Stittsville News

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The oldest community newspaper in the city of Ottawa - founded in 1957 Volume 54 Issue No. 16

WITH OPRAH Meeting singer Stevie Nicks and Oprah too - all in one day. Unbelievevable. 3

Here come the girls Hockey JOHN CURRY


Longtime hockey volunteer receives first Rory Bradley Volunteer of the Year Award. 11


April 21, 2011 | 44 Pages

Girls hockey is coming to Stittsville and Goulbourn. A Goulbourn Girls’ Hockey Association is starting up and is now looking initially for volunteers willing to help out – anything from coaches to managing to helping with the administration to helping with any little thing. It is all essential to get this new girls’ hockey association up and running. See GIRLS’ HOCKEY, page 5

John Brummell photo

HERE’S MUNCHKINLAND Performing as Munchkins and members of the Lullaby League and Lollipop Guild in the musical “The Wizard of Oz” at Sacred Heart High School in Stittsville last week are, from left to right, Audrey Martin, Amy VanWell, Katie Lefebvre, Lauren Hutchings, Isabelle Gemmill, Alison McLeod, Emma VanWell and Reiley Hodgson. See story, photos on pages 26,27,28

Cancer survivor giving back JOHN CURRY

Helene Hutchings knows that she can never repay fully what the hospital system has done in making her a cancer survivor but that is not preventing her from trying. “There is nothing anyone can ever do to fully repay what a hospital has done to get you through anything,” the award-winning Stittsville realtor

says but as someone who has gone through the most aggressive form of cancer treatment – successful but oh so painful – she sings the praises of her doctors, hospital staff and others such as family and friends who helped her get through it all. And now she is giving back, albeit in an admittedly small way with a planned hair donation/cancer fundraiser at the Mahogany Salon & Spa in Stittsville on Wednesday, April 27 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. See HELENE , page 4

Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


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3 Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

Meeting singer Stevie Nicks and Oprah herself at TV taping JOHN CURRY

Getting to attend a taping of the Oprah Winfrey television show. Wow! Getting to hear in person and even to meet an idolized rock star. Awesome. Doing them both at the same time. Priceless. This is what happened to Matt Denison, 30, who works on the circulation desk at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library. It all started last summer when Matt heard from a friend that the Oprah Winfrey show, going into its last year on the air, was looking for suggestions of guests to be on the show, specifically people who had never appeared on it. A huge fan of rock singer Stevie Nicks who flew to stardom in the 1970’s as the singer for the group Fleetwood Mac, Matt sent a letter to the Oprah Winfrey show suggesting her selection as a guest and, keeping the letter to the required 2,000 word limit, telling why he was making the suggestion. “Her music was very inspirational to me and helped me through a lot,” Matt says in explaining why he suggested Stevie Nicks, while also acknowledging that the singer was someone who has lived quite a life, reaching the status of rock’s top female singer after Fleetwood Mac became an overnight success with the release of its 1977 album “Rumours” which generated four top ten singles. Matt soon forgot about writing the letter although he remained an avid Stevie

Nicks fan. Indeed, he has a wide range of Stevie Nicks memorabilia and records. “Pretty much anything I can get my hands on, I have,” he says about his Stevie Nicks collection. He became a fan around the age of 16 and since then has seen her perform several times, including going to Toronto, Philadelphia and New York City to see her perform. Earlier this month, he travelled to Montreal to see her perform with Rod Stewart on his recent tour. Matt eventually received a letter back from a producer of Oprah Winfrey’s show, seeking more information about his Stevie Nicks involvement. But then there was more silence and he heard nothing. That’s when his sister in Halifax started a Facebook campaign urging his appearance on the show. This led to radio interviews on his situation and eventually, just days before the date to tape the show with Stevie Nicks, Matt received the invitation to attend the show’s taping on Friday, April 8 in Chicago and that tickets would be there, waiting for him. So, with his mother, brother and sister, he flew to Chicago the day before the April 8th taping and they attended the taping the next day, a taping which turned out to be what is now acknowledged as one of Oprah’s best shows ever. It included appearances and performances not only by Stevie Hicks but also by modern day singer Cheryl Crow; rocker Joan Jett, who formed the first all-girl rock band and with the Blackhearts created what

is now the rock anthem “I Love Rock ‘n Roll” and who performed with current singing sensation Miley Cyrus; Salt-NPepa, the first all female rap group who have become hip hop legends; Pat Benatar, considered the most successful female rock vocalist of all time, who sang with Napanee’s rising star Avril Lavigne; and the Sister Sledge who led all the performers – and Oprah and the audience – in singing their trademark song “We Are Family.” As you see, the show was all about rock goddesses who paved the way for women in music today. Matt and his family received VIP seating for this taping, situated in the front row of the rear section, just behind the cameras. “You could see everything,” Matt says. But while the show was immense and spectacular, it was what happened after the show that blew Matt away. That’s when Matt and others guests in the audience like himself got to go backstage where all of these musical legends and stars, along with Oprah herself, were mingling about, talking with everyone. Matt got to shake hands with Oprah who congratulated him on asking such a great question during an Oprah question session during a break in the taping. Matt had asked her to tell about the first concert that she had ever attended which turned out to be a 1968 James Brown concert. Matt also got to meet and have his picture taken with Stevie Nicks. He told Stevie how much he liked her music and en-

John Curry photo

Matt Denison holds a couple of the Stevie Nicks memorabilia which he received when he attended the taping of the Oprah Winfrey show in Chicago recently. The show was aired on Thursday, April 14. couraged her to include Ottawa as a stop on her upcoming solo tour. He also received two autographed items from her. “She was so nice,” he says about Stevie Nicks, noting that she seemed to enjoy talking to people in this backstage environment which Matt described as “organized chaos.”. Matt also had a brief encounter with Pat Benatar, another of his favourite singers, and received a wave from Joan Jett and Miley Cyrus. See STEVIE NICKS, page 7

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Proposed Roadway Modifications The City of Ottawa is providing notice to the public of its intention to construct roadway modifications at the following location in accordance with the authority under By-law 2011-28: Eagleson Road and Flewellyn Road Intersection • Construction of a single-lane roundabout • Construction of paved shoulders on Eagleson Road north of Flewellyn Road • Construction of paved shoulders on Flewellyn Road • Construction of pedestrian facilities at the intersection • Installation of street lighting at the intersections and on all approaches of the intersection For more information, please contact: Krista Tanaka, P. Eng., P.E. Public Works Department Traffic Management & Operational Support Branch Tel : 613-580-2424, ext. 23597 E-mail: Any person who wishes to raise objections to the modifications must contact the City Clerk, in writing, at the address below by Thursday, April 28, 2011. City Clerk 110 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 1J1 E-mail: Ad#2011-02-7024-11374


Helene Hutchings is giving back From page 1 But what began as an simple idea for an event where people could donate their long hair for the making of wigs for cancer patients has now developed into a more elaborate event, thanks in large part to the generosity and involvement of the Mahogany Spa’s Catherine Wood and her staff. When Helene first got the idea, she set out to find a salon that might do the proposed hair cutting. She approached Mahogany Spa because she has worked with them as a realtor, holding appreciation days there for her clients. Mahogany Spa quickly jumped on board, offering to provide a free wash, cut and style for all those who would be donating their hair. Arrangements were made for the hair to go to Angel Hair for Kids, an Ontario based organization that provides wigs for youthful cancer patients. But Mahogany agreed to do more. For those with no long hair to donate, Mahogany will donate 50 percent of all proceeds from wash, cut and styles done between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 27 to the Ottawa Hospital Foundation. However, pre-registration is required. In addition, any and all cash donations for the Ottawa Hospital Foundation will be accepted, with tax receipts available for donations of $15 or more. Anyone who wants to participate in this April 27th fundraiser in any way should contact Helene Hutchings at 613831-9628. Helene readily acknowledges that the event is taking on a life of its own. “It’s just been phenomenal,” she says, noting that already 16 people have come forward to donate their hair and more are expected. Sponsors and donors are also coming forward. It is colorectal cancer that Helene Hutchings has fought, undergoing surgery and the most aggressive form of radiation and chemotherapy treatment. She is now cancer free but she will never forget what she went through – the highs such as her marvelous treatment by her doctors and the hospital and the lows, such as the times when she would scream in pain caused by her treatments. But through it all, she compiled a daily journal of her journey against the disease and she continued to work when she could. Indeed, early on after her diagnosis, she partnered with fellow realtor Perry Pavlovic to try to continue with her real estate career, despite her onslaught of cancer. And now, even when she has returned to health, the partnership continues as she calls it “one of the silver linings” that resulted from her cancer. Perry not only kept things going but also helped keep her going, buying into her positive philosophy of “onwards and upwards.” She admits that work allowed her to continue to feel in control of something, because one thing that she discovered happens when battling cancer is that much is taken out of your control – treatments are scheduled and provided but you learn to become patient while waiting and you have to rely on the experts to guide your treatment. But working, even in a limited way, allowed Helene to feel in control of at least that part of her life. “So work was my outlet,” she admits, and with Perry’s help, she continued to work when possible, wearing nice dresses and sporting new handbags in an effort to

“try to look good and feel better.” As a mother of three daughters, Helene thought that she knew what pain was thanks to her childbirth experiences. Well, no way. Her aggressive cancer treatments, directed to the anus area of her body where the cancer was centred, eventually caused her excruciating pain, particularly when going to the washroom. “I learned what it is to scream in pain,” she says while also keeping her sanity while reminding herself that every day farther into her treatment was placing her one day closer to her cure. In addition, she came to treasure those moments when she had no pain. These periods of a couple of hours became much appreciated times. “You grab these moments of feeling no pain and enjoy them,” Helene says. Walking around the woods of her four and a half acre Stittsville area property, exercising, drinking lots of water and eating small portions but often were all strategies which also helped her get through the painful periods. But even the use of powerful creams to heal the burns left by the severe radiation treatment and access to strong anti-pain killing drugs could not mask the pain. Eventually the treatment finished, the healing process began, she was weaned off her dependence on pain killers and she was on the road to recovery. Her situation was not helped when a neighbour, good friend and fellow cancer battler suddenly passed away early last fall. They had travelled the journey together and Helene had even written her friend’s newsletter about her caner fight before she herself was diagnosed and had to give it up to write her own journal about her battle with cancer. It not only recounts her daily struggle but also includes photographs not only of herself and her family but also of all of the doctors and nurses involved in every one of her treatments. Helene had a unique outlook on her journey against cancer. “I never felt it was a battle,” she says, instead trying to visualize her body’s affected area and viewing it as a healing process in which her body was trying to re-stabilize itself. She now feels robust and knows that she looks great. “I am just happy and healthy,” she says, noting that her experience shows that cancer does not mean death and that even with aggressive treatment such as she underwent, a person can still try to look good during that time. Now recipient of a good prognosis, although she will be subject to three month checkups for the next couple of years, Helene raves about her doctors and her treatment team. “They are all brilliant,” she says simply. She admits that her cancer experience has changed her. ‘It has made me even more understanding,” she says. She is not on any medication at present. And so she has started to give back, albeit in her admitted “tiny” way with her hair donation and cancer fundraiser at Mahogany Salon and Spa in Stittsville on Wednesday, April 27 but she tells herself that if everyone does a little bit, then these little efforts suddenly become one big effort as a society. See FUNDRAISER, page 5


Goulbourn because of the community’s growth, particularly in Richmond where there have been expressions of interest for a local girls’ hockey program. West Carleton youth may also want to play for the Goulbourn organization as well. Currently, girls in Stittsville and Goulbourn who want to play hockey travel to play in Kanata or Nepean. However, Ms. Bureau feels that it would be nice if girls in this community can grow up playing for their own community teams. In addition, the Kanata and Nepean organizations are growing and getting larger. Future challenges will be getting sponsors for team jerseys but the extent of this challenge will not be known until after a player registration is held. “We’re looking to start small,” Ms. Bureau says, noting that it will be house league division teams who will play in the Metro Ottawa house league against teams in Nepean, Gloucester and Kanata. There will also be tournament play available for teams that want it. Somewhere down the road the Goulbourn Girls’ Hockey Association may have a competitive level program but not at the start. However, the Goulbourn Girls’ Hockey Association’s basic premise will be to provide an opportunity for girls in the community to have fun and play a sport that they love at the same time. Ms. Bureau forsees the time in the future when the Association will become involved in community fundraising projects such as raising funds for the Rory Bradley Scholarship Fund. It will be a way for players to give back to their community. Now that the groundwork has been laid, Ms. Bureau and the Association are waiting and hoping for a good response from the community in terms of volunteers coming forward to help launch the organization. When these volunteers are lined up, player registration will be held and planning will begin in earnest for the upcoming season.



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From page 1 Already it has been over a year in preparation, with Cathy Bureau of Stittsville, a one-time American University women’s hockey star and now a mother with three girls who have played girls’ hockey, and a small group working behind the scenes to get the necessary approvals. This approval to start a house league has now been received from the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association and incorporation as a non-profit group has now been completed. The next step, before actual player registration for this fall’s season, is getting a sense of support from the community, essentially through people coming forward and offering to get involved in one form or another. “It takes a lot of volunteers to get things moving and shaking,” Ms. Bureau says. “For the most part, we are looking for people in all aspects.” Another upcoming challenge will be for the new organization to obtain some ice time allocation from the city of Ottawa. An application has been submitted but Ms. Bureau admits that it will be tough to get ice time. She is hoping to get four or five hours of city ice time per week, enough to start an initiation program for the youngest players and perhaps ice one or two novice and atom level teams. An option will be to purchase ice time at some of the privately owned facilities such as the Bell Sensplex but this would be at a higher cost. Registration for players will be held later once the volunteers have been lined up. Anyone wanting more information or to volunteer to help out with this new organization should contact Cathy Bureau at 613-836-0624. This whole situation to create a Goulbourn Girls’ Hockey Association began when Ms. Bureau and some others began talking about the girls’ hockey situation in the area. “It was high time there was girls hockey in Stittsville,” was the feeling that arose, Ms. Bureau says. The new organization was expanded to include all of

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Girls’ hockey coming

Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

From page 4 Helene is also quite willing to talk to anyone about her cancer treatments and her journey against cancer. She knows that everyone will approach such a journey differently but feels that if she can help someone else starting such a journey, she will do so. There is life after a cancer diagnosis, she will tell you. She thinks that her hair donation and cancer fundraiser may become an annual event, deJohn Curry photo pending on its success on April 27. Cancer survivor Helene Hutchings She feels that it may have the poholds a poster outlining the tential to become a Stittsville-wide upcoming hair donation/cancer event, the community’s statement fundraiser. against cancer.


