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2 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
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Barbershop chorus and vocal group perform at the Gaia Java coffee shop in Stittsville. – Pages 34-35
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January 31, 2013 | 64 Pages
Think spring: ‘Sing and Rejoice’ John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - It may be the middle of a cold winter but already the West Ottawa Ladies Chorus is thinking spring, as in spring concert. “Sing and Rejoice,” the group’s spring concert, has been set for Saturday, April 20 at 7 p.m. at St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Young Road off Hazeldean Road in Kanata. This is the same location where the West Ottawa Ladies Chorus made its captivating guest performance at the Christmas concert presented by the Goulbourn Male Chorus. This will be the first concert presented by the West Ottawa Ladies Chorus under the direction of music director Robert Dueck with accompanist Bonnie MacDiarmid. Guest instrumentalists are expected to join the Ladies Chorus for this concert. Music at this concert is going to range from novelty tunes like “Oh, Dear, What can the matter be” to folk songs like “Danny Boy” to classics like “Where’er You Walk” to concert favourites like “Irish Blessing” to sacred music like “Lift Thine Eyes to the Mountains.” In other words, there will be something for everyone, making it a great concert to plan to attend. Tickets are not yet available but will be closer to the concert date. As for the West Ottawa Ladies Chorus itself, it is growing. The group had 25 singers in the fall but eight more ladies have now joined to increase the group’s numbers to 33 singers. And, if you act quickly, it is still not too late for anyone to join the group and be part of the upcoming spring concert. Rehearsals will beginning in the first week of February, so there’s not much of a window to join but it is still open. Any experience choral singers who are interested in joining or who would like more information should contact music director Robert Dueck at 613-836-1824 or via email at dueckrobert@bell.net. Singers with the West Ottawa Ladies Chorus have the option of attending either a Sunday or Wednesday afternoon rehearsal, although many attend both.
Book seekers Stittsville Public School students Ashley Judge, left, and Danielle Boucher, right, look over books at the Scholastic Warehouse Sale which was held at the school in Stittsville on Thursday, Jan. 24.
‘Quiz for a Cause 2’ is coming up Special to the News
NOLA French Quarter Eatery is a little Cajun gem on Stittsville Main Street in the heart of Stittsville. – Page 4
EMC news - The Empire Strikes Back, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Toy Story 2 …These are all pretty good movie sequels. But speaking of pretty good sequels, it will soon be time for the Community Bible Church’s very own sequel to last year’s fun filled Quiz for a Cause fundraising event. Yes, it’s time to get a team together and brush up on your trivia and get ready to participate in the second annual Quiz for a Cause and chili night at the Community Bible Church. This “Quiz for a Cause 2: The Question Master Strikes Back” will be taking place on Saturday, March 2 from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
at the Community Bible Church at 1600 Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville. Those who attended last year’s inaugural event will not want to miss this year’s sequel happening. Or if you did not attend last year but heard about all the fun and want to experience this fabulous night yourself, then plan to attend with a group or friends or simply join a team that needs some extra people. One team per table of up to eight players costs only $200 or $25 per person. For this, you not only get a night filled with trivia but also get to enjoy what is being promoted as Stittsville’s finest chili. You can’t beat that.
And, best of all, the proceeds from this fundraising event will go to help build a local school, develop a sustainable agricultural project and expand the current water system in the Seje community in Kenya. This is an ongoing project which the Community Bible Church has been supporting in partnership with the Seje community. You can register for this “Quiz for A Cause 2: The Question Master Strikes Back” evening by downloading a registration form from www.cbcstittsville. com. For more information, please contact the Community Bible Church office at 613-836-2606.
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Your Community Newspaper
Sacred Heart donates $640 to Chrysalis House Special to the News
EMC news - Chrysalis House, an emergency shelter
for abused women and their children, is receiving $640 from the white ribbon cam-
paign that took place at Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville last December.
This was the amount raised in the annual one-day blitz with donations accepted in
Holding a cheque representing a $640 donation to Chrysalis House, a residence for abused women and children, with the funds raised by the Dec. 6 white ribbon campaign at Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville are, from left, Sacred Heart teacher Matt McCarthy, Sacred Heart students Anna Polito and Olivia Hobbs, Sacred Heart principal Cindy Owens, Sacred Heart student Leah Robertson and Sacred Heart teacher Malcolm Lawrence.
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return for a white ribbon, a visual symbol not only of remembering the women killed at Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal in 1989 but also of protesting and raising awareness against ongoing violence against women. Funds raised by this white ribbon campaign at Sacred Heart have over the years ranged from $400 to as high as $900. Held this year on Thursday, Dec. 6, the anniversary of the Ecole Polytechnique killings that have become widely known as the Montreal massacre, the campaign saw students carrying donation cans visit all the classrooms, distributing white ribbons in exchange for donations. Chrysalis House, which is receiving the proceeds again this year from this white ribbon campaign at Sacred Heart, is a 25 bed home in Kanata operated by the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre that provides emergency shelter and support to abused women and their children. For this latest white ribbon campaign at Sacred Heart, a group of students was actively involved in the preparations for the campaign. They prepared an exhibit in
a display case in the atrium at the school, with the exhibit featuring photos of the 14 women killed in the Montreal massacre, all displayed along with an arrangement of white candles. The students also prepared the donation cans which were used in the campaign and which were taken to each classroom. In addition, the students helped count the monies received and they were also involved in presenting public address announcements about the upcoming white ribbon campaign in the days leading up to Dec. 6. It was on Dec. 6, 1989 that a gunman shot and killed 14 women at the Ecole Polytehnique in Montreal before killing himself. The anniversary of this tragic event, Dec. 6, has been commemorated as a National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. The white ribbon campaign associated with this National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women was launched in 1991 as a way of raising awareness of male violence against women in society.
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2 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
Your Community Newspaper
Past District Governor explains about Lionism John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - Making a difference in the community, in the country and in the world – this is what Lions Club members try to do. This was the message delivered by Lions Past District Governor James Johnston from the Chalk River Lions Club when he addressed a meeting of the Stittsville District Lions Club at the Lions Hall in Stittsville on Wednesday evening, Jan. 23. A Lion with a self-proclaimed passion for trying to enlist new members, Mr. Johnston spoke at a meeting where there were four guests who had accepted the Stittsville Lions’ invitation to attend and hear about the work that a Lions Club does. “Lions are essentially community minded people who want to make a difference in their community,” Mr. Johnston said, although he also talked about the involvement of local Lions Clubs with both international and national projects and programs. He noted that dealing with treatable and preventable blindness is a main focus of Lions members. This can include support for cataract surgery in countries around the world where such surgery can make such a difference to people there. He noted that Lions Clubs help out in cases of natural disasters as hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes. Mr. Johnston said that the Lions Foundation was named as the top non-governmental organization in the world several years ago, noting that every dollar raised by this Foundation goes directly to provide help. He noted that Lions Clubs locally collect used eye glasses which are then taken to and distributed in Guyana in South America. These eye glasses allow people to see properly, sometimes for the first time in
their lives, he said. Mr. Johnston told about five programs handled by the Lions Foundation of Canada: seeing eye dogs, hearing dogs, special skills dogs, seizure alert dogs and autism assistance dogs. He also told about the Lions camps around the province which serve certain groups: a camp for the blind and their families; a camp for those with kidney disease; a camp for those with diabetes; and a camp for children with learning disabilities. Mr. Johnston told about the blind anglers tournament which the Lions Clubs of the District hold on the Ottawa River, giving the blind an opportunity to go fishing. And there’s also all that a local Lions Club like the Stittsville District Lions Club does in its own community – raising funds for the Alzheimer Society, the Canadian Diabetes Association, the Cancer Society through the Relay for Life, among others. Lions Clubs also provide local scholarships and help families in need in the community. The Stittsville District Lions Club supports the Stittsville Food Bank and has made sizeable donations to the Queensway Carleton Hospital and the Carleton Place Hospital as well as the Ottawa Heart Institute. Mr. Johnston said that in his case, being a Lion has meant meeting new friends and enjoying fellowship with other Club members. But, more importantly, it has also meant feeling a sense of accomplishment in making a difference in people’s lives. “It’s that feeling in your heart you get making a difference in someone’s life, that’s what it’s all about,” he said in explaining the reason why he and so many others join a Lions Club. You make your community a better place, he said, while being part of larger organization, he said.
At the Stittsville District Lions Club meeting at the Lions Hall in Stittsville on Wednesday, Jan. 23 are, from left, Club secretary Ed Meunier; guest speaker and past District Governor James Johnston of the Chalk River Lions Club; Club president Beth Lewis; and Club treasurer Don Carson.
Calling 2-1-1 Special to the News
Brenda Miller, left, who attended the Wednesday, Jan. 23 meeting of the Stittsville District Lions Club to learn about what the Lions Club does, chats with Stittsville District Lions Club member Don Redtman, right.
EMC news - There’s 9-11, the emergency response number. And there’s 3-1-1, the city’s information number. But there’s also 2-1-1, perhaps not as well known but it is the number where people can find access to needed community and social services. The number 2-1-1 is basically a gateway to all social and community services in Ottawa. Community support services available through the local Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre include respite care, Meals on Wheels, foot care clinics, transportation to medical appointments, the “Snow Go” program, Diners Clubs, friendly visiting, and a service program, formerly encompassing Home Help and Home Maintenance programs.
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 3
Your Community Newspaper
A little Cajun gem in the heart of Stittsville Quarter Eatery will be having a sommelier from Montreal at the restaurant for a wine pairing evening. Customers will receive a five to six course meal, all paired with different wines. The sommelier will move throughout the restaurant, speaking to all the customers and giving them a brief overview of the wines being served and explaining why a certain wine was paired with a certain food. Wine enthusiasts as well as food lovers should both enjoy this special evening. The NOLA French Quarter Eatery is planning to have special events like this throughout the year. There might be a beer or whisky tasting evening, for instance, or an information evening, complete with sampling, for wines â&#x20AC;&#x201C; any kind of different event that might interest people and encourage them to spend an evening at the restaurant. Mr. Wilby says that the NOLA French Quarter Eatery has a unique outdoor patio which will be open again as soon as the weather allows. He is hoping to have new furniture for it and perhaps even expand it a little at some point. Located on the north side of the building beside the Trans Canada Trail, the patio attracts a lot of cyclists and walkers using the Trail, as well as others who just drop in for some time on the patio. The NOLA French Quarter Eatery is open for dinner only, six days a week, being closed on Mondays. Reservations are recommended, especially for weekends or special events. The phone number is 613-8363543.
John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
Ryan Wilby of the NOLA French Quarter Eatery on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville pours a glass of wine at the restaurantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bar. medium in keeping with the culture of New Orleans. Customers that evening will be provided with 20 minute readings. In addition, there will be live entertainment. Mardi Gras is an annual carnival celebration in New Orleans, running for a couple of weeks up until Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, the traditional start of the Lenten season. The celebration
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of Mardi Gras was brought to New Orleans and Louisiana by early French settlers. On Tuesday, Feb. 12, which is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pancake Tuesday,â&#x20AC;? the NOLA French Quarter Eatery will be offered free pancakes for children. Thursday, Feb. 14 is Valentines Day and it will be celebrated in style at the NOLA French Quarter Eatery. In March, the NOLA French
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past. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;more mood music,â&#x20AC;? Mr. Wilby says about the restaurantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s live entertainment now, saying its music more characteristic of New Orleans and the Louisiana attitude. With Madri Gras coming up in February, the NOLA French Quarter Eatery has a Mardi Gras kick off planned for Friday, Feb. 8. It will feature a local tarot card reader/psychic
EMC news - Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s become a little Cajun gem in the heart of Stittsville â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the NOLA French Quarter Eatery. This has happened not only through its menu and special events like an upcoming Mardi Gras celebration but also simply through its premises. Located in one of Stittsvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most historic buildings, the former Bradleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s General Store on Stittsville Main Street, Ryan Wilby, who owns the restaurant with his spouse Melissa Morse, says that the building, with its old brick exterior and appearance, could almost be dropped into the French Quarter in New Orleans, the home of Cajun cuisine and the area which is famous for its Mardi Gras. And Ryan should know, because he has visited New Orleans many times, describing it as a unique place with a â&#x20AC;&#x153;cool culture.â&#x20AC;? He and his wife want to bring that culture and its laissez faire attitude and great food to Stittsville through their restaurant. Since taking over the former Louisianneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restaurant last July, they have undertaken a number of renovations, such as enclosing the kitchen area, introducing new tables and chairs and altering the menu slightly with some new offerings. There are also a number of photographs of New Orleans now adorning the walls in the dining area, adding to the New Orleans theme for the restaurant. While retaining regular live entertainment, it has been changed to more of a blues and jazz style rather than the louder rock bands of the
Your Community Newspaper
Gerd Lohmann elected as Agricultural Society head Special to the News
EMC news - Gerd Lohmann is now the president of the Richmond Agricultural Society. He was elected as president at the Societyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual general meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 22 in Richmond, moving up from the post of first vice-president. Gerd succeeds Larry Monuk as president, with Mr. Monuk now becoming the immediate past president. Bill Reid was elected as the first vice-president while Ian Stackhouse will assume the role of second vice-president. Incoming Agricultural Society president Gerd Lohmann praised outgoing president Larry Monuk for his work, calling it â&#x20AC;&#x153;two years of stellar leadership.â&#x20AC;? Richmond Agricultural Society Directors returning to complete the second year of a two year term include David Bobier, Bruce button, Vivien Daly, Cindy Dawson, Wendy Ferguson, John Gil, Marlene Greene, Gavin Grusnick,
Chris Lawton, Anne Lindsay, Gerd Lohmann, Larry Monuk, Kyle Seguin, Ken Stuyt, Margaret Todd and Ken Vaughn. Directors returning to start a new two year term this year include Bruce Bain, Bob Bell, David Brown, Wayne Byrne, Denise Crawford, Carol Demjan, Susan Hughes, Rob Parks, David Read, Bill Reid and Ian Stackhouse. Two Directors who have stepped down are Sarah Farrell and Scott Kealey. Elected as new Directors are Mary-Lou Farrell and Laura Robertson. Junior Directors who have been appointed for another yearly term are Dwight Brown, Scott Dawson, Chelsey Foster, Mathew Noxon, Braden Stuyt, Curtis Stuyt, Allison Todd, Craig Wytenburg and James Wytenburg. At the annual general meeting, it was announced that the Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Trophy was going to Michael Stuyt for garnering the highest points in the field crop exhibits at the 2012 Richmond Fair.
Richmond Agricultural Society 2012 president Larry Monuk, left, passes on the gavel to incoming 2013 president Gerd Lohmann, right, at the Societyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual general meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 22.
Online consultation for Main Street Plan john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - The Stittsville Main Street Community Design Plan (CDP) is going online. An online campaign has been launched to broaden the discussion about how the city of Ottawa can improve Stittsville Main Street. This online campaign, which started last Monday, Jan. 28, will run through to Sunday, Feb. 17. In addition, all residents in Stittsville should be getting an information flyer from the city about this Stittsville Main Street CDP and seeking ideas and input about it. All ideas generated from residents through this online campaign and this mail campaign will be used by the CDPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s technical team in developing a draft CDP. Ideas can be submitted at www.ottawa.ca/stittsvillecdp. Ideas could involve how to improve pedestrian and cycling networks, providing easier access to transit, implementing better traffic and parking management and encouraging more shopping and services along the street. Community input should also focus on what kind of development is most appropriate for Stittsville Main Street. Those responding are urged to provide their own vision for Stittsville Main Street. The CDP, when finalized, will provide a 20 year outlook for Stittsville Main Street, encouraging development of a
vibrant street that supports the community with a balanced mix of residential and commercial developments. The CDP will provide guidance on how to create a compact, mixed use and walkable environment for Stittsville Main Street. There are plans for a public consultation event related to this CDP sometime this March. The final CDP is expected to be completed by the end of this year. It will include an inventory of heritage features, a traffic study, policy directions and design guidelines for future development as well as 3D computer models of the area. The completed CDP is expected to be presented to Ottawa city councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s planning committee and then city council for approval in the first quarter of 2014. The community of Stittsville will be undergoing significant growth in the next two decades. The current population of 27,000 is expected to reach 70,000 by the year 2031. It is in view of this growth that the CDP for Stittsville Main Street is being developed in order to create a Stittsville Main Street in the future that meets the needs and wishes of the residents. The Stittsville Main Street CDP is focused on Stittsville Main Street from Carp Road in the north to Bell Street in the south. Any questions about this CDP should be directed via email to stittsvillecdp@ottawa.ca.
