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53rd Year, Issue 38 September 30, 2010
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28 Pages
Stittsville News The oldest community newspaper in the city of Ottawa - Founded in 1957
Legion awards night: Legionaire of the Year named. P12
Getting together: First rehearsal for Goulbourn Male Chorus. P8
At Carp Fair: 4H’ers strut their stuff in Achievement Day. P17,18
Rachel’s Challenge
Published in ‘pot-pourri’ JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF
JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF Rachel’s Challenge is coming to Stittsville. The program has been delivered in over 3,3000 schools and other venues in 50 states and six countries since its inception following the Columbine High School tragedy in the United States on April 20, 1999. Rachel Scott was the first person killed in the massacre but her acts of kindness and compassion along with the contents of her six diaries became the foundation for Rachel’s Challenge, one of the most life changing school programs in North America. She left behind a simple challenge to anyone who will accept it, namely treat others with kindness and compassion and you just may change the world you live in. Rachel’s Challenge will be at Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville on Thursday, Oct. 7. There will be presentations to the students during the day, along with a training session for a selected group of students. Parents and members of the public will be able to experience Rachel’s Challenge at a special presentation at 7 p.m.
A Channel morning show weather anchor Bill Welychka, back, left, has fun with a half dozen St. Stephen Catholic School students during the show’s Cool School broadcast from the Stittsville school on Wednesday, Sept. 22, from left to right, Abigail Verge, Sara Mortorama (behind with Mr. Welychka), Quinn Murphy, Emma Woodside, Emma Roose and Hannah Usher.
St. Stephen’s is ‘Cool School’ JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF St. Stephen Catholic School in
RACHEL’S CHALLENGE, SEE 3 Stittsville became a TV studio on
Wednesday, Sept. 22. The A Channel morning show crew was at the school, doing a number of show segments live from the school on Stittsville Main
Street in the Jackson Trails subdivision.
Twelve year old Megan Wall loves to write and will become a published author this week. The grade seven Goulbourn Middle School student will see her short story “Mica the Lonely Duck” published in “pot-pourri,” a bilingual compilation of winning poetry and short stories written by Ottawa’s young writers from the 2010 Awesome Authors Youth Writing Contest, a joint venture of the Ottawa Public Library and the Friends of the Ottawa Public Library Association. This is the fourth annual edition of pot-pourri and is featuring the entries, 52 in total, from 36 winners. The publication is being officially launched this week at a gathering at the Main Branch of the Ottawa Public Library in downtown Ottawa. Megan Wall received honourable mention in the short story category for those aged 9 to 11 years old. The idea for her story, “Mica the Lonely Duck,” arose when her uncle in Vancouver took her to a bird sanctuary when she was eight years old. She saw a lot of ducks at the sanctuary but one of them stood out due to a different appearance.
5977 Hazeldean Road Kanata / Stittsville
a few stories. Currently she allows her to use her imagiis working on a story about nation even more. A longer She said that this gave her a mermaid whom no one un- story also allows her to dean idea about a possible sto- derstands and who becomes velop her characters more. ry, something about a duck human on land. She started Megan does all of her that was different from oth- the story when she was in writing on a laptop comers in the family. grade four and she now has puter which she purchased She admits that it took her 13 chapters written which from money received at a couple of years to write she figures is about half way Christmas. She emails new the story, as she would do through. She hopes to per- chapters of her stories to a little bit every now and haps make this mermaid tale family and friends and alagain, adding on or remov- into a series. ways receives back positive ing something. Among her other ideas comments, including inquiMegan then heard about for stories is one about a ries of when the next chapthe Awesome Authors Youth girl who travels to a differ- ter will be forthcoming. Writing Contest and decid- ent fantasy world inhabShe tries to write as much ed to enter the story which ited with unicorns and other as she can at school. Why? was basically completed by creatures. However, she is “Because I think it’s fun,” then. She added a few more still trying to determine the she says. details and switched some plot line for the story, someShe sees writing as part sentences before submitting thing which she does before of her future but feels that it to the contest. she starts to write. writing stories may become She readily recalls receivShe says that she has start- more of a side job than her ing the call telling her that ed writing the story a num- main profession. she was an honourable men- ber of times but still has not “Mica the Lonely Duck” tion winner in her category. come up with a good plot is a story about a late arrivShe ran around the house, for the idea. ing newborn duck who was screaming in delight and Megan finds it a little much larger physically than causing her dog to wonder more challenging to write other ducks. This causes what was happening. short stories like “Mica the problems with a bully at “It’s quite exciting,” she Lonely Duck” than longer pond school, causing her to says about winning in such stories as she prefers writing be sad and lonely with no a contest. longer stories. friends to play with at the This short story “Mica “I like details,” she says, school. the Lonely Duck” was not admitting that she has alAn encounter with a goose a singular effort by Megan. ways liked reading stories that is smaller than normal She admits to writing quite with lots of details since it physically leads to a soluing planted 200 bulbs donated to the school COOL SCHOOL, FROM 1 by Exel Contracting. The school has also signed up for the Fall The A Channel remote transmission veCleaning the Capital campaign and students hicle, complete with tall aerial, was set up behind the school to transmit the signal from and parents were out cleaning up the schoolthis remote location to the station for broad- yard during the broadcast period. However, rainy weather struck, making for less than cast. A Channel on-air personalities Angie Po- ideal conditions. Speaking of the weather, Bill Welychka, irier and Bill Welychka, who handles the weather, were at the school, along with tech- who is the weather anchor for the A Channel morning show, delivered the weather on air nical and camera support for the broadcast. It was part of A Channel’s “Cool School” from St. Stephen’s. He used his smart phone feature which saw a number of schools host to access the latest information as he gave live broadcasts of the morning show through- the weather before a collection of students out the week. Students were able to nominate jammed into a hallway off the gymnasium. He asked the students about their food their school as a Cool School. likes and dislikes as he read from charts on Cables were laid around the school, such as to the school library, in the gymnasium and the hallway wall, receiving thunderous redown a corridor to a classroom as the broad- sponses when he asked if the students like cast segments took place in different areas of pizza and the other foods being charted. the school. St. Stephen head caretaker Michel Rozon was a busy guy throughout these early morning hours, helping the A Channel personnel run the cables and ensuring that they were safely covered. Teacher Jason Lyons conducted a morning practice for the school’s cross country running team in the gymnasium that morning. JOHN CURRY PHOTO He himself was interviewed by Angie Poirier. St. Stephen’s is part of the Healthy Active A Channel morning show host Angie Poirier, Schools program and has received a Quality right, interviews St. Stephen Catholic School Daily Physical Education Award. teacher Jason Lyons, left, during the A Channel’s The green team at St. Stephen, which has Cool School broadcast from the Stittsville been designed as an EcoSchool, that morn- school on Wednesday, Sept. 22. PUBLISHED, FROM 1
tion in the story. Megan Wall is not the only Goulbourn/Stittsville youth to have work included in the upcoming edition of “potpourri.” Charlotte Orzel, 17, a student at Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville, has several entries in the book. She received first prize in the short story age 15-17 category for her story entitled “And the Seasons Go (A Change of Heart in Ten Parts),” second prize for her poetry “Heritage Season,” and an honourable mention for another of her poems, “Haunted Houses.” Another local youth, Christine Dingley of Stitts-
ville, won first prize in the poetry category for those aged 15 to 17 with her poem “Constellations.” It is being published in “pot-pourri.” Every edition of “potpourri” to date has received rave reviews and this year’s edition should be no exception, at least in the view of Jane Venus, manager of the Ottawa Public Library’s Children and Youth Services. “Each year this contest brings to us stories and poems that dazzle us with insight, word play, humour and amazing talent,” she says. “This latest edition of ‘pot-pourri’ once again is a great read for everyone.”
Megan Wall
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OCT. 23
Here comes 9 RUN RUN JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF When “free” and “run” come together, what do you have? None other than the first annual Ottawa Emergency Services’ Run happening right here in Stittsville on Saturday, Oct. 23. This 9 RUN RUN event is featuring both a half marathon on a scenic country route or a 3K family fun walk/run. Members of the city of Ottawa’s fire, police and paramedic services will be taking part in these events, so participants will have a chance to run alongside these individuals. That’s why the event is urging participation based on the slogan “Support The Services That Support Us.” Free comes into the picture because those who register for this 9 RUN RUN will receive a free iRun Magazine, a free post race lunch, a free tech t-shirt for the half marathoners, a free cotton t-shirt for those in the 3K family run walk/run, free parking and free medals. There will also be some great door prizes and kids will be happy, with the presence of some hands-on displays.
Registration for the race can be done on line at www.9runrun. ca or at www.events.runningroom.com/site/?raceId=5872. Registration must be done by Tuesday, Oct. 19 at midnight. This inaugural Ottawa Emergency Services’ Run will be raising funds to support Project s.t.e.p., a community initiative
to address the need for residential substance abuse treatment, education and prevention for youth. The s.t.e.p. portion of the project name refers to support, treatment, education and prevention. Brenda Tirrell of Stittsville is the race director for this 9 RUN RUN event.
Maria Harrington, left, manager of the TD Canada Trust branch in Stittsville, presents a donation cheque for $200 to Brenda Tirrell, right, race director for the upcoming 9 RUN RUN event in Stittsville. The 9 RUN RUN is a fundraising event for project s.t.e.p. which is to help youth drug treatment and abuse programs.
