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NEW HOME Stittsville IDA Pharmacy relocates to new spot at Crossing Bridge Square plaza. 4
JOHN CURRY john.curry@metroland.com
In 1976, it was a start-up pick-your-own strawberry farm. In the 1980’s, it also became a tree nursery. In 1992, its focus on Halloween began. In 1993, it saw the development of its first maze. In 2003, its summertime programming began. And now, with all its attractions and programs, Saunders Farm at Munster is one of the premier AgriTourism destinations, certainly in Canada and probably in North America. Yes, it has been 35 years of change and growth for Saunders Farm. And it is this 35 years that Saunders Farm will be celebrating this coming Sunday, July 3 with a special anniversary party where the farm’s history will be front and centre. “If you ever wondered how Saunders Farm came about, this is the day,” says Mark Saunders, the Farm’s self-proclaimed Director of Fun and son of the Farm’s founders, Anne and Bill Saunders. “It’s really meant to raise awareness and celebrate our 35th year,” Mark says about the July 3rd event. See SAUNDERS, page 6
John Curry photo
Looking forward to celebrating the 35th anniversary of Saunders Farm in Munster this coming Sunday, July 3 are, from left to right, the Farm’s director of fun Mark Saunders and his parents, who started the Farm as a pick-your-own strawberry farm in 1976, Anne and Bill Saunders.
SUMMER SIDEWALK SALE JULY 14 TO JULY 24 Great deals and incredible savings at all your favorite stores!
On the corner of Hazeldean and Eagleson Road
Strawberry supper at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Stittsville. 12
Saunders Farm at Munster holding anniversary party
Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
Awards of Achievement in 11 subject areas JOHN CURRY john.curry@metroland.com
An Award of Achievement is not easy to receive. A student receiving an Award of Achievement demonstrates not only high academic achievement but also consistently gives best effort, meets timelines and responds to challenges. Recipients of these awards not only welcome new tasks but seek new opportunities for learning. In general, these award recipients display a positive attitude, actively participate in classes and willingly work with others. Awards of Achievement were presented in 11 subject areas to both grade seven and grade eight students at the intermediate academic awards assembly at Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville on Wednesday, June 22. There
were three recipients in each subject area in both grade seven and grade eight. In physical education, the grade seven Award of Achievement recipients were Hannah Blackman, Jacob Faubert and Hanna Matheson while the grade eight recipients were Chloe Brownlee, Julia Demarinis and Samuel Lowery. Recipients of Awards of Achievement for dramatic arts were grade seven students Alexander Cinq-Mars, Monicka Lawczys and Emily Mount while the grade eight recipients were Nicholas Kuzmochka, Tess McNeil and Jordana Tierney. In music, the Award of Achievement recipients for grade seven were Peter Brooks, Kyle Penny and Keenan McPhail while the grade eight students who received these awards were Cate Boucher, Mary Ella McCarville and Hanya Wyatt. Recipients of Awards of Achievement for visual arts were Andrea Banks, Ta-
mara Condie and Rachel McKenna for grade seven and Sydney Anderson, Jessica Fett and Jessie Lozanski for grade eight. In religion, the grade seven Award of Achievement recipients were Meghan Heer, Emma Pawlikowski and Daniel Plourde while the grade eight recipients were Zachary Ayers, Grace Simonds and Alesi Zito-Larose. French Award of Achievement recipients were Julia Cooke, Lily Oliver and Erin Smale for grade seven and Taylor Cavanagh, Landon Tremblay and Cristina Visoso for grade eight. In the social studies geography area, grade seven Award of Achievement recipients were Aimee Decryner, Kathleen Taylor and Gabrielle Tourigny while the grade eight recipients were Sarah D’Angelo, Rebekah Hogan and Adam Rossanese. Award of Achievement recipients for
social studies history were Catherine Copley, Yvonne Lunn and Victoria Turnbull for grade seven and McKenna Chisholm, Samantha Corcoran and Mary Scott for grade eight. English Award of Achievement recipients for grade seven were Andrea Banks, Jade Villeneuve and Trianna Waclawik while the grade eight recipients were Nicholas Kuzmochka, Morgan Perigo and Jasmine Stamos. Award of Achievement recipients for science in grade seven were Cameron Creaser, Trent Daniel and Andrea Vervoort while the grade eight recipients were Cate Boucher, Laura Duchesne and Maaike Gooderham. Recipients of Awards of Achievement in mathematics for grade seven were Callum Derby, Jordan Ingram and Charlotte Jory while the recipients for grade eight were Cole Noiles, Olivia Roy and Kathryn Wolfe.
John Curry photo
John Curry photo
John Curry photo
John Curry photo
Sacred Heart Catholic High School principal Cindy Owens, left, presents the Overall Dedication to Academic Excellence Award for grade eight to recipient Ellie Seregelyi, right, at the school’s grade seven/eight academic awards assembly.
Sacred Heart Catholic High School vice-principal Paul Gillis, left, presents the Mrs. Susan Henry Peacemaker Award for grade seven to recipient Zachary Lawrence, right, at the school’s grade seven/eight academic awards assembly.
Sacred Heart Catholic High School principal Cindy Owens, left, presents the Overall Dedication to Academic Excellence Award for grade seven to recipient Laura Walsh, right, at the school’s grade seven/eight academic awards assembly.
Sacred Heart Catholic High School vice-principal Paul Gillis, left, presents the Mrs. Susan Henry Peacemaker Award for grade eight to recipient Rachel Shavrnoch, right, at the school’s grade seven/eight academic awards assembly.
John Curry photo
Sacred Heart Catholic High School vice-principal Paul Gillis, left, presents the Most Outstanding Student Award for grade eight to recipient Nathalia Sedgewick, right, at the school’s grade seven/eight academic awards assembly.
John Curry photo John Curry photo John Curry photo Sacred Heart Catholic High School Sacred Heart Catholic High School
Sacred Heart Catholic High School principal Cindy Owens, left, presents the Principal’s Award to grade eight student Cody Browne, right, at the school’s grade seven/eight academic awards assembly.
vice-principal Paul Gillis, left, presents the Most Outstanding Student Award for grade seven to recipient Jessica Dassanayake, right, at the school’s grade seven/eight academic awards assembly.
principal Cindy Owens, left, presents the Overall Academic Improvement Award of Distinction for grade eight to student Justin Falcone, right, at the school’s grade seven/eight academic awards assembly.
John Curry photo
Sacred Heart Catholic High School principal Cindy Owens, left, presents the Citizenship Award to recipient Alex Krause, right, at the school’s grade seven/eight academic awards assembly.
John Curry photo
Sacred Heart Catholic High School viceprincipal Paul Gillis, left, presents the Student Leadership Award to grade eight student Jordana Tierney, right, at the school’s grade seven/eight academic awards assembly. 437099
A Proud Partner of Your Stittsville Community 1251 Stittsville Main St.
3 Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
Awards of Distinction recognize highest achievement at Sacred Heart
John Curry photo
Sacred Heart Catholic High School principal Cindy Owens, left, congratulates student Tara Hetherington, right, for receiving the Overall Improvement Award of Distinction for grade seven.
