landscapes by Mr. Madden. Mr. Madden, who operates the Art Mad shop at the Stittsville Shopping Centre with his wife Maggie, is an artist who is inspired by the natural landscape of his environment. Indeed, he finds the environment of this area similar to that of his native Ireland, something which helps as he creates his artwork. Born in 1960 in Belfast, Ireland, his father was a longtime painter, calligrapher and mosaic specialist who passed on his artistic talents to John and his siblings. An engineer for over 20 years, John came to Canada in 1998 and opened the Art Mad shop in Stittsville in 2007. Art Mad sells art supplies while also providing gallery space for exhibits. Art Mad also offers art classes, some of which John himself teaches. He also facilitates an art program for recovering addicts at the New Gate program in Merrickville. Currently serving as secretary of the Ottawa West Arts Association of which he was one of the founding members, John saw Art Mad nominated as Business of the Year in the Stittsville Appreciation Awards this year.
In his art, John mixes the influences of the Canadian environment with that of his native Ireland, with watercolour being his preferred medium. He finds that watercolour is perfect for capturing the colours and moods of both Canada and Ireland. Many of his paintings are a combination of the scenes and influences which he has experienced in both countries. The nine paintings on display at ArtSpace at the Stittsville library are all framed and all for sale, with prices ranging from $150 to $800. The paintings include “Mountain Pass, Scottish Highlands,” which is an acrylic on canvas, the only one that is not a watercolour; “Barn in Winter, Quebec”; “Still Standing” showing a solo tree beside a fence; “Road to Lurgan, County Down, Ireland”; “Going Home,” showing a laneway running between trees; a painting showing a schooner at full sail on the sea; “Lake Mist Rising”, showing an early morning mist covering much of the scenery of a shoreline; “Tralee Trawler, Ireland”, depicting a colourful trawler at anchor; and “Breaking Weather, West Coast, Ireland,” a shoreline scene. There is a book of comments at the exhibit in which viewers can write their thoughts about the exhibit and Mr. Madden’s art. The display cabinet beside the ArtSpace wall has several books about painting and art on display. This exhibit of a selection of Mr. Madden’s art can be viewed during regular hours at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville. Mr. Madden will also be one of the artists who will be exhibiting their art at the annual Artists and Authors in the Park event at Village Square Park in downtown Stittsville this coming Sunday, May 30 from noon to 5 p.m.
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Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Paintings take viewer to Scotland, Ireland
14 Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
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Goulbourn Basketball Association juvenile boys’ house league champions for the 2009-2010 season are, at the front, Tanner Foster; behind Tanner, Mitchell Row-Smith; and, back row, left to right, Shaun Byck, Lando Thongvankham, Brent Patrick, Nicholas Bogan, Ryan Shizkoske, Drake Robson and coach John Smith. Missing from the picture are Ajay Chahal, Mike Sauve, Arron Chahal and Zach Loates.
Young golfers competing Two young golfers from Stittsville competed in the Canadian Junior Golf Association’s Euro Junior Golf Cup Qualifier and Lipton Brisk Canada Cup Team East Qualifier at the Loch March Golf and Country Club in Kanata last weekend. Playing in the boys age 15-19 category, Doug MacDonald and Cameron Benn, both of Stittsville, completed the two round competition. Doug MacDonald ended up tying for fourth place, ll strokes behind winner Clayton Presant of Kingston. Doug had rounds of 87
and then 79 for a 166 total on the par 72 course. Cameron Benn shot rounds of 95 and 86 for a 181 total in the two round competition. Meanwhile, in the Canadian Junior Golf Association’s Junior Worlds Qualifier at the Annandale Golf and Country Club at Ajax, Ontario, Adam Brown of Stittsville shot a round of 53 over the par 37 course, playing in the boys’ age eight and under category. He finished in seventh place, 26 shots behind leader Carlito Reyes of Markham.
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Grove in Stittsville. Stittsville managed just one hit in this game but it was a memorable one as Dan Jessiman smashed a home run to centre field. This season the former Manotick Lomor Printers team has become the Barrhaven Broadway Blues thanks to the new sponsorship of the Broadway restaurant in Barrhaven. In addition this season, the former Greely Eagles have become the North Gower Marlboroughs under the sponsorship of the Marlborough Pub in North Gower. The current Greater Ottawa Fastball League standings as of Friday, May 21 are the Barrhaven Broadway Blues in a first place tie with both the Kars Aces and the North Gower Marlboroughs. Carp 14C Victory and Fitzroy Harbour West Carleton Electric are just one point back, tied for second. They are followed by the Quyon Combat Flyers and Ottawa Blitz with the Stittsville 56ers bringing up the rear.
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JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF The Stittsville 56ers are off to a slow start in the Greater Ottawa Fastball League this season. The defending champions are in the cellar of the eight team league with only one win in four games. On Wednesday, May 19, the Kars Aces blanked the 56ers 7-0 at Alexander Grove in Stittsville. Darren Featherstone took the loss on the mound for the 56ers in this game. Kars struck for two runs in the first inning and another four runs in the second inning to take control of the game. This 7-0 loss for the 56ers came on the heels of the team’s 8-1 loss to the Carp 14C Victory squad in Carp on Thursday, May 13. Once again, it was a big inning that sunk the 56ers as Carp scored five runs in the fourth inning to make it a blowout. It was a bad week for the 56ers as the Stittsville team had lost 10-1 to the Quyon Combat Flyers just the night before in a game at Alexander
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Season over for Sacred Heart Huskies JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF
The junior football season is over for the Sacred Heart Huskies. The Huskies lost their final two games of the season last week to finish with a record of one win and five losses and making the Huskies one of three teams in the 11 team high school league that did not qualify for playoff action. The Huskies were swamped 44-0 by St. Matthew High School in a game at St. Matthew’s in Gloucester last Friday afternoon. Going into the game, Huskies coach Curtis MacNeil knew that the Huskies were going up against one of the strongest teams in the league.