Stittsville News - APRIL 14, 21, 2011



Goodbye, Richmond Road We all now know about the city of Ottawa’s quick decision to rename Robertson Road and Richmond Road in the Bells Corners area. It was not only a quick decision but also a wrong-headed one but it is doubtful that this council, which appears to be so full of “yes” men, will overturn this decision. But as things now stand, there is one more shoe to drop in this renaming scenario and that is changing the name of Richmond Road from Bells Corners out to the village of Richmond. This stretch of this historic road, first hacked out of the bush by the men of the 99th Regiment of Foot who were turning in their rifles for the tools of the settler, can no longer be called the Richmond Road as it has been since

1818 but now it must have a new name since it is now dangling out there on its own, cut off from the remainder of what is still called the Richmond Road. So, although we may not like it, there is a need to come up with a new name for this stretch of road which passes through part of the greenbelt, Fallowfield village and Twin Elm before arriving at the village of Richmond. A proposed name “Old Richmond Road” is neither innovative nor inspiring. Fallowfield Road and Twin Elm Road are both existing roads, so we cannot find refuge in such geographic names. And, of course, the name cannot be a name that is already used elsewhere in the city. One name that we think has some historic over-

tones and might be appropriate is Goodwood Drive. The road follows along the Jock River for part of its journey to Richmond, a river that was initially called the Goodwood River, a name associated with the Duke of Richmond. Or if Goodwood Drive does not excite you, what about Duke Drive. The road passes right by the national historic monument commemorating the death of the Duke of Richmond in 1819. A Duke Drive would further commemorate the Duke’s visit and death to the area. Or perhaps you have a name that you think would be appropriate for this section of road. Make sure that you suggest it to city officials so that it can be considered.


What goes around, crashes around By the morning after the leaders’ televised election debate, 380,888 people had watched a You Tube video of a driverless tractor in a Walmart parking lot in suburban Toronto. Apparently 670 people liked it and 28 people disliked it. For those who haven’t seen the video, what happens is that a tractor without a driver somehow begins driving in wide circles around the parking lot. It keeps returning to the side of the Walmart building, occasionally scraping it, then heads out into the parking lot again on another sweep and bashes into cars, pushing some ahead of it. It jumps the curb and crushes a tree. The only sound to be heard is the roar of the tractor and the voices of some of the people gathered to watch from a safe distance. “Oh, man, I feel sorry for those cars,” someone says. The tractor makes several sweeps. In the middle of one, a

CHARLES GORDON police car arrives, then another. They drive around a bit, as if they don’t know what to do. Only the tractor knows what to do. Finally, it slams into a light pole, stops and somebody climbs up, reaches in and turns off the ignition. There is no applause from the spectators, but someone can be heard saying to the video camera owner: “Put ’em on You Tube you got good money for that.” Somehow there are lessons in here for us and for our political leaders, who were too busy debating to watch. For example, the video lasts six minutes and 11 seconds, which is very long in our short-attention-span world. Yet people watched it all the way through, which is more than can be said for the average political speech or even political

commercial. Because You Tube world has strange practices of its own, several people even posted their own videotaped reviews of the event. Could such an event be restaged for political gain — a driverless bus with Liberal colours, for example, knocking over everything in sight in a parking lot, perhaps somewhere in the West? Everybody would certainly watch and some would post reviews about it. Mind you, the bus would be condemned as “reckless,” but that might not matter. Experts say the hit count is everything. As long as thousands of people click on it, everything is fine. This is a dominant philosophy in our digital age: it doesn’t matter what I do as long as people watch it. So far that hasn’t come to politics — aside from Stockwell Day driving the jetski — but it will. As McLuhan told us, the medium is the message and nowhere is this more evident than on the Internet.

80 Colonnade Rd. N., Ottawa, Unit #4, ON K2E 7L2 T: 613-224-3330 • F: 613-224-2265 • Vice President & Regional Publisher Chris McWebb • 613-221-6201 Regional General Manager John Willems • 613-221-6202 Advertising Manager Terry Tyo • 613-221-6208 Digital & Classifieds Advertising Manager Josh Max • 613-221-6207 Director of Community Relations Terrilynne Crozier • 613-221-6206 Director of Distribution Elliot Tremblay • 613-221-6204 Editor in Chief Deb Bodine • 613-221-6210

Managing Editor Suzanne Landis • 613-221-6226 Editor: John Curry • 613-836-1357 Reporter John Brummell • 613-836-1357 Flyer Sales Bob Burgess • 613.221.6227 Advertising Representative Liz Gray • 613.221.6221 Advertising Representative Gisele Godin • 613.221.6214 Advertising Representative Caroline Grist • 613.221.6215

Not to say anyone actually did it in this case, but you can stage an event, turn your camera on it and everybody watches, if the event is outlandish enough. This was not possible in the old days. You might be able to stage the event, but someone else had to hold the camera, then you had to get the film developed, then rent a hall for people to come see it and there might be something else on that night. This is why there were fewer driverless tractors driving around parking lots in the old days. Also fewer piano-playing cats. But technology improved and so did our ability to exploit

it to get noticed. By the 1970s, baseball fans learned to wave at the TV cameras. A decade later, they could set their VCRs to record the game so that they could come home and watch themselves waving at cameras. And when digital phones arrived, they could call their friends and tell them to turn on their TV sets to watch them wave. And now, technology is so advanced that it can all be done over the phone! What would McLuhan say to that? He would probably say that the real point is something else entirely, but for sure he’d click.

Editorial Policy The Stittsville News welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at To submit a letter to the editor, please email to or mail to the Stittsville News, P.O. Box 610, Stittsville. ON. K2S 1A7. For distribution inquiries in your area or for the re-delivery of a missed paper or flyer, please call 1-877-298-8288

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7 Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

Friendship Club luncheon coming up COLLEEN DENNIS Special to the News

The April luncheon for The Friendship Club will be held on Wednesday, April 27 at 12 noon at the glen Mar Golf and Coun-

try Club on Fernbank Road west of Stittsville. The menu will include ham and scalloped potatoes, soup, salad, homemade bread and apple crumble for dessert. Everyone is welcome.

The Friendship Club invites new members to join and try out the many activities provided by the Club. Those interested should contact membership coordinator Lorraine Gillies at 613-599-3297.

Stevie Nicks, Oprah Winfrey From page 3 Even now, he remains wowed by the fact that all of these stars were there together, meeting fans not in separate private rooms but there backstage, just walking around and talking and none of them, not even Oprah, seeming to be in any big hurry to be elsewhere. “I still can’t believe I was there,” Matt says about the taping in general which took about five hours, much longer apparently than a usual show taping session. Indeed, it is now being considered probably one of Oprah’s finest shows as she winds down to her final one. What surprised Matt about the show was not only the constant flow of surprise star singing guests but also Oprah’s behavior during breaks in the taping when she casually talked to people in the audience. “How warm she was, how nonchalant she was,” Matt recalls, noting that Oprah was very relaxed and not at all tense which might have been expected in tap-

ing such a star-studded show. “She made you feel at ease,” Matt says. Matt came away from the show not only with his great memories and his Stevie Nicks autographs but also with a Cover Girl gift bag, Pat Benatar’s book and Joan Jett’s new CD. The show was aired on television on Wednesday, April 13. He remains hopeful that Stevie Nicks will come to Ottawa on her upcoming tour but if not, he is prepared to travel to somewhere else to see her perform on the tour. Meanwhile, Matt, who has worked at the Stittsville library branch since last September and has worked for the Ottawa Public Library since May 2007, is happy with his job at the Stittsville library. Although he lives downtown, he travels to work by bus. Although he has worked at a larger branch previously, he likes his current job at a small town library like Stittsville has where he finds that there is a slower pace and he can get to know the clients. He likes the branch’s “homey, comfy feel” and enjoys working there.

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Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


John Brummell photo

TEN YEAR VOLUNTEER Dawn Montgomery, right, of the Heart and Stroke Foundation presents A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary School teacher Claude Maier, centre, with a ten year volunteer pin for being the lead organizer for the Jump Rope for Heart program at the school for the past ten years as school principal Paddy McCavour, left, looks on. The presentation also involved Debbie Follis, right, makes a donation accepted by Royal Canadian Dragoons Army Cadet Samantha Sample, a certificate honouring A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary School for placing centre, as Royal Canadian Dragoons Army Cadet Dennis Pearson, left, looks on at the Army Cadets Tag Day third last year among schools in Ontario’s Region 4 in Jump Rope for Heart fundraising, with over $21,000 raised. at the Giant Tiger store in Stittsville on Saturday, April 16. John Brummell photo


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New Listing! Open House Sunday May 1st 2-4 p.m. 117 Craig Lea Drive, Carp Incredible 4 bedroom home with massive & private 0.69 acre cul-de-sac lot next to park, newly renovated ensuite, huge room sizes, beautiful living & dining rms, main flr famrm with natural gas fireplace open to huge updated eat-in kitchen, inground pool, partly finished basement, walk to arena, school, churches & village amentities! $499,900

SOLD! 82 Springwater Drive, Bridlewood Endunit freehold 3 bedroom townhouse with private yard & deck, master has walk-in closet & 4 piece ensuite, fireplace in rec room, lots of storage in basement, needs updating inside, spacious layout, roof shingles, furnace & central air replaced, great location close to NCC parkland and trails, schools. List price! $249,900


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One year anniversary for Urban Tags

Saturday, April 16 was wet and downright cold outside. But inside at the Urban Tags consignment shop for women, teens and children at the Mac’s Plaza at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Hobin Street in Stittsville, it was warm with an air of excitement because the store was celebrating the one year anniversary of its opening. It was a moment for celebration for Urban Tags owner Tara Gemmill and her staff as they now head into the store’s second year of operation with optimism and enthusiasm. The first year in business saw some changes in the store including a move into children’s clothing and a move out of men’s clothing. Indeed, now the store is looking for more people to provide children’s clothing on consignment to the store. As for men’s clothing, Urban Tags tried carrying it at the beginning but quickly discovered that, quite simply, men are not the keen clothing shoppers that women and mothers are. Ms. Gemmill has been particularly pleased with the reaction and support that has come from the teens who have become customers at Urban Tags. Successfully getting through the first year in business means that Urban Tags now has year-long data on sales that will help with both marketing and stock management in the coming year. Urban Tags is also proud to have been nominated for business of the year in the Stittsville Appreciation Awards program. Ms. Gemmill notes that the business has developed a strong base of regular clients and indeed there is even one customer who drops in daily. Visiting Urban Tags on a regular basis is a good policy to follow because the store is always taking in new items on consignment and so there is always something new on the racks and shelves virtually each and every day. Urban Tags had a colourful first anniversary cake on hand at its Saturday celebration, with all youngsters and even some not so young being treated to a piece. Refreshment drinks were also available for youngsters. A draw in support of the Ottawa

Heart Institute was held by Urban Tags in association with its first anniversary celebration. As it enters its second year in business, Urban Tags is facing renovation work at the Mac’s Plaza. But the reno-

vation work will be making the plaza even more appealing and attractive for shoppers. In addition, the plentiful parking at the plaza has not been affected and Urban Tags continues to operate as usual.




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Three year old Aiden Vu, left, gets served a piece of cake by Urban Tags owner Tara Gemmill, right, at the consignment store’s first anniversary celebration in Stittsville on Saturday, April 16.

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Krista Northcott, right, of Capital Junk, a full service junk removal firm serving the Ottawa area, helps Cecilia Reyes-Reid, left, deposit an e-waste item at the free ewaste drop off held by Capital Junk at the Stittsville Home Furniture parking lot on Saturday morning, April 16.

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9 Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011




Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


One-woman play ‘The Servant of the Supper’ LOUISE BEGGS Special to the News Photo courtesy of Louise Beggs

Gaye Lalonde, left, president of the Catholic Women’s League at Holy Spirit Parish in Stittsville, presents an honorarium and freewill donation to Eleanor Glenn, right.

With Easter, a most holy time of year for churches, coming up, witnessing the performance of a play about some of Easter’s most revered moments is most relevant. And this was the case for an ecumenical audience of

over 60 people who viewed a performance of the one-woman play “The Servant of the Supper” at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Stittsville on Tuesday, April 12. In this play, Eleanor Glenn enacted scenes from the Last Supper, Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection and an appearance from St. Paul as viewed through

the perspective of a servant girl in Jerusalem. The evening, which was hosted by the Catholic Women’s League of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish, featured not only the half hour play but an evening service and a Lenten reception. This play is being taken, with Pope Benedict’s blessings, by

Ms. Glenn, a retired Catholic elementary school principal who has a love for writing, directing and performing, to the 50th International Eucharistic Congress which is being held in Dublin, Ireland in June 2012. Information about Ms. Glenn and the play can be found at

John Curry photo


Carolyn Bradley, left, reacts with surprise and glee as she is presented with a framed Stittsville Redmen jersey bearing the number 21 worn by her late husband, Rory, when he played with the Redmen which is being held by Lynda Partner, centre, left, the Stittsville Minor Hockey Association’s roving reporter, and Glenn Austin, right, the Association’s vice-president of operations, at the Association’s annual general meeting on Sunday, April 17.





Rory Bradley, we are sure, would approve wholeheartedly of the choice made for the inaugural recipient of the Rory Bradley Volunteer of the Year Award, a new honour presented by the Stittsville Minor Hockey Association (SMHA) for the first time this year. After all, Rory, who passed away suddenly last year, had Joan Savoie’s support and assistance over the years. “Joan was always involved as a volunteer with Rory Bradley’s teams each and every year that Rory coached,” noted Catherine Westbrook in her nomination of Joan Savoie for the Rory Bradley Volunteer of the Year Award. “In view of her long and successful volunteering career with SMHA, I cannot imagine a more worthy volunteer for the Rory Bradley Volunteer of the Year Award than Joan Savoie,” Ms. Westbrook wrote in the nomination. And over the years Joan Savoie fulfilled many roles in minor hockey in Stittsville and beyond. She was a trainer, coach and trainer for Stittsville teams. She served as president of the Lanark Carleton Minor Hockey

League as well as a bantam and peewee tournament convenor for the SMHA. Other roles she filled at times were those of scheduler, timekeeper and statistician. She has always been open to giving rides to players in a pinch and coming up with a mouth guard or neck guard for a player at a game who may have forgotten the equipment. But in all of her roles, Joan has always had one guiding principle: to provide the best opportunities possible for youth in hockey in the community. A tireless advocate for the players, she worked to ensure that young hockey players got on the ice as much as possible so that they could play the game that they love. In this, she is on the same page as Rory Bradley who had a great love of the game himself and who always emphasized team sportsmanship above all else. And how did Joan feel about being announced as the inaugural recipient of the Rory Bradley Volunteer of the Year Award at the SMHA’s annual general meeting last Sunday? “This is the greatest honour I could ever have been awarded,”

she said after embracing with Carolyn Bradley, Rory’s wife, and wiping away some tears of joy from her eyes. She told those at the annual general meeting that while it is difficult to attract volunteers to organizations like SMHA these days, it is volunteers that make such organizations meaningful and worthwhile. She recounted how she is so proud of her son, now 26, who played with the SMHA and is now a volunteer running a ball hockey league. She urged all those involved in the SMHA to pass on their love of volunteering to others. She herself is wrapping up her final year of volunteering with the SMHA as her youngest son has now finished with the program. And indeed he finished with a bang, winning the Lanark Carleton Minor Hockey League juvenile championship this season. Joan Savoie was one of 13 people nominated for the first-ever Rory Bradley Volunteer of the Year Award, all of whom had tremendous volunteer credentials with the SMHA. “It is people like you who make this Association,” SMHA website coordinator and roving reporter Lynda Partner said

when announcing those nominated for the award. These others nominated were Glenn Austin, vice-president of operations; coach Scott Bradley; Mike Clarkson, director of hockey development; coach Jeff Covell; coach and convenor Bob Lawrence; co-managers Fiona Livingstone and Tom Stephens; secretary and convenor Charlene McEnery; Lynda Partner, vice-president of support ser-

vices; coach Don Pike; coach and convenor Mark Saucier; and coach Rob Stone. Besides the presentation of the inaugural Rory Bradley Volunteer of the Year Award, the SMHA annual general meeting also featured the presentation of framed Stittsville Redmen white and red jersey bearing the number 21 worn by Rory Bradley when he played for the Redmen to his wife Carolyn.