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They’re like an Olympic gold medal. Or a Stanley Cup ring. Or the Order of Canada. They are the recognition of the highest achievement, of being the best, of doing your best. They are the Awards of Distinction presented at the annual grade seven and eight academic awards ceremony at Sacred Heart Catholic High School at the end of every school year. And so it was on Wednesday, June 22 when all of the grade seven and eight students and their teachers, along with some parents, gathered in the performing arts theatre at the school in Stittsville to celebrate academic success and achievement through the presentation of a variety of awards but none more prestigious and honourable than the Awards of Distinction, each of which goes to just one student who best exemplifies the specific terms of the particular award. The Award of Distinction for being the most outstanding student in grade eight at Sacred Heart this year went to Nathalia Sedgewick while the Award of Distinction for most outstanding student in grade seven was presented
Shavrnoch. The Citizenship Award of Distinction, presented to a student who demonstrates respect for others, was presented to Alex Krause. This award also includes criteria covering volunteering in the community, working for self-improvement over the year, using patience in dealings with classmates and showing respect for authority and rules. The Overall Dedication to Academics Award of Distinction, which recognizes a student in grade seven and a student in grade eight who are most consistent in their pursuit of academic excellence, was presented to Laura Walsh for grade seven and to Ellie Seregelyi for grade eight. The Awards of Distinction also include inclusion in the Honour Roll with Distinction, an honour which requires an average of 90 percent or better. Seven students were inducted into the Honour Roll with Distinction, including Julia Anderson, Cate Boucher, Taylor Cavanagh, Olivia Roy, Nathalia Sedgewick, Elizabeth Seregelyi and Jordana Tierney. TH Each of these students also received a bumper sticker reading “My child is an honour student at Sacred Heart.” 59 Iber Rd. off Hazeldean Rd. As Sacred Heart principal Cindy Owens said in her remarks at the ceremony, the awards ceremony is held to recognize student success and to honour academic excellence. She said that the ceremony would help grade eight students bid farewell to their intermediate school years while welcoming their high school years, a world which will now include semesters and final exams. While high school will offer more freedom, it also brings on more responsibility, principal Owens told the students, challenging them as new grade nine students in the fall to take every opportunity possible to get involved in the school community. ( She also reminded this year’s grade seven students that they will now be100 Walter Baker Pl., Kanata www.csma.ca (Kanata Recreation Complex) come as grade eight students in the fall role models for the incoming YOU SHOULD MAKE ANY IMPORTANT grade seven students. 471026-26-11
to Jessica Dassanayake. These most outstanding student awards are presented to the one student in grade seven and one student in grade eight who display the most success in achievement, improvement, dedication and/or leadership. The Principal’s Award is presented annually to the grade eight student who has demonstrated patience and persistence in overcoming adversity in pursuing personal and/or academic success, is self motivated, has displayed independent thought, has been a role model and has been the embodiment of the school’s motto “Wisdom, Faith, Purpose.” This year’s recipient of the Principal’s Award was Cody Browne. The Overall Improvement Award of Distinction is presented to a grade seven student and to a grade eight student who has demonstrated the most improvement over the school year. This improvement may include work ethic, study skills and/or attitude toward school work. Tara Hetherington was this year’s grade seven recipient of this award while the grade eight recipient was Justin Falcone. The Director of Education’s Award is presented annually to a grade eight student who has exemplified all or most of the Gospel Values as outlined in the Ottawa Catholic School Board’s motto “Believing, Discovering, Achieving.” This year’s recipient was Rachel Shavrnoch. The Student Leadership Award of Distinction is presented annually to the grade eight student who has shown the greatest ability to organize and to represent and to lead their peers towards positive goals. Recipient of this award this year was Jordana Tierney. The Mrs. Susan Henry Peacemaker Award, named after a former viceprincipal at the school, goes to one student in grade seven and one student in grade eight who have shown a commitment to making Sacred Heart an inclusive and safe learning environment. The award for grade seven this year went to Zachary Lawrence while the recipient for grade eight was Rachel
Vac Shack
New look for Stittsville IDA Pharmacy
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The Stittsville IDA Pharmacy has a new look to go with its new location. Relocated to new premises in the same Crossing Bridge Square plaza where it has been, the Stittsville IDA Pharmacy is changed, starting right at its very entrance. You now enter through electronic sliding doors – what a pleasure not only for seniors and those with mobility issues but also for any customer. The doors just slide open as you approach and in you go. And it’s the same leaving the store. No more pushing open a heavy door – these doors slide open on your approach. And so much more handicapped accessible. But sliding entrance doors are just the start of this adventure into this newly relocated Stittsville IDA Pharmacy. You enter into the centre of the store, with aisles radiating off like the spokes of a wheel. On the right, there is a direct aisle leading to the pharmacy. On the left, there is another di-
rect route leading to the popular full service Canada Post outlet. But there is so much more. On the far right, there is an expanded seniors health check area, along with a diabetic checking area. The Stittsville IDA Pharmacy offers a free Medscheck program available to anyone with an OHIP card who is taking three or more medications daily for health conditions. A Diabetic Medscheck program is also available for anyone taking one or more diabetic medications. There is a private area for pharmacy consultations as well as a diabetic resource centre that caters to the needs of diabetics including training for using meters and counseling. The pharmacy where prescriptions are filled has a new, different look, with designated drop off and pick up areas, as well as a cozy sitting area for waiting. Access to the dispensary itself is restricted, with security locks preventing public access. The IDA Pharmacy has been robbed in the past and these security measures are to help eliminate such incidents.
Something added at these new premises is a compounding room where IDA staff is going to be able to make custom-made drugs and creams. There is a sterilization unit in the room as well, with all of the activity visible through a window. Another new feature now at the Stittsville IDA Pharmacy is a computer that will do an analysis of a person’s skin and come up with a recommended custom cream for that particular skin. The cream can then be made in the compounding room. Even though the IDA Pharmacy’s new premises are 1400 square feet smaller than the former premises (5100 square feet compared to 6500 square feet), the configuration is such that the same number of products and items are on the shelves. The better living department carries all of the home health care needs and also offers walkers and wheelchairs, both on a rental basis as well as for purchase. Cosmetics, beauty products and fragrances and Hallmark greeting cards are all in the store. See STITTSVILLE, page 7
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Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
Among the staff at Stittsville IDA Pharmacy who participated in the grand opening ceremony in the Pharmacy’s new premises at Crossing Bridge Square plaza in Stittsville on Wednesday, June 22 are, from left to right, Angela Walsh, Jacqueline Roberts, Carole Herbert (partially hidden), Lynne Trickett, co-owner Aziz Dhalla (behind Lynne), Sue Barkley, Sheryl Fishenden, Heather Gordon, Lauraine Filoso, Vicki Laird, coowner Esmail Merani, Christina Ramirez, Judy Garrett and Lynn McNeil.
Happy Canada Day! John Curry photo
Norman W. Sterling, Q.C., M.P.P. 240 Michael Cowpland Dr. Suite 100. Kanata, Ontario K2M 1P6 Tel. 613-599-3000 | Fax 613-599-8183 norm.sterlingco@pc.ola.org
Stittsville IDA Pharmacy owners Esmail Merani, left, and Aziz Dhalla, second from left, cut a cake together marking the grand opening of the Pharmacy in its new premises at the Crossing Bridge Square plaza in Stittsville on Wednesday, June 22, as they are joined for the event by Natalie Wilde, regional director, operations for Eastern Ontario and Atlantic Canada for Drug Trading Company Limited, and, at the far right, by Jim Bell, retail operations manager for Drug Trading Company Limited.
Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011 478392
Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
Saunders Farm at Munster marking 35th anniversary From page 1 Members of the Saunders family will be giving guided wagon and walking tours throughout the day, tours telling the history of the Farm and how it has evolved over the past 35 years to become the family friend farm full of excitement, adventure and fun that it is today. The tours will explain how the Farm got started and how it progressed to where it is today. There will be scavenger hunts through which participants will be able to learn about the various log buildings on the property and how they came to be. In addition, there will be strawberry shortcake birthday cake distributed, a throwback to the days when Saunders Farm was a pick-your-own strawberry farm. Although the Farm has not grown strawberries for the past seven years or so, it is most appropriate to celebrate its 35th anniversary by enjoying the berries that dominated its early years. These 35th anniversary tours and special events will go on throughout the day this coming Sunday, July 3, with the Farm open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. All of the other attractions at the Farm will be open and available throughout the day as well. This will include this year’s three new attractions – the gem mine, the pedal carts and the jumping pillows. The gem mine, where youngsters can pan for precious gems at the new Saunders Mining Company sluice, has proven to be a “huge, huge hit” so far this year, Mark Saunders says. But it has been the jumping pillows that have been the most successful of this year’s new attractions. People have never seen anything like it, Mark says in explaining why the jumping pillows are attracting so much interest. This will not be the only occasion on which Saunders Farm will be celebrating its 35th anniversary year this year. There will be ongoing reminders throughout the summer and just before Halloween, there will be a gala event held at the Farm to mark the 35th anniversary. Various dignitaries such as the mayor will be invited to this gala. What is now Saunders Farm in Munster was an abandoned 100 acre farm in 1976 when the Saunders family purchased the rundown vacant property and began its transformation into what is now one of Canada’s top Agri-Tourism destination sites. It now features over 30 attractions spread out among plenty of green spaces. In 1976, Saunders Farm began as a pickyour-own strawberry operation, eventually growing to have as many as 25 acres of berries available to pick-your-own customers. Having such acerage, all dedicated to a pick-your-own operation, was extraordinary at the time and would still be today since most strawberry farms now sell berries at the roadside rather than emphasize pick-your-own scenarios. In the 1980’s, Saunders Farm branches out, developing a tree nursery for both landscape trees and Christmas trees. It was in 1992 that Saunders Farm began its Halloween program. Indeed, this fall will mark the 20th anniversary
of Haunting Season at Saunders Farm. Now drawing thousands each October, Haunting Season proved popular right from the start, when the Saunders family transformed the barnyard of their farm, which had been known for strawberries and trees up to that time, into a spookhaven for the whole month of October. It started with both a children’s haunted log barn and an adults’ haunted log barn for the more adventurous, with high school drama students as the costumed witch guides. There was a haunted walk down a pathway lined with tombstones and Halloween characters and a wagon hayride. Saunders Farm would get into growing pumpkins as well and selling them at the Farm. This was a departure from what had been the traditional access to pumpkins with families purchasing them at local grocery stores. In 1993, the Saunders family decided to turn their tree farm into something more and added the first of what would become the world’s largest collection of hedge mazes. Indeed, there are now 11 mazes on the property. A summer program was added at Saunders Farm in 2003, a program which now includes a host of attractions and activities. There are not only this year’s three new attractions (the gem mine, pedal carts and jumping pillows – but there are also a water spray pad, a maze lookout tower, Captain Aidan’s pirate ship, Farmer Bill’s barnyard tree house, wagon rides, puppet shows, fairy gardens, a 40 foot giant slide, an ice cream hut, and a variety of picnic sites with picnic tables and Adirondack chairs. Another initiative at Saunders Farm that took hold around the same time was the hosting of corporate and private group events. Over this same time frame, Saunders Farm had hosted a wedding or two each summer but beginning last year more emphasis was placed on this and this summer Saunders Farm is hosting 15 weddings. On the other end of the scale, Saunders Farm continues to host a bevy of children’s birthday parties. When the Saunders family got into the entertainment side of things with its Haunting Season in the early 1990’s, Saunders Farm was at the forefront of what has now become the Agri-Tourism business. The Saunders family travelled to many conferences dealing with AgriTourism and over the years have talked to thousands of fellow visitor-oriented farm operators as Saunders Farm has become one of the industry leaders, now welcoming thousands of families each year. But, as Mark Saunders points out, a lot of hard work has gone into the development of Saunders Farm over the past 35 years. That’s why this Sunday’s anniversary is so poignant and such a milestone for the Saunders family. Saunders Farm’s summer season began on Saturday, June 4 with weekend hours but as of this Thursday, June 30 and through to Monday, Sept. 5, Labour Day, Saunders Farm will be open from Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. More about Saunders Farm can be found at www.saundersfarm.com or by phoning 613-838-5440.
