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Watch for a new look at the Amberwood entrance! Royal Lepage Team Realty, Brokerage has generously sponsored our new sign, now in production! Landscaping will be completed by 11 Pine Needles, Amberwood. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, hardwood flrs, updated Stittville Horticultural Society (funded thru Brown’s modern interior, tranquil backdrop. Main floor Independent Grocer & Giant Tiger)! Thank you for making our community beautiful! laundry, att sing gar. $344,900 479563
YOUNG TALENT Stittsville youth perform at Village Squarel
The oldest community newspaper in the city of Ottawa - founded in 1957 August 18, 2011 | 44 Pages
Volume 54 Issue No. 33
Stittsville’s golden girl Wins two gold medals, not once but twice
Goulbourn Male Chorus set to begin its second season 19
COFFEE CASH Mac’s stores help out Friends of Hospice Ottawa with proceeds from the sale of coffee 23
JOHN CURRY john.curry@metroland.com
How do you follow up on winning two gold medals at the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSSA) provincial high school track and field championship? What about winning two gold medals at the recent 35th annual Royal Canadian Legion National Youth Track and Field Championship at the Terry Fox Athletic Facility in Ottawa? So it has been for Sacred Heart Catholic High School student Alexandra “Ally” Tierney of Stittsville who followed up her double gold medal winning performance at the 2011 provincial high school track and field championship in Sudbury with another double gold medal winning performance at the Legion National Youth Track and Field Championship which was held in Ottawa from Aug. 5 through Aug. 7.
And this wasn’t all. At the Legion event, she also won a silver medal and a bronze medal for her part as a member of relay race teams, bringing home a total of four medals. At the provincial high school meet, Ally won her gold medals in the 80 metre hurdles and in the 300 metre hurdles. At the Legion national meet, her gold medals came in the 80 metre hurdles and the 200 metre hurdles events. At the Legion national meet, Ally competed as a member of her local track club, the Cani Club (Constant and Never Ending Improvement), as she had met the standards for the meet. She had competed in the meet a year ago as well, placing fourth. This year her first event was the 80 metre hurdles event for girls under age 16. In her preliminary race, she posted a time of 12.16 seconds which was close to her personal best. See TWO, page 6
John Curry photo
Alexandra “Ally” Tierney of Stittsville holds the two gold medals which she won at the recent Royal Canadian Legion National Youth Track and Field Championship in Ottawa while she is wearing the silver and bronze medals which she also won.
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
New Democrats chose Liam Duff as candidate BLAIR EDWARDS blair.edwards@metroland.com
A 21-year-old university student has won the New Democratic Party (NDP) nomination for the Carleton Mississippi Mills provincial riding. Liam Duff, a third-year communication student at the University of Ottawa, won a close vote over Jim Houston, a retired Canadian Auto Worker union member, during the riding’s nomination meeting at the Mlacak Centre on Saturday, Aug. 6.
The riding is hoping to build on the success of the federal NDP party after 18 rookie candidates under the age of 30 were elected in last spring’s national election, said Morgan Goddard, Liam Duff president of the Carleton-Mississippi Mills provincial riding association. “Federally the electorate has shown
they’re willing to put their faith in these up-and-coming politicians,” said Goddard. “I think the time was right for Liam. “A lot of young MPs encouraged him.” Goddard said his riding has seen a spike in riding memberships leading up to the nomination meeting. Heading into the Oct. 6 provincial election, Duff said his priorities are education, green energy, addressing the “HST tax grab” and youth engagement. “Our strong voice in Parliament is now echoed by that of a generation of young
people who will inherit the fallout of our decisions today,” said Duff. “The wisdom of the NDP is currently aligned with the energy of the youth,” he added. Duff, a communications specialist, will use his skills in social networking, such as Twitter and Facebook, to bring his message to the electorate, said Goddard. “The New Democrat’s core beliefs have always been aligned with a strong sense of what is right for our environment and what is right for our constituents,” said Duff, a Kanata resident.
Kanata resident to run in election as independent NDP DESMOND DEVOY
Feeling betrayed by what he calls “the dominant force” of unions in the Ontario New Democratic Party, Kanata-based consultant Ray Samuels is running as an independent NDP candidate in CarletonMississippi Mills. Samuels said he is running as an alternative to the New Democrats under the banner of the ‘Progressive Alliance’. “There seems to be a certain number of seats, so to speak … reserved for the unions,” said Samuels recently in commenting on the NDP nomination process for the upcoming provincial election. “I seem to have been completely frozen out of the process. There was a favourite before I submitted my candidacy.” Samuels has been involved in numerous left-wing campaigns throughout the area, including volunteering for Alex Munter’s city council campaigns and for New Democrat MP Paul Dewar’s elec-
tion campaigns in the federal riding of Ottawa Centre, as well working for NDP candidate Trevor Hache in Ottawa-Vanier. He was drawn to the NDP by federal leader Jack Layton. “After the federal election, I decided to join the NDP formally and throw my hat into the ring, so to speak,” he said of his decision to seek the nomination in Carleton-Mississippi Mills for the Oct. 6 provincial election. “I put my candidacy in and kept waiting. It was weeks and weeks and weeks and I wasn’t hearing back form the Ontario NDP.” Meanwhile, the two other candidates saw their paperwork approved in a matter of days by party headquarters in Toronto, he claims. “I feel frustrated,” said Samuels. His official website, however, displays two pictures prominently, those of NDP founder Tommy Douglas, and Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath. When asked if this would be confusing to voters who, upon seeing Horwath’s photo,
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may believe him to be officially aligned with NDP, Samuels retorted that “there’s been no attempt by our camp to confuse the voters. We support Andrea’s political philosophy and spirit.” He added that he will have nothing against the official NDP candidate in the riding. “(But) we should have been allowed to be a competitor in the riding,” said Samuels. He hasn’t officially filed his paperwork to run as an independent candidate with Elections Ontario, but is in the process of doing so.
“I’m not interested in power, I’m interested in serving the community,” said Samuels, who lives in the KatimavikKanata Lakes area of Kanata. He intends to make the South March Highlands the centerpiece of his campaign, as well as addressing issues like health care, amalgamation, bringing together urban and rural voters, the centralization of power, which he feels alienates rural residents, and urban sprawl. The Carleton-Mississippi Mills provincial riding includes Stittsville, Richmond, Goulbourn, Kanata, West Carleton and Mississippi Mills.
Gateways concern councillor LAURA MUELLER laura.mueller@metroland.com
A city councillor’s concern about shabby-looking community gateways is finding its way into planning discussions. Stittsville Coun. Shad Qadri has held a longstanding concern about upkeep of the gateways, which can take the form of signs, pillars or arches marking the entrance to a community, especially a suburban development. The city encourages these types of features to enhance the streetscape and help give neighbourhoods an identity. However, once the neighbourhood is built, Qadri said developers are off the hook for maintaining the gateways. These gateways are then left
to be worn down by the weather, cracking, become overgrown with weeds, or vandalism. “My concern is that if we are going to approve a subdivision … I want to ensure that someone is held accountable for the maintenance,” Qadri said. When he noticed that the city wants a focus on gateway features to welcome people into distinct areas within the Wellington West area as part of the community design plan this spring, Qadri set out to ensure the city thinks ahead to when the gateways might need some fixing up. In a memo sent to the planning committee, a city planner confirmed that maintenance of gateways and public art
falls to whoever owns the property. If it sits on city property, the city must maintain it; likewise for gateways on private property. But Qadri said maintenance of gateways in suburban and rural wards often falls on the city even if it is located on private property because the developer has long since moved on from the project. Qadri said if the issue becomes ongoing or serious, he would consider asking city staff to look at agreements or requirements for developers to fund the repairs, or a “covenant” between the developer and the subsequent owner of the property to ensure the owner is responsible for the cost of repairs. 437099
A Proud Partner of Your Stittsville Community 1251 Stittsville Main St.
What a difference a day can make! On Tuesday, Aug. 9, layoffs were announced by Smart Technologies at its Kanata high tech assembly plant for
smart boards. On Wednesday, Aug. 10, a group of 18 co-workers from this plant, many of whom were affected by the layoff notices the day before, won the $7.07 million jackpot in the LOTTO 6/49 draw. Each
member of the group will receive about $400,000. One of the 18 members of the winning group is Vladmir Grubina of Stittsville. All of the others live in Kanata, Ottawa, Nepean or Carleton Place. Most have
Back to School special
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John Curry photo
Replacement sign at Village Square JOHN CURRY
A new sign now tells the story of the development of Village Square in downtown Stittsville. The previous green sign, erected when the park was officially opened in Sept. 1996, 15 years ago, had deteriorated with the weather and vandalism. Some of its stick-on letters had been removed or relocated. The new sign, which is white with black printing, was erected by Luc Therrien of Stittsville Glass and Signs last Thursday. The new sign was designed by his wife Nancy, who operates Monart which does photographic graphic design work. Mr. Therrien was able to re-use the existing two green posts for the sign, although he has repainted them and has added some metal cladding to their base to prevent further damage from maintenance whipper snippers. The new sign is a laminated print which eliminates the use of stick-on lettering. This will prevent the kind of letter vandalism which plagued the previous sign. In addition, the new sign features circular artwork at the top, showing a railway station-type building. The building bears the logo and name of the former Goulbourn township which was the municipal authority in place when Village Square was developed. This new sign also features the picture of a train which is set in the background. This train is meant to visually represent the history of this Village Square area which was the site of Stittsville’s railway station. Trains passed through Stittsville, using a railway line that is now the route of the Trans Canada Trail through the community, from 1870 to 1990. The sign, replicating the wording from the previous sign, tells the story of Vil-
lage Square and its connection with Stittsville’s railway history, being the site of the former Stittsville railway station. It tells how Village Square was developed thanks to major funding provided by Goulbourn township and Bradley’s Your Independent Grocer working in cooperation with the Goulbourn Township Historical Society. In addition, there were donations of money, labour and materials from the community which enable the project to be done. The official opening of Village Square happened on Sept. 7, 1996. The project included construction of a representative railway station building on the site of the previous station as well as development of a unique water tower play structure and a miniature train play structure. The whole area was sodded with pathways and landscaping included. The Trans Canada Trail, following the former railway line, runs right through Village Square. The new sign, like the former sign, lists all of the contributors to the project. It also lists the members of the project committee which included Goulbourn township councillor Allan Ryan as chair, Karla Narraway, Gillian Litchinsky, Shelly Sammon, Bob Struthers, Phil Sweetnam, Helene Mandy, John Curry and Moira Winch who was the Goulbourn township clerk at the time. This erection of this new sign is being paid for thanks to funding provided by city of Ottawa Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri along with several community members. The idea to replace the previous deteriorated sign first arose about a year ago, with Phil Sweetnam, one of those who was on the original project committee, taking the lead in making arrangements with Stittsville Glass and Signs for the design and erection of the new sign.
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City of Ottawa Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri, left, points out a train silhouetted in the background of the newly refurbished and designed sign acknowledging the development of Village Square at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Abbott Street in downtown Stittsville as Nancy and Luc Therrien, right, of Monart and Stittsville Glass and Signs, creators of the new sign, look on.
A fundraising event called “Delivering Dignity” will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 23 starting at 7 p.m. at the Community Bible Church on Stittsville Main Street. Admission will be ten dollars with tickets available from Candise Elhadad at 613-836-3929 or via email at celhadad@bell.net. There will also be door prizes and coffee and dessert served but the evening’s highlight will be the showing of an Emmy award winning documentary “A Walk To Beautiful,” which focuses on obstetric fistula. With this event, Candise hopes not only to raise awareness of obstetric fistula in developing countries but also to restore the health of at least one woman by turning her initial $100 from the church into at least $450, the cost for surgical repair and post operative care for one woman suffering from obstetric fistula.Everyone is invited to attend.
been working together for almost ten years. The winning ticket was purchased at a Mac’s on Moodie Drive in Nepean. The group, whose members range in age from 30 to 50, has been purchasing lottery tickets for the past five years.