Members of the 2013 executive of the Richmond Agricultural Society are, front row, seated, from left, general manager/ secretary Dale Greene; president Gerd Lohmann; and treasurer Vivien Daly; and, back row, standing, from left, second vice-president Ian Stackhouse; first vice-president Bill Reid; and immediate past president Larry Monuk.
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John Curry
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 5
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6 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
Your Community Newspaper
What’s up, doc, around village of Stittsville? EMC news – Longtime Stittsville resident Gord MacIsaac, who hails from Nova Scotia, has a brother Daniel MacIsaac who is a lawyer in Nova Scotia and who is featured in a video talking about his experiences in Nova Scotia, namely about being brought up there and about being a lawyer. The video can be seen by looking up Daniel MacIsaac on www.youtube.com. Also on YouTube you will find a video of another of Gord’s brothers, Hector, who also is in Nova Scotia and also is a lawyer. However, Hector is doing something quite different on his YouTube video, namely singing …There’s not much time left for voting but online voting for the Kanata Chamber of Commerce “People’s Choice Business Awards” is still ongoing with the deadline being this Friday, Feb. 1 at 12 midnight. There are categories for Goulbourn (including Stittsville) businesses that you might be interested in voting for. The online voting takes place through the Kanata Chamber of Commerce website…With the cold, cold weather which struck the area last week, frozen pipes became a problem for some. Phil Sweetnam let it be known that he has an electric pipe thawer that was used by Richmond electrician/plumber J. Don Green for years that he has and which he claims is simple and safe to use. He offered to provide simple instructions on its use for anyone who might want to borrow the unit which he calls
a “heritage pipe thawer.”…Hurley’s Grill (located in the former Broadway Bar & Grill premises at the Shops of Main Street plaza at Carp Road and Stittsville Main Street) is offering a free shuttle bus service to Ottawa Senators home games…If you want to try out for free whether a TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) program is for you, you should consider attending the free open house which is being held on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 6:15 p.m. at the Stittsville United Church on Fernbank Road just west of Stittsville Main Street. For more information, please contact Denise Lavallee at 613-831-4694…Recently an Ottawa Police Service basketball team led by School Resource Officer Constable Brad Peak played against members of the physical education class at Frederick Banting Alternate Program School on Stittsville Main Street, coached by Jane Roberts-Long. The students got off to a quick start in the game but the Ottawa Police squad took control of the game in the second half, winning in the end by a 59-48 score. Both students and staff at Frederick Banting Alternate Program would like to thank the Ottawa Police for participating in such a fun and enjoyable game for everyone. The Frederick Banting Alternate Program of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board is located in the former Stittsville Public School facility on Stittsville Main Street…At the Ottawa Waldorf School
on Goulbourn Street last Saturday, it was a case of a former student teaching the staff. Several members of the Waldorf staff took a first aid course taught by Lauren Pageau who graduated from the Ottawa Waldorf School several years ago. Now in her fourth year at university, Lauren has the qualifications to teach a certified first aid course…Ben Durocher of Stittsville, who attended Sacred Heart High School and then Canterbury High School before graduating from university in the United States for the performing arts, is currently performing with a touring puppet show down in Australia. He has performed across the United States with this show…Craig Dunbar of Stittsville, who is an Ottawa Fire Services volunteer firefighter, has taken to Facebook in an effort to find a kidney donor. Craig, who was diagnosed with renal failure in 2007 and who has been living with dialysis ever since, is now facing a situation where he needs to get a kidney transplant in a year or so or else his future is bleak. He is on home dialysis but he soon will not be able to undergo dialysis any longer. That’s why there is urgency to his situation. His Facebook site “Kidney 4 Craig” has attracted more than 3,500 friends since it was launched by one of his cousins on Thursday, Jan. 17. The problem is that there are many waiting for a kidney transplant in Canada today and there just aren’t enough donors….A Stittsville District
Lions Club contingent of Al Zoschke, Gord MacIsaac, Bob Lewis and Paul Riddell are scheduled to play in a “Curl for the Cure” bonspiel hosted by the Carleton Place Lions Club on Saturday, Feb. 9 in Carleton Place. Proceeds are going for cancer research…Each month at Holy Spirit Catholic Church on Shea Road, couples celebrating wedding anniversaries in a particular month can receive a special blessing during a mass if they so wish. In January, couples who received this special blessing were Maria and Helmut Hemmerich who have been married for 56 years, and Lois and Leonard Desjardine who marked their 32nd wedding anniversary in January…Eastern Ontario Junior Hockey League stats show that the Stittsville Royals have attracted a total of 1,393 fans for 18 home games at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex on Shea Road so far this season…The Stittsville Legion had more than 25 Canadian Forces personnel turn out for its first-ever “All Ranks Meet and Greet” at the Legion Hall last Friday afternoon and evening. Another “All Ranks Meet and Greet” is being planned for Friday, Feb. 8. The idea of these “All Ranks Meet and Greet” is to provide a venue where all Canadian Forces members in the Stittsville area can get together and share some camaraderie and time together. Dress for the event can be either uniform or civilian attire…
Three euchre prizes go to male players Special to the News
At Stittsville Public School Looking over the books on sale at the Scholastic Warehouse Sale at Stittsville Public School in Stittsville on Thursday, Jan. 24 are students Alijah Nam, left, and Liam Barrett, right.
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EMC news - Men prevailed at the euchre party hosted by the Stittsville District Lions Club at the Lions Hall in Stittsville on Thursday evening, Jan. 24. All three prizes went to men – first prize to Albert Zoschke, second prize to Bill Watson and third prize to Dave Creighton. In addition, Don McLore grabbed the prize for the hidden score. But the ladies weren’t out of the picture totally. Carol Brown won the door prize while both of the 50/50 draws went to the ladies – Peggy Manion won the first one and Susan Gervais captured the second one. One other prize also went to the ladies – Bonnie West took home the booby prize. A total of nine tables were played at this euchre party. The Stittsville District Lions Club is hosting a euchre party at the Lions Hall on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville every Thursday. The doors open at 7 p.m. with the euchre action getting underway at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship playing euchre, followed by snacks.
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Stittsville Public School student Benjamin Crocker holds up the treasure that he found at the Scholastic Warehouse Sale at the school in Stittsville on Thursday, Jan. 24.
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Give us a call at 613-693-0830 for a free quote. Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 7
Your Community Newspaper
Making the winter a little warmer for all
interâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chill always comes with some warm ideas. There are people in every community across the city who see winter as the right time to plan their biggest events. What better way to break up a season that begs you to stay indoors and hibernate? After a week or more of punishing cold, people start to get a touch of cabin fever if they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t spend any time
outdoors. We lose out on opportunities to get some physical activity and we risk losing out on social connections. Cold drives us indoors, making our shopping malls, community centres, rinks and libraries good places to spend time. All are good places to make new friends. While Winterlude does a great job of giving us all something to look forward to, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the local, grassroots efforts of volunteers that can reunite Ottawans with the
great outdoors. Doing all that work at -30 C is tough sledding, so to speak, but wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop everyone. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not easy to run events in January or February in this country, but our hardiest volunteers can be counted on year after year to snub Jack Frost and head outdoors. If you dress properly, keep track of the kids and watch out for frostbite, some of this cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s coldest days are still enjoyable. Be it organizing a winter
carnival in a park or flooding outdoor rinks, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s volunteers that get the job done. We owe them plenty of thanks and a very, very large cup of hot chocolate. Every year, communities across the country gather at their local rinks to celebrate Hockey Day in Canada. Sure, the weather is often way below zero, and participants can often be seen banging their skates against the ice to keep the blood circulating and warm their chilled feet
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; but also visible are the big toothy grins on the faces of children as they wobble across the ice. And it isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t unusual to see the groups of parents gathered at the boards let out an occasional guffaw as they watch their sons and daughters antics on the ice. It isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t so much the game. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about family and togetherness (itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no coincidence that the event is scheduled close to Family Day for Ontarians.)
When the going â&#x20AC;&#x201C; or weather in this case â&#x20AC;&#x201C; gets tough, it has the strange byproduct of bringing friends, families and communities closer together. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s be honest, given a choice most of us would prefer lounging on a Bermuda beach or strolling down an Acapulco avenue rather than endure another day of the Great Canadian Winter. So instead of bemoaning yet another day when the temperatures hover around -40 C (with wind chill), grab your sled, skis, skates or winter gear of choice and enjoy this season of togetherness. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Tis the season to be jolly.
Boo to the hockey boobirds CHARLES GORDON Funny Town
tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nice to have hockey back so that we can appreciate the insights it brings into human behaviour. For example, when the Florida Panthers were in town, Ottawa Senators fans booed whenever the Panthersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Alex Kovalev touched the puck. This sort of thing goes on a lot in hockey rinks and if you asked Senators fans why they booed they would reply he played for Ottawa a couple of years ago, got a big salary and didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seem to try very hard. Another former Senator accused of not always trying hard, Alexei Yashin, used to get similar treatment when he showed up here in a New York Islanders uniform. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s understandable, I suppose, although cheering your team always seems more useful than booing the other one -- and sets a better example for the kids in the crowd. At home youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re teaching them that hating people is wrong; at the rink youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re showing them that there are exceptions. Generally speaking, the booing has at least some faint historical justification: the player did something wrong, like not play well, or sign with another team. Several Toronto players who played a chippier kind of game heard boos in Ottawa. And of course there is the peculiar case of Daniel Alfredsson, who once knocked a Leafs player into the boards in a playoff game and got away without a penalty. Worse, he stole the puck and scored the gamewinning goal. For that, which happened in 2002, Alfredsson is booed to this day by Leafs fans, every time he touches the puck. In a bizarre twist, the booing is quite loud in Ottawa,
because so many Leafs fans attend games here. So you have the most beloved player in Ottawa history being booed in his own arena because of something that happened to Toronto more than 10 years ago. It is difficult to count the number of ways in which this is wrong. But at least it can be explained. How do you explain that fact that Erik Karlsson, Ottawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s young defence star, was booed every time he touched the puck on opening night in Winnipeg? What did Karlsson ever do to them? Did he once fight a Jets player? Did he say something nasty about Winnipeg in a local paper? That will sometimes do it. Well, no. He didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do those things. He was booed for being a great player on the opposing team. Isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t that crazy? You boo a guy because heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s on the other team and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how it works and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s certainly not limited to Winnipeg. When Sidney Crosby, then 19 years old, played in Ottawa in the 2007 playoffs, the many fans made a point of booing the Penguins star. Why? Many local commentators asked the question at the time, condemning the booing as classless. The only serious defence came from people such as the anonymous contributor to an online forum who said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We boo someone to take them off their game.â&#x20AC;? Right. A guy has played hockey all his life at the highest level and is paid millions of dollars for doing so and he is going to be taken off his game because some fans boo. More likely, he wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even hear it, such is his level of concentration. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what Erik Karlsson said after the game in Winnipeg. He didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hear it. Two months after becoming a national hero for scoring the game-winning overtime goal for Canada in the 2010 Olympics, Crosby was booed in Ottawa during the playoffs. His team went on to win that series. Of course, they pay for their tickets and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a free country and all that. And of course words like â&#x20AC;&#x153;sportsmanshipâ&#x20AC;? are rarely heard these days. Still, wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t it be better to save the booing for something truly deserving, like the flu or the commissioner?
Editorial Policy
Web Poll THIS WEEKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S POLL QUESTION
Is it cold enough for you yet?
A) Yes. I hate the winter and canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wait for this global warming stuff to kick in. B) Just about. I want it to stay cold
enough so I can skate to work for the month of February.
C) No. The colder the better. D) Who cares, I just wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go outside
until the snow thaws.
The Stittsville News EMC welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at www.yourottawaregion.com. To submit a letter to the editor, please email to theresa.fritz@metroland.com , fax to 613-224-2265 or mail to the Stittsville News EMC, 80 Colonnade Rd. N., Unit 4, Ottawa, ON, K2E 7L2.
T: 613-224-3330 F: 613-224-2265
Member of: Ontario Community Newspapers Association, Canadian Community, Newspapers Association, Ontario Press Council, Association of Free Community Papers
8 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
A) Yes. I always get a flu shot â&#x20AC;&#x201C; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what gets me through the winter.
B) Not yet, but Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m planning on it. 0% C) No. I never get sick so I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t 50%
see any reason to get a flu shot.
D) Nah. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m just going south for the winter where thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s other things to worry about â&#x20AC;&#x201C; like catching a tan.
To vote in our web polls, visit us at www.yourottawaregion.com/community/cityofottawa
Published weekly by:
With influenza running rampant worldwide, did you get your shot this year?
Read us online at www.EMConline.ca www.yourottawaregion.com
Your Community Newspaper
Your Children’s Aid 2013 is a very special year for the Children’s Aid Foundation of Ottawa. It marks the 25th anniversary of supporting children and youth in our community. Since 1988, the Foundation has provided enrichment and educational opportunities to the children and young adults in the care of the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa.
Members of the Stittsville Peewee Vipers, A side champions in the recent Cobden Peewee Tournament, are, front row, from left, Dylan Bielawski, Carson Wenger, Chris Evraire, Josh Rowbotham, Lucas Quattrocchi, goalie Kaitlin Clarke (lying down), Dylan Stauch and Nicholas Delarosbil; second row, from left, Matthieu Gauthier, Robert O’Connor, Matt Massicotte, Ben Henshaw, Alex Usak, William Scott and Kyle MacKay; and, back row, from left, coach Paul Stauch, trainer Stuart MacKay, coach Al Massicotte and head coach Bruce Evraire.
Third tournament win for Stittsville Peewee Vipers Special to the News
EMC sports - The Vipers are living up to their name – that they are a venomous or deadly team to run into in tournament play. The Stittsville Peewee Vipers proved it again in winning their third straight tournament recently by capturing the A side of the Cobden Peewee Tournament. It was three straight victories on the way to the tournament championship. The Vipers started off at the tournament by beating a Barry’s Bay team 9-1. Alex Usak led the offensive attack for the Vipers with a hat trick. The Vipers faced a much tougher test in their second game of the tournament when they went up against a Rockland team. The Vipers clung to a 1-0 lead through much of the game until Lucas Quattrocchi of the Vipers scored an insurance marker
with just over two minutes left in the game. In the final minute, Rockland pulled its goalie to try to score but the move backfired as the Vipers sealed their win with an empty netter, resulting in a 3-0 victory. The Vipers faced Renfrew in the championship final. Some great passing and forechecking helped the Vipers control the play and skate to a 5-1 victory and the tournament championship. The Stittsville Vipers’ coaches commented that this championship game was one of the team’s best all round games so far this season.
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On January 23, 250 business and community leaders came together in the ballroom at the Chateau Laurier to learn more about the Foundation and to help celebrate our silver anniversary. A special thank you to our breakfast champion, the Honourable Vern White, Senator, for his tremendous assistance in making this celebration a real success. The Foundation has touched many lives over the past 25 years. Over 6,300 children, youth and families have received some level of direct support from the Foundation s YOUNG ADULTS RECEIVED BURSARIES so they could attend a post-secondary institution s CHILDREN WERE SENT TO CAMP s CHILDREN AND YOUTH RECEIVED ongoing tutoring to improve their literacy and math skills s CHILDREN YOUTH AND FAMILIES received assistance for essential items such as cribs, strollers, high chairs, beds and winter clothing s CHILDREN WERE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE in a sports or recreational activity to help them build skills, confidence and character s CHILDREN AND YOUTH WERE GIVEN THE opportunity to join Brownies, Girl Guides and Boy Scouts The Foundation firmly believes that every child should have the opportunity to enjoy life-enriching experiences and that education is a powerful tool that allows children and young adults to shape their future. On behalf of the children and youth we serve, we wish to thank our many loyal donors, who believe in the work of the Foundation and share the vision that every child deserves the joys of a safe and nurturing childhood. We are very fortunate to have such caring individuals, corporations and organizations that come forward each year to help us continue to support our community.
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The Children’s Aid Foundation of Ottawa looks forward to a future of continuing to provide support for children and youth so they can enhance their physical, social, mental and developmental well-being.
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 9
10 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
Your Community Newspaper
Stittsville Storm are champions in Russell Special to the News
EMC sports - The Stittsville Storm have brought home a tournament championship banner. The Stittsville Storm captured the banner by being Atom A champions at the 2013 Russell Tournament on the weekend of Jan. 18-20 in Russell. It was the third tournament in a row that the Stittsville Atom A Storm found themselves playing in the semi-finals of a tournament. Only this time, unlike in the two previous tournaments, the Storm won and advanced to the tournamentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s championship final where they also won. Previously the Stittsville Atom A Storm had gone undefeated going into the semifinals of the Orleans tournament. But then the Storm suffered a nail-biting 3-2 loss to the
South End Shockwave. Next the Storm were undefeated going into the semi-finals of the Bell Capital Cup. But, once again, they finished on the short side of the score, losing a hard-fought 2-1 game to the Iceberg Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alymer, the team that went on to win it all. It was an impressive bronze medal performance in the Bell Capital Cup for the Storm but the team was left wondering what it would feel like to advance to a championship final game. Well, they got to experience a championship game after pulling off a 3-2 win against Orleans in the semi-finals of the 2013 Russell Atom A Tournament and advancing to the Sunday evening championship game. This game featured the two remaining undefeated Atom A teams in the tournament, namely the Stittsville Storm and the Russell Warriors.