7 Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
Rainy day pours $4260 john.curry@metroland.com
A rainy day is usually not viewed as the best of days. But for the Royal LePage Team Realty office in Stittsville and for Chrysalis House, a shelter for women and their families experiencing abusive situations, a rainy day was great. This recent rainy day was the day for
the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation Garage Sale which the Stittsville office used as a fundraising opportunity in support of Chrysalis House, a shelter for women and their families fleeing abusive situations. Located in Kanata Chrysalis House falls under the jurisdiction of the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre (WOCRC). See DONATION, page 9
Stittsville IDA Pharmacy moves
From page 4 In the new premises, Stittsville IDA Pharmacy has expanded its staff by two persons in order to provide even better customer service. It has been found that customers, especially seniors, do not want to have to wander all around a store to find what they are looking for. More staff on hand to help is the answer to this. The full service Canada Post outlet at Stittsville IDA Pharmacy continues to be a busy spot, although the recent postal strike saw a drop in business. But with the strike now over, it will once again resume its busy role. Stittsville IDA Pharmacy also is home to an Alterna ATM machine, one of the only ones in the area. Outside the store, there are currently two handicapped parking spaces available for customers and soon this number will be increased to four.
John Curry photo
At the presentation of a giant cheque representing the $4260 donation from Royal LePage Team Realty in Stittsville to Chrysalis House, a shelter for women and their children feeling violence in the home operated by the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre (WOCRC), are, from left to right, WOCRC executive director Cathy Jordan; Chrysalis House manager Martine Dore; Royal LePage Team Realty broker Terry Longhorn; and Royal LePage Team Realty owner Mary Browne.
An opening ceremony for the new premises was held on Wednesday, June 22 at noon, with balloons decorating the store. There was a cake cutting ceremony, with owners Aziz Dhalla and Esmail Merani performing the ceremonial cake cutting, assisted by Natalie Wilde, regional director, operations for Drug Trading Company Limited, and by Jim Bell, retail operations manager for Drug Trading Company Limited which oversees the IDA label. The cake, which featured a coloured photo of the new IDA premises, was provided by Jayne Gallagher, the Lifescan/One Touch supplier for the store. Ms. Gallagher also provided an assortment of yellow, red and pink flowers which were distributed to customers as a way of showing customer appreciation on this significant official opening day. Ms. Gallagher also provided fruit and veggie plates as refreshments for customers.
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Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
A great time of year This is a time of transition for some of the young people in the community. Yes, it is the time of graduations or school leaving or farewell ceremonies. Call them what you will. It is the time when young people have completed the course of study at one level of schooling and are moving on to another. It could be moving from grade five to a grade six middle school environment; it could be moving from grade six to a junior high school setting; or it could be going from high school to university, college or the world of work. It is, for these young people, a time of change, a time of transition. But what is great about all of this is that these days, more than ever before, the young people are ready for these changes and,
in fact, are looking forward to them. They mean new surroundings, new circumstances but also exciting new challenges and opportunities. It is a time for optimism, not a time of regret or sadness. In all these transitions, though, there is much appreciation. Teachers are thanked and acknowledged for the role that they have played in the development of the students in their care. They have used their skills and their empathy to help develop in these youth the abilities and talents and skills that they will carry forward with them for the rest of their lives. Those leaving elementary school will take with them literacy, reading and math skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. Those leaving high school
will carry with them the ability to think and to work with others, a solid base on which to grow and to go on to make a difference in our world. So, it is a time for these youth to look back on what they have accomplished and how they have grown through their schooling and it is also a time for these youth to look ahead, at all of the opportunities that lie ahead, first mainly in further schooling but eventually as contributing members of society and a community. This should be a time of extreme optimism for society in general; our youth are learning and growing and are becoming well equipped to take their place as tomorrow’s leaders and contributors. It is one of the best times of the year.
Something else to blame on the cell phone It is a winding road of logic that leads to the conclusion that there would be have been no riots in Vancouver if people still smoked, but you are patient people and the journey is an interesting one. Begin with a series of observations. At the gym, a man gets dressed after his workout, steps out into the lobby and takes out his cellphone. Coming out of a concert, a couple pauses outside the door while both people draw cell phones out of their pockets. Sitting alone in a restaurant, a woman toys with her phone while she waits. In a car stopped at a light, a man furtively checks his phone. Now, they may all have important calls to make, important messages to read, but what they are doing looks so much like smoking it’s spooky. When people used to smoke, that’s when they did it — coming out of a place where smoking was forbidden, such as a church or concert hall, sitting in the car, waiting alone for
CHARLES GORDON someone. Now they use the phone in the same situation — as a reward, as something to pass the time, as something to disguise the fact that they have nothing to do. Perhaps people don’t check their cell phones after sex, another stereotypical cigarette moment, but these days you can never be too sure. Another classic cigarette moment that can’t be replicated with the cell phone is the act of picking up the phone. A lot of people used to light up when making a call. Picking up the phone while picking up the phone doesn’t make a lot sense, although you wouldn’t put it past some people. With this incontravertible evidence at hand, do we make the logical leap and blame the
decline of the cigarette for the rise of the cellphone? Of course. Remember the Law of Unintended Consequences? It’s obviously at work here. We got rid, for the most part, of a habit that caused death and disease, both to practitioners and innocent bystanders. We rid our indoor spaces, not to mention our clothes, of vile smells and unbreathable air. So that was all good. Our reward was the outbreak of another vice, less fatal and less smelly, but with social implications we are only now beginning to measure. Short attention spans, people seemingly talking to themselves on buses, customized ringtones interrupting plays and concerts, some very weird driving — we are familiar with all of these and the consequences are no mystery. We know far less about the consequences of everyone carrying a camera in their telephone. Thanks to the telephone camera, more people than ever before take photos. How does it affect people’s behaviour knowing that just about every person
they meet is a photographer? Well, for many people, not enough. Celebrities seem to indulge in just as many colourful activities as before, their lapses in judgment captured by amateur cellphone paparazzi. People sleep on the job, drive and text while cellphone vigilantes point and click. So the cell phone camera seems to be no deterrent to bad behaviour. The question raised by the Vancouver riots is whether the cell phone camera actually encourages that behaviour. To watch the proceedings on live TV, you would certainly think so. Thug after thug, idiot
Advertising Manager Terry Tyo terry.tyo@metroland.com • 613-221-6208 Digital & Classifieds Advertising Manager Josh Max josh.max@metroland.com • 613-221-6207 Director of Distribution Elliot Tremblay elliot.tremblay@metroland.com • 613-221-6204
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Some strange quest for immortality may have been at play here. Who knows? What we do know, or at least suspect, is that the yahoos would not have been so enthusiastic had they not had a big audience. And the audience might have gone home, making the situation much more manageable, if they hadn’t had cell phone cameras and the urge to record history. Things would have been so much better, if all they’d done was stand around and smoke.