John Curry photo

Lynda Partner, right, the Stittsville Minor Hockey Association’s roving reporter who MC’d the SMHA annual general meeting on Sunday, April 17, presents the Rory Bradley Volunteer of the Year Award plaque and keeper trophy to inaugural recipient Joan Savoie, centre, as Carolyn Bradley, left, looks on.


Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

‘greatest honour I could ever have been awarded’

City of Ottawa Councillor Reports By Shad Qadri, Councillor Ward Six Stittsville City of Ottawa

OC TRanspo Route Optimization

The Recommended Network Optimization Plan report was released on April 13, 2011. It is now posted on and The Recommended Network Optimization Plan supports the 2011 Budget and direction laid out in the 2011 OC Transpo Business Plan, which was approved by Council on the 13th, and will help create a more direct, reliable, and efficient transit system for our customers. These changes are necessary to keep fares and taxes down and to create a transit system that is sustainable for the long term. A series of Network Optimization proposals were tabled on March 23rd as the starting point of a discussion with residents, transit customers, Councillors and key stakeholders. All were very engaged in the public consultation process on the proposals; OC Transpo received over 6,500 comments over an intensive two-week period through City-wide open houses, online feedback opportunities and councillor input. The Recommended Network Optimization Plan is a significantly revised version of the original proposals based on the results of these public consultations. More than two-thirds of the proposals have been improved based on feedback and concerns heard across the city. Starting in September, Express Route 262 will have an additional trip added to it both in the morning and in the evening. Route 163, will go through a metamorphosis in its route and operations. The 163 will no longer travel down Beverly Street, instead it will travel down West Ridge Drive southbound to Stittsville Main Street. Turning onto Main Street northbound, it will travel westbound on Fernbank Road for its return trip. We will be starting this service earlier in the morning, while offering less trips off peak hours. The recommendation is that trips on Route 96 from Stittsville to downtown in the morning peak period bypass Terry Fox Station and that trips from downtown to Stittsville in the afternoon peak period bypass Terry Fox Station. Trips from Stittsville operate approximately every 30 minutes. In the busiest part of the morning, trips from Terry Fox operate approximately every 4 to 5 minutes. There is no change to westbound morning service or eastbound afternoon service, and no change to service outside peak periods. Thanks, Rotary club of Stittsville!!! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Rotary Club Members who volunteered their time on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, informing the community about the “Iron Lung” and the importance of the eradication of Polio worldwide. The Iron lung was used as a survival tool for people with Polio. Some people spent almost all of their lives living in the Iron Lung Chamber. This weekend’s event held at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex was a fund raiser to eradicate polio worldwide. A ten cent donation helps in providing vaccination to save one child in the world. Thanks to Rotary Clubs from around the world Polio is now a disease that remains prevalent in only four countries, namely India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. Last year Syria and Liberia overcame their fight against Polio. Thanks to the efforts of Brad Spriggs and Leo Maiorino who travelled to Toronto to transport the Iron lung to GRC, for visitors to see. With your generosity the Club raised over $1605. One anonymous family donated $1000. Your generosity is very much appreciated. “With the money raised over 160,562 children will now receive the vaccine - I would estimate that is more than the number of kids in greater Ottawa under the age of 5 - the age that is targetted. Our little village has again looked after the “big city”, Said Brad Spriggs. City seeking public feedback on digital billboard signs The City wants to know what you think about permitting digital billboard signs in your community. The sign industry has approached the City to consider permitting digital technology to replace the applied paper posters on billboard signs. Digital signs are not currently permitted under the By-law that regulates signs on private property, By-law Number 2005-439. To have your say: • Review the discussion paper, see the photo example of a typical billboard and the video clip of a digital billboard, and complete the questionnaire posted on; • Call 3-1-1 to receive your package by mail or e-mail; or • Pick up the information package at one of the City’s Client Service Centres where you can complete and drop-off the questionnaire. This matter will be considered at a future meeting of the City’s Planning Committee. For more information, please contact 3-1-1 or visit digitalbillboards. We have a digital sign located on east side of Carp Road south of 417, if you would like to see and make your comments. Easter schedule changes The City of Ottawa would like to remind residents of the following schedule changes for Friday, April 22 (Good Friday), and Monday, April 25 (Easter Monday). Client services: • Ottawa City Hall and all seven Client Service Centres, including the Government Service Centres located at 110 Laurier Avenue West and 580 Terry Fox Drive, will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday. Business will resume as usual on Tuesday, April 26. • The City’s Provincial Offences Court, located at 100 Constellation Crescent, will also be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday. Business will resume as usual on Tuesday, April 26. • The City’s 3-1-1 Contact Centre will be open for urgent matters requiring the City’s immediate attention. Call 3-1-1 or 613-580-2400 to speak to a customer service representative. For persons living with a hearing-related disability, call (TTY: 613-580-2401).


Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


Garbage and recycling services: • There will be no curbside green bin, recycling or garbage collection on Good Friday and Easter Monday. Good Friday’s pick-up will take place on Saturday, April 23, and Easter Monday’s pick-up will take place on Tuesday, April 26. The collection of green bin, garbage and recycling materials will be delayed by one day for the week of April 25 • There will be no multi-residential recycling container collection on Good Friday. Good Friday’s pick-up will take place on Saturday, April 23, and Easter Monday’s pick-up will take place on Tuesday, April 26. Recycling container collection will also be delayed by one day for the week of April 25. However, multi-residential garbage container collection is not delayed and collection will take place on its regular scheduled day. • The Trail Waste Facility is closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday Transit services: • OC Transpo will operate a Sunday schedule on Good Friday. On Easter Monday there will be minor weekday schedule reductions and the cancellation of all school routes numbered in the 600s and supplementary school trips. Call 613-560-1000 plus your four-digit bus stop number for automated schedule information. For more information, holiday schedules and travel planning, phone 613-741-4390 or visit • OC Transpo Sales and Information Centres will be closed Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday with the exception of the Rideau Centre office, which will be open Easter Monday from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. • The OCTranspo Information Centre (613-741-4390) will operate from 8a.m. to 9p.m. on Good Friday and from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Easter Monday, while Customer Relations (613-842-3600) will be closed both days. Recreation services: • Many pools, fitness centres and some arenas will be open on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday for public swimming, skating and fitness classes with modified schedules. Please check withottawa. ca or the facility of your choice for details. • Many registered programs at swimming pools, community centres and arenasare cancelled on Good Friday and Easter Monday, however, clients should check with their facilityto confirm, as some exceptions will apply. Cultural services: • Billings Estate National Historic Site – Easter at the Estate – Saturday, April 23 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost: $6/person, $10/pair, $16/family • Pinhey’s Point Historic Site – Easter Eggs-posé – Saturday,April 23 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost: $6/person, $10/pair, $16/family • Cumberland Village Heritage Museum – Easter Eggtivities! - Saturday, April 23 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Regular admission applies. • Arts centres, Archives, galleries, theatres and museumswill be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday. However, clients should check with or their facility to confirm as some exceptions may apply. Municipal child care services: • City-operated Child Care Centres will also be closed onGood Friday and Easter Monday. Library services: • All branches, departments and services of the Ottawa Public Library will be closed Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. They will operate as usual on Saturday, April 23 except for the Kiosk at the Hunt Club-Riverside Community Centre, which will be closed Mayor Watson welcomes new Ottawa Convention Centre On April 12th at the new Ottawa Convention Center (OCC) ribbon cutting ceremony, Mayor Jim Watson congratulated all parties involved in bringing the new OCC from vision to fruition. “A new cornerstone of our City is complete with this architectural masterpiece,” said Mayor Watson. “We are witnessing a turning point in our city’s history. This is a momentous occasion - long anticipated and passionately pursued. It will rebrand this great capital city for generations to come.” Mayor Watson praised the team effort, leadership, passion and commitment of the many partners involved in completing the new OCC on time and under budget: Pat Kelly and the Executive Leadership Team, Jim Durrell and the Board of Directors, federal and provincial partners for their crucial investments, construction firms and many contractors, skilled trades workers and architect Richard Brisbain for his magnificent design. “I am always so proud when I walk past the Parliament Buildings, said Mayor Watson. But now I am equally proud when I see this building that will change the architectural landscape of the city and serve as a catalyst for business growth, increased tourism and revitalization of Ottawa’s downtown.” A new convention centre has long been recognized by the City and the tourism industry as necessary to better market Ottawa as a premiere destination. The old Congress Centre served the city well but Ottawa’s growth as a major G8 world capital left it unable to compete for large events. “Until today, our city has missed out on scores of opportunities to host national and international conferences and conventions,” said Mayor Watson. “I am delighted that 91 conventions are already confirmed in the OCC’s first five years, it will support more than 2,900 local jobs, contribute $205 million to the economy and bring more than 70,000 delegates to invest in local hotels, restaurants, shops and entertainment venues.” The City of Ottawa invested $40 million in the project because of its important role in improving the prosperity of the City and delivering economic and tourism growth for generations to come.

John Brummell photo

FLINGING INTO SPRING Alison Wells, left, and her son Tyler Wells look over a display at the Spring Fling Craft and Vendor Fair at St. John’s Anglican Church hall in Richmond on Saturday, April 16.

Grief workshop in Richmond SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Grief is a fact in everyone’s life. There is no escaping it in this human journey of life that everyone is on. It may strike often or it may be a rare occurrence. But everyone must face it at some point or other in life. Because grief is so commonplace and affects everyone, there are some myths and misconceptions that have grown up about grief over the years. Now, there is an opportunity to gain a better understanding of grief. It is tak-

ing the form of a workshop this Saturday, April 23 from 10 a.m. until noon at St. John’s Anglican Church on Fowler Street in Richmond. Ian Henderson of Bereavement Support and Education – Ottawa will be the facilitator of this workshop which is bearing the title “Dispelling Common Myths About Grief.” Everyone is most welcome to attend. The suggestion donation for attending is $10. To register for the workshop, please contact Rev. Michel Dubord of St. John’s Anglican Church at 613-838-9643. 460483

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13 Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

Neil Diamond music at Lions Hall

BEST BUY CORRECTION NOTICE Please note that the Acer LED monitor (Web Code: 10161882) included in the Acer AX1900E4102 desktop computer package (10160906) advertised on page 5 of the April 15 flyer should be an 18.5” monitor, NOT a 21.5” monitor, as previously advertised. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.


FUTURE SHOP - CORRECTION NOTICE On the front cover and page 15 of the April 15 flyer, please note that the advertised price of $16.99 for the single-disc DVD edition (M2188486) and $24.99 for the regular edition Blu-ray combo pack (M2188485) of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 will be valid for 3 DAYS ONLY, from April 15-17. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued 463092 customers.

BEST BUY CORRECTION NOTICE Please note that the Panasonic BDT110 3D Blu-ray Player (Web Code: 10144308) advertised on pages 21 and 24 of the April 15 flyer DOES NOT have built-in Wi-Fi, as previously advertised. A Wi-Fi adapter is required for the Wi-Fi feature of this Blu-ray player, sold separately. As well, please note that the 10x Reward Zone Points On Select Home Theatre Audio promotion advertised on page 21 of the April 15 flyer will no longer be valid. Please see a Product Specialist in-store for more details. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. 462501

FUTURE SHOP - CORRECTION NOTICE Please note that the incorrect price was advertised for the Plantronics Explorer 240 Bluetooth® headset (WebID: 10142453) found on page 9 of April 15 flyer. The correct price for this headset is $29.99 save $10 and NOT $0.99, as previously advertised. As well, due to inventory issues, please note that Mortal Kombat: Future Shop Exclusive Steelbook™ for PS3 & Xbox 360 (10164988/10164991) advertised on page 14 of the April 15 flyer will only be available in limited quantities in-store. No rainchecks will be issued as this is a limited edition version of the product. There will be a minimum quantity of 5 units per store in Quebec. Please see a Product Expert in-store for more details. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.


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Neil Diamond is coming to Stittsville? Well, not Neil Diamond himself, in person. But his music will be here in spades as Joey Purpura, a 36 year old impersonator, is bringing his show “Diamond in the Rough: The Neil Diamond Tribute Show” to the Lions Hall in Stittsville this Saturday, April 23, with the doors opening at 7 p.m. Advance ticket sales at $20 apiece are available by contacting Stittsville District Lions Club member Don Redtman at 613-831-1054 or by dropping into the Stittsville IDA Drug Mart at Crossing Bridge Square in Stittsville. The advance tickets represent a five dollar reduction from the tickets that will be sold at the door that evening which will go for $25 each. Some of the proceeds from the show are going to the Stittsville District Lions Club to help support its work in the community. In this two hour tribute show, Joey Purpura will deliver his first set wearing mid-seventies garb complete with the bellbottoms, huge collars and vest that were the clothing of that era. This was a time when Neil Diamond produced such hits as Sweet Caroline, Holly Holy and Song Sung Blue. For his second set of the evening, Joey will be switching into a glittery, pastel-sequined shirt with a scarf, the costume for which Neil Diamond is now best know. So, if you are a Neil Diamond fan, and so many are, this Neil Diamond tribute night is for you. You will hear such classic Neil Diamond standards

personator. But the music will be totally Neil Diamond, so the Lions Hall in Stittsville is the place to be this Saturday, April 23 to hear hit after Neil Diamond hit. What a great evening it will be!

John Curry photo

Stittsville District Lions Club member Gord MacIsaac, up the ladder, adjusts a letter on the Club’s sign advertising the upcoming Neil Diamond Tribute Show at the Lions Hall on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville as fellow Lions Club member Don Redtman, left, steadies the ladder. The Lions Club will be receiving a portion of the proceeds from the show for its community work.