Coach MacNeil was hoping that the Huskies could be competitive with the powerful St. Matthew’s team but it turned out that the Huskies could not move the ball much offensively in the game. The defense played fairly well, giving up only two offensive touchdowns in the game. But St. Matthew’s scored another touchdown on an interception return and ran back three punts for touchdowns. It was 35-0 for St. Matthew’s at half time. The Huskies had a real good chance for the team’s second victory of the season and perhaps access to the playoffs in their game against Holy Trinity High School at Sacred Heart in Stittsville on Tuesday, May 18.
The Huskies led 7-1 at half time thanks to a 15 yard touchdown pass from quarterback Jake Oliver to receiver Tyson Littau in the end zone. In the second half, the Huskies continued to move the ball on offense but two fumbles ended up being the team’s downfall. “We managed to shoot ourselves in the foot,” is how coach MacNeil referred to the two fumbles. The second of the fumbles happened in the fourth quarter when the Huskies were on the march, reaching the Holy Trinity 17 yard line. Holy Trinity then took over the ball and after two long pass completions, scored a touchdown and went on to win by a 9-7 score.
A barbeque will be held on Friday, May 28 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Richmond branch 625 of the Royal Canadian Legion on Ottawa Street in Richmond. Everyone welcome. A plant sale will be held on Saturday, May 29 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Christ Church Ashton in Ashton. Perennials, tomato plants and more.
Stittsville Automotive SERVICE CENTRE LTD. Complete Automotive and Truck Repair Domestic & Import RUST CONTROL
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
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Alex Potvan, number 25, of the Sacred Heart High School Huskies gains some yardage as he carries the ball for the Huskies against the Holy Trinity High School squad in a junior football league game in Stittsville on Tuesday, May 18.
16 Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
SC Storm playoff bound JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF The South Carleton High School Storm are off to the high school junior football league playoffs. The Storm defeated the Sir Robert Borden Bengals 38-13 on Tuesday, May 18 to chalk up the team’s fourth victory of the season. These four wins earned the Storm a fourth place finish in the 11 team league and a route to playoff action.
After losing their first two games of the season, the Storm ran off four straight wins to end their regular season. This included shutout wins against Sacred Heart High School and St. Francis Xavier High School as well as high scoring wins against Glebe Collegiate Institute and Sir Robert Borden High School. South Carleton ended up scoring 115 points in the regular season while allowing only 84 points to the opposition.
Doors Open Ottawa at Brookstreet Hotel
Kevin Ellwood, left, number 54, of the South Carleton High School Storm intercepts a pass in the team’s junior football league game against the Sir Robert Borden Bengals on Tuesday, May 18. At the right are Storm players, from left to right, Nick Gorgichuk, number 2; Griffin Hann, number 25; and Justin Belway, number 27.
Football clinic at Alexander Grove Alexander Grove in Stittsville is the place. this Saturday, May 29 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. is the time. Football is the game. This is the basic information for the second annual spring football clinic which the Bell Warriors Football Club is holding in Stittsville. Bell Warriors coaching staff as well as players from the 2009 Vanier Cup champion Queens University Golden Gaels will be on hand to run the clinic. The clinic is free and is for both boys and girls aged 8 through 16. No equipment is required. Those at-
tending need only bring along their cleats. For more information, please contact Paul Stewart at 613-8384279 or 613-296-8919 (cell). The Bell Warriors Football Club includes Goulbourn township in its regional territory. In the 2009 season, two Bell Warriors teams won regional championships. One team, coached by Paul Stewart of Richmond, won the A-Cup for the first time in the 55 year history of the Bell Warriors. The Bell Warriors bantam team, coached by Jim Wagdin of Richmond, was the other Warriors team to win a regional championship last season.
Saturday June 5 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm free public access View more than 50 original works of art from The Canterbury High School Art Program on display throughout Brookstreet Hotel. Take part in “Back-of-the-House” tours of the hotel through the inner-most workings of food, beverage and guestroom departments. Learn about Brookstreet’s green initiatives practiced on a daily basis and view some of the many room types including luxurious suites with balcony views of the Gatineau Hills. Visitors can also tour Brookstreet’s 20,000 square foot Flex Fitness facility including indoor/outdoor salt water pools and extensive array of cardio and strength fitness equipment. Details at www.brookstreet.com/welcome 389987
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South Carleton High School player Blair Stewart, number 34, gets ready to throw the ball during action in the team’s junior football league game against the Sir Robert Borden High School Bengals last week.
NEW LISTING! 358 Fireside Dr., Constance Bay. Looking for a great bungalow on a well treed 1 acre lot? Here it is, three bedroom bungalow on a desirable street of custom homes. Shows beautifully complete with a finished basement, fireplace in living room, large 2 car attached garage, screened porch, fenced rear yard & 2 piece ensuite bath. Lots of recent renovations including roof, flooring & paint. All of this one block from the waterfront & Torbolton Forest. $319,900
NEW PRICE! 113 McConnell Lane, Constance Bay. Deceivingly spacious 3+1 bedroom bungalow with a pretty yard fenced at back with deck & hot tub, open concept livrm, dining & kitchen, hardwood flooring, partially finished basement, woodstove, short walk to beach & forest trails. Conveniently close to general stores, LCBO, gas bar. $229,900
SOLD! 98 Piper Crescent, Morgan’s Grant. Spacious 3 bedrm, 3 bath, end-unit freehold townhouse in a great location with a huge, private 24’ x 156’ fenced lot, private laneway for 2 cars, freshly painted interior, sunny-eat-in kitchen, large dining room, walk-in closet & 3 piece ensuite in master, c/air, c/vac, large rec room with 2 big windows, 5 appliances. A wonderful home. List price $269,900
Open House 2-4 pm June 6th @ 865 Bayview Dr., Constance Bay Impressively, spacious 4 bedrm one storey home with exciting ready to finish second storey with endless potential for a luxurious master, in-law suite, second famrm or home office; extraordinary room sizes, famrm, screen porch, deck with hot tub, incredible 6 car detached garage approx. 1900 sq.ft. finished with 2 pce bath, 1.75 acre lot, water access & near forest! $699,900
SOLD! 12 Pine Ridge Road, Flat Rapid Estates Wonderful 3 bedrm home built in 2003 on a private 1.42 acre lot in a desirable area featuring beautiful estates on and off the Madawaska River. Water access is off Mill Ridge Drive. Hardwood flrs, tile in full baths, main flr famrm & laundry, oversized 2 car garage, master with ensuite & walk-in closet, rec rm. Oil heat. Only a 5 minute drive from Arnprior. List price $296,9000
John Roberts is pleased to be a proud sponsor…of the first Huge Community Garage-O-Rama on Saturday, June 12th from 8 am – noon at the Constance Bay Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 616, 377 Allbirch Road, Constance Bay . For more information contact Susan at 613-832-3353. Breakfast and coffee will be available with Abaco Bakery also on site.