Everyone is welcome to attend. At the presentation, they will see a powerful video/audio presentation of Rachel’s life and the Columbine tragedy. This presentation usually holds those watching spell bound throughout its one hour duration. It also motivates those watching to effect positive change in the way that they treat others. The session will end with a specific challenge to parents and community members about how they can reinforce the decisions that their youth will be making as a result of the program. This will include positive words, attitudes and actions which will make the school a safe learning environment for all students, reducing violence and bullying. Sacred Heart principal Cindy Owens would like to see as many parents as possible out for the Thursday evening presentation as parents will have an important role in reinforcing what the students learn in the program during the day. “The idea is to impact our school climate,” she says, ensuring that it is place of positive actions where students and staff treat others with kindness and compassion. The students who will be involved in the training session will be specifically selected from their existing roles as peer helpers or leaders with The Well program at the school or other roles at the school to become leaders of the Rachel’s Challenge program at Sacred Heart. This will build the program’s ongoing sustainability at
the school. Sacred Heart is one of four Ottawa Catholic School Board high schools which are hosting the Rachel’s Challenge team next week. Rachel’s Challenge began following Rachel Joy Scott’s death in the Columbine High School tragedy in the United States in 1999. Immediately after the tragedy, her father Darrell began to speak around the United States, using writings and drawings from Rachel’s many diaries to illustrate the need for a kinder, more compassionate nation. Mr. Scott is still involved today, along with 30 other speakers, who are carrying Rachel’s simple but profound message around North America, especially to schools. Rachel’s Challenge wants to inspire, equip and empower every person to create a permanent positive culture change in their school or community by starting a chain reaction of kindness and compassion. For schools, Rachel’s Challenge wants to create a safe learning environment for all students by re-establishing civility and delivering proactive anecdotes to school violence and bullying. Rachel’s Challenge also wants to improve academic achievement by engaging students’ hearts, heads and hands in the learning process and to provide students with a social and emotional education that is both colour blind and culturally relevant. Parents and adults are important in this whole process as they must be aware of the program and be ready to inspire, equip and empower students to effect permanent positive change.
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3 Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
e-mail news@yourstittsville.com
Nominations wanted for provincial youth awards While the current municipal election campaign will result in winning candidates responsible for making the community a better place, they are not the only ones who do this. Indeed, there are numerous young people in our community who do much community building without any real recognition. Indeed, many young people today understand what the word “community” is really all about and they give their time and effort to various endeavours and causes. They are, really, community leaders in their own right. These youth are all over the community, volunteering with local groups and sports teams and just helping out various
causes in many ways. One way of recognizing these deserving youth who help others and help make better communities is through the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards. This awards program is coordinated by the Ontario Community Newspapers Association (OCNA) to which the Stittsville News belongs. Any Ontario resident aged 6 to 17 is eligible to receive an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award. Nominations are possible in one of four areas: a person involved in a worthwhile community service; a special young person contributing to the community while living with a physical or psy-
chological limitation; someone who has performed an act of heroism; and a young person who has shown a commitment to making life better for others by doing more than what would be normally expected. Up to 12 nominees will be chosen to receive these provincial awards. Each nominee, though, will receive a certificate. The nomination deadline for the 2010 Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards is Nov. 30. Nomination forms are available at www.ocna.org or by calling the OCNA at 905639-8720, ext. 239.
RVA meeting
Wristbands on sale to help Rory Bradley Bursary Fund
JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF It’s a way of remembering the late Rory Bradley. It’s a way of showing support for RAMS hockey. And it’s a way of raising funds for the Rory Bradley Memorial Bursary Fund and in so doing, helping sports-minded youth as they pursue post secondary education. Quite a list of benefits, all tied up with the purchase of a five dollar wristband or bracelet. What a great deal! Everyone in the Stittsville hockey community was heartbroken when longtime Stittsville Minor Hockey Association coach and convenor Rory Bradley passed away suddenly last spring. He was loved and respected by everyone in the hockey community and his presence behind the bench, in the dressing room and anywhere in the arenas will be missed by all those who knew him or played for or with him. He was always willing to support youth in hockey and his friendly and ready smile will long be remember. After his death, the Rory Bradley Memorial Bursary Fund was established in his memory to ensure that his passion for hockey and his sense of community continue on in the community. This new bursary fund will provide support for the post-secondary education of sports minded youth in the Stittsville/Kanata area. To help raise funds for the Rory Bradley Memorial Bursary Fund, the team coached by Dave Janssen is now selling wristbands for five dollars each, with all of the proceeds going to the bursary fund. “Rams Hockey RB”, showing support for Rams minor hockey while also remembering Rory Bradley, is printed in white on the red and black wristbands. Anyone who wishes to purchase one of these wristbands or if any minor hockey teams want to purchase them or if any teams want to help sell the wristbands, please contact Dave Janssen at 613-831-0449 or via email at djanssen67@sympatico.ca. The wristbands can also be purchased at the canteen at the Stittsville District Community Centre.
Stittsville News
Vice President & Regional Publisher Chris McWebb chris.mcwebb@metroland.com 613-221-6201 Regional General Manager John Willems john.willems@metroland.com 613-221-6202
Advertising Manager Terry Tyo terry.tyo@metroland.com 613-221-6208 Director of Classifieds and Community Relations Terrilynne Crozier terrilynne.crozier@metroland.com 613-221-6206
South Carleton High School, which opened in 1952, sits on McBean Street in Richmond.
At library on Oct. 5 SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Was My Ancestor A Slave Trader? This intriguing question will be the topic for a presentation by Garfield Glack at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library on Tuesday, Oct. 5 at 6 p.m. Mr. Glack, who is associated with the British Isles Family History and Genealogy Society, will be presentation documentation on this ancestory which may just answer this question. He has made some interesting discoveries about this ancestor which opens up this family mystery. His documentation may or may not support the premise that his ancestor was a slave trader.
All those interested are urged to plan to attend and hear Mr. Glack as he makes the case for the question: Was My Ancestor A Slave Trader? This program is free to all who wish to attend but registration is required. Registration must be done online at www.biblioottawalibrary. ca. This is one of a series of three adult programs being offered at the Stittsville library branch this fall. A presentation on estate planning took place on Thursday, Sept. 23 while a story about climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in aid of the Stephen Lewis Foundation will be the focus for a presentation on Tuesday, Nov. 2.
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Director of Distribution Elliot Tremblay elliot.tremblay@metroland.com 613-221-6204 Editor in Chief Deb Bodine deb.bodine@metroland.com 613-221-6210 Managing Editor Suzanne Landis suzanne.landis@metroland.com 613-221-6226 Editor: John Curry john.curry@metroland.com 613-836-1357 Reporter John Brummell john.brummell@metroland.com 613-836-1357
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Wrapping up several initiatives, planning several new ones and hearing about youth programs and services – this will all be happening at the October meeting of the Richmond Village Association. The meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the basement hall at St. Paul’s United Church on McBean Street in Richmond, is open to all residents of Richmond. There will be some routine business conducted, such as a treasurer’s report and approval of the minutes of the last meeting. But then the RVA directors will get down to business. They will hear wrapup reports about the latest mural in the Richmond Heritage Mural Gallery on the exterior of the Richmond Memorial Community Centre as well as information about restorations for the existing murals and the installation of information plaques for some of the murals; they will also hear a wrapup report about the booklet outlining the history of the Richmond Heritage Mural Gallery to date which was produced for the recent unveiling for the sixth mural; there will be a wrap report on the RVA’s annual garden contest this past summer as well as a wrapup report on the RVA exhibit at the Richmond Fair; and finally there will be a wrapup report on the recent ward 21 candidates meeting which was hosted by the RVA. The RVA will also discuss locations and plans for walking paths in the community; the implementation of Neighbourhood Watch programs; changes to the RVA website; incorporation of the RVA; and the upcoming Richmond winter banner project and the annual Richmond Christmas parade. New business at the meeting will include discussion of the Monaco Northeast Explorers as well as membership and volunteering possibilities with the RVA. Those at the meeting will also hear presentations about youth activities in Richmond. Kyla Helpin will talk about recreation programs and services for youth in Richmond while Lisa White will talk about the Youth Connexion program.
For distribution inquiries in your area or for the re-delivery of a missed paper or flyer, please call 1-877-298-8288 Classified Advertising Danny Boisclair danny.boisclair@metroland.com 613.221.6225 Circulation Supervisor Paula Clarke
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Kevin Keohane, centre, vice-president of development and corporate relations for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), accepts a giant cheque marked $10,000 but really representing a final donation total of $12,635 raised this summer by Therien Martial Arts & Fitness, represented by Randy Cooligan, right, and, on the left, Randy’s wife Julie Cooligan with their children Trinity, who is three and a half years old, and young Kiera, who is four months old.
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Raising $5,000 for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). Awesome. Setting a goal to double this fundraising total this year. Challenging. Reaching and surpassing this goal. Priceless. But this is what has happened at Therien Martial Arts & Fitness in Stittsville and so you can imagine the happiness and pride which filled the Cedarow Court premises of Therien Martial Arts & Fitness last Saturday when a giant cheque for $12,635 was formally presented to CHEO’s vice-president of development and corporate relations, Kevin Keohane. “You guys should all be really proud of yourselves,” Mr. Keohane said in accepting the giant cheque presented to him by three and half year old Trinity Cooligan, daughter of Therien Martial Arts & Fitness Stittsville owner Randy Cooligan. He said that for a club the size of this Stittsville group to raise a donation of this size is remarkable. He praised Randy Cooligan and his wife Julie for their ongoing commitment to CHEO. He noted that while their story was
told on the 2007 CHEO telethon, they have remained involved with CHEO ever since. Mr. Keohane noted that the things learned by students at Therien Martial Arts & Fitness are just as much about values as about the martial arts. In his remarks at the presentation ceremony, Randy Cooligan of Therien Martial Arts & Fitness told how the facility decided to raise funds for CHEO every year. He said that a $5,000 goal was set last year which was met but this year an even higher goal of $10,000 or double the amount was set. He admitted to being worried whether such an ambitious total could be achieved but in the end a total of $12,635 was raised. Indeed, the giant cheque which was presented only showed $10,000 having been raised since it had to be made up in advance but when the final fundraising was done, the goal was far exceeded. Helping CHEO is important to Mr. Cooligan and his family because his daughter Trinity was a patient at CHEO for seven months when she was born. Mr. Cooligan credits CHEO with helping his family through a very tough time while saving the life of his daughter.