It was a heart pounding affair as the Russell Warriors went up 1-0 early in the third period. This was the only time that the Storm had trailed an opponent in the tournament. The Storm faced this adversity head-on and stepped up their game, applying the pressure and getting some great scoring chances, including ringing one off the post before finally netting two quick back-to-back goals to go up 2-1 in the game. The Storm, though, took a penalty in the final minute of the game. Russell countered by pulling its goalie, making it six skaters against four on the ice. But the Storm players continually read the Warriorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; attack, intercepting passes and clearing the zone to prevent any shots on net. As the buzzer sounded to end the game, the Storm
players ecstatically tackled one another in celebration. It
was a championship win for the team. They were bringing
home a championship banner to Stittsville.
Members of the Stittsville Atom A Storm who are celebrating after their championship win in the recent 2013 Russell Atom A Tournament in Russell are, lying at the front, goalie Scotty Quintal; first row, kneeling, from left, Connor Marriage, Brayden Pike, Robert Forward, Ryan Christink and Brendan Grandy; and, back row, standing, from left, Owen McNaughton, Ethan Laight, Cullen Lesage, Robert Banks, Caleb Aitken and Kiley Sass.
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Members of the Stittsville Atom A Storm, champions of the 2013 Russell Atom A Tournament in Russell, who are with their championship banner and who are wearing their gold medals are, front row, kneeling, from left, Brendan Grandy, Brayden Pike, Scotty Quintal, Kiley Sass and Robert Forward; second row, standing, from left, Ethan Laight, Ryan Christink, Cullen Lesage, Owen McNaughton, Connor Marriage, Robert Banks and Caleb Aitken; and, back row, from left, head coach Dion Pike, assistant coach David Aitken and assistant coach Jason Sass. Missing is manager Donna Forward.
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Your Community Newspaper
John Clarke, left, and Merilee Clarke, right, owners of the Stittsville Kumon Centre, flank Six year old Jude Hopkins, right, arranges wooden stir sticks in an activity at the open Kumon student Abhishek Kurusetty, centre, after presenting him with a plaque marking house at the Stittsville Kumon Centre at the Stittsville Shopping Centre in Stittsville last his math achievements. Saturday, Jan. 26 as Rachel Shavrnoch, left, a youth instructor at the Centre, looks on.
Achievement award presented at Kumon Centre John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - The Stittsville Kumon Centre wants its young learners to strive for and achieve as much as possible in math and reading. And
so what better way to show what can be achieved than to present a prestigious achievement award to one of its students at last Saturday’s open house marking the Kumon Centre’s 20th anniversary in Stittsville.
It was Abhishek Kurusetty, a Kumon student for ten years, who was presented with a “Place of Distinction” certificate and plaque for his work in math. He has placed 893rd in math in North America, quite an accomplishment
when one considers that there are 16,886 students involved altogether at his level. While Abhishek has reached the highest level in the Kumon math program, he is still working on finishing the reading program. He
is close to the top on the Kumon reading ladder and soon should be receiving his “star” for completing that program as well. While the open house at the Stittsville Kumon Centre at the Stittsville Shopping Cen-
tre (Shoppers Drug Mart plaza) on Stittsville Main Street lasted all day long, it was at 2 p.m. that a brief formal ceremony to mark the Centre’s 20 years in Stittsville was held. See OPEN HOUSE, page 13
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12 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
Your Community Newspaper
Open house at Kumon Continued from page 12
Stittsville Kumon Centre co-owner Merilee Clarke used an old fashioned, hand-held but effective ringing school bell to capture the attention of those present and focus them on the brief ceremony. City of Ottawa Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri, who was in attendance and who formally cut a special cake along with owners Merilee and John Clarke, told those in attendance that it is great to have a facility like the Stittsville Kumon Centre in Stittsville, noting that the Kumon instructors help guide students through the Kumon learning process. He also presented Mr. and Mrs. Clarke with a certificate from the city of Ottawa congratulating the Stittsville Kumon Centre for its 20 years in business in Stittsville. “For many years John and Merilee Clarke have been helping the children of Stittsville to become the best they can be in reading and in math,” the certificate read in part. Blue and white banners were strung on parts of the ceiling to give a festive appearance to the Kumon premises for this celebratory open house. There were examples of Kumon student work sheets displayed on one of the tables. Examples of reading achievement tests of various students were on display as well. A Kumon gift basket raffle was held as part of this open house. The gift basket was filled with Kumon books, bottles and other items. One table area was set up with four quizzes; one dealt with the number of jelly beans on display; another asked a question about the hands of a clock (if 12 o’clock is pointing north, what direction is 3 o’clock pointing?); yet another about dividing up three dozen cookies among three children equally; and a final, fourth quiz asking participants to pick a number between 1 and 20, double it, add 6, divide by 2, subtract the original number and come up with an an-
swer (It apparently always comes out to 3). The open house also provided an opportunity for visiting parents to chat with Merilee and John Clarke about the Kumon approach to developing the math and reading skills of children. The goal of Kumon is to help each child develop strong academic skills, a love of learning and the confidence to excel beyond the classroom. Kumon takes the approach that every child learns at a different rate. Because of this, each child has an individual plan that is at the appropriate level for the child and has a time line that allows the child to comprehend the concepts completely before moving on. Stittsville Kumon Centre class hours are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Kumon Centre premises located in the corridor area at the Stittsville Shopping Centre. Students study for about half an hour per subject in class and have short, specially designed work sheets to complete at home. The homework is considered important because it imbeds the latest learning with the student so that the student does not forget in between classes what was learned at the last class. Kumon is the world’s largest after-school math and reading enrichment program. Its individualized approach helps children progress by ability rather than age or grade. In Stittsville, a Kumon Centre was first opened 20 years ago by Bonny Junkins in the downstairs hall at St. Thomas Anglican Church. Two years later, Bonny added Merilee Clarke to her staff. James Patrick continued the work of the original owner Bonny Junkins, developing a Kumon Centre in Stittsville dedicated to the success of the children involved. Merilee Clarke remained involved as an instructor and three years ago, Merilee and her husband John Clarke purchased the Stittsvllle Kumon franchise, relocating it from its previous premises in the Ultramar Plaza on Stittsville Main Street to its current premises.
March into the Royale Kanata this spring and
Cutting the cake celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Stittsville Kumon Centre at its open house last Saturday, Jan. 26 are, from left, co-owner John Clarke, city of Ottawa Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri and co-owner Merilee Clarke.
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Your Community Newspaper
Main Street Community Services gives hope - to the whole family John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
Together are Shelley-Anne Steinburg, left, executive director of Main Street Community Services, is with parent Karen Carruthers, right, whose two children with special needs are both in programs at Main Street Community Services.
EMC news - Main Street Community Services in Stittsville is a vehicle of hope. You can talk about the variety of services and programs provided by Main Street Community Services of Stittsville. They are extensive and in some cases innovative and perhaps revolutionary. And these services and programs do give and, indeed, deliver on a promise of hope - broadening horizons, developing talents, promoting self-esteem, instilling life preparation skills and controlling behaviours of its youthful special needs clients. But this is only part of the story. Main Street Community Services also delivers hope to the parents and siblings of these youthful special needs clients – hope that their lives will become something akin to normal, that the stresses and pressures of living 24/7
with a child that they love but who has challenges that find very little support out there in the bureaucratic world set up to deal with these most demanding of situations will find attention and care and, yes, love, all from this private not-for-profit organization and registered charity known as Main Street Community Services. Darlene Macdonald is one of these parents. Two of her four children have had their lives changed thanks to Main Street Community Services. And in doing this, her life and that of her family have also been changed. Well, not changed but rather their lives have been given back to them. “I don’t know where we would be today if we had not found Main Street,” Ms. Macdonald says, noting that her family was in danger of falling apart because of the behaviours and needs of her twins Aaron and Taylor. Now
17, the twins have been with Main Street Community Services for six years now. It is the only organization/agency that has had any kind of success working with the twins. And you had better believe that the family had tried other organizations and none were able to handle the challenges. But even after one year at Main Street Community Services, a difference could be seen. It was “like night and day,” Ms. Macdonald says. It has evolved from a situation where the family was falling apart to now one where things are closer to normal, that is, as normal as things can be with two boys whose behaviours continue to present challenges. But things have gone from a situation where Ms. Macdonald and her husband and family were all mentally drained and in a seemingly hopeless situation to one where there is hope, where improvements have happened
and where the two developmentally delayed twins are experiencing progress. Aaron, who at one time was in danger of being kicked out of school and was even a threatening presence to the family, has now on a totally different road, just four years later. You would not recognize him, he has completed turned around, his mother says, although she admits that Aaron still faces a myriad of issues in his life. But the saving grace is that Main Street Community Services is there and is dealing with all of them each and every day. “It’s their approach,” Ms. Macdonald says, noting that it is different than that offered by any other similar organization. Her son Taylor has challenges in that he is a hoarder. How bad is it? “His room looks like Staples,” Ms. Macdonald says about Taylor’s room which is so cluttered with his hoarding that it resembles the big box office supplies store Staples. But here again Main Street Community Services is dealing with his behaviour and again there that hope that is there. “It’s really an incredible journey that we’ve had,” Ms. Macdonald says about Main Street Community Services, noting that six years ago she and her husband never had any opportunity to spent time together or take a trip away together. Now, with the support and work of Main Street Community Services, she and her husband have been able to go on trips together and spend some time on their own. “Actually we’ve been able to breathe,” she says, while admitting that things are still stressful, especially concerning Taylor and his behaviour. But the hope is there as well. Ms. Macdonald notes that in the special needs community, marriages sometimes get lost in the shuffle and the daily challenges that prevail in an affected family. But Main Street saved us from that path, she says. She says that Main Street Community Services take young clients that no other organization seems willing to take. She says that Main Street has a dedication and a system that works and allows children that have been written off by others to succeed. These children are made to feel special by Main Street, she notes, adding that it is a gift for the parents to see how their children are treated with such love and dedication by the Main Street staff. She says that Main Street takes so much pressure off parents like she and her husband. Her children, for instance, need strict, structured handling but as parents, they simply get exhausted trying to do this. See FAMILY, page 17
16 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
Your Community Newspaper
‘Family atmosphere’ prevails at Main Street Community Services Continued from page 16
But with Main Street, they have support – they have help – they have hope. She says that before Main Street, she and her husband were always on full stress. “We were always on the boil,” she says about their lives. But now, this stress is relieved, especially when the twins are at Main Street’s respite program, giving their parents a much needed break. But she also notes that while Main Street has helped her twins immensely, there is no reprieve from what she terms a “life sentence.” “Every single day is a struggle,” she says but that’s where the hope comes in. “You look for those triumphs as well,” she says – a balance to the continuing issues that can be exhausting. She says that her twins now think of the staff at Main Street as “parents” due to the passion that they bring to their jobs. These people really care about my boys, Ms. Macdonald says. There is no better care than that, saying that everyone at Main Street has had a profound impact on her boys. And now, with her twins approaching age 18 and adulthood from a provincial bureaucracy perspective, Ms. Macdonald and her family are facing the “bleak world of adulthood” for her twins. She knows that they need to be kept busy and they need structure in their lives. That’s why she applauds Main Street’s move to launch an adult program. More reason to have hope. And Darlene Macdonald and her twins is only one story of many that can be told about Main Street Community Services, its services and programs and it impacts on affected families. Karen Carruthers has two special needs daughters, Alysha, 21, and Emily, 17, both of whom have special needs and both of whom are in Main Street programs. Alysha, who has been with Main Street for eight years now, has had a lot of challenges – autistism, behaviorial needs, aggression, self abuse, violence – a bleak outlook, to say the least. Ms. Carruthers and her husband were having difficulty finding an organization that could safely and successfully handle Alysha’s behavioural needs. When Alysha was about 12, she became very aggressive and those working with her in the home would leave bleeding at times. Ms. Carruthers herself has scars on her hands and arms, the result of Alysha’s aggression. Ms. Carruthers heard about Main Street Community Services and its director Shelley –Anne Steinburg and approached her. Surprisingly, Shelley immediately agreed to take on the challenge, saying that Main Street would
do what it had to do to help Alysha. And this is what happened. Main Street implemented strategies to manage Alysha’s behaviour. And never once did Main Street staff phone Ms. Carruthers to have her pick up her out-of-control daughter. Main Street staff handled every situation. “They deal with it with a real family atmosphere,” Ms. Carruthers says about Main Street’s approach to the challenges posed by a child like her daughter. “The kids know they are loved by the staff here,” she says about Main Street. Alysha’s behaviour changed dramatically thanks to Main Street, relieving the anxiety and stress which had become a part of her parents’ lives. Ms. Carruthers says that this is a big part of the Main Street approach. Main Street not only looks after the children but also the parents, she says. When Alysha’s behaviour started to escalate again when she was about 17 years of age, Main Street once again imple-
mented strategies and working with the parents, Alysha has become a success story. And it all revolves around Main Street as she has been living in one of Main Street’s residential homes for the past two years and has just about completed her education. “This is her home,” her mom says about Alysha and Main Street. “This is her family. This is where she belongs.” She says that the changes with Alysha have been amazing. There is no more self abuse. And things have really changed. She now spends weekends with her daughter and gone is the anxiety and stress. “We have fun now with my daughter,” she says, and now looks forward to seeing her on weekends. We go everywhere now, she says, noting that Main Street has taught her daughter how to manage her behaviours. And Ms. Carruthers, just like Ms. Macdonald, is so pleased that Main Street is now branching out to run an adult program. Her daughter
will be involved. Ms. Carrtuhers admits that her life is now so different than a couple of years ago when she was living in virtual isolation, hardly able to go anywhere. She admits that Alysha was not at fault because it was her autism that brought on the behaviours. And she did not have the skills or knowledge to be able to help her daughter. That’s why Main Street and its programs and services became so essential, not only for her daughter’s well being but also for her own well being. Ms. Carruthers praises the Main Street staff and director Shelley-Anne Steinburg for all that they have done for Alysha. “She’s my angel – she’s my savour,” she says about Ms. Steinburg. And she praises Main Street. “They just don’t do programs. They actually love your child,” she says about the organization, adding that everyone on staff at Main Street is someone that you would welcome into your own
family. “It’s loving but it’s very scientific too,” she says about Main Street. She says that consistency in the delivery of the program is a big thing with Main Street, adding that decisions about programming for each child is based on what the child and the family needs, not some bureaucratic criteria. “There’s no cookie cutter solution here,” she says. Ms. Carruthers’ second daughter, Emily, who is 17 and developmentally delayed, is also with Main Street, although in a different program, one dealing with social skills, a less dramatic situation than that of Alysha. She says that the success with Alysha has meant that she now has more time and energy to spend with Emily and develop a relationship with her. Ms. Carruthers is also involved with Main Street’s fundraising committee as she has experienced what the organization can do for children and also for their families. Ms. Macdonald also realizes the importance of fundrais-
ing for Main Street Community Services to continue to offer its programs and to expand them, such as launching its adult program. She notes that the upcoming “Nothing But A Child” fundraising gala at Sixty-Four Hundred Celebration Centre in Stittsville on Saturday, Feb. 9 has even more importance than ever this year since Main Street Community Services lost a major source of fundraising with the recent National Hockey League lockout. Main Street provides volunteers to sell 50/50 tickets at the Ottawa Senators home games. Last season Main Street raised $15,000 in this way. But with the shortened Sens season this year, the funds will be down comparably. Yet Main Street’s financial needs remain the same. That’s why the gala takes over even more fundraising importance this year. For more information about the “Nothing But A Child” gala evening, please contact Main Street Community Services at 613-831-6606 or via email at mainstreetcommunity@bellnet.ca. R0011880678/0131
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18 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
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Here comes the haggis! Gus Nelson carries in the haggis at the Robbie Burns Dinner at the Lions Hall in Stittsville last Saturday evening, Jan. 26.
At Robbie Burns Dinner
Bottoms up!