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Bad luck one day, good luck the next - to tune of $7.07 million
Blood donor clinic SPECIAL TO THE NEWS
Oktoberfest Ottawa coming to Richmond fairgrounds
Canadian Blood Services will be holding a blood donor clinic on Tuesday, Aug. 23 from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the St. Philip Parish Hall t in Richmond. To book an appointment for this clinic, please call 1-888-2DONATE (1-888-236-6283).
JOHN CURRY john.curry@metroland.com
Call Catherine today for a free evaluation of your home! E US H O -4 EN Y 2 OP NDA SU
The finest finishings and immaculately clean. 2+1 bd, 3bth in adult lifestyle enclave. Hardwood throughout, granite, quartz, sun room, 9’ ceilings, main floor laundry, builder finished lower level with bdrm and full bath. Upgrades galore! $549,900
Spacious and elegant home + studio on 12.5 acres in Dunrobin Shores. 2510 sqft full of warmth and charm, 4 bd 2.5 bth. Large rooms ideal for entertaining. Huge screened/covered deck. 4 yr old studio & shop boasts 1100 sqft. $499,900
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Model home now open for viewing. Several floor plans to choose from. Customize or complete custom build by Klinger Homes. 50’ lots, walk-outs. Close to shopping, public transportation. $534,900 to $554,900 incl HST.
Newly created 12.3 acre parcel on Greenland Road, very private, very mature hardwood trees with beautiful canopy, land is dry, high and dry building envelope. Many birds and deer. Area of high-end homes. $175,000 450114
A couple of weeks after the Richmond fairgrounds hosts the annual Richmond Fair, it will be the site of another event, Oktoberfest Ottawa. Organized by the Rotary Club of Ottawa Kanata Sunrise, this year’s Oktoberfest Ottawa promises to be bigger and better than ever, with its new site at the Richmond fairgrounds and a lineup of great food, great beer and great entertainment. Oktoberfest Ottawa will be held on Friday, Sept. 30 from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 1 from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.; and Sunday, Oct. 2 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., all at the Richmond fairgrounds. Bavarian inspired food, in the tradition of Oktoberfests everywhere, will be served at Oktoberfest Ottawa, provided by Dustin and Chrystal Therrien of the popular Cheshire Cat Pub. In addition, beer will be flowing. Kichesippi Beer Company, a local Ottawa brewer, will is creating a special beer just for Oktoberfest Ottawa, called Kichesippi Festbier, a traditional German style beer. This will be a companion for the brewery’s other two beers, Kichesippi Natural Blond and Kichesippi 1855.
So, good food, great beer. Put these together with great entertainment and Oktoberfest Ottawa this year becomes a must-attend event for those who love this type of German themed celebration of fall. Entertaining at this year’s Oktoferfest at the Richmond fairgrounds will be Amos The Transparent, The Bushpilots, Graham Greer, Rocket Rached and the Fat City 8, Silver Creek, Titan Rain and Old Whiskey Road, all taking to the stage in the evening. During the day, Schteev und die Lederhosers will be providing traditional German Oktoberfest oompah music. What a way to get into the spirit of Oktoberfest! Oktoberfest Ottawa is also going to be graced by the presence of two special guests, Randy & Mr. Lahey, from the hit TV series “Trailer Park Boys.” They will be wandering around, meeting and greeting people on the grounds. And if food, beer and entertainment aren’t enough, Oktoberfest Ottawa will have some special contests and events as well. What about a sausage and pretzel eating contest? Yes, there will be one. And there will also be a Masskrugstemmen competiton – What’s that, you say? Well, a Masskrugstemmen competi-
e s u o h e r a W
tion is a Bavarian sport which translated loosely means lifting a litre mug of beer. In this competition, a one litre mug of beer is held with one arm, completely outstretched and parallel to the floor. The goal is to hold this mug in this position for as long as possible. So, you see, this Oktoberfest Ottawa event at the Richmond fairgrounds, lasting three days, promises lots of fun, live oompah music, evenings filled with the offerings of local bands, delicious Bavarian food and specially brewed beer. Already weekend pass tickets are on sale. These advance weekend passes cost only $30, allowing access for all three days of the fun and entertainment. This is a great buy because regular day passes available at the gate will cost $15 each. There will be free on-site parking. These advance tickets are available now at Kichesippi Beer Company at 866 Campbell Avenue in Ottawa. More locations will be announced soon. The Rotary Club of Ottawa Kanata Sunrise, which is organizing this Oktoberfest Ottawa, has raised over $300,000 for community and international work since its inception in 1999.
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
John Brummell photo
GERMANY, HERE WE COME! Max Kelland, left, and Bren Hunter, right, sell raffle tickets at Brown’s Your Independent Grocer in Stittsville last Saturday to raise funds for their upcoming trip to Germany to compete in the World Karate Championships.
Farm experience at Museum SPECIAL TO THE NEWS A farm experience awaits youngsters who attend the upcoming “Down on Goulbourn’s Farm� kids’ workshop at the Goulbourn Museum at Stanley’s Corners. Just what will this farm experience entail? How about putting together their own farm animals and also decorating a barn that they can take home – now that’s awesome! But there will be more to enjoy at this workshop. Youngsters will get to enjoy a pioneer recess and will be the first to play a new scavenger hunt game right on the Museum grounds.
This is all happening on Tuesday, Aug. 23 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and is designed with children aged 7 to 11 in mind. The cost will be $20 per child but all materials and light snacks are included. In addition, parents are not required to stay so that they can go off on their own for errands or other things while the workshop is happening. Space in this workshop is limited, so it is recommended to reserve a spot as soon as possible by calling 613-831-2393 or emailing education@goulbournmuseum. ca. The Goulbourn Museum is located at 2064 Huntley Road which is the extension of Stittsville Main Street south of Flewellyn Road.
Talent wanted for Villagefest SPECIAL TO THE NEWS
Villagefest 2011 in Stittsville will be held on Saturday, Sept. 10 at Village Square Park. Activities at this annual event will run from noon to 4 p.m. The entertainment will include a talent show. Anyone who wishes to participate in this talent show should contact Mrs. Evelyn Leroux at lashleroux@sympatico.ca.
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Two personal best times on way to two gold medals
City of Ottawa Councillor Reports By Shad Qadri, Councillor Ward Six Stittsville City of Ottawa
winning in a time of 28.31 seconds. Another gold medal. “That was the fastest I’ve ever ran that,” she says about this gold medal performance. Her day, though, was not done as she then ran in another relay race, this time a medley. “It was very painful,” she recalls but the team ended up placing second, good for a silver medal. But Ally was not yet finished at the meet with her two gold medals, a silver medal and a bronze medal. The next morning she participated in the long jump event. 450085
From page 1 In the final, she turned it on even more, winning in a time of 11.96 seconds, a personal best. Chalk up one gold medal. It was then off to the 4 x 100 relay where Ally ran for the Cani Club team which placed third, grabbing a bronze medal. Ally ran the second leg of the race, although she admits that it is not an event for which she had practiced much. The next day, Ally was back at her specialty, the hurdles, competing in the 200 metre hurdles event for girls under age 16. In the final, Ally ended up running a personal best by about half a second,
August 15th/2011
Councillor City Chat I would like to remind the community about my City Chats which will be continuing as of August 13th. To give you the opportunity to come out and speak with me, I am continuing to hold several “Councillor City Chats” over the next couple of weeks throughout the Stittsville community. “Councillor City Chats” take place Saturdays between 10am and noon. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday August 20th out front of the Wild Wood Steak & Chop House on Springbrook Drive. Please share this information with your neighbours as all are welcome. Hazeldean Road/Carp River Bridge Updates Two weeks ago, after supports were taken off the Carp River Bridge, it was determined that the bridge deck showed a deflection greater than expected. Bridges are expected to deflect after supports are taken off as they are designed that way, but this deflection was greater than predicted. Engineers are investigating the cause for the excessive deflection and while investigations are ongoing a temporary support has been put in place. Engineers are undertaking a very detailed assessment which includes monitoring critical bridge elements. Completing the assessment and corrective measures could take up to 5 weeks (end of September) which will impact the bridge completion schedule, however this date is open to be revised based on further developments and results of the assessment. The assessment has to be completed before we are able to determine how the additional cost will be covered, but the City should not be responsible for this additional cost. City staff is working closely with all the project team to get this issue completely understood and resolved. A recreational corridor feature, under the bridge, will also serve as a link between the two major communities of Kanata and Stittsville once opened. There will be two North- South multiuse pathways under the bridge that will provide access to recreational facilities and will be part of the future major pedestrian pathway network. Pitch in to give your city a clean sweep during the Fall Cleaning the Capital campaign Residents of all ages are invited to join the City’s annual Cleaning the Capital fall campaign, which runs from September 15 to October 15, 2011. Early bird registration starts August 15, 2011. Participating in Cleaning the Capital provides a great opportunity for high school students to add to their community involvement volunteer hours and for families and friends to work together on community cleanup projects that help make Ottawa clean, green, graffiti-free, and litter-free. Register your cleanup project between August 15 and September 14 to be eligible to win early bird prizes. Registration continues until October 15. Cleaning the Capital volunteers who submit their online Cleanup Reports by October 31 are also eligible to win one of many prizes donated by our generous sponsors. Registering participants may request a cleanup starter kit by completing the noted section of the registration form. Kits can include disposable vinyl gloves, garbage bags, leaf-and-yard waste bags, campaign posters, magnets or stickers, and safety tips to assist your cleanup project. Kits may also include graffiti removal supplies if requested. Check the collection calendar for when to put out garbage, recycling and leaf-and-yard waste resulting from fall cleanup projects. Entire communities, including schools, neighbourhood organizations and associations, businesses, families, friends and individuals take up the Cleaning the Capital challenge each year. A record 91,305 participants made Cleaning the Capital 2010 the most successful campaign to date. With your help, Cleaning the Capital can be bigger and better in 2011! For more information and to register, visit ottawa.ca/clean or call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401). Online Recreation Guides
Check out ottawa.ca/recreationguide and ottawa.ca/monguide for an impressive selection of affordable programs for all ages at convenient locations. From swimming and skating lessons to fitness, dance, martial arts, and dog training, there’s something for everyone. Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services’ Fall-Winter 2011-12 Recreation Guide and Mon guide francophone des loisirs are now online – more convenient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly – saving an estimated 600 trees each year! Online and touch-tone telephone (613-580-2588) registration for Swimming and Aqua Fitness Programs opens on Monday, August 8th at 10 p.m., and for all other Recreation and Culture Programs on Wednesday, August 10th at 10 p.m. In-person registration for Swimming and Aqua Fitness Programs opens on Tuesday, August 9th during regular business hours, and for all other Recreation and Culture Programs on Thursday, August 11th during regular business hours. Planning ahead and having your Family Personal Identification Number (PIN) and Client Barcode ready makes the registration experience easier. Forget your numbers? If Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services has your e-mail address, we can e-mail your account details to you through our new online PIN & Barcode Lookup Tool. Don’t have a Family PIN and Client Barcode? Visit your local recreation or culture facility, Client Service Centre, or call the Touch Tone Telephone registration system at 613-580-2588 (Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.). To register without a credit card, visit any of the City’s recreation or culture facilities prior to registration opening to put a credit on your account. Language Line The City Of Ottawa has partnered with Language Line Services to incorporate a new and more accessible telephone service at 3-1-1 and at City Hall. A caller can telephone these locations and be connected to a three-way call which includes a translator. Language Line offers translation in approximately 170 varying languages and can better facilitate a caller’s concern in their mother tongue. The service has already been set up and training is currently ongoing to better educate 3-1-1 and City Hall staff on the proper procedures. Feel free to make your call today! Like to sing? The Goulbourn Jubilee Singers are looking for new singers for both of their choirs. As they begin their 35th year of making beautiful music, they welcome all adults, and children ages 8-14. Adults start on Wednesday, September 7th, 7:30pm, children on September 14th, 6:00pm. Stittsville United Church, 6255 Fernbank Road. For Further information please contact www.gjsingers.com or 613-825-3357. Always listening and acting on your concerns As your Councillor, I always welcome your keen input and ideas on how we can sustain and improve Stittsville. Please contact our office anytime by phone at 613-5802476 or by e-mail at Shad.Qadri@ottawa.ca. My ward office is situated in the Goulbourn Recreation Complex, located at 1500 Shea Road. Please note the summer hours of operation are Mondays 9-1pm, Wednesdays 3-7pm, Fridays 9-4pm, and Saturday 9am12pm. Please do not hesitate to pay us a visit. I welcome your call or email to arrange an appointment. If you are not part of my electronic outreach list and would like to be added, please contact my office to ensure you receive pertinent information concerning our community. Further information about any of these articles can be found on my website or you can contact my office to obtain details.