Editorial Policy The Stittsville News welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at www.yourottawaregion.com. To submit a letter to the editor, please email to john.curry@metroland.com or mail to the Stittsville News, P.O. Box 610, Stittsville. ON. K2S 1A7.
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after idiot jumped in front of the cameras to set something on fire, break a window or just stand on a burning car and yell.
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Editor: I’m not usually one to react strong but Charles Gordon’s column “Yet another good reason to head for the lake” in the June 23rd issue of the Stittsville News really offended me. It’s not the fact that the author is not enamored with the royal couple. While I watched the wedding and would like to see them if it weren’t for the crowds, I know it’s not for everyone. It’s not that the author thinks it’s more “Canadian” to go to the lake on Canada Day, although affording a cottage on the lake for young Canadian couples these days is more than a little difficult. It’s the fact that he assumes that girls who play princess aren’t persuaded to do more than become a princess. So, let me get this straight – little girls will only become contributing members of society if they display no imagination in their young years? Do we have to do away with the dress-up bin because they may pick up a crown? I’ve seen many little girls play with their doctor’s kit with a tiara on her head or teach a class of their baby dolls with a frilly dress or “clicky” shoes on their
feet. And I’ve seen many little boys these days with pirate hats on. I guess we can soon expect an onslaught of grown men whose only ambition is to pillage their way through the seven seas. Oh, and since when did becoming a hockey player become a good life goal? Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but the chance of becoming a professional hockey player is not all that much higher than the change of becoming a princess, so I’m not sure that’s all that great an alternative. Personally, I’m kind of surprised that there aren’t more aging cowboys and Indians running around because, obviously, all those baby boomer children who played those roles growing up couldn’t have aspired to more as they aged. The author doesn’t want to get caught up in “old fashioned stereotyped thinking,” but that’s exactly what he did. How can you expect girls to become more if you set your expectations so low? Sandi Moser (Engineer and former five year old pretend princess) Stittsville
From page 7 And when it was all said and done, this rainy day event raised a total of $4,260 for Chrysalis House. A giant cheque representing this donation was presented by Mary Browne, owner of the Royal LePage Team Realty office at the Jackson Trails Plaza in Stittsville, and Terry Longhorn, a broker for Royal LePage Team Realty in Stittsville, to Cathy Jordan, WOCRC executive director, and Martine Dore, manager of Chrysalis House, last Wednesday at the WOCRC offices on Castlefrank Road in Kanata. “This is absolutely amazing,” Ms. Jordan said about the donation. The previous year the Royal LePage Team Realty office in Stittsville had raised only $800 with its Garage Sale fundraiser. But this year, better signage publicizing the event and better publicity for it helped make it much more successful, even with the rainy conditions. In addition, TD Bank came on board and ran a BBQ in association with the Garage Sale, donating all of the BBQ proceeds to the Royal LePage fundraising initiative. Besides the garage sale and BBQ, there was also a raffle held which also helped with the fundraising total.
Donation to Chrysalis House
WANT A WHITER SMILE? Call for a FREE smile consult with Dr. Jack Newton Stittsville Medical Center 1339 Main Street Stittsville
What’s the Stittsville buzz? …Two former teachers at Goulbourn Middle School are among the 13 recipients of the Director’s Citation Award of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. Both Marg Graff, who taught at the school for a number of years, and Geordie Walker, who was a principal at the school, have received the award which goes to outstanding staff members of the Board…. A yoga studio will be opening in the former Showbiz Entertainment premises at the Stittsville Shopping Centre...
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9 Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
Letter to editor
Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
Bells, voices, lights, tears at year-end concert JOHN CURRY john.curry@metroland.com
Bells ringing. Angelic voices singing. Lights burning brightly. And even some tears. These were the ingredients of a yearend concert by the grade one/ two students of Ms. Victoria White’s class at Guardian Angels Catholic School in Stittsville on Thursday afternoon, June 23. About 50 parents and siblings gathering in the school library for the performance which began with the playing of handbells, featuring such songs as “Mary Had A Little Lamb,” “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,”
“Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony,” and Brahms Lullaby.” Putting the handbells away, the 20 students then sang the John Lennon song “Imagine,” a 1971 song that is now recognized as one of the greatest songs of all time. The students then sang about the light of a candle and how it can make a difference and can promote peace. For this song, each student held a lighted jar, holding it first behind the back and then producing it in front, one by one, as the song’s lyrics talked about the power of “just one candle.” The students then sang a song about making a difference in
the world, helping to make it a better place. At the conclusion of the concert, teacher Ms. White battled tears as she praised her students while noting that this was the last class that she was teaching as Guardian Angels as she is moving on after ten years at the school. She told how the class started off as 20 different people, some grade one’s and some grade two’s, and had developed into a cohesive group. “Now we’re one big important team,” she said about the class, with each student looking out the others. Calling the students “amazing,” she said that it has been
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John Curry photo
Office: 613-836-2606 Web: www.cbcstittsville.com Email us at: cbcinfo@cbcstittsville.com
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Holy Spirit Catholic Parish
Ringing their hand bells as they perform in a concert presented by Ms. Tory White’s grade one/two class at Guardian Angels Catholic School in Stittsville on Thursday, June 23 are, front row, left to right, Alysia Ermacora, Victoria Phalen and Darby McCoy; and, back row, left to right, Katie Whitworth, Brady Lapenna, Erin O’Neil and Olivia Aleck.
101 Kanata Avenue Sunday Morning: 10 am
general. Ms. White was presented with flowers and a gift from the parents. Following the concert, everyone retreated to the classroom where there were lots of goodies and treats thanks to the efforts of the parents.
John Curry photo
Holiday Inn & Suites
very special for her to end her time at Guardian Angels with such a special group of students. She thanked the parents for the way that they have supported their children both at home and at school and for their support of Catholic education in
Guardian Angels Catholic School grade one/two teacher Ms. Victoria White, right, talks with several of her students at the conclusion of the concert which the students presented at the school in Stittsville on Thursday, June 23. Listening to Ms. White are students, at the front, Sarah Mallek, left, and Connor Meek, right; and, back row, left to right, Olivia Aleck, Dylan Bedard and Sophie Rusch.
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John Curry photo
Performing with hand bells at a concert presented by students of Ms. Tory White’s grade one/two class at Guardian Angels Catholic School on Thursday, June 23 are, front row, left to right, Daniel Burke, Michael Rybak and Annika Ebner; and, back row, left to right, Maari Mannila, Daniel Laurenzio, Mikey Finnie and Katie Whitworth.
JOHN CURRY john.curry@metroland.com
The Stittsville District Lions Club has its leadership in place for the upcoming 2011-2012 Lions year. Bob Lewis is the new president, taking over from Ken
Jones who becomes immediate past president. Serving as first vice-president will be Beth Lewis while Don Redtman will be the second vice-president. Longtime treasurer Don Carson continues in his role while Jason Tryon will be the Club’s
secretary for the coming year. God MacIsaac will be the bulletin editor and publicity officer while Beth Lewis will be the membership director. First year directors will be Paul Riddell and Wayne Beaten while second year directors on this new executive will be Jack
Burke and Ed Meunier. Ron Armstrong will be the director in charge of the Lions Medical Centre while Howard Anderson will be the Lion tamer and Pat Peskett will be the tail twister. This new slate of officers for the coming year were formally
installed at the Lions’ installation night on Saturday, June 18, with District Governor Andrew Etherington serving as the installation officer. A past president’s plaque was presented to outgoing president Ken Jones by District Governor Andrew Etherington.
John Curry photo
Members of the newly installed executive of the Stittsville District Lions Club are, front row, seated, left to right, District Governor Andrew Etherington who served as the installing officer; second vice-president Don Redtman, first vice-president and membership director Beth Lewis and treasurer Don Carson; and, back row, standing, left to right, bulletin editor and publicity officer Gord MacIsaac; first year director Paul Riddell; second year director Jack Burke; president Bob Lewis; immediate past president Ken Jones; tail twister Pat Peskett; Lion tamer Howard Anderson; and first year director Wayne Beaten. Missing from the picture are secretary Jason Tryon, second year director Ed Meunier and Medical Centre director Ron Armstrong.