Robin Derrick, wearing a kilt, explains the tradition of pinning of a piece of Scottish plaid material on the clothing of each guest at the annual Robbie Burns Dinner Bagpiper Bobbie Smith, left, of the Arnprior McNab Pipes & Drums, and Gus Nelson, right, drink a toast together at the at the Lions Hall in Stittsville last Saturday, Jan. 26. Robbie Burns Dinner at the Lions Hall in Stittsville last Saturday evening, Jan. 26.
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers available in Stittsville
Special to the News
A one-of-a-kind experience for guests. A game changer for the kids of our community. Visit sensfoundation.com for tickets and event information. R0011852195/0110
EMC news - The 1st Stittsville Scout Group is the largest single Scout Group in Canada. Information about the Scouting program in Stittsville is available by contacting the 1st Stittsville Group Commissioner Paul Walker at 613831-6952. The 1st Stittsville Scout Group offers Beavers, Cubs, Scout and Venturer programs. There are Beaver groups for youth aged 5 to 7. There are Wolf Cub groups for those aged 8 to 10. There are Scout groups for youth aged 11 to 14. The Venturers group is for youth aged 15 to 17.
速*Trade-mark of Capital Sports & Entertainment Inc. Used under license. 速 Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia.
SSE 2012-0990
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 19
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Corley-Byrne blocks 11 shots in 2nd period on way to shutout win John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
Meghan Corley-Byrne of Stittsville, a goalie with the Mount Allison Mounties women’s hockey team, guards the net as she records a shutout for the Mounties in a 4-0 win over the Universite de Moncton les Aigles Bleues in Atlantic University Sport league action last Saturday, Jan. 26.
EMC sports - It was a 4-0 shutout but Mount Allison Mounties women’s hockey team goalie Meghan Corley-Byrne of Stittsville had to be sharp in the second period to earn the goose egg. That’s because the Universite de Moncton les Aigles Bleues came on strong in the second period, outshooting the Mount Allison Mounties 11-8, although it was the Mounties who collected the only goal of the period. Mounties veteran goalie Meghan Corley-Byrne of Stittsville, who attended South Carleton High School in Richmond, had to turn away several good scoring chances from in
close by the Universite de Moncton skaters to keep them off the scoreboard in this second period. Both the first and third periods were more restful for goalie CorleyByrne. The Mounties outshot the Universite de Moncton 21-4 in the first period and 12-2 in the third period, meaning that the Mounties goalie only had six shots to handle over the course of these two periods. But the second period made up for it with the Universite de Moncton turning the tables on the Mounties and peppering 11 shots at the Mounties’ net. The Mount Allison Mounties won this Atlantic University Sport women’s hockey league game on Saturday, Jan. 26 by a score of 4-0.
Royals lose two weekend games John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC sports - It was a weekend of back-to-back losses for the Stittsville Royals of the Eastern Ontario Junior Hockey League. A close 6-5 loss to the Almonte Thunder in Almonte on Saturday evening, Jan. 26 was followed by a 5-2 loss at home at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex in Stittsville last Sunday afternoon, Jan. 27 to the visiting Shawville Pontiacs. In this game against Shawville, the Royals fell behind 3-0 in the first period and never got back in the game despite widely outshooting the visiting Pontiacs in the final two periods by a margin of 38 to 15, including peppering the Shawville goal with 25 shots in the second period alone. Stittsville scored early in the second period but that was all of the Royals scoring in this second period, with Shawville coming back to score again so that the game was 4-1 for Shawville entering the third period. The teams exchanged goals in the third period to make the final score 5-2. Alex Hulford and Mike Di Bello scored in this game for the Royals. Earning assists were Steve Genier with two and Alex Hulford and Steven Plescia with one assist each. In their 6-5 loss to the Almonte Thunder in Almonte last Saturday evening, the Royals got on the scoreboard first, just 25 seconds into the game, when Matt Kadolph scored. But Almonte came back to tie the game just a little less than a minute later. By the end of the first period, the teams were knotted at two goals apiece. In the second period, Almonte scored three straight goals to take a 5-2 lead before the Royals rallied late in the period, tallying twice in the 20 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
last five minutes to narrow the scoring gap to 5-4 going into the third period. The teams exchanged goals in the third period, with Almonte scoring to make it 6-4 before the Royals scored with a little less than five minutes to go to close the gap to 6-5. But this is as close as the Royals got before the game ended with the Thunder winning by a 6-5 count. The Royals had 40 shots on the Almonte goal during the game while the Thunder directed 36 shots at the Royals net. Scoring for the Royals in this game were Kevin Groulx with two goals and Matt Kadolph, Sam Dudley and Mike Di Bello with one goal apiece. The Stittsville Royals are now tied for third place in the Valley Division of the Metro/ Valley Conference of the Eastern Ontario Junior Hockey League with 33 points, the same as the Renfrew Timberwolves. The Royals have 15 wins, 17 losses and 3 overtime losses in 35 games to date. The Royals have scored 144 goals while allowing 151 goals. The Perth Blue Wings lead the six-team Valley Division with 49 points, followed by the Arnprior Packers with 34 points, just one ahead of the Stittsville Royals. Kevin Groulx of the Stittsville Royals is 20th in the scoring race in the Metro/Valley Conference with 41 points based on 15 goals and 26 assists. Alex Hulford of the Royals is tied for 23rd in the Conference scoring race with 38 points, based on 21 goals and 17 assists. The Stittsville Royals will be hosting the Arnprior Packers in an Eastern Ontario Junior Hockey League game this coming Sunday, Feb. 3 at 2:30 p.m. at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex on Shea Road in Stittsville.
Your Community Newspaper
Cobina Delaney nominated Storm hot john.curry@metroland.com
EMC sports - Cobina Delaney of Stittsville has been nominated for what some describe as one of U.S. college hockey’s most important awards – the BNY Mellon Wealth Management Hockey Humanitarian Award. She is one of 11 college hockey players nominated for the award which is open to nominations from every college varsity hockey program in the United States, both male and female in Divisions I, II and III. This numbers over 230 NCAA hockey teams. This BNY Mellon Wealth Management Hockey Humanitarian Award is presented annually to college hockey’s finest citizen, recognizing collegiate studentathletes from any NCAA division who give back to the community in a true humanitarian spirit. Cobina, who plays for the Robert Morris University women’s hockey team, is one of only three females nominated for the award this year. Cobina has volunteered for a number of organizations and causes including the Special Olympics, the Ontario March of Dimes and Skate for the Cure. She has taught young girls about the game of hockey for the USA Hockey “Put The Biscuit in the Net” program as well as for the Learn to Play Organization and the Team Pittsburgh Girls Hockey organization. She also has organized the Robert Morris University’s team involvement in the Juvenile Diabetes Walk to Cure Diabetes in which the team raised over $650 to aid in research work to find a cure for type one diabetes. Cobina, who is a graduate of Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville, is also well known on the Robert Morris
Cobina Delaney University campus in Pittsburgh for her participation in extra-curricular activities. Now a senior at the university, she is one of the hockey team’s representatives on the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. She is the communications board member for the American Marketing Association and participates in the Colonial Leadership Academy. She is also a member of the senior class of 2013 committee. On the ice, Cobina, who is a senior assistant captain with the women’s hockey team, has 11 points so far this season.
She currently ranks in the career top ten in Robert Morris University hockey program history for points, points per game, game winning goals, assists and shots on goal. She is tied for fifth all-time in assists with 41 career assists so far. The finalists for this year’s BNY Mellon Wealth Management Hockey Humanitarian Award will be announced in early February with the winner honoured at a ceremony on Friday, April 12 as part of the 2013 Men’s Frozen Four Tournament in Pittsburgh. The BNY Mellon Wealth Management Hockey Humanitarian Award was first presented in 1996 and has grown to become “one of college hockey’s two most important awards.” Nominees are considered to be men and women who compete with both intensity and civility, who respect the rules of the game on and off the ice, who are young adults who understand that giving back to one’s community is not so much an obligation as it is a privilege and an opportunity to enrich both their own lives and those to whom they reach out. Those nominated are considered to be future leaders in education, business and communities. This year’s nominees, in addition to Cobina from Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, include student-athletes from such universities as Yale University, the University of Alaska, Notre Dame University, the University of Minnesota and Niagara University. BNY Mellon Wealth Management is one of the leading wealth management firms in the United States. Its history dates back more than 225 years to its founding by Alexander Hamilton who was the first Secretary of the Treasury for the United States.
Special to the News
EMC sports - The South Carleton High School Storm are solidly in second place in the West Division of the high school tier 1 junior boys basketball league. The Storm have rattled off three straight victories after a 53-40 loss to Nepean High School. Since then, the Storm have defeated Bell High school 53-42, Woodroffe High School 51-36 and St. Joseph High School 58-55. The Storm trail Merivale High School in the standings, with Merivale sporting a per-
fect record of four wins and no losses. In high school tier 2 junior boys basketball league action, the Sacred Heart High School Huskies are in the middle of the pack in the eight-team West Division standings with a record of one win and two losses in three games. The Sacred Heart High School Huskies lost 39-33 in overtime to Notre Dame High School and then lost a close one, 49-46 to John McCrae Secondary School before winning 51-29 against Ecole Pierre Savard.
SC curlers roar Special to the News
EMC sports - The South Carleton High School Storm boys curling team got knocked off its winning ways in its last game. The SCHS rink suffered a 5-4 loss to Ecole Franco Ouest, the Storm’s first loss in seven games so far this season in high school boys curling. The SCHS Storm had defeated St. Paul High School, Glebe Collegiate, St. Pius X High School, Osgoode High School, Ottawa Jewish School and Longfields Davidson Heights Secondary School before dropping the game to Ecole Franco Ouest. The SCHS Storm rink is in second place in the nine school Pool B division of the high school boys curling league. Ecole Franco Ouest is in first place. In high school girls curling, the Sacred Heart High School rink has only one win in seven games, placing it near the bottom in the seven school Pool B division of the high school girls curling league. Sacred Heart’s lone victory so far was a 7-5 victory over Ecole De La Salle. R0011881541
John Curry
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 21
Your Community Newspaper
Online voting for People’s Choice Business Awards coming to end Special to the News
EMC news – The deadline is just about here. Online voting for the 2013 People’s Choice Business Awards organized by the Kanata Chamber of Commerce ends this Friday, Feb. 1 at midnight, so you have to act quickly if you want to vote for your favourite business or organization. This voting, which will determine the winners from those businesses nominated in the different categories, opened on Monday, Jan. 7 and ends this Friday, Feb. 1 at midnight. The online voting, open to everyone, is taking place on the Kanata Chamber of Commerce website. The categories are community supported/non-profit organization, best restaurant, tourism business, health and wellness business, new busi-
ness, small business (up to ten employees), large business (over ten employees) and retail business. All of these categories will have a recipient from Goulbourn (including Stittsville) as well as one from West Carleton and one from Kanata. The Kanata Chamber of Commerce covers all of these areas. There are also two categories for nominations that apply to the whole Kanata/Goulbourn/West Carleton area with only one winner for the whole area. These two categories are technology business and professional services business. There is also a citizen of the year award which is meant to recognize an individual for making a significant contribution to benefit the community in some exceptional way either through volunteer activity
or by carrying out work-related duties beyond what would normally be expected in paid employment. The person must live or work in the Kanata, Goulbourn or West Carleton area. This citizen of the year award is selected by a committee from the nominations received. It is not determined by online voting as are all of the other awards. The six nominated for citizen of the year are Daniel Alfredsson of the Ottawa Senators, Kathleen Ellis of the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Kanata Sunrise, John Curry of the Stittsville News EMC, Dr. Agatha Sidlauskas of Venta Preparatory School, Sam Spataro of the Visoneering Group and Brian Mason of the West Ottawa Soccer Club. Nominated businesses in the categories for Goulbourn (including Stittsville) includes
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a wide range of businesses. In the community supported/non-profit organization category for Goulbourn, nominees include the Richmond Village Association, the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville, Main Street Community Services and the Stittsville Branch 618 of the Royal Canadian Legion. Saunders Farm of Munster has been nominated in the tourism business category for Goulbourn, as have the Canadian Golf and Country Club, the Amberwood Village Golf and Country Club, the Richmond Agricultural Society (Richmond Fair) and Sixty Four Hundred Celebration Centre. In the health and wellness business category for Goulbourn, nominees include Canadian Sport Martial Arts Academy and Mahogany Salon and Spa, both of Stittsville, Spotlight Hair and Spa and Sue’s Hair Advantage, both of Richmond, Simply Spa and Nu Healings Nutrition.
The new business category for Goulbourn has four nominees – Bistrofiftyfour at Amberwood, Food Basics, Kungfu Bistro and Complete Hockey Development Centre. In the large business category for Goulbourn, the nominees are Kerr Karpentry of Richmond, Saunders Farm of Munster and Mahogany Salon and Spa, Re/Max Affiliates Realty, Laurysen Kitchens Ltd., Stittsville Sobeys, Bradley’s Insurance and Tennant Jackson Peters LLP, all of Stittsville. In the small business category for Goulbourn, nominees are Bayview Windows, Canadian Sport Martial Arts Academy, Century Roofing and Siding, Complete Hockey Development Centre, Dandelion Kids, Dragon’s Lair Beads, FaveQuest, Guardsman Insurance Services Inc., inGenius Engineering Inc., Jabulani Vineyard and Winery, Main Street Optical, Memories 2dvd, Oil Changers (Stittsville), Stittsville Auto-
Friendship Club Special to the News
Note that the Club’s February and March luncheons will be held at the hall at the Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Arena in Stittsville. Club luncheons are held on the last Wednesday of each month at 12 noon. To join the Friendship Club, please contact Lorraine at 613-599-3297. Everyone is welcome. Friendship Club activities at the Johnny Le-
roux Stittsville Community Arena are shuffleboard on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. (contact Shirley Healey at 613-831-2712); carpet bowling on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. (contact Helen at 613836-6766 or Mary Lou at 613-836-4291); and bridge on Fridays at 1 p.m. (contact Lorraine at 613-599-3297). Friendship Club activities at the Pretty Street Community Centre are exercise on Mondays at 10 a.m. (contact Helen at 613-836-6766); bridge on Fridays at 1 p.m. (contact Ray at 613-836-6363); and euchre on Fridays at 7 p.m. (contact Heather at 613-838-2743).
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motive Service Centre Ltd., Sue’s Hair Advantage, The Co-Operators and Webshark Media Inc. Nominees in the best restaurant category for Goulbourn include Bistrofiftyfour, Cabotto’s, Kungfu Bistro, Mojo Fresh, Napoli’s Café and The Glen Scottish Restaurant, all in Stittsville. In the retail business category for Goulbourn, nominees are Brown’s Your Independent Grocer, Dragon Lair Beads and Gaia Java Coffee Company, all of Stittsville. The nomination period, which began on Monday, Nov. 26, ran until midnight on Friday, Dec. 21. Last year’s People’s Choice Business Awards of the Kanata Chamber of Commerce drew a record number of nominees as well as a record number of votes. The awards will be presented at a gala awards night in the ballroom at the Brookstreet Hotel in Kanata on Thursday, Feb. 21.