She had qualified for the event so that she decided to take part, even though she had not been doing much long jumping recently. However, she admits to liking the event as she finds it less stressful than her hurdles and running events. She did not come near medaling in this event, with the winning jump being well in excess of even her personal best in the event. But she was happy with her participation. “It was just for fun,” she says and that’s what it produced – a fun time. Now, with her national and provincial high school medals, Ally has ended her track season. “I ended my season after that meet,” she says, explaining that after a lengthy period of training, she has to give her body a respite and time to recover. In the fall, she will resume strength and cardio training before returning to her specific track training in the winter. She is still, though, active athletically. She is playing house league soccer with a Munster/Richmond team, something that she really enjoys. And this fall she expects to compete in high school cross country running. Ally is glad that she competed in the Legion National Youth Track and Field Championships this year. “I believe it was helpful because of the experience it brought,” she says, adding that it exposed her to the exploits of other athletes and the high level of competition that exists, making her realize that she will have to work hard to keep up. Despite only being in grade ten this coming school year, Ally is looking forward to competing at a senior level in high school track and field, as this will allow her to run the 100 metres hurdles rather than the 80 metres distance. This is the distance that is run at the World Youth Track and Field event which is held every two years. Ally wants to get an early start on running the 100 metres distance to improve her chances at competing at the next World Youth event in two years time. “It’s sort of a long term goal,” she says. Ally is working on maintaining an aggressive attitude when she runs the hurdles. She and her coach have talked about
maintaining this aggressive attitude in all of her racing, attacking the hurdles as she runs. She has a tendency at times to back off at times and thus not be as consistent as she would like to be. At the provincial high school meet, she got herself hyped up by simply yelling at herself, thus waking up her body for the race. At the Legion meet, she did not do any yelling. Rather, she kept pouring water on herself, not only to keep herself alert but also cool in the hot weather. Ally, who is going into grade ten at Sacred Heart High School this September, is looking forward to the resumption of school. She enjoys school as her 92 average last June would indicate. She also has achieved a grade six level in piano on which she plays classical music. Ally started running seriously in the fall of 2008 when she joined the Ottawa Lions Track Club before switching to the Cani Club which trains at various facilities in Ottawa such as at Carleton University, at the Louise Riel Dome and at the Terry Fox facility. She was interested in track because her older brother Joseph is a track athlete who now is focused on the decathlon. Long term, she would like to be a track athlete at an American university such as Texas A&M. The Royal Canadian Legion National Youth Track and Field Championships go back to 1975 when the first such Canada-wide track and field meet was held at Waterloo, Ontario. A second meet followed in Edmonton, Alberta in 1976 and they have been held annually ever since, hosted by various cities across the country including St. John’s, Newfoundland in 1979, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in 1985, Victoria, B.C. in 1989, Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1995, Sherbrooke, Quebec in 2001, Oromocto, New Brunswick in 2007 and Ottawa in both 2010 and 2011. Over the years numerous athletes who have attended this Legion National Youth Track and Field Championships later have represented Canada at international and Olympic competitions. These have included sprinters Angela Bailey and Glenroy Gilbert, hurdler Mark McKoy and decathloner Mike Smith.
Volunteers needed for barriers SPECIAL TO THE NEWS
Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
There’s going to be a people parade at Villagefest in Stittsville on Saturday, Sept. 10. And this people parade is going to need not only people to be in the parade but also people to set up, look after and take down traffic barriers to ensure that the people parade can march in safety, free from vehicles. The Stittsville Village Association (SVA), which organizes the annual Villagefest activities at Village Square Park in downtown Stittsville, is looking
for volunteers to look after these traffic barricades. For this people parade, Abbott Street from Shea Road west to Stittsville Main Street will be closed to traffic from 11 a.m. to noon. Volunteers are needed to set up the barricades, look after them during the street closure and then take them down following the parade. Anyone who would like to volunteer to help out in this way should contact SVA president Marilyn Jenkins at jenkinsdm1@ rogers.com. It is expect that volun-
teers will be needed for only an hour or so. The minimum age for those actually looking after the barricades when erected is 16 years of age. Some directing of traffic may be necessary. Safety jackets will be provided by the SVA. The people parade is a new thing for this year’s Villagefest. People are being encouraged to take part in this parade, walking from Shea Road west to Village Square via Abbott Street. The parade will feature just people walking; no vehicles will be allowed.
7 Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
John Brummell photo
Members of the Mick Armitage Band who are performing on stage during the group’s concert at Village Square Park in Stittsville on Thursday evening, Aug. 11 include Grant Tomkinson on bass, Al Tambay on guitar, Mick Armitage on drums, Rev. Al Bragg on keyboard and Bruce Baker on saxophone. This was the second of a series of three Thursday evening concerts held at Village Square, organized by the city of Ottawa thanks to funding from Waste Management.
RE/MAX METRO-CITY John Roberts Broker REALTY LTD., brokerage 613- 596-5353 or 613-832-0902 2255 Carling Avenue Ottawa, ON K2B 7Z5 www.johnwroberts.com
John Brummell photo
Rachel Shavrnoch, left, and Todd Butler, right, point to a sign extolling the virtues of Stittsville’s youth connexion program at the concert at Village Square Park on Thursday evening, Aug. 11 featuring the Mick Armitage Band.
John Brummell photo
CROWD AT CONCERT A crowd estimated to be about 500 people listens as the Mick Armitage Band plays on stage in the background at a free concert at Village Square Park in Stittsville on Thursday, Aug. 11.
New Price! 2120 Kinburn Side Road, RR #2 Kinburn Sprawling all brick 3+1 bedrm bungalow on 7 private & tranquil acres with foot bridge over natural pond, circular drive, large attached garage/workshop & huge detached garage, unique layout with fireplaces, main flr famrm & laundry, master bedrm with ensuite, foot bridge over natural pond, only 25 mins to Kanata! $600,000
New Listing! 757 Bayview Drive, Constance Bay Deceivingly spacious 3 bedrm bungalow, 70’ x 325’ extra dep treed lot, vaulted ceiings in livrm & eat-in kitchen, bathroom has new tub & vanity with cheater door to master bedrm, front deck redone 2008, roof shingles 2005, forced air oil heat, full unfinished basement, includes appliances & large shed. $189,900
New Listing! 173 Holiday Dr., Constance Bay Lovely 3+1 bedroom bungalow with southern exposure, 130’ x 173’ fenced lot, newer flooring in kitchen, hall, dining rm & sunken living rm, fireplace, 2 pce ensuite bath, inside access to single car garage from basement, new roof shingles 2011, partially finished basement! $249,900
New Listing! 1575 Prestwick Drive, Orleans Park setting! Beautiful & updated hiranch bungalow with carport, parking for 5 cars, 37’ x 100’ lot, hardwd & tile on main flr, 2 full baths, walk-in closet in master bedrm, finished lower level, great location close to shopping on Ten Line Road & Innes Road, 2 elementary schools nearby next to park! $299,900
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Visit www.johnwroberts.com to see more pictures and full details of all my listings!!
Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Fall cleanup time in Stittsville If you drive or cycle or walk around the streets of Stittsville, you will no doubt be struck by the care shown by so many homeowners in their landscaping and the general appearance of their property. It shows a real pride in the community. And this pride in the community extends to public areas. Residents like to see the parks and boulevards maintained. The extensive tree plantings along the reconstructed Hazeldean Road are evidence that the community likes to see greenery, likes to see nature. But there are a lot of pathways and public areas throughout the community and city of Ottawa resources are not sufficient to ensure that they all remain immaculate all the time. That is the value of the annual Spring and Fall
Cleaning the Capital campaigns sponsored by the city of Ottawa. These campaigns enlist community support to do the much needed spring and fall cleanups of public areas throughout communities like Stittsville. Well, the Fall Cleaning the Capital campaign is slated to run from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, with early bird registration already underway. Here comes an opportunity for families and friends to work together on community cleanup projects that will help keep Stittsville clean, green and graffiti and litter free. Cleanup efforts in this fall campaign are encouraged in areas where litter has accumulated over the summer such as a park, pathway, grassy spot or treed public area. It is surprising where litter ends up. But
it can and must be picked up – otherwise, the community will degrade visually, a development that can easily be prevented by a robust Fall Cleaning the Capital campaign here in Stittsville. When registering, participants may also request a cleanup starter kit which can include disposable vinyl gloves, garbage bags, leaf and yard waste bags, posters and safety tips to help with the project. Graffiti removal supplies are also available. Each year thousands across the city participate in these Spring and Fall Cleaning the Capital campaign. The time is now to step forward, pick a small area of Stittsville which needs a cleanup and be a part of the 2011 Fall Cleaning the Capital campaign. To register, visit ottawa. ca/clean or call 3-1-1.
A meaningless trend along a highway well worth taking For the last 20 summers, ever since the train ceased to be an affordable option, we have driven the Trans-Canada Highway across northern Ontario to Kenora and sometimes beyond. It’s a trip not enough people take, as you can tell by the increasing number of closed restaurants, motels and gas stations along the way. Last year’s casualty was the Busy Bee, a homey restaurant-gift shop at Nairn Centre, west of Sudbury. This year it’s the Rossport Inn, an adornment to the former fishing village on Lake Superior since 1884. Border hassles and our rising dollar have cut into tourism from the U.S. The economic decline of Northern Ontario, particularly in the pulp and paper towns, is reflected along the highway. Yet it is a highway well worth taking – a very drivable road with many passing lanes and breathtaking views along the north shore of Superior. Fortunately – or not, depending on how you look at
CHARLES GORDON it – it is never crowded. Always on the lookout for meaningful trends along the highway, I am somewhat pleased to be able to report that the Ontario government has put shiny new outhouses at rest stops along the highway. Oh, and people painting their names on rock faces is back. For some reason, the more beautiful the setting, the more people feel a need to make their mark on it. After a while, the writing on the rocks took a back seat to the building of inukshuks. This was nice at first, but got to be a bit annoying. You remember how cute it was back in the 1980s when people began doing The Wave at football, baseball and hockey games. It seemed then like a
nice bit of audience participation but the copycat syndrome took over and The Wave became a cliché. You couldn’t escape it. Amazingly, it persists to this day in some backwaters. The inukshuk, a few rocks piled together in a certain way, was a beautiful idea in its original context, but has now become so widely imitated as to become meaningless. Inukshuks are everywhere along the northern Ontario TransCanada. Some of them live up to their meaning in Inuit, “in the likeness of a human.” Most of them do not. Most of them look like somebody started to pile up some rocks in a certain way, then get bored and went off to do something else. In the old days, people used to paint their names on the rockfaces along the highway. “Joe loves Irma, July 6, 1978.” This wasn’t pretty and it’s just as well that it doesn’t happen everywhere. On the other hand, the tops of the rockfaces were left pretty much as God made
them. Now, it’s pretty well impossible to find a rockface along the Trans Canada Highway that doesn’t have a pile of rocks on top of it. And the piles don’t look like anything except other piles, other clichés. “Joe loves Irma” may be a cliché too, but not to Joe and Irma and at least the painted message allows us to think the fondest of thoughts about the moment that they may have had before the paint can came out. Now, bright new fluorescences tell the 2011 story of Joe and Irma and others of their ilk. Maybe that’s for the best.
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Since the Ontario government can spend all that money on fancy new outhouses, maybe it can funnel some more funds on finding constructive ways for people to make their mark – a guest book? It’s probably too much to hope that people will some day decide to leave no mark at all.
Editorial Policy The Stittsville News welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at www.yourottawaregion.com. To submit a letter to the editor, please email to john.curry@metroland.com or mail to the Stittsville News, P.O. Box 610, Stittsville. ON. K2S 1A7.
