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DRAMA AT SCHS Play about Alzheimer’s disease presented.
The oldest community newspaper in the city of Ottawa - founded in 1957 March 17, 2011 | 36 Pages
Volume 54 Issue No. 11
Dandy Andie Wins national university award JOHN CURRY
HERE’S JOHNNY Stittsville arena is renamed after longtime community sports activist. 22
HIGH NOTE Goulbourn Middle School musician gets Director’s Award. 3
Andrea Switalski of Stittsville has received one of Canadian university women’s hockey most prestigious awards. She is the first player for the Mount Allison University Mounties of Sackville, New Brunswick, to receive such a major Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) award in women’s hockey. She has received the Marion Hilliard Award which is a national award given annually to a CIS women’s hockey player who has best exhibited outstanding balance between athletic achievement, academics and community service. Each of these three criteria is weighted equally in determining the winner. Andrea, a senior, has just completed her women’s hockey career at Mount Allison. See ANDREA, page 7
John Curry photo
WEARIN’ THE GREEN All deked out for Irish Day at Holy Spirit Catholic School in Stittsville on Thursday, March 10, getting ready for St. Patrick’s Day, are, from left to right, students Matt Musgrave, Tyler Brown and Jackson Kelly.
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Councillor wants better road sooner JOHN CURRY
New Listing! Open House 2-4 pm Sun. Mar. 27th @ 3593 Diamondview Rd., Rural Carp/Kinburn Affordable & spacious 3 bedrm home on 100’ x 200’ lot with beautiful views & sunsets, 2 car garage, large back deck, hardwd & tile on main level, 2 fireplaces, ensuite, awesome lower level famrm, 5 appliances, flexible possession! $249,900
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Waterfront! 134 Scenic Lane, Buckhams Bay West Breathtaking Ottawa River property at the mouth of Buckhams’ Bay. Old cottage is in “as is” condition & value is in the lot to build new among other beautiful waterfront homes. 15 foot right of way exists down west side of lot for adjoining neighbour to access river. Get ready to build now only 25 minutes to Kanata $234,900 Business For Sale! Hot Lines Tanning Studio 1667 Carling Avenue between Clyde Avenue & Churchill Avenue operating now for 20 years in the same location, this trendy & upscale studio has built its reputation resulting in a loyal clientele base. Open 7 days a week with 6 tanning beds (owned not leased) & space to add rooms for additional, desirable beauty & wellness services for the aspiring entrepreneur! $59,900
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Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
City of Ottawa Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri wants to see reconstruction and four-laning of Carp Road south of highway 417 take place sooner rather than later as is currently planned. Plans as they now stand are for the Carp Road to be reconstructed and expanded by the city of Ottawa to four lanes south of highway 417 in the 2016-2019 time frame. However, councillor Qadri told the Stittsville Village Association (SVA) executive at its meeting on Thursday, March 10 that he is working to see if the Carp Road improvement work can be advanced to the 2012-2014 time frame, with the work being completed no later than 2014. He is basing his argument for this on the fact that the Ontario Ministry of Transportation is now talking about expanding the Carp Road bridge over highway 417 so that the bridge can handle three lanes of southbound traffic. In addition, the new retail area at the corner of Carp Road and Hazeldean Road will mean the improvement of Carp Road from Kittiwake Drive going into the Timbermere subdivision to Hazeldean Road. Councillor Qadri notes that this means that the city will only then have to recon-
struct and improve the stretch of Carp Road from Kittiwake Drive north to near the highway 417 bridge. Moving the Carp Road reconstruction being done by the city forward would mean that the whole stretch from Hazeldean Road north to highway 417 would then be completed by 2014. Estimated cost of this Carp Road reconstruction and four laning is $14 million. Another road improvement project which is also on the city’s capital planning books for the 2016-2019 time frame is the improvement of Huntmar Drive from Maple Grove Road north to Palladium Drive. This stretch of road runs past the new West Division headquarters of the Ottawa Police Service. Estimated cost of this Huntmar Drive improvement work is $11 million. Councillor Qadri said that for the present, he is advocating for the immediate installation of some sort of temporary gravel walking area along Huntmar Drive from Maple Grove Road to north of the police building. The development of the new gas bar at the southwest corner of Palladium Drive and Huntmar Drive will see the installation of a new hard-surfaced walking area along Huntmar Drive at that site. The proposed temporary gravel walking area would tie into this.
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The Goulbourn Middle School band is a hungry bunch this year. They not only proved this at the recent Capital Region MusicFest in achieving a Gold rating but also proved it at a celebration of their achievement at the school on Monday afternoon, March 7 when they polished off a congratulatory cake, complete with associated ice cream, leaving no trace of the cake with its chocolate icing adorned with yellow rosebuds. Goulbourn Middle School music teacher and band director Linda Crawford is ecstatic about the band’s performance at MusicFest and its receipt of a Gold rating from all three of the adjudicators. “That is rare, to have all three people agree,” she said in explaining the unanimous Gold ranking from the adjudicators. At MusicFest, the band, comprised of both grade seven and eight students, played three pieces: “Nottingham Castle,” a march; “Night on Bald Mountain,” an orchestral piece; and “Tu Ungane,” an African tune. Indeed, it was with the playing of “Tu Ungane” that Ms. Crawford feels that the band really gained the adjudicators’ favour as she said that the band really nailed the piece which includes the playing of African drums. Ms. Crawford says that at a music com-
petition like MusicFest, a band never knows exactly how it will fare because often adjudicators are looking for different things in a band’s performance. However, after the excellence of the Af-
rican drumming piece, the Gold ranking for the Goulbourn Middle School band flowed from all three adjudicators. Another highlight for the Goulbourn Middle School band at this year’s Mu-
John Curry photo
Goulbourn Middle School band members who are celebrating the band’s Gold ranking at the recent Capital Region MusicFest are, from left to right, Brandon Bowes, Colleen Cooligan, Brooke Spencer, Andrea Pretty, Kendal Ryan, Nick Ainger and Megan Wall.
g n i k o o l n i t n No poi lse ! anywhere e
sicFest was the presentation of the Director’s Award to grade eight band member Cynthia Chung. This is a special award given by the director of each band in the competition to a band member who is not only a skilled musician but also a team player and role model. “Someone who is a positive influence in the band” is how Ms. Crawford describes the recipient of this award. Cynthia Chung, this year’s recipient, who received the award on stage at MusicFest, plays the French horn in the band and as a grade eight band member has served as a role model for the band’s grade seven members. By earning a Gold rating, the Goulbourn Middle School band earned an invitation to the national MusicFest competition which is taking place in British Columbia this year. However, the band will not be going because of the distance and expense involved. The band, though, may be taking up an John Curry photo opportunity to Goulbourn Middle perform at the School grade eight upcoming Tulip student Cynthia Chung Festival in Otta- holds the Director’s wa this spring. Award.
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Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Golden time for Goulbourn Middle School band
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
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Kanata Lawyers John Curry photo
Holding up books about outer space after being among the students who had questions for Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield are Guardian Angels Catholic School students, from left to right, Alex McElroy, Mikey Finnie, Mikey Hopkins and Erin Francispillai.
Students question astronaut via Skype Mary P. Miller
Lila M. Kelly
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Students at Guardian Angels Catholic School in Stittsville got to see and hear Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield recently thanks to Skype technology. Astronaut Hadfield was in Russia at the time but thanks to Skype, there he was, right on the big screen in the school’s gymnasium, listening to questions from students and then responding to them. It all came about after the school applied for the opportunity to participate in such a question and answer session with astronaut Hadfield after hearing about it thanks to Sean Clark, a science teacher at Sacred Heart Catholic High School. It is part of a year long initiative by the Canadian Space Agency in which astronaut Hadfield is participating in such sessions with elementary and secondary school students across the country, using Skype technology. Once Guardian Angels was accepted as one of the participating schools, Ottawa Catholic School Board staff had to make Skype technology available at the school. The technology was tested out in a classroom prior to the gymnasium assembly at which astronaut Hadfield appeared. It was on Thursday morning, Feb. 17 that astronaut Hadfield appeared on the giant screen at Guardian Angels, answering questions from 11 different students. The school had lined up a total of 22 students with questions but the half hour session ended before all of them had the chance to ask their questions. This was partly because astronaut Hadfield was so complete and full with his responses. Guardian Angels principal Andrea Green notes that astronaut Hadfield not only answered questions fully with lots of details but remembered each questioner’s name and often praised them for asking such good questions. “He was unbelievable, he was so good,” principal Green said. Most of the questioners were grade six students because space is part of the science curriculum for them. But questions were also asked by other grade level stu-
dents as well. One of these was Mikey Finnie, a six year old grade one student, who asked astronaut Hadfield if there is an end to outer space (Answer: there is no end to it). Grade six student Erin Francispillai asked astronaut Hadfield what was the favourite thing that he saw when travelling in space. In his response, astronaut Hadfield noted the beautiful mountains and clouds which he sees as the International Space Station moves around the earth. Grade six student Alex McElroy asked astronaut Hadfield if he thought that one day mankind will travel to Mars and, in addition, did he think that aliens would be found there. Astronaut Hadfield replied that in his view it is not a matter of if but rather of when mankind reaches Mars. He said that if aliens are found there, it would be one of the biggest discoveries ever made. Grade six student Mikey Hopkins asked astronaut Hadfield what he missed most about life on earth while at the International Space Station. Astronaut Hadfield replied that he missed taking showers as only sponge baths are possible on the International Space Station. Mikey says that he was surprised at the answer. “I thought it was kind of surprising,” he said about the response. “I thought it might have been family but he talked about showers.” Chris Hadfield joined the Canadian Space Agency astronaut corps in 1992 and travelled into space in both 1995 and 2001. In November 2012, he will launch via a Soyuz spacecraft to reach the International Space Station where he will live and work for six months. During the second half of this mission, he will become the first Canadian commander of the International Space Station, a milestone for Canadian space exploration. While on this mission, besides commanding the International Space Station for the second half of the mission, he will be carrying out scientific experiments, will operate Canadarm 2 and will perform various robotics tasks.
Attending a weekend leadership program at Camp Gatineau near Wakefield in May is what is awaiting a student who successfully applies for the experience to the Rotary Club of Ottawa-Stittsville. The Rotary Club will be sponsoring the attendance of one student aged 14 to 18 years of age at this leadership camp on the weekend of May 20-22. Transportation to and from the camp will be arranged by the Rotary Club. Any student interested in being the one selected to attend this leadership camp should apply prior to Friday, April 15 by contacting Rotary Club member Jas Michalski at jas.michalski@rogers.com. He will provide via email the application form that includes some basic information as well as a request for a one page or less curriculum vitae describing hobbies and activities. Only youth sponsored by a Rotary Club which pays the $350 registration fee can attend this leadership camp where leadership skills are discussed and then developed through hands-on experiences. Outdoor activities and team games are an integral part of the program which is intended to focus on leadership concepts and ethical behaviour. This leadership camp takes place through the Rotary Youth leadership Awards program which is meant to help develop the leaders of the next generation. More information about the program can also be obtained by contact Mr. Michalski at jas.michalski@rogers.com.
SPECIAL TO THE NEWS It’s Open Table time again in Stittsville. St. Thomas Anglican Church is
once again holding this free community dinner this coming Saturday, March 19 at the church which is at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Carleton Cathcart Street in Stitts-
ville. The doors will open at 4:30 p.m. with the dinner being served at 5 p.m. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend.
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Open Table free community dinner
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Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Rotary seeks youth for leadership camp
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Goalie Meghan Corley-Byrne selected as all-star 455765
A player from Stittsville has been chosen as an Atlantic University Sport (AUS) women’s hockey all-star. Meghan Corley-Byrne of Stittsville, a South Carleton High School graduate, has been a goalie for the Mount Allison University Mounties for three seasons now and this season was selected to the AUS first all-star team. This season continued her outstanding career at Mount Allison. In 2008-2009, her first season with the Mounties, she was selected as the team’s rookie of the year. Last season she was selected as a second team AUS all-star by AUS coaches as well as the Mounties’ most valuable player by her teammates. Her career so far has been her selected as the Mounties’ player of the game many times as well as Mount Allison’s Athlete of the Week and Ath-
Indoor Board, Training Board & Outdoor Board Available
lete of the Month a number of times. In the regular season this year, Meghan had a goals against average of 3.06 with a save percentage of .920. Meghan, currently a junior, is studying towards a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring Meghan Corley-Byrne in English. Mount Allison Mounties head coach Zach Ball notes that Meghan has been an all-star for the team since she arrived at Mount Allison three seasons ago. “Meghan is a very technical goaltender and gives us confidence between the pipes every game,” coach Ball says. “She continues to be a huge part of our team and is very deserving of this recognition.”