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Your Community Newspaper
Updated flood plain mapping coming EMC news - Two Stittsville watercourses will be getting updated flood plain mapping thanks to a new five-year initiative involving three local Conservation Authorities including Mississippi Valley Conservation. Feedmill Creek, which can be found in the Timbermere subdivision before it flows eastward to eventually link up with the Carp River, and Poole Creek, which rises in wetlands west of Stittsville and flows through the village before emptying into the Carp River, are two watercourses which will be getting the latest in flood plain mapping in the coming year. Mississippi Valley Conservation (MVC) has watershed planning jurisdiction over these two watercourses since they both empty into the Carp River, one of the rivers which come under the MVC’s mandate. This is the first year of a five year initiative meant to identify lands that are vulnerable to flooding. Besides MVC, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority and South Nation Conservation are also involved in this initiative
and both of these other Conservation Authorities will be studying three watercourses each in their jurisdictions over the coming year, just like the MVC is doing. The work under this initiative will involve the Conservation Authorities undertaking a number of flood risk mapping studies on watercourses within the city of Ottawa in their respective areas of jurisdiction. For some watercourses, old flood risk mapping will be updated while for some watercourses, flood risk maps will be created for the first time. The work will be done through collaboration between the three Conservation Authorities and the city of Ottawa. The city needs to update its Official Plan and zoning overlays with up-to-date flood risk mapping. That’s why it is providing funding and high quality topographical information which is enabling the Conservation Authorities to move ahead with this work sooner than would otherwise be possible. The work will make use of contemporary methods in hydrologic and hydraulic analy-
of various calculations and the resulting flood plain mapping. Local residents with this kind of information are encouraged to share their information and knowledge with Doug Nuttall, MVC water resources engineer, at 613-2592421, ext. 258 or via email at dnuttall@mvc. on.ca. Once the technical work for the watercourses involved such as Feedmill Creek and Poole Creek is completed and the flood plain mapping has been prepared, a public information session will be held to collect public input and feedback. Any new information arising from this input will then be taken into consideration to further refine the proposed flood plain mapping. Poole Creek empties into the Carp River near the Bell Sensplex in Kanata, flowing from its headwaters in wetlands west of Stittsville. Poole Creek is also fed by springs along its route. Early maps of the Stittsville area identify Poole Creek as the west branch of the Carp River.
sis as well as all of the available historical records of stream flow and/or water level and the most up-to-date topographical data. All of this will be used to produce updated estimates of the 1:100 year flood discharge, corresponding water surface elevations and flood lines for the watercourses being studied. The resulting flood risk maps will identify areas along the watercourses that are vulnerable to flooding and where new development should be restricted or prohibited in accordance with provincial planning policies. When completed, this new flood risk mapping will be used by the city of Ottawa when updating its Official Plan schedules and zoning overlays and in the review of development applications. In addition, the Conservation Authorities will use the mapping for the administration and enforcement of regulations made under the Conservation Authorities Act. Historical records, news clippings, photographs and local anecdotal stories and memories of past flood events are being sought as they can be useful in confirming the accuracy
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#hockeywithbite Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 23
City of Ottawa Councillor Reports By Shad Qadri, Councillor Ward Six Stittsville City of Ottawa th
My office, along with the City’s Planning and Growth Management Department, has launched a Community Design Plan (CDP) focused on the Stittsville Main Street, from Bell Street to Carp Road. The community of Stittsville is expected to undergo significant growth — from its current population of 27,000 to an estimated 70,000 — by 2031. Given this growth, weffre looking for community input into what kind of development is most appropriate for Stittsville. Essentially, what is your vision for Stittsville Main Street? Stittsville residents, land owners, businesses, community associations and everyone interested should participate and contribute to this plan. The CDP will provide a 20-year outlook for Stittsville Main Street, ensuring a balanced mix of residential and commercial developments and a vibrant street that supports the community. The plan will provide guidance on how to create a compact, mixed-use, and walkable environment. As a next step, an ‘online ideas’ initiative has been launched to broaden the discussion to residents in Stittsville. The campaign will run from Monday, January 28 to Sunday, February 17, 2013. All ideas generated, as part of this online campaign, will help inform the plan’s technical team as it works to develop a draft CDP. Work to date on the CDP is scheduled to be presented to the Stittsville community at a public consultation event in March 2013. The final CDP will be completed by the end of the year, and will include an inventory of heritage features, a traffic study, policy directions and design guidelines for future development, as well as 3D computer models of the area. For more information, please visit www.ottawa.ca/stittsvillecdp or call 3-1-1. Please send your questions to stittsvillecdp@ottawa.ca.
Your Community Newspaper
Mayor delivers state-of-the-city address Laura Mueller laura.mueller@metroland.com
EMC news - Mayor Jim Watson wants to make the arts a focus for Ottawa in 2013. During his annual state-of-the-city address on Jan. 23, Watson announced he will lend his name to the first Mayor’s Gala for the Arts in November. The event will be a fundraiser for the future redevelopment of Arts Court, a gallery, theatre and studio space on Daly Avenue downtown. In conjunction with the fundraiser, the mayor announced he will also host a day-long arts fair at city hall. The event, which will stretch into the evening, will invite local artists and performers to promote their upcoming theatre and concert seasons and other arts initiatives. This year will also mark the Karsh Masson Gallery’s move to its permanent home at city hall. Watson also said he wants to show off the city’s rural culture in 2013 by hosting the first rural expo. “The expo will … act as a way for our rural community to boast and show off their talents and products to a larger urban audience,” Watson said. “There is much to be proud of and celebrate in great places like Munster, Fitzroy Harbour, Carp, Navan, North Gower and
Vars, just to name a few.” The event will be a chance for rural residents to promote fairs, museums, crafts and agriculture to the urban population, right in the core at city hall. No time of year was specified for the event, but the mayor indicated it will happen sometime in 2013. The mayor wants to see recycling bins accompany garbage bins on Ottawa streets. During his speech, Watson said he wants to work with the environment committee and staff to come up with more options to provide recycling facilities on major streets throughout the city. “My view is if we put out garbage cans, we should be equally vigilant in ensuring they stand beside recycling receptacles,” he said. “It is a shame and wasteful to see so many recyclables thrown into garbage cans simply because recycling is not widely available on public streets.” Watson also called for a new “publicawareness effort” to build on the success of community beautification initiatives like Cleaning the Capital. “Because the city cannot and should not do it alone,” Watson said. “Through renewed efforts, it is my hope that we will see cleaner streets and a renewed sense of civic pride amongst residents.” Whereas 2012 was about making big decisions, like moving ahead on construction of the city’s light-rail system
Party, karaoke at Stittsville Legion Barb Vant’Slot Special to the News
On Thursday January 24th I attended the first of four international movie evenings. This great idea was brought to the Stittsville Rotary club by Valerie Wright and what a wonderful event it is! I would also like to congratulate the Stittsville Rotary Club on a job well done on organizing all the details. The French made movie “The Intouchables” was great! Through the film, the Rotary Club has brought a little piece of the world to the Stittsville community. The series has another three international movie events in the coming months: Canadian made movie “Stories We Tell” on Thursday, February 21st, 2013 Danish made movie “A Royal Affair” on Thursday, March 21st, 2013 Australian made movie “The Sapphires” on Thursday, April 25th, 2013
and Lansdowne Park, 2013 will be about acting on those big plans, Watson said. “We will achieve our goals as we continue our collaborative approach during the coming year and for the rest of our term,” he said. In addition to large, city-building initiatives like LRT, construction will get underway on a new indoor pool for Orleans, new recreational complexes in Kanata North and Barrhaven, the Sensplex east arena in Beacon Hill and more Ottawa on the Move road projects. Moving forward with the city’s action plan to clean up the Ottawa River is also a priority for the mayor. City council just received information that the price tag to complete the necessary work from 2009 to 2014 will cost $355 million dollars – $100 million more expensive than was originally projected. Watson reiterated that he wants the federal and provincial governments to help foot the bill. “Both ministers (John) Baird and (Bob) Chiarelli have stated publicly their support for this important initiative,” Watson said during his speech. “When the next round of infrastructure funding becomes available, I am hopeful that we will be able to secure funding from our federal and provincial partners and so that we can move forward with this key project.”
EMC news - There will be a “Super Bowl Party” in the evening on Sunday, Feb. 3 at the Stittsville Legion Hall on Stittsville Main Street, with everyone in the community welcome. Come and watch the game in the lounge at the Legion Hall starting at 6 p.m. Food will be available for a small fee. Earlier that same day, the Stittsville Legion will be hosting members of the Richmond Legion for a fun day of darts, cribbage and euchre, with the winning Legion getting bragging rights for the coming year. There will be “karaoke” with Barry Martin at the Stittsville Legion Hall this Saturday, Feb. 2 starting at 8 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend and join in the singing and fun. The Zone darts competition was held at the Westboro Legion on Saturday, Jan. 19 with Jamie Navin of the Stittsville Legion winning the singles category. He will be moving on to further competition. The Stittsville Legion’s mixed team placed third in the competition. Pool is played at the Stittsville Legion Hall on Sundays at 1 p.m. For more information, please email Fred Appel at appelpit@rogers.com.
Bingo is played every Wednesday at the Legion hall starting at 6:45 p.m. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend. Euchre is played every Tuesday starting at 1:15 p.m. at the Stittsville Legion Hall, with everyone in the community welcome to attend. British singer Simon Clarke will be entertaining at the Stittsville Legion Hall on Saturday, Feb. 16 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. There is no cover charge and everyone is welcome to attend. If you stay afterwards for food, a donation would be appreciated. The application forms for post-secondary bursaries from the Legion are now available at the Legion Hall on Stittsville Main Street. The application forms must be completed and delivered back to the Legion Hall no later than Tuesday, April 30. At the euchre party at the Stittsville Legion Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 22, Phil Viau had the men’s high score, with Norm Legault placing second. Denise Fermont had the ladies high score with Edna McKay as the runner-up. Leo Muldoon had the low score while Dave Argue had the hidden score. Dick Ross had the most lone hands. Door prizes were won by Pat Doxsee and Vanita Pilon.
You can purchase tickets at Gaia Java at 1300 Stittsville Main Street, or at my ward office at the GRC at 1500 Shea Road. You can also visit http:// www.stittsvillerotary.com/ for more information. DID YOU KNOW? STITTSVILLE BUSINESS INTERESTS
Joe Lewis had diverse business interests in Stittsville. Not only did he and his wife have the store and the Temperance Hotel on Main Street, Joe also owned many valuable purebred horses and he built sheds and stables behind the hotel.
*Information regarding the “Did you know…” story was taken from the book Stittsville a Sense of Place by Barbara Bottriell, 1998 ALWAYS LISTENING AND ACTING ON YOUR CONCERNS
As your Councillor, I always welcome your keen input and ideas on how we can sustain and improve Stittsville. To join our weekly community e-newsletter, please contact our office by phone, 613-580-2476 or by e-mail at Shad.Qadri@ottawa.ca. I also encourage you to follow me on Twitter and on Facebook. Please share this column with your family and friends.
24 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
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He ran a livery business and he met the trains where he would rent horses and buggies to the passengers. He also built a large garage at the front of his stables for his son to work at, but his son preferred to farm, so the garage was rented out to others.
Your Community Newspaper
Silver medals in girls hockey Special to the News
EMC sports - It was silver medals for the Kanata Rangers Atom HL5 girls hockey team in the 2013 Clarington Flamesfest Girls Hockey Tournament on the weekend of Jan. 18-20. This was the first tournament appearance for the 13 girls of the Kanata Rangers Atom HL5 team who regularly play in the Kanata Girls Hockey Association’s House League division. The final tournament game for the team which is also known as the KGHA Sharks was against the Barrie Sharks, making it an all-Sharks final. The Kanata team had lost to the Barrie Sharks earlier in the tournament. The Kanata Rangers Atom HL5 team showed great perseverance in advancing through quarter final and semi-final play to take on the Barrie Sharks in the division’s championship final. The Kanata Rangers Atom HL5 team ended up placing second overall and bringing home the silver medals. Sammie Brennan, the team’s head coach, attributed its success to a number of factors: the effort of the players, the support of bench staff, the on-ice helpers, the den moms, the team’s manager and the parents and families. Coach Brennan’s philosophy is to ensure that his players are having fun, no matter what the outcome. And that’s what happened at this tournament – lots of fun. Indeed, participation in this tournament will no doubt remain a memorable life experience that the players will carry with them forever. This Kanata Rangers Atom HL5 team, which draws its players from Stittsville as well as the Kanata, Carp and
Dunrobin areas, is sponsored by Mojo Fresh (Stittsville location), Dr. Roy Kang and Kungfu Bistro, all in Stittsville. This season, in the Kanata Girls Hockey Association’s Atom House League division, this team (Atom HL5) has, as of Jan. 12, 2013, played 11 games, winning four, losing five and tying two. The team has scored 28 goals while allowing 25 goals. As of Jan. 12, 2013, the Atom HL5 team was in fourth place in the six team Atom House League division. Members of the team are Kaity Brennan, Kira Cheer, Alicia Gilmore, Mackenzie Gordon, Erika Hanner, Ashley Janveau, Taylor Lowe, Grace McDermott, Anna Tate, Fiona Tubman, Hannah Visser, Emma Whang and Madison Wong. Sammie Brennan is the head coach while Atom Tate is the assistant coach. Holly Fan is the team manager. The Kanata Girls Hockey Association (KGHA), founded more than 30 years ago, experienced slow growth until the first-ever Women’s World Hockey Championships were played in Ottawa in 1990. This led to a boom in registration and the KGHA has continued to grow in ensuing years. The KGHA has become one of the largest girls hockey associations in Eastern Ontario with over 700 players of all ages playing on more than 40 teams. The KGHA is one of the few girls hockey organizations that offer girls and women every level of play from introduction through to adult. The KGHA draws its players from the communities of Goulbourn (including Stittsville), West Carleton and Kanata.
Members of the Kanata Rangers Atom HL5 girls hockey team (a.k.a. Kanata Girls Hockey Association (KGHA) Sharks) who won the silver medals at the recent 2013 Clarington Flamesfest Girls Hockey Tournament are, front row, kneeling, from left, Mackenzie Gordon, Madison Wong, Erika Hanner, Taylor Lowe and Emma Whang; and, back row, standing, from left, Kaity Brennan, Grace McDermott, Fiona Tubman, Anna Tate, head coach Sammie Brennan, Alicia Gilmore, Hannah Visser, Ashley Janveau and assistant coach Adam Tate. Missing from the photo is player Kira Cheer.
Torrid start for hockey Huskies Special to the News
EMC sports - Move over, Sens. Here’s the Huskies. The Sacred Heart High School Huskies are off to a torrid start in the high school boys hockey league, with seven straight wins to start the season. The Huskies have scored 36 goals, the most for any of the teams in the eight-team AAA/AAAA division of the league. Meanwhile, the Huskies have allowed only nine goals, the least in the league. Scoring lots of goals and allowing few goals – that’s a formula for winning for sure. The Huskies have defeated Holy Trinity High School, Mother Teresa High School, St. Peter High School, All Saints High School, Nepean High School, St. Pius X High School and Mother Teresa High School (again). In high school girls hockey, the Sacred Heart Huskies have a record of three wins and four losses in the nine-team league while the South Carleton High School Storm have a record of two wins and five losses in their seven games. The Sacred heart Huskies have scored 30 goals and have allowed 31 goals in their seven games while the SCHS Storm have scored 27 goals and allowed 35 goals. In the two games between the two teams, Sacred Heart and South Carleton, Sacred Heart has won both games. Back in December, Sacred Heart defeated South Carleton 6-2 while on Wednesday, Jan. 17, Sacred Heart doubled the score on the Storm, winning 8-4.
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 25
Your Community Newspaper
West Ottawa Wild earn gold medals Special to the News
Members of the West Ottawa Wild Petite “B” ringette team, gold medal winners at the recent 33rd annual BeaconsfieldKirkland Ringette Tournament in Montreal, are, lying at the front, from left, Hannah MacQueen and Tracy Hicks; first row, from left, Sarah Ryan, Catherine Lovatt, Lisa McMinn, Shelby Dozois, Grace Ross and Anna Bramble; and, back row, from left, assistant coach Andrew Lovatt, Mya Binns, Kaitlyn Crawford, Quynh-Ni Au, assistant coach Cynthia McMinn and head coach Ken MacQueen.
Cashing in Through Grain Marketing Add to Your Business Bottom Line To provide and discuss information to generate confidence in developing and executing a grain marketing plan. The workshop focus is on market fundamentals, cost of production, price seasonality, target pricing, and marketing tools available to manage price risk. You will learn about: x Market terminology x Cash market price components x Cash market pricing tools (Forward Contracting, Basis Contract, etc.) x Hedging with futures and put options x Cost of production x Bring it all together in a plan
Register Today! Space is limited to 25.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 City of Ottawa Metcalfe Client Service Centre 8243 Victoria Street Metcalfe
Goulbourn Skating Club’s programming
Time: 9:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Cost: $50 per person Cheque Payable to “City of Ottawa”
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Pre-Register by February 20, 2013 For questions and registration information, please contact: Adam Brown City of Ottawa Rural Affairs Office 110 Laurier Ave. West Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 28352 E-mail: ruralaffairs@ottawa.ca
Workshop Leaders, John Bancroft, OMAFRA Market Strategies Program Lead John Molenhuis, OMAFRA Business Analysis and Cost of Production Program Lead
26 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
EMC sports - They’re golden girls! Members of the West Ottawa Wild Petite “B” ringette team brought home the gold medals from the recent 33rd annual Beaconsfield-Kirkland Ringette Tournament. It was an all-Ontario tilt in the championship final between West Ottawa and Gloucester. The West Ottawa Wild prevailed 6-4 in this championship game, staging an amazing come-from-behind win. Team members are Mya Binns, Kaitlyn Crawford, QuynhNi Au, Sarah Ryan, Lisa McMinn, Catherine Lovatt, Shelby Dozois, Anna Bramble, Grace Ross, Tracy Hicks and Hannah MacQueen. The West Ottawa Wild Petite “B” team is coached by head coach Ken MacQueen along with assistant coaches Andrew Lovatt and Cynthia McMinn. The West Ottawa Wild teams of the West Ottawa Ringette Association draw their players from West Ottawa including Stittsville, Goulbourn, Kanata and West Carleton. The West Ottawa Ringette Association offers both recreational and competitive programs for players from ages 4 to 18, ranging from learn-to-skate Bunny programs to provincial ‘AA’ teams. League play runs from early October through to the end of March. The home arenas for the West Ottawa Ringette Association include rinks in Stittsville, Richmond, Kanata, Carp and Kinburn. “Away” games came take place anywhere from Nepean to Orleans to Gatineau. Ringette is a fast paced ice sport in which intentional body contact is not permitted. It in involves six players on each team on the ice at any one time. Players are not permitted to carry the “ring” (ringette’s alternative to a puck and hence the sport’s name ringette) over the two blue lines. The ring can be advanced over a blue line only by passing it to another player. Ringette is related to ice hockey in equipment and playing surface but differs in rules and approach to the game. In ringette, the challenge is to catch or “stab” the ring. To catch the ring, a player must stab through the hole in the ring with the bladeless stick, usually while the player is on the move. Once stabbed, the ring is easier to control than a puck but the blueline rules force more passing. That’s why ringette is a game where skating and passing are paramount and where teamwork is a focus.