80 Colonnade Rd. N., Ottawa, Unit #4, ON K2E 7L2 T: 613-224-3330 • F: 613-224-2265 • www.yourottawaregion.com Vice President & Regional Publisher Chris McWebb chris.mcwebb@metroland.com • 613-221-6201 Regional General Manager John Willems john.willems@metroland.com • 613-221-6202
It’s probably a bit nannyish to worry about piles of rocks falling on somebody’s head (but what a uniquely Canadian story it would be!). The real problem is that there is no longer a rock surface along the Trans-Canada that somebody has not piled rocks on. And how many of them even know why?
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9 Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
John Brummell photo
A GOOD HOSING Volunteer firefighter Martin Charboneau sprays a vehicle using a fire hose as he also enjoys a hamburger at the car wash and BBQ held by Ottawa Fire Station 81 of Stittsville at the parking lot at Brown’s Your Independent Grocer in Stittsville last Saturday. John Brummell photo
AT CAR WASH Jessica Tavares tries her hand at using a fire hose to wash a vehicle as Stittsville volunteer firefighter Devon Sullivan, behind her, gives her instruction at the car wash and BBQ held by Ottawa Fire Station 81 of Stittsville in the parking lot at Brown’s Your Independent Grocer in Stittsville last Saturday.
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John Brummell photo
Ottawa Fire Service volunteer firefighter Brenda Tirrell, left, collects a donation from Jacqueline Killeen, centre, and Callie Killeen, right, at the car wash which the firefighters at Fire Station 81 in Stittsville held in the parking lot at Brown’s Your Independent Grocer in Stittsville last Saturday. Funds raised are going to the Kidney Foundation of Canada and to the Ottawa Volunteer Firefighters Combat Team which will be competing at an upcoming event in Calgary.
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
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11 Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Giving back is always important and the recent annual Ontario Child Amputee (CHAMP) Seminar in Ottawa held by The War Amps provide such an opportunity to 15 year old Tyler Dow of Stittsville and 13 year old Meagan Williams of Richmond. Tyler, a Champ himself, served as a junior counselor at the seminar, enabling him to give back by answering questions and offering advice to young Champs. Meagan, who is also a Champ, demonstrated her hockey device and her guitar pick device when she took part in a “show and tell” session at the seminar. This session allowed Champs to show their standard and recreational artificial limbs to the group. The seminar, which was a special one in that it marked the 30th anniversary of such CHAMP seminars, covered subjects of interest for all age groups including information on the latest developments in artificial limbs. The seminar also has sessions about parenting an amputee child, dealing with teasing and bullying, learning to drive and the importance for amputees to stay active. These CHAMP seminars are held regionally across Canada and are particu-
larly significant for first time attendees. “Meeting others with exactly the same concerns and seeing how they have overcome them has a profound effect on how they regard their amputation,” says CHAMP director Lucie Waddell. CHAMP and all of its programs are funded solely through public support of The War Amps Key Tag and Address Label Service. For more information on The War Amps, call 1-800-250-3030 or visit the website at www.waramps.ca.
Tyler Dow of Stittsville
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Giving back at CHAMP Seminar
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Girls hockey registration
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Comparing apples to glasses.
Something new is happening this fall. Girls hockey is happening in Goulbourn. What, you say? There has been girls hockey available before. Yes, that’s right, but not girls hockey right in the community. Girls from Goulbourn have always had to go outside the community to play hockey, such as with the Kanata Girls Hockey Association. But now, with more and more interest in girls’ hockey and thanks to the organizing efforts of a team led by Cathy Bureau of Stittsville, hockey is going to be played this coming season under the banner of the Goulbourn Girls Hockey Association. Already several registration sessions have been held, both in Stittsville and Richmond, but it is still possible to register. This final registration involves going online at https://sites.google.com/ a/ggha.ca/main where you can print off a registration form and then mail it in. All of the required information is also available on the website. If even more information is needed, you can always email or phone Goulbourn Girls Hockey President Cathy Bureau at president@ggha.ca or at 613-836-0624. The Goulbourn Girls Hockey Association is initially starting with initiation and house league programs. The initiation grouping is for those born in 2005 and 2006. Other age groupings planned are novice (born 2003-2004), atom (born 2001-2002), peewee (born 1999-2000), bantam (born 1997-1998) and midget (born 1994-1996). Registration cost is $500 for the initiation level for the season and $625 for the other age groupings (novice through midget) for the season. For your mail-in registration, after
printing off the registration form from the website and filling it out, mail it along with a copy of the appropriate birth certificate and a copy of the Association’s code of conduct, along with a cheque, to Cathy Bureau, President, Goulbourn Girls Hockey Association, 35 Granite Ridge Drive, Stittsville, Ontario K2S 1Y4. The code of conduct, incidentally, can be found on the website under Policies in the site’s top line menu. The new Goulbourn Girls Hockey Association is being led by Cathy Bureau of Stittsville who has wide experience not only playing girls’ and women’s hockey but also in coaching girls’ hockey and in organizing women’s hockey. Cathy herself played girls’ hockey in Nepean and then went on to play at Clarkson University, one of the first Canadians ever to obtain a full hockey scholarship in the United States. She captained the team in both her junior and senior years and her play and team leadership led to her induction into the Clarkson Athletic Hall of Fame. Following her playing days at Clarkson, Cathy became a fixture around Ottawa arenas, first as a player and then as a girls’ hockey coach. She also served as president of the Ottawa District Women’s Hockey Association for six years and volunteered with the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association organizing committee for the first Women’s World’s Hockey Championships that were held in Ottawa in 1990. It was her feeling that offering hockey for females in the Goulbourn area so that they could play for teams based in their home community that led her to organize a group and work to get this new Goulbourn Girls Hockey Association recognized by girls’ hockey’s governing body and to get it up and running for the coming season.
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SPECIAL TO THE NEWS The Goulbourn Skating Club is introducing two new programs for skaters. The upcoming 2011-2012 season will see both a Special Olympics Skating Program and an Intro to Canpower Program introduced as the Club tries to continue to meet the needs of skaters in Stittsville, Richmond and surrounding communities. The Special Olympics Skating Program has come about after the Goulbourn Skating Club hosted a successful Skate Canada Eastern Ontario Special Olympics Regional Invitational Competition last January. This led to a Special Olympics pilot program which the Club offered during its spring programming. With the success of the pilot project, the Club has now decided to offer the Special Olympics Skating
Program as a full program for this upcoming winter season. The program is designed to provide skating instruction to participants with developmental disabilities of all ages and skill levels ranging from beginner to competitive skater. The sessions will engage Skate Canada national certified instructors as well as teen and adult volunteers who will be assisting in the program’s implementation. The Goulbourn Skating Club’s CanPower (Powerskating) Program, with almost 300 skaters involved, ranging in age from 6 to 15 years of age, is the largest such program in Eastern Ontario. The program is geared to meet the needs of ringette and hockey players. For this coming winter session, the Goulbourn Skating Club is introduc-
ing an “Intro to CanPower Program” which will be targeted at hockey and ringette players ages four and up in initiation or developmental programs. This program will have Skate Canada nationally certified coaches and will be geared to providing instruction to help young skaters develop the skills necessary to advance into the CanPower programming. The Goulbourn Skating Club runs its programs at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex, at the Stittsville District Community Centre and at the Richmond Memorial Community Centre. For more information about the Goulbourn Skating Club including registration information for the programs offered, visit the Club’s website at www.goulbournskatingclub.com.
13 Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
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Men Welcome!!
Alicia Carlson holds up a string of beads featuring moons and stars which she was making for a mobile at the family activity day at the Goulbourn Museum at Stanley’s Corners last Sunday afternoon.
Spaces are limited, so register early!!!!
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John Brummell photo
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John Brummell photo
Aiden McCooeye cuts out stars and moons as he makes a mobile at the family activity day at the Goulbourn Museum at Stanley’s Corners last Sunday afternoon.
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Movie nights at Village Square until end of August SPECIAL TO THE NEWS There are still a couple of free Tuesday movie nights in Stittsville. Youth Connexion, Stittsville’s youth
program, has been hosting free movies at Village Square Park at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Abbott Street each Tuesday since the beginning of July. These free Tuesday movie nights will be
continuing until the end of August. Start time is 8:30 p.m. Those planning to attend – and everyone in the community, both youth and adult, is welcome – should take along
chairs or blankets for seating. There will be a canteen available for the purchase of snacks. All proceeds from the canteen sales are going to the Youth Connexion program.
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Stittsville Sport Physiotherapy Centre John Brummell photo
RIBBON CUTTING AT GRANT CROSSING City of Ottawa councillors Allan Hubley, centre, left, of the Kanata South ward and Marianne Wilkinson, centre, right, of the Kanata North ward together cut the ribbon to officially open the newly relocated Re/Max Affiliates Realty Ltd. real estate office at the Grant Crossing Mall on Hazeldean Road on Thursday morning, Aug. 11 as office manager Martha Cooper, left, front, and Geoff McGowan, far right, the broker of record for Re/Max Affiliates Realty Ltd., hold the ribbon.
Monica Clarke & Mary Foley
125th anniversary for Munster Union Cemetery
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
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It’s now 125 years and counting for the Munster Union Cemetery. Established in 1886, the cemetery will be celebrating its 125th anniversary at this year’s annual memorial service which is being held on Sunday, Aug. 28 at 2:30 p.m. at the Munster United Church in the heart of Munster. Holding the annual service inside at the Munster United Church has become the custom in recent years. This year, the service, which will be led by Rev. Matt Gallinger of the Munster and Ashton United Churches, will recognize the 125th anniversary as the choir will sing a selection of older hymns. They will be accompanied by violinist Ivy Garland who will also do a violin solo during the service. A special 125th anniversary edition of the cemetery listing booklet will also be available for sale at this year’s service. This annual Munster Union Cemetery memorial service can be traced back to 1935 when the first so-called Decoration Day Service was held at the Munster Union Cemetery under the auspices of the Loyal Orange Lodge No. 97 of Munster. This Decoration Day Service continued for some years but in more recent times has been replaced by this annual memorial service held under the auspices of the cemetery’s Board of Trustees in the nearby Munster United Church. Munster Union Cemetery goes back to 1886 when Thomas Tubman and his wife, the former Isabella Hill, provided two acres of land as the site for the cemetery. Mr. Tubman, who was Mun-
ster’s first postmaster and also served as a school trustee and Justice of the Peace, believed that the community should have a non-denominational cemetery to meet the needs of those for whom burial in a church cemetery was not preferred or possible. As such, the Munster Union Cemetery Company Incorporated was formed. This Munster Union Cemetery Company Incorporated looked after the cemetery from its inception to 1942 when the operation of the cemetery was turned over to a Board of Trustees for one dollar by Mac Tubman. This was the result of a 1940 meeting of plot owners who selected the Board of Trustees to run the company. The original two acre cemetery site has been added to in recent years. In 1980, a parcel of land was obtained along the south side of the original cemetery site. In 2002, a parcel of land was obtained, extending the cemetery lands west to the Munster Road. However, this was only on the south side of the access road into the cemetery off Munster Road. This land acquisition was followed by the cemetery getting ownership to the land on the north side of the access road thanks to a donation by Ronald and Patricia Potter which was made in memory of Charles Harry Potter and Irene Marcellus Hobbs, the parents of Ronald Potter. Acquiring all of the land between the cemetery and Munster Road allowed the Board of Trustees to proceed with a project involving the placing of a fence with engraved granite fence posts along the frontage, with each post donated by a person or persons with family ties to the Munster
Union Cemetery. Stone gates at the entrance to the access road off Munster Road leading into the cemetery were donated by Loyal Orange Lodge No. 917 of Munster. Two new limestone posts were erected in 2009 at the cemetery’s south entrance of Munster Road thanks to the generosity of the late Lloyd Cathcart. These posts were formally dedicated at the cemetery’s annual memorial service in Aug. 2009. The Munster Orange Lodge also erected in 2002 a structure near the entrance to the cemetery which houses the bell from S.S. No. 5 at Munster. The Orange Lodge was also involved with the cemetery and others in erecting a monument within the cemetery to honour three from the Munster area who died in the First World War. This monument is now the focal point for the annual Remembrance Service which is held at the cemetery around Nov. 11. The Richmond Branch 625 of the Royal Canadian Legion has also erected a Memorial Board just outside the main entrance gate to the cemetery. This Memorial Board lists the names and provides the grave locations of military veterans buried in the cemetery. This includes veterans of the First World War and the Second World War as well as veterans of the Fenian Raids of the 19th century. The Munster Union Cemetery today is a non-profit organization that is a registered charity. The volunteer Board of Trustees meets regularly to make decisions on behalf of the plot owners. Annual meetings are held to which all plot owners are invited.