‘Three’ weekend for Bren
Three’s were wild for Stittsville’s “karate kid” Bren Hunter at a World Karate Association AAAAA event in Quebec City over the March 5th weekend. Brent returned home from this Quebec Capitale Open with first place tro-
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phies and second place finishes, three of both. It was a real “three” weekend. Bren captured first place trophies in Traditional Kata Forms, Open Weapons and Point Fighting, all in the boys’ 12 and under black belt division. His three second place finishes came in Tradi-
tional Weapons, HardStayle Kata Forms and Musical Weapons. Bren will be competing in local tournaments over the next month as he prepares for the World Karate Council provincial championships in London, Ontario on the weekend of April 9th.
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Bren Hunter of Stittsville looks over the trophies which he collected at the Quebec Capitale Open, a World Karate Association event in Quebec City. 437099
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From page 1 This happened when the team lost in the recent Atlantic University Sport women’s hockey playoffs. It had been the first time since 2005 that the Mounties had qualified for the playoffs. Andrea has been a key defenseman with the Mounties since 2007. She is considered an excellent skater and a player who has contributed both defensively and offensively in games, providing team leadership in all four of her seasons. On the ice, the 5 foot, two inch rearguard was a key performer on the Mounties’ defensive unit which finished third in the Atlantic conference for least goals allowed, giving up only 72 goals in 24 games this past season. Andrea, who served as an assistant captain, played in all of the team’s 24 games, scoring two goals and adding five assists. At the end of last season, Andrea received the Joey’s Pizza/Jack Drover Leadership Award at Mount Allison for her leadership on the team. Jack Drover is the former longtime coach of the Mount Allison Mounites. In the classroom, Andrea has a current grade point average of 3.7 in her honours degree in geography program. Andrea, who attended Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville before going on to Mount Allison University, will be graduating with an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in geography. Her involvement in the Sackville community since she arrived there as a freshman four years ago is considered second to none. As co-president of “Mounties in Motion,” she tutors children in grade 5 math class and takes part in various intramural sports. She has been a teaching assistant at Tantramar Regional High School, where she volunteers in a grade 9 English class. She is also involved with “Mounties for Heart,” helping create and run workshops based on the topic of healthy teen relationship awareness and dating violence prevention. Andrea has also served as an instructor with the Sackville Minor Hockey Association, has taught at a summer hockey school and has been a student therapist with the Mounties’ men’s soccer team. “Andie has played a major role with the Mounties in the past four seasons,” said Mounties hockey coach Zach Ball, commenting that she is very deserving of the national award. “Her volunteer work in the Sackville community seems endless, whether she is in a school, a hospital or a rink,” coach Ball said. “Her efforts are a true reflection of her character, as she has been a leader on the ice through her play and work ethic.” “Off the ice she has been committed to academic excellence and has also demonstrated her leadership through the many ways in which she has contributed to making a difference in the Sackville community,” he added. She was a candidate for the Marion Hilliard Award after receiving the Atlantic University Sport nomination for the award.. The Marion Hilliard Award won by Andrea Switalski of Stittsville this year was won by Danika Smith of Munster in 2009. Danika, a South Carleton High School graduate, played for the University of Ottawa Gee-Gees women’s hockey
team. While at Ottawa U, she also chaired the University of Ottawa Student-Athlete Council which worked to send elementary school students to Gee-Gees summer camps and was also involved with the Gee-Gees running and Mount Allison University reading prophoto gram aimed at Andrea Switalski helping inner city youth in Ottawa. Marion Hilliard, after whom the Marion Hilliard Student-Athlete Community Service Award is named, was a renowned Canadian obstetrician who helped develop a simplified method for detecting cervic cancer. Born in Morrisburg, she died in Toronto in 1958. She entered Victoria College of the University of Toronto in 1920 and from 1922 to 1927, she was a top player on the University of Toronto Blues intercollegiate hockey team which won six championships during that time including the 1924-25 Ontario Ladies’ Hockey League championship which was effectively the national championship. She was president of the University Hockey Club and the University Tennis Club, was twice interfaculty tennis champion and won two championships in five years of interfaculty basketball. She was a member of the Women’s Athletic Directorate at the university for four years and earned a total of six senior colours and five junior colours in her university career. She was awarded the Moss Scholarship in 1924 as the university’s outstanding graduating student in arts and science and after completing her medical studies, she joined the staff of Women’s College Hospital in Toronto in 1928. In 1947, she was appointed head of the gynecology and obstetrics department at Women’s College Hospital. She was involved in opening the first cancer detection clinic in Canada in 1948.
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Mount Allison University athletic director and Atlantic University Sport (AUS) hockey chair Pierre Arsenault, left, presents the AUS Student-Athlete Community Service Award to Mounties women’s hockey defenseman Andrea Switalski, right, of Stittsville. This made her the AUS nominee for the national Marion Hilliard Award which she also won.
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Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Andrea Switalski of Stittsville wins Marion Hilliard Award LOOKING FOR WORK?
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
A Stittsville star sparkles One only had to be at the “Navy Standards Through A Century” concert presented last Sunday afternoon at the Canadian War Museum in downtown Ottawa to know that the Stittsville concert band and its offshoot Main & Abbott dance band are getting better and better and are now a real treat to hear and see. What we really like about the concert band is that it includes in its repertoire many familiar songs and tunes or, if they are not well known, they are at least catchy tunes that are appealing to one and all. Indeed, the Stittsville concert band is fast becoming a source of pride for the community. You could not help but be thrilled and proud of their performance amid the tanks and military ve-
hicles in the spacious War Museum last Sunday. Here was our little band from Stittsville gaining the attention of Museum-goers, some of whom even sat on the floor to listen to the group. And, judging not only by the applause but also the rhythmic clapping which broke out on occasion and the tapping toes that were in evidence when such tunes as “In the Mood”, “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” and “Chattanooga Choo Choo” were played shows that this band is hitting all the right notes, not only with their instruments but also with their choice of songs being played. The Stittsville concert band, which enjoys the backing of the Stittsville Legion, is committed to playing at various local venues and so the band is bound
to be playing at a location near you soon, whether it be Village Square or the Legion Hall or a local retirement residence. When it does, make an effort to turn out and see and hear the band perform. They are truly becoming a “must hear” group for Stittsville residents. The Stittsville concert band was only formed in September 2008 by musicians who needed a place to play and who wanted to perform. Last year, the concert band and its associated Main & Abbott dance band and a 10 piece dinner band chalked up 20 performances. So, it is a busy group and, judging by their improving presentation and performances, this busy routine is agreeing with their musical development. They are getting better and better.
Ottawa has things that other cities don’t have Yes, it’s the 21st century – so what? The weakest of all arguments is that we’re in the 21st century. You hear it all the time. Somebody makes a proposal. Somebody else opposes. Then the supporters say to the opponents: “Don’t you know it’s the 21st century?” Those of us who grew up in the 20th century remember the argument. It’s just been updated a bit. There are provincial government proposals to loosen liquor laws at outdoor events. The police say they’re worried. The police are accused of not knowing it’s the 21st century. The police have a feeling that drunken louts in the new century will closely resemble drunken louts in the previous one. There is a proposal to put up some giant flashing billboard by the new convention centre, shining video and maybe, just maybe, advertising down on Rideau Canal skaters, tourists and distracted motorists. “It’s the 21st century,” the propo-
CHARLES GORDON nents say, when others ask why we need to complicate the natural beauty of that part of the city with humongous flashing pixels. The canal, of course, was built in the 19th century, before such electronic miracles were possible. Skating on the canal was brought to us in the 20th century by a man, NCC chairman Douglas Fullerton, who thought that the skating alone provided all the entertainment people would need. He was even critical of the early, non-electronic version of Winterlude, for putting entertainment on the ice to interfere with the skaters. He would not want to be skating in the 21st century with that thing beaming pictures down on his head. In the 21st century that we all recognize it is possible to do
all sorts of things that were not possible in the 20th. This does not, however, mean that we have to do them. Take Twitter, for example. With Twitter, you can tell the entire world, more or less, what you think in 140 characters or less. On the day the great editor and writer Jim Travers died, tributes began appearing on Twitter, little notes saying how much Travers was appreciated, how much he would be missed. It was kind of a tribal ritual, with virtually everyone on Parliament Hill and many people beyond it, adding their abbreviated voices. Travers, who loved to laugh, would have laughed. Here was this technological miracle and people, one after the other, were using it to write five or 10 words saying, in effect, “I’m sad too.” It’s not that they weren’t sincere, it’s that this piece of 21st century technology trivialized their sincerity. A few days later, a memorial gathering was held at the Ottawa Conference Centre – a railway station for much of the
80 Colonnade Rd. N., Ottawa, Unit #4, ON K2E 7L2 T: 613-224-3330 • F: 613-224-2265 • www.yourottawaregion.com Vice President & Regional Publisher Chris McWebb chris.mcwebb@metroland.com • 613-221-6201 Regional General Manager John Willems john.willems@metroland.com • 613-221-6202 Advertising Manager Terry Tyo terry.tyo@metroland.com • 613-221-6208 Digital & Classifieds Advertising Manager Josh Max josh.max@metroland.com • 613-221-6207 Director of Community Relations Terrilynne Crozier terrilynne.crozier@metroland.com • 613-221-6206 Director of Distribution Elliot Tremblay elliot.tremblay@metroland.com • 613-221-6204 Editor in Chief Deb Bodine deb.bodine@metroland.com • 613-221-6210
Managing Editor Suzanne Landis suzanne.landis@metroland.com • 613-221-6226 Editor: John Curry john.curry@metroland.com • 613-836-1357 Reporter John Brummell john.brummell@metroland.com • 613-836-1357 Flyer Sales Bob Burgess bob.burgess@metroland.com • 613.221.6227 Advertising Representative Liz Gray lizgray@metroland.com • 613.221.6221 Advertising Representative Gisele Godin gisele.godin@metroland.com • 613.221.6214 Advertising Representative Caroline Grist caroline.grist@metroland.com • 613.221.6215
20th century. Many of the same people came and many others, 500 in all, and they behaved in an old-technology way. They talked and they listened and they laughed and they cried and they hugged each other. There was more power and emotion in that gathering than in a billion tweets. The 21st century gives us the choice. We can tweet or we can show up. Showing up still works best. In Ottawa, the second-weakest of reasons for doing something is that the city’s image needs changing. People think Ottawa is dowdy, we are told by proponents of giant electronic billboards. We need to show
some more flash. Well, do we really? What’s dowdy about Ottawa? We have, thanks to the NCC, no billboards along the Canal and the parkways. Most people don’t complain about that. Some rather like it. What else don’t we have that other cities do? We have restaurants and nightclubs and festivals and theatres and galleries and shopping centres. We can even put together a bit of a traffic jam. We also have a few things that other cities don’t have, such as a relatively peaceful life and an ease of access to the countryside. Even in the 21st century, why should we be apologizing for that?
Editorial Policy The Stittsville News welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at www.yourottawaregion.com. To submit a letter to the editor, please email to john.curry@metroland.com or mail to the Stittsville News, P.O. Box 610, Stittsville. ON. K2S 1A7. For distribution inquiries in your area or for the re-delivery of a missed paper or flyer, please call 1-877-298-8288
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Arts and Culture
9 Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
JOHN BRUMMELL john.brummell@metroland.com
The impact of Alzheimer’s disease and its influence on a life were on view for all to see on stage at South Carleton High School in Richmond on Thursday, March 10. It was the presentation of the drama “Nora’s Lost” by Alan Haehnel which portrays the effect of Alzheimer’s disease on the life of Nora, played by Elizabeth Hanna. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, degenerative disease of the brain which causes thinking and memory to become seriously impaired. It is the most common form of dementia. The play depicts, through voices and scenes from the past, how the disease affects loss of memory, judgment and reasoning and how it leads to changes in mood, behaviour and communication abilities.