EMC sports – The Goulbourn Skating Club is Ottawa’s third largest skating club, created by the 2004 amalgamation of the Richmond Skating Club and the Stittsville Figure Skating Club. Now a member of Skate Canada in the Eastern Ontario Section, the Goulbourn Skating Club offers programming at the Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Arena, the Richmond Memorial Community Centre and the Goulbourn Recreation Complex. Every Skate Canada skating program complements the others and allows for unrestricted movement and development through the system. All programs are taught by professional coaches certified through the National Coaching Certification Program. CanSkate is Skate Canada’s flagship learn-to-skate program for beginnings of any age with the program teaching fundamental movements and basic skating skills. StarSkate offers opportunities to develop figure skating skills in several different areas. CanPowerSkate focuses on balance, power, agility, speed and endurance skills, all of which are important in sports such as hockey and ringette. AdultSkate offers CanSkate, StarSkate and Can-
Powerskate programs geared for adults. More information about these programs is available at www.goulbournskatingclub.com. The Goulbourn Skating Club also offers a Special Olympics skating program. Kevin Timmins is the president of the Goulbourn Skating Club. Jennifer Fryer is the secretary while Adrienne Noble is the treasurer. Laura Laplante is the director for publicity while Melanie Henderson is the director for special events. Other directors are Leigh Prichard, test chair director; Lisa Keyes, skater development director; Alison Halket, fundraising director; Megan Herasimenko, CanSkate director; Mary Curnow, member services director; Irene Streimikis, Special Olympics director; Marie Palladini Hamelin, coach representative; and Carole Lefebvre Johnson, immediate past president and Skate Canada Club delegate. Members at large on the executive are Sarah Wammes, CanSkate program coach coordinator; Addelle Neil, volunteer coordinator; Karen Risto, member services assistant; Susie James, member services assistant; Kathleen Navas, member services and guest services; Alun Fryer, information technology; and Chantal Kaye, webmaster.
Your Community Newspaper
Members of the Ottawa Valley Silver Seven Major Peewee AA team, International Silver Stick champions by winning the title in the finals in Port Huron, Michigan last weekend are, front row, kneeling from left, Sebastien Dubois, Brian Arthur, Ben Whyte, Austin Vincent, Mathew Banning, Ben Barkley and Eric Seaman; second row, standing, from left, Edward Olmstead, Ross Campbell, Pendle Sutton-Pollock, Nicholas Belli, Ryan Blanchfield, Oliver Carriere, Cameron Belanger, Jonah Maybury, Duncan Baird and Dan Hennessy; and, back row, from left, manager Richard Carriere, assistant coach Mark Seaman, trainer Joe Belli, head coach Cameron Baird and assistant coach Joe Vincent.
Silver Seven Peewees are International Silver Stick champions EMC sports - The Ottawa Valley Silver Seven Major Peewee AA team are International Silver Stick champions. The team, which has five players on it from Stittsville and three players from Richmond/Munster, skated to the 2013 Peewee AA championship at Port Huron, Michigan after qualifying by winning the Sudbury Silver Stick Regional in December. The team’s combined record including the finals in Port Huron and the Regional competition in Sudbury was ten wins and only one loss, scoring 46 goals while allowing only 20 goals. This victory by the Ottawa Valley Silver Seven Major Peewee AA team is the first International Silver Stick championship for an Ottawa Valley Silver Seven Hockey Association team. At the International Silver Stick finals in Port Huron from Thursday, Jan. 24 through Sunday, Jan. 27, the Silver Seven had a record of two wins and one loss in the round round portion of the competition. This round robin record put the team in the first wild card position and set up a quarterfinal game against the Ancaster Avalanche. It was a back and forth game which saw the lead change hands three times but the Silver Seven ended up winning this nail biter by a 64 score. So, it was on the semi-finals for the Silver Seven, taking on the Farmington Flames. A victory would give the team a chance to play in the finals for the coveted Silver Stick. The Silver Seven-Farmington Flames game featured speed, pinpoint passing, accurate shooting, strong defence and super goaltending on both sides. But it was a late third period goal which gave the Silver Seven the 2-1 win and a trip to the finals. The Silver Seven met the Arapahoe Ice Warriors in the
finals. Defense and goaltending dominated but Oliver Carriere of the Silver Seven, assisted by Austin Vincent, broke the scoreless tie in the second period, giving the silver Seven a 1-0 lead. The Ice Warriors, though, responded in the third period with a goal, tying the game and forcing overtime. Spectacular goaltending by Sebastian Dubois of the Silver Seven kept the overtime session scoreless until the 4:55 mark when Ryan Blanchfield of the Silver Seven launched a rocket to the top corner for a goal, giving the Silver Seven the championship and the coveted Silver Stick. Silver Seven coach Cameron Baird admitted that it was an emotional weekend for the team, noting that the team actually lost its first game. However, the coach noted that the team then got on a nice roll and ended up winning the championship. “The overtime, it’s certainly a tough way to lose,” coach Baird said. “And my hat goes off to the other team, they were fantastic.” “I guess if you could choose to win in overtime, it does make it a little bit more dramatic and more exciting for the boys,” the coach commented. And this championship victory means that the Ottawa Valley Silver Seven Major Peewee AA team will have its name in the Hockey Hall of Fame. The original silver stick used in the Silver Stick opening ceremonies back in 1958 in Richmond has been displayed at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto since 1982. Each year, a plaque is placed in the Hall of Fame display case listing the team names of all of the Silver Stick champions for that year. The Ottawa Valley Silver Seven Major Peewee AA will be included on that plaque for 2013. Members of this team are goalies Sebastian Dubois and Ben Barkley, both of Stitts-
ville; defensemen Cameron Belanger of Stittsville, Brian Arthur of West Carleton, Duncan Baird of OsgoodeRideau, Dan Hennessy of Almonte-Pakenham and Jonah Maybury of OsgoodeRideau; and forwards Pendle Sutton-Pollock of AlmontePakenham, Mathew Banning of Richmond-Munster, Eddie R0011884993_0131
Special to the News
Olmstead of Perth-Lanark, Ross Campbell of Stittsville, Nick Belli of RichmondMunster, Oliver Carriere of Carleton Place, Ben Whyte of Richmond-Munster, Austin Vincent of Perth-Lanark, Eric Seaman of Osgoode-Rideau and Ryan Blanchfield of Stittsville. Head coach of the Ottawa
Valley Silver Seven Major peewee AA team is Cameron Baird while the assistant coaches are Mark Seaman and Joe Vincent. Joe Belli is the team’s trainer while Richard Carriere is the manager. There are now two generations of International Silver Stick champions associated with this team. Assistant
coach Mark Seaman won the Silver Stick midget championships with Newmarket in 1984. His son Eric, a forward with the Silver Seven, is now also a Silver Stick champion. The Ottawa Valley Silver Seven teams draw their players from across the Ottawa Valley including from Stittsville and Richmond-Munster.
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ecolecatholique.ca 613 746-3837 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 27
any people are also taking notice of Dymon’s latest facility under construction on Carling at the Queensway. “We are really excited about our Carling site,” offers Steve Creighton, Senior Vice President with Dymon, “it is going to be our flagship facility with our head office located on the top floor. We have some new outstanding features that are going to make this our best facility yet.” Another Dymon facility is also being built at Greenbank at Hunt Club, with six more facilities planned for Ottawa.
Stepping inside a Dymon facility, you will quickly realize that Dymon Storage is not your traditional type of storage business. “Before the arrival of Dymon, storage in Ottawa was really nothing more than single storey buildings with garage doors. These facilities were typically located in industrial parks or rural locations, that offered minimal security, no climate or humidity controls, and there was very little focus on customer service,” explains Steve Creighton. “We recognized there was a demand for quality storage in Ottawa, but there was virtually nothing available”. Dymon quickly recognized a business opportunity, but wanted to create a unique “made in Ottawa” solution. Before getting started back in 2006, Dymon did extensive research across the U.S. and Canada by visiting dozens of facilities, and quickly determined the attributes of the best performing facilities across North America. Taking these ideas and introducing a few unique offerings of its own, Dymon put together a “best of breed” business model. Arguably, right here in Ottawa Dymon has built the very best that self storage has to offer anywhere in the world.
28 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
“At the end of the day, your stuff is likely better off stored with Dymon than at your home or business” adds Creighton. From the outside, Dymon’s facilities are architecturally attractive and don’t look anything like storage buildings. “We have moved self storage into the mainstream by locating our facilities in easy to access, highly visible sites, usually adjacent to big box retail” says Creighton, “and with our attractive exterior look we wanted the marketplace to understand that we represented a new and totally different storage solution”.
WHAT DOES “BEST OF BREED” MEAN? Dymon’s facilities have many distinctive features that differentiate them from anything else in the Ottawa marketplace. By integrating leading technologies, Dymon has created the safest and most convenient way to store your excess stuff. Starting with its complete and total humidity and climate controlled environment, Dymon’s facilities ensure no mould, mildew or bugs. Its advanced security features ensure your possessions are safe – besides having extended retail hours, Dymon also has a 24/7 Customer Service Command Center which monitors all of its facilities with personnel who can respond to customer issues at anytime, day or night. Dymon’s unique drive through bays (which are like airport hangars) provide complete protection from the weather and allow you to load and unload your stuff in comfort. Dymon even offers a free truck and driver at the time of move-in for your added convenience, taking away the hassle of renting and driving a large truck. Dymon’s facilities have
luxury boardrooms, mini-offices, as well as a vault and mailbox service. And in a short period of time, Dymon has become a leading retailer of boxes and moving supplies – you should drop by the facilities just to see their unique box displays! And the list goes on and on. But perhaps Dymon’s biggest asset is its relentless focus on delivering an exceptional customer experience. “Our highly trained staff regularly go above and beyond to help our customers deal with the stress of moving and storage,” says Creighton. “And time and time again we receive compliments on how helpful and professional our staff are.” With everything that Dymon has to offer, is it any wonder that Dymon Storage has taken the Ottawa market by storm? Dymon’s first facility on Coventry Road opened in 2006 and filled in
“and we continue to listen to our customers for new ideas on what they want to see from us”. DymonBox.com is its latest environmentally focused business that offers customers the opportunity to rent or buy eco-friendly storage bins ideally suited for moving and storage. “This is an incredibly convenient service for our customers,” says Jonathon Dicker, Regional Manager at Dymon, “renting the eco-friendly storage bins is cheaper than buying traditional cardboard boxes and includes free delivery and pick-up.”
just 5 months, and has remained full ever since. Because , of high demand in the area, Dymons Coventry location is currently undergoing a 30,000 sq ft expansion Dymon’s Coventry facility was certainly no flashin-the-pan – Dymon’s second location at Prince of Wales and Hunt Club was filled in only 6 months. Each subsequent facility has also experienced a rapid fill. Dymon’s Kanata Centrum facility, adjacent to Canadian Tire, is the largest self storage facility in Canada. Residential and business customers in Kanata / Stittsville / West Carleton are now enjoying everything Dymon has to offer.
SO WHO IS YOUR TYPICAL DYMON CUSTOMER? The reasons why people need storage are endless. For example, people selling their homes use Dymon. It has been proven that a decluttered, well staged home will sell more quickly and at a higher price. Dymon is also great if you are downsizing or if you simply have too much stuff and need to make room in your home. Many customers also use Dymon to store their possessions while their homes are undergoing renovations, or to clear out their garage in the fall to make room for their cars. Interestingly, the majority of Dymon’s customers are women. According to Creighton, “Women are the primary decision maker when it comes to storage, so we have taken particular care to
design our facilities to be attractive to the female consumer.” Dymon does this through its highly focused customer service, security, convenient access, and ultra clean facilities – all factors many women demand. “Women appreciate the quality that Dymon offers – they know their stuff will be safe and secure.” Dymon’s storage facilities are also very attractive to business operators. With free on-site boardrooms, a parcel acceptance service, and flexible yet affordable storage leasing options, Dymon offers the perfect solution for a variety of businesses. “Currently about 25% of each facility is made up of commercial customers,” reports Creighton. “Dymon is perfect for business to store bankers’ boxes, excess merchandise, spare office furniture or work equipment, and seasonal inventory. We even have some business customers who use their storage unit as their own mini-warehouse instead of renting a larger building with much higher fixed overhead.” With the flexixility of month-to-month leases, business speakers see Dymon as great storage solutions. Dymon is also preparing to launch a new convenient document storage, retrieval and shredding business ideally suited for all types of business. “These additional services represent another natural evolution of our business as we continue to serve our business customers better,” concludes Creighton.
Dymon even assists you if you want to sell any of your stuff. DymonMine.com offers its customers the chance to sell things in a totally secure and convenient fashion. Dymon will photograph, describe and upload items to its website where potential buyers can view them or they can drop down to the facility and have a look. And just recently DymonMine.com introduced its new offer/ counter offer system where buyers and sellers can negotiate by e-mail, totally anonymously. The new process is fun, simple, and effective. When items are sold, Dymon issues a cheque to the customer, “Many Dymon customers were saying they wanted to sell some of their excess stuff, but they were frustrated that there weren’t really many convenient sales options available to them,”explains Dicker “so we developed our on-line marketplace as a safe, con venient, hassle-free way for customers to sell and buy stuff.”
You should take the time to drop by one of Dymon’s convenient locations across the City – they really are unlike anything you have ever seen before. If you have too much stuff and need to declutter, and we all face that situation from time to time, Dymon should definitely be the place you end up.
Dymon is certainly not prepared to rest on its laurels “We are continually introducing new service s and products to improve what D y m o n h a s t o o f f e r, ” s a y s C r e i g h t o n
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 29
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30 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
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Thursday January 31, 2013
Kings, queens at coffee shop john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - There were kings. There were queens. A gathering of monarchy rarely seen, at least in Stittsville. There were even knights and bishops in attendance. And it was all at the Gaia Java Coffee Company Shop at the Stittsville Shopping Centre. If only it were real people. It, of course, wasn’t but rather was a meeting of a chess club, namely the Kanata Chess Club, which usually meets on Wednesday evenings at St. Martin de Porres School in Kanata but which on Wednesday, Jan. 23 went “on the road,” as it were and met at the Gaia Java coffee shop in Stittsville. And there on their game boards were all the pieces – kings, queens, knights, bishops, rooks (that’s those castlelike pieces) and pawns – all being thoughtfully moved by Kanata Chess Club members as well as by two visitors who availed themselves of the opportunity to take part in a friendly game with a Chess Club member. Indeed, for Don Striez, one of these visitors, it was the first time that he had played against another live person, his previous experience all being with computer chess. Dave Anderson, a Stittsville resident who is treasurer of the Kanata Chess Club, admitted that a lot of people, just like Don Striez, play chess online. “It’s nice to play people,” he said, while noting that while it is fun beating a computer, it’s not fun losing to one. He observed that a computer opponent nails a player for every bad move, no matter what degree of difficulty it selected. When playing a person, there’s always the chance that the opponent may not pick up on the bad move. “It’s a real strategy game,” Mr. Anderson said, explaining that in chess a player tries to keep the number of his pieces equal to those of his opponent (maintaining “material wealth”) until something opens up, a strategy is implemented and the player goes for victory, called “checkmate” when the opposition king is immobilized or taken. Game over! But Mr. Anderson points out that in chess, there is always someone who is a better player than you and someone who is worse. On its regular Wednesday chess nights, members of the Kanata Chess Club play each other on a random basis depending on who is present. Games usually last half an hour, although there are variations like five or ten minute speed games. A key in playing chess is what Mr. Anderson terms “board vision,” the ability to see what is happening across the whole board and to antic-
ipate what might happen several moves ahead. Real chess experts know what is happening across the whole board, Mr. Anderson says. Joining a club like the Kanata Chess Club is one way to get to know the game. The Club always welcomes newcomers to its two-hour Wednesday evening gatherings. Brand new players of any age are always welcomed and get to play games and become acquainted with the basics of chess, a game that Mr. Anderson notes can be played for a lifetime. Chess is readily available online and many like to play it on the computer. But the Kanata Chess Club provides an opportunity to play with others, learning from them and enjoying each other’s company. The Kanata Chess Club ended up playing at the Gaia Java coffee shop in Stittsville on Wednesday evening, Jan. 23 on the invitation from the ownership. Mr. Anderson is a regular customer at Gaia Java and readily agreed. “It’s fun to have a different place to come,” he said about the experience. The Kanata Chess Club has been around for about a dozen years, with membership varying over that time. There is a $20 annual membership fee. Once a year, the Club usually has a chess master visit who plays against everyone at the same time. The chess master also usually gives some instruction. The Kanata Chess Club meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at St. Martin de Porres School in Kanata. Players of all ages and playing abilities are welcome. For more information, please contact Club president Jenny Belousov at 613680-3572. Chess, a two player strategy board game, is one of the world’s most popular games, played by millions at home, in clubs, online and in tournaments. The game is believed to have originated in India or perhaps Persia in the sixth century. But it was not until the latter part of the 15th century that the game became essentially as it is today, with rules for the basic moves as they are today being adopted in Italy and Spain. By the 18th century, the centre of European chess had become France. In the 19th century, chess clubs, chess books and chess journals all appeared as chess became more widespread. In chess, each player begins the game with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops and eight pawns. Each type of piece moves different. Pieces are used to attack and capture the opponent’s pieces, with the objective to “checkmate” the opponent’s king by placing it under an inescapable threat of capture.