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Youth show talent at Village Square JOHN CURRY john.curry@metroland.com
Performing in last Friday’s “Stittsville’s Got Talent” show at Village Square Park may lead to a $5,000 Back to School prize package for one of the participants. That’s because the “Stittsville’s Got Talent” show was videotaped by the organizers from Stittsville’s youth connexion program and the tape is going to be submitted to radio station 89.9 for its “Students Got Talent” contest. This talent contest, which will have its finals at Bayshore Shopping Centre, offers a $5,000 Back to School prize package for the winner. Who knows – it could be one of the performers at the “Stittsville’s Got Talent” show. And what performers – everything from singers to martial artists to a Bollywood dancer to a rapper. It was 45 minutes of entertainment enjoyment on a warm August evening, with about 150 in attendance, centred around the city of Ottawa stage set up at the east end of the park. Posters advertising youth connexion activities such as the Connexion Lounge at the Pretty Street Community Centre, the upcoming Black Light Dance on Friday, Aug. 19 and the ongoing Tuesday movie nights were displayed on the front of the stage “Stittsville’s Got Talent” started, as per tradition, with the singing of O Canada, done by ten year old Emily Green. She has been singing since she could talk and recently sang O Canada at an Ottawa Fat Cats ball game. Singing isn’t her only talent, as she also plays the piano and is a cheerleader with the Capital City Storm. She followed her rendition of O Canada with the song “Reflections,” from the 1998 Disney animated movie “Mulan” and, incidentally, the song that launched the career of pop singer Christina Aguilera. Next up was 13 year old Alysha Aziz who used the grassed area in front of the stage to perform a Bollywood dance “Come Dance” wearing an intricately designed dress with a gold section around the waist. Alysha prepares all of her own choreography for her Bollywood style dancing. Those at “Stittsville’s Got Talent” were then witnesses to the first actual public performance by the guitar playing, singing duo of Nicholas Maillet and Liam England, two Sacred Heart High School students who performed two self-written songs, “Forever and Always” written by Nick and another original song which the pair wrote in Nick’s basement, “When We Were Kids.” They even used the occasion of this “Stittsville’s Got Talent” show to announce that the new name for their previous two man nameless band was to be “Julius Caesar.” It was a change of pace from these selfwritten original songs to the song “Love Story” sung by 12 year old Jacqueline Tilgner. This song was made famous by Taylor Swift when it became a hit on both the pop and country charts after being the lead single in her 2008 album “Fearless.” Jacqueline loves listening to music and singing along with it. She belongs to the
John Curry photo
Emily Green sings “Reflection” at the “Stittsville’s Got Talent” show at Village Square Park in Stittsville. Glee Club at Goulbourn Middle School and is a member of the Junior Jubilees, the junior choir associated with the Goulbourn Jubilee Singers. Jacqueline’s vocal performance was followed by quite a change of pace: a high energy martial arts demonstration by 12 year old Bren Hunter and 10 year old Max Kelland, performing a routine that they will be doing in a special synchronized weapons division at the upcoming World Karate Championships in Germany where they will both be competing for Team Canada. Their synchronized routine featured the use of a long stick which each carried, brandishing it wildly as the routine progressed. With their energy and synchronized movements as evidenced with this performance, watch out World Karate Championships – there should be medals coming to Canada thanks to their routine. Next up at the show was a trio of friends who presented a rap ‘n dance performance, with Jorgia Quesnel doing the rap vocals while Megan and Abbie Chase performed the dance moves associated with the vocals. The “Stittsville’s Got Talent” show then wrapped up with a two song performance by 16 year old Joel Curry who sang two original songs while accompanying himself on the keyboard. Joel often performs with his twin brother Kyle but Kyle was unable to perform in this show due to work obligations. Joel sang “Black Mascara” which he had been composing for about a year and then wound up with a faster paced but also original song, “Dance The Night Away.” All of the proceeds from a canteen held in conjunction with the talent show are going to the youth connexion program. So are half of the proceeds, namely $37.50, of a 50/50 draw which was held that evening. Another talent show featuring, among others, Stittsville’s youthful performers will be held at the upcoming Villagefest activities at Village Square Park in Stittsville on Saturday, Sept. 10.
17 Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
John Curry photo
John Curry photo
The martial arts duo of Max Kelland, left, background, and Bren Hunter, right, perform their synchronized weapons routine in the “Stittsville’s Got Talent” show at Village Square Park in Stittsville on Friday evening, Aug. 12. The pair will be going to the World Karate Championship in Germany where they will be competing with this routine.
Megan Chase, left, and Abbie Chase, right, dance while Jorgia Quesnel, far right, on the stage, raps in the Stittsville’s Got Talent show at Village Square in Stittsville last Friday evening.
John Curry photo
Joel Curry sings as he accompanies Jacqueline Tilgner sings “Love himself on the keyboard in the Story” in the “Stittsville’s Got “Stittsville’s Got Talent” show at Talent” show at Village Square Village Square Park in Stittsville on Friday evening, Aug. 12. Park in Stittsville on Aug. 12. John Curry photo
John Curry photo
Alysha Aziz performs a Bollywood dance in the “Stittsville’s Got Talent” show at Village Square Park in Stittsville on Friday evening, Aug. 12.
John Curry photo
The singing duo of Nicholas Maillet, left, and Liam England, right, accompany themselves on their guitars as they perform in the “Stittsville’s Got Talent” show at Village Square Park in Stittsville on Friday evening, Aug. 12. 490681
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Arts and Culture
New singers welcome SPECIAL TO THE NEWS The Goulbourn Jubilee Singers is a community based choir to which all singers are welcome, with no auditions required. It is, first and foremost, a fun choir. The Goulbourn Jubilee Singers draws members from a wide area including Stittsville, Ashton, Richmond, Munster, Carp, Kanata, Bells Corners and Barrhaven, to name a few. It is now to begin its 35th year of music making, having been founded in 1977. Over the years, the Goulbourn Jubilee Singers has grown from a musical perspective, developing higher level choral skills. Much of this has been because of the inspi-
rational directorship of Linda Crawford and the musically talented accompaniment of Doll Creelman. As the Goulbourn Jubilee Singers prepare for their 35th anniversary season, new members are being encouraged to join the choir. All singers are welcome, with no auditions required. Those interested are urged to join in for a couple of practices to see if the Jubilee Singers are offering what you are looking for in a singing experience. Goulbourn Jubilee Singers practices begin on Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Stittsville United Church on Fernbank Road in Stittsville. And don’t forget that the
Jubilee Singers have an affiliated junior choir, the JJ’s or Junior Jubilees. This is a choir for both boys and girls aged 8 to 14. The JJ’s performed at all of the Jubilee Singers’ concerts and their performances at seniors’ residences. All youngsters are most welcome to join and have fun with this junior singing group. The Junior Jubilees begin their practices on Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 6 p.m., also at the Stittsville United Church on Fernbank Road. For more information about the Goulbourn Jubilee Singers and the JJ’s, log onto www.gisingers.com or call Charlotte Parry at 613-825-3357 or Elizabeth Douville at 613838-6078.
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Robert Dueck of Stittsville is the founding director of the Goulbourn Male Chorus which begins its second year this coming September.
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to 9 p.m. The Chorus is hoping to grow and any male who would like to sing with other men in an organized way should consider joining. The only requirement from a vocal perspective is that the person have an ability to match pitch and to sing a designated voice part. These voice parts include 1st tenor, 2nd tenor, baritone and bass. Once again this year, there will be two sessions, a fall session running from September to December and a spring session starting in January and running through to mid-May. The Goulbourn Male Chorus will once again this year be presenting a Christmas concert as well as a spring concert. The group also entertains invitations for singing engagements from community, church and service organizations, including from seniors residences and groups organizing banquets. The Goulbourn Male Chorus was founded last September thanks to the enthusiasm and organizational drive of Robert Dueck of Stittsville who serves as the group’s director. It was his passion for traditional secular and sacred choral music that gave the spark to the formation of this male choral group drawing singers from the Stittsville/Goulbourn area as well as from surrounding communities. For more information about the Goulbourn Male Chorus, please call Mr. Dueck at 613-836-1824 or via email at dueckrobt@ gmail.com.
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Art van Draanen
No choir experience and no musical training. And yet now Art van Draanen of Richmond is looking forward to beginning his second year with the Goulbourn Male Chorus. And what about the case of John McGinn of Stittsville who will also be starting his second year with the Chorus this September. He is someone who has always enjoyed singing but until the Goulbourn Male Chorus was formed last September, he had never found a comfortable venue for his voice. “The Chorus is a wonderful mix of people who come out to enjoy themselves and make John McGinn beautiful music,” Mr. McGinn writes about his experience with the Goulbourn Male Chorus in its inaugural year of 2010-2011. Mr. van Draanen, who attended the first ever rehearsal for the new Goulbourn Male Chorus last September and then went on to be at every succeeding one, had never been involved with any choir previously and in fact had no musical training. However, he credits Goulbourn Male Chorus director and founder Robert Dueck with putting together the diverse talents of the men involved to create music. “Because Robert knows how to make each one of us fit in and shine, and how to do this with cheer and good humour, rehearsals as well as performances are a thoroughly enjoyable mix of instruction, discipline, friendship and laughter,” Mr. van Draanen writes in assessing why he enjoyed the Chorus’ inaugural season and why he is looking forward to its sec-
ond season. Rehearsals for this second season begin on Tuesday, Sept. 6 at St. Thomas Anglican Church at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Carleton Cathcart Street in Stittsville. Rehearsals will be held every Tuesday from 7 p.m.
Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Male Chorus hoping to grow Jason’s
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Hockey registration deadline coming up SPECIAL TO THE NEWS If you want to play minor hockey in Stittsville this coming season, Wednesday, Aug. 31 is a date that you should
note. This is the deadline for registering for the upcoming 2011-2012 minor hockey season with the Stittsville Minor Hockey Association (SMHA).
The registration process will be closed as of Sept. 1, with those wanting to register for SMHA hockey after that date being placed on a waiting list. But registration is easy and can take place at any time from now through to Wednesday, Aug. 31. Parents can register
their child or children with the SMHA online at http://www.stittsvilleminorhockey.com/house/ Registration can also be done by contacting the SMHA registrar via email at registrar_2@stittsvilleminorhockey. com.
Sobeys Stittsville opening on Aug. 24 JOHN CURRY john.curry@metroland.com
The big day is coming for Sobeys in Stittsville. The new store at the newly named Stittsville Corners plaza at the northwest corner of Hazeldean Road and Carp Road will be opening this coming Wednesday, Aug. 24. It also promises to be a big day for the store’s new customers as the first 100 customers through the doors when they open at 8 a.m. will receive a free Compliments Bag for Life which is Sobeys re-usable grocery bag. In addition, Sobeys is running a Facebook contest in association with the store’s opening. Visit facebook.com/ sobeys to fill out a ballot for the chance to win a $500 gift card or one of five $100 gift cards. This new 49,500 square foot store will be offering a full service deli and bakery as well as seafood and meat departments. In addition, a variety of fresh and prepared foods will be available including oven roasted deli meats cooked fresh daily, fresh mozzarella made in the store every Saturday, fresh sausages made in the store, full service hot dinner entrees including made-to-order pizza and barbe-
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cue chicken, made to order cakes, fresh squeezed orange juice and fresh produce. Tim LaPlante, who has years of experience in the grocery business, is the franTim chise owner for this new LaPlante Sobeys store. The store will have a staff of 250 counting both full time and part time staff. Store hours will be Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sobeys recently opened a new store on March Road in Kanata. There has been a Sobeys store at the southwest corner of Hazeldean Road and Terry Fox Drive in Kanata for a number of years. “We are thrilled to introduce our newest store and its team of food people to the Stittsville community,” says Paul Del Duca, senior vice-president and general manager of the Ontario Division of Sobeys full Service. Sobeys Inc. is a national grocery retailer and food distributor which has its headquarters in Stellarton, Nova Scotia. There are more than 1300 stores which Sobeys owns or franchises, covering all ten provinces under such retail banners as Sobeys, IGA, Foodland, FreshCo, Price Chopper and Thrifty Foods.