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NEW LISTING! Waterfront!! 882 Bayview Dr., Constance Bay. Beachfront Sunsets in Ottawa!!! Incredible & deceivingly spacious 3 bedroom bungalow with main flr den on a totally, private & breathtaking lot complete hedged yard, lots of parking for your recreational toys, a fully insulated guest cabin with heat & a/c plus a 32’ x 22’ three car detached garage. A true gem!! $599,900
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17 Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
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Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
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Josh Keenan of South Carleton High School competes in the javelin throw at the recent West Conference track and field championships. Josh placed third in the senior men’s category. WANDA KEENAN/ KEENAN SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTO
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Graham Lean of South Carleton High School goes over the bar in the senior men’s high jump event at the recent high school West Conference championships. Graham placed second with a height of 1.70 metres.
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21 Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010 JOHN BRUMMELL PHOTO
Sacred Heart High School Huskies head coach Curtis MacNeil, right, helps player Jake Oliver, left, number seven, off the field as he was shaken up in high school junior football league action between the Huskies and the visiting Holy Trinity High School squad in Stittsville on Tuesday, May 18.
Emily Duncan of South Carleton High School races to a fourth place finish in her 400 metre race at the recent West Conference track and field championships.
David Cotton of Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville is airborne as he competes in the senior men’s long jump event at the recent high school West Conference track and field championships. David placed second with a jump of 6.03 metres.
Maggie Dewar of South Carleton High School competes in the junior JOHN BRUMMELL PHOTO women’s long jump at the recent high Sacred Heart High School Huskies’ punter Carlos Conceicao, number 24, boots school West Conference track and field the ball during high school junior football action between the Huskies and the championships. visiting Holy Trinity High School squad in Stittsville on Tuesday, May 18.
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Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
New president, steak night BARB VANT’SLOT SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Ron Currie was elected as the new president of the Stittsville Legion Branch on Thursday, May 13, with Joe Cosman as the first vicepresident and Pat Graham as the second vice-president. Members of the new executive are Barb Forbes, Barb Vant’Slot, Corinne Drover and John Leroux. Dave Cashman, who has served as president for the past three years, will be staying involved as the service officer and will be chairing the branch’s general meetings. His message to the membership is as follows: “After three years as the Branch president, I have decided it was time for new blood and new ideas. You elected Ron Currie as your new president and that was a good choice. He and all of his executive will have my full support. I would like to thank all who made my term as president an enjoyable and rewarding experience.” On Monday, May 17, the Ladies’ Auxiliary elections took place with Shirley Pretty being re-elected as president. Van Dicenso is the first vice-president with Kay Giroux as the second vice-president. Barb Vant’Slot was re-elected as sergeant-at-arms. The new executive committee is comprised of Rita Morgan, Mary Lyngard and Pat Warford. Marion Gullock was re-elected as sports officer with Joan Davis as treasurer and Tina Rockburn as secretary. The branch’s first steak night of the season took place on Saturday, May 15 and was a great success, as was “Karaoke” afterwards with Corinne and Lee. Judy Campbell would like to thank all those who
helped out with the event. COMING EVENTS On Saturday, May 29, the Legion will be hosting a “Neil Diamond” tribute show featuring Joey Purpura. Tickets at $15 per person are being sold in advance. For more information, call Barb Vant’Slot at 613-836-7823 or the Stittsville Legion at 613-836-1632. This event is open to everyone in the community. Bingo is played at the Legion Hall every Wednesday starting at 6:45 p.m. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend. LEGION NOTES It is with pride that we wish Master Corporal Colin Stevenson, sonin-law of Evelyn and Norm Fortin, a safe tour of duty in Afghanistan. Also being deployed is Sergeant Andrew Downey, son of Pat and Dave Cashman. Our Legion is very proud of these young men and wish them well. We are happy to say that Frank Perry who has served in Afghani-
stan and Indonesia has just arrived back in Stittsville to look for a new home. Upcoming steak nights at the Stittsville Legion Hall will be June 11, July 16, July 30, August 13 and August 27. SICK AND VISITING Ab Black who resides at the Granite Ridge long term care facility in Stittsville is currently in hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. EUCHRE Alice Saunders had the ladies’ high score at the euchre party at the Legion Hall on Tuesday, May 18, with Shirley Pretty placing second. Greg Coakol had the men’s high score with Randy Clouthier as the runner-up. Bill Watson had the most lone hands while Nancy Codd had the low score. JOHN CURRY PHOTO Sharon Legault had the hidden Ryan Murphy, number 19, delivers a pitch for the Sacred Heart High School score. Door prizes were won by Shirley Huskies in the team’s game against the John McCrae Secondary School squad at Carl Faulkner Field in Nepean on Thursday, May 20. Pretty and D.J. O’Connell.