Dave Anderson, standing, centre, enjoys a cup of refreshment as he watches a chess match between Cliff Moodie, left, and Don Striez, right, at the chess night hosted by the Kanata Chess Club at the Gaia Java Coffee Company shop in Stittsville on Wednesday evening, Jan. 23.
Focused on their chess games at the chess night hosted by the Kanata Chess Club at the Gaia Java Coffee Company shop in Stittsville on Wednesday, Jan. 23 are, clockwise, from left, Bob Taylor, Ted Fairbairn, Gordon Taylor and Bob McLean.
John Curry
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Sens Alumni on ice at Richmond arena Special to the News
EMC sports - Here come the Ottawa Senators Alumni! Coaches for the Richmond Munster Minor Hockey Association (RMMHA) will be lacing up their skates to play the Ottawa Senators Alumni this Saturday, Feb. 2 at 3:30 p.m. at the Richmond arena. A fundraising event in support of the RMMHA, the game will kick off with a ceremonial opening faceoff with the puck being dropped by city of Ottawa Rideau-Goulbourn ward councillor Scott Moffatt and by Chris King of the new King’s Your Independent Grocer in Richmond. Confirmed as skating for the Ottawa Senators Alumni in this game will be Chris Valentine (Washington Capitals), Shawn Rivers (Tampa Bay Lighting), Fred Barrett (Minnesota North Stars), Shean Donovan (Ottawa Senators), Brad Brown (Minnesota Wild), Bryan Richardson (Grand Rapid Griffins), Gerry Armstrong (goalie) and Kevin Kemp (Toronto Maple Leafs and Hartford Whalers).
And facing off against these Sens Alumni will be a RMMHA coaches team consisting of Joe Milroy, Pat Beresford, Randy Smart, Jake Cooke, Darryl Kinkade, Shawn Boudreau, Clayton Foster, Rodney Foster, David Barkley, Chris Fulcher, Bruce McGuire, Tim Johnson, John Hale, Chris Taylor, Kevin Ryan, Kevin Bradford, Jon Allen and Tim Scharf. Roger Chapman will be coaching the RMMHA coaches team, assisted by Bob Easy, with Rob Shouldice as the trainer. The last time that the Ottawa Senators Alumni played in Richmond was back in 1996. It was a great show that fans still remember, so be prepared for a similar experience on Saturday, Feb. 2. Fans are reminded to get to the Richmond arena early for the best seats. Another attraction at the upcoming event will be the antics of the new RMMHA mascot Hat Trick and those of Spartacat, the Sens mascot. They will be going through the stands, working the audience. Youngsters will be able to “high five” with both
mascots. So, parents, don’t forget your cameras when you come to the game. There will be a silent auction featuring Ottawa Senators merchandise which will run on Friday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. as well as on Saturday from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. There will also be a 50/50 draw, just to add to the excitement of the event. There will be a photograph and autograph session with the Sens alumni from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. following the game. It will have the added attraction of a Tim Hortons coffee station sponsored by Climate Works and Creekside Gardens. Tickets for this Ottawa Senators Alumni game against the RMMHA coaches will be on sale at $5 per person this Thursday and Friday evenings from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Richmond arena. Tickets are also available by calling Lisa Shouldice at 613489-4181 or Stephanie Kelly at 613-324-2031. It promises to be a fun time – Saturday, Feb. 2 at 3:30 p.m. at the Richmond arena.
Fundraising gala Saturday, Feb. 9 EMC news - It’s a major fundraiser for Stittsville’s Main Street Community Services, namely its annual “Nothing But A Child” gala which is coming up on Saturday, Feb. 9. This year’s gala has taken on even more importance than ever because Main Street Community Services has been without one of its other major fundraising sources during the National Hockey league labour dispute, i.e. the sale of 50/50 draw tickets at Ottawa Senators home games. For the 2011-2012 season, volunteers for Main Street Community Services raised $15,000 for the organization thanks to the sale of these 50/50 tickets at Sens games. With the labour dispute, half of this season has been lost and that means quite a fundraising loss for Main Street Community Services. This means that the upcoming eighth annual “Nothing But A Child” fundraising gala takes on even more significance. Hopefully it can be more successful than ever, helping to make up for some of the funds lost with the lack of NHL hockey so far this season at Scotiabank Place. The “Nothing But A Child” gala is an evening of fun at the Sixty-Four Hundred Celebration Centre at the corner of Hazeldean Road and West Ridge Drive in Stittsville. The gala evening begins with cocktails at 5:30 p.m. and ends with music and dancing into the evening. There is a three-course dinner as well as silent and live auctions, with all of the funds raised going to support the programs and services provided by Main Street Community Services for children and youth with special needs. Tickets at $80 per person are available by phoning Main Street Community Services at 613-831-6606 or via email at mainstreetcommunity@bellnet.ca. There are also corporate tables available. In addition, Main Street Community Services is looking for donations for its live and silent auctions. Main Street Community
Services, which is located at the rear of the former Stittsville Public School facility (now the Frederick Banting Alternate Program) on Stittsville Main Street, delivers services and programs with an emphasis on compassion, individuality and strong therapeutic relationship. This unique approach promotes self-esteem and a healthy environment in which to thrive. Main Street Community Services has developed and implemented comprehensive, research-based programs. Its services and programs include residential and respite services, day school and after-school programming, social skills training, mentoring, parent support programs, individual and family counseling and a social skills summer day camp. Depleting resources, budget constraints and increased costs of living are challenges which Main Street Community Services must meet in order to continue providing its innovative and successful programs to special needs children and their families. As a not-for-profit organization and a registered charity, Main Street Community Services relies on the generosity of individuals as well as organizations, foundations, corporations and the community in general for the survival of its programs. Its motto, which is display on the walls at Main Street Community Services, is “Achieving is Believing” and the organization measures its success by the smiles on the faces of the children and the gratitude expressed by the parents. Main Street Community Services tries to put humanitarianism back into the social service system for the benefit of families and their children. In 2012, Main Street Community Services provided its services and support to over 200 families and their special needs children and youth. Shelley-Anne Steinburg is the executive director of Main Street Community Services. She can be contacted at 613-831-6606 or via email at mainstreetcommunity@bellnet.ca.
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 33
Your Community Newspaper
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I love coffee, I love tea,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Cuppa Joe sings John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - With a name like â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cuppa Joe,â&#x20AC;? you just
know this four voice singing group should feel at home at a coffee shop. And when its first vocal offering is the song â&#x20AC;&#x153;Java Jive,â&#x20AC;? first recorded by
the legendary vocal group â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Ink Spotsâ&#x20AC;? in 1940, with its â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love coffee, I love teaâ&#x20AC;? lyrics, you know for certain that this is a group that is fully
aware of its performance surroundings. It was at the Gaia Java Coffee Company shop in Stittsville last Friday evening, Jan.
Members of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cuppa Joeâ&#x20AC;? vocal group who are singing at the Friday Music Night at the Gaia Java Coffee Company shop in Stittsville last Friday, Jan. 25 are, from left, Valerie Bouillant, Deanna Rozon, John Wilson and Marc Routhier.
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The nine-voice group from the larger Northern Stars barbershop chorus sang two nine-song sets, one before and one after the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cuppa Joeâ&#x20AC;? performance. The Northern Stars songs ranged not only over the decades but also over the centuries, with many of them familiar to most and also most of them being toe-tappingly infectious. So you heard â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Only A Paper Moon,â&#x20AC;? a 1933 jazz song that became popular when recorded by Ella Fitzgerald and Nat King Cole in the World War II years; the less well known but a barbershop favourite dating back to the 1920â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Coney Island Babyâ&#x20AC;?; and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;selle,â&#x20AC;? telling of a rendezvous in a small cafĂŠ, a song that first was heard in â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Razorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Edge,â&#x20AC;? a 1947 movie starring Tyrone Power and which then became a number one song for several artists including Frank Sinatra and Dennis Day as well as Frankie Lane who had a hit with a jazz version. And so it went â&#x20AC;&#x201C; song after song, all sung a cappella in the barbershop style â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,â&#x20AC;? an American Negro spiritual that has a history back at least as far as 1862; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I Dream of Jeanie With the Light Brown Hairâ&#x20AC;?; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heart of My Heartâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let Me Call You Sweetheart,â&#x20AC;? two Valentine favourites; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m Beginning To See The Light,â&#x20AC;? a jazz standard associated with such greats as Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald and the Harry James Orchestra; and â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Wink and A Smile.â&#x20AC;? The Northern Starsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; second set started off with two ballads filled with harmony â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kentucky Babeâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Old Saint Louie.â&#x20AC;? See GAIA JAVA, page 35
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25 where the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cuppa Joeâ&#x20AC;? vocal group performed a foursong set, all familiar tunes, with, of course, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Java Jiveâ&#x20AC;? headlining the set, a tip of the hat, no doubt, by the group to the song which provided the inspiration for the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name, with its many mentions of â&#x20AC;&#x153;cupâ&#x20AC;? in the song, along with a reference to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Joe.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cuppa Joeâ&#x20AC;? followed this opening song up with a jazz standard, the ballad â&#x20AC;&#x153;Someone To Watch Over Me,â&#x20AC;? composed by George Gershwin with lyrics by his brother Ira Gershwin and first performed in the musical â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oh, Kay!â&#x20AC;? in 1926. Next on the foursomeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s agenda was â&#x20AC;&#x153;What A Wonderful World,â&#x20AC;? first recorded by Louis Armstrong in 1967, a version that eventually found its way to the Grammy Hall of Fame. And â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cuppa Joeâ&#x20AC;? finished up with a rhythm and blues standard, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Route 66â&#x20AC;? (Get Your Kicks on Route 66). First recorded by Nat King Cole in 1946 and later, in 1959, by Perry Como, this song travels along Route 66 in the United States, listing many of the cities through which the highway passes. Members of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cuppa Joeâ&#x20AC;? vocal group are Valerie Bouillant, Deanna Rozon, Marc Routhier and John Wilson. They described their singing as being in the style of The Manhattan Transfer, an American vocal music group dating back to 1969, which, as with other vocal jazz groups, had their music evolve or grow out of barbershop singing. And, not to be outdone, barbershop singing was also on display at the Gaia Java Coffee Company shop at its Friday Music Evening last Friday, Jan. 25.
! w o N e v r e s Re
34 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
Bayhill Condominiums Ltd., Developer
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Members of a smaller group of singers from the larger Northern Stars barbershop chorus who are performing at the Gaia Java Coffee Company shop in Stittsville last Friday evening, Jan. 25 are, from left, Stuart MacMartin, Hank Ridzyk, Pierre Joannou, Keith Lindsey, Peter Hall, Harry Qualman, Matt Gregg, George Young and Mike MacMartin.
Gaia Java shop hosts Northern Stars barbershoppers The set continued with â&#x20AC;&#x153;Darkness On The Delta,â&#x20AC;? a little more upbeat song, followed by the always popular â&#x20AC;&#x153;Luluâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Back in Town.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Irish Blessingâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Goinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Home,â&#x20AC;? both age-old standards, followed, after which the Northern Stars sang the 1971 hit â&#x20AC;&#x153;Country Roads,â&#x20AC;? a tune that became John Denverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s signature song.
After singing â&#x20AC;&#x153;When Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m Sixty-Four,â&#x20AC;? the Paul McCartney tune that was included in the Beatlesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 1967 album â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sgt. Pepperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lonely Hearts Club Band,â&#x20AC;? the Northern Stars group finished up with â&#x20AC;&#x153;Run, Run, Run,â&#x20AC;? a gospeltype tune that ended with a most fitting crescendo of harmony â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a perfect exclamation point to a spectacular barbershop performance. Members of the Northern Stars barbershop chorus who sang in this performance at the
Gaia Java Coffee Company shop in Stittsville last Friday evening were Mike MacMartin, Stuart MacMartin, George Young, Matt Gregg, Hank Ridzyk, Pierre Joannou, Keith Lindsey, Peter Hall and Harry Qualman. This Friday, Feb. 1, pianist Kathleen Prochnau will be performing at the Friday Music Night at the Gaia Java Coffee Company Shop at the Stittsville Shopping Centre on Stittsville Main Street, starting at 7 p.m.
She will be focusing her performance on alternative love songs from the past few decades. Kathleen performed at Gaia Java last fall, with a positive response from those who attended. Those planning to attend this Friday, Feb. 1 are reminded that it is best to arrive early before the 7 p.m. start to ensure yourself of a good seat for theperformance.