The 20 member cast included Rachel Bennett as young Martha; Samantha Davey as Nancy; Andrew Dodge as the preacher; Rebecca Dudgeon as death, Shannon Firnkes as Robin; Jessica Gibson as the nurse and a caroler; Dustin Graham as Gene (replaced by Meghan Campbell for the show); Chayse Hill as young Nora; Mitchel Johnson as Mark; Shannen MacDonald as Martha; Tegan Mcfarlane as Darcy; Megan Nolan as Mary; Charlotte Raworth as the doctor, Saundra and a searcher; Connor Rockburn as the chaplain and a caroler; Evan Thomas as Jack; Scott Thomas as Bill; Jessica Towsley as Lilac and a caroler; Emily Verhey as Karen; and Alex Wark as a military and police officer. Most of the cast members also served as some of the various voices which were heard on stage during the production. Student Meghan Campbell directed the play, with Jade Vieira serving as a production assistant.
John Brummell photo
John Brummell photo
Meghan Campbell plays the role of Gene in the drama Nora’s Lost which was presented at South Carleton High School in Richmond on Thursday, March 10. She was also the production’s director.
Elizabeth Hanna plays the role of Nora, a person affected with Alzheimer’s disease, in the drama “Nora’s Lost” presented at South Carleton High School in Richmond on Thursday, March 10.
Helping Japan
End of the line
On March 11, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit Japan leaving hundreds of people dead, and many more injured or missing. Canadians wishing to help support relief efforts underway are encouraged to contribute through: Canadian Red Cross 1-800-418-1111 Or Texting the word ASIA to 30333 to make a one-time donation of $5 www.redcross.ca UNICEF Canada 1-800-567-4483 Or Texting the word GIVE to 45678 www.unicef.ca. World Vision Canada 1-800-844-7993. www.worldvision.ca Save the Children Fund 1-800-464-9154. www.savethechildren.ca Care Canada 1-800-267-5232 www.carecanada.ca Oxfam Canada 1-800-466-9326. www.oxfam.ca
It’s down to the last night. This coming Monday, March 21 will be the final euchre in the current series hosted by the Richmond Agricultural Society at the Richmond Curling Club lounge in Richmond. The cards will start being dealt at 7:30 p.m. with everyone welcome to attend and enjoy this last night of euchre. As usual, there will be prizes and refreshments as well as the card playing. On Monday, March 7, Cindy McGuire had a good night, not only being one of the high score winners but also being one of the “Share the Wealth” winners. Other high score winners were Barb Lewis, Sally Beaton, Elmer Raycroft, Don Holmes and Garnet Vaughn. Other “Share the Wealth” winners were Marion Jones and Thelma Criggar.
Drama portrays Alzheimer’s
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591 March Road, Kanata T: 613-592-0088 359 Ottawa Street, Almonte T: 613-256-3480 www.rickassociates.com City of Ottawa Councillor Reports By Shad Qadri, Councillor Ward Six Stittsville City of Ottawa
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Council adopts 2011 Budget
On Tuesday, March 8th, Council adopted Budget 2011 with a 2.45% tax increase, which was just below the original 2.5% that was proposed. Budget 2011’s 2.45% increase for urban home owners and commercial properties represents an increase of $75 this year for City services. Rural area homeowners will see a 2.4% increase. Compared to the last few years, the average urban tax increase is considerably less this year. For example, the tax increase for urban home owners was $135 in 2008; $166 in 2009; and $125 in 2010. The Ottawa Public Library Board and the Ottawa Police Services Board have also adopted budgets in line with 2.5%. Budget 2011 public consultations throughout February and early March were extensive and included: public delegations at Standing Committee meetings, five multiward consultations attended by the Mayor, area Councillors and senior management, and the Mayor’s Spending Control Town Hall Meeting. Budget 2011 includes: • Freezing of recreation fees for activities for the first time since amalgamation. • 22 front line paramedics with two new, fully equipped ambulances and two new technicians to keep the ambulances on the streets. • 45 new firefighters to staff two new fire stations. • $10 million investment in Housing and Poverty Reduction initiatives that is in addition to a $4 million capital investment for housing initiatives. • $161 million towards projects and programs to improve and streamline the bus system. • Provisions to expand the free transit period for seniors from Wednesdays only to include Mondays and Fridays after 12 noon starting next month. • 74 new bus drivers to improve service and reduce overtime. • $500,000 funding envelope for priority environmental initiatives. • $2.8 million per year for new cycling initiatives across the city. • $28 million to address the flooding and sewage back-up problems in the west end. • $2 million allocated for economic deve lopment initiatives. • Capital spending plan that focuses on transit investments, the renewal of roads and sewers and new parks and recreation facilities. • Advances key initiatives including: the Ottawa River Action Plan, Light Rail and Lansdowne redevelopment. I would like to thank all residents of Ottawa who took part in the whole process regarding the Budget and expressed concerns. Without you, we as a Council could not have come up with important task of going forth with this proposal. For more information on the budget, please visit the City of Ottawa’s website at www.ottawa.ca New Youth Centre open house On Friday, March 25th at the Pretty Street Community Centre, Youth Connexion is hosting an open house for Stittsville’s new youth Centre, the Connexion Lounge. The open house takes place between 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm. As our community continues to grow, so does the need for more services such as those for our youth. Youth Connexion has been a tremendous program in the past hosting numerous programs and events for our youth throughout the course of the year and I am excited about this latest news regarding Connexion Lounge. The purpose of the open house is to give residents in the community more information on this tremendous new initiative that supports our growing youth population. I am
encouraging you to attend this open house and find out what the Connexion Lounge is all about. For more information about this project, please contact Lisa White, the director of Youth Connexion at 613-580-2424 ext. 43307 or by e-mail at lisa.white@ottawa.ca
John Curry photo
The Stittsville concert band, centre, background, plays under the direction of Frank Martens on a stage flanked by tanks on display at the Canadian War Museum in downtown Ottawa last Sunday afternoon.
The Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Centre I would like to take this opportunity and thank everyone who attended the Commemorative Naming Ceremony on Friday, March 11th where the Stittsville Arena was officially named the Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Centre. I would like to thank His Worship, Mayor Jim Watson and all those who had so many wonderful things to say about Johnny Leroux. He has done so much for the Stittsville community and this country. He has touched so many lives whether it is in sports, community events or his contributions to the Stittsville branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. The name Johnny Leroux is now synonymous in Stittsville with this tremendous form of recognition. It is a token of appreciation from an entire city to someone who has always put others first. You are a true community leader, Mr. Leroux I would like to say thank you and congratulations. Recognize those that shape our community My office is still accepting nominations for the Stittsville Appreciation Awards, recognizing the remarkable contributions individuals and businesses have made in our community. Categories include the Roger Griffiths Memorial Citizen of the Year, Senior of the Year (age 65 and older), Youth of the Year (19 and younger), and Business of the Year. Nomination forms can be obtained from my ward office, or on my website, located at www.shadqadri.com. Nominations must be received March 31st, 2011. Winners will be announced at the Appreciation Awards evening, which will be held on April 19 at 7 pm at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex.
John Curry photo
Singing “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” as they perform as the “Wrenettes” in the “Navy Standards Through A Century” concert presented by the Stittsville concert band and its guests at the Canadian War Museum in downtown Ottawa last Sunday afternoon are, from left to right, Marisa Alberelli, Mackenzie Di Millo and Elizabeth Iverson.
Please include a detailed, written submission outlining why you are nominating a particular individual or business. Extending sympathies in Japanese tragedy I would like to take this opportunity and offer my deepest sympathies to the people of Japan and their relatives, especially those living in Ottawa, in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan last Friday. If you are able to assist during this tragic time, please do so. Canadians are encouraged to support Red Cross relief efforts by making a financial donation to the Canadian Red Cross Japan Earthquake/Asia-Pacific Tsunami fund. Donations can be made online at www.redcross.ca/helpnow, at your local branch office or by calling toll free 1-800-418-1111. Always listening and acting on your concerns As your Councillor, I always welcome your keen input and ideas on how we can improve Stittsville. Please contact our office anytime by phone at 613-580-2476 or by e-mail at Shad.Qadri@ottawa.ca. My ward office is located in the Goulbourn Recreation Complex, located at 1500 Shea Road. The hours of operation for the winter are Mondays 9-2pm, Wednesdays 3-8pm, Fridays 9-5pm, and Saturdays 9-1pm. Please do not hesitate to pay us a visit. 450065
John Curry photo
Bagpiper Jordan McConnell of Stittsville, far right, plays “Far O’er the Sea” as he stands at the edge of the stage for the “Navy Standards Through A Century” concert featuring the Stittsville concert band at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa last Sunday afternoon, with tanks, in the background, on display in the spacious War Museum hall where the concert was held.
Community JOHN CURRY
The concert’s medley of World War II songs brought back memories of those wartime years – a verbal and musical reminder of the past. The concert’s venue of a stage wedged in between two wartime tanks in a giant room full of more tanks, jeeps and military vehicles also fostered memories of wartime – a visual reminder of the past. And so the concert, both in terms of program and setting, could not have been more appropriate as the Stittsville concert band, its associated Main & Abbott dance band and its performing friends such as the Wolfe Pack Step Dancers, bagpiper Jordan McConnell and the “Wrenettes” singers presented a concert in the Lebreton Gallery of the Canadian War Museum in downtown Ottawa last Sunday afternoon, called “Navy Standards Through A Century.” It was all held in conjunction with the Canadian War Museum’s exhibition “The Navy:” A Century in Art” marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of Canada’s navy. The medley of World War II songs, sung by soloist Mackenzie Di Millo, was one of the showstoppers in a show of almost perpetual highlights. Accompanied by the Stittsville concert band, Mackenzie sang “Don’t sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me,” “We’ll meet again,” “At the quartermaster’s store,” “Kiss me goodnight, Sergeant Major,”
“White Cliffs of Dover,” “Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye,” and more. Tank turrets protruded from their camouflage-colour vehicle bodies on both sides of the concert stage while a Canadian fighter jet hung from the three-storey ceiling in the cavernous gallery setting for the concert – a scene of unparalleled atmosphere for the close to 300 who listened to the nearly two hour concert in a space surrounded by glass windows on its east and south sides. Jordan McConnell of Stittsville filled the space with the haunting sounds of his bagpipes when he took to the stage to play “Far O’er the Sea.” He then stayed in place as he and the Stittsville concert band accompanied the singing “Wrenettes” as they sang “Sailing.” It was these same “Wrenettes,” wearing sailor costumes including the traditional sailor hat, who got toes a-tapping and minds a-remembering as they sang “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” with the band, a very Andrews Sisters-like performance. Boy, it was good! This concert looking back musically over 100 years of naval history in Canada began most appropriately with the marching on of the colours by a six member colour party provided by the Stittsville Branch 618 of the Royal Canadian Legion, comprised of Legion members Judy Campbell, Bev Currie, Ron Currie, John Leroux, Barb Vant’Slot and Elwin Young under the direction of sergeantat-arms Larry Romard. The Stittsville concert band, with
Dancers – Kim Atkins, Katelyn MacCorSCB emblazoned on their music stand mac, Robyn Kluke, Ashley Kurkjian and banners, then took over, with “Strike Olivia Simpson – who dressed in sailor up the Band – Navy Style” followed by uniforms presented a lively tap and step tunes such as “On the Quarterdeck” and dancing routine, complete with signal “Brother, Can you spare a Dime?” with flags. soloist Bob Steadman. The Stittsville concert band, with After a toe tapping routine by sailormembers wearing their dark blue shirts costumed tap dancers Arden McWilliams emblazoned with the Legion logo as the and Andrew Teed of the Wolfe Pack Step band is supported by the Stittsville LeDancers, with the crowd joining in with gion, then took over to finish up the conrhythmic clapping, it was the turn of the cert, beginning with a Star Trek number Main & Abbott dance band which sent the and ending with the Naval March Past, sounds of “Zoot Suit Riot,” “Wall Street followed by the concert ending “God Save Rag” and “Jersey Bounce,” that big band The Queen.” tune played by both Benny Goodman and The Stittsville concert band was Tommy Dorsey, reverberating through formed in September 2008 to give local the spacious hall. musicians a place to play and perform. It The Main & Abbott dance band rehas two associated bands, the Main & Abturned to the stage following an interbott dance band and a ten piece dinner mission to continue to wow the audience band. In 2010, the three bands did a total with such tunes as Glenn Miller’s big of 20 performances. The band is under band “Chattanooga Choo Choo,” “Star the direction of Frank Martens. Dust” with trumpet soloist Mark Turnbull, “It Don’t Mean a Thing if it ain’t Got that Swing,” with vocal “doo-wop” soloist Murray Doggett, Benny Goodman’s “Bei Mir Bist du Schon with soloist Mackenzie Di Millo and “In the Mood,” the renowned Glenn Miller piece which evoked rhythmic clapping from John Curry photo the audience. The naval focus of Marching on the colours at the beginning of the “Navy the concert was re-em- Standards Through A Century” concert by the Stittsville phasized by the perfor- concert band and its guests at the Canadian War Museum in mance of five members Ottawa last Sunday are colour party members, from left to of the Wolfe Pack Step right, Barb Vant’Slot, John Leroux and Elwin Young.