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613-725-3611 1500 Carling Ave. Ottawa, ON K1Y 4K6
New executive elected Brian Goss was elected as president of the Richmond Legion at the recent elections held on Thursday, May 20. Others on the new executive are Mavis Lewis, immediate past president; Shirley Morris, treasurer; Mike Saull, sergeant-at-arms; and Wendy Campbell, secretary. There are still vacancies for the positions of first and second vice-president. Thanks to Deputy Zone Commander Sue Morrow and those from the Barrhaven branch for overseeing the elections. BARBEQUES The bi-weekly barbeques begin this Friday, May 28, running from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The usual steak, hamburger and hot dog platters will be available with all the trimmings. Everyone is welcome. Future barbeque dates will be June 11, June 25, July 9, July 22, Aug. 6, Aug. 20 and Sept. 10. CEREMONY ON JUNE 6 This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Navy. To commemorate this anniversary, the Richmond Legion is holding a ceremony at the cenotaph at Memorial Park in Richmond on Sunday, June 6 at 2 p.m., followed by an open house at
the Legion Hall on Ottawa Street. Anyone who would like to lay a wreath in memory of a navy service person who died in battle should contact Wendy Campbell at 613-8389696 to make arrangements. LEGION HAPPENINGS On behalf of all Legion members, condolences are extended to the families of Howard Martin and Ray Guay. Several Richmond Legion members are battling health issues. Please keep John and Kay Harrison, John and Evelyn Pickett and Hilda Moore in your thoughts and prayers. The branch’s annual Charter Night and Honours and Awards Dinner will be held on Saturday, June 5. Tickets are available from Shirley Morris. Thanks to everyone who made the branch’s garage sale on Saturday, May 8 such a success. Once again, the plant table was sold out. Exercise classes take place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the Legion Hall. Coffee is served each weekday at 10 a.m. Euchre is played on Fridays at 1:30 p.m. and the card game “500” is played on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend and enjoy any of these activities.
Fight leukemia, donate empties If 475 empty beer cases are returned to The Beer Store in Stittsville on this coming weekend of May 29/30 and the deposit refunds donated, Stittsville will have done its part in raising funds to combat leukemia, the number one disease killer of children in Canada. This will all be part of what is being billed as the “Biggest Bottle Drive in Canada” which has the goal of raising one million dollars for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada. This will be done if every one of the 440 The Beer Store outlets in Ontario has
475 empty cases of beer returned with the refunds donated. This will mean a total of 210,000 cases and hence the resulting one million dollars raised. This is being done through the initiative of the United Food & Commercial Workers Local 12R24 and The Beer Store with 100 percent of the deposit refunds that are donated going directly to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada. This will apply not only to empty cases of beer but also empty wine and spirit containers as well.
Last year the United Food & Commercial Workers Local 12R24 and The Beer Store raised over $830,000 through this bottle return weekend, all supporting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada in its fight against leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma. “Bring in your empties the weekend of May 29 and 30 and help find a cure for blood cancers,” says Ted Moroz, president of The Beer Store. For more information about this “Biggest Bottle Drive in Canada,” visit www.bottledrive.ca
The Kanata Civic Art Gallery ____________________________________________________________________________
Presents its new show
Primary Reflections
May 26 to June 27 _______________________________________________________________________________
2500 Campeau Drive, Mlacak Centre www.kanatagallery.ca 390260
BAD NEWS It is even worse than previously anticipated! • Hydro
is increasing by 20%* (inc.HST) • Water is increasing by 18%* (inc.HST) • Gas is increasing by 25%* (inc.HST)
In addition to price increases in phones, cable TV, groceries… You will NOT get a wage increase to cover these additional costs thus many Ottawa families will be forced into serious debt before the end of the year. There are a few things you can do to minimize the damages: • Decrease your water use (see website for details) • Decrease gas use (see website for details) • Decrease your hydro use (see website for details) • Switch to energy efficient equipment & appliances * Increases based on the latest information currently available including the new HST
Visit our website NOW for a complete list of things you can do today to minimize damages before it is too late! 387318
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Time, Talent and Treasures Spring brings out flowers Taxi, anyone? JOHN CURRY Going, going, gone. This will be the case on the evening of Saturday, NEWS STAFF June 5 at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Stittsville. It will be a and also illegal activities live auction of the three “T’s”, namely Time, Talent and Treasures. JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF
The items slated to go under the auctioneer’s hammer have been donated by individuals and businesses. They include two tickets at the 100 level for an upcoming Michael Buble concert; a surf and turf dinner for six; and a batch of cookies each month for a year. All of the funds generated by the auction will go towards the church’s project of making the building physically accessible to everyone in the community. On auction night, the doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for viewing of the items available for bidding. At 7 p.m., the first item will be auctioned off and the fun will really be underway. There will be a variety of items auctioned off. Besides the live auction, there will be homemade dessert served, along with a beverage. Seating is limited for this event so reserving tickets as soon as possible is recommended. This can be done by calling the church office at 613-831-1256. Tickets are $5 each for adults and $3 each for children.
It costs $85 to take a taxi from Marchurst Road in Kanata to Richmond. How do we know? Well, this is the amount of the fare which two male teens stiffed a taxi driver for recently. On a recent Saturday, the taxi driver picked up the two teens at a house on Marchurst Road in Kanata. Before agreeing to drive them to the Richmond address requested, he asked them for money or identification. One of the teens showed a South Carleton High School picture ID card to the driver. However, on arrival at the Richmond address, the two teens bailed out of the cab and ran into the backyard of the house without paying the $85 fare. The Ottawa Police Service is now investigating the incident.
P.O. Box 955 Stittsville, Ontario K2S 1B1
Fallowfield Tree Farm Large Selection of Coniferous & Deciduous Trees: Hedge Cedars $1.50/ft You Pick - We Plant or Relocate Why wait 15- 20 years for your trees to grow? • Grass seeding & Sod Laying
Holy Spirit Catholic Parish
www.fallowfieldfarm.com Contact Us Today For Competitive Pricing
385370 391775
Time, Talent & Treasure
LIVE AUCTION St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Corner of Main and Mulkins, Stittsville
Mass Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Holy Spirit Catholic Church 1489 Shea Road, Stittsville Reverend C. Ross Finlan, Pastor Parish Office: 613-836-8881 • Fax: 613-836-8806
“Offering Faith, Hope & Love”
MORNING WORSHIP 10 AM Pastors Ken Roth, Jimmy Ruggiero Chapel Ridge Free Methodist Church 5660 Flewellyn Road, Stittsville 613-831-1024 email: office@chapelridge.ca www.chapelridge.ca
June 5, 2010
Stittsville United Church
6:30pm Viewing 7:00pm Auction Tickets: Adults $5, Children $3
6255 Fernbank Road (corner of Main St. & Fernbank)
Ticket prices include desert and tea/coffee
10:00 a.m. – Worship Service Nursery & Sunday School Available
Tickets are limited, so get yours soon! Call the church office
1600 Main Street, Stittsville Sunday Worship Services begin at 10am
Rev. Grant Dillenbeck
Church: 613-836-4962 email: suchurch@primus.ca Visit our web site: http://home.istar.ca/~suchurch
PASTOR STEVE STEWART Nursery, C-KIDS, Youth Ministries, Life Groups Office: 613-836-2606 Web: cbcstittsville.com Email us at: cbcinfo@cbcstittsville.com 342261
10 minutes from Kanata on 6100 Fallowfield Rd.