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John Curry photo
Lions District Governor Andrew Etherington, left, congratulates Stittsville District Lions Club immediate past president Ken Jones, right, on presenting him with a past president’s plaque marking the successful completion of his term as the Club’s president.
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Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
Lions put new executive in place for 2011-2012
Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
CORRECTION NOTICE Richmond’s Elizabeth Schouten In the Stittsville News of June 23, there was an error in our listing of the winner in the receives two awards at OAC Snow Plowing category. JOHN CURRY
In the category of Snow Plowing, there was no winner listed. The gold award winner was Jason’s Landscaping. Congratulations to Jason’s Landscaping who also won the Diamond Award in the landscaping category.
We regret any inconvenience caused by this error.
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Elizabeth Schouten of Richmond was a double award winner at the recent convocation awards ceremony at the Ontario Agricultural College at the University of Guelph. She received the Dawn Morris Memorial Prize which goes for academic excellence to a graduating student who has majored in Agricultural Business or Food, Agriculture and Resource Economics. Elizabeth also received the T.K. Warley Agrifood Policy Prize which she received directly from T.K. (Sandy) Warley, the retired professor and former Agricultural Economics Chair and Director after whom the award is named. The T.K. Warley Agrifood Policy Prize goes to the student who has produced the best term paper written on a public policy issue relating to the agrifood system or rural society. Elizabeth, daughter of Arnold and Elaine Schouten of Richmond, has completed her four year Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program with a major in Agricultural Economics. She grew up on the family’s dairy farm on Malakoff Road south of Richmond. She has a keen interest in agricultural communications as well as in the financing sector of the agriculture business. Her favourite part of her program at the Ontario Agri-
cultural College was the business-related courses such as accounting. Elizabeth was an active student during her years at the Ontario Agricultural College, not only with her studies as shown by the two awards which she received but also in other activities. She served as co-chair for the Ontario Agricultural College Leadership Conference which was held on campus in Jan. 2010. She has also been involved in College Royal as well as being involved in her class’ student executive. She also has been involved with Tractor Tug for Tots, a fundraiser for a children’s charity. Elizabeth also served as student chapter president for the Ontario Agricultural College’s chapter of the Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA) which is a network of agricultural marketing and business professionals with chapters across Canada. The Ontario Agricultural College sent a team of 11 undergraduate students, including Elizabeth, to represent it at the 2011 Agri-Marketing Conference in Kansas City. This is one of only two Canadian student CAMA teams. This team developed a full marketing plan for a chosen agricultural product and presented its plan in competition against other agriculture college teams from across North America at the Kansas
Ontario Agricultural College photo
Elizabeth Schouten City conference which was hosted by the National Agri-Marketing Association last April. Entering a team in this competition is considered a great learning experience and also provides the students the opportunity to network with other students as well as with agricultural industry professionals who are at the competition. The Ontario Agricultural College is a global leader in innovative life sciences education and research for the environment, agriculture, food and rural communities. Established in 1874, the College provides world class education, research and innovation to meet the needs of contemporary society.
John Brummell photo
Walter Brennan, left, gets some ice cream and strawberries served by Sylvia Morrison, right, at the community strawberry supper hosted by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Stittsville on Thursday evening, June 23.
Seven’s wild for Bren Hunter SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Seven events. Seven medals. Not bad for someone who had been flat on his back suffering from a nasty gastro bug right up before leaving for his competition. But 12 year old Bren Hunter of Stittsville pulled it off, feeling better little by little over the recent weekend event. It was not quite enough to pull in the gold medals but medaling in every event – now that’s awesome. This all happened at the World Karate Association’s Canadian championships in Brossard, Quebec over the June 17-19 weekend. Bren, who trains at the Canadian Sport Martial Arts Academy, entered seven events and brought home seven medals, all in the boys’ under 13 black belt division. Six of the medals were silver while one was
a bronze. The silver medals were in Hardstyle forms, Korean forms, Japanese/Okinawan forms, Creative Weapons, Traditional Weapons and Point Fighting (under 50 kg class). While his seventh medal was only a bronze, it came as a result of a
Bren Hunter
gutsy, come-from-behind performance in the Sunday finals. He had been in sixth place in the Musical Weapons event going into the finals but pulled off a bronze finish. Bren will now be a part of Team Canada as it takes on the world in Karlsruhe, Germany at the World Karate Association’s World Kickboxing and Karate Championships at the end of August. This will be Bren’s third appearance on the world stage. At the 2010 world championships, he earned three bronze medals. At this year’s world championships, he will be competing in all seven events. In addition, he will be teaming with Max Kelland of Gatineau in an additional special Team Synchronized Weapons event. Bren is hoping that he will be bringing home world gold to Stittsville.
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13 Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
AY D UR al Ne MON T A DAY TO S wP u a ing tients il Welcome • Mult
John Brummell photo
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BBQ goes ahead - inside SPECIAL TO THE NEWS
Don Maynard, Archive, 2011
Caroline Jean Debenny checks out the gift table at the annual year-end BBQ at Holy Spirit Catholic School in Stittsville on Wednesday, June 22.
A little rain – or the threat of it – is not enough to stop a party at Holy Spirit Catholic School in Stittsville. So, despite some afternoon showers and the threat of more, the school’s annual year-end barbeque went ahead on Wednesday evening, June 22. It just all got moved inside. So, there was the giant bounce that would have been outside in the yard had it been a sunny evening. Instead, it was set up in a corner of the school gymnasium where it drew a lineup of youngsters, ready to have fun in its friendly, bouncy confines. And speaking of the gymnasium, that’s where the music was as well. And it wasn’t chamber music, to be sure. The DJ had the volume turned up and it was loud. But that’s how the kids liked it, with a number dancing on the stage beside the DJ. It was a different story sound-wise in the school library where Little Ray’s Reptiles held forth, showing off a collection of reptiles of all sorts and kinds - like the “Bearded Dragon,” a lizard covered with spikes, albeit spikes that are all for show and not for harm. The foyer was a hive of activity, with ticket sales for an iPad raffle. There was also chances to win at a wide range of prizes laid out on a table for viewing. Ottawa Police Service community police officer Ryan Strotmann was pres-
ent, along with some of his police volunteers, telling about the police work in the community. And since this was a barbeque, there was no shortage of food – hamburgers, hot dogs, candy and even cotton candy thanks to city of Ottawa Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri. One special visitor at the barbeque was Caroline Tarrant, the current principal of Holy Family Catholic School who will become the principal of Holy Spirit Catholic School this coming September. She was given a tour of the event by current, retiring principal Margaret Skinner. The two hour event, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., was
another success again this year, carrying on the school’s tradition. So, neither rain nor snow nor inclement weather will keep Holy Spirit from its goal (or is that the motto of the post office?). Oh, well, no matter, the barbeque turned out great – perhaps no sunshine and no outdoors but lots of fun, lots of activity and lots of food. All inside, all dry and all enjoyable thanks to the smiles on everyone’s face and the cheer in everyone’s voice. The organizing committee for this year’s annual barbeque at Holy Spirit Catholic School was cochaired by Christine Pristanski and Tricia Jansen of the Holy Spirit Catholic School Parent Council.
John Brummell photo
Waiting to have a turn on the bounce which was set inside the gymnasium for the annual year-end BBQ at Holy Spirit Catholic School in Stittsville on Wednesday, June 22 are Kathleen Lecuyer, left, and Katie Oliver, right.
John Curry photo
Sacred Heart High School student Hailey Kehler looks at the poster which she designed which won first prize in the teen relationship poster contest held by the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre.
writing HELP on the sole of shoes. “Women’s rights are so important.” About six of her friends have helped spread her message by putting the message on their footwear, she said. “Hailey created a whole campaign around her poster,” said Jordan. A.Y. Jackson Secondary Student Lisa Cummings took second place for her ‘Stop and Look’ poster. “I think it’s important, you want to trust the person you’re going to be with,” said the Grade 11 student. “In raising awareness, it’s good for people to know there’s help out there for them.” Lisa won a gift certificate to Bayshore Shopping Centre for her poster. Grade11 A.Y. Jackson students Kathrine Marincak, Lizz Jackson, Nicole Madore and Cynthia Ritchie all took home honourable mentions for their poster designs. “We target the grades 7 and 8s with healthy dating so we wanted something to follow up with the high school students,” said Terry Longhorn, peer support worker at the WOCRC. “The questions they asked…they were asking very intelligent questions. It’s a stepping stone.”