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Continued from page 34
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 35
Your Community Newspaper
St. Paul’s United Church goes back to 1827 John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - The history of St. Paul’s United Church in Richmond goes back to 1827 when the Richmond Circuit of the Methodist Church was formed. This circuit included Beckwith, Goulbourn, Huntley, Nepean, Marlborough, North Gower and Hull, with Rev. George Poole as the first traveling minister. Hull was with this circuit for only a year before it broke away. In 1829, John Hueston took over as minister, traveling through the countryside on horseback and, more often, on foot. He preached the Word of God throughout the area, gradually building a base for the establishment of churches. From 1830 to 1855, the Richmond circuit continued to grow, with membership increasing to nearly 500. In 1855, Huntley withdrew from the circuit, followed by North Gower in 1859. This reduced the membership down to about half of the previous numbers. Early Methodist in Richmond held services in individual homes but in 1846, a small chapel was built on McBean Street south of the Jock River. The building of this early chapel was aided greatly by a generous donation of 12 pounds, 10 shillings from Edward Malloch of Bytown. In 1866, the church became a Wesleyan Methodist congregation. In the same year, the congregation held a successful tea meeting for the purpose of raising funds to repair and ornament the church. About 200 persons attended. Among the speakers at the event were reeve J. Hinton, J.A. Bryson and H. McElroy. By 1877, the initial chapel,
built in 1846, was in a dilapidated condition. Land for a new church was purchased from A. McLaughlin at the site of where the Goodwood Masonic Temple is located today. On October 21, 1877, which is 130 years to the day before this coming Sunday, the new church was dedicated. The total cost including bell was $3,000. It was a frame structure, 36 feet by 50 feet, veneered in red brick. The tower was 50 feet high, surmounted by an octagon and spire rising 47 feet. The ten Gothic windows featured figured enameled glass while the church’s furnishings were considered substantial and somewhat elegant. This new church was considered at the time to be one of the most beautiful ecclesiastical structures in the area. It was through the tireless efforts of Henry McElroy and his wife in their soliciting donations and payments for the new church that there was only $250 left to pay off when the church opened. The collection on dedication Sunday brought in a further $70 while a tea on the following day generated $110. In 1891, Henry McElroy and his wife sold what was to become the church’s parsonage to the Richmond circuit for one dollar. The Richmond circuit at that time consisted of churches at Richmond, Stittsville, Mansfield and Fallowfield. Trustees of the Richmond circuit at that time were George Argue, William Argue, Samuel Mann, John Nesbitt, William Henderson, John Harvey Caldwell, Henry McElroy, Samuel Nesbitt and David Arbuckle. Tragedy struck in 1900 when the Richmond church was destroyed by fire. It was then that the site of
the current St. Paul’s United Church was purchased from Mr. and Mrs. R. McElroy and Mr. and Mrs. W.J. McElroy for the sum of $350. On July 26, 1901, the cornerstone of the present church was laid by William Higginson of Munster. Rev. J.E. Lidstone was the pastor at the time. The trowel used by Mr. Higginson and presented to him was donated to the church in the 1970’s by his great niece, Mrs. Verner Cassidy. Rev. T. Tripp was the pastor when the new church was dedicated on December 22, 1901 by Rev. Dr. Rose of the Cominion Methodist Church in Ottawa. Known as the Richmond Methodist Church, the inside of the church featured two aisles with the side pews slightly curved. The next big event affecting the Richmond Methodist Church was Church Union in 1925. The Richmond circuit at this time consisted of Richmond, Stittsville, Fallowfield and Mansfield with Rev. Alex F. Folkes as the pastor. It was at this time that the Richmond Methodist Church, with a membership of 103, became St. Paul’s United Church, the newly created church body created by Church Union and involving the union of Methodist and some Presbyterian congregations. Members of the first Session for St. Paul’s United Church following Church Union were Robert E. Brown, M.G. Hislop, W.J. Foster, J.M. Ferrier and George Brown, Sr. Members of the first Board of Stewards were J.P. Burrows, Frank Arbuckle, T.H. Brown, D.A. Brownlee, W.P. Bigford and E.S. McLaren. In April, 1928, Fallowfield separated from the Richmond circuit and was given $900 as
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its share of the manse. In 1929, the Mansfield Church, located on what is now the Mansfield Road in rural Goulbourn, closed. Twothirds of its financial assets, amounting to $195.76, were handed over to the Richmond circuit. In 1946, the Women’s Association of St. Paul’s United Church renovated the basement by making a church parlour with a small kitchen. Until 1965, this was used for Sunday School classes as well as for concerts, suppers, bazaars, teas and meetings. In 1955, a Hammond organ was purchased to replace the church’s original pump organ. This in turn was replaced with a Baldwin organ in 1975. As the church continued to grow, reaching 200 members in 1961, the need for an addition became apparent. After much planning, a sod turning ceremony took place on May 30, 1965. Services resumed in the church in September, 1965, in the enlarged church. Cost of the expansion was $45,000, almost half of which was covered by pledges. The enlargement project consisted of new front and rear entrances, a church hall, a kitchen, a furnace room, washrooms, a choir room and an unfinished chancel. The dedication took place on November 24, 1965 with Rev. M.J.D. Carson, chairman of Presbytery, and Rev. W.H. LeGrow, the church’s minister, conducting the service. Through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Laffin, the chancel was completed in June, 1970 as a memorial to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Laffin. The church was then carpeted and new pews were installed, creating a centre aisle. About two years later, more pews were donated and the remaining ones were donated in 1976.
The first event in the newly completed church was the induction of Rev. Roy C. Huntly in July, 1970. On May 6, 1973, a mortgage burning ceremony took place with Rev. W.H. LeGrow, the former minister, and Rev. Roy C. Huntley, the minister, conducting the associated service. Those taking part in the actual mortgage burning were Robert Redwood, Rev. W.H. LeGrow, J.E. Gamble, Rev. Roy C. Huntley, Leonard Brown and Stanley Laffin. St. Paul’s United Church held a gala 150th birthday celebration in October, 1977, holding a gala anniversary dinner and variety show at the Richmond Memorial Community Centre hall. Former ministers Rev. W.H. LeGrow and Rev. Roy C. Huntly were both in attendance at the anniversary dinner, along with the current minister Rev. Roger B. Rice. There were three of the 65 ministers who had provided spiritual leadership to the church since its founding in 1827. Highlight of the event was the massed singing of “Happy Birthday, St. Paul’s” to the church by the 300 persons who were in attendance. With lights dimmed in the hall, everyone stood and sang the “Happy Birthday” song after which those involved in the associated variety show paraded around the darkened hall carrying small lighted candles. There was a giant birthday cake at the front of the hall. This anniversary dinner and variety show were the culmination of a year of special 150th anniversary celebrations looked after by a special 150th anniversary year committee headed by Gilmour Brown. Other members of the anniversary committee were Donna Foster, Judy Arndt, Dorothy Moore, Dorothy Munro, Jim Hunter, Elaine Kuhn and Lorna McCurdy.
The variety show for the 150th anniversary was organized by Gary Thompson with television personality Peter Emmerson acting as master of ceremonies. Those in the variety show included a rock group called Troy Band which included Rick Todd, Maurice Lavoie and Tim McCurdy, step dancers Marlene and Susan Sadler, the St. Paul’s United Church choir, step dancer Don McCurdy, the Richmond Rockettes baton group and Gary Thompson. The Richmond and Stittsville United Church remained as a joint charge of the United Church until 1990 when the two churches ended their formal association, with each becoming an independent charge. They had officially become the Richmond and Stittsville charge in 1962 after being together as part of the Richmond circuit since virtually the very beginning in 1827. In 1997, a new permanent canopy and new entranceway to the church were officially dedicated. In 2005, an elevator has been installed to facilitate movement between the basement hall, the entrance area and the worship area of the church. St. Paul’s United Church has been involved in numerous outreach activities over the years, ranging from refugee sponsorship to support for victims of aids in Africa and South America to World Vision Canada to the Richmond day hospice project. The church at one time was the home of the Richmond Cooperative Nursery School from its formation in the early 1970’s until it relocated to its current premises at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Richmond. It has also been the home of the Richmond Food Bank since the Food Bank was created in 1985.
Historical Society program in 2013 i¨¨ ˽¥ ƈġ r ¤ T « fǃġɔ TidjVu`u`{V ijVg un iwur «¨ T ¨ ¨ ¬ V ¨ u ¥ɹ u¤± «¨¥ Z ¤« ¤± ġǹ¨ i ¨ ± ¤¥
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Special to the News
EMC news - What do the Rotary Club, firefighting and Masonry have in common? Well, the connection for them is that they will all be topics dealt with in programs offered by the Goulbourn Township Historical Society in 2013.
The history of the Rotary Club will be the topic at the Saturday, May 18 while the history of firefighting will be the topic at the meeting on Saturday, June 15. The Goodwood Masonic Lodge in Richmond will be the topic at the meeting on Saturday, Oct. 19. 0131.R0011883480
CAT OF THE WEEK I AM A LITTLE LADY CALLED “ERIN” A truly sweet and gentle flower child..... born in 2011. Beautifully marked and brilliant colors. Photo does not do justice. I am new at the sanctuary and seem to get along with the residents... have a sister too. We were abandoned and have been rescued together... Won’t you call and drop by and see us.... maybe we were waiting for each... other. For adopting this or any other cat contact GWEN at 613-258-2622. Check out the Website www.countrycatrescue.com for available cats and more info. Looking for volunteers and foster families to help out with cat care. We are a registered charity.
Your Community Newspaper
In December, I had mentioned that there was a tentative date set for a public meeting on a portion of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Western Development Lands.â&#x20AC;? That tentative meeting date has since been conďŹ rmed. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 13th from 7:00-9:00pm at the Richmond Arena. This meeting is for an application of a subdivision at 6335 Perth Street and the developer is Caivan Developments. The Western Development Lands stretch from the Jock River to the northwestern corner of the village, north of Perth Street. Caivan Communities is the landowner for 60% (53 hectares) of these lands, for which this development application accounts for. The remaining 40% of the lands on the Jock River portion are owned by Mattamy Homes and no application is currently before the City at this time. In its present form, this application calls for approximately 1000 homes on 25 hectares of the 53 ha owned by the developer. 2.6 ha would be a drainage channel, 1 ha would be dedicated as an active park, 5.9 ha would be the storm water pond and 6.3 ha would be natural areas, otherwise known as passive open space. The remaining 12 ha would be streets. All of these ďŹ gures are taken from the concept plan. The proposed development is made up of 60-70% single detached homes, with attached townhouse units making up the remainder of the development. Build out will be phased, with approximately 50-100 units completed per year. There are plenty more details that need to be discussed and looked at, though, and this meeting will be an opportunity for residents to ask questions on the issues that matter most to the village. Further, it is important to note that this development cannot move forward until there is a major upgrade to the pumping station and the pipes that connect Richmond into the rest of the system in Kanata. These upgrades have not yet been ďŹ nalized.
Munster Winter Carnival
St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s United Church, built in 1901, sits on McBean Street in Richmond.
The Royal Ottawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Power to the Parentsâ&#x20AC;? As parents and caregivers, you have got the power to transform your childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s experience with mental health. Join The Royal Ottawa February 5th at 7pm in the auditorium for the Power to the Parents mental health information session. The Royal will provide you with practical tips and tools to empower you to reach out and connect with your children through meaningful conversations around mental well-being. The Royalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Annmarie Nicholson along with Ian Fisher from the Ottawa Police Service will share their experience as parents supporting a child through mental health concerns and crisis. In addition to learning practical tips and tools, the session will give you an understanding of: s THE REALITIES FACED BY YOUTH TODAY s HOW TO LAY THE FOUNDATION FOR OPEN COMMUNICATION s HOW TO RECOGNIZE WHEN A CHILD MIGHT BE IN DISTRESS s HOW TO TAKE A REASONED AND RESPONSIVE APPROACH With a ďŹ nal note on self-care, parents will leave the workshop feeling ready, willing and able to reach out to their youth and also care for themselves while doing so. This event is free and you can register at www.theroyal.ca. The Royal Auditorium is located at 1145 Carling Avenue.
City of Ottawa March Break Camps
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School will be out for a week of fun March 11 to 15 during March Break and the City is offering more than 100 action-packed camps in sports, arts, water fun and more. Find your neighbourhood adventure and register online at ottawa.ca/recreation: s 4AKE TO THE ICE WITH HOCKEY SKATING AND CURLING CAMPS s 4RY AQUA CAMPS INDOOR SOCCER OR ROCK CLIMBING s 7OW FAMILY AND FRIENDS WITH TALENTS DEVELOPED IN COMPUTER magic or movie camps s 3TAR ON STAGE IN ACTING SINGING AND DANCE CAMPS s 'ET MESSY WITH CLAY PAINTS AND GLUE s 7ORK ON YOUR LEADERSHIP SKILLS AND MAKE new friends If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please email me at Scott.Moffatt@ottawa.ca or contact me by phone at 613-580-2491.
0131. R0011883487
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This weekend is the annual winter carnival in Munster. Hopefully, residents of Munster can come join me at the Opening Ceremonies on Friday, February 1st at 7:00pm at the Munster Community Centre, followed by public skating on the outdoor rink and a screening of Madagascar 3. On Saturday, February 2nd, the festivities continue with a pancake breakfast in the basement hall of the Munster United Church at 8:00am, followed by outdoor games at the rink at 10:00am. Over at the Munster Elementary School the fun begins at 1:30pm with the Little Tyke Zone. The evening is capped off with a bonďŹ re and ďŹ reworks at the Community Centre. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hope for great weekend weather and get out and enjoy the incredible community spirit Munster has to offer!
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 37
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Here and there Munster winter carnival around Richmond this Friday and Saturday EMC news â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Although the cold is here and snow covers the fields at Jabulani Vineyard & Winery on Jock Trail west of Richmond, that does not mean that owners Janet and Tom Moul have been taking it easy. Far from it. Indeed, the cold weather has even helped with their cold stabilization process for the Wineryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s white wines. Jabulani has now sent its samples off for testing and soon Janet and Tom will be bottling Tomâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s latest creations which be for sale this coming June, namely a Frontenac Gris Riesling blend, a new and improved strawberry wine and a stand-alone Frontenac Gris. The coming year promises to be an exciting one at Jabulani. And while snow covers the fields, Jabulani wines are still available for sale by calling R0011889310/0131
the Winery at 613-454-5460 (email is info@jabulani.ca) and arranging a time for pickup. With Valentines Day approaching, you may want a bottle or two for celebrating the occasion. There is an array of wines available for purchase from Jerepigo to Frontenac Gris & Vidal to Barrel Fermented Chardonnay to Marquette Shiraz to Marquettageâ&#x20AC;ŚShrove Tuesday is coming up and St. Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Presbyterian Church on McBean Street is hosting a pancake supper. It will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 12 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend and there is both eat in and take out. The cost is $8 for adults, $4 for children and FREE for children five and under. For more information, please call 613-838-3723â&#x20AC;Ś
Special to the News
EMC news - This Friday, Feb. 1 and this Saturday, Feb. 2 are the dates for the 40th annual Munster winter carnival. This Friday, Feb. 1 will see a number of evening events kicking off the carnival while Saturday, Feb. 2 will feature a day-long series of events and activities including an evening bonfire and fireworks. Friday, Feb. 1 will see the carnival kickoff with a bonfire along with a remote broadcast by Jack FM 92.3. Opening ceremonies at 7 p.m. at the Munster Community Centre will be followed by public skating at the rink. The 2012 3D computer-animated comedy film â&#x20AC;&#x153;Madagascar 3:Europeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Most Wantedâ&#x20AC;? will be shown at 7:30 p.m. At 8:30 p.m., there will be a snowmobile run leaving from Danbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bar and Grill in Munster. On this Saturday, Feb. 2, the Munster winter carnival
will get underway as usual with a pancake breakfast at the Munster United Church basement hall, starting at 8 a.m. There will be games staged at the rink at 10 a.m. while the scene will shift to the Munster Elementary School gymnasium at 1:30 p.m. for what is being termed â&#x20AC;&#x153;Big Top Fun!â&#x20AC;? There will be a Little Tyke Zone, an appearance by Magical Marvin and a book sale. In addition, the entries in the Munster winter carnival poster contest will be on display. A bonfire will once again be lit at 7 p.m. and there will also be fireworks to celebrate the carnival. Hockey for those of all ages will take place on the rink, wining up this 40th edition of the Munster winter carnival. Weekend admission to this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual Munster winter carnival will be $15 per family or $5 per person.
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40 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
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International Film Series now underway John Curry
EMC news - The International Film Series being presented by the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville is now underway. The first film in the fourfilm monthly series was shown at The Empire theatre in Kanata on Thursday evening, Jan. 24. It was “The Intouchables,” a French film with English subtitles whose story revolved around the development of an improbable bond between a wealthy quadriplegic and a young offender of Senegalese descent who is hired as a livein caregiver. The movie appeared to be well received, with laughter echoing in the theatre and clapping at the end. A number of movie-goers remained after the movie, both in the theatre and in the foyer, to chat. Reaction to the film appears to have been positive and enjoyable. At the event, city of Ottawa Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri talked about Stittsville and the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville. Rotary Club president Carolyn Clark
told about the Club and its recent activities. Rotary Club member Valerie Wright, who was instrumental in introducing this International Film Series concept to this area after having experienced it in Chilliwack, B.C., told about the Chilliwack experience. She thanked the Film Circuit, the film outreach arm of the Toronto International Film Festival, for its cooperation and partnership with this Rotary International Film Series. Ms. Wright also thanked Gaia Java Coffee Company of Stittsville which has helped out by being an outlet for the sale of the passes for the fourmovie series. A number of door prizes were distributed at this inaugural film event. There were two tickets for Kanata Theatre, a gift certificate for @ home in Kanata Centrum and a gift certificate from Digby’s Fish and Chips at Kanata Centrum. The next film to be shown in this International Film Series being presented by the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville will be “Stories We Tell,” the Sarah Polley directed feature length documentary that was
recently selected as the best Canadian film of 2012. This film had its world premiere at the 2012 Venice Film Festival and followed that up with its North American premiere at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival. “Stories We Tell” will be screened on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. at the Empire Theatre at Kanata Centrum. The third film in this International Film Series will be the Golden Globe nominated “A Royal Affair,” which will be shown on Thursday, March 21 at 7 p.m. at the Empire Theatre in Kanata. This film is an historical drama set in 18th century Denmark at the court of the mentally ill King Christian VII of Denmark. It features a romance that develops between the Queen and the royal physician. A Danish film, it has English subtitles. The fourth and final film in this International Film Series will be a musical comedy “The Sapphires,” a 2012 Australian film about four indigenous women who form a musical group and travel to Vietnam in 1968 to entertain the troops in the war there. This film had its world premiere at the 2012
Cannes Film Festival. It will be shown at the Empire Theatre in Kanata on Thursday, April 25 at 7 p.m. Admission to these films is via a pass that is on sale at the Gaia Java Coffee Company shop at the Stittsville Shopping Centre (Shoppers Drug Mart Plaza) on Stittsville Main Street. The passes initially sold for $36, allowing admission for one person