Large Tree Service (up to 30’ height)
methods by persons also unknown. The bin was completely destroyed. On a recent Friday evening, a group of youth were spotted on the roof of South Carleton High School in Richmond. The youth were identified and were spoken to by the police. On the same day, the Ottawa Police Service were called out to a house on Ottawa Street in Richmond after a group of approximately three male teens were spotted running around an abandoned house. Police searched the property but no one was found. The abandoned house was a recent grow-op that was dismantled by police last March.
Church Directory
Put together a bake sale, a white elephant sale, a garage sale, a 50/50 draw and a BBQ and what do you have – a fun bargain hunters’ delight with yummy home baking and freshly cooked hot dogs and hamburgs. What a way to spend an hour or two on a Saturday! And it’s all happening right here in Stittsville on Saturday, June 5 thanks to the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) and the Knights of Columbus of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish. The two groups are joining forces to host this firstever Holy Spirit Garage and Bake Sale which will run from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the parish hall and on the grounds of Holy Spirit Church on Shea Road in Stittsville. Hopefully good weather is going to prevail but if it doesn’t, the rain date will be the following Saturday, June 12. Everyone in the community is invited to attend and enjoy these hours of great bargains, marvelous home baking and good food.
Garage, bake sale on June 5
Spring is bringing out not only the flowers but also illegal antics and actions. On a recent weekend, sometime overnight, unknown persons removed ten solar lamps from a front lawn on Hamilton Street in Richmond and smashed them on the street in front of the home. On a recent Sunday evening, shortly before 10 p.m., the Ottawa Police Service was dispatched to South Carleton High School in Richmond for a reported fire. A plastic garbage bin had been set ablaze by unknown
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Direction for life's crossroads
Worship 10:30am Sunday School: 9:15am Bible Studay: 9:30am
Rev. Louis Natzke, Pastor Office 613-592-1546 www.christrisen.com
To Place Your Religious Service Listing Here Please call Liz Gray deadlines are every Thursday 4pm
Call Email
1.877.298.8288 classifieds@yourottawaregion.com
Amy Victoria Rowley
ROWLEY/CLEMENT Blaine and Christa are thrilled to announce the birth of their second child Amy Victoria. She was born on April 18, 2010 at 2:09 am, weighing 8 lbs & measuring 21.25 inches long. Amy is welcomed with love by big brother Todd and proud grandparents Keith & Priscilla Rowley, Cathie Clement, Bill & Cissie Clement and greatgrandmother Lorine Clement. Special thanks to the wonderful staff at the Queensway Carleton Hospital. Amy, we are so thankful to have been blessed with such a precious angel and we will love you always.
Glen Cairn Cooperative Pre School teacher May Richmond (A.K.A Miss May) is retiring after 33 years. She would like to thank all the families of Kanata and Stittsville for sharing their children over the years and for all the wonderful memories she takes with her. CL19936
DRIVING JOHNSTON, Myrtle CLEAN RECORD? GREY POWMay 28, 2008 ER could save you up What we’d give if we to $400 on your car insurance. Call 1-866could say, Hello, Mom, in the 473-9817 for no-obligation quote. Open same old way; To hear your voice, week-ends. and see your smile, To sit with you and chat awhile, So if you who have a mother, SAVE UP TO $400 Cherish her with care, ON YOUR CAR INSUFor you’ll never know RANCE. Clean driving the heartache, record? Call Grey PowTill you see her vacant er today at 1-866-424chair. 0675 for a no-obligation quote. Additional Forever in our Discounts Available. hearts, Open Weekends Grant and Carrie
WEDDINGS, BAPTISMS & Funerals, location of your choice. Also available Small weddings, my home, weekdays. The Rev. Alan Gallichan. 613726-0400.
Our annual Fundraiser was a success Thanks to Our Community $7200.00 was raised! $6500.00 was donated to Sydney’s family to help with medical costs and $700.00 was donated to Mississippi Mills Fire Department Station 1 &2.
Sincere Thanks to volunteers, staff, friends, family, local businesses and people who came to enjoy the day and gave generously.
Place Your Birth Announcement in your Community Newspaper (includes photo & 100 words) and recieve your Welcome Wagon FREE information and GIFTS from local businesses. ) cluded Please register on line at (tax in www.havingababy.ca or call 1-866-283-7583
Special Thanks to: Mississippi Mills Fire Dept. 1 & 2, Margaret Dennis (MAGnificent Meetings & Events), Almonte Civitan Club, Almonte Junior Civitan Club, Pakenham & District Civitan Club, R. Tait Mckenzie Public School, Caring Clown Connection, Ziebarth Family (fiddlers & step dancing), Billy Armstrong (guitarist), David & Sue Sale (silent auction organizers), Patrice’s Your Independent Grocer, Gamble Funeral Home, White Light Retreat (Lilly our Fairy), Ho Ho’s Restaurant (Balloon Artist), Chris Van Zantan (Glass Artist), Chef Jacques Chauvet (Sugar Blown Sculptures). Shirley, Scott & the Fulton-Deugo Families
SCOOTER SPECIAL 25% Off Select Models Buy/sell Stair lifts, Porch lifts, Scooters, Bath lifts, Hospital beds etc. Call SILVER CROSS 613-231-3549
CAR FOR SALE: 2001,Lexus ES 300 Silver /grey, moon roof, loaded, power everything, separate seat & heat controls, remote door openers, 159,600 km. 4 door sedan,6 cylinder, 34 month premium battery bought Dec. 22/08, complete overhaul at that time, 4 new tires, all service done at Lexus Tony Graham. Emission test Feb. 11/10. Car has never been in accident, excellent condition, inside and out. Call 613-828-8072.