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
Raising $12,635 for CHEO
BUY Your First Home Seminar
Recipes from the fridge of Stittsville’s baker Best Ever Rolled Oat Cookies. Prize Butter Tarts. Soft Molasses Drop Cookies. Scotch Shortbread. Butter Fudge Squares. Chocolate Chip Cookies. Sound good? You bet. And there more where these came from as these are only some of the 20 recipes found in the newly published cookbook “The Recipes off my fridge.” This new cookbook features some of the recipes used by Jessie Delahunt, Stittsville’s one time baker who operated the Old Log House Bake Shop on Carp Road from 1962 to 1972. She used these recipes so often, both for customers and her family, that she always had them readily at hand, stuck to her fridge with magnets. Hence the cookbook’s name: “The Recipes off my fridge.” And, to add to their authenticity, the recipes are published on replicas of the four inch by six inch lined cards which Mrs. Delahunt used. And not only that but the recipes are reproduced in her own printing, just like the original recipe cards that were on her fridge. And, further adding to their realistic reproduction, some of the cookbook recipe cards are discoloured and even have a splatter here and there, just like the original cards on the fridge had. The cookbook features spiral binding and a design that allows it to stand up, with the recipe cards being able to be flipped over to
bring to sight the next one in the book. This cookbook came about as a family initiative. When Mrs. Delahunt moved from the Carp Road log house that had been her home for over 50 years to take up residence at the Stittsville Villa Retirement Community, her family took the recipe cards down off her fridge and put them away. It was thought that they would be reproduced for members of the family but the idea grew and evolved into the cookbook that is now available for sale at St. Elmo’s Fire, the craft and arts store that is now located in the Carp Road log house. While the cookbook does not feature all of the recipes used by Mrs. Delahunt during her years running her bakery, the ones included are the most common ones that she used and certainly favourite ones for her family. The cookbook features a wintertime view of the log house, including the prominent stop sign out front that was frequently struck by wayward motorists, as was Mrs. Delahunt’s roadside mailbox. Mrs. Delahunt was back at the log house last Saturday afternoon as Christina Lovisa of St. Elmo’s Fire hosted a “meet the baker” open house where she greeting many longtime friends as well as others who purchased the cookbook. She readily autographed all cookbooks which were purchased. Mrs. Delahunt, who celebrated her 90th birthday last February, arrived in Stittsville with her late husband Charles in 1951, settling in the Carp Road log house. They eventually had six children and Mrs. Delahunt is
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Jessie Delahunt of Stittsville holds the cookbook of some of her recipes which her family has published.
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now matriarch of a family that numbers well over 50 counting all of the grandchildren and descendants. Mrs. Delahunt was self-taught, baking as a wife and mother before venturing into the business. She first took her baking to MacDougall’s Sales and Service, a longtime appliance and furniture business on Stittsville Main Street where the baking was displayed on stove tops and other appliances as something of an advertising gimmick. But the success of the baking soon led to Mrs. Delahunt setting up a bake shop in the family’s log house on Carp Road. She recalls many a time of getting up at two o’clock in the morning to begin her baking and still being at it at 10 at night. One of her most memorable baking projects was filling an order for 1,000 dozen cookies and squares for a customer. It was the biggest order that she ever received and it took her a month of getting up at 2 a.m. daily to complete the baking. Mrs. Delahunt ran her Old Log House Bake Shop on Carp Road for ten years before the long hours, the heavy workload and, quite simply, her legs from constant standing caught up with her and she closed the bake shop in 1972. But now, thanks to the publishing efforts of her family, her most common recipes are available for one and all, authentically reproduced in her own printing, just like she had them stuck on her fridge for quick and easy reference. It’s going to lead to many being able even now, 38 years after she closed
613-839-4653 3248 Carp Road www.irishhillsgolf.com
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF You can now enjoy owning art while at the same time helping out the Stittsville Food Bank. It is all thanks to the artists involved with the “Group of Three” gallery at the Wild Wood Steak & Chophouse at the Amberwood Golf and Country Club. The three Stittsville artists – Ross Connor, Bernice Wills and Vera van Baaren – have decided that 20 percent from the sale of any of their paintings on display at the gallery will be donated to the Stittsville Food Bank. This means that a person can not only purchase a unique painting by one of these artists but also in so doing can assist the Stittsville Food Bank. Donations of food
items are important for the Food Bank but monetary donations are also vital in order to provide those in need in the Stittsville area with all the necessary items, some of which have to be purchased rather than received as donations. Ross Connor is the coordinator for the “Group of Three” gallery at the Wild Wood Steak & Chophouse at Amberwood. The gallery was established earlier this year after Mr. Connor painted a nine foot by eight and a half foot mural featuring the geometric style of art in the staircase at the clubhouse. After it was completed, Wild Wood owner Richard Yee suggested hanging paintings in the restaurant and so the new gallery was developed. The gallery is focused in the front entrance, outside the members’ lounge and along the hallway that stretches to the wash-
room area. Ross engaged two other artists to join him in exhibiting in this “Group of Three” gallery, namely watercolour artist Bernice Wills and artist Vera van Baaren who does both watercolours and acrylics. The gallery also features biographical sketches of the three artists. The art on exhibit sells for prices ranging from $300 to $500 each. Ross Connor is a self-taught artist with a unique style which features the depiction of
brightly coloured birds and fantasy forms. The style is lively, imaginative and colourful, geometric art at its most colourful. Bernie Wills’ involvement with art goes back to the 1960’s but she really became more intense with her watercolours from 1985 on. She has received several awards from art shows for her work. Vera van Baaren attended an academy of art in her youth but began painting seriously again in the late 1990’s. She also has received several awards for her painting.
Public Meetings
We Want Your Input on Local Drinking Water! The Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Committee wants your input on their Draft Assessment Report (prepared under Ontario’s Clean Water Act).
The report identifies: • Where drinking water is considered vulnerable to contamination or overuse • Potential drinking water threats in these vulnerable areas The report will determine: • Where future land use policies and controls apply to protect drinking water.
Groundwater Studies: around Almonte, Carp, Kemptville, Merrickville, Munster, Richmond and Westport Surface Water Studies: upstream of Britannia, Carleton Place, Lemieux Island, Perth and Smiths Falls
Artists of the Group of Three gallery at the Wild Wood Steak & Chophouse at the Amberwood Village Golf and Country Club in Stittsville are, from left to right, Bernice Wills, Ross Connor and Vera van Baaren. The gallery is now going to be donating 20 percent of the proceeds from all art sales to the Stittsville Food Bank.
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October 26, 2010 Carp Fairgrounds 3790 Carp Rd, Carp
October 28, 2010 Perth Legion 26 Beckwith St. E., Perth
November 1, 2010 North Grenville Municipal Centre 285 Cty Rd 44, Kemptville
View the Report • On the internet at www.mrsourcewater.ca • On CD (contact staff to request a copy) • At our Conservation Authority offices: Mississippi Valley Conservation, 4175 Hwy 511, Lanark (8 am – 4 pm) Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, 3889 Rideau Valley Dr., Manotick (8:30 am – 4:30 pm)
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Submit Comments by November 5, 2010 to:
170 McGibbon Dr., Kanata, ON
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
‘Group of Three’ gallery artists helping out Food Bank
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
NOTICE To All Stittsville Commuters
Male voices start singing JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF A room filled with the impressive, rich sound that can only come from a collection of male voices. This is what happened at the inaugural rehearsal of the new Goulbourn Male Chorus held in the basement hall at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Stittsville. Miraculous, you say. Hardly. Rather, it was the natural result of the coming together of men who are eager and want to sing. Going into the first rehearsal, the new Goulbourn Male Chorus had 13 singers registered to participate. Music director Robert Dueck, who has been the driving force behind the creation of this new male chorus for singers from the Stittsville/Goulbourn area, had been eagerly awaiting the start of rehearsals for the group. It turned out to be an enjoyable evening for him on Monday, Sept. 20 when the fledgling chorus assembled for the first time. “These men can sing,” was his reaction. And they proved it. Music was distributed and after a few vocal exercises sung to warm
up the voices, the new group eagerly dove into the music, filling the room with a rich male chorus sound. Mr. Dueck knows now that it is going to be a real pleasure directing the group. Right now, besides getting to know each other, the group is starting to prepare a Christmas repertoire as it looks forward to possible Christmas music making opportunities. This will be in keeping with a goal of this new male chorus which is to give back to the community through the gift of song. This new Goulbourn Male Chorus will continue to rehearse on Mondays from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Stittsville. There is a $40 per session (two per year) membership fee to help cover the cost of music packages and to build a music library. Additional chorus members are most welcome to join. For more information about the new Goulbourn Male Chorus, phone the St. Andrew’s church office at 613-831-1256 or email Male Chorus music director Robert Dueck at dueckrobt@gmail.com.
‘Cultural Stittsville’ program JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF It’s called the Goulbourn Recreation Complex. But last Sunday it could just as easily been called the Goulbourn Cultural Complex thanks to the “Cultural Stittsville” program hosted by the Ottawa West Arts Association. Art from numerous artists filled the lobby area at the GRC, thanks to the presence of portable wire backdrops on which the artwork was hung. This was Stittsville’s contribution to a new crossCanada initiative emphasizing culture. Not only was art on display, featuring the work of such artists as Vera van Baaren, Louise Barker, Jeanette Loh, Sue PerleyRobertson, Sylvie Sabourin, Libby St. Louis, Aud Karin Sund and Sheila TurnerWhalen, but also there were several demonstrations as well, such as textile fibre art, water painting and drawing. In addition, the GRC lobby was filled with the culture of music when the Goulbourn Jubilee Singers performed there in the afternoon, adding to the cultural diversity on display.