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21 Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
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JOHN CURRY john.curry@metroland.com
Mac’s is known for its coffee. Put this coffee together with a worthy cause and you have the recipe for a successful fundraising event. That’s just what happened at Mac’s recent “Coffee for a Cause” event on May 10 when 12
Mac’s stores in the area directed the proceeds from coffee sold that day to “Friends of Hospice Ottawa.” At the end of the day, a total of $2,335 was raised, an amount recently presented to Friends of Hospice director of event planning Ruth Cameron at a brief ceremony at the Mac’s in Richmond.
Indeed, this was the second year that Mac’s in Richmond had directed funds to Friends of Hospice Ottawa from its “Coffee for a Cause” event. Thanks to the efforts of Mac’s market manager Diane Asche, 11 more Mac’s stores in the area got on board this year, directing their “Coffee for a Cause” proceeds to Friends of Hospice Ottawa.
The Mac’s stores which were involved this year, besides the Richmond one, were the stores in Stittsville at 1 Hobin Street, in Manotick at 5511 Manotick Main Street, in Kanata at 1031 Teron Road, 500 Hazeldean Road, 62 Stonehaven Drive, 100 Castlefrank Road and 13 Kakulu Road, in Nepean at 299 Greenbank Road, 418 Moodie Drive and 1 Tartan Drive, and in Ottawa at 2547 Baseline
Road. Friends of Hospice Ottawa had a volunteer at each store to help with the event and to provide information to coffee customers about the work of Friends of Hospice Ottawa. The event thus was not only an important fundraiser for Friends of Hospice Ottawa but was also an opportunity to increase awareness of the organization and its work in the community. See MAC’S, page 24
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John Brummell photo
Handing over a cheque for $2,335, proceeds from the recent “Coffee for a Cause” day which was held at 12 area Mac’s stores, are, on the right, from right to left, Mac’s market manager Diane Asche, far right, Richmond store manager Rashid Sandhu, second from right, and Castlefrank Road store manager Iffat Waheed, third from right, while accepting the donation on behalf of Friends of Hospice Ottawa are, on the left, from left to right, Friends of Hospice Ottawa Board member John Curry, Alice Holst, a Friends of Hospice Ottawa volunteer who provided Friends of Hospice Ottawa volunteers for each Mac’s store for the event, and Ruth Cameron, director of event planning for Friends of Hospice Ottawa.
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Mac’s raises $2,335 for Friends of Hospice Ottawa
Ride the Rideau JOHN CURRY
Caroline and Giuseppe Castrucci are novice cyclists but Saturday, Sept. 10 will find them riding 100 kilometers from Ottawa to Merrickville. They and their team, the Laurysen Kitch-
en Drawer Sliders (Caroline is vice president of administration at Laurysen Kitchens Ltd. on Carp Road and Giuseppe is vice-president of sales and marketing) are participating in the second Ride the Rideau, a fundraising event to support cancer research at the Ottawa Hospital
Research Institute. The Castrucci’s have not been avid cyclists up until now. Indeed, Giuseppe is a Ferrari enthusiast who was involved in creating the Ottawa Chapter of the Ferrari Club of America whose signature event is the annual Ottawa Ferrari Festival on Preston Street. But we digress. In any case, the Caroline and
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
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Giuseppe were introduced to the Ride the Rideau event by a good friend who is involved in the event. So, in July, they purchased bikes and started training for the 100 kilometer ride on Sept. 10. The couple have been training every night. It began with cycling 12 kilometers every night for a week and even this distance proved Photo courtesy of Caroline Castrucci challenging. But they Giuseppe Castrucci, left, and his wife prevailed, progress- Caroline Castrucci, right, wearing their ing up to 18 kilometers “Ride the Rideau” jerseys, are out training every night. On the on their bicycles. weekends, the riding increases. Two weekends ago, the pair did 25 kilomedition, funding from this year’s ters and last weekend the disRide the Rideau will be directed tance was upped even more. to maximizing the potential of Indeed, Caroline says that cancer clinical trials. Such clinithey are now enjoying the time cal trials at the Ottawa Hospital they are spending “in the sadCancer Centre have already imdle” and they are sporting the proved care for many kinds of whole cycling outfit – gloves, cancer but researchers believe helmet, locking bike shoes and that they can do even more and even padded shorts (easier to they are launching a new prowithstand the rigours of the gram to support cancer clinical “saddle, no doubt). trails. This will include trainTo be eligible to participate in ing in clinical trial design for Ride the Rideau, both Caroline all cancer specialists and added and Giuseppe had to raise $1,500 support to help manage inforeach. In addition, they have a mation and create additional team fundraising goal of $7,500. funding opportunities. Ride the Rideau is a 100 kiCaroline Castrucci says that lometer bike ride following a virtually everyone has been afroute along the Rideau River fected by cancer in one way or from Ottawa to Merrickville another. with three pit stops at 25 kilo“I have had aunts that have meter intervals along the route. had breast cancer, my husband It is a one-way ride, with the ridhas a very close friend that has ers being transported back from won his battle with cancer and Merrickville at the conclusion we have been affected by cancer of the ride. here at Laurysen Kitchens,” she The funds raised by Ride the writes in an email about her parRideau are going to support the ticipation in Ride the Rideau. Ottawa Hospital Research InCaroline and Giuseppe Casstitute. Last year the inaugural trucci and their team, the LauRide the Rideau helped fund the rysen Kitchen Drawer Sliders, building of the new Centre for would appreciate any donations Innovative Cancer Research at supporting their involvement the Ottawa Hospital. This year in Ride the Rideau. To donate, the funds will be supporting a go online to the Ride the Rideau project that is aimed at develwebsite at www.ridetherideau. oping personalized therapies ca, click on GIVE and follow the tailored for each patient and links to sponsor an individual his or her unique cancer. In adrider or team.
Mac’s ‘Coffee for a Cause’ From page 23 At the Richmond store, there was a basket of Cadbury products valued at $250 which was raffled off in a draw that day. Anyone who gave a donation to Friends of Hospice Ottawa was entered in the draw. This draw generated $400 in proceeds which is part of the total funds raised that day. It is hoped that perhaps next year there will be a similar gift basket raffle held at each of the participating Mac’s stores. At one store, the Friends of Hospice Ottawa volunteer provided two big trays of cookies which he gave out free to those who purchased coffee at the
store that day. Following up on this “Coffee for a Cause” event, Rashid Sandhu, manager of the Mac’s in Richmond, held a BBQ at the store in July which raised an additional $300 for Friends of Hospice Ottawa. Friends of Hospice Ottawa serves the western part of the city of Ottawa, providing inhome care as well as day hospice opportunities for those suffering from life threatening illnesses. One of the day hospices is located in Richmond while the other is in Bells Corners. Friends of Hospice Ottawa also provides transportation and bereavement services through the use of trained volunteers.
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John Brummell photo
Colin Charlton holds up a frame containing his photograph which he made at the “He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands” summer vacation bible school hosted by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Richmond last week.
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AT VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Donna Jessome works on making a frame on which she is placing her own photograph at the “He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands” summer vacation bible school hosted by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Richmond last week.
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
JOHN CURRY john.curry@metroland.com
Just over a month ago, he was standing in the sun in the parking lot at King’s valu-mart at the Richmond Plaza in Richmond, showing off his No. 99 stock car and letting people, both young and older, sit in the car to have their photo taken. And now Ken Sproule, a longtime stock car driver at Capital City Speedway at Stittsville, has died. The 50 year old Greely resident died last Sunday night, Aug. 14 when his car crashed head-on with a tractor trailer on Bank Street south in the Greely area. He was at King’s valu-mart for its customer appreciation day and Richmond Food Bank fundraiser on Saturday afternoon, July 9 where there was music and entertainment, a bubble bounce and slide for youngsters, a BBQ and, of course, his colourful stock car. One of his car’s sponsors was King’s valu-mart which is why he was part of the store’s special event. Mr. Sproule was having another good season racing at Capital City Speedway as he was leading the drivers’ standings for the Thunder Class. This was not an unfamiliar spot for him as he was a seven time champion at the Speedway. “He was a great guy,” Brian “Motor Mouth” Goudge, the longtime announcer at Capital City Speedway, said on Tuesday. He noted his consistent and level-headed driving. “He was known as a clean driver,” he said, adding that he was a very well respected driver who had always run in the
John Brummell photo
Stock car driver Ken Sproule died in a head-on collision on Sunday, Aug. 14. Thunder Class. The funeral for Mr. Sproule is taking place this Friday, Aug. 19 at 11 a.m. at the Daley Funeral Home on Bank Street near Metcalfe. Visition is being held on Thursday evening and on Friday morning. A memorial service and fundraiser will be held on Saturday, Sept. 10 at Capital City Speedway, with all proceeds going to the Sproule family. No. 99 memorial car decals are being made available to all drivers at Capital City Speedway this week courtesy of Dave Waite. Drivers will be making a donation when receiving the decals. All of these funds will be going to the Sproule family as well.
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Stock car driver dies in Bank Street crash
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29 Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Back to School Pros and cons to learning in a digital age (MS) The world has quickly become digital, and the younger generations are leading the pack with technology that just may make some other items obsolete. As pre-teens and teenagers routinely turn to digital devices for entertainment and schoolwork, the face of education may change as well.
for adept keyboard users, which many youngsters have become since they’ve essentially grown up with computers in the household. This
In terms of streamlining backpacks, digital readers and other devices eliminate heavy books and notebooks. This can be seen as a big plus to students who have grown accustomed to carrying around 20+ pounds on their backs from a very young age.
In the past students toted notebooks (the paper kind), pencils, pens, and folders to school. Today, students carry digital devices like computer tablets, notebooks (the electronic kind), smart phones, and other digital devices to the classroom. Furthermore, texting and instant messaging have replaced traditional modes of casual conversation.
As many teachers turn to online resources, such as e-mailing and posting assignments on a personal Web site, students almost have to keep up with the times with some sort of tool that has Internet access.
Another item that may go the way of the dinosaur is the printed book. Students can now carry an entire library worth of reading material on a slim e-reader device or on the many other evolving tablet-type machines. There may be a day when one no longer browses the aisles of the school library for a book, but only downloads the text instantly when needed. Some textbooks are already offered in digital format, and some school systems and teachers may opt for the convenience of digital devices.
Digital Advantages There are many advantages to going digital. Typing tends to go faster
Digital Disadvantages On the other side of the equation, going digital does have some disadvantages. The decline of penmanship is one of them. In a digital era, people are less likely to write letters by hand or keep up with penmanship in other ways. Some children don’t know what cursive handwriting is and may never learn how to sign their names in “script,” which was a common lesson for other generations.
makes note-taking easier. When notes and assignments are saved to a computer, there’s less likelihood of them getting lost, especially if important files are routinely backed up. Data saved on a computer can easily be manipulated into a number of different formats, potentially making it easier to study. Bodies of text can be transformed into charts
While digital communication does promote social interactions on some levels, there are some who argue that spending too much time staring at a screen and keyboard compromises the social aspect of going to school and learning in a classroom. Today’s youth are less likely to “talk,” choosing to “LOL”and “TTYL” through texting. Having a wealth of information available on the Internet opens up students to many disreputable sources of content. Some common online Continued on page 31
Little data exists as to just how many schools have policies allowing the use of cell phones and other digital devices in class. In the United States, a 2009 U.S. Department of Education survey indicates only 4 percent of public-school teachers say a handheld device is available in the classroom every day. But things can change in a short period of time.
or pie graphs with many word processing programs. Students can cut and paste important quotes or examples into essays and the like, saving time on homework.