GUITAR SUPER SALE Mill Music 27th Anniversary Over 700 Guitars in stock. Fender P.A. systems 1/2 price, Zildjian cymbals 40% off Mill Music Renfrew www.millmusic.ca
Official Sponsor to Welcome Wagon Ottawa Region
MILL MUSIC Gibson Epiphone Factory Seconds Sale May 29th Over 700 Guitars Pearl Drum Kits 1/2 price Fender P.A. Systems 1/2 Price May 29th Mill Music Renfrew
QUALITY CEDAR Trees for hedging. Nursery Stock. 3-4 ft $4.75 each 4-5 ft $5.75 each 5-6 ft $6.75 each Installation available. Warren Cedar Products. 613-628-5232
Redeem this coupon at the Kanata Kourier-Standard Office Attention: Classified Department 80 Colonnade Rd N. Nepean, ON K2E7L2 Ph:(613) 224-3330 Fax: (613) 224-2265
WHITE CEDAR LUMBER, Decking, fencing, all dimensions, rough HUNTING or dressed. Timbers and V-joints also ARTICLES 4 SALE available. Call Tom at McCann’s Forest Products 613-628-6199 or HUNTER SAFETY Canadian Firearms *HOT TUB (SPA) Cov- 613-633-3911 Course. Courses and ers-Best Price. Best exams held throughout quality. All shapes and the year. Free course if colours. Call 1-866REUSE/RECYCLE you organize a group, 585-0056. exams available. Wenwww.thecoverguy.ca da Cochran, 613-2562409. TO GIVE AWAY Old 4.5 HP MERCURY outboard motor E/W plas- T.V. Service Manuals tic gas tank and new 613-592-5115 or 613PETS hoses, asking $400. 698-7187 Also OMC 12.5 liter gas tank E/W hoses, asking $25. 613-752DOG SITTING, Ex1284 perienced Retired Breeder providing 40ft x 8ft OFFICE lots of TLC. My TRAILER - great shape. Home. Smaller dogs HOUSE AND SHOP only. Referencon Carp Road on 5.5 es available. $17acres lot. 613-836$20 daily. Marg 6637 613-721-1530. EASTERN WHITE CEFIREWOOD DAR Lumber, Great GOLDEN DOODLE prices, great quality, pups born April 5. Vet decking& fencing, checked, ready to go. dressed, ready for your FIREWOOD FOR SALE 613-223-5015 project. We deliver. Mixed hardwood 8’ www.warrencedarpro- lengths. By the tandem AKBASH ducts.com load. Also outdoor fur- PUREBRED 613-628-5232 nace wood. 613-432- puppies, great temperament, good livestock 2286 guardian and companGRANITE COUNTERion dog, good with chilTOP starting at FOR dren, parents on site. $40/sq. foot. (Installa- FIREWOOD tion included) Granite SALE. Early Bird Ready to go vet Tile for $250/sq/foot. Special. All Hard- checked, 1st shot and dewormed. Call Hardwood floors start- wood. 519 925 6544 ing at $2.50/sq foot 613-836-6637 and kitchen cabinets. Call Vasile at 613-608MUSICAL CARS INSTRUMENTS 7497
HOT TUB (Spa) Covers. Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours Available. Call 1 - 8 6 6 - 6 5 2 - 6 8 37 www.thecoverguy.ca
PS* Next year’s fundraiser will be held Sunday April 17, 2011. Reserve the date to help another family in our community!
www.fultons.ca 613-256-3867
‘03 SX2.0 looking for a good home. This vehicle is automatic with power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, remote start, 60/40 fold down rear seats and trunk light. It comes with good winter tires mounted on original sport rims. This car runs beautifully, gets between 34 and 38 mpg and everything works on it. Asking $3K. For a chance at this reliable little machine, call Bob @ 613-257-7862.
PIANO LESSONS FOR fun or exam preparation. 20 years experience and references. Ages 5-senior, summer lessons and fall registration. Call Catherine 613-831-1863
KANATA Available Immediately 3 bedroom townhouse, 1.5 baths, 2 appliances, unfinished basement, one parking spot. $1000 per month plus utilities.
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NATURE photography field trips hosted by photographer Jeff Ryan. For more info visit; www.jeffryan-photog raphy.com “workshop key”. Cost $60. p/indiFREE YOURSELF vidual. 613.599.5363 FROM DEBT, MONEY FOR ANY PURPOSE! DEBT CONSOLIDACHILD CARE TION. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd mortgages, credit lines and loans up to 90% LTV. Self em- W.O. MITCHELL. Jk,Sk ployed, mortgage or care as well as before tax arrears. DON’T and after school care PAY FOR 1YR PRO- available. 14 years exGRAM! #10171 ON- perience, police check, TARIO-WIDE FINAN- first aid and C.P.R. Lisa CIAL CORP. CALL 1- 613-599-6893 888-307-7799. www.ontario-widefinanHEALTH cial.com & HOMECARE MUSIC, DANCE INSTRUCTIONS
VIOLIN LESSONS Experienced, friendly, qualified teaching. All ages welcome. Teaching Suzuki, Fiddle, RCM, Playing by Ear and Theory. Kathleen at 613-721INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SPACE 3526.
Waterfront Property for sale on Allumette Island(Ottawa River) 12 minutes from Pembroke ON. Call 819-6895050 or See; www.canadawaterfrontestates.ca.(Allumette Island Estates)
WORLD CLASS DRUMMER (of Five Man Electrical Band) is now accepting students. Private lessons, limited enrollment, free consultation. Call Steve, 613831-5029. www.s tevehollingworth.ca
RECENTLY LOST YOUR HEALTH BENEFITS Visit CNIH Dental Hygiene Clinic. Therapeutic services including: oral health assessment, cleaning etc. $15 child $35 adult. CALL 613726-0100 www.cnih.ca/ clinic.htm STOP SMOKING in 1 session. Weight, Pain, Insomnia, Migraines. Any habit you want to change. Hypnosis works. Insurance. Linda Hay RN BScN Certified Hypnotist. 613-8365796 lindahay@rogers.com
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
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Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Big Bridlewood Garage Sale
Saturday, June 5th 8:00 to 2:00 rain or shine for more details or to register your sale go to
LOVE! MONEY! LIFE! #1 Psychics! 1-877478-4410. CreditCards/Deposit. $3.19/min 18+ 1-900783-3800. www.mys ticalconnections.ca
www.bridlewood.ca GARAGE SALES YARD SALES
KANATA LEGION BINGO, Sundays, 1:00pm. 70 Hines Road. For info, 613592-5417. K A N ATA - H A Z E L D E AN LION’S CLUB BINGO. Dick Brule Community Centre, 170 Castlefrank MOVING SALE!! May Road, Kanata. Every 29th and 30th, SaturMonday, 7:00pm. day 8:00am-4:00pm. S
STITTSVILLE LE- 12:00-4:00pm. 43 GION HALL, Main Forest Creek Dr. (StittsStreet, every ville). Antiques, colWednesday, 6:45p.m. lectibles, furniture, COMING EVENTS
household items much to list).
MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale. Hendrie Court, Take 2 aspirin OR Katimavik. Saturday call me in the May 29th, 9am-12pm. morning Something For EveryIntroducing: Blood Pres- one. sure 101. Complimentary Wellness WorkWORK WANTED shop. Presented By: Dr. Ryan Pope, Chiropractor. Thursday, June 17th @ 7pm. The “A1” HANDYMAN Wellness Group. WITH HALF-TON truck. 9-420 Hazeldean Dump hauling, wood Road, Kanata. Seating spitting, driveway sealis limited, please RSVP ing, moving, tree re613-271-8555 moval, eaves trough cleaning, carpentry, siding, painting, roofing, GARAGE SALES general maintenance. YARD SALES Call Kevin 253-4764. 20 ORVILLE STREET (STITTSVILLE), May 29th, 8-4. Household articles and collectable’s. 76 ROBARTS CRES. KATIMAVICK, SATURDAY MAY 29TH, 8:00AM-1:00PM. LOTS OF TREASURES. ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE ARTHRITIS SOCIETY.
GREENHAVEN CRES. Annual Garage Sale. Saturday May 29th, 8:00-12:00. (Off Westridge Road, Stittsville). Something for everyone.
LOOKING for persons willing to do small group or one-on-one presentations. Car and internet necessary. Call Diana, 1-866-3065858.
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Video allows youth to learn about leadership, goals A principal. A volunteer firefighter. An optometrist. An involved youth. They all told their stories and shared their beliefs about succeeding and reaching goals recently to a group of Pathfinders and Guides in Stittsville. It was all done, though, thanks to the magic of video as expertly recorded and compiled by Sandy Durocher of Stittsville with the guidance of community volunteer Theresa Qadri. The Pathfinders and Guides, in listening to and watching the video, heard from school principal Cindy Beauchamp, volunteer firefighters Christine Lennox and Dawn Marincak, optometrist Dr. Corrine Motluk and student Katrina Harder. Each one answered a series of questions and remarkably, the responses were similar in message, namely try your best, be persistent, follow your dreams and accept guidance from role models like parents and friends. School principal Cindy Beauchamp advised on the video that a person has to be willing to take a risk in order to succeed. Doing your best does not go unnoticed, she said, while explaining that for her, success is knowing that at the end of each day, she has had an impact on someone in a positive way. Christine Lennox, a Stittsville volunteer firefighter, explained on the video that being a volunteer firefighter allows her to demonstrate to her daughter and son that women
can be strong and be leaders. “Be true to who you are,” she advised on the screen, urging the young girls watching to take pride in who each of them is as a person. She said that for her, success is feeling good about who she is and where she is in her life. Dr. Corrine Motluk, a Stittsville optometrist, urged those watching to be positive and try to realize their dreams. She defined success in her view as a feeling of calmness and reassurance, of being comfortable with herself and bringing happiness to others. Stittsville volunteer firefighter Dawn Marincak told about her seven year effort to become a volunteer firefighter, the first female one at the Stittsville station. She urged the girls watching to never give up on their dreams. Sacred Heart Catholic High School student Katrina Harder emphasized the importance of friends and supportive parents. Always be yourself and be true to that, she advised while also pointing out the importance of hard work and effort. “I believe you have to build your own success,” she said. “Being successful is being happy with where you are,” she added. This video was assembled by Sandy Durocher and Theresa Qadri so that it could be used as a tool to convey to young girls concepts about leadership and success from a female point of view. The evening gathering wound up with a performance by the Stittsville community
concert band which began its program with the Olympic song “I Believe,” certainly per-
petuating a theme that ran through the video presentation.
Veronika Bujaki plays the bassoon with the Stittsville community concert band at its recent performance following presentation of a video about leadership and goals.
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Beautiful music
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
Playing their flutes with the Stittsville community concert band at a performance in Stittsville following the showing of a video about leadership and goals are, from left to right, Effi Kramer, Daniel Fong and Christine Philipson. JOHN CURRY PHOTO
Bob Steadman plays the bass guitar as he performs with the Stittsville community concert band at a performance inStittsville following a video presentation about leadership and goals.
Call for tenders Construction of South Sherbrooke Fire Hall Maberly, Ontario The Project includes construction of a six (6) bay garage (6080 sq.ft.) plus office/meeting/storage area (5219 sq.ft.). Project management, site preparation, utilities, on-site services and construction of entrance from provincial Hwy #7 are also part of the contract. Council is seeking a contractor with a proven track record for a practical, economical and community minded approach, willing to work with Township offering suggestions on cost savings. Tender documents can be picked up on or after May 25, 2010 at Tay Valley Township Office 217 Harper Road, Glen Tay (2km west of Perth, Ontario on Hwy #7). A mandatory site visit will be hosted on Monday June 7, 2010. Sealed tenders submitted on the forms supplied and clearly marked “Tender for South Sherbrooke Fire Hall” will be received by the undersigned at the Township Office. The tender is scheduled close on Friday June 18, 2010. A Public opening of the Tenders will be held immediately following Tender close. Robert Tremblay Clerk 217 Harper Road R.R. 4 Perth, Ontario K7H 3C6
THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. For further information on the Project detail: Christine Erdos Design at cerdosdesign@look.ca For information on the tender process contact: Robert Tremblay at rtremblay@tayvalleytwp.ca 391605
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The school’s two storey library will be located at its east or right hand end when looking at the school from Hartsmere Drive. The gymnasium will be located at the west or left hand end of the building. A second floor seminar room will look down into the library. The school’s corridors will feature four small breakout areas where teachers can gather with their students for an out-ofclassroom session. There will be three such areas on the first floor and one on the second floor. They will have benches for the students and pinup areas on the walls. There will be an elevator for access to and from the second floor in special circumstances. The School Board expects to issue a tender for the construction of the school about mid-July, with a contractor expected to start activity on the site in the latter part of August. While the site as been designed as a junior kindergarten to grade six school, the school’s actual attendance area, grade structure and program such as being a dual track school for French Immersion will be determined by the Board in a parallel process which is now underway. There will be a public information meeting dealing with the proposed attendance area, grade structure and other elements of the new school coming up in the community. It is expected that the school will open in September, 2011 with a student enrolment around 500 students. It is also expected that there will be from seven to ten school buses serving the school when it opens.