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Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Concert band at War Museum
Swimmer Emily Alexander of Stittsville JOHN CURRY
Emily Alexander of Stittsville swims for the University of Vermont Catamounts women’s team. She is a freshman at the NCAA Division 1 university, having graduated from Sacred Heart High School in Stittsville last June. She specializes in the
backstroke, swimming in the 50, 100 and 200 metre (yards in the United States) events. In a meet against America East rival New Hampshire before Christmas, Emily swam to a second place finish in the 100 backstroke event in a time of 59.28 seconds. Over the course of the season, the Catamounts team swims in meets against such schools as
Boston College, Northeastern University, the University of Maine, Yale University, Navy, Army, Dartmouth College and the University of Rhode Island. The season all culminated this year in the America East Championships from Feb. 17 to Feb. 20 in Baltimore, Maryland. This championship meet was the Catamounts 13th meet of the season. The first meet was
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Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
against Army at West Point in early October and there were meets on most weekends until the championship meet. In late December, the team enjoyed a training camp in Florida which lasted until Jan. 7. At the America East Championships, Emily finished fourth in the championship final for the women’s 100 yard backstroke. She also swam in the women’s 200 yard backstroke event as well as in the women’s 400 yard medley relay. Emily says in an email interview that the University of Vermont team has accomplished a lot this season, coming together and consistently working hard. She feels that the results that the team has experienced this season is a reflection of the hard work and determination that the swimmers have put into their training. Emily acknowledges that by the time a swimmer reaches the competitive university level, the swimmer’s technique is pretty well established. However, she says that coaches can usually identify something in the technique that can be improved. “The trick is to find the best mix between time in the pool and dryland training, such as weights, biking or running,” she points out. The Catamounts practice most mornings and evenings. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, the team members will usually lift weights while on Tuesday and Saturday mornings, they swim and do core exercises, that is, when they do not have a weekend meet. In addition, the team members swim for two hours on Monday through Friday evenings. Sunday is a day off. Emily started swimming competitively in 2001 when she was 9 years old. She always swam competitively for the Nepean Kanata Barracudas. In 2008, she competed in the Canadian Olympic trials in Montreal and her goal now is to compete in these Olympic trials again in 2012. She says that she has always enjoyed racing and has found that it has allowed her to meet a lot of great people, both teammates and other swimmers against whom she has competed. Her swimming has also meant that she has travelled extensively across Canada and the eastern United States. Scott Faithfull, head coach of the Nepean Kanata Barracudas, notes that Emily has been an “MVP” for the swim club for the more than a decade in which she has been a club member. Noting that she has been an exceptionally positive influence on both her teammates and her coaches, he notes that Emily’s attitude to work and commitment has made her a leader and a swimming success. “Emily is one of the most con-
scientious and dedicated athletes that I have come in contact with during my 20 plus years of coachi n g , ” c o a c h Fa i t h f u l l University of Vermont says. He photo notes that Emily Alexander Emily has a keen sense of what is expected of her at all times and because of this she is able to rise to the challenges that confront her. “She is an exemplary role model with a positive attitude who continuously displays enthusiasm, sportsmanship and dedication,” coach Faithfull says, adding that all those who know her respect and admire her. He notes that with her continuing improvement in the pool, he hopes to see her be very successful at the Olympic trials in 2012. Growing up in Stittsville, she played hockey and competitive soccer but she eventually gave them up in order to concentrate on swimming. She also was a cross country runner and competed in triathlons, winning the 2005 provincial triathlon championship for her age group. At the University of Vermont, she is enrolled in political science and hopes to major in international relations. Although living in Stittsville, Emily attained most of her school from grade 1 to grade 11 at Elmwood School and Ashbury College. She switched to Sacred Heart for grade 12 to achieve a better balance between her school work, swimming and commuting time. She decided to attend the University of Vermont after really enjoying the atmosphere at the school when she was on a recruiting trip there last year. She liked the enthusiasm of the coach and other swimmers. She likes the size of the university and notes that it has a good academic reputation. In addition, Burlington, which is located on the shores of Lake Champlain, is considered one of the most exciting small cities in the United States. The University of Vermont itself is home to over 10,000 undergraduate students as well as 1,500 graduate students, over 450 medical students and almost 1,300 faculty. It was the fifth college established in New England after Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth and Brown. Emily is the daughter of Nicholas Alexander and Cathy O’Neil of Stittsville. Her brother, Brendan, who attends RMC in Kingston, was recently awarded a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University in England.
Galex Services
Melanie Dodd-Moher faces over 100 shots
Facing over 100 shots in three games in the Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) women’s hockey championship. Awesome. Selection as the goalie on the championship’s allstar team. Wow! Being a member of the bronze medal winning team, the first in Queen’s University women’s hockey history. Priceless. Last week’s CIS women’s hockey championship in Waterloo saw the end of the Queen’s University Gaels’ 12 game winning streak which saw the team win the Ontario league playoff championship. But the Gaels still were medal winners, capturing the bronze medals in this first ever visit by a Gaels team to the CIS national championship in women’s hockey. Gaels’ goalie Melanie Dodd-Moher of Stittsville faced over 100 shots in the three games that the Gaels played in the championship, finishing with save percentage of .961, the best among all of the goalies there. That’s why she was selected as the championship’s all-star team goalie. Among her competitors for this honour were Team Canada goalie and Olympic gold medalist Charline Labonte, goalie for the gold medal winning McGill Martlets, and Liz Knox of the Laurier Golden Hawks, last year’s CIS player of the year. The bronze medals did not come easily to the Gaels who faced the host Laurier Golden Hawks in the bronze medal game.
Melanie Dodd-Moher
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have lost only once in their last 116 CIS games. Queen’s 12 game winning streak was broken in this game, with McGill winning 3-1. The Gaels were thus relegated to the bronze medal game. The Gaels had opened the championship by beating the defending champion University of Alberta Pandas 2-1 in a shootout. Melanie Dodd-Moher did not allow a goal in the shootout. The game was tied 1-1 after regulation time and then after a ten minute overtime period featuring four-on-four sudden death hockey. This year’s CIS women’s hockey championship involved six teams. There were the champions from the four leagues, namely Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario and Western. In addition, the defending champion University of Alberta Pandas and the host Laurier Golden Hawks were both invited to play. Both teams had won their regular season titles but had been knocked out in the playoffs. In the championship, each team played three games. Melanie Dodd-Moher of Stittsville, a South Carleton High School graduate and now a second year biology major at Queen’s University, led the Gaels to its first Ontario University Athletics championship in women’s hockey in 32 years this season. In doing so, she stopped 201 of the 207 shots she faced in the team’s five playoff games, all of which went into overtime.
2011 March 21 to April 4
The Gaels had just lost a hard fought game to McGill 24 hours earlier and were a tired group. In addition, Laurier, playing before a home crowd, wanted revenge against the Gaels for ending their seven year reign as the Ontario champions in earlier league playoff action. It turned out to be an intensive, high paced battle with lots of chances by both teams. Laurier had a great chance midway through the second period when a penalty shot was awarded. But Melanie Dodd-Moher turned it away and the game went on, still tied 0-0. With only two minutes left in the game, the Gaels scored to take a 1-0 lead. Laurier tried to tie it up, with the final two minutes of the game being penalty filled but exciting. The Gaels had been relegated to the bronze medal game in the championship following a 3-1 loss to the McGill Martlets, the number one seeded team in the championship and a longtime powerhouse in CIS women’s hockey. The Martlets, believe it or not,
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Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
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Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Road Runners in Rochester - Beep Beep!
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Beep, Beep. We all know how the Road Runner always beats Wile E. Coyote. Yes, the Road Runner is a winner in all of their cartoon encounters. But could the same be said of the Stittsville Peewee A Road Runners playing in the Big Thaw Tournament in Rochester on the weekend of March 4-6? Could the team be a winner in all their tournament games in Rochester? The Road Runners took to the ice for their first game of the tournament on Friday afternoon, March 4 against the Nepean Outlaws, emerging with a 1-0 victory thanks to a goal by Spencer Andrews and shutout goaltending by Nathan Ziebarth. Beep Beep! Chalk one up for the Road Runners. Goals by Nick Barry and Greg Hodgins and another shutout by Nathan Ziebarth meant that the Road Runners won their second game of the tournament on Saturday morning, March 5 against the local Perinton team. Beep Beep! Another Road
Runner victory. On Saturday afternoon, March 5, the Road Runners faced the Canandaigua Knights, another team had had not yet lost in the tournament. The Road Runners fell behind 2-0 in the first period but early second period goals by Spencer Andrews and Niels Whitesell tied up the game, only to have Canandaigua make it 3-2 before the end of the period. In the third period, the Road Runners tied it up on a goal by Nick Barry, followed quickly by another marker by Greg Hodgins, giving the Road Runners the lead 4-3. Niels Whitesell added an insurance goal on a breakaway, after which Carter McCausland and Niels Whitesell both scored into an empty Canandaigua net to make the final score 7-3. Beep Beep! How about that, Wile E. Coyote! This advanced the Road Runners to the tournament final on Sunday morning, March 6, against the Nepean Aces, another undefeated team in the tournament. Two goals by Niels Whitesell, one on a tic tac toe play
from Carter McCausland and Spencer Andrews and a second assisted by Davis To early in the second period gave the Road Runners at 2-0 lead. Nepean then scored to close the gap, only to have Greg Hodgins of the Road Runners make it 3-1, with teammates Kaelan Adams and Iain Maceachern earning assists. Nepean, though, did not give up and scored again, making it 3-2 for the Road Runners at the end of the second period. The third period was hotly contested with Noah Phillips of the Road Runners scoring with two minutes left for a 4-2 lead. Nepean pulled its goalie to try to tie up the game but the Road Runners resisted, winning 4-2. Beep Beep! A tournament championship. Niels Whitesell ended the tournament with five goals including one hat trick game. Goalie Nathan Ziebarth recorded two shutouts while defenseman Davis To received the MVP award for the tournament for his flawless defensive play. Beep Beep! Great efforts to lead the team to victory.
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Photo courtesy of Kevin McCausland
Members of the Stittsville Peewee A Road Runners, champions in the recent Big Thaw Tournament in Rochester, are, front row, left to right, Niels Whitesell, Ryan MacAdam, Dylan Woods, Nathan Ziebarth, Sean Rossell, Greg Hodgins and Carter McCausland; and, back row, left to right, assistant coach Jeff Hodgins, Davis To, Duncan McDonald, Spencer Andrews, Kaelan Adams, Nick Barry, Noah Phillips, coach Kevin McCausland, Iain Maceachern, Jackson Kerbl and assistant coach Glenn Barry. Missing from the picture is player Brad Dube.