At the opening ceremony for the “Cultural Stittsville” event, city of Ottawa Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri noted that although it was a dull day outside, the interior of the GRC was definitely a much brighter place inside thanks to the colours displayed via the artwork. He praised the GRC as a venue not only for recreation but also as a facility where the arts side of the community can be displayed. Stittsville Village Association president Metin Akgun congratulated the Ottawa West Arts Association for planning this Stittsville participation in a nation-wide celebration of culture. He outlined the SVA’s commitment to the arts with the holding of its “Arts and Authors in the Park” event at Village Square in downtown Stittsville every spring. He said that culture in Stittsville has benefitted from the permanent art gallery which the Ottawa West Arts Association maintains in the GRC lobby. He noted that this inaugural “Cultural Stittsville” event did not touch all of Stittsville’s culture. Besides the Goulbourn Jubilee Sing-
ers and their music, Stittsville enjoys the cultural talents of numerous authors of fiction, children’s books and other literature. He noted as well the contribution of the Goulbourn Township Historical Society to the culture of the area. Mr. Akgun said that the new Stittsville concert band and now the Stittsville dance band have added to the musical scene of the community as have the presence of several highly talented youth bands. He also mentioned the art and talent which the Youth Connexion program in Stittsville had displayed at this year’s Art and Authors In the Park event. This also included entries in a poetry contest. “All I can say is the culture is rich and alive in Stittsville and encompasses all ages,” Mr. Akgun said. Terry Sametz, an Ottawa artist who helped set up the Ottawa West Arts Association, praised the GRC as one of the city’s nicest facilities and praised “Cultural Stittsville” for its impact. “It’s really a dynamite display,” he said about “Cultural Stittsville.”
Please be advised that STITTSVILLE MAIN STREET will be closed from ABBOTT STREET TO ELM STREET COMMENCING Saturday October 2, 2010 from 11:55pm to 7:00am and Sunday October 3, 2010 from 10:00pm to 5:00am.
Detours will be in place.
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Robert Dueck, far left, at the keyboard, goes over music with members of the new Goulbourn Male Chorus of which Mr. Dueck is the director at the group’s first rehearsal on Monday evening, Sept. 20 at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Stittsville.
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SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Here comes Oktoberfest. You do not have to go far to enjoy Oktoberfest, especially if you live in Munster.
Community Centre in Munster. All proceeds generated by this Oktoberfest are going to the Munster Community Centre expansion project.
Back Country Butchers Wild Game Meat Cutting De-Boned
Variety of views with candidates JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF Views on the possible introduction of a borough model of municipal governance range from gung ho to thumbs down among the five candidates in the RideauGoulbourn ward for the upcoming election. Incumbent councillor Glenn Brooks, who is seeking re-election, told the 125 at a candidates’ meeting sponsored by the Richmond Village Association at the Richmond Memorial Community Centre hall on Wednesday evening, Sept. 22 that a borough system will give local communities an opportunity to make decisions locally on such issues as a new stop sign on a residential street. As one who has already set up a ward council as a precursor of such a borough system, councillor Brooks said that a borough form of governance would empower people to make decisions in their communities and would get them involved. But candidates Bruce Webster, Scott Moffatt and Iain McCallum all indicated absolutely no support for a borough system. Bruce Webster, a past president of the Richmond Village Association (RVA), said that there is no need for another layer of government in the form of a borough system. He said that the RVA has been a vocal voice for the community of Richmond and has made connections with the Ottawa Police Service and city hall. “We don’t have to have a borough system,” he said. “We can take care
Caleb Yuck
of things ourselves.” And for things that cannot be handled through a community association, the councillor should be contacted and engaged, Mr. Webster asserted. Scott Moffatt said that a borough model involved unelected and unaccountable people would be ineffective, adding that it is the councillor’s job to seek out people’s opinions and concerns. His idea is to give more authority to city council’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, taking some powers away from the full city council. Larger issues would still be handled by the full city council. He believes that this would be the most efficient and effective way to bring more decision making closer to the people. Iain McCallum admitted to not being a fan of the borough system, questioning just who would sit on such a borough governing body. He feels that associations like the RVA serve as the eyes and ears of a community and that these existing relationships can be encouraged. He does not see the need for another level of government, namely the borough system. Candidate Bruce Chrustie said that his vision of the borough system is much like that being espoused by mayoralty candidate Jim Watson, involving four to six councillors who will make decisions about community-specific issues. He feels that such a system is doable and implementable and of such a nature that people would not be afraid of the change involving such a system.
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That’s because the Munster Community Association is presenting an Oktoberfest this Saturday, Oct. 2 from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the tennis courts at the Munster
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Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
Oktoberfest at Munster tennis courts HUNTERS
Lions collecting on White Cane Day this Saturday est award and one commemorating the inspirational and blind Helen Keller, but also the Harry A. Newman Diabetes Award, a Lions award given to those who have worked to battle diabetes which is a disease known to adversely affect people’s vision. This Saturday, Oct. 2, as Lions Club members are out in the community, accepting donations on White Cane Day, they will also be providing education materials about blindness and vision impairment problems and what the Lions Clubs around the world do to support the blind and vision impaired. Lions Club members both in Stittsville and elsewhere use White Cane Day to promote awareness of the aspirations, hopes and abilities of people who are blind or who are visually impaired. Funds collected on White Cane Day and throughout the monthlong White Cane Campaign go to help provide services and programs for those who are blind or visually impaired. The Stittsville District Lions Club has been recognized within the Lions community for its White Cane Day efforts in support of “Helping the Sightless.� The generosity of Stittsville and area residents in the past has led to this recognition. Lions Clubs, including the Stittsville District Lions Club, have demonstrated over the years a commitment to sight conservation through such initiatives as eyeglass recycling, guide dogs, sight partnerships and
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Ken Jones of the Stittsville District Lions Club sits at a table seeking donations for the Lions White Cane Campaign.
Overnight street closure to 7 a.m. and then again this Sunday, Oct. 3 from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. There will be detours set up but motorists should realize that this section of Stittsville Main Street will be closed to traffic during these two overnight periods. The closure
of the street is necessary to allow for the connection of a storm sewer serving the new Orville Station development by Dharma Developments at the corner of Orville Street and Stittsville Main Street into the storm sewer on Stittsville Main Street.
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SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Stittsville Main Street in downtown Stittsville will be closed down overnight this weekend. The street will be closed from Abbott Street to Elm Crescent (north) this Saturday, Oct. 2 from 11:55 p.m.
provision of other services such as the Lionsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sight First Program.â&#x20AC;? Started in 1990, the Sight First Program is aimed at preventing blindness and restoring sight for people around the world. It is especially aimed at eliminating preventable blindness. So, when you see a Lions Club member
SPECIAL TO THE NEWS This Saturday, Oct. 2, you will be seeing members of the Stittsville District Lions Club out and about at various locations in Stittsville, accepting donations for the Lions White Cane Campaign in support of programs and services for the blind. When you do see these Lions on duty, working to help those who cannot see, take a moment and make a donation. The month of October is when the Stittsville District Lions Club takes part in the Lionsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; annual White Cane Campaign. This program is meant to educate people about blindness and to raise funds to support programs and services for the blind. Besides this Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s community White Cane Day blitz which will see Lions members accepting donations at various locations in Stittsville including Brownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Your Independent Grocer, Giant Tiger, Shoppers Drug Mart and the LCBO, the Stittsville Lions are also holding a fundraising euchre tournament on Saturday, Oct. 23 at the Lions Hall in Stittsville. In recent years, the Stittsville Lions have been at Villagefest in Stittsville, promoting the White Cane Campaign. However, this year Villagefest was moved up on the calendar, taking it away from the month of October which is the traditional month for Lions Clubs to promote vision health through their White Cane Campaign. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why this year White Cane Day in Stittsville is standing on its own this Saturday, Oct. 2 and Lions Club members are hoping that the generosity of Stittsville and area residents will result in a successful day of fundraising to help in the provision of services for the blind, something that Lions Clubs have made their focus for years. Indeed, no one has worked harder and longer at promoting awareness of blindness and vision impairment in society than current Stittsville District Lions Club president Ken Jones. He has not only taken part in White Cane Day, soliciting donations while stationed at a community retail outlet, but he has been involved in the annual Blind Anglers Fishing Tournament which Lions Clubs sponsor each spring. His dedication to promoting help for the blind has earned president Jones not only the Helen Keller Award, one of Lionismâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s high-
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
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Jim Belway, right, of Jimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hi Tech Auto Repairs on Sweetnam Drive in Stittsville, presents Kathy Orr, left, of Stittsville with her prize of a Polaroid 10 megapixel digital camera for winning a draw at Jimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s open to any customer whose vehicle had a complete cooling system inspection. Cooling system failure is the number one engine related cause of roadside breakdown.
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There are some â&#x20AC;&#x153;thank youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sâ&#x20AC;? to give after another Richmond Fair. Thanks go to the Richmond Agricultural Society and particularly Dale and Marlene Greene for once again giving the Richmond Legion the privilege of leading the annual Fair parade. Keith Thurrott was the Legionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parade marshal as usual. There was a full colour party as well as five vintage army vehicles. Each vehicle had at least one Legion member in it as a rider. Jeff Mosher of the Ontario Military Vehicle Association had his M37 while Giles and Caroll Chartrand from Cantley, Quebec had their M35 in the parade. This was the huge troop vehicle with seating in the back for more than a dozen people. Major Mike Calnan from the Swords & Ploughshares Museum in Kars provided a 1970 United Nations jeep, a Canadian Military Pattern which is a truck, and a 1953 three-quarter ton truck towing a World War Two anti-tank gun. Major Calnan is currently serving in the armed forces and so he arranged for Jason Cox and his son William as well as Ansis Strenge, Willow Duncan and Quinn Duncan to serve as drivers and assistants. Major Calnan also heads the 1st Anti Tank Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery Cadet Corps in which Quinn is a bombardier. Contact Major Calnan at swords@calnan.com for more information. A big thank you goes to all of the Legion members who turned out to ride in the vehicles. Your presence made all the difference. The plan is
to do it again next year. The annual Ladiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Auxiliary tea and sale will be held on Sunday, Oct. 24 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Richmond Legion Hall. The bake and book tables will be back. High school students who are looking for community service hours should think about helping at the Legion. You can volunteer to help in the kitchen at any of our functions. Another way is to take part in the annual poppy campaign. Help is needed for sure on Saturday, Oct. 30 when the branch does its annual door-to-door poppy canvas to collection donations and give out poppies. Anyone wanting to help out, high school student or adult, should appear at the Legion Hall between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. that day. Pick up a route map, a supply of poppies and a donation box and you will be on your way. Each route takes about an hour, depending on walking speed. There will be coffee and donuts in the morning and there will be lunch, probably soup and sandwiches, at the Legion Hall at noon. This is a great way to do good in the community and, for high school students, to earn some service hours. Everyone, by the way, is welcome to join the Legion. There is no military affiliation required any longer. Exercise class is held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the Legion Hall. Coffee is served every morning at 10 a.m. Everyone in the community can join in these activities. Congratulations to John and Kay Harrison on their 60th wedding anniversary.