Sole power can be a solution to teen dating violence. At least that’s the message in Hailey Kehler’s winning entry in a teen relationship poster contest held by the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre. The contest, called Love Shouldn’t Be a Battlefield, was created to shed light on violence in teen relationships among high school students. Students at Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville, South Carleton High School in Richmond and A.Y. Jackson Secondary School and Earl of March High School in Kanata were invited to submit entries in the contest. “The messages on the posters is so, so powerful,” said Cathy Jordan, executive director of the WOCRC. “The contest helps to spread the word that violence is not OK.” First place winner Hailey Kehler was awarded an iPod for her winning design. Her poster depicts a young man raising his hand to a girl in a dimly lit hallway. The word “help” is
written on the sole of her shoe. The poster states: “Others can’t always see the effects of dating violence on your soul. Write ‘help’ on the sole of your shoe and start a conversation about dating violence and its effects” – with help standing for Healthy Equal Loving Partners.” “A healthy relationship
is definitely a key,” said Hailey, a grade 11 student at Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville. “It doesn’t just affect the outside physically, but emotionally too.” She got the idea from the non-profit movement To Write Love on Her Arms, a group dedicated to help people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. “I felt the need to communicate,” said Hailey about
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John Brummell photo John Brummell photo
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Barry Edge is the manager of The Beer Store which has opened in new stand-alone premises at the Micheline Braund delivers some empties to the new location of The Timbermere plaza at the corner of Hazeldean Road Beer Store at the Timbermere Plaza at the corner of Hazeldean Road and Carp Road in Stittsville on Monday, June 20. Mr. and Carp Road in Stittsville on the store’s first day of operation, Edge, a Stittsville resident, has managed The Beer Monday, June 20. Store in Stittsville for the past eight years.
Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
Winning poster
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Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
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John Brummell photo
1 Eaton Street (Bells Corners)
Michael Malek, left, principal of Stittsville Public School, presents the Principal’s Award for Student Leadership to recipients Jie Lin, centre, and Bailey Agard, right, at the school’s grade five farewell ceremony on Friday morning, June 24. 470762
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SPECIAL TO THE NEWS South Carleton High School has joined the fight against cancer. A group of SCHS students under the leadership of teacher Paul Gowans, who is head of the school’s physical education department, have raised $565 for The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre (TOHCC). The funds were raised through the sale of Tshirts which the students created. These pink and yellow T-shirts read “South Carleton Athletics – SC Joins The Fight Against Cancer.” The students, along with Mr. Gowans, recently had the opportunity to see how their fundraising efforts help make a difference by touring The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre. They presented a giant cheque representing their donation to Tennille Lecours, who is the care facilitator at TOHCC, and a team of nurses. “It’s wonderful to see young people getting be-
hind such an important cause and taking an interest in helping their community,” said Heather McLean, vice-president of annual giving programs at The Ottawa Hospital Foundation. Following this successful fundraising initiative, SCHS students have committed to fundraising for the TOHCC and supporting cancer care at The Ottawa Hospital in the years ahead. The Ottawa Hospital is a multi-campus academic health sciences centre serving the residents of Ottawa and Eastern Ontario. It provides care for more patients than any other hospital in Canada and boasts specialty centres in cancer, heart, kidney and vision care as well as rehabilitation services. The Ottawa Hospital Foundation works to enable people to support quality health care at The Ottawa Hospital as well as lifesaving research at The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. South Carleton High
School in Richmond is a grade 9-12 high school of
the Ottawa Carleton District School Board that
draws students from Stittsville, Richmond, Munster,
The Ottawa Hospital Foundation photo
At a recent presentation of a giant cheque representing a donation of $565 to The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre (TOHCC) from South Carleton High School are, kneeling in front, Tennille Lecours, left, who is care facilitator at TOHCC, and SCHS student Olivia Noonan, right; and, back row, standing, left to right, TOHCC nurse Jennifer Keating, SCHS physical education department head Paul Gowans, SCHS student Paige Watson, SCHS student Tyler Roth, TOHCC nurse Brad Sammon and TOHCC nurse Teena Griffiths.
Euchre on Wednesdays SPECIAL TO THE NEWS Looking for a place to play euchre on Wednesday evenings in Richmond this summer? Well, St. John the Baptist Anglican Church is going to host four-handed Wednesday night euchres at its church hall starting on Wednesday, July 6 at 7:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Joyce Cook at 613-838-8381 or Shirley Beardsell at 613-838-4581.
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Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
SCHS students fight cancer
Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
Canada Day 2011 in Stittsville is shaping up as pretty spectacular. For senior citizens, the day begins early with the annual Canada Day Seniors Breakfast being held at the Stittsville fire hall beginning at 8 a.m. But this is only the beginning of the day’s celebrations in Stittsville. Beginning at 3 p.m.,
the Stittsville Village Association is hosting Canada Day activities and celebrations at the Sacred Heart High School grounds at the corner of Abbott Street and Shea Road. The site will not be the same as in recent years on the south side of the GRC rink since this is now a construction site for the new second ice pad being built. But the centre of activity will be shifted
spectators in Stittsville previously. There will be activities such as rides and games as well as balloon artists and clowns – something for the whole family. There
will be a Canada Day birthday cake as well as other refreshments such as snow-cones, chips and a BBQ. And, of course, the day will be capped off with a gala fireworks dis-
City of Ottawa Councillor Reports By Shad Qadri, Councillor Ward Six Stittsville City of Ottawa
June 27, 2011
Canada Day schedule changes
John Brummell photo
AT BLOCK PARTY At the ticket table for the CHEO fundraising block party at Therien Martial Arts in Stittsville last Saturday, June 25 are, from left to right, Morgan Coady, Simon Pillon, Baileigh Armstrong and Fred Pillon. This is one of a series of fundraising events being held at Therien Martial Arts this summer to raise $20,000 for CHEO.
The City of Ottawa would like to remind residents of the following schedule changes for Canada Day (Friday, July 1). Client services/Garbage and recycling: • Ottawa City Hall and all seven Client Service Centres, including the Government Service Centres will be closed on Canada Day. • The City’s 3-1-1 Contact Centre will be open for urgent matters requiring the City’s immediate attention. • There will be no curbside green bin, recycling, or garbage collection on Friday, July 1, Canada Day. Canada Day’s pick-up will take place on Saturday, July 2. Transit service: • OC Transpo will operate a Sunday schedule on Canada Day with extra service added during the day and after the fireworks, and free service after 10p.m. For more information, holiday schedules and travel planning, phone 613-741-4390 or visit octranspo.com. My ward office will be closed Friday, July 1st and Saturday July 2nd, but will resume regular hours on Monday July 4th. Please check with ottawa.ca or the facility of your choice for details on the above listed services.
Happy Canada Day Along with my staff, I would like to wish you and your family a great holiday while you celebrate Canada’s 144th Birthday. As you make new memories with your family and friends enjoy and participate in all the events taking place in and around the community. Let’s wave our flag with pride. Congratulations graduates! Congratulations to all the graduating elementary, alternative and high school classes of 2011. There are no longer limitations or barriers; the dreams you have held for so long can now become a reality. You have acquired the knowledge, the skills and the talent to maximize your goals and reach your potential. I wish you all great success as you enter an exciting new time in your life.
play at dusk that you will not want to miss. Those attending the daytime activities as well as the fireworks are reminded to bring along a lawn chair for seating.