Sacred Heart Huskies make it to quarter-finals SPECIAL TO THE NEWS
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The Sacred Heart High School Huskies made the playoffs at the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; AAA basketball championship in London last week. The Huskies, National Capital Secondary Schools Athletic Association AAA/ AAAA senior boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; basketball champions this season and seeded seventh going into the championships, won two straight games at the OFSAA championship before bowing out with a quarter-final playoff game loss. On Monday, March 7, the first day of the champion-
ship, the Huskies got off on a winning note by beating 13th seeded Holy Trinity High School 58-47. The Huskies led all the way, with a 15-8 advantage after the first quarter and a 27-20 lead at half time. Sean Stoqua led the Huskiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; attack in this game with 15 points, while Vikas Gill scored 10 points. The Huskies then played 10th seeded St. Marguerite Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Youville on Tuesday afternoon, March 8 and this one was close. It was tied 14-14 after the first quarter while the Huskies held a four point edge, 25-21 at half time. Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Youville, though, came back to take the lead 29-27 at the end of the third
quarter. However, in the fourth quarter, the Huskies outscored Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Youville 9 to 6 to end up winning by the narrowest of margins, one point, 36-35. Emmanuel Kwofie and Sean Stoqua both scored 10 points for the Huskies in this game. This vaulted the Huskies into a quarter-final playoff game that evening against second seeded J.C. Richardson. The Huskies were down 16-12 after the first quarter and trailed by five points, 30-25 at half time. The game ended up 62-52 for J.C. Richardson, ending the Huskiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; hopes for a medal winning experience at this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s OFSAA championship.
Vikas Gill scored 17 points for the Huskies in this loss to J.C. Richardson, while Sean Stoqua chipped in with 11 points. Vaughan Secondary School, the top seeded team in the championships, ended up winning the OFSAA title. Members of this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sacred Heart Huskies team included Sean Stoqua, Lorne Wierenga, Brad Farish, Emmanuel Kwofie, John Paluch, Keegan MacNeill, Brandon Simpson, Dalton King, Adam McKenna, Vik Gill, Connor MacLean and Wasem Khir. The team was coached by Tony House, Curtis Houlden and Jason Shoemaker.
ball is looking for parents interested in volunteering as coaches, managers and in other capacities. Coach training will be provided. Those interested should
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ber of the Ontario team at the Canada Winter Games in Halifax, placed fifth in the provincial championships in London. This placed him on Team Ontario participating in a national meet in Montreal this week.
Speedskater Alison Gervais of Stittsville will be skating for Team Ontario at a national meet in Toronto at the end of this month. She earned her place on the five member
Team Ontario by placing third and winning the bronze medal in the junior girls division at the recent provincial speedskating championships in London. Her brother, Oliver Gervais, who recently returned from being a mem-
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Alison Gervais wins bronze SPECIAL TO THE NEWS
contact karen@stittsvillesoftball.org. More information is available at the Stittsville Minor Softball website at www. stittsvillesoftball.org.
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Spring is coming - you can feel it in the mid-March air. That’s why it is not too early to start thinking about spring activities such as softball. Indeed, Stittsville Minor Softball has already opened up its online registration for the 2011 season. This online registration at www.stittsvillesoftball.org began on Tuesday, Feb. 1 and will continue through the coming months. Besides this online registration, there will also be a walk-in registration session held on Monday, March 28 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the upstairs room at Brown’s Your Independent Grocer in Stittsville.
However, Stittsville Minor Softball is encouraging parents to make use of the early online registration process if possible. This year’s minor softball program in Stittsville will offer nine levels of ball, for youngsters from five years old right up to the late teens. This includes T-ball, minor 5-pitch, major 5-pitch, tyke, mite, squirt, peewee, bantam and midget. The t-ball to type programs are co-ed while there are separate boys and girls teams in the mite to midget divisions. Registration costs range from $90 for T-ball through tyke to $102 for mite and squirt to $135 for peewee to midget. Besides players, Stittsville Minor Soft-
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Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Play ball! Register online or at walk-in session
No voices in competition but one voice praises its value JOHN CURRY john.curry@metroland.com
There were no voices at the Stittsville District Lions Club’s student public speaking competition on Wednesday, March 9. But there is one voice who proclaims the value of being involved in such a competition and testifies to its benefits. The Stittsville District Lions Club was disappointed that its local edition of the Lions effective speaking contest for students did not attract any participants this year. There had been some interest expressed prior to the competition but on the evening of the competition at the Lions Hall, there were no competitors
present. Cash prizes of $100 and $50 were available for the winners in the three divisions of the competition, namely junior (grades 6, 7 and 8), intermediate (grades 9 and 10) and senior (grades 11 and 12). Winners then go on to compete in district and multiple district competitions, with cash prizes also available at both of these levels. Last year the Stittsville District Lions Club had four entrants in its local competition. But ask Meaghan Huet, a Sacred Heart Catholic High School graduate who went on to graduate in psychology and criminology at the University of Ottawa and is now pursing a Masters
degree in legal affairs while she works with a human resources consulting service, about the Lions public speaking competition and you will hear about its value and how students should be participating. Meaghan, who was a winner in the public speaking competition locally about six years ago, speaking on the topic of global warming, and went on to further competition, says that participating and winning in the Lions competition gave her confidence in her abilities that is still making a difference in her life today. “In terms of benefits, it helped me realize that I can pretty much do what I set my
mind to, which in turn has been an attitude that has brought me pretty far,” she wrote in an email. She says that it certainly helped her get over any fear of public speaking, a skill that she has found has given her an advantage both academically and professionally over the years. “That skill of confidence in your speaking ability is invaluable in the workplace, and I think in life,” she notes. “I really cannot say enough about the importance of developing the ability to speak in public,” she continues, saying that the comfort of knowing that you are capable of communicating to groups of people has a hugely positive impact on a 453570
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
person. She praises the Lions public speaking competition because it provides students with a chance to practise this important communication skill in an environment that is hard to find elsewhere. In light of the lack of participants in its local student public speaking competition this year, the Stittsville District Lions Club is going to check with the Lions District public speaking coordinator to determine if lack of participation in the competition is a widespread problem or not and, if so, what can be done to make the competition more attractive to youth and hence draw more participation.
Amberway AGM SPECIAL TO THE NEWS The Amberway Resident’s Community Association has a mission and money. But what it really needs is manpower to make it all happen. This hopefully is what will be solved at the upcoming annual general meeting of the Association which will take place on Tuesday, March 29 starting at 7 p.m. at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex on Shea Road in Stittsville. The Community Association has lost executive members recently as they have moved to other areas in Stittsville. Indeed, the positions of president, vice-president, treasurer and two representatives will all be open at the annual general meeting. All residents of the Amberway area of Stittsville, which includes Victor Street, Denham Way, Greer Street and Savage Drive, are eligible to fill these executive positions. The Amberway Resident’s Community Association exists to help foster a sense of community within the Amberway area. In addition, it represents the community’s interests to the city of Ottawa, facilitates spring clean up and park beautification and holds community events such as fun days and street parties. The Community Association also is guardian for funds which were raised by the community to provide financial support for events and also to provide for a sign for the Amberway area at the corner of Victor Street and Hazeldean Road. However, none of this will happen unless there is representation from the community to keep the Community Association active. Residents of Amberway are encouraged to get involved in the life of their local community through involvement with the Community Association. For more information, please contact current president Don Carter at dcarter04@gmail.com.
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$0 DOWN. Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
It may have been a week before the big day itself but everything was Irish at Holy Spirit Catholic School in Stittsville on Thursday, March 10. There were shamrocks galore on the foyer wall. Students were dressed up in green. There were Irish ties and Irish hats and lots of smiling “Irish eyes.” School secretary Karen Mallory was in the Irish mood with her shamrock adorned vest. St. Patrick’s
Day had come a week early at the school. With March Break meaning no school during the week of St. Patrick’s Day, this early celebration was most fitting as it was part of the week-long spirit week at the school, all taking place not only to have fun in the time leading up to the March Break but, more importantly, to raise funds for the school’s OK Clean Water Project. Every day of the week had a different fun theme, with students taking part by donating a
on Wednesday, March 9; and Pajama Day on Friday, March 11. Pajama Day on the Friday saw both students and staff wearing pajama tops or bottoms or both, with some students carrying their stuffed toy sleeping buddies. On Wednesday, March 9, which was Hippie Day, Beatles music was played throughout the school to add an appropriate musical background to the hippie hijinks.
OK Clean Water Project takes its name from the link that has been developed between the Ottawa area and Kumbo in Cameroon in Africa. Volunteers in Ottawa raise funds to support water delivery systems being built in Kumbo and surrounding villages. The villagers in and around Kumbo volunteer their labour to build the water delivery structures and then receive training to manage and maintain the water supply.
John Curry photo
Wearing the green on Irish Day at Holy Spirit Catholic School in Stittsville on Thursday, March 10, getting a head start on St. Patrick’s Day, are, from left to right, students Madeleine Graham, Tierney Sterling and Amanda Marsden.
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Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Raising funds - OK
coin each day from money that they earned by helping out at home. The OK Clean Water Project is the school’s Lenten Project, with Lent beginning on Ash Wednesday which was in the middle of this spirit week. Besides Irish Day which happened on Thursday, March 10, the other spirit week theme days were Inside Out Day on Monday, March 7; Crazy Hat Day on Tuesday, March 8; Hippie Day
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Gala coming - Attend? Donate? JOHN CURRY
One way that you can help is by attending the upcoming sixth annual “Nothing But A Child” gala evening in Stittsville. But if this is not possible, then providing a donation for the silent and live auctions that are going to be a big part of the evening’s fundraising will be much appreciated. Everything from hotel stays to Ottawa Senators memorabilia is ideal for these auctions. In-kind donations such as spa services, restaurant certificates and professional services are all great as well. Tickets for the evening, which includes cocktails, a three course dinner, silent and live auctions and music and dancing are $80 per person. Corporate tables are also available, with charitable receipts provided. This “Nothing But A Child” gala in support of Main Street Community Services in Stittsville is being held on Saturday, April 9 at the Sixty-Four Hundred Celebration Centre (formerly Issac’s) at the corner of Hazeldean Road and West Ridge Drive in Stittsville. Main Street Community Services has developed and implemented comprehensive, research based programs to benefit special needs children and youth in the community. Services and programs provided include day school and after school programming, therapeutic respite, social skills training, mentoring, behaviour management, parent support programs,
individual and family counseling and a seven week social skills summer day camp. The team at Main Street Community Services is committed to broadening horizons, developing talents, promoting self-esteem and instilling life preparation skills by extending a hand of hope to children, youth and their families. Depleting resources, budget constraints and increased costs of living is making it more difficult for Main Street Community Services to provide innovative programs to special needs children and their families. Main Street Community Services, as a result, relies much on the generosity of organizations, communities, corporations, foundations and individuals in order to offer its programs. Its motto is “Achieving is Believing” and its measures its success by the smiles on the faces of the children and the gratitude in the eyes of parents. By embracing an alternative vision of how social services should be provided, Main Street Community Services is trying to put humanitarianism back into the system for families needing help. Main Street Community Services is located at the rear of the former Stittsville Public School (now Frederick Banting Alternate Program) on Stittsville Main Street. For more information about the “Nothing But A Child” gala or for tickets or to donate an auction item, please contact Darlene or Erica at 613-831-6606 or via email at darlene@mainstreetcommunityservices.com.
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Please note that all players in the girls program cannot participate in the boys house league program. In the event not enough girls register for a girls only program; players can elect to play in the mixed (boys and girls) house league program or receive a full refund.
• A note to those registering children other than their own: the registrant’s parent or guardian must sign the registration form.
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Do you have Loyalist ancestors? Are you fascinated with how those loyal to the British monarchy left their American homes and relocated to Upper Canada to continue to live under British rule? Do you wonder what life was like for these Loyalist settlers in Upper Canada or indeed for any of the early settlers in this area? Or do you just enjoy history? If any of these appeal to you, then you should make a note to attend the March meeting of the Goulbourn Township Historical Society where Brian Tackaberry,
president of the Bay of Quinte Branch of the United Empire Loyalists, will be the guest speaker. His topic will be “Loyalist Settlements in Eastern Ontario.” He will explain the hardships which Loyalists and other settlers endured during the American Revolution and while settling in Upper Canada. He will even have a few Loyalist artifacts with him for display purposes. The meeting will be held this Saturday, March 19 at 1:30 p.m. at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library. Everyone is welcome to attend. There is no admission charge and free refreshments will be served.