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Visit: yourottawaregionvotes.com
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
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the life of the Legion over the past year. Judy Campbell is a past president of the Stittsville branch. A total of 46 Legion members received Certificates of Appreciation for their effort and work on behalf of the branch over the past year. Certificates of Merit acknowledging outstanding commitment to the branch
were presented to Alison and Tom Albert, Judy Campbell, Dave Cashman, Joe Cosman, Bev and Ron Currie, Pat Fitzpatrick, Anne Forbes, Barb Forbes, John Leroux, Lyn Miller, Paul Richard and Barb Vant’Slot. Plaques recognizing service to the branch were presented to the Ladies’ Auxiliary, the 55 Plus Club and the Survivors Club. A special thank you plaque was presented to Paul and Susan Boucher for their work in arranging for
cement barriers being placed around the Legion’s outdoor patio. Past officers medals and executive bars were presented to Larry Romard and Sharon Lahaise. Thirty-five year Royal Canadian Legion service pins were presented to John Leroux and Tom McCallum. Service pins marking 25 years with the Royal Canadian legion went to Dean Goodwin, Gloria Stewart, Joan Davis, Janet Fee and Barry Watson.
Ron Currie, left, president of the Stittsville Legion, presents the Legionnaire of the Year trophy and plaque to this year’s recipient Judy Campbell, right, at the Legion’s recent awards night.
Stittsville Legion president Ron Currie, left, presents John Leroux, right, with his Royal Canadian Legion 35 year service pin plus a certificate of appreciation at the Legion’s recent awards night.
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SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Judy Campbell was honoured as Legionnaire of the Year at the Stittsville branch 618 of the Royal Canadian Legion at the branch’s annual awards night on Tuesday, Sept. 21. The Legionnaire of the Year award goes to the Stittsville Legion branch member who has contributed the most to
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Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
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Huskies start off with win The Sacred Heart Huskies howled on offense in their first game of the high school senior football league season on Thursday, Sept. 23. Playing the Merivale High School Marauders at the Nepean school, the visiting Huskies scored 19 points on their way to a 19-0 shutout victory over the home team. Running backs Cole Hodge, with two, and Alex Demidenko scored touchdowns for the Huskies in this game, while Cody Scott was good on one of the converts. Cody also tried two field goals during the game, both of which were unsuccessful. One was from the 35 yard line and was just wide of the uprights. “It’s always nice to start with a win,” Huskies head coach Curtis MacNeil said. While admitting that the Huskies defense played a strong game, coach MacNeil was particularly happy with the performance of the offense led by returning quarterback
Ryan Paquette. He liked the way that the offense marched the ball down the field on occasion. This season the Huskies offense is benefitting from the luxury of having a trio of dangerous running backs, Alex Demidenko, Cole Hodge and Ryan Elchakieh. In addition, the Huskies have an offensive weapon in slot back Emmanuel Kwofle who can run with the ball when given the opportunity. This was evident in the Merivale game when he scampered for about 60 yards, evading tacklers all the way. He was downed on the six yard line but the Huskies ended up scoring on a run up the middle, the first JOHN CURRY PHOTO touchdown of the game. Emmanuel Kwofle, left, number 23, of the Sacred Heart High School Huskies carries the ball on an The Huskies then scored again on a short end run in the Huskies’ high school senior football league game against the Merivale High School yardage plunge, making the score 12-0. A Marauders on Thursday, Sept. 23 at the Nepean school. convert made it 13-0 which is how the first half ended. Alex Demidenko’s 30 yard end run to the Merivale one yard line set up another touchdown for the Huskies early in the second half, making the score 19-0. This is how the game ended.
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Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
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Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
The Stittsville Royals of the Eastern Ontario Junior Hockey League will play the Metcalfe Jets on Friday, October 1 at 7:30 p.m. at the GRC in Stittsville.
Stittsville - 14 Birdstone Avenue $579,900 Rare 3+ bedroom 2 storey main fl. Master with spa shower & jacuzzi, hot tub & deck + 2nd floor loft, updated furnace/ air cleaner(06),most windows have been replaced,updated kitchen, finished basement with family room, backyard oasis, huge white cedar deck. Stittsville - 164 Arrowwood Drive $569,900 Quality built Holitzner home on large corner private lot in Woodside Acres (steps to park & School). Offers extras & upgrades too numerous to mention! Approx. 2,947 sq ft of elegance with main floor master bedroom. Stittsville (Creekside Village) - 34 BERT G ARGUE Drive $589,900 Location is premium with oversized lot that overlooks Pool Creek Pond and a Park like setting, Walk out basement professionally finished 4 plus bedrooms, hardwood. "Country Living in the City"
Members of the Stittsville Italian Wildcats U9 soccer team are, from left to right, front row, Lucas Vitti, Iain Holmes, Ben Akkermans, Marco Faranda, Avery McLaren, Jonah Longpre, Claudio Violante, Blake Adam, Andrew Wilson, Allen Zheng, Nicolas Walter and David Costello, and, back row, coaches Steve, A.G. Walter and Will Akkermans. The team had the best record in the Goulbourn Lanark Soccer League in the regular season and then finished as runners-up in the playoffs, losing their only game all season long.
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15 Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
Downhill after first quarter It was a good first quarter for the South Carleton High School Storm last Friday, playing the powerful St. Mark High School Lions in senior high school football on the Lions’ home field in Manotick. The teams emerged from this first quarter locked in a 0-0 battle. But this soon ended as St. Mark’s scored on a 60 yard touchdown run on the first play of the second quarter and after the successful convert made it 7-0, the Lions never looked back. The Storm ended up deep in their own zone after the ensuing kickoff, aided by the brisk breeze which swept over the field from west to east throughout the game. A South Carleton fumble on the Storm 17 yard line resulted in another St. Mark touchdown, this time an eight yard run. With the convert, it
was now 14-0 for the Lions. A single on the ensuing kickoff, thanks again to the wind, made it 15-0 and before the second quarter was finished, St. Mark added another touchdown on a 20 yard run. No convert this time but it was still 21-0 for St. Mark at half time. In the third quarter, St. Mark took the opening kickoff and marched up field against the wind, eventually scoring another converted touchdown to make it 28-0. In the fourth quarter, St. Mark scored a single on a wind-assisted punt for a 29-0 lead. The Lions then picked off a pass by Storm quarterback John Shaw, running back the interception 25 yards for another touchdown. The convert made it 36-0 which is how the game ended. This was the opening game of the high school football season for both teams. Sunny, warm (28 degrees at the start of the game) prevailed.
Josh Keenan, left, of the South Carleton High School Storm tries to outrun onrushing St. Mark High School Lions defenders in high school senior football league action.
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Royals’ raffle SPECIAL TO THE NEWS The Stittsville Royals are helping out minor hockey players who cannot afford equipment. This is being done through a fundraising raffle, with the draw taking place on Monday, Oct. 4. The raffle is for tickets to the Ottawa Senators season opener on Friday, Oct. 8 and not just any tickets but ones in the second level. It’s bound to be a great game experience for the raffle winner. Those interested in helping out with this fundraising initiative to give a hand so that more youngsters can enjoy playing hockey while also having a chance at great seats at the Sens home opener will be able to purchase tickets in the raffle at the Stittsville Royals home game at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex on Shea Road in Stittsville this Friday, Oct. 1 at 7:30 p.m. against the visiting Metcalfe Jets. As for the Royals, the team travelled to Shawville last Friday, Sept. 24 and came home with a 5- 3 victory over the hometown Pontiacs. The Royals power play was clicking in this game, with four of the team’s five goals coming with the man advantage. Mike Byrne scored two goals for the Royals in this game while singles went to Matt Kadolph, Scott Barnes and Steve Genier. New defenceman Joel Bush picked up two assists while Pat Morin and Dave Borden both had a single assist. Last Sunday afternoon at the GRC, the Stittsville Royals dropped a 5-2 verdict to the visiting Arnprior Packers. The game was tied 1-1 after the first period but the Packers erupted for two unanswered goals in the second period to take a 3-1 lead. Another two Packer goals in the third period sealed the Royals fate as the Royals only scored once in the third period.
Stittsville pair SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Two from Stittsville are being counted on this season by the Robert Morris University women’s hockey team near Pittsburgh. Brianna Delaney is entering her third season with the Robert Morris University Colonials and will be counted on to continue with her offensive play. She recorded the two highest single season point totals in school history in each of her first two seasons. Last season she scored 14 goals and added 17 assists while having a team-leading 108 shots on goal. Her sister Cobina Delaney is returning for her second season with the Colonials. She is one of four sophomores with the team who are being counted on to improve upon their freshman campaigns. The four, including Cobina, all had at least a dozen points in their rookie seasons last year. Both Brianna and Cobina are graduates of Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville. The Robert Morris University Colonials have been selected to finish fourth in College Hockey America as determined by a coaches’ poll.
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
17 Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 JOHN BRUMMELL PHOTO
Winners in the 4H Achievement Day at the Carp Fair on Friday, Sept. 24 are Rebecca Brown, left, of the Richmond-Stittsville 4H Club, who was intermediate dairy reserve champion showperson, and Courtney Henderson, right, of the Ashton 4H Club who was intermediate dairy champion showperson. JOHN BRUMMELL PHOTO
Craig Wytenburg, left, of the Richmond-Stittsville 4H Club and reserve junior dairy champion showperson, and Chad Henderson, right, of the Ashton 4H Club and junior dairy champion showperson, lead their calves in the 4H Achievement Day at the Carp Fair on Friday, Sept. 24.