to the Sacred Heart High School parking lot and adjacent areas along the Trans Canada Trail. At these celebrations, there will be entertainment including the Stittsville Concert Band, other bands like Stittsville’s own Degenerate Highway, singers Joel and Kyle Curry, Point of Grace dancers, Chat Wolfe stepdancers, martial arts demonstrators and the “Fire Spinners” who twirl fire in a spectacular fashion and have wowed Canada Day
Firefighter Awards Night This Saturday past, I had the pleasure of attending the Fire Services Personnel Awards and Recognition Night at the Irish Hills Golf Club. Congratulations to all the winners who are doing the City of Ottawa a great service and deserve recognition. Few realize the dedication and commitment required to be part of the fire services personnel in our rural communities so it was wonderful to see them honoured. I wish to also congratulate Chief Terry Gervais on receiving the Sector 8 Award for his dedicated service and large contribution in help-
ing to build the Goulbourn and Ottawa volunteer fire services. Terry was with the Goulbourn service from 1998 until early this year when he accepted a position with the Greater Napanee Fire and Emergency Services Department as chief. I thank you Terry for your hard work and wish you luck in your new position. I would also like to thank Chief John deHooge and Councillors Marianne Wilkinson & Allan Hubley for attending the event which involved personnel from fire stations 41, 46, 81, 82, 83 and 84. Congratulations again to everyone and keep up the great work. City chat In the continuing series of City Chats I would like to inform you of the next scheduled event. This will take place at M. Trustee Curry Park, Hartsmere Drive on Saturday July 9th from 10am until 12pm. Please feel free to come by and chat about community issues over a cup of complimentary coffee and snacks. Joining me at the chat will be Christine Hartig from City By-Law Services. I look forward to seeing you there. City of Ottawa Introduces Mobile Streaming of City Council and Standing Committee Meetings In an effort to increase residents’ access to City Council and Standing Committee Meetings, the City of Ottawa will now be providing live streaming of meetings to mobile devices. To ensure its effectiveness and ease of use, Information Technology Services conducted testing on the current versions of Blackberry, Android Phone, and the Apple iPad. This enhancement is part of the City’s ongoing initiatives to improve accessibility, transparency and overall citizen engagement. Residents can access the live streaming on their mobile devices by visiting Ottawa.ca and scrolling to the link at the bottom of the Committee/Council streaming webpage: http://www.ottawa.ca/city_hall/webcast/committee/index_en.html. Always listening and acting on your concerns As your Councillor, I always welcome your keen input and ideas on how we can sustain and improve Stittsville. Please contact our office anytime by phone at 613-580-2476 or by e-mail at Shad. Qadri@ottawa.ca. My ward office is located in the Goulbourn Recreation Complex, located at 1500 Shea Road. The hours of operation are Mondays 9-2pm, Wednesdays 3-8pm, Fridays 9-5pm, and Saturday 9-1pm. Please do not hesitate to pay us a visit. I welcome your call or email to arrange an appointment. If you are not part of my electronic outreach list and would like to be added, please contact my office to ensure you receive pertinent information concerning our community. Further information about any of these articles can be found on my website or you can contact my office to obtain details.
Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
Canada Day 2011
Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
John Brummell photo
Steve Fleming, left, and Luc Gagne, right, are all set to enjoy a round of golf together as they sit in their golf cart ready for the beginning of the first annual Richmond Munster Minor Hockey Association tournament at the Richmond Centennial Golf Club in Richmond last Saturday afternoon, June 25.
John Brummell photo John Brummell photo
Les Kraeker of Munster, who is the Richmond Munster Minor Hockey Association (RMMHA) peewee A coach, arrives at the first annual RMMHA golf tournament at the Richmond Centennial Golf Club in Richmond last Saturday afternoon, June 25, wearing a “Goofy” hat and ears.
John Brummell photo
Getting out a club as they prepare to play in the first annual Richmond Munster Minor Hockey Association (RMMHA) golf tournament at the Richmond Centennial Golf Club in Richmond last Saturday afternoon, June 25 are John Wilson, left, who runs the RMMHA hockey clinics, and Ben St. Jean, right, who is the RMMHA head coach.
Geoff Stewart follows through after teeing off in the first annual Richmond Munster Minor Hockey Association golf tournament at the Richmond Centennial Golf Club in Richmond last Saturday, June 25 as Ross Stewart, right, background, looks on.
2120 Kinburn Side Road, RR #2 Kinburn Unique 7.61 acre setting with all brick 3 bedrm bungalow with 3200 sq. ft. of heated garage space with kitchenette & 2pc bath for hobbyist, pride of ownership evident, 3 fireplaces, 5 pce ensuite, large family rm, finished basement with spare room, recrm & full bath, circular drive, pond & foot bridge. Includes 5 appliances! Phase 3 power in garage $649,900
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Reddick/Valentine Rodney and Linda Reddick are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Laurie Reddick to Chris Valentine son of the late Frank and Helen Valentine. The wedding will take place on August 6, 2011 in North Gower, Ont. Love and Best Wishes
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On Wednesday, June 22, Holy Spirit School held its annual school barbeque for its students, staff & their families. A great time was had by all. The Holy Spirit School Barbeque Committee would like to thank the following people, businesses & organizations. Your generous support was a key factor in the success of the barbeque. A community is strengthened when its members work together.
Akin Family Art Mad Bernier Family Broadway Bar & Grill Brown’s Your Independent Grocers Carmel Scott Canadian Tire Casual Elegance D’Amico Family Dragon’s Lair Beads Greg Campbell Goulbourn Recreation Complex Hache Family Joanne Hawdur (Pampered Chef) Hillary Cleaners Holy Spirit School Council IDA Local Heroes M&M Meats Marianne Graham
Marsden Family Mattress Mart McDonald’s Restaurant (Stittsville) Mike Clancy (Coca-Cola Ltd.) Mike McNeely & Son Ltd. Napoli’s Cafe National Art Gallery Ottawa Police Motorcycle & K9 Units Pokoj Family Pretty Pots Rink Pro Sports Rogers Video Senators Sports & Entertainment Sculpt Stittsville Fire Department Therien Ju-Jitsu Urban Tags Walkerworks
‘We are very proud”
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Graduated ‘cum laude’ on June 14th 2011 From the combined four year ‘Bachelor of Science Nursing’ program held at Algonquin College and Ottawa University
Mom and Dad Brummell
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Wally, Charlene and Charlotte invite you to celebrate their father’s birthday on Saturday, July 9th, 2011.... the day their mother “Alice” would have turned “90”.
Miss Deborah Brummell BSCN
Weldy Johnston Celebrates.....
Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
HOUSES FOR SALE ROUND DISPLAY TABLES (6) 24 inches wide, arborite, paid $1500.00 sell for GOR$200.00 613-591- ABSOLUTELY GEOUS 4 bedroom 3856 bungalow, country 15 mins. from Ottawa. WHITE CEDAR LUM- Normally goes for BER, Decking, fencing, $425,000 in Kanata all dimensions, rough on sale for $239,000. or dressed. Timbers Call 613-794-9309 and V-joints also available. Call Tom at McCann’s Forest Prod- WATERFRONT HOME ucts 613-628-6199 or 613-633-3911
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HUNTER SAFETY Canadian Firearms Course. Courses and exams held throughout the year. Free course if you organize a group, exams available. Wenda Cochran, 613-2562409.
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Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
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GARAGE SALE. 33 STIKINE DRIVE, Kanata. Saturday July 2nd from 8:00am to 1:00pm. Toys, bikes, children’s clothes, furniture, books and more. HELP WANTED
OTTAWA’S Largest Lawn and Property Maintenance Company pays $120-$360 DAILY for outdoor Spring/Summer work. Hiring honest, competitive, and energetic individuals to fill our various 2011 positions. Apply online @ www.Spring MastersJobs.com KANATA BRIDLEWOOD OPTOMETRIC CENTRE PART TIME and FULL TIME HELP required in a busy optometric clinic in South Kanata. We are looking for energetic team players with strong interpersonal skills. Sales, computer experience, and the ability to multi-task are assets. Please send your resume to www.kboc.ca or drop off in person at our office.
BILINGUAL ART, MUSIC, GYM TEACHER ECE, bilingual asset, not required. Full-time administrative assistant Submit resume by ePART TIME COOK mail by Friday, July 8th Stittsville Retirement education Community is looking job@gmail.com for a responsible Part EARN EXTRA income! Time Cook to join their carrier contractors team. Send your reneeded for early am sume to neil.matte@ newspaper home deliv- reveraliving.com or fax ery in Kanata and Stitts- 613-836-1903 ville, 7 days/week. Vehicle a must. $500PART-TIME $950+/MONTH. 613- RECRUITMENT FAIR 592-9786 The Ottawa Senators Hockey Club and Scotiabank Place want EARN UP TO your help in creating $28.00/HOUR Undercover Shoppers raving fans for life! needed to judge retail We are a welcoming and dining establish- workplace and look ments. Experience Not forward to strengthenRequired. If You Can ing our team with you Shop-You are Quali- for the up-coming seafied! www.MyShopper- son. WHEN: Thursday, July 14, 5 - 7 pm Jobs.com Friday, July 15, 10 NEEDED NOW-AZ am - 1 pm and 4 - 6 DRIVERS & OWNER pm OPS-. Great career op- Saturday, July 16, 10 portunities. We’re seek- am - noon WHERE: Place, ing professional, safety- Scotiabank minded Drivers and Gate 2 (VIP Entrance), Coliseum Rooms. Owner Operators. Cross-Border and Intra- Please bring several Canada positions copies of your resume available. Call Cela- and 3 work-related refdon Canada, Kitchen- erences. er. 1-800-332-0518 For more information, visit: www.celado ottawasenators.com ncanada.com
KANATA-HAZELDEAN LION’S CLUB BINGO. Dick Brule Community Centre, 170 Castlefrank Road, Kanata. Every Monday, 7:00pm. STITTSVILLE LEGION HALL, Main St, every Wed, 6:45 p.m. COMING EVENTS
Position Available: Multimedia Sales Specialist
Job Posting
Summary The Multimedia Sales Specialist works as a key member of the Advertising team by participating and driving specific online sales and initiatives, as well as supporting customers, relative to an online product they have purchased. Their goals are to manage, maximize and grow customer satisfaction levels, while focusing on fulfilling the needs of advertisers, through alignment with Metroland Media services.