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
s rick’ t a P t. py S y! p a H Da
Hear about the Loyalists! SPECIAL TO THE NEWS
• All players require a parent’s or guardian’s signature. • New players will need a photocopy of the player’s birth certificate to accompany registration. Please note: have a photocopy ahead of time as there will be no copying service available at the registration locations.
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mayor Jim Watson himself who called Johnny a legend john.curry@metroland.com in Stittsville, a â&#x20AC;&#x153;household nameâ&#x20AC;? who has affected Over the past 40 years many families in the comsince opening in 1971, the munity through his involveice slab at the Stittsville ment in community sports arena has seen its share of and activities. big events, from opening â&#x20AC;&#x153;John lives and breathes faceoffs to trophy presentasports and volunteer work,â&#x20AC;? tions to hockey excitement the mayor said, noting galore to summertime Johnnyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s legendary enthuskateboarding to special siasm and selflessness. happenings like a testimoCity of Ottawa Stittsville nial dinner, dances, senior ward councillor Shad Qadinners and a funeral. So, dri, in his remarks at the it was not only appropriate ceremony, praised Johnny but also most fitting that a Leroux for his efforts and red carpet ceremony markcontribution to the commuing the renaming of the nity over the years. arena after beloved Stittsâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Johnny is a true fixture ville sports enthusiast John in our community,â&#x20AC;? he said, Leroux would take place adding that the name Johnny Leroux is synonymous with Stittsville. Stittsville resident Brenda Tirrell, who was a driving force behind the renaming of the arena in honour of Johnny Leroux, explained that the idea began back in 2004 when she was at the arena with her son who was coached by the late Rory Bradley, John Lerouxâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son-in-law. Although the team lost the game, she was impressed by how Johnny Leroux went around John Brummell photo talking to all of John Leroux, right, and his wife Pat, left, hold the plaque the players and commemorating the renaming of the Stittsville arena as the Johnny pointing out all Leroux Stittsville Community Arena which was unveiled in a ceremony the good things at the arena on Friday, March 11. that they had right at centre ice on this ice slab, with over 200 supporters and friends in the stands, cheering and providing standing ovations to voice their approval of the on-ice happenings. The Stittsville arena will now be known as the Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Arena, following this formal proclamation ceremony held under the city of Ottawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commemorative naming program which sees municipal facilities named after individuals who have distinguished themselves through service to others. The on-ice ceremony was MCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d by city of Ottawa
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Flanking the plaque proclaiming the renaming of the Stittsville arena as the Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Arena in a ceremony at centre ice at the arena on Friday, March 11 are, from left to right, Brenda Tirrell, who advocated for the arena name change; city of Ottawa mayor Jim Watson; longtime Stittsville sports enthusiast and community volunteer John Leroux; and city of Ottawa Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri.
done. She noted that Johnny has been called the â&#x20AC;&#x153;father of oldtimers hockeyâ&#x20AC;? but that he had done so much more including coaching and refereeing minor hockey and being involved with the Stittsville Legion. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is a very large part of the Stittsville Legion,â&#x20AC;? she said, noting how he had inaugurated the use of minor hockey players in the Legionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual Remembrance poppy drive. Ms. Tirrellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s remarks were followed by a standing ovation for Mr. Leroux as he was presented with a special windbreaker jacket. When the jacket presentation ended and Mr. Leroux stepped to the microphone, the cheering resumed, morphing into another standing ovation. Yes, Johnny, we do love you! He began by saying that never in his wildest dreams did he ever think that the building where he had had so much fun and enjoyment over the years was now going to carry his name. He added that he is happy that the city decided to keep the word â&#x20AC;&#x153;communityâ&#x20AC;? in the renaming of the arena, noting that it had been a community effort by a thenmuch smaller community in the late 1960â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to fundraise for and then build the facility. Mr. Leroux wound up his remarks by thanking the city of Ottawa and the Stittsville community for the great honour of having the arena named after him. Another standing ovation followed. Applause again resounded through the arena as a plaque commemorating the renaming of the arena as the Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Arena was formally unveiled. This plaque will be permanently installed in the lobby of the arena. Prior to the ceremony, John Leroux greeted people in the lobby area of the arena as they arrived for the ceremony. He had a display of memorabilia involving his years of involvement in sports in the community set up in the lobby. Following the ceremony, refreshments were served in the lobby area as those attending chatted with Johnny, his wife Pat and their family and each other, with many thinking of their many encounters and experiences with Johnny over the years.
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Many young players in hockey and ball in particular as well as many adults, especially in hockey and ball, have benefitted from John’s enthusiastic involvement with their sports. Whether it be as a coach, fellow player, referee or organizer, John Leroux has made a lasting impact on the sports community of Stittsville and area.
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Hockey, ball, boxing. John Leroux of Stittsville has not only seen it all. He has been right in the centre of the action as a participant, coach, organizer and just plain fan. Sports has not been everything in his life as he has served his country in the military, he is a renowned chef and caterer, he is a stalwart of the Stittsville Legion, he was a loyal municipal employee and he has been married for over 50 years to his wife Patricia. But sports has and continues to play a big part in John’s life. John was introduced early to sport. At the age of ten, he was a stick boy for the Pembroke Senior Lumber Kings in his birthplace of Pembroke. He played his first organized minor hockey when he was 11 and at age 15 was playing for the Junior Lumber Kings. But then it was off to help his father in the lumber camp before joining the army at the age of 18. That is where he became a boxer, winning the Camp Petawawa championship as a featherweight in 1953 and following this up with a Canadian army championship in 1954, a provincial championship in 1956 and a Dominion championship in 1957. He retired after winning the Golden Gloves competition in Montreal in 1959. He also played hockey while in the army. After he was first married, he played broomball for five years. In 1964, after leaving the army and working as a chef for several years, he accepted a job in Richmond and moved to Stittsville, buying a home in which he still lives. While later working as a chef at the Skyline Hotel in Ottawa, John was approached about catering two fundraising dinners for the Stittsville arena which was being built by the community. This began a 20 year experience as a caterer, a business which he ran from 1972 to 1992. It was about this time that he also became the parks manager for Goulbourn township, holding the job until he retired in 1990. One of the highlights of his years in Stittsville was a gala dinner which was held in his honour on the ice slab of the Stittsville arena in 1992, celebrating his involvement in sports in the community. It is this involvement as a community volunteer in sports that John has become a beloved household name in Stittsville. For years, he referred for Stittsville Minor Hockey Association, starting in 1972 and carrying on until 1999 when he stopped because of other sporting commitments. He also refer-
eed in men’s hockey, stopping at the age of 73. In 1975, John started a community boxing club which met at the Glen Cairn Community Centre. It operated for four years with over 20 boxers involved. Starting in 1970, he coached a bantam girls ball team, the Stittsville Roadrunners, winning two titles in three years. He won another championship with a midget girls team before handing over the coaching reins to another. He started to coach local minor hockey teams in 1972, continuing for 14 years. He was also instrumental in the formation of a men’s recreational fastball league involving teams from Stittsville, Richmond, Munster and Ashton. He began umpiring in this league as well as coaching. He also became involved with minor ball, serving on the Stittsville Fringewood Ball Association executive while also still umpiring, something he continued to do for years at all levels right up to senior ball. Over the years, John developed a reputation for maintaining ball diamonds. He was in charge of diamond maintenance for a midget All-Ontario Championship and for a number of All-Ontario Men’s Championships at Carlington Park in Ottawa. It is really in oldtimers hockey where John made his lasting mark. He could rightly be called the Father of Oldtimers Hockey in Stittsville. He was founder of the Stittsville Merchant Selects who hosted age 35 and age 40 and over tournaments, eventually expanding to the age 50 and age 60 and over categories. They not only hosted these tournaments in Stittsville in the 1980’s and 1990’s but participated in national tournaments and even international ones like the CanAm Tournament in Lake Placid. John played initially in the age 40 and over division and in 1987 formed an age 50 and over team. He had started playing men’s hockey in Stittsville when first arriving in the community in 1964, playing in the Stittsville Tow Hockey league at the Bell Arena. When the Stittsville arena opened in 1971, he helped re-start the Stittsville Town Hockey League which had become formant. In 1978, he started an age 30 and over league in Stittsville, playing and coaching for nine years while also doing some refereeing. He then went on to play for the Stittsville Merchant Selects, eventually spending almost 20 years with various Merchant Select teams from age 35 and over right up to age 50 and over. John’s oldtimer hockey teams have been particularly successful in the Can-Am
successful annual poppy blitz in the community in which a dozen or so minor hockey teams go door-to-door in the community with poppies. This exposes the young players to the concept of Remembrance, getting them involved as they wear their team jerseys on blitz day. He has spent evenings throughout past winters as a timekeeper for the Stittsville Town Hockey League. REALTY SOLUTIONS INC.
Tournaments in Lake Placid. In a period from 1988 to 1994, various Stittsville teams won 13 goal medals as well as other silver and bronze medals at these tournaments. John served as a coach for these teams. John has combined his love of sports with his involvement with the Royal Canadian Legion in Stittsville, spending 14 years as chair of minor sports for the branch. This include ball, hockey and soccer. He inaugurated the branch’s
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
John Leroux: This is your life
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
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3664 Carling Ave, 2km West of Moodie Dr.
WSIB free case assessment. NO UP FRONT FEE for FILE REPRESENTATION. Over $100 Million in settlements. Call toll free 1-888747-6474, Quote # 123
**PLEASE BE ADVISED** There are NO refunds on Classified Advertising, however we are happy to offer a credit for future Classified Ads, valid for 1 year, under certain circumstances.
Breakfast 9:00am-2:00pm Rides 10:00am-3:00pm
GOLDEN YEARS INCOME TAX PREPARATION Personalized attention & service from a licensed financial advisor. Free pick up & delivery. Early bird special from $60.00/basic return until Mar. 31st. Call 566-7077 for more information
Home and Pet Sitting Services
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Tax Time Again! Let me help
For Details www.fultons.ca 613-256-3867
DEB’S VALLEY FOODS Hiring full time employee, to be part of production team in food processing. Great hours, Monday-Thurs, 6:00am-3:00pm, Friday 6:00am-12noon. Must be able to lift 25-30lbs. Call Ralph 613-220-3944 EARN EXTRA income! carrier contractors needed for early am newspaper home delivery in Kanata and Stittsville, 7 days/week. Vehicle a must. $500$950+/MONTH. 613592-9786 EVENING BARTENDER REQUIRED Monday to Friday at the Stittsville Legion, leave your resume at the Legion located at 1480 Stittsville Main St. 613-8361632
SERVICE 613-836-4954 Located in Stittsville Personal & Corporate. Experienced, Small Business, Farming, Day Care. Certified CRA E-Filer. US 1040 Students are free with parents’ return Reasonable Rates www.abctaxes.ca
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
FULL TIME SEASONAL LANDSCAPE LABOURERS required for up-coming season. Must have transportation to Village of Richmond. Please call 613-8384066 or email resume to: harmonygardens@ sympatico.ca Hiring at The Sweet Potato in Carp. Must be available for lunch rush most days from April-October. Please call Joey at (613) 795-2634 or send resume to: thesweetpotato@ sympatico.ca KATHLEEN’S KITCHEN Required in April Kitchen Assistant to assist in making chocolate truffles & other food products. Send resume to info@kathleenskitchen.ca
OTTAWA’S Largest Lawn and Property Maintenance Company pays $120-$360 DAILY for outdoor Spring/Summer work. Hiring honest, competitive, and energetic individuals to fill our various 2011 positions. Apply online @ www.Spring MastersJobs.com P/T GENERAL HANDYMEN required immediately to provide home maintenance and repair services in Kanata-Stittsville & area. Ideal for retired/semi-retired who are organized, conscientious and people friendly. Basic tools and reliable vehicle required. Good compensation and flexible hours. Apply to handymanplus@ ourgoldenyears.ca or fax 613-836-0499. Call 613-566-7077 for info PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1000 Weekly Mailing Brochures from home. 100% Legit! Income is guaranteed! No experience required. Enroll Today! www.national-work.com Physiotherapy Assistants and Kinesiologists Needed immediately for work in Renfrew. Excellent Remuneration. Rewarding Work. Email resume: Sandeep.Kulkar ni@Active Health.ca Fax: (613) 5996139 Star Fleet Trucking HIRING! DRIVERS, FARMERS, RANCHERS & RETIREES needed with 3/4 Ton or 1-ton pickup trucks to deliver new travel trailers fifth wheels from US manufacturers to dealers throughout Canada. Free IRP plate for your truck and low insurance rates! Pref. commercial Lic. or 3 yrs towing exp. Top pay! Call Craig 1-877-890-4523 www.starfleettruck ing.com
WORK OPPORTUNITIES Enjoy children? In Florida, New York, California, Boston, all USA. Salary, airfare, medical provided, plus more. Available: Spain, Holland, Summer Camps. Teaching in Korea-Different benefits apply. Interviews in your area. Call 1-902422-1455 or Email: scotiap@ns.sympatico.ca
LONE STAR KANATA Now Hiring, Full time experienced, servers line cooks and bussers. Apply to: 4048 Carling Avenue. Competitive Wage. Come join the great Lone Star Atmosphere.