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Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
To our valued customers: We apologize for any inconvenience caused by an error in our flyer dated: September 24 - September 30 Product: Rogers/Bell/TELUS BlackBerry Torch 9800. On this week’s flyer, page 14, please be advised that this product is not yet available. Product release has been delayed until first week of October 2010. However, customers can still pre-order the phone. SKU: 10154341/ 417702 10154337/ 10154323
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse (Blu-ray & DVD)2182782/2182778. Please note that the incorrect price was advertised for these movies found on page 12 of the September 24 flyer. The correct price for the DVD version (M2182782) is $24.99 and the correct price for the Blu-ray version (M2182778) is $29.99. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.
To our valued customers: We apologize for any inconvenience caused by an error in our flyer dated: September 17 - September 23 Product: Sony 15.5” VAIO Laptop (VPCEB27FDB)Please note that the incorrect product specifications and image were advertised for this product found on pop-up page 3 of the September 17 flyer. This laptop has a glossy black finish and 512MB of dedicated video memory, NOT a matte black finish and 1GB of dedicated video memory, as previously advertised. SKU: 10146891
Sidni Hobbs of the Ashton 4H Club holds the ribbon for being the champion junior beef showperson at the 4H Achievement Day at the Carp Fair on Friday, Sept. 24. JOHN BRUMMELL PHOTO
Cassidy Jessome of the Richmond Stittsville 4H Club shows in the novice dairy showmanship class at the 4H Achievement Day at the Carp Fair on Friday, Sept. 24.
101 Kanata Avenue Sunday Morning: 10 am
To our valued customers: We apologize for any inconvenience caused by an error in our flyer dated: September 17 -September 23. Product: VTech Three-Handset Cordless Phone. Please note that this phone advertised on page 23 of the September 17 flyer DOES NOT have an answering machine, as previously advertised. SKU: 10146028
Holy Spirit Catholic Parish
TomTom Portable Navigation System (XXL 540TM) 10145493 Please note that this GPS advertised on page 27 of the September 24 flyer DOES NOT have a European Maps feature, as previously advetised. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. 417705
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Brandon Homer of the Ashton 4H Club was the grand champion beef showperson in the 4H Achievement Day at Carp Fair on Friday, Sept. 24.
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Brianna McDonald of the Ashton 4H Club was the reserve novice beef champion showperson in the 4H Achievement Day at the Carp Fair on Friday, Sept. 24.
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Rosemary Hill of the RichmondStittsville 4H Club sets up her calf in the novice dairy showmanship class at the 4H Achievement Day at the Carp Fair on Friday, Sept. 24.
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Barb Vance, right, presents the Barbara Vance Award to recipient Alex McLaughlin, left, of the Ashton 4H Club for being the champion novice beef showperson in the 4H Achievement Day at the Carp Fair.
JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF This year’s Richmond Fair was a record setter. Richmond Agricultural Society general manager Dale Greene has confirmed that record crowds attended the 2010 Fair which was blessed with three days of sunshine from Friday, Sept. 17 through Sunday, Sept. 19. The Fair determines crowd numbers based on admission revenues and even though the admission charge for this year’s Fair had been raised by one dollar, the calculations still indicate that record numbers attended. Mr. Greene acknowledges that the Thursday night attendance was a “blowout” because of the rainy, windy and cold weather.
Thursday night allows free admission to the grounds with the main attraction being twoonie night on the midway. Because of the low turnout on the Thursday night, the midway revenues were down somewhat this year. It is also possible that general economic conditions as well as the lack of a ferris wheel on this year’s midway may have been factors as well in the reduced midway revenues at this year’s Fair. One victim of the poor weather on the Thursday night was the planned lawn tractor pull that evening. This event, which was a washout due to the weather, was making a return to the Richmond Fair calendar of events after an absence of a number of years. There were at least 40 entries signed up. But the Fair had a lot more successes than
sponsored by Aaron and Dawn Pope for be- 19 ing the best entry in the parade. The Harmony Gardens float also won in the business class. The Richmond Munster Minor Hockey float topped the organizations’ class in the parade, followed by the Richmond Co-operative Nursery School and St. John’s Anglican Church. Margaret Smith of Stittsville won in the antiques class while Kevin McAllister of Ottawa topped the novelty class. The Richmond Fair raffle’s grand prize draw, held at the Saturday night dance, saw Michel Latensee win the $1,000 first prize. Elaine Johns of Richmond and David Bobier of Munster both won $500 prizes while the $250 fourth prize went to June Dolan of Lanark. Winners of $100 prizes were Shawn Cowan of Manotick, Eileen Vaughn of Richmond, Bob Wilson of Lanark, Garnet Vaughn of Richmond and David Fairbrother of Stittsville. Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
Record year for Richmond Fair
these Thursday night weather-related disappointments. The demolition derby on the Friday night drew more entries than ever, with 68 vehicles entered. The crowds were equally record breaking in size. Entertainers David Wilcox and Daisy Train in the arena sold out on the Friday night. The light and heavy horse shows again this year saw an increase in entries while the Fair’s sheep show, which Mr. Greene calls probably the best one in Canada, continues to grow under the leadership of Bob Bell. Parking at Lions Park adjacent to the fairgrounds worked out well again this year, for the second year in a row, with the parking lot filled with vehicles on both Saturday and Sunday. The annual parade on Saturday once again saw spectators line the parade route in the sunshine. Harmony Gardens of Richmond won the Aggie O’Brien Memorial Trophy
Great Fair for Museum SPECIAL TO THE NEWS The Goulbourn Museum had a great Richmond Fair this year. The Museum had its exhibit in the Agricultural Awareness building this year and that turned out to be a great location. Museum personnel and volunteers gave brief presentations to over 400 students and teachers on the Friday of the Fair. Over the three days of the Fair, there were 1,269 visitors to the Museum exhibit. This is a record number for the Museum booth, up by 365 people from last year’s visitor number.
Good guesser Six year old Zoe Gagnon, holds the jar of candies which she won at the Goulbourn Museum’s exhibit at the 2010 Richmond Fair for submitting the closest guess to the actual number of candies in the jar. Zoe guessed 111 candies in the jar. The actual number was 113 candies. PHOTO COURTESY OF GOULBOURN MUSEUM
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CLEAN DRY SEACARS SONED hard wood, FOR SALE mostly Maple, cut and split, 2 years old. Free delivery. Kindling available. Call today 2003 Ford Mustang 613-489-3705. Coupe – ONLY 39,000 km. DRY mixed firewood, Mint condition, must be 4X8X16, $125 DELIVseen. Silver, 3.8L V6, ERED. Call 613-838Auto, Cruise, Tilt, Air, 4135 AM/FM/CD, Power FIREWOOD FOR SALE windows, locks, mirrors, Dried, split hardwood Aluminum wheels, Rear firewood for sale. spoiler, Pony package, $140.00/cord taxes & 2 Winter tires. Asking delivery included. Call: $11,995.00. Can be 613-838-4066 or seen in Cornwall – email: harmonygard Call Ray at ens@sympatico.ca. 613-933-5274.
HUNTER SAFETY CANADIAN FIREARMS COURSE at Carp Oct. 15, 16, 17th. Arnprior October 23rd, 24th and 25th. . Wenda Cochran 613-2562409
4,000’ water frontage on Rideau system, Kingston area. 4 bedroom home, large barn, workshop and garage with 167 acres. $995,000 o.b.o. Gerry Hudson, 1-613-4491668, Sales Rep, RiHUNTER SAFETY Ca- deau Town & Country nadian Firearms Realty Ltd. Brokerage. Course. Courses and exams held throughout the year. Free course if TIMESHARE CANCEL. you organize a group, Were you misled when exams available. Wen- you purchased a Timeda Cochran, 613-256- share? Get out NOW with contract cancella2409. tion! Stop paying Mortgage and Maintenance PETS 100% Money back Guaranteed. 1-888816--7128, x-6868 or 702-527-6868 DOG SITTING, Experienced Retired Breeder providing HOUSES lots of TLC. My FOR RENT Home. Smaller dogs only. References available. $17$20 daily. Marg $300 MOVE-IN BON U S - K A N ATA - F O R 613-721-1530. RENT: Stunning Executive Townhouse, 4+1 bdrm, 2000sqft., finished basement, 3.5 baths, 5 appliances, garage. Contact Allan 613-831-6003; info@ip-mex.com
2 ROOMS for rent in a fully furnished open concept house. Parking, utilities included, access to whole house. Available immediately. 613-270-9038.
Liver & White, nonregistered, tails docked, first shots and dewormed. $400. 2 females and 5 males available.
Ready to go Oct 29th, call 613-433-9665.
GOLDEN RETRIEVER X Bernese Mountain Dog pups, first needle, dewormed, born June 21/10, 613-2235015 GROOMING. Small dogs groomed in my home. 6 years experience, Kanata area. Contact for info: info@prettypups.ca HOUSES FOR SALE
THE HALCYON-1195 Richmond Road, Ottawa, Retired owners oriented building. 2 bedroom condo, 1.5 bath, condo fee includes all utilities except telephone and cable. $269,900 613820-5975
3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, 2 1/2 baths, double garage on 2 acre lot. Available October 1st, $1500 plus utilities. Call or text 604-783-1228.
KANATA, furnished/equipped home November to April. 2 car parking. Laundry, hardwood floors, close to transit and malls. $1600.00/month all inclusive. No pets/ Smoking. 613-5921100
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STITTSVILLE NEW 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. Situated in Traditions (Monarch Homes)site. $1500.00 per month plus utilities. References Required. 613-836-6773
FREE YOURSELF FROM DEBT, MONEY FOR ANY PURPOSE! DEBT CONSOLIDATION. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd mortgages, credit lines and loans up to 90% LTV. Self employed, mortgage or tax arrears. DON’T PAY FOR 1YR PROGRAM! #10171 ONTARIO-WIDE FINANCIAL CORP. CALL 1888-307-7799. www.ontario-widefinancial.com
2 BEDROOM UPSTAIRS apt downtown Arnprior. Washer and dryer in unit, secure building with intercom, parking spot, heat and hydro excluded, $750 month , first and last 613-302-1669
Absolutely Beautiful 1&2 bedroom apartments
KANATA HALF DOUBLE FOR RENT - 3 bed/1.5 bath. Eat-in kitchen, finished basement, private backyard, garage, 5 appliances. $1400/month + utilities. 613-3251859
PIANO LESSONS FOR fun or exam preparation. 20 years experience and references. Ages 5-senior. Call for free consultation. Catherine 613-8311863
ABCE GOVERNMENT Language training and after-school children/adult programs. fastforwardfrench.com (613) 599-4226
MATH TUTOR AVAILABLE Experienced high school math teacher available to tutor math in my home. Please call Ruth (B. Sc, B. Ed), at 613-599-9263.