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30 Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Back to School How to take effective notes (MS) A student’s success in school is measured by the assignments completed and tests he takes. The students who garner the best grades and do well in class are often those who are effective listeners and note-takers. Professor Dennis Jertz of Seton Hall University has said that taking lecture notes effectively is one of the skills students must learn to make the transition from high school to college careers. Note-taking is also necessary in the business world, making it a worthwhile skill to learn.
cepts. Outlines or charts can group terminology together with related ideas. There are other techniques that use cue words to trigger recollection of facts and dates. Mnemonic devices help recall information. Students can experiment with different methods until they find a system that works well and offers measurable success.
Despite its importance in higher learning, not much study has gone into the correlation between note-taking and performance improvement. As a result, statistics supporting the importance of effective note-taking do not exist. But it stands to reason that the student who takes good notes, and studies well from them, has a sporting chance to improve his or her grades over others with poor notes.
Keys To Note-taking Once listening skills have improved, students can go onto to other note-taking pointers. • Sequencing material is important, so notes should be dated and numbered. If references are made to chapters that correlate to the textbook, jot those down so they can strengthen the notes. • Charles Kettering, an American engineer and inventor, said, “There is a great difference between knowing a thing and understanding it.” When jotting down notes, a student who discovers that something seems unclear can ask for clarification or make a point to research that component further. 489657
There are many systems of note-taking that a student can learn. These include using graphic representations to map out interconnected con-
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Improving Listening Skills No matter what method of notetaking is used, adequate listening skills are necessary to take effective notes. This helps students transfer what the professor is saying into ideas that can be put down on paper. Staring off into space or having your mind drift can cause a student to miss out on key parts of a lecture. To improve note-taking skills, a student must first improve listening skills. • Sit up closer to the teacher or professor. This enables eye-to-eye contact that may help a student focus. It may also trigger visual clues to a professor to gauge whether the class is catching on or missing what’s being taught.
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• Remove distractions. When a student enters the classroom, he or she should be ready to learn. That means silencing mobile devices and gearing the mind toward the lessons. Not every lecture will be exhilarating, so students should make a conscious effort to pay attention. Limiting distractions can help. • Use an assistance device. Students who are prone to “zoning out” may want to ask permission to use a voice recorder. This way if key elements of the lesson are missed, they can be played back. This method also helps students fill in gaps when taking or studying notes.
Learning Note-taking It may not seem as such, but note-taking can almost be a lesson all its own. If only students could enroll in Note-Taking 101. Some elementary and high-school teachers attempt to teach strategies for taking notes, including developing outlines, but many students still struggle to maintain the essentials as they move through school. It can be confusing knowing just how much to write down without creating a novel or having notes so scant that they provide little information when it comes time to study.
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It’s also advantageous from a practical standpoint. It enables students to better hear what’s going on. If the professor is garbled or inaudible when sitting far away, moving closer is essential, especially in a large lecture hall.
• Students should consider writing notes on one side of the page so that they can each be laid out side-by-side. Looseleaf paper works well, or notes can be typed and printed out. • Students should develop their own method of abbreviations and symbols to cut down on the amount of writing needed. Notes needn’t be in full sentences; phrases are equally effective. • If a professor writes something on a chalkboard, puts text up on a projector or repeats something several times, it should definitely be written down. There is a good chance that information will be on the test. • Students may want to review note-taking strategies with one another. Maybe there is a successful method employed by one student that he or she can share with classmates. • Rewriting or typing notes helps ingrain the information in the brain more than simply rereading it. Note-taking is an important skill many students should make the effort to learn. Improved test scores can lead to a higher grade point average. This, in turn, can help with success in school and beyond. BS117028
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“Children depend on their parents to establish schedules and provide nutritional guidance,” says registered dietitian Cara Rosenbloom. “Getting your children into a great routine and teaching them how to make healthy food choices before school starts will help them develop habits that they can maintain all year long.” Here are some helpful tips to get your kids back on track just in time for back to school. Eat breakfast as a family—Waking up as a family will help get your kids back on a proper sleeping and eating schedule. If you start getting them in the habit of waking up early, it will be easier to get them to school on time. Plus, breakfast doesn’t need much preparation either! For a quick and healthy meal, try whole grain breakfast cereal with Dairy Oh! milk and fresh berries. Read it before you eat it—Teach your kids how to read food labels. Once your children know which
nutrients to look for and what ingredients to avoid, they will have the power to make healthier choices at school and with friends. A great way to educate your kids is to take them grocery shopping and have them make some selections. Teach them to choose items with less sodium and more vitamins, and show them how to find products that are enriched with DHA, an omega-3 fat that’s important for brain development. You can use a carton of Dairy Oh! milk as a good example to help with label reading and choosing foods with DHA. Plan your menu together—This is a great way to get your children excited about meal time. Now that they better understand how to read food labels, you can create family recipes and enjoy wholesome foods together. Take time to discuss and plan weekly meals with your kids to avoid unhealthy last minute food choices and provide something they will enjoy. Chef in training—Children love to be involved in food preparation. Next time you are in the kitchen, bake a snack they’ll love such as whole wheat muffins or banana bread. Once your kids know how to navigate the kitchen and what foods to choose, they can easily pack their own lunches—something you and your kids can both be excited about! www.newscanada.com
encyclopedias are written and edited by regular people who may not have the accurate details of events. Also, having content that is easily cut and pasted opens up the temptation for plagiarism and blurs the lines of how to attribute information to a source correctly. Digital devices may be great learning tools, but they also offer a number of distractions to students. When a student is supposed to be taking notes on a
laptop in the classroom, he or she might be downloading music, updating social networking sites, streaming video, or checking celebrity gossip. Classrooms are evolving and so are students. Learning is very different from the way older generations may have learned. Whether the presence of digital technology helps or hinders remains open for debate. BS117018
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(NC)—Picnics, pool parties, barbecues—all things that make for a great summer definitely throw a wrench in our routines and balanced diets. Getting into a back-to-school routine can be difficult for the entire family, but there are ways to make the transition as easy as possible.
Digital Age continued from page 29
Getting into the back-to-school routine
Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Back to School
32 Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Back to School How to help kids find the right extracurricular activity (MS) Today’s kids are busier than ever before. Be it the increasingly competitive nature of scholastic life or the increase of two-income households where kids need something to do other than come directly home after school, children today are much busier than their schoolaged counterparts of yesteryear.
observe the nature of the program. Is it an encouraging, vibrant environment? Do the adults and kids involved appear to be having fun?
Parents should also inquire about program costs. Though many programs are upfront about fees, some have hidden fees that can add up. Such fees can be for uniforms, equipment, class trips, etc. Extra fees don’t have to exclude a program from consideration, but it’s better to know about them in advance than have them come as a surprise.
While it can be fun and beneficial for kids to participate in extracurricular activities, finding the right fit isn’t as easy as it sounds. When helping kids find an extracurricular activity, it’s best to consider a host of factors. Especially keep in mind that not all kids are the same with respect to interests. And what was enjoyed by their parents won’t necessarily be enjoyed by them. Getting Started The best place to start is to speak to kids about their interests. Just because Dad loved playing football doesn’t mean Junior is destined to be a gridiron great. Kids have their own interests, and those interests can be cultivated with the right extracurricular activity. For example, a creative child might enjoy an after-school art class a couple of times per week. Parents should also consider extracurriculars that can help kids grow as people. For instance, a child who’s shy in public but loves hamming it up at home might embrace an after-school theater program. Once options have been discussed with kids, take in a session or two before committing to anything. The shy youngster might visit the local theater program and enjoy it thoroughly, or he or she might decide against it. Either way, a visit will give kids and parents a sense of what the program is like and whether or not it’s the right fit. When visiting,
is understaffed, which could mean kids won’t get the attention they need. Also, ask for the staff’s references and work history in the field of child care. If certification is necessary or recommended, make sure the staff meets all requirements.
Team sports, including baseball, can be a great extracurricular activity once kids are old enough to understand rules and cope with losing.
Get the 411 Parents want their kids to be as safe after school as they are during it. When looking for an extracurricular activity, inquire about the staff-tochild ratio and about the staff’s professional background. Any staffto-child ratio that is greater than 12:1 likely indicates a program that
Consider a Child’s Grade Level A child’s age and grade level should also be considered when choosing an extracurricular activity. Consult teachers about finding an ageappropriate extracurricular activity. For example, less competitive activities that emphasize fun might be more appropriate for kids in kindergarten and the first grade. For second graders, activities not offered at school, like learning to play an instrument, can help cultivate a child’s interest in a noncompetitive environment. As kids reach third grade and beyond, consider more rules-based activities, including team sports, as kids at that age are more capable of understanding rules and handling losing than younger kids. As children get older and move on to middle school, look for activities that reinforce learning and help develop a young person’s character, including their ability to interact with others. When looking for an extracurricular activity for kids, parents should consider a host of factors, including the child’s interests and age. BS117017
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Send Your Kids Back to School with a
33 Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Back to School Top back-to-school items are fun and functional For Erin Ruddy, fun yet functional is the biggest trend in toys this year as children head back to school. The editor-in-chief of What’s Up - Canada’s family magazine – offers some toy tips in the latest issue that range from a classic backpack with a modern twist to children’s laptops. “They’re hands-on, fun and different,” said Ruddy. “We’re going with that theme of trying to lure and excite kids with things that are colourful and bright, and disguise that they’re learning.” One of the toys Ruddy highlights is the new Lego Duplo play with letters, where children ages two to five can familiarize themselves with numbers and letters while playing with big colourful bricks. “There are other ways to get your kids familiar with letters instead of writing them over and over again,” she said. Children can also start learning their computer and technological skills through the Brilliant Creations Laptop, new from Vtech. Ruddy said the laptop is meant for children from
Erin Ruddy, editor-in-chief of What’s Up magazine, highlights the most popular trends in children’s learning toys as part of back to school time.
kindergarten to Grade 1, and features a QWERTY keyboard, functioning mouse and is even bilingual. “It’s not overwhelming and links to games instead of the Internet,” said Ruddy. “For $35, you can introduce your child to this technology and know that it will be fun and interactive.” Raskullz Backpacks are also the newest trend to replace the traditional backpack. Ruddy said the backpacks feature a variety of 3D characters including a shark, cat, rabbit, unicorn, horse, dinosaur or gorilla – and even come with matching lunchboxes and luggage. Ruddy added backpack accessories are also big this year – in addition to Kachooz Pencil Toppers featuring fuzzy friends called “Moops.” For older kids, Ruddy said Vex Robotics will keep science-minded children busy. “It’s a starter kit to make a robot from scratch,” said Ruddy. “Educators can get these, and it’s a good way to inject life into science or math. You can create any kind of robot that you like.” Writing and craft tools like Crayola Dry Erase
Learning and Elmer’s Extreme Glue Stick are also popular during back to school time this year. Ruddy said the glue is appropriate for older kids who are working on projects using paper, wood, cardboard – even plastics and metals. “The glue stick is very tough and durable,” Ruddy said. “And glue stick is on everyone’s back to school list.” For more information on what’s hot this year for back to school, visit the What’s Up magazine’s website at http://www.whatsupfamilies.com/ and click on “What’s New.”
Did you know? (MS) Cyberbullying occurs when a child is embarrassed, harassed, humiliated, threatened, or tormented by another child using the Internet, mobile phones or another interactive and digital technology. Just as genuine a concern as bullying, cyberbullying has resulted in children killing others or even committing suicide. Cyberbullying occurs when minors are on both sides of bullying or if the bullying was at least insti-
gated by a minor against another minor. Some of the more common means in which a child is victimized by cyberbullying include repeated e-mails or instant messages, posting real or doctored images online, sharing intimate information against a child’s will and encouraging other children to share in the bullying. Though some instances of cyberbullying rise to a level where criminal charges are filed, this is rare. BS117007
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
Giant garage sale, karaoke and steak night at Stittsville Legion BARB VANT’SLOT Special to the News
A giant garage sale is being held at the parking lot of the Stittsville Legion Hall on Stittsville Main Street this coming Saturday, Aug. 20, starting at 7 a.m. Proceeds will be going to the Legion’s Survivors Club. A “Karaoke” and steak night will be held at the Legion Hall on Friday, Aug. 26. Steak will be served from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. with Karaoke starting at 8 p.m. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend.