The Conne
cting Link
WELL ESTABLISHED LANDSCAPE company in Stittsville seeking experienced interlock installers. Excellent wages and year round work. Fax resume 613838-2804
Located on the western boundary of Ottawa, Lanark County is a geographically large and diverse region. Lanark County’s – Lanark Lodge, “People Caring for People”, is an accredited 163 bed Long Term Care Home with Accreditation Canada that strives to provide progressive resident centred care for our residents in an atmosphere of respect that fosters independence and fulfillment. We are seeking a high energy, dynamic leader for the following position as part of the LongTerm Care Team.
REGISTERED DIETITIAN (21 hours) (Posting No. LL2011-038) Regular Part-Time
JOB POSTING Job Title: Newspaper Layout Technician – permanent part-time Number of Positions: 2 Department: Editorial Department Location: Ottawa
MANDATE: Reporting to the Director of Lanark Lodge, the incumbent will be responsible for resident nutritional care assessments, maintaining current and accurate records and ensuring client satisfaction. Assist the Food Services Manager in ensuring that individualized nutritional plans of care are in place with regular assessments of the residents. Provide leadership in focus groups, quality improvement, risk management and processes within the home. Ensure that the services offered meet the standards established by Long Term Care Homes Act and Regulations, Sanitation Code, Canada’s Food Guide and the Health and Safety Act.
Metroland Media – Ottawa Region is seeking a qualified layout technician to paginate pages and flow editorial content. The successful candidate will work with an award-winning team to produce work of a consistently superior quality. The job requires: • Superior layout skills; • Ability to produce superior work under deadline pressures; • Ability to take direction from supervising editors and to work independently; • Good communication and grammar skills; • Proficiency in pagination programs, including InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator; • A good understanding of the principles of community journalism.
One of the Canada’s most innovative media companies may have a career opportunity for you.
We’re a dynamic media Company delivering vital business and community information to millions of people across Ontario each week and we’re looking for Account Managers for our Ottawa market.
For further details including qualifications and application deadline, visit our website at www.lanarkcounty.ca
Position Accountabilities: x
Lanark County employees value; honesty, respect, communication, accountability, positive attitude, collaboration and teamwork. If you embrace these values and you meet the position qualifications as found on our website, we look forward to receiving your résumé.
The successful candidate will be a graduate of a graphic design program and/or have two years layout experience. The position requires an enthusiastic, creative self-starter who enjoys working with others to produce work that meets and exceeds quality and deadline standards.
x x
Competencies, Skills and Experience
Patricia Lonergan- Managing Editor Email: patricia.lonergan@metroland.com No phone calls please.
Build value based relationships with our customers and prospects and develop creative and effective advertising/marketing solutions Responsible for ongoing sales with new and existing clients and be able to concurrently manage sales and administrative processes Create proposals for prospective advertisers through compelling business cases Stay current on competitive activities within the Ottawa market and communicate appropriate activity in a timely manner.
Interested applicants should forward resumes by 5 p.m. Friday April 15, 2011 to:
Above everything else, we look for people with drive, determination, and common sense, but these skills will help you excel: x x
x x x
well spent TIME
Fast, Easy
well spent MONEY
Superior customer service skills Ability to build and develop effective relationships within a team and with clients Strong sales, presentation and communication skills An ability to achieve and surpass sales targets Solid organizational skills and time management skills with the ability to multi task Ability to work in a fast paced, deadline oriented environment Must have vehicle and valid driver’s license
An attractive compensation plan including base salary plus commission, with additional allowances for car accompanies this role.
Classified Advertising Works For You!
Interested candidates can e mail a résumé with cover letter by March 31, 2011 to John Willems at john.willems@metroland.com.
We thank all applicants who apply, but only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
613.224.2265 CL23753
START Immediately. Stair Manufacturer requires shop help. Positions available for assemblers, finishers, and general shop help. Carpentry skill an asset, but will train. Must have own transportation and be physically fit. Fax or email resume to 613-838-2143 or info@stairshop.com
NEEDED NOW-AZ DRIVERS & OWNER OPS-. We seek professional safety-minded drivers to join a leading int’l carrier with financial stability; competitive pay and benefits; great lanes; quality freight; on dry vans only. Brand new trucks available. Lease program Available. Call Celadon Canada, Kitchener. 1-800-3320518 www.celado ncanada.com
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Renfrew Victoria Hospital
NURSING COORDINATOR One Full-Time & One Part-Time Position Available The Nursing Coordinator is responsible for: supervising and directing patient care; assuming a leadership role in hospital operations; and, coordinating proper staffing and utilization of hospital beds. He/she acts as resource for all departments after-hours. Successful applicants must possess a current Certificate of Competence from the College of Nurses of Ontario; A.C.L.S, C.P.R. and I.V. certifications; as well as a combination of clinical experience and administrative training normally associated with preparation at the Baccalaureate level. Significant clinical experience in obstetrics would be preferred. All successful candidates will have sound organizational skills, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, along with the ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment. A Criminal Record Check completed within the past six (6) months is mandatory for all positions. If this opportunity sounds like a match with your skills and interests, please forward your complete resume and a brief covering letter no later than March 25th, 2011 to: Julia Boudreau V.P. Corporate Services Renfrew Victoria Hospital 499 Raglan Street North Renfrew, Ontario K7V 1P6 Visit our website at www.renfrewhosp.com to learn more about RVH. While we appreciate all responses, only those candidates selected for interview will be contacted. CL23777
Job Title:
Position Available: Sales Consultant Wagjag.com and Metroland Media Group currently have an excellent opportunity for a dedicated Sales Consultant to join our Ottawa team. The WagJag.com brand, a leading Canadian online daily deal destination, offers amazing deals on restaurants, spas, fashion, activities, and events on behalf of a growing number of retailers in Canada. We deliver great offers by assembling a group of “WagJaggers” with combined purchasing power. The Sales Consultant will introduce and sell WagJag.com’s daily deal marketing solution to local small and medium sized businesses in the Ottawa Region, while achieving aggressive revenue targets. The Sales Consultant will also service and grow accounts by managing client relationships before, during, and after the featured offers are presented on our website. If you are a highly self-motivated, energetic and results focused sales professional and want to build a career in the dynamic industry of online media, forward your resume to ottawa@ wagjag.com by April 21st, 2011
Freelance reporter/ photographers
Number of Positions: Several Department: Editorial Department Location: Ottawa Do you have a flair for writing? Do you have a passion for news and features and capturing the essence of every story? Are you detail-oriented, with superior written and verbal communication skills?
THE POSITION: • Identify and cold call prospects to develop new business • Negotiate and structure sales agreements • Develop and build strong relationships with clients • Respond promptly to sales enquiries, and provide thorough customer follow up • Consistently deliver against aggressive revenue targets • Generate insertion orders • Contact advertisers regarding campaign optimization, growth strategies, and opportunities • Act as an ambassador of the brand
Suzanne Landis Managing Editor Email: suzanne.landis@metroland.com
Rope in
your clientele
Our wide variety of advertising can help you find the right type of advertisement for your business.
Whether it’s an ad, coupon, feature, flyer, or whatever your needs are, we are happy to help find what best suits your business. For More Information Call 1.877.298.8288 or Visit yourottawaregion.com
We have 8 full time positions available right now. • $40,000 starting salary. • A commission plan that allows a realistic opportunity to double that income. • Professional Training. • Medical coverage. • Join a team of professionals that will help you reach your goals. • Be a part of a successful Ottawa company. • Experienced Sales Representatives welcome.
To avoid losin g that precious mem ory,
please drop by our office & pick up your submitted photo, if you ha ven’t already done so .
Training begins April 25th.
Your Metroland Media - Ottawa Region has got you covered.
OZ Optics is currently seeking to fill the following positions:
Fiber Optic Engineer / Scientist
Must have at least equivalent to a 3 year Community College diploma such as Mechanical Technologist, Photonics Technologist, Electronic Technologist The ideal candidate will have 2 to 5 years experience operating and maintaining thin film deposition equipment in a production environment or proven ability to operate and troubleshoot relevant production equipment
Stockroom/Shipping/Receiving Clerk
Responsible for the movement of material into, within and out of Stockroom in support of Production and R&D. Will also be involved in receiving purchased and customer supplied material as well as assisting the shipment of finished goods.
Accountant/Office Manager - China Operations
Large, Ottawa Automotive Dealer is seeking eight new Sales Representatives. If you are a consumer friendly sort, eager to make a career in the Automotive Industry, we guarantee you a full time position.
e-mail resume and cover letter describing yourself to
No phone calls, please. We thank all applicants, but only selected candidates will be contacted.
Coating Specialist
Interested candidates should submit their resume along with writing samples and clippings by April 15, 2011 to:
OR Call:
Responsible for: • Operation and maintenance of optical thin film deposition equipment. • Loading and unloading of substrates and fiber fixtures. • Deposition of optical thin film coatings. • Regular measurement checks of coating runs using a spectrophotometer.
We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted!
Metroland Media is seeking reporter/photographers for occasional freelance assignments in downtown and South Ottawa, Barrhaven, Nepean, Kanata, Stittsville, Kemptville, Perth, Renfrew, Smiths Falls, Carleton Place, Arnprior, West Carleton and surrounding areas.
For more information Visit: yourclassifieds.ca
Responsible for design and manufacture of Fiber Optic Components such as polarization maintaining, high power, laser diode packaging, and hermetic feedthrus. Must have 5 years plus experience in Fiber Optics. University Degree is a Must.
ABOUT YOU: • 1-5 years experience in sales/account management with a proven history of achieving and surpassing sales targets • Experience in online or media sales preferred • Strong negotiation, presentation, and telephone skills • Experience in, and high comfort level with, cold calling to develop new business • Ability to build and develop effective relationships with clients and within the sales team • Solid organizational and time management skills • Ability to work in a fast-paced, dead-line oriented environment • Strong written and verbal communication skills • University or College Degree a definite asset • Valid Drivers License and a reliable automobile
As a couple, you will both be responsible for leasing, administration, customer service, cleaning, minor repairs, and maintenance of the interior and exterior of a residential property in Ottawa. Related experience and good communication and computer abilities are a must. A competitive salary and benefits package including on-site accommodation await you!! Please send your resumes (one from each partner) to: careers@minto.com fax (613) 788-2758
Are you looking for a fast-paced, creative and challenging work environment? Is working with energetic, passionate people right up your alley? Are you an individual that consistently overachieves? If so, WagJag.com is looking for you!