PRIVATE GUITAR LESSONS Learn from a Carleton University Music Graduate with 30+years of combined playing, performing and teaching experience. CALL 613-9835210 to enroll. WORLD CLASS DRUMMER (of Five Man Electrical Band) is now accepting students. Private lessons, limited enrollment, free consultation. Call Steve, 613831-5029. w w w. s t eve h o l l i n g worth.ca
NATURE photography field trips hosted by photographer Jeff Ryan. For more info visit; www.jeffryan-photog raphy.com “workshop key”. Cost $60. p/individual. 613.599.5363 WELDING made fast and easy. Small evening classes, hands on experience/learn cutting techniques/ arc welding, and M.I.G., T.I.G. Course available. Certificate course, tax deductible 432-7932
unfinished basement, one parking spot. $1000 per month plus utilities.
Don’t forget to ask about our signing bonus
FLUTE LESSONS and theory. Stittsville in my home, beginner through Grade 8 RCM. Prepare for exams or learn for fun. Patti B.MUS, B.ED 613836-9506
FLUTE LESSONS The Kanata Lakes Flute Studio has openings for new students. 33 years experience teaching all levels. For information, please call ORMTA member Virginia Dunsby 613-599-4255
Secure Adult Building Carleton Place No Smoking No Pets $675 & up Call 613-720-9860 or 613-823-1694
HOUSE FOR RENT between Carp and Kinburn. 3 large bedrooms (2200sq/foot), CL21558 2 1/2 car garage, lots all landscaped, 2 full SITTSVILLE - One bedbathrooms. Call 613- room, in walkout base836-6637 for details. ment, laminate and ceramic floors, gas fireplace, nice private yard and storage shed. KANATA Heat, hydro, cable, waAvailable ter, laundry and parkImmediately ing for one car included. No smoking or 3 bedroom pets. $895/month. townhouse, 1.5 Aug 1/10 613-795baths, 2 appliances, 5054
613-831-3445 613-257-8629
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BEAVERBROOK - 1 spot available for a 1 year old. Call 613599-1696 Bridlewood Home Daycare. Certified teacher offering care for all ages. Educational/craft activities, indoor/outdoor play. Healthy meals/snacks. CPR/First Aid. St. Anne, Roch Carrier bus. Contact Laura 613-271-2675 or email: laurahiggins@rogers.com GLEN CAIRN, Childcare available. Nutritious snacks/meals. Crafts, games, in/outdoor play, play group. Have First Aid/police check. Elizabeth 613-831-9592 KANATA LAKES, Experienced Caregiver, Agency Approved, CPR Certified, Police Check, Reference, Nutritious Snacks/Meals, Smoke & Pet Free, Spaces Available for all Ages. Call Fatima. 613-592-8975. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
WWW.PREMIERSOL ARINC.COM ‘Your Long Term Solar Parners” System Sales/Installations/Financing/Dealerships. Start making money with the ‘Microfit Program” TODAY! Call Now! 1877-255-9580 SERVICES
WEDDINGS, BAPTISMS & Funerals, location of your choice. Also available Small weddings, my home, weekdays. The Rev. Alan Gallichan. 613726-0400.
Dry, Clean and Split Oak, Maple, Ironwood, some Beech and Birch. Ready to Burn $130.00 per Face Cord. Half orders available. Free delivery to Kanata, Nepean/Barrhaven, Stittsville. Call 613-5921518.
GAS FIREPLACE Finishing sale, BGDV 36 Napoleon gas fireplace, $2050 installed, framed and drywall, 1 coat tape, $250, material included. Gas piping for BBQ hook-ups, Upgrade lines for new On Demand water heaters Robin 613720-3186 anytime Robin’s Country Heating
SAVE UP TO $400 ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE. Good driving record? Call Grey Power today at 1-866-4240675 for a no-obligation quote. Additional Discounts Available. Open Weekends
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
AFFORDABLE QUALITY CONTRACTING Home Renovations & Repairs: Flooring, Cabinetry, Framing, Drywall, Trim, Painting, Plumbing, Electrical, Decks, Fences, and much more. Workmanship Guaranteed: (613)862-2727 or aqc@bell.net CARPENTRY, REPAIRS, Rec Rooms, Decks, etc. Reasonable rates, 25 years experience. 613832-2540 CERTIFIED MASON 10yrs exp., Chimney Repair & Restoration, cultured stone, parging, repointing. Brick, block & stone. Small/big job specialist. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 613-250-0290. Craig Landscaping For all your residential and small business needs, including yard work. Call Bill Craig 613-622-0673.
HANDYMAN, Finishing Basements, Washrooms, Plumbing, Ceramics, Change and install windows and doors. Reasonable Rates. FREE ESTIMATES. Call 613-4353277 or 613-6198609
RELIABLE, RESPONSIBLE and thorough cleaning. Bonded and insured. Estimates and references available. Call 613-832-4941. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER house cleaning service. Reliable service, reasonable rates, free estimates. Call Linda or Kyla 613-816-7525 or 613-838-4939
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2 DAY AUCTIONS: OCTOBER 15th, 10AM, Construction Equipment, Excavators, Dozers, Loaders, Trucks, Skidsters, Tractors. OCTOBER 16TH, 10:AM - Boats, Boat Trailers, RVs, ATVs, BINGO PWCs, Utility Trailers. www.aeroauctions.ca CONSIGNMENTS KANATA LEGION WELCOME. 705-487BINGO, Sundays, 6249 Barrie, ON. 1:00pm. 70 Hines Road. For info, 613CAREER 592-5417. TRAINING
KANATA-HAZELDEAN LION’S CLUB BINGO. Dick Brule Community Centre, 170 Castlefrank Road, Kanata. Every Monday, 7:00pm.
SUPERKIDS TUTORS: in-home, all subjects, references. 613-2824848, superkidstutors@rogers.com
STITTSVILLE LEGION HALL, Main St, every Wed, 6:45 p.m.
10th ANNUAL CALABOGIE ARTFEST, Calabogie Community Center, 574 Mill St., Calabogie Ontario, Saturday Oct. 2nd and Sunday Oct. 3rd, daily from 10a.m.-4p.m. Free admission, Tea Room.
2010 ANNUAL FALL Show October 1-11, 2010, Sculpted Clay Relief by Richard Gill. Are you troubled by The Canadian Pacific someone’s drinking? Railway an historical We can help. perspective, A Foray to Al-Anon/Alateen Fami- France - Brittany, La roly Groups chelle, Paris, and new 613-860-3431 works of the Ottawa Valley, Bittersweet Gallery, 5 Leckie Lane, Burnstown, open daily 11a.m.-5p.m. 613-4325254 www.burnstown.ca/bittersweet COIN AND STAMP SALE New location the RA CENTER - 2451 Riverside Drive Sunday October 10th, 9:30 - 3:30pm. Information 613-749-1847. mmacdc342@rog ers.com (Buy/Sell)
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3 HORSES, morning feed, blanketing, turn out, mucking out. Love for horses important. 613-836-1307 CARPENTERS / FRAMERS WANTED Full Time employment with custom homebuilder. Valid drivers licence required. Call 613831-2067 or send resume by fax 613-8318283 or email brian@howiehomes.ca CONSTRUCTION LABOURERS required immediately. Must have own Transportation, Driver’s license, WHMIS, Fall Protection & Confined Space. Equipment experience an asset. Good Wage. Phone 613-223-2303 or Fax 613-839-7415
ESTABLISHED COMPANY has immediate openings for EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPE installers with extensive landscape construction experience to join our team. Permanent F/T positions. Salary based on qualifications and experience. Full benefit package. Our company offers opportunities for personal growth and success in a team environment. Email resume to jobs@thunderbolt.ca
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EARN EXTRA income! carrier contractors needed for early am newspaper home delivery in Kanata and Stittsville, 7 days/week. Vehicle a must. $500$950+/MONTH. 613592-9786
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R. FLYNN LANDSCAPING Owner operated company. Quality work: References available. Interlocking stone, Garden walls, and all your landscaping needs. 13 years experience. Free Estimates. Call 613-828-6400
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FULLY LICENSED INSURED ELECTRICIAN Free estimates. 27 Years Experience. Excellent quality for repairs & installations. Honest and reliable with references. Call Glen at Johnson Technical Services 613-8848920
MELVIN’S INTERIOR PAINTING Professional Work. Reasonable Rates. Honest . Clean. Free Estimates. References. 613-831-2569 Home 613-3557938 Cell. “Green” Products Available. NO JOB TOO SMALL
WILL PICK UP & REMOVE any unwanted cars, trucks, boats, snowmobiles, lawntractors, snowblowers, etc. Cash paid for some. Peter, All Purpose Towing. 613797-2315, 613-560-9042
ELDER CARE Social Worker with Palliative Care training will provide support, companionship and assistance with daily living to seniors in there homes or residences. Stittsville and Kanata area, flexible hours. Contact Kate 613-831-6545 or gkai@magma.ca
LAWN/TREE LANDSCAPE Maintenance Ltd. # 613-623-9410 Cell # 613-978-3443 Property maintenance, landscaping, arbourist, Tree Removal. W.E.T.T. certified, renovations demolitions, etc. Call for free quote.