Playing lacrosse SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Meghan Ridley of Stittsville is leading a new trend in lacrosse – girls playing what has been and still is mainly a boys’ sport. Meghan, along with her girl teammates Reaghan Proulx of Kanata and Jessica Peters of Almonte, is proving to be a force this season on the Swarm, her novice house league lacrosse team in the Nepean Minor Lacrosse Association. Meghan is somewhat of a veteran, having played lacrosse now for three years. She became involved in the sport after watching her older brother Nathan playing. Meghan also plays all-girls hockey and she brought lacrosse flyers to her teammates. Indeed, this is what helped recruit Reaghan Proulx of Kanata to lacrosse. Reaghan, one of the most athletic girls on Meghan’s hockey team, is now one of the fastest runners on the Swarm lacrosse team. Meghan, though, is one of the stalwarts of her novice house league team. She finds that she gets emotionally involved in the action, a different reaction than the boys on the team. Meghan is not a big scorer, perhaps indicative of the fact that her favourite part of the game is defending. But Meghan did score her first goal in a shootout in the Swarm’s 6-5 loss to the novice Roughnecks team. She also had an assist in this game. Meghan is showing that girls have a place in minor lacrosse and her example is helping to grow lacrosse for girls in the PHOTO COURTESY OF MATT FIRTH Ottawa area. Meghan Ridley
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
This means that the two storey, seven metre tall building with 19 classrooms, a library and a gymnasium will be kept close to the site’s Hartsmere Drive frontage, although the building will still be farther back on the site than the minimum setback required by the site’s zoning. There will be a two lane bus layby loop at the front of the school along with a vehicular layby area on the street. Mr. Matthews said that keeping the building close to the front of the site means that the forested area at the rear of the school can be kept pretty much as it is today except for some cleanup of the area. The building will be more or less parallel to the street but will be angled somewhat so that solar efficiencies can be realized. The building is going to be highly insulated with five inches of insulation. In addition, the heating system will be able to store heat in the floor slabs so that the building will be able to maintain a stable temperature as the furnace recycles. In addition, this means a warm floor for the students. The exterior of the school will be light coloured to reflect the sun and it will feature floor to ceiling glazing for the classrooms and for the two-storey library. There will be a distinctive wood soffit over the school’s main central entrance which will be easily reached via a direct sidewalk from the front of the site. The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board wanted to move into the 21st century with this new school with regard to the environment, said Board superintendent Peter Gamwell at the meeting. A 63 vehicle parking lot and second-
ary drop off area for vehicles will be located at the east or right hand side of the school when viewing it from Hartsmere Drive. This area will have lighting. There will be a paved play area behind the school featuring a basketball court, a kindergarten play area and a junior play structure. There will also be an area behind the school designated for future portables, 12 maximum, if the school’s population grows beyond its 600 student capacity. A playing field will be located north of the parking lot in the northeast area of the site. Any trees will be removed from this area including one forested area which apparently abounds with trilliums. Special attention will be given to any trilliums which exist on the site as well as to any special trees such as beech trees or butternut trees. An existing tree line along the west side of the site, adjacent to homes backing onto the site on Arrowwood Drive, is to be enhanced with shrub and some tree planting to provide an enhanced screening of the site. The north end of the site will be crossed by a stone dust pedestrian pathway that will run along the adjacent properties and be separated from the school site by a fence to keep students in a safe and supervised environment. The school itself will have seven kindergarten rooms so that it can accommodate the new early learning program recently launched by the province. The School Board has identified the new school as a site for the early learning program beginning when it opens in September, 2011. Ministry approval is expected shortly.
Jack MacLaren is seeking Conservative nomination JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF There’s competition for the Progressive Conservative nomination for the CarletonMississippi Mills riding for the next provincial election. The riding is currently held by longtime Conservative MPP Norm Sterling who was first elected to the provincial legislature in 1977. However, this time around, he is going to have to fight for the riding’s nomination as he is being challenged for it by Jack MacLaren of MacLaren’s Landing in West Carleton. Speaking at the May 20th annual general meeting of the Carleton Landowners Association of which he is a past president, Mr. MacLaren said that he was stepping down from his current position as president of the Ontario Landowners Association to enter the political arena. “I’ve decided to take a run at politics,” he said, saying that he has put together a campaign team and is now selling memberships in the provincial Conservative par-
ty. It is party members in the riding who will decide on the nominee. Mr. MacLaren said that his team has now sold about 600 party memberships which he figures should be enough to win the nomination. No date has yet been announced for the nomination meeting. The election will be held in October, 2011. “We have nothing against Norm (Sterling) except I just want his job,” Mr. MacLaren said, adding that he had told Mr. Sterling of his intentions last February in which he described as a conversation which turned it to be fairly short in duration.
Jack MacLaren
Quiet Garden Want a time to meditate and think? Or just spend a little quiet time in one of the most peaceful places in Richmond? You can do this any Wednesday morning now by joining in for meditation and a labyrinth walk in the Quiet Garden at St. John’s Anglican Church on Fowler Street in Richmond. Just show up at 10:30 a.m. any Wednesday and take part. No prior knowledge of meditation or labyrinths is required. Everyone is most welcome. For more information, please contact Rev. Michel Dubord, rector of St. John’s, at 613-838-6075.
Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
35 Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
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Stittsville News - MAY 27, 2010
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