Life - Pain free as it should be. No aides, No assistants, One on One 30 & 60 minute treatments for Physiotherapy, Massage & Chiropody (foot care, custom orthotics)
Darts at Richmond Legion? WENDY RYAN
Special to the News
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Church Directory
Darts could be returning to the Richmond Legion this fall. This is the plan, to have the Legion Hall busy each and every Friday night with dart players. For those interested in playing, remember that you do not have to be a Legion member in order to participate. If you want to go on the list of those interested in playing, call 613-838-9696. Also, check out the Legion’s website at www.richmondlegion.ca for details in the future. The Legion’s membership renewal campaign begins in September. Once again there will be early bird draws during September and October. Dues are staying at
$42 and those who renew in either September or October will see their name go in a draw to win the dues back. Those who renew in September will see their name go in the draw for both months. Get well wishes go out to Elsie Salter, Jim Rath, Bob Lawless and Millie Kennedy. The Friday barbeques this summer have been a great success and now there are only three left: Aug. 19, Sept. 2 and Sept. 23. Mark down the dates and try to attend. Those who know they are coming should try to call ahead – this helps with preparing the right amount of food for the evening. Please call Mavis Lewis at 613838-2749. There have been large turnouts for these barbeques this summer. The community support is much appreciated.
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The next trip to the Slots at Rideau Carleton Raceway organized by the 55 Plus Club of the Legion will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 7. For more information, please contact Marion Gullock at 613-836-5254. It is with sadness that we mourn the loss of Comrade Dave Lockhart. Our sympathy goes out to the entire family. Sue Leigh from Scarborough, England, who is Barb Vant’Slot’s cousin, visited the Stittsville Legion on Monday, Aug. 8. Thanks to everyone who came out to visit with her.
Christ Risen to Connect God's People in Love
On the August 12 flyer, page 16, please note that the Fido LG Optimus 2X (Web Code: 10175272) shows an incorrect monthly rate plan for the price advertised. Be advised that the phone is available for $49.99 only on a 36-month select voice and data plan. Also, please note that the incorrect product specifications were advertised for the Samsung 14” Laptop (SF410-S01CA/ WebCode: 10176436) found on page 6 of the August 12 flyer. This laptop features 4GB of memory and the 1st generation Intel® Core™ i5 processor, NOT 6GB of memory and the 2nd generation Intel® Core™ i5 processor, as previously advertised. We apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused our valued customers. 491275
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Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
KOTT Lumber has been delivering service excellence to Ottawa, Ont. home builders for more than 30 years.
Kott Lumber has immediate openings for:
Licensed Truck and Coach Mechanic (310 T Technician) The ideal candidate will be a qualified licensed Truck & Coach Technician with at least 5 years experience, possess a valid Ontario driver’s license, and have the ability to inspect, diagnose and repair mechanical and electrical problems efficiently. You must be able to communicate effectively in English, both written and oral and work well both independently and as a team member. We offer a terrific opportunity and the flexibility to achieve your personal and career goals with a competitive remuneration and benefits package.
Should you wish to be considered for these or any other positions please submit your application to www.joinkott.com
StairWorld designs, manufactures, delivers and installs carpet grade and hardwood stairs for the local tract home builders; as well as custom pre-fabricated stair and railing systems. In-house design capability covers the full range from basic stairs, to “showcase” systems involving exotic species, unusual materials or complex design elements. StairWorld is looking for: Spray Finisher • Experience in all: prep work, sanding, staining, and spraying clear lacquers. • Valid driver’s license • Reliable transportation of equipment, to and from job sites • Good verbal skills and problem solving Stair Assemblers The Stair Assembler is responsible for: • Assembling stairs • Millwork assembly • Fulfilling orders as need Required Experience • Carpentry, framing, or stair building experience, • Able to problem solve in a fast-paced environment • Good Leadership and teamwork skills. To apply for these or any of our other open positions go to www.joinkott.com
Designer – Wood Structure Products We are looking for Designers with a great attitude to join our growing team. We offer a terrific opportunity and the flexibility to achieve your personal and career goals with a competitive remuneration and benefits package. The successful candidate will possess: • Strong knowledge of and hands-on experience using MITEK E-Frame design software. Experience with MITEK version 7.25 would be an asset. • A minimum of 3 years of work related experience in either truss, wall or floor design. Experience in all areas of truss, wall or floor design would be an asset. • Strong attention to detail and the ability to work in a fast paced environment • Excellent professional work ethic • Strong communication and organizational skills • Verifiable professional references To apply for this position or any other open positions, submit your application to www.joinkott.com We are an equal opportunity employer. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 491321
OZ Optics is currently seeking to fill the following positions:
As one of Canada’s largest not for profit leaders in wildlife conservation, research, and advocacy, we are seeking to fill the following position. COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR The Communications Coordinator will help raise the profile of CWF to the Canadian public through a variety of vehicles. He/she will develop and implement communications plans to promote and manage CWF campaigns, events, programs, initiatives, issues, and build support for wildlife conservation. He/she will develop and write high quality, original and effective content for CWF while working closely with key departments to develop, write, edit and copyedit content in both English and French. Job responsibilities: programs, posters, letters, reports, • Work with communications team to create e-communications tools, etc. in both official and deploy strategic communications plans languages • Drive the implementation and development • Work with various media sources to promote of CWF national campaigns CWF and its programs • Draft and communicate campaign plans, strategies, tactics and updates for the CWF Team • Research and write press releases, Develop and execute media pitches with national and • Write articles and content for communications regional media materials, including newsletters, website • Coordinate participation and special event content and annual reports planning • Assist with production and editing of • Work with regional staff to ensure delivery of communications and fundraising materials national campaigns including direct mail campaign, event Qualifications: • College diploma or university degree in • Comfortable with current and emerging communications, journalism or a related field technologies • 5 or more years experience working in a • Creative and intuitive thinker, enthusiastic, communications position self-motivated individual who can work • Experience developing strategic plans, independently as well as be a valuable team communication strategies and critical paths player • Superior English and French language writing, • Ability to work to deadline, set priorities and editing and proofreading skills juggle multiple projects without compromising • Strong interpersonal, people management quality and communication skills • Bilingualism (English and French) required
Materials Manager Establish, maintain and manage a team to effectively provide the services needed to bid, procure, receive, store, control and issue material (and services as appropriate), and ship product in accordance with the company’s cost, quality, and delivery requirements. Minimum of 7 years experience, preferably in a high tech manufacturing environment with a College diploma or University degree in business.
preparation, preparing journal entries, completing account reconciliations, the preparation of payroll and various financial analysis. The Senior Accountant will also be involved and provide support to the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Clerks. Must have a strong understanding of the full accounting cycle and Canadian GAAP. Must have good organizational and communication skills and strong attention to detail. Working knowledge of ERP is an asset.
Fiber Optic Quality Assurance Engineer/Technician Must be able to establish incoming inspection and sampling methodology fulfilling product and customer requirement. Able to carry out First Article Inspection for various kind of products and according to customer needs. Timely and accurate MRB (Material Review Board) disposition and decision. Continuous improvement in IQA area.
Office Manager The Office Manager performs and/or oversees a variety of associated managerial tasks such as corresponding with customers and suppliers, accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll. The ideal Candidate will have an upbeat attitude, exposure to managing in a small office environment and experience in facilities and rental services environment.
Requirements Possess degree in engineering or any technical discipline. Minimum 5 years of experience in managing Incoming Quality Assurance preferably in high tech dealing with optical parts. Good technical knowledge in metrological equipment. Good knowledge in statistics. Well versed in certification systems i.e ISO.
Custodian Typical Duties: Dusting, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing floors, Carpet cleaning, Cleaning of washrooms, Removal of garbage, snow and general ground maintenance.
Fiber Optic Technician/Assembler Responsible for manufacturing of Fiber Optic Patchcords and / or components. Must have 5 years plus experience in mass production environment. Senior Accountant The successful candidate will be involved in financial statement
Skills Ability to work independently in a fast paced, environment. Attention to details Good communication skills, Knowledge of chemicals and equipment related to profession. Required Qualifications: ‘G’ class drivers license along with a clean driving record, Minimum 3 years of building/company cleaning experience; Sound knowledge of all cleaning duties and responsibilities; Good interpersonal communication and organizational skills;
This is a permanent, full-time position, based in Kanata, with some travel required.
Interested candidates may submit their resumes to: OZ Optics 219 Westbrook Road, Ottawa, ON K0A 1L0 Attention: Human Resources or by fax to 613-831-2151 or by e-mail to hr@ozoptics.com For more information, visit www.ozoptics.com
Applications should be forwarded to careers@cwf-fcf.org by Friday, August 26 , 2011.
Or drop resume off at the OZ Optics Reception Desk
Your connection to wildlife
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AUGUST 21, 2010
“Betty” Mildred Passed away peacefully at her home on August 9th, 20111 at the age of 78. Loving mother to Mary Ellen, Andrew (Elizabeth), and Julie. Loved Gramma to Tracy, Genvieve, Matthew and Geoffry. Loved Great Grandmother of Emily, Garrett, Kaitlynn and Adrianna. Fondly remembered by her many friends and family in Woodstock, New Brunswick. CL25831
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MIXED HARDWOOD dried 1 year. $100/face cord. Free delivery to most area’s. 613-229-4004 CARS FOR SALE
2001 SUNFIRE good shape 4 door, 4 cylinder, automatic and a/c. New front end. Included 4 winter tires. Rust proofed every year. 613-831-3428 Larry
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Absolutely Beautiful
3 bedroom townhouse, 1.5 baths, 2 appliances, unfinished basement, one parking spot. $1007 per month plus utilities.
1&2 bedroom apartments
613-831-3445 613-257-8629 www.rankinterrace.com
KANATA RENTAL TOWNHOMES 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms, 5 appliances and more, located in established area, on site management office, 323 Steeplechase Dr. (just off Stonehaven Dr) Kanata, K2M 2N6, call 613-592-0548
Secure 50’s Plus Building Carleton Place No Smoking No Pets $685 & up Seniors’ Discounts
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HUNTER SAFETY CANADIAN FIREARMS COURSE, Carp SEPT., 16th, 17th, 18st. Wenda Cochran 613256-2409 ANNOUNCEMENTS
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Reaching s! 93,000 home
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2003 Limited Edition Silver Anniversary YAMAHA ROAD STAR 13700 km, Very clean, only had 1 owner, never been dropped, terrific condition. Comes with back rest and saddle bags. $7600. Baby on route no more time to ride. Martin 613.424.2335 CL25669
Nothing to do but move in and enjoy the peace and tranquility. Custom (Quality) Built in 2009 with your family in mind. One acre lot for the kids to play in. Dead end road, NO traffic. Minutes from the town of Renfrew and the Ottawa River. 45 Minutes to Kanata. 3+1 Bedroom, 1 ½ Baths. Beautiful custom cabinets, with corion counters. Large back deck looking into a very private Back yard. Established perennial beds, cement walkways at back and interlock walkway at the front with a charming front porch swing. Finished basement with wet bar, rec room, mud room and cold storage. Call 613-432-3714 for more info or visit www.propertysold.ca/6472 and view the other pictures.
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HUNTER SAFETY Canadian Firearms Course. Courses and exams held throughout the year. Free course if you organize a group, exams available. Wenda Cochran, 613-2562409.
Stittsville News - AUGUST 18, 2011
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Piano, guitar, and bass lessons. All ages, styles, and skill levels. At home or in studio. Call 613-831-4398 or email Jasonde sante@hotmail.com Recording Sessions also available. WORLD CLASS DRUMMER (of Five Man Electrical Band) is now accepting students. Private lessons, limited enrollment, free consultation. Call Steve, 613831-5029. w w w. s t eve h o l l i n g worth.ca
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72,500 kmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
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