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DRYWALL-INSTALLER TAPING & REPAIRS. Framing, electrical, full custom basement renovations. Installation & stippled ceiling repairs. 25 years experience. Workmanship guaranteed. Chris, 613-8395571 or 613-7247376
OZ Optics is currently seeking to fill the following positions: Order Desk Administrator -Reporting to the Customer Order Management Manager -Performs all administrative support functions required to service Sales Staff and meet customer/potential customer requirements in a timely and efficient manner -Order processing and Customer Service, providing a link between customers and manufacturing procedure Custodian Typical Duties: • Dusting, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing floors. • Carpet cleaning. • Cleaning of washrooms • Removal of garbage. • Snow and general ground maintenance.
Skills: • Ability to work independently in a fast paced, environment. • Attention to details. • Good communication skills. • Knowledge of chemicals and equipment related to profession.
Required Qualifications: • ‘G’ class drivers license along with a clean driving record. • Minimum 3 years of building/company cleaning experience; • Sound knowledge of all cleaning duties and responsibilities; • Good interpersonal communication and organizational skills;
Interested candidates may submit their resumes to: OZ Optics 219 Westbrook Road, Ottawa, ON K0A 1L0 Attention: Human Resources or by fax to 613-831-2151 or by e-mail to hr@ozoptics.com For more information, visit www.ozoptics.com Or drop resume off at the OZ Optics Reception Desk $$$ SECURITY GUARDS $$$ No Experience Needed. Full Training Offered 613-228-2813 www.ironhorsegroup.com
LOOKING FOR good reliable help wanted, deck and fence builders, serious inquiries only. Fax resume to 836 3571 or call 831 5066
Island View Retirement Suites in Arnprior has an excellent opportunity for a motivated marketing/ salesperson. You must have prior success selling services to a variety of decision makers in a competitive market against established vendors. You must be effective at prospecting and closing new opportunities and building relationships. You should have strong closing skills and excellent listening skills, be a goal oriented self starter. You are passionate and enjoy working as part of a team and have an understanding for the needs of the elderly. You are willing to travel locally from time to time and you must have a prior income level of at least $60 000. Email your resume with Salesperson Arnprior in the subject line to: job2@canadabiz.net CL21615
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
Voortman Cookies, an industry leader in No Sugar Added and Healthier Choice Cookies, has an immediate opening for an energetic and independent route sales representative servicing Renfrew, Arnprior, Kanata and surrounding sales area. The route sales representative is expected to increase sales volume by executing promotions and developing customer relations within the established territory, as well as aggressively pursue new selling opportunities to meet and exceed sales goals. Investment is required. Full training is provided. Please submit resume to mycareer@voortman.com REQUIREMENTS Candidates must have: • Good credit rating • Clean driving record • Excellent communication skills • Route delivery/grocery experience is a plus
Candidates must be: • Able to work independently. • Highly motivated • Energetic • Dependable • Driven • Organized
MODASolutions Corporation located in Kanata is currently looking to hire a Spanish Customer Service Rep that will be available to work morning, afternoon, evening and weekend shifts on an alternating basis. Required skills include excellent written and oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal skills, proficiency in MS Word, Excel and Windows as well as prior exposure to researching complex consumer issues. Duties will include, but are not limited to the following: Assist consumers in making bill payments, Provide support in research and resolution of problems and inquiries, Serve as a “communications hub” for the client and team for issue prioritization and escalation support and Follow-up payment exceptions. If you have 2 years experience in a similar position, can operate fluently in both Spanish and English and are adept at multitasking and managing change in a dynamic environment then we’d like to hear from you. Please submit resume and cover letter via email to hr@modasolutions.com.
Customer Care Supervisor Opportunity Ezipin Canada Ottawa, ON, Canada Overview: Ezipin is seeking a dynamic Customer Care Supervisor to join our support team! Ezipin distributes prepaid products (eg cell phone top-ups, long distance services) via a network of over 10,000 retailers. You and your team will perform the vital role of maintaining these relationships with enhanced customer satisfaction and high customer retention. Responsibilities Include: Supervise a small team of Customer Care Service Agents. Optimize daily activities and productivity. Identify and address training and development needs through monitoring and performance metrics. Assist Agents with questions and problem solving. Monitor daily/weekly reports to identifying and address trends and ensure targets goals are met. Support our corporate accounts and software partners. Qualifications: 4+ years experience in Customer Care Service with some supervisory experience essential. Advanced Word, Outlook, Excel skills. Experience with Salesforce.com (CRM) a plus. Effective written and oral communications in both official languages. Strong customer service orientation and skills. A team player with leadership, negotiation and organizational skills are essential. College degree is an asset. Send your resume with cover letter to hr@ezipin.ca or fax to 613-831-6678
RIDEAU CARLETON RACEWAY We’re looking for experienced weeknight Servers and daytime Bussers to join our team. Please send resume to: hr@rcr.net; no phone calls please WILLING TO EDUCATE Highly motivated individual for rewarding career in financial services. Call Matt McBain at 613-7231139 CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT WANTED in Stittsville. Knowledge of anatomy, massage and chiropractic required. Duties include recording patient history, applying modalities, giving massages and assisting administrative staff. 25-30 hours weekly. Email resume to: Back.In.Motion@gmail. com
Physiotherapy Practice Seeks General Receptionist Previous experience in healthcare reception is an asset Wanted immediately for evening shifts Specific hours/Salary Negotiable Email resume to Physio03@Live.Ca HOSPITALITY
LONE STAR KANATA Now Hiring, Full time experienced Managers, servers and line cooks. Apply to: 4048 Carling Avenue. Competitive Wage. Come join the great Lone Star Atmosphere.
DISABLED WOMAN IN GLEN CAIRN, looking for female worker for Weekends (Saturday and Sundays) from 3-5pm. P.S.W. preferred. 613-836-6775
JOB POSTING Job Title: Temporary Full-Time – Parcel Delivery Drivers Department: Circulation Location: Ottawa
Are you enthusiastic, hardworking, persistent, dedicated, goal oriented and motivated? Interested in earning additional income starting at $15 an hour? Look no further!! Metroland Media – Ottawa Region is seeking temporary fulltime Parcel Delivery. If having the freedom to drive around Ottawa AND getting paid for it sounds like a great working environment to you ... then read on and APPLY TODAY!!!!!
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BOOKKEEPER/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT required for accounting firm in North Kanata. This full time hourly paid position requires a mature individual with training and/or experience in bookkeeping; ability to record entries in Simply Accounting or Quickbooks; familiarity with general office routine; and competence in MS Word and Exel, Candidates must have a good telephone manner, and be comfortable interacting with clients in person and on the telephone. This position may be of interest to candidates wishing to re-enter the workforce.
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Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
Th e
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
Wins, medals, fun - what a recipe! SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Only one loss all season long. Great! Regular season and tournament gold medal wins. Super! Twenty-five girls having fun playing soccer together. Priceless! This was the 2010 season for the U15 Munster-Richmond Lions FC soccer team, a season that ended with a gold medal victory in the windup tournament at Beckwith Park near Carleton Place on the Aug. 28/29 weekend. This came on the heels of winning gold medals for the regular season championship.
All in all, the team had only one loss throughout the season. In the year-end tournament at Beckwith Park, the Lions FC overcame the extreme heat that weekend and won the championship by beating the Stittsville Brazil Ice Divas 2-0 in the final game. Special mention must be made of coaches Mike Rivoire, Frank Westerlaken and Blaine Johnson who kept the 25 girls in line all season long while ensuring that they had lots of fun. Joanne Corrigan is the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s manager.
Members of the U15 Munster-Richmond Lions FC girls soccer team, regular season and yearend tournament gold medal winners, are, at the front, goalies Paige Corrigan, left, and Lauren Westerlaken, right; first row, left to right, Alana Duthie, Savannah Ethier, Erin Anderson, Meaghan Meades, Meagan Hamilton, Kaycee Strotmann, Celena Ethier, Gabrielle Rivoire, Megan Lawton, Paige Sample, Jessica Melone and Beth Sernoskie; second row, left to right, Kelly Johnson, Jennifer Munro, Alexandra Tierney, Michaela Lunn, Amanda Bennie, Alexandra Maheral, Issy Dean, goalie Karley Dano, Chloe Brophy, Caitlin Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor and Shayna Van Gaal; and, back row, left to right, coaches Frank Westerlaken, Mike Rivoire and Blaine Johnson.
Blessing of pets at Quiet Garden area ready to bless any pets which are brought to him. He will be in the Quiet Garden from noon until 2 p.m. that day. If it rains, he will be in the nearby church. “I know pets mean a lot to people,” Rev. Dubord said in explaining why he will be blessing pets this year. He had previously done it for a number of years before stopping it. But now he has decided it is time to re-activate the practice. He says that having a pet blessed is a way for the owner to acknowledge the pet and give thanks for their companionship. The bless-
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010
JOHN CURRY NEWS STAFF St. Francis of Assisi is known as a saint who was very connected with nature, the environment and animals. There is even a legend of him taming a wolf. That is why around the world today, pets are blessed in honour of St. Francis of Assisi on or around his feast day of Oct. 4. This is what will be available to any pet owners in the area this Saturday, Oct. 2 when Rev. Michel Dubord of St. John the Baptist Anglican Church in Richmond will be in the church’s Quiet Garden
ing acknowledges the precious role that the pet plays in the life of a family. St. Francis of Assisi was and remains known for his deep commitment to animals and pets. “There’s a deep connection with him and animals,” Rev. Dubord says, noting that blessing animals in his name is a way of honouring the saint’s appreciation and deep respect not only for pets but for all of creation. For more information about this blessing of pets occasion in the Quiet Garden in Richmond, please call 613-838-6075.
Truck Madness in Munster with lots of opportunities for people to get up and close with one of the mighty machines. Besides the trucks, there will be a BBQ, mini four-wheeler rides, a play zone and prizes. Admission will be $5 per person, with children under 2 years of age being admitted free. There will be a special family rate of $20 which will cover two adults and up to four children.
SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Munster will be ‘truck central’ this Saturday, Oct. 2. That is when Truck Madness, a fun event for the whole family, is being held by the Munster Co-operative Nursery School. Truck Madness will be running from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Munster Elementary School, the home of the Nursery School. There will be trucks galore at the event,
Stittsville News - SEPTEMBER 30, 2010