Position Title: Regional Human Resources Manager- 12 month contract (Maternity Leave) Department: Human Resources Location: Metroland – Ottawa Area: (Arnprior, Carleton Place, Kemptville, Nepean, Perth, Renfrew, & Smiths Falls) Metroland Media currently has an opening for a Regional Human Resources Manager supporting the Ottawa region. Reporting to the Director, Human Resources, the incumbent will be responsible for providing expert Human Resources consultation to the Region ensuring all Human Resources needs are successfully met. Consulting with the regional businesses, the primary responsibility of this role is to provide guidance and consulting to ensure that business practices are promoted and supported by HR practices.
Responsibilities Responsibilities for this role are heavily focused on sales activities for Metroland Digital properties, with the embedded understanding of customer relationship management and service. 1. Outbound sales acquisition activity to local businesses promoting digital products. 2. Plan and prioritize personal sales activities and customer/prospect contact towards achieving agreed business aims, including costs and sales - especially managing personal time and productivity. 3. Plan and manage personal business portfolio according to an agreed market development strategy. 4. Manage product/service mix, pricing and margins according to agreed aims. 5. Maintain and develop existing and new customers through appropriate propositions and ethical sales methods. 6. Use customer and prospect contact activities tools and systems, and update accordingly. 7. Plan/carry out/support local marketing activities to agreed budgets and timescales, and integrate personal sales efforts with other organized marketing activities, e.g., product launches, promotions, advertising, exhibitions and telemarketing. 8. Respond to and follow up sales enquiries using appropriate methods. 9. Monitor and report on market and competitor activities and provide relevant reports and information. 10. Communicate, liaise, and negotiate internally and externally using appropriate methods to facilitate the development of profitable business and sustainable relationships. 11. Attend and present at external customer meetings and internal meetings with other company functions necessary to perform duties and aid business development. 12. Attend training and develop relevant knowledge, techniques and skills. 13. Adhere to health and safety policy, and other requirements relating to care of equipment.
Key Responsibilities: • Promote the business strategy & vision by acting as a business partner to assist in the implementation of key initiatives •
Employee Engagement - further develop a learning culture through effective succession planning, objective setting, performance development, talent review & development planning as well as one-on-one coaching
Employee Relations – Coach Managers & employees through effective listening, counseling, being supportive & making appropriate recommendations in accordance with company policies, government legislation & the requirements of the business unit.
Labour relations – provide guidance and support to the management team on collective agreement interpretation & administration. Lead the grievance & arbitration process & assist in collective bargaining. Maintain a strong labour relations climate.
Ensure legal compliance is met with respect to all relevant employment and contractual legislation.
Facilitate learning & development by organizing and/or conducting training sessions and workshops.
Promote excellence within the HR function with respect to performance management, compensation planning, benefits administration, health & safety and WSIB, STD/LTD claims management.
Manage the recruitment & selection and on-boarding process to ensure the recruitment of top talent in a timely, cost-effect manner.
Participate in Corporate HR Initiatives and projects as assigned.
Requirements Qualified candidates should possess:
Skills & Experience: •
University degree or equivalent education in Human Resources
CHRP designation or working towards
Minimum 3-5 years management experience
Previous labour relations experience
Proven leadership and strategic thinking
Demonstrated track record of innovation and continuous
Strong communication skills both written and verbal
Strong Interpersonal skills
Strong project and time management skills;
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Managerial courage & political savvy
Saturday July 16, 2011 in Crosby (Portland) Ontario. Potluck For Information call Glen - 613-272-2525 after 7pm or email b.g.lawson@sympatico.ca
Results-oriented with the ability to think and learn on the fly.
• Proven track record of achieving and exceeding measurable goals • Outbound B2B calling experience • Experience in managing a portfolio of clients • The ability to function in a deadline driven environment • Demonstrated superior customer relationship skills • Good communication skills, both verbal and written • The ability to work efficiently independently or as a part of a team • Excellent organizational skills, along with a high level of attention to detail and the ability to multi-task • Working and functional knowledge of the MS Windows and Office suites, as well as functional and navigational knowledge of the Internet
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ngour@metroland.com Job Category: Human Resources
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Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
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Taylor Quarrington now Sacred Heart graduate
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She skis. She has played basketball. She has ridden horses. She has been on the track team. And she is now a graduate of Sacred Heart Catholic High School. And that’s not all. Nineteen year old Taylor Quarrington has helped out every morning in the school’s high needs room as she loves working with people and will probably end up working with children in some form. She has graduated this week, something that she has been looking forward to for a long time. And she has done all of this and more while in a wheelchair since she was born with spina bifida, a developmental disorder of the spinal cord that has left her with no feeling from the waist down since infancy. But this has not stopped her from being active and doing things. At school, she received support from an educational assistant, helping her keep organized and on top of things. Ever since her youngest days, she has wanted to function as normally as possible in life. She realizes that many times she has to do things a little differently from an able-bodied person but this does not prevent her from doing it. Taylor admits that she is quite strong physically due to the exercise that she receives maneuvering her wheelchair around. She takes an OC Transpo bus to her co-op placement and does use ParaTranspo on occasion. She loves skiing and each week takes part in an eight week downhill skiing program offered by the Canadian Association for Disabled Skiing. She started out skiing on a device with two skis but has now progressed so that she zips down the hill on a one ski apparatus. She does it just for the fun, with no competitive motivation. Taylor has led an active life.
She used to play wheelchair basketball and e n j o y e d horseback riding when she was younger. Until recently, she was a regular at the Taylor Quarrington M e r r y wo o d Camp at Perth which offers activities for those with physical disabilities. She particularly loved kayaking there. She also has participated in track events, setting a record in the 800 metre wheelchair race. “I am a Senators fan,” she says about the NHL Ottawa Senators, admitting that she likes watching hockey. She is also a fan of the Paralymics which she feels shows that people with physical disabilities are no different than anyone else and given the opportunity, they can excel in sports. Taylor has a great outlook on life. “Just cherish every moment and the people who are in your life,” she says, adding that people should never be afraid to show their love for the people who are really important in their lives. Just enjoy life and enjoy the people who are in your life, she adds. She notes that people who really care about you will accept you, no matter what. Taylor, who attended Holy Spirit Catholic School before going on to Sacred Heart for grade seven and her high school years, has loved being at Sacred Heart where she finds that everyone – staff and fellow students – are very understanding and helpful. She family and friends are very important to her and very supportive of her. She loves talking on the phone to her friends and she and her 15 year old sister Alexa, a grade ten student at Sacred Heart, are close and talk together a lot.
Math bee at Sacred Heart
Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
You may have heard of a spelling bee. Well, there is also a math bee that is held each year at Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville. It tests not only a student’s mathematics ability but also a student’s ability to think and compute in the mind. Because, you see, competitors in the math bee have to come up with the answers doing it all in their minds – there is no paper and pencil, no
electronic device, no calculator allowed. Everything is done in the calculator of the mind. In the competition, students have to think quickly in answering a variety of math questions. Cate Boucher is one student who knows how it works. She not only won last year’s grade seven math bee competition but returned this year to win the grade eight math bee. Winner of the grade seven math bee this year was Daniel Plourde.
31 Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011
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For a limited time, become a ClubLink member at EAGLE CREEK GOLF CLUB for less than $70* per month! Enjoy reciprocal access to more than 50 outstanding ClubLink championship courses, plus additional unique beneďŹ ts not available anywhere else at any price. Speak to a membership consultant for details. Call 1-800-787-0617, email membershipsales@clublink.ca or visit www.clublink.ca for more information. *Based on membership fee pricing of $8,250 ďŹ nanced over 120 months interest free. Cost per month does not include annual dues or food and beverage minimum.
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*Excludes appliances, electronics and clearance items. See store for details
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June 17 July 3, 2011
Where GE Appliances Come to Life
Pedestals sold separately
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BUILT-IN TALL TUB DISHWASHER • 4 level power-scrub wash system • 5 cycles/3 options • Hot Start Option Also available in black
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Pair Price
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Stittsville News - JUNE 30, 2011