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as Sweet Caroline, America, Cracklin’ Rosie, Forever in Blue Jeans and Cherry Cherry. All of this Neil Diamond music will be sung and performed right here in Stittsville, albeit not by Neil Diamond himself but by an im-

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Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


Heritage Advocacy Award presented JOHN CURRY

WEST CARLETON ENVIRONMENTAL CENTRE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHOP #2 Waste Management of Canada Corporation (WM) has recently held two rounds of Public Open House events, as well as a Workshop to discuss the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed landďŹ ll footprint and other ancillary facilities to be located at the West Carleton Environmental Centre (WCEC). As a follow up to these public consultation events we will be hosting a second Workshop for stakeholders to discuss this proposed project in greater detail. The workshop is scheduled to take place as follows:

Thursday, April 28th, 2011 Kanata Recreation Complex 100 Walter Baker, Kanata, ON 7:00p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The WCEC Workshop #2 is designed to provide an additional avenue for consultation with local residents, businesses, agencies and interested stakeholders. This Workshop will be interactive and will offer an opportunity for participants to discuss the comparative evaluation methodology and provide input on the relative importance of evaluation criteria. To register, please contact Cathy Smithe at (613) 836-8610 by April 25, 2011 For further information, please visit our website

The Goulbourn Museum has said “thank you� to its volunteers and supporters. It happened at an evening of appreciation event which was held at the Museum at Stanley’s Corners just south of Stittsville on Thursday, April 14, the first of what is planned to be an annual happening to recognize formally the contributions of the Museum’s volunteers, donors and members. Highlight of the evening was the inaugural presentation of the Museum’s Heritage Advocacy Award recognizing those who have made an outstanding contribution in support of the Goulbourn Museum. The inaugural recipient of this Heritage Advocacy Award was Pat Roberts who has carried on the Roberts’ family legacy of support for the Goulbourn Museum. Her late husband Barry was a longtime and avid supporter and volunteer with the Goulbourn Museum as well as being one of the area’s foremost historians. His book “For King and Canada� which tells the story of the 100th Regiment of Foot during the War of 1812, many of whom elected to become the first settlers of Goulbourn township. Mrs. Roberts has contributed her late husband’s files about the 100th Regiment as well as his files about Goulbourn’s early settlers and the early industries in Ashton to the Goulbourn Museum. In ad-

dition, she has donated her late husband’s book collection to the Museum. In her remarks after being presented with the Heritage Advocacy Award, Mrs. Roberts acknowledged that her late husband Barry was the one, not her, who did all of the work regarding Goulbourn’s history. “This is where it belongs,� she said with regard to Barry’s files and other information. Besides the presentation of the Heritage Advocacy Award to Pat Roberts, the evening of appreciation also saw the unveiling of a contributors’ list, noting all of the individuals and organizations who volunteered time and expertise, donated or loaned artefacts and materials or contributed funding to the Goulbourn Museum in 2010. There are closed to 100 names on this list, including the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Diefenbunker at Carp, the Richmond Agricultural Society, the Richmond Village Association, the Stittsville Village Association and various individuals. The evening of appreciation also marked the launch of the “Preserving Our Past� conservation project of the Ottawa Museum Network at the Goulbourn Museum. This project arose out of the work of a conservator hired by the Ottawa Museum Network to assess the collections of the various Network members, including the Goulbourn Museum. The work included treating some of the artefacts so that they can now be displayed in a museum.


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WM are undertaking an EA seeking approval for a new landďŹ ll footprint at the existing Ottawa Waste Management Facility (Ottawa WMF). The new landďŹ ll footprint will be one component of the proposed WCEC. The proposed WCEC will be an integrated waste management facility that will include: • A new landďŹ ll footprint for disposal of residual waste materials; • Waste diversion and recycling operations; • Composting Operations; • Renewable energy facilities; ; and, • Recreational lands for community uses. 460516

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John Curry photo

Linda Preston, left, vice-chair of the Goulbourn Museum Board of Directors, presents the new Heritage Advocacy Award recognizing those who have made an outstanding contribution in support of the Goulbourn Museum to its first recipient, Pat Roberts, right, at the evening of appreciation which was held for the Museum’s volunteers, donors and members on Thursday, April 14 at the Museum at Stanley’s Corners.

Munster Union Cemetery AGM SPECIAL TO THE NEWS The annual meeting of the Munster Union Cemetery will be held on Tuesday, May 3 starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Munster United Church in Munster.


Never sacrificing fashion for value, Bouclair Home personifies style By: Caroline George The idea of finding fashionable and attractive home furniture at affordable prices may seem daunting, but at BouClair Home it is possible. “When you come into our store you’ll be able to get great home decor, great accessories and great colours for value pricing,” said media coordinator MarieEmanuelle Khoury. On March 9, BouClair Home opened its newest, 8000 square foot store located at 5597 Hazeldean Road in Kanata. “We have been very welcomed and the feedback from our customers since the store has opened has been very positive,” said Khoury of the company`s eighth BouClair Home store to open in the Ottawa area. In business for over 40 years, the Montreal-based company has been offering stylish home decor for the past six years from bedding to home accent pieces including ottomans, lamps and wall art at prices that suit even the most budget conscious. “You can pull a room together without breaking the bank,” said Khoury. All pieces are exclusive to Bouclair which, adds Khoury customers love because it offers a unique shopping

experience. “The way that our decor is coordinated and arranged around the store is great for a customer that maybe needs a little help for inspiration or another customer that doesn’t have time to shop for hours on end,” says Khoury who notes customer appreciation extends to the helpful customer service offered by the store’s staff. “We have had great success and are very happy with our staff,” said Khoury which is a feeling store manager Jessica Roche echoes. Jessica (Manager), Samantha (Assist.Manager), Jennifer and Erin of the Kanata

“Being able to grow with the store are looking forward to welcoming you. company as it`s growing itself “The combination of fashion and value is something has been my favourite experience,” that is very unique to us because you can’t find that in said Roche who has been with BouClair Home for five other stores.” years. What makes us different says Khoury is that we stand behind fashion and value while making home decorating simple.

“When you come into our store you’ll be able to visualize and take everything that you want and you’ll easily see how you’ll be able to pull a room together.” 462474

Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011



the ULTIMATE Summer Fun & Camp Guide Summer 2011


Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011



How to Choose a Summer Camp

da Jamieson n i L

( ( ( ( ( ( ( School of ( ( ( BALLET ( JAZZ ( TAP ( MODERN ( MUSICAL THEATRE Including singing, dancing and acting ( ( ( Pre- School Half-Day - Ages 3-5 years ( Pre-Competitive Full Day - Ages 6-8 years ( Week 1 July 11 - 15 Week 2 Aug 8 - 12 ( ( Pre-Professional Intensive Summer School ( For students in Primary to Advanced 2 Week 1 July 18 - 22 ( Week 2 July 25 - 29 ( Week 3 Aug 15 – 19 ( ** ALL INSTRUCTORS HIGHLY QUALIFIED ( AND EXPERIENCED ** ( 150 KATIMAVIK ROAD • KANATA TOWN CENTRE ( ( 613-592-1136 458428

By Matt Barr of Camps Canada



Summer is a great time for kids. They need to get away from the everyday stress of school as much as adults need to get away from their full time jobs. What better way to help kids relax and enjoy their time off than to send them to summer camp? (By the way, this gives parents a nice break too.)

Your child’s interests What does your child like to do? Children know what they like and don’t like. Ask them for their input. If your child is active and loves to play sports, a sports camp is probably right for him or her. If your child is creative, then choose a camp that offers arts and crafts. Camp choices are as varied as children themselves. Choose a camp with the specific focus geared toward your child. Day Camp versus Overnight Camp Depending on the age, maturity and independence of your child, he or she may or may not be ready for an overnight camp. Some overnight camps accept children as young as six years old. Only you



Before you make a camp decision for your child, there are a lot of factors to consider. You will want to do your homework before you drop your child off for the day to be cared for by people you hardly know. It’s not easy. There are so many camps to consider and they come in all shapes and sizes. There are day camps, overnight camps, golf camps, horseback riding camps and science camps to name a few. Here are some general considerations:

can decide when the time is right. Convenient Location: Location is important because you will have to drop off and pick up your child every day. You’ll want to consider your drive time and also keep in mind the hours of the camp. Cost: Of course, the cost is something to consider. The cost of camp should reflect the service provided. When comparing camps by price make sure that you are comparing apples to apples. Some camps include lunches, while others include snacks, t-shirts, hats, extended hours and off site field trips. Price alone, can be misleading. I’ve always believed, “You get what you pay for”. Research: With pencil in hand, contact the camps you are considering and ask some specific questions. Not all camps are created equal, so ask the same questions to each camp director and compare their answers. You need to feel comfortable with their answers before you make your choice. This is not an exhaustive list, but here are a few questions to get you started:

Year-Round Tennis in Beautiful Britannia Park


Fun, fast and furious tennis camps all summer long, rain or shine, at the TCWO. Register online today!

1. Who do you hire as counselors? Are they experienced? How old are they? Are they certified in CPR and First Aid? Have they undergone a criminal record check? continued on page 18


( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

the ULTIMATE Summer Fun & Camp Guide • Summer 2011

18 Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

Summer Fun & Camp Guide Summer 2011

continued from page 17

offer a guarantee? What is your cancellation policy?

2. What are your hours for the camp program? for pre and post camp care? Is there an additional cost for extended hours?

9. Where can I find more information about your camp? Do you have a web-site? Can I register online? Can I pay by credit card? The best way to determine if a particular camp is right for you is to ask a lot of questions. Camp directors are used to answering questions about every detail of camp. If you don’t get the answers you are looking for, keep searching. You need to feel good about your decision. After all, you want your child to have an awesome camp experience that will forge memories to last a lifetime. Matt Barr is the owner of Camps Canada, a summer camp based in Ottawa, Ontario. As a voice for Canadian Camp Owners and Camp Directors, Matt is a frequent guest on radio and television programs across the country discussing the latest trends and issues in summer camps. He can be reached by email at:

3. What is the ratio of campers to counselors? Ratios of 8:1 are common. A maximum of 10:1 is probably the maximum ratio you would want. 4. Are snacks or a lunch provided? Is the lunch program optional or mandatory? 5. What do you do on rainy days? Are your facilities air-conditioned? 6. Do the children swim every day? What are your rules for supervision at the pool? Is there a wading pool for young campers? 7. Can you provide a list of references or testimonials? Word of mouth is the best reference. Ask around and find out where other parents are sending their children. 8. What if my child doesn’t like the camp? Do you



19 Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

Summer Fun & Camp Guide Summer 2011

Youth get a kick out of soccer coast to coast per cent) and to learn teamwork (70 per cent). “Supporting youth soccer at the grassroots level is a priority for us at BMO,” said Sandy Bourne, vice– president of advertising, sponsorship, events and merchandising with BMO Financial Group. “We work to make soccer more accessible through our sponsorship of local soccer clubs, and continue to support youth players through BMO Team of the Week, a new contest that recognizes teams for their achievements both on and off the field.” The nationwidecontest runs from April to August and is open to all youth soccer teams with players aged 7 to 12. The grand prize includes $125,000 for a soccer field refurbishment, and a road trip to a Toronto FC or Vancouver Whitecaps FC home game. Teams will be rewarded not only for on–the–field accomplishments, but also for spirit, passion for the game, and community efforts.


(NC)—One million players, some three million followers, plus a burgeoning professional scene, make soccer one of the fastest growing sports in Canada. Across the country, we now have more than 840,000 registered players (and many more unregistered), as well as 1,500 youth clubs and about 46,000 teams enrolled with the Canadian Soccer Association. With more participants than any other sport, soccer is perhaps one of the most accessible sports around – all you really need is a ball and a flat surface. The majority of those playing “the beautiful game” in Canada are youth, whether involved recreationally or competitively through house leagues and rep teams. A recent BMO poll found that one–third of Canadian parents have their children enrolled in soccer, more than double that of parents who have their children in hockey, or in baseball, basketball and swimming combined. The top three reasons parent cited for getting their children on the field were to have fun (86 per cent), for the health benefits of physical exercise (76

MARCH TENNIS CLUB Competition and Recreation for The Entire Family ‘SMASH’ SUMMER CAMPS


All children ages 5 - 15


These camps are intended in a fun and dynamic setting. The focus on these camps will be on: 1 the 5 essential strokes of the game 2 the rules 3 point scoring 4 sportsmanship and to have fun playing tennis. Each camp will conclude with a BBQ or a pizza party on the last day (Friday) from 11:30 am for the Mini-stars and Bigshots and 3-3:30 pm for the Future Stars and Teens.


At participating locations

Ottawa Central & West Locations

Offer expires: May 31/2011


Not valid with any other offer

CALL NOW! 613-727-9636

AGES? Morning Camp (Mini Stars and Big Shots 9-11am-5-9 years) and Afternoon Camp (Future Stars and Teens 1-3pm-10-15 years)

WHEN? 1) July 4th-8th Monday-Friday 9-11am 1-3pm

4) July 25th-29th Monday-Friday 9-11am 1-3pm

7) August 15th19th Monday-Friday 9-11am 1-3pm

2) July 11th-15th Monday-Friday 9-11am 1-3pm

5) *August 2nd-5th Tuesday-Friday 9-11am 1-3pm

8) August 22rd-26th Monday-Friday 9-11am 1-3pm

3) July 18th-22nd Monday-Friday 9-11am 1-3pm

6) August 8th-12th Monday-Friday 9-11am 1-3pm

9) August 29th-September 2nd Monday-Friday 9-11am 1-3pm

HOW? Please visit

OR WHERE: 2500 Campeau Drive • 613 592 6269




Let’s keep kids healthy inside and out (NC)—Winter is finally over and the sound of kids playing in the neighbourhood is starting to fill the air. Bike rides, shooting ‘hoops’, or playground fun are just some of the ways kids can become active in the spring and summer. It’s a good thing too, because recent reports show that Canadian kids just aren’t getting enough exercise. Kids should get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a day, according to the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology. “Healthy, physically active kids more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful,” said Howie Dayton, chair of the Ontario Task Group on Access to Recreation for Low Income Families. “Whatever their fitness personality, all kids can be physically fit. A parent’s positive attitude will steer them in the right direction.” Consider enrolling your child in an organized sport or recreational activity, like soccer, baseball, swimming or ball hockey. The benefits of participating in organized play are often lifelong:

Bilingual Summer Camp June 29 to August 26, 2011

• Increased self–esteem and self– confidence; • Discovery of leadership skills; • Improved school performance; • Development of healthy lifestyle habits; and • Learning that physical activity can be fun. If costs are a barrier to organized sport or recreation, there are various kinds of charitable programs that can help, like the Canadian Tire Jumpstart program. It is a national charitable program that covers registration, equipment and/or transportation costs to help financially disadvantaged kids participate in organized sport and recreation and has helped over 315,000 kids since 2005. Learn more about the program online at

• Bilingual Casa Summer Camp for ages 3 to 6 • Excellent child to staff ratio • Entertaining field trips include museums, splash pads and wading pools, play zones and much more! • Many exciting in- camp activities, crafts and special guests

SPECIAL! Register for Summer Camp by April 30, 2011 and receive a

Bilingual Casa Camp daily rates: 7:45 - 5:30 p.m. $35.00 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. $30.00 7:45 – 12:00 p.m. $25.00

% discount

For information and registration please contact Mackenzie Leach at 613-889-6550 or

Register on-line or call:


Kanata Montessori School North Campus



1030 Riddell Drive Dunrobin, Ontario, K2K 1X7


Summer Camp


June 29 to August 26, 2011

100 Castlefrank Road at Abbeyhill Drive, Kanata ( Glen Cairn ) ( 613 ) 836 - 5725 ( studio ) (613) 225 - 9276 ( alternate ) e-mail :

July 4 - 8 July 11 - 15 July 18 - 22 July 25 - 29 August 15 - 19

Pirate and Princess Camp Alice in Wonderland Camp Dancing Kidz Camp Pirate and Princess Camp Mother Goose Camp

FULL DAYS ( 7 - 12 years ) $ 185 plus HST per week ( by May 26, 2011 ). $ 195 plus HST per week ( after May 26, 2011 )

Sun Safety • Apply sunscreen at least 20 to 30 minutes before going outdoors. If you can do it an hour ahead of time, that’s even better. • Be sure to choose a sunscreen that offers broad spectrum protection, which means it protects from both UVA and UVB rays. • Don’t forget to wear protection on cloudy days as well as sunny ones. UVB rays may be partially blocked by the grayness, but UVA rays are not. • Know that the sun’s rays are strongest between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Protect yourself appropriately. Also know that you should use sunscreen no matter what time you go out to enjoy the day.

July 4 - 8 July 18 - 26 August 2 - 5 August 8 - 12 August 15 - 19

Pop Star Camp We Know We Can Dance Camp Pop Star Camp Never Say Never ( Justin Beiber ) Camp We Know We Can Dance Camp

SPECIALITY CAMPS ( 7 - 12 years ) DANCE VOCAL ACTING July 11 - 15 July 25 - 29 August 22 - 26

Musical Theatre Camp Fashion / Costume Design Camp Glee Club Camp ( ages 6-9 and 10-15 )

NOTE: For your information, CLASSICAL DANCE ACADEMY is a full time recreational and competitive dance studio ( daytime and evening classes ) with certified dance instructors for CHILDREN ages 3 - 18 ( jazz, tap, ballet, hip hop, breakdancing, acro, vocal, acting, musical theatre ) and for ADULTS ( yoga, belly dance, nia, bollywood and personal fitness ). Registration is ongoing for next sessions. Free combo and pre - ballet classes from September to Christmas for ages 3 - 6 while spaces last ( conditions apply ) and excellent sibling discounts.


*one block from A.Y. Jackson HS *Near Hazeldean Mall *5 minutes from Stittsville

HALF DAYS ( 3 - 6 years ) $100 plus HST per week


Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

the ULTIMATE Summer Fun & Camp Guide • Summer 2011

• Ages 3 to 12 (Casa 3-5 year olds, Junior Elementary 6-9 year olds, and Senior Elementary 9-12 year olds) • Excellent child to staff ratio • Entertaining field trips • Elementary Programs include adventurous trips like: day camping, hiking, zip lining, fishing, Mont Cascades, wall climbing, golf, cave exploration, snorkeling, swimming, sports and French enrichment within the 9-12 camp • Many exciting in camp activities, crafts and special guests • Information and registrations available online • Casa camp daily rates: 7:30 - 5:30 p.m. $40.00 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. $35.00 7:30 – 12:00 p.m. $30.00 • Junior & Senior Elementary camp daily rates: 7:30 – 5:30 p.m. $50.00 9:00 – 4:00 p.m. $45.00

Casa Camp contact 613-229-2537 or Elementary Camps contact 613-229-0799 or

Kanata Montessori School 355 Michael Cowpland Drive Kanata, ON K2M 2C5




The Hornets had advanced to the championship game by defeating the Ottawa Xcelles 3517 in quarter-final action. This victory was particularly sweet

as the Hornets had lost to the Xcelles by two points earlier in the week. The Goulbourn Hornets faced the number one seeded Elgin

Wildcats in semi-final action in the tournament and came away with a 26-19 victory to advance to the gold medal game against Gloucester.

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An overtime victory in the tournament championship game. And a tight one point win. It doesn’t get any better than that. And that’s exactly what the Goulbourn Hornets Bantam ‘B’ girls’ basketball team did in winning the recent Eastern Ontario Basketball Association Bantam Division ‘A’ Tournament played right at home at Sacred Heart High School in Stittsville as the Hornets hosted the tournament. The Hornets, who entered tournament action as the second seeded team, faced off against Gloucester in this tournament final. Regulation play did not settle anything, with the score tied 20-20, although the Goulbourn Hornets came close, just miss-

ing a last second shot for the outright win. In the overtime session, the Hornets took a 25-21 lead and then withstood a last desperate challenge from Gloucester who cut the margin to just one point. But the Hornets bore down, making some key defensive stops down the stretch to ensure the victory and the gold medals, winning 25-24. “The Hornets frustrated their opponents with a high energy, swarming team defense,� head coach Ajai Puri said, noting that it was a great tournament for the team, with every player scoring at some point as well as playing key roles at other times. “Another terrific team effort,� he said. Robin Cook of the Hornets was chosen as the Player of the Game for the championship game.



Salesperson Broker

Before listing your home - CALL US TO SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER

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Quality built Holitzner home on large corner private lot in Woodside Acres (steps to park & School). Offers extras & upgrades too numerous to mention! Approx. 2,947 sq ft of elegance with main oor master bedroom, and gourmet kitchen with butlers area.

Stittsville - 454 Landswood Way $534,900

Private backyard with no rear neighbours. Offering hardwood, ceramic, ďŹ nished basement, fantastic kitchen with granite counter tops, family room open to above, extras too numerous to mention!

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Rare 3+ bedroom 2 storey main . master with spa shower & jacuzzi, totally ďŹ nished basement with theatre room, wet bar, 4th bedroom, sauna; 4 bathrooms, park-like setting in rear yard with hot tub and huge cedar white deck, upgrades too numerous to mention. ie clay roof plus.



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Cosmetic and Family Dentistry • Sleep Dentistry • Implants • Orthodontics • Root Canal Therapy

The Goulbourn Male Chorus is bringing their voices to Richmond. The 14 member Goulbourn Male Chorus will be presenting a spring concert entitled “Sing Me A Song� on Sunday, May 1 at 3 p.m. at St. Paul’s United Church on McBean Street in Richmond. Tickets will be available at the door for $10 each, with free admission for those aged 16 and under.

For this Richmond concert, the Goulbourn Male Chorus will have as their guest artists members of the St. Paul’s United Church choir under the direction of David George. In this concert, the chorus will be presenting music of several genres including Irish, English, Scottish and German folk songs, sea shanties, ballads, vocal solos and gospel songs as well as some lighter fun selections. There will be two familiar folk song selections for singalongs.

May 5th to May 19th 2011 Outdoors Lawn Bowling, 9 Hole Golf, Walking, Mini Golf

John DeVries Ltd. Brokerage Bus (613) 836-2570 Dir (613) 978-0635

Indoors Carpet Bowling, Snooker, AquaďŹ t, Line Dancing, Shufeboard, 5 Pin Bowling, Movie Matinee, Bingo, Wii bowling

Happy Easter

At the tables Euchre, Canasta, Scrabble, Dominoes, Bridge, Casino Afternoon For your eating enjoyment Opening Ceremonies, Fish and Chip Supper, Light Lunches, Great Refreshments, Closing Ceremonies

GUEST SPEAKERS Breakfast - Senator Mike Duffy Lunch – Carolyn Waldo

Connie Rivington-Howie Team

Email: 444 Hazeldean Road KANATA



Senior Games

• White fillings • Teeth whitening • Veneers • Crown and Bridge


Arts and Culture

Male Chorus in Richmond

Kanata Seniors Council, Presents

Far West Fun Fest

Call: 613-836-5543

Photo courtesy of Karen Mount

Members of the Goulbourn Hornets Bantam ‘B’ girls’ basketball team, gold medal winners in the recent Eastern Ontario Basketball Association Bantam Division ‘A’ Tournament in Stittsville, are, front row, left to right, Olivia Brown, Serena Puri, Emily Mount, Maria Babineau and Taylor Drew; middle row, left to right, Shelby Bebee, Maddie Stevens, Hailey Norman and assistant coach Mike Mount; and, back row, left to right, Emma Hunt, assistant coach Mike Tourigny, Gabrielle Tourigny, Sarah Van Galder, Robin Cook and head coach Ajai Puri.


HOW TO REGISTER 1. Pick up a registration form at the Kanata Seniors Centre, Beaverbrook Library or one of our participating Seniors Residences. 2. Choose your events and complete the registration form. 3. Drop off form with payment to the Kanata Seniors Centre (2500 Campeau Dr) or your participating Seniors Residence. For more information please contact E.Tucker 613-592-5585 NOTE: All registrations must be received by April 28th,2011

Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

One point overtime victory in championship game

Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011








Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


The Role of a Lawyer When Buying a Home Written by Greater Ottawa Home Builders Association

There is nothing in life more exciting that buying a new home. Home buyers thrill in watching their new home take shape, knowing that they are getting exactly the finishes and features they want. Yet the excitement and emotion of buying a new home can sometimes overshadow the fact that your home purchase also means entering into a complicated legal agreement. Chances are, it will also be the largest financial investment of your life. Due to the complex legal aspects involved in buying a new home, it is strongly suggested that home buyers consult with a lawyer before signing on the dotted line. When you buy a new home, the contract, or the signed Agreement of Purchase and Sale document, between you and your builder is your assurance that you will receive exactly what you have purchased, at the price that you have agreed to. It is also the builder’s assurance that you will follow through to the end with the purchase.

Some home buyers sign the contract first, and then take it to their lawyer for review. By this point, however, it is too late for the lawyer to suggest any modifications or changes. Alternatively, make your offer conditional on your lawyer’s favourable review. It is sometimes wise, and less costly, to agree with the builder on price and terms before involving a lawyer. (If you cannot reach an agreement with the builder on these fundamental points, there is no need to pursue the contract any further.) The lawyer will look for certain clauses which include information on restrictions and obligations that may affect your rights and responsibilities as a home owner. Typically, clauses may mention the need to bus students to the nearest school. A clause may mention a right of way or an easement registered against the lot. For instance, will there be a fire hydrant on your lot, or an electrical box? Clauses concerning mortgage approval must also

be treated seriously. A large number of Agreements of Purchase and Sale include clauses making them conditional on receiving mortgage financing. The Agreement should specify the number of days allotted for obtaining the mortgage, the process for notifying the builder and what will happen if the mortgage application is turned down. The lawyer may suggest changes to the wording and the clauses of the contract to further promote your interests. Immediately notify the builder of these recommendations, allowing enough time for a review by the builder and/or the builder’s lawyer before acceptance or possible counter. Once your offer has been accepted and all conditions have been waived, you have a firm contract. Your lawyer will begin the legal process of transferring ownership of the home and you can now go on to the next, and perhaps most, exciting step of home buying . . . getting ready to move into your new home!

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Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011



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25 Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

Variety of topics, candidates happy

One of the first questions asked at the Carleton-Mississippi Mills federal riding candidates meeting in Stittsville on Monday, April 18 dealt with negative advertising and badmouthing opposing party leaders. And while two of the participating candidates, namely Karen McCrimmon of the Liberals and John Hogg of the Green Party pledged never to use negative campaigning (with Conservative candidate and incumbent Gordon O’Connor claiming that Conservative ads in this campaign are “actually factual ads,� eliciting a giant groan from the capacity crowd of close to 200 at the Stittsville Legion Hall), all three were on their best behaviour throughout the meeting, as was the crowd. The meeting, which lasted a little over two hours, saw all three candidates (the NDP’s Erin Peters chose not to take part) deliver opening and closing statements and respond to questions with no real rancor or impassioned disagreement. Indeed, in his concluding remarks, the Conservatives’ Gordon O’Connor called it the best candidates meeting that he had been at, praising its variety of topics covered and the quality of the questions. Moderator Louise Beggs, a former Goulbourn township councillor, who admitted to having attended a few candidates’ meetings, at the end of the question period congratulated the audience members for their behaviour and for their questions, saying that it was the best such question period that she had experienced at a candidates meeting. “I think that one takes the cake,� she said. Liberal candidate Karen McCrimmon, in her closing remarks, agreed with the moderator’s assessment. “That was an absolutely fabulous discussion,� she said about the question period which saw all three candidates responding to all 27 of the questions asked. And what a variety of topics covered by these questions: the future of transfers to provinces, politics and ethics, contempt of Parliament concerns, possible reform of the Bankruptcy Act to help Nortel and other pensioners, income splitting for working couples, generic drug availability for developing countries, child care, poverty elimination, procurement of fighter jets, care for the elderly, concerns for the aboriginal population, Falun Gong persecution in China, possible establishment of a Ministry of Sport, repression in China, working with other political parties in Parliament, jobs related to any fighter jet contract, ensuring that the economy continues to grow, health and environment provisions for seniors, control of government communications by a prime minister, day care costs for single parents, a proposal for more prisons, assurances to uphold the Canada Health Act, the South March Highlands issue and environmental leadership, landfills

and waste reduction, poverty and crime, source of the surplus generated by the previous Liberal government, and proportional representation. All three candidates came out in favour of more being done to recycle. The Green Party’s John Hogg cited examples in Europe where recycling is encouraged. He particularly advocated for a coordinated set of rules across the country for the recycling of electronic waste. Liberal Party candidate Karen McCrimmon suggested that federal government regulations could be changed to encourage more recycling and reduction of waste. She focused in on the reduction of packaging, saying it should be restricted and should always be compostable. Conservative Party incumbent Gordon O’Connor said that he favoured recycling as much as possible, associated with incineration. He said that he is not in favour of more landfills. He also advocated changes to packaging in stores. “When I go to the store and buy something, it is encased like a mummy,� he said. In his opening statement, Mr. O’Connor recited the Conservative government’s managing of the economy through the recent worldwide recession, citing billions going into research and development, tax relief for seniors, expansion of the federal public service and over $50 million in infrastructure spending support in the Carleton-Mississippi Mills riding. And he said that the future would be more of the same. “The economy remains our party’s priority,� he said. Liberal Party candidate Karen McCrimmon, in her opening remarks, said that her extensive military career in countries around the world had taught her that Canada is a very blessed country. She said that she has learned the importance of belonging to a community where people stand up for each other and for the community. She pledged to work for a country that is compassionate, hard working and one where people look after each other. She said that a Member of Parliament can play a role even in matters like the Carp Road landfill expansion which are not specifically within federal government jurisdiction. “I am offering to be your advocate, your ally,� she said. Green Party candidate John Hogg said that his party’s focus is the future. He acknowledged that the economy is important but noted that in his view the economy is driven by the environment and if there are environmental problems, then the future is imperiled. He advocated for high speed bandwidth everywhere in Canada with communication used in smarter ways. He said that there needs to be more funding put into the researching of diseases like Alzheimer’s.

John Brummell photo

APRIL CHATTING Renowned Ottawa Valley storyteller Mary Cook, left, chats with Georgia Derrick, right, of the Goulbourn Township Historical Society before her presentation entitled “April Foolishness� at the Historical Society’s meeting at the Stittsville Legion Hall on Saturday afternoon, April 16.

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Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


Galaxy of stars on stage at Sacred Heart JOHN CURRY

Stars were out on stage at Sacred Heart High School in Stittsville last week. It was a production of the musical “The Wizard of Oz,” one of the classics, and those in the leading roles of Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tinman and Lion shone in their roles. But you could go right down the line and find stars there as well, all in their own right. The three crows who attacked the Scarecrow and cackled and danced around on stage during the number “If I Only Had a Brain” sparked laugher and joy in the audience. And the Munchkins, in their colourful costumes, made you want to be in the land of the Munchkins, given their singing and dancing talent. And then there were the poppies and the talking trees, and the Winkies in the witch’s castle and on it went, all adding their star-like contribution to the performance. And let’s not forget Professor Chester Marvel and the Wizard of Oz himself, the Wicked Witch of the West, Aunt Em and Uncle Henry – oh, what a great show it was. It was no wonder that the cast received a standing ovation at curtain call time. But to many, one of the real stars of the production was its only real four-legged member (sorry, Lion) and that was Toto, Dorothy’s dog, a three year old in real life named Lily who obviously has a close relationship with Alexandra Isenor who

played Dorothy. And who in the audience did not say in their minds that they sure wished they had a dog like this Toto – quiet and obedient. He was usually and virtually all the time in a basket carried by Dorothy but even when he wasn’t, he did not go anywhere – except for the time when he was to run away off stage and when he re-appeared as per cue. It is no wonder that Toto a.k.a. Lily received a roar of applause when he was lifted up by Dorothy during the curtain call with the rest of the production’s actors. It was not only the sterling efforts of all of the cast which made this production soar. The props and their use really made you believe that you were there – in Kansas, in Munchkinland, in the wild forest, in the Emerald City or in the witch’s castle. Professor Marvel’s gypsy wagon and even his crystal ball which allowed him to be “in tune with the infinite” held your attention. Dorothy’s ruby slippers which protected her from the Wicked Witch of the West were dazzling. And when the hot air balloon took off suddenly, albeit without Dorothy, that was believable. And what about the twister that struck Dorothy’s Kansas homestead – a backdrop video did the trick. And when a rainbow was needed (after all, the song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” would not make much sense without one), there it was on the backdrop as well. Adding as well to the quality of the

production were the musicians in the orchestra pit. Yes, it was all music produced right on scene, no recorded offerings for this production. So conductor Matt Dawber had an assembly of musicians that made all of the musical’s tunes from

“Over the Rainbow” to “Yellow Brick Road” to “We’re Off to See the Wizard” to “If I Only Had a Brain” to “Jitterbug” come alive as only such a live scenario can do. See ‘THE WIZARD OF OZ’, page 27

John Brummell photo

Professor Chester Marvel, right, played by Mark Bujaki, greets Dorothy Gale, left, played by Alexandra Isenor, who is holding her dog Toto, played by Lily, in the musical “The Wizard of Oz” which was presented at Sacred Heart High School in Stittsville last week.

‘The Wizard of Oz’ presented at Sacred Heart Mark Bujaki was Professor Chester Marvel and the Wizard of Oz. The various Winkies, Jitterbugs, poppies, monkeys, crows, beauticians, and others were Laura Brennan, Karina Castilla, Joel Curry, Kyle Curry, Courtney Helgason, Emma Hickey, Zac Lamothe, Michaela Lunn, Brenna MacInnis, Nicholas Maillet, Sasha Newar, Morgan O’Grady, Evelyn Pageau and Anna Seguin. But this was not everyone. Monika Lawczws was the mayor of Munchkinland, with Jade Villeneuve as the barrister, Paul Smith as the coroner, and Audrey Martin, Molly Rowe and Emily Thibault as the city fathers. There was

also Grace Lilly as the braggart, Jessica Dassanayake, Kathryn Fitzgerald and Alison McLeod as the Lullaby League, Reiley Hodgson, Nakita Smallwood and Katie Taylor as the Lollipop Guild, Amy VanWell as the fiddler, Cameryn Hagan and Charlotte Marks as the teachers and Amber Bailey, Ashley Buckley, Grace Cowie, Isabelle Gemmill, Lauren Hutchings, Katie Lefebvre, Makennah Monette, Emma VanWell and Hanya Wyatt as the Munchkins. Sacred Heart teacher Brian Boggs was the play’s producer with teachers Sarah Jennings as artistic director, Matt Dawber as musical director and Bonnie Bowie as choreographer.

Behind the scenes there were numerous people involved in set construction, scene design and painting, costumes, makeup and hair, props, lighting, sound, projection, tickets, programme and cast photography. This musical is Sacred Heart’s entry in the annual Ottawa Citizen sponsored Cappies program which reviews high school dramatic and musical performances and concludes with a gala Cappies awards night at the National Arts Centre in June. And if Toto a.k.a. Lily does not capture the award for best fourlegged performance (if there is one), we know that something will be askew in Cappieland.

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Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

From page 26 And so just who were these almost 50 students-cum-actors who made “The Wizard of Oz” and its iconic yellow brick road, Wicked Witch of the West, the Scarecrow, the Tinman, the Lion, the Wizard of Oz and all the others come alive on the Sacred Heart stage – Alexandra Isenor was Dorothy, Greg Dougherty was Scarecrow and the farm hand Huck, Spencer Donnelly was Tinman and farm hand Hickory, Emily Pilon was the Lion as well as farm hand Zeke, Laura Thibedeau was Aunt Em and Glinda, Corey Young was Uncle Henry and a guard, Cassie Nagy was Miss Almira Gultch and the Wicket Witch of the West, and


Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


John Brummell photo

Sacred Heart High School student Alexandra John Brummell photo Isenor, playing the role of Dorothy in the John Brummell photo The scarecrow, left, played by Greg Dougherty, and Dorothy, right, played by Alexandra Cassie Nagy plays the role of the Wicked musical “The Wizard of Oz,� holds the Isenor, try to get the tinman, centre, played by Spencer Donnelly, moving in the musical Witch of the West in the musical “The dog Toto, played by Lily, as she sings in the “The Wizard of Oz� which was presented at Sacred Heart High School in Stittsville last Wizard of Oz� at Sacred Heart High School production which was staged at the school in Stittsville last week. in Stittsville last week. week.

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SPECIAL TO THE NEWS It was Goulbourn versus Goulbourn in the championship game in the girls’ juvenile division of the West End Basketball League. And so the winner and this year’s champion was obviously a Goulbourn squad. But which one? It turned out to be the so-called “junior” team coached by Rob Gibson which triumphed 48-45 over the “senior” team in the close championship final.

“It was great to be involved in such a high caliber game for a house league championship, said coach Gibson. “The game had the feel of a very competitive high school game and the girls all played well.” How did this all Goulbourn final happen. Well, there are nine teams in this recreational league, coming from Goulbourn, Nepean, Kanata, Ottawa and Almonte. The two Goulbourn teams in the league

were evenly balanced and split between grade 11 and grade 12 students. They even shared a practice time. Many of the girls played together on either the Sacred Heart Catholic High School or South Carleton High School teams. The so-called “junior” team coached

by Rob Gibson finished the regular season with only one loss and that was to the other, so-called “senior” Goulbourn team. In round robin play in the tournament leading up to the championship final, the Gibson-coached team had won all of its games.

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Your Natural Beauty Members of the Goulbourn “junior” team which won the championship final in the girls’ juvenile division of the West End Basketball League are, front row, left to right, Jessica Gibson, Meghan Farrell and Laura Walsh; and, back row, left to right, Jessica Connolly, Ashleigh Mount, Ali Cook, Lauren Agnew and coach Rob Gibson. Missing from the photo are Alex Pitson and Devon Sullivan.

Diana Gorrie is a freelance Professional Makeup Artist with extensive experience in the industry. She graduated with honours from the Professional Makeup Artistry program at Versailles Academy in Ottawa. Diana provides a personal makeup experience which will enhance your natural beauty for those memorable occasions; such as weddings, fashion shows, photo shoots, TV, etc. Cell (613)


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Photo courtesy of Karen Mount


John Brummell photo

Brad Vaughn, left, and Claire Lubun, right, foreground, battle for the ball in a floor hockey game in the sportsathon which was held at South Carleton High School in Richmond on Friday, April 15.



Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

Goulbourn squads face off in championship game

Arts and Culture

Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


‘Beauty and the Beast Jr.’ at Goulbourn Middle School

“Beauty and the Beast,” one of Disney’s classic animated films which was the first such film ever to be nominated for the Academy Award for best picture, came to life on stage at Goulbourn Middle School last week. Under the direction of teacher Barb Friesen, the efforts of about 100 students combined with the work of teachers and parents to produce a colourful, dramatic presentation of “Beauty and the Beast Jr.,” filled with lots of music. The story, of course, is well known thanks to Disney’s 1991 animated film. It tells the story of the “Beauty,” a village girl named Belle, her encounter and eventually love of the Beast, and the machinations of her handsome suitor named Gaston who eventually tries to kill the Beast. Belle’s father, Maurice, is an inventor while Belle, when entrapped in the Beast’s castle, is befriended by the Beast’s servants who have been transformed into household objects like a clock and chest of drawers. In any case, the story was portrayed at Goulbourn Middle School by a cast of about 60

students. Other students were involved as set designers, the sound and light crew and stage crew. And last week was quite a week for them all. There were not only the two evening performances for parents and the community but there was also another daytime performance for students from Goulbourn Middle School’s feeder schools in Stittsville, Richmond and Munster as well as a daytime performance for Goulbourn Middle School’s own student population. So, four performances in two days, Wednesday, April 14 and Thursday, April 15. These two days followed last minute rehearsals on both the Monday and Tuesday as well as a four hour rehearsal the preceding Saturday. Yes, it was a hectic time over these days for all those involved with “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” but it sure was worth it to anyone who saw the production. Giant painted backdrops for the stage were cleverly double sided, so that just by flipping them around, the scene was transformed from Belle’s village streetscape to the Beast’s castle, with its sweeping staircase. Both scenes, the village and the castle, featured an array

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of characters besides Belle, played by Madeline Stevens; Gaston, played by Jack Hamm; and the Beast, played by Nick Denny. In the village, characters ranged from the aristocratic lady, played by Rachel Swafford, to the baker, played by Dawson Sell, to the silly girls, played by Shyvonne Roxborough, Victoria Huynh, Tori Fawcett, Brooke Spencer, Dana Driscoll and Alyssa Taylor. Over at the castle, characters

included the lumiere, played by Julie Cameron; Mrs. Potts, played by Sarah Coogan; and the butler, played by Kim Lewis. And who could forget the feather dusters, the candles, the footmen, the castle servants, the plates, the cutlery and the goblets. And while most of the action was centred in either the village or the castle, the forest was also a thrice visited scene, with its maurading wolf pack played by

Daniel West, Akhir Alibhai and Adam Alibhai. And in the end, it all works out, with the Beast returning to normal following Belle’s profession of love for him, delivered just before the Beast’s time for redemption is to run out. Yes, love conquers all and nothing shows that better than this enchanting production of “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” which was held at Goulbourn Middle School.

John Curry photo

Gaston, the self-proclaimed dashing heart-throb, played by Jake Hamm, in Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” which was presented at Goulbourn Middle School last week is serenaded by the “Silly Girls”, played by, from left to right, Brooke Spencer, Victoria Huynh, Dana Driscoll, Shyvonne Roxborough, Alyssa Taylor and, hidden behind Gaston, Tori Fawcett.


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….The Ladies’ Auxiliary at the Stittsville branch of the Royal Canadian Legion is looking for crafters and vendors who would like to rent a table at its upcoming spring craft sale at the Legion Hall. Tables for the event on Saturday, May 14 are going for $10 each. For more information, please contact Pat Warford at 613-831-0820….….A new cross has been installed on the top of the steeple at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Stittsville. The former cross had fallen down in a wind storm last fall. The new six foot tall cross was installed last Friday afternoon. Last Sunday, after the 10:30 a.m. service at the church, Rev. Jane McCaig, accompanied by Bill Geerts, owner of Geerts Roofing of Richmond which is currently re-roof-

ing the church, went up in a hydraulic lift so that she could bless the new cross as members of the congregation watched from the ground on the cold and windy day. Rev. McCaig did not go right to the top because of the weather conditions but got the job done.

Christ Risen Lutheran Church 85 Leacock Drive | Kanata

“Lord, Remember Me!”

John Curry photo

The beautiful Belle, left, played by Madeline Stevens, shares a moment with the Beast, right, played by Nick Denny, in the production of Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” which was presented at Goulbourn Middle School.


Holy Week Schedule: Maundy Thursday 7:30PM “The Lord’s Supper”

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Good Friday Worship 10:30AM Good Friday Choral Service 3:00PM Easter Service 7:00AM and 10:30AM

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Church Directory

John Curry photo 450803



(Biblical, Evangelical, Charismatic)

Holiday Inn & Suites

Sunday Worship Services


Holy Spirit Catholic Parish

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Mass Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

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Holy Spirit Catholic Church 1489 Shea Road, Stittsville Reverend C. Ross Finlan, Pastor Parish Office: 613-836-8881 • Fax: 613-836-8806 John Curry photo

The upcoming spring concert of the Goulbourn Jubilee Singers and their associated junior choir the JJ’s is entitled “Songs from Childhood.” The concert will be happening on Saturday, May 7 starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Glen Cairn United Church at the corner of Abbeyhill Drive and Old Colony

Road in Kanata (Abbeyhill Drive runs off Eagleson Road immediately south of the Hazeldean Mall). Tickets for the concert are selling for $15 for adults and $10 for seniors and students. There is a $35 rate for families. For more information about the concert, please call 613-8386078 or check out the website at


85 Leacock Drive, Kanata

Easter Sunday Celebration - 10:00 AM (nursery & Junior Church available)


Pastor Ken Roth Chapel Ridge Free Methodist Church 5660 Flewellyn Road, Stittsville 613-831-1024 email:

Stittsville United Church 6255 Fernbank Road (corner of Main St. & Fernbank)

10:00 a.m. – Worship Service Nursery & Sunday School Available

Rev. Grant Dillenbeck

Church: 613-836-4962 email: Visit our web site:

CHRIST RISEN LUTHERAN CHURCH Worship 10:30am Sunday School 9:15am Bible Study 9:30am

(Nursery up to JK)



GOOD FRIDAY - 10:30 AM Soli Deo Gloria Ballet presenting “GLORIOUS DAY”

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Rev. Louis Natzke, Pastor Office 613-592-1546


Spring concert coming up

Office: 613-836-2606 Web: Email us at:

“Becoming Whole Through the Power of Jesus”

Playing the role of castle objects such as candles, plates, cutlery and goblets in the production “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” at Goulbourn Middle School are, from left to right, Sydney Cearns, Daniya Gulzar, Ashley Holmes, Emeline West, Rose Donoghue and Alyssa MordenHayley.

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Maurice, Belle’s father, far left, played by Rebecca Frost, talks with three servants from the Beast’s castle, from left to right, Mrs. Potts, played by Sarah Coogan; one of the Chip Twins, played by Kendall Ryan; and the other Chip Twin, played by Arianna Janssens in the production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Jr. at Goulbourn Middle School on Wednesday, April 14.

Christ Risen to Connect God's People in Love

To Place Your Religious Service Listing Here Please contact Messina Dumais 613.221.6220 DEADLINES ARE EVERY THURSDAY 4pm

Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

Stittsville buzz: craft sale, new cross


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Peacefully at Rosebridge Manor on Monday, April 11, 2011, Hubert Maurice Van Stoken, age 77. Predeceased by his wife Gail Van Stoken (nee Porter). Loving father of David Van Stoken, Debbie Liska (Greg), Donna Turnbull (Robert), Cathy Pratt (Trevor), Karen Bernhardt (Martin), Carol Van Stoken, Kevin Van Stoken (Shannon), Durwin Van Stoken (Lynn Chretien) and Mike Van Stoken (Jennifer Pretty). Cherished Grandpa of 22 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. Predeceased by 4 sisters. Visitation was held at Grant Brown Funeral Home Purcell Chapel, Centre Street, Spencerville on Thursday, April 14th from 7 to 9pm. Graveside Service was held at East Oxford Cemetery, Oxford Station on Friday, April 15th at 11am. Those who wish may make memorial donations to CHEO or East Oxford Cemetery. For condolences and on-line guest book please visit:

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Card of Thanks

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The Dowdall family extends their sincere gratitude and deepest appreciation to all of their kind friends, neighbours and relatives who have honoured Russell’s life through their presence, spoken remembrances, cards, gifts of flowers and food and memorial donations. The compassion shown to our family by Rev. Jim Kirkpatrick and the staff of Barker Funeral Home is sincerely appreciated. Your thoughtfulness continues to comfort all of us.


Absolutely Beautiful


Looking for a GOOD Used garden tractor with blade Call 613697-0496 FIREWOOD

F I R E W O O D MIXED HARDWOOD BLOCKS ready to split approximately 4 plus face cord. Delivered $200.00 613-831-2493 or 613880-9331 HORSE SUPPLIES & BOARDING

Secure Adult Building Carleton Place No Smoking No Pets $685 & up

$15,750.00 1997 Chevrolet Corvette For sale by owner Year Kilometers Body Type Transmission Colour Drivetrain Type Fuel Type Address

1997 166000 Coupe (2 door) Automatic Silver Rear-wheel drive Used Gasoline Ottawa, ON K2C 1V7

Call: 613-769-6078 HUNTING

ATTENTION HUNTERS Mossberg 535 Turkey/Deer combo. Savage 300 Win Mag c/w scope. H&R NWTF turkey 12ga and turkey chokes. Will Sell all three as package or separate. Call 613250-9832 Dustin

Seniors’ Discounts

Call 613-720-9860 or 613-823-1694


DOG SITTING, Experienced Retired Breeder providing lots of TLC. My Home. Smaller dogs only. References available. $17$20 daily. Marg 613-721-1530.

HORSE, TACK, EQUIP. CONSIGNMENT Sale, Galetta Livestock, 1/2hr West-Kanata. 10mins East Arnprior. LOST & FOUND Saturday April 23rd. Tack 10am. Equip Noon, Horses 2pm. FOUND beaded monConsign Early, Gail key charm at Centrum 613-622-1295 mall. 613-836-5127

KANATA Available Immediately 3 bedroom townhouse, 1.5 baths, 2 appliances, unfinished basement, one parking spot. $1007 per month plus utilities.

613-831-3445 613-257-8629


WELDING made fast and easy. Saturday classes, hands on experience/learn cutting techniques/ arc welding, and M.I.G., T.I.G. Course available. Certificate course, tax deductible


CONDO Ground floor. $500/month, includes heat, hydro, water and LOST & FOUND parking spot. At Hazeldean and Stittsville Mainstreet and all FOUND Gold Wed- amenities. Available ding band. Call to iden- May 1st. Call 613tify. 613--592-4481 836-2751

HUNTER SAFETY CANADIAN FIREARMS COURSE at Arnprior BUILDING LOT IN May, 27, 28, 29th. CEDAR HILL Wenda Cochran 613- Near Pakenham. Ma256-2409 ture pine, maple trees HUNTER SAFETY Ca- on a quiet dead end nadian Firearms road. $60,000. Call Course. Courses and 613-256-2014 exams held throughout the year. Free course if INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SPACE you organize a group, exams available. Wenda Cochran, 613-256- FOR LEASE. 14 Indus2409. trial Drive Almonte, ON Up to 2500 sq. ft. TWO UNITS Call: Riad PETS Akbari Tel: 613-2613999 BERNESE MOUNTAIN dog X Golden Retriever HOUSES pups, ready to go, vet FOR RENT checked. $300 Shawville 613-223-5015

WORLD CLASS DRUMMER (of Five Man Electrical Band) is now accepting students. Private lessons, limited enrollment, free consultation. Call Steve, 613831-5029. w w w. s t eve h o l l i n g



Buy & Sell in the Classifieds!



The Benefit Dance is over, the lights are out and folks have gone home. From all of this I have found true Friends that have recognized the value of our friendship and have held to it’s sacred substance. The measure of my experience in friendship has given me an overwhelming sense of gratitude as my heart has experienced the expressions of love. It is with ease and assurance; I rise to say Thank You. Two very short words that can never totally express the courage it gives me to continue on my road to recovery. To truly learn that busy people in a bustling community will often take time to support the needs of others is so assuring. Bonds that we make through work relationships come ever effective in times of need and especially at times when illness visit us. This has been an uplifting experience for me through the actions of two ladies, Theresa Carron & Heather Pierce, with whom I worked. Their resulting efforts have given me the confidence to continue, with courage, for the battles that may lie ahead. My community both near and far have supported me and I say again to each and every one; Thank You, and may God bless you for your ongoing support.

WHITE FORD EXTENDED HIGH CAP 1998-2003. Mint Condition. Asking $400 or best offer. Call 613-221-6225 or email











Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011



CLAYTON LAKE waterfront cottage. 2 bedrooms, fully equipped. Canoe included, large deck, private dock. Breathtaking view at sunset. $500. per week. Call Jay at 613256-7696. MORTGAGES & LOANS

$$MONEY$$ Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 95% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-2821169


CERTIFIED MASON 10yrs exp., Chimney Repair & Restoration, cultured stone, parging, repointing. Brick, block & stone. Small/big job specialist. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 613-250-0290. AFFORDABLE QUALITY CONTRACTING Home Renovations & Repairs: Flooring, Cabinetry, Framing, Drywall, Trim, Painting, Plumbing, Electrical, Decks, Fences, and much more. Workmanship Guaranteed: (613)862-2727 or

BASEMENT RENOVATIONS, upgrades, ceramic, laminate, wood flooring. Please contact Ric at ric@SmartRe or 613-8315555. Better Business FREE YOURSELF Bureau. Seniors disFROM DEBT, MONEY count. FOR ANY PURPOSE! DEBT CONSOLIDABUCK’S TREE TION. 1st, 2nd, and SERVICE 3rd mortgages, credit 613-204-2984 lines and loans up to 90% LTV. Self em- EARLY SPRING SPECIAL UP TO 40% ployed, mortgage or DISCOUNT tax arrears. DON’T PAY FOR 1YR PRO- Tree trimming & removal, Hedge trimming & GRAM! #10171 ONTARIO-WIDE FINAN- removal - planting. CIAL CORP. CALL 1- Senior’s discount. Fully insured. 15 years exp. 888-307-7799. www.ontario-widefinan- Ask for Dave. CARPENTRY, REPAIRS, Rec Rooms, Decks, etc. Reasonable rates, 25 SERVICES years experience. 613832-2540 GRASS CUTTING, aerating, rototilling, tree PAINTING trimming, loads to the AND ODD JOBS dump, seniors citizen Reasonable rates, rediscounts. All work liable and responsible. guaranteed. 613-859- Call Brian at 6133448 292-1894

33 CL13886

INCOME TAX CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Gets Read...Gets Remembered... Gets Results

Call 613-224-3330 to place your ad.


SERVICE 613-836-4954 Personal & Corporate. Experienced, Small Business, Farming, Day Care. Certified CRA E-Filer. US 1040 Reasonable Rates



A&M LAWN Maintenance: Spring Lawn & Garden Clean-up, Aeration, Lawn cutting. Maynard 613-2900552


FULLY LICENSED INSURED ELECTRICIAN Free estimates. 27 Years Experience. Excellent quality for repairs & installations. Honest and reliable with references. Call Glen at Johnson Technical Services 613-8848920 SEND A LOAD to the dump, cheap. Clean up clutter, garage sale leftovers or leaf and yard waste. 613-2564613



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All Regions of Florida from 2- to 8-bdrm homes. Condos, Villas, Pool Homes - we have them all!


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**WORD AD COPY TAKEN BY PHONE IS NOT GUARANTEED FOR ACCURACY. For guaranteed wording please fax your word ad or email it to us.

Adults: $10.00 • Children $5.00 (4-10yrs) 3 and under are free

Hay or Pony Rides $5.00*

Easter Egg Hunt April 22nd 23rd & 24th

Prizes & Treats Egg Hunt $12.00 includes: “Hay Ride” 3664 Carling Ave, 2km West of Moodie Dr.



ARE YOU INTERESTED in Skin Care and Beauty? We are looking for an enthusiastic “people” person to become an integral part of our team. A Collagenna Skin Rejuvenation Specialist does not require a license or certification. Full training provided. Light travel necessary. Comfortable teaching others preferred. Salary & Benefits. 613-667-3433 / PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1000 Weekly Mailing Brochures from home. 100% Legit! Income is guaranteed! No experience required. Enroll Today!


KANATA LEGION STITTSVILLE LEGION BINGO, Sundays, HALL, Main St, every 1:00pm. 70 Hines Wed, 6:45 p.m. Road. For info, 613592-5417.

KANATA-HAZELDEAN LION’S CLUB BINGO. Dick Brule Community Centre, 170 Castlefrank Road, Kanata. SAVE UP TO $800 on Every Monday, a new high efficiency 7:00pm. furnace and air conditioning bundle from Direct Energy. Call PERSONALS 1-866-917-8630 before April 30th. Terms apply HOME IMPROVEMENTS

Search from 100s of Florida’s top vacation rentals.

On your next Florida Vacation do not be satisfied with a hotel room when you can rent your own private Vacation home!

A Whole New Approach To Home Cleaning Deep Clean Every time Serving: Nepean, Kanata, Stittsville, Carp, Munster, Richmond & Carleton Place


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Are you troubled by someone’s drinking? We can help. Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups 613-860-3431

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ANOTHER LONELY SUMMER....WE HOPE NOT! Misty River Introductions can find you someone you love to spend your life with, Ontario’s Traditional Matchmaker. 613-257-3531


INCOME TAX PREPARATION 40yrs Experience. Pick-Up & Delivery available. Certified Efiler by CRA. Call Ron Beck, C.A. at 613-836-5027. Or email:






F in

As a tax specialist, I have prepared over 6500 personal tax returns, small business, partnerships, and GST filings. Cheaper than the “Big Guys”, Contact Dennis

MELVIN’S INTERIOR PAINTING Professional Work. Reasonable Rates. Honest . Clean. Free Estimates. References. 613-831-2569 Home 613-3557938 Cell. NO JOB TOO SMALL

DRYWALL-INSTALLER TAPING & REPAIRS. Framing, electrical, full custom basement renovations. Installation & stippled ceiling repairs. 25 years experience. Workmanship guaranteed. Chris, 613-8395571 or 613-7247376

Let us clean it for you! Spring clean up & weekly maintenance available Call us and reclaim your yard from the enemy.

h uc

Tax Time Again! Let me help


R. FLYNN LANDSCAPING Owner operated company. Quality work: References available. Interlocking stone(repairing or installations), Garden walls, and all your landscaping needs. 14 years experience. Free Estimates. Call 613-828-6400

SCOOPING SINCE 1996 Over10 Years and Still Scooping

Has your dog turned the yard into a minefield?

Buy & Sell in the Classifieds!

“Holy Saint Jude, Apostle and Martyr, Great in virtue and rich in miracles, Near kinsman of Jesus Christ, Faithful intercessor of all Who invoke your special patronage in time of need. To you I have recourse from the depths of my heart And humbly beg to whom God has given such great power To come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition, In return I promise to make your name known And cause you to be invoked. Saint Jude pray for me and all those who invoke your aid. Amen.” Say 3 Our Father’s, 3 Hail Mary’s, and 3 Glory Be’s after this. LS CL24234

Fulton’s Pancake House

Maple Spring Season

Open Daily: 9am - 4pm until April 25

Easter Weekend Fun all 4 days, Horse drawn sleigh rides, face painting, maple taffy: 10 am – 2 pm Easter Egg Hunt Sat & Sun 10 am – 2 pm Near Pakenham GARAGE SALES YARD SALES

2013 DUNOLLIE CR. MORGAN’S GRANT. Sat. APRIL 23RD, 8am to 1pm. Baby items, toys, household items, electronics, and much more. CAREER TRAINING


Fully Bonded & Insured with References

Dog Waste Removal Specialists







Home and Pet Sitting Services

NORM’S LAWN CARE, Serving West Carleton, Arnprior, Stittsville, Kanata for over 20 years. Grass cutting, Roto-tilling, Lawn Aeration, Hedge Trimming, Interlocking walkways and patios, Senior discounts, free estimates. 613-8321914



Relaxation and Therapeutic Massage



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Karen Parker


Registered Massage Therapy




Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


613-256-3867 HELP WANTED

HOMEWORKERS NEEDED!!! Full/Part time positions available - Will train. On-Line Data Entry, Typing Work, E-mail Reading, PC/Clerical Work, Homemailers, Assembling Products. HURRY, SPOTS GO FAST! www.CanadianJobs

SUPERKIDS TUTORS: in-home, all subjects, JOIN OUR references. 613-2824848, superkidstu- Harvesting, or field supervising team at dar Hill Berry Farm in Pakenham. This is a HELP WANTED great summer job for teens and adults. Minimum age 14. EARN EXTRA income! Call Ria at 613-256carrier contractors 2014 needed for early am newspaper home deliv- PART TIME evening ofery in Kanata and Stitts- fice Cleaner required 3 ville, 7 days/week. Ve- nights per week, hicle a must. $500- 3-4hours/night. Kana$950+/MONTH. 613- ta/Stittsville area. 613592-9786 799-7237




We have openings for the following positions: • Cashiers • Merchandise Sorters / Pricers • Recycler / Receivers • Customer Service Donation Attendants • Entry Level Supervisors and Managers

PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON AT OUR JOB FAIR Tuesday April 26th, Wednesday April 27th & Thursday 28th from 9am – 6pm at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites 45 Robertson Road., Nepean, ON *If you are unable to attend the Hiring Fair, you may e-mail your resume to or fax it to (613) 526-3435.

Are you looking for a fast-paced, creative and challenging work environment? Is working with energetic, passionate people right up your alley? Are you an individual that consistently overachieves? If so, is looking for you!

The brand, a leading Canadian online daily deal destination, offers amazing deals on restaurants, spas, fashion, activities, and events on behalf of a growing number of retailers in Canada. We deliver great offers by assembling a group of “WagJaggers” with combined purchasing power.


Earn Extra Money!

The Sales Consultant will introduce and sell’s daily deal marketing solution to local small and medium sized businesses in the Ottawa Region, while achieving aggressive revenue targets. The Sales Consultant will also service and grow accounts by managing client relationships before, during, and after the featured offers are presented on our website.

Routes Available!

If you are a highly self-motivated, energetic and results focused sales professional and want to build a career in the dynamic industry of online media, forward your resume to ottawa@ by April 21st, 2011 THE POSITION: • Identify and cold call prospects to develop new business • Negotiate and structure sales agreements • Develop and build strong relationships with clients • Respond promptly to sales enquiries, and provide thorough customer follow up • Consistently deliver against aggressive revenue targets • Generate insertion orders • Contact advertisers regarding campaign optimization, growth strategies, and opportunities • Act as an ambassador of the brand

We’re looking for Carriers to deliver our newspaper!

• • • • •

Position Available: Sales Consultant and Metroland Media Group currently have an excellent opportunity for a dedicated Sales Consultant to join our Ottawa team.


Deliver Right In Your Own Neighbourhood Papers Are Dropped Off At Your Door Great Family Activity No Collections Thursday Deliveries

ABOUT YOU: • 1-5 years experience in sales/account management with a proven history of achieving and surpassing sales targets • Experience in online or media sales preferred • Strong negotiation, presentation, and telephone skills • Experience in, and high comfort level with, cold calling to develop new business • Ability to build and develop effective relationships with clients and within the sales team • Solid organizational and time management skills • Ability to work in a fast-paced, dead-line oriented environment • Strong written and verbal communication skills • University or College Degree a definite asset • Valid Drivers License and a reliable automobile

Call Today 613.221.6247 613 .221.6247

We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted! CL23797

Or apply on-line at CL23176

Find your answer in the Classifieds – in print & online! Go to or call 1.877.298.8288

We Offer: • Competitive wages • Employment benefits • Opportunity for career growth • Friendly co-workers • In-house training, • Generous discount (30-50% off) • A business casual environment. • Flexible Schedules


06 CIVIC. Runs grea t. 34MPG 30k mile. Ca ll Jim 555.3 210

FOR OUR NEW STORE IN KANATA! Full Time and Part Time Positions Available Immediately


WORK OPPORTUNITIES Enjoy children? In Florida, New York, California, Boston, all USA. Salary, airfare, medical provided, plus more. Available: Spain, Holland, Summer Camps. Teaching in Korea-Different benefits apply. Interviews in your area. Call 1-902422-1455 or Email:



STUDENTS, $11 per hour, weekday residential cleaning tasks (excluding house cleaning) with small Kanata Company, E-mail resume to: completeclean

We’re Making a Positive Difference in the World

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Star Fleet Trucking HIRING! DRIVERS, FARMERS, RANCHERS & RETIREES needed with 3/4 Ton or 1-ton pickup trucks to deliver new travel trailers fifth wheels from US manufacturers to dealers throughout Canada. Free IRP plate for your truck and low insurance rates! Pref. commercial Lic. or 3 yrs towing exp. Top pay! Call Craig 1-877-890-4523 www.starfleettruck

LONE STAR KANATA Now Hiring, Full time experienced, servers line cooks and bussers. Apply to: 4048 Carling Avenue. Competitive Wage. Come join the great Lone Star Atmosphere.


OTTAWA’S Largest Lawn and Property Maintenance Company pays $120-$360 DAILY for outdoor Spring/Summer work. Hiring honest, competitive, and energetic individuals to fill our various 2011 positions. Apply online @ www.Spring


Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011



Network Systems Engineer/ Administrator To assist with network planning, design, implementation, administration and help desk support. University/College diploma in Computer Science with more then 4 years hands-on work experience required. Candidates must have experience with following environment; Windows 2000/2003/2008 Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, TCP/IP, Remote Desktop Services, Citrix. Implementation of Group Policy, Application Program Deployment, Data Backups, Disaster Recovery. MCSE and CCNA Certification is a plus.

preparation, preparing journal entries, completing account reconciliations, the preparation of payroll and various financial analysis. The Senior Accountant will also be involved and provide support to the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Clerks. Must have a strong understanding of the full accounting cycle and Canadian GAAP. Must have good organizational and communication skills and strong attention to detail. Working knowledge of ERP is an asset.

Fiber Optic Technician/ Assembler Responsible for manufacturing of Fiber Optic Patchcords and / or components. Senior Accountant The successful candidate will be Must have 5 years plus experience in involved in financial statement mass production environment. Interested candidates may submit their resumes to: OZ Optics 219 Westbrook Road, Ottawa, ON K0A 1L0 Attention: Human Resources or by fax to 613-831-2151 or by e-mail to For more information, visit Or drop resume off at the OZ Optics Reception Desk

Job Posting Job Title: Permanent Full-Time District Service Representative Department: Circulation Department Location: Ottawa Job Summary: This is a challenging role that requires an enthusiastic and energetic individual who is a self starter with strong communication, organizational, computer and problem solving skills. Experience is not necessary as on-the-job training will be provided for the right candidate. Position Accountabilities: • A flair for dealing with customers in a patient and understanding manner • Excellent verbal & written communication skills • Detail oriented and highly organized • Ability to handle multiple demands and prioritize tasks • Address timely concerns in a timely and professional manner. • Proficient in Microsoft Office applications including Windows, Word, Excel and PowerPoint • Valid driver’s license and ability to provide his /her transportation • Previous customer experience an asset • Bilingualism in English and French an asset Competencies, Competencies: Action oriented, Drive for Results, Composure, Customer Focus, Creativity, Learning on the Fly, Time Management • Excellent attention to detail • Ability to build and develop effective relationships within the team and with carriers • Strong communication skills • Exceptional customer service skills • Solid organizational skills and time management skills with the ability to multi-task • Ability to work in a fast-paced, dead-line oriented environment What we can offer: • We offer competitive compensation package including mileage allowance • Comprehensive benefits package • We offer rewarding opportunities for development and advancement Interested and qualified candidates should forward their resume and cover letter no later than April 29, 2011 to the attention of Janet Lucas at / Fax: 613-224-2265. No phone calls please and only those selected for an interview will be contacted. CL24279


Superintendant Couples As a couple, you will both be responsible for leasing, administration, customer service, cleaning, minor repairs, and maintenance of the interior and exterior of a residential property in Ottawa. Related experience and good communication and computer abilities are a must. A competitive salary and benefits package including on-site accommodation await you!! Please send your resumes (one from each partner) to: fax (613) 788-2758

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No phone calls, please. We thank all applicants, but only selected candidates will be contacted.

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Sales Manager

Reverse Your ad for $5

Empress Kanata Retirement Residence, KANATA This hands-on role is an exceptional opportunity for a motivated, enthusiastic leader with excellent customer service skills. A proven communicator with 2+ years of experience and a supporting track record in sales and marketing achievement, you will develop and foster partnerships within the community, as well as create and participate in activities that promote and market our retirement community. You will also be involved in preparing a marketing plan and budget. Seniors housing industry experience is an asset. Please fax or e-mail your resume, in con dence, to Marlene Gagnon, General Manager, at 613-271-0035 or To learn more, please visit

Call your classified sales reps today to place your classified ad.


Ask about our Classified Super Combos

Thank you for your interest. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places?

Respect • Empathy • Service Excellence • Performance • Education • Commitment • Trust

Cox, Merritt & Co. LLP is a locally owned and operated public accounting firm located in Kanata that has a 30+ year reputation for excellent client service and quality. As the demand for exceptional service grows, so does our need for capable employees to join our team, specifically; two (2) CA Students.

Find your answer in the Classifieds in print & online!

Key responsibilities include, but not limited to preparation of working paper files, compiling financial statements, preparation of corporate and personal tax returns and working on assurance engagements, audits and reviews as required.

PETS ADOR ABL E PUGGLE .2 old. Lookin g for a lovin years g home. Call Gina 5 55.3210

Qualifications include: • Good working knowledge of MS Office suite of products • Knowledge of TaxPrep and CaseWare would be considered an asset • Knowledge of QuickBooks and Simply Accounting considered an asset • Must have a valid drivers license and access to a vehicle • University degree required

Go to or call


If you think this is the job for you, please submit your cover letter and résumé to: Please note that only those candidates whose qualifications match the position requirements will be contacted for an interview. No phone calls will be accepted.

For a more detailed job description, please visit

To avoid losin g that precious mem ory,


OZ Optics is currently seeking to fill the following positions:





Book your recruitment ad today & receive 30 days on for only $30* Call 1-877-298-8288 *when you advertise in this newspaper

please drop by our office & pick up your submitted photo, if you ha ven’t already done so .


Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


IT’S BACK Hey Stittsville News Readers! Do you have a favourite Restaurant? What’s your favourite Fitness Centre? Where do you like to shop? Here’s your chance to give your favourite local business the spotlight!


The deadline to vote is April 26th 2011.

Vote in our 2011 Readers’ Choice contest to help us recognize favourite local businesses in your area.

Visit and click on the Readers’ Choice button at the top of the page.

Just fill in your choice for your favourite businesses.

Vote now at and be eligible automatically for one of BONUS three $100 gift certificates to a fine local area restaurant.


Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011




37 Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

John Brummell photo

Brad Spriggs, third from left, of the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville shows the iron lung that was on display at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex in Stittsville last weekend to, on the left, Mary Jo Weirweiss, far left, and Kelly Beggs, second from left, and, on the right, Alexander Weirweiss. The iron lung was used in the 1930’s to 1960 when polio was rampant in society. The Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville is joining with other Rotary Clubs in a final effort to rid the world of polio.

Funds to help vaccinate children SPECIAL TO THE NEWS The Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville raised $1,605.62 in donations collected at its display about eradicating polio from the world and featuring an iron lung at

the Goulbourn Recreation Complex last weekend. This amount means that 160,562 children will now be receiving the polio vaccine in those countries in the world where polio is still a problem.

Welcome Spring at the 35th Annual Festival of the Maples Less than 1 hour from Ottawa! FREE!

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Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


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Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011





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Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

Th e


Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


Breast Friend FUNdraiser JOHN CURRY

Want to raise money to fight breast cancer. And have fun while doing it. Well, the second annual Breast Friend FUNdraiser for Breast Cancer Action happening at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex in Stittsville on Friday, May 6 is the answer for you. This year’s FUNdraiser features a three hour dance-a-thon in which participants, after paying a nominal fee of $5 to participate, will be able to experience Zumba, the Groove and The party style classes. The dance-a-thon will go on for three hours, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. You can stay for a while or for the whole three hours. Drop in anytime from 6 p.m. onwards. Anyone age 13 and above with five dolJohn Brummell photo

GOOD SPORTS Organizers of the sportsathon which was held at South Carleton High School in Richmond on Friday, April 15 are, from left to right, Brianna Moberg, Dianne Davies and Jessica Stewart. Funds raised by the sportsathon, which ran from 2:45 p.m. through to 9:45 p.m., are going to the Ottawa Humane Society.

Easter in Munster SPECIAL TO THE NEWS On Easter Sunday at the Munster United Church in Munster,, not only will there be an Easter Sunday service at 9:30

a.m., but there is going to a special Easter breakfast in the church hall following the service. There is no charge for this Easter breakfast with everyone in the community most welcome to attend. There will be an Easter egg hunt and youngsters will get a chance to decorate pancakes.


lars is welcome to take part in this Breast Friends FUNdraiser for Breast Cancer Action. And as an added show of support, participants are being challenged to dare to wear something pink for the evening. Participants are being encouraged to collect pledges for this Breast Friends FUNdraiser. Income tax receipts can be provided for pledges over $20. All of the funds raised by this event will be going to Breast Cancer Action, a resource and support centre for breast cancer patients and survivors. For more information about this Breast Friends FUNdraiser for Breast Cancer Action on Friday, May 6 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex in Stittsville, please call the GRC at 613-831-1169 or Breast Cancer Action at 613-736-5921.

Spring clean up in Richmond SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Held to coincide with the “Capital Cleanup Weekend” being held across the city of Ottawa, “Spring clean Richmond” is aimed at both individual efforts to clean up litter and spring debris as well as a community effort to improve the appearance of the community. This effort is taking place on Friday, April 29, Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1, three days that are following on the heels of Earth Day on April 22. Clean up efforts for individuals can be

something as simple as walking around your yard and picking up any trash left over from the winter or cleaning up fallen branches. As for the communitywide initiative, it will be taking place on Saturday, April 30 at 9 a.m. when groups or individuals can drop by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church hall on McBean Street to pick up a mapped location to clean and to receive the necessary garbage and yard waste bags as well as plastic gloves to undertake such work. A free chili lunch will be held for all of the participating volunteers.


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Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011


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Stittsville News - APRIL 21, 2011

Tony Graham INFINITI‘S




2011 Infiniti EX35 Sportcross Lease for $499* @ 3.9% for 48 mnths. $5,000 Down plus $2,000 Lease Cash Applied

Selling Price $43,677* $2,000 Lease Cash

2011 Infiniti G25 Sedan Lease for $344* @ 1.9% for 36 mnths $5,000 Down plus $2,500 Lease Cash Applied

Selling Price $36,269* $2,500 Lease Cash *G25 model G4TK71 AA00 / EX35 model E6SG71 JJ00. Plus applicable taxes. First payment, lien and licensing due on delivery. Lease is based on 20,000 km’s annually with an optional buyout $17,467 G25 / $19,228 EX35 plus tax. Both examples with $5,000 trade or equivalent down payment. Visit Tony Graham Infiniti for details.

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