The Renfrew Victoria Hospital is committed to progressive leadership in the delivery of rural health care. Situated only 45 minutes west of Ottawa, the Town of Renfrew offers a unique opportunity to enjoy the benefits of a small community with the amenities of Ottawa close at hand. The Hospital is currently inviting applications for the following positions:
Superintendant Couples
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
This position will be based in JiaXing, China, after a few months of training in Ottawa, Canada. The successful candidate will handle all the accounting, bookkeeping and record-keeping functions of our China subsidiary. This will include various aspects of the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable functions for the China Company. They will also be involved in financial statement preparation, preparing journal entries, completing account reconciliations, the preparation of payroll and various financial analysis. In addition, the successful candidate will fulfill the duties of Office Manager. In this capacity, they will handle day-to-day office matters, handle various administrative duties and other office tasks as they may arise. Must be a team player and possess a strong work ethic, have a strong attention to detail and be able to meet tight deadlines. Interested candidates may submit their resumes to: OZ Optics 219 Westbrook Road, Ottawa, ON K0A 1L0 Attention: Human Resources or by fax to 613-831-2151 or by e-mail to hr@ozoptics.com For more information, visit www.ozoptics.com Or drop resume off at the OZ Optics Reception Desk
29 Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Will Mannarino Tiling Specialist
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Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
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PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVERS RTL-WESTCAN GROUP OF COMPANIES - RTL-Westcan has openings for SEASONAL AND ROTATIONAL professional truck drivers to join our teams in various Western Canada locations. PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVERS: Minimum 2 years' AZ experience; B-train experience/ Extended trailer length experience; Liquid/dry bulk product experience is an asset; Clean driving/criminal record; Pre-employment medical/substance testing. We offer: $1,400 WEEKLY GUARANTEE (Anhydrous Ammonia Contract), Travel to/from employment location, Good Operations Bonus, Returning Bonus and more! Candidates for all positions APPLY ONLINE AT: www.westcan bulk.ca under the Join our Team section. Alternatively, e-mail careers@ westcanbulk.ca or phone Toll-Free 1888-WBT-HIRE for further details. Committed to the Principles of Employment Equity.
WANTED FOR SALE OR OPTION Mining claims, land and land with mineral rights, former operating mines, gravel pits. Exposure to our wide client base. www.geostakex.com 1888-259-1121.
FIREARMS WANTED FOR APRIL 16th AUCTION: Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns. As Estate Specialists WE manage sale of registered / unregistered firearms. Contact Paul, Switzer's Auction: Toll-Free 1-800-694-2609, info@switzersauction.com or www.switzersauction.com.
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31 Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Bronze for West Ottawa Belle SPECIAL TO THE NEWS
Photo courtesy of Rob MacKean
Members of the West Ottawa Ringette Association’s U19/Belle A division team, bronze medal winners in the recent Ontario Ringette ‘A’ Provincial Championships in Waterloo, are, at the front, goalie Jessica Faria; first row, kneeling, left to right, Audra Thompson and Jasper Greysson-Wong; second row, standing, left to right, assistant captain Sarah Taylor, Ashley Graham, assistant captain Jessica Harkes, captain Katie Warmington, Heather MacKean and Brianne Scott; and, back row, left to right, Diane Davies, Biannka Lallier and Kristi Gainforth.
The “b’s”, Belle and bronze, ended up together at the recent Ontario Ringette ‘A’ Provincial Championships. The West Ottawa Ringette Association’s U19/Belle A team brought home the bronze medals after playing eight games in the space of just four days. But thanks to a season that included practices, tournaments, league games and weekly training sessions at Sculpt Conditioning in Stittsville, along with hard work, determination and perseverance, the Belle A team was able to record a three goal victory in the bronze medal game of the tournament. Not bad being the third best U19 A ringette team in the province despite playing with a reduced roster compared to most other teams which had up to 15 players on their rosters. The West Ottawa U19/Belle A team had only 11 skaters along with a goalie, Jessica Faria, a hockey player who was a ringette rookie. At the provincials which were held in Waterloo from March 3 to March 6, the top teams in the province competed in a six game round robin followed by playoffs. West Ottawa faced off against teams from Ajax, Guelph, London, Nepean, St. Mary’s and Elora Fergus. After wins over
Ajax, London and Nepean, West Ottawa finished the round robin in third place, advancing to the semi-finals against second place Elora Fergus. And boy what a game this was! The West Ottawa Belle held a two goal lead well into the second period but two quick Elora Fergus goals forced the game into sudden death overtime. It was an end-to-end battle with Elora Fergus scoring the winning goal and moving on to the gold medal championship game. For the West Ottawa Belle, it was off to the bronze medal game against London. The Belle came through in style, winning by three goals and capturing the bronze medals. Elora Fergus ended up winning the provincial championship and will represent Ontario at the Eastern Canadian Nationals in Prince Edward Island. It was a long road for the West Ottawa Belle just to get to the provincial championships. One of 21 U19/Belle ‘A’ division ringette teams in the province this season, the West Ottawa squad competed at tournaments throughout the season, with the results from these tournaments being used to rank the teams. See BRONZE, page 33
Congratulations to Karen Desjardins of Braeside who won Metroland’s “Ski Spectacular Giveaway Contest,” which included ski equipment for four from Kunstadt Sports and ski passes to Calabogie Peaks (value $4,350). Thanks to all our readers who entered the contest, and to our sponsors Kunstadt
Eric Kunstadt (Kunstadt Sports), Gisele Godin (Metroland Media), Cameron Desjardins, Karen Desjardins, Todd Desjardins (contest winners).
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Find out about Plasco on March 21
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From page 32 These rankings, along with regional qualifying tournaments, were used to determine which teams would compete in the provincial championship tournament. The West Ottawa Belle A team competed in four qualifying tournaments, namely in Oshawa, Nepean, Ottawa and Cambridge, bringing home the silver medal in each of these tournaments. This meant a top ranking for the team but it still needed to BEST BUY CORRECTION NOTICE compete in the Eastern Regional Please be advised that on the March 11 flyer, Prelims in late January in Rock- page 20, the new Nikon L120 14.1 Megapixel Digital Cameras (WebCode: 10164976/ 80) are land. advertised with an incorrect price. The right Winning the gold medals at this price for this effective week should be $279.99. event meant that the West Ottawa We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience Belle earned the right to repre- this may have caused our valued customers. 455275 sent the Eastern Region at the provincial tournament. What is even more amazing is that the team began the season with only eight skaters and no goalie. Eventually the roster was brought up to 11 players and hockey goalie Jessica Faria joined the team. Playing defense for the team this season were Heather MacKean, Audra Thompson, Ash- We are an affordable, economical ley Graham and assistant captain alternative to traditional funeral homes and we offer the lowest Jessica Harkes. Forwards for the team this sea- priced funeral and cremation son were captain Katie Warming- services guaranteed. ton, assistant captain Sarah Tay- Complete cremation services lor, Jasper Greysson-Wong, Kristi for less than $2000 which Gainforth, Biannka Lallier, Diane includes services, container, Davies and Brianne Scott. cremation & taxes. Transfer your Coaching the team this season existing pre-arrangement and were head coach Ray Wong, assis- see how much you can save. tant coaches Colin Harkes, Janice Graham and Rob MacKean and manager/trainer Kathy Warm- To save money call Shannon Pichette or Email Shannon.pichette@sci-us.com ington. The team was supported this 259 St-Patrick Street season by Itex, AM Sharp Fram- Ottawa ON K1N 5K4 ing and Bell Canada. 613-860-2424
handling of waste. He said that a similar meeting in Barrhaven had attracted about 70 people and resulted in numerous questions being asked about the technology involved. He pointed out that one advantage to the Plasco technology is that the city of Ottawa will receive a $2 million royalty payment from Plasco for every facility built anywhere in the world as a result of the pilot project done at the Trail Road landfill site. Stittsville Village Association director Phil Sweetnam, who is also chair of the public liaison committee that is work-
There has been lots of interest in the experimental Plasco waste conversion project at the city of Ottawa’s Trail Road landfill site in Nepean. Plasco Energy Group Inc. is now involved with an Environmental Screening Process to allow for permanent operation of the facility. In connection with this, Plasco is holding a public information meeting on Monday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex in Stittsville. At this meeting, Plasco will provide a project update on
the Environmental Screening Process and will share results of the studies and assessment of potential environmental effects. The meeting is also being held to receive input about Plasco’s proposed mitigation measures and to discuss the future of the Plasco Trail Road facility. City of Ottawa Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri, speaking at the Stittsville Village Association’s monthly meeting on Thursday, March 10, expressed the hope that the Stittsville community will turn out in substantial numbers for this meeting to learn about this different technology for the
ing with Waste Management on the proposed expansion of the Carp Road landfill site, commented that it is worthwhile to look at the Plasco technology as it could be a “real game changer” in terms of how waste is handled in the city. He suggested, though, that the Plasco approach will probably be a more expensive way of handling waste than the current landfill process. Councillor Qadri responded by asking what is the cost of the leachate and greenhouse gases produced by the current landfill procedure. He also said that in the long run there will be increased costs associated with waste disposal no matter what process is used.
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
Bronze medals
Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
OFSAA, Wayne State for Keira St. Laurent JOHN CURRY john.curry@metroland.com
It’s quite a hockey time for Keira St. Laurent. She is not only one of the key players for the Sacred Heart High School Huskies girls’ hockey team which will be playing in the high school provincial championship in Stratford next week but also she will be off this fall on a hockey scholarship to Wayne State University in Detroit. The grade 12 student who turned 18 last weekend and who plays for the Nepean Junior Wildcats girls’ hockey team has been playing hockey since she was about five years ago and was skating even before that. After starting out in boys’ hockey, she switched to girls’ hockey at the atom level. Keira has always played defense, a position that she now plays with both the Huskies and the Wildcats and which she will be playing at Wayne State University. “I’m a more stay at home ‘D’,” she says in
describing her style of play. She battles players in front of the net and is strong at digging the puck out of the corner and then passing it along to her teammates. “I’m a tough player,” she adds, noting that she is not a big goal scorer but gets her share of assists. This season, playing for the Nepean Junior Wildcats, in 47 regular season games, she has scored two goals while picking up 16 assists. The Wildcats list Keira as being 5 feet, 8 inches tall and weighing 168 pounds. At Sacred Heart, she played on the grade 7/8 girls’ hockey team and since grade 9 has played on the Huskies’ varsity team. Last year the team played in the high school provincial championship which was held at the nearby Bell Sensplex, placing fourth. Keira feels that this year’s team is even stronger than last year’s since the team only lost a couple of players to graduation while picking up several strong grade nine players
this season. The team did not lose in regular season or playoff action in the National Capital Secondary Schools Athletic Association’s girls’ high school hockey league as it captured the championship this season in order to advance to the upcoming provincial championship. She feels that the team has a good chance to return home with the gold medals. “I’m really excited,” she says about the upcoming tournament. “It’s going to be a good time.” This is not all that she is excited about. She has accepted a hockey scholarship at Wayne State University in Detroit for this fall, playing Division 1 college hockey. Her connection with Wayne State University goes back a number of years, from the time when a Wayne State assistant coach saw her play in a tournament in Stoney Creek when she was just bantam age. Wayne State has been following her hockey progress ever
since and first contacted her last summer about the possibility of attending Wayne State and playing hockey there. A couple of other American universities were also interested in her and she ended up visiting several campuses including Wayne State. In the end, she accepted Wayne State’s offer and will be attending there this fall. “I’m excited.,” she says. “It’s going to be good.” Keira will be living in an apartment on campus with other players while studying kinesiology
John Curry photo
Keira St. Laurent
which is the science of human movement. She acknowledges that it will be a big jump to play Division 1 American college hockey with its faster pace of play. “It’s going to be a challenge,” she says but she plans to arrive there in top shape and to work her “butt off ” as she competes for ice time. She is used to following a summer off-ice training program with the Nepean Junior Wildcats and will be receiving one from Wayne State once her Wildcats season is finished in April. She also works at hockey camps over the summer which helps keep her in shape. Keira does not know what the future might hold for her after her four years at Wayne State but she would love to continue playing hockey, although she knows that there are not that many avenues open for women’s hockey after university. Of course, playing on the Canadian national team and in the Olympics is an admitted “dream” but she is realistic about it, realizing that many players have that dream and only a few can make
it. She feels that playing at the high level of competition at the Division 1 level in the United States will mean a lot of improvement in her play. On those rare winter weekends when she is not playing hockey, Keira loves to snowboard. The Sacred Heart Huskies girls’ hockey team will be playing in the Ontario Federation of Schools Athletic Association (OFSAA) provincial AAA/AAAA championship in Stratford from March 22 to March 25. The Huskies will be playing a four team pool which includes Napanee District Secondary School of Eastern Ontario, Birchmount Park of Toronto and St. Michael Catholic Secondary School of Western Ontario. Pool play determines whether teams go on to play in the championship or the consolation round of the tournament. Wayne State University, located in Detroit, encompasses 13 schools and colleges that offer more than 400 major subject areas on its 203 acre campus. The university serves over 27,000 graduate and undergraduate students.
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Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
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36 Stittsville News - MARCH 17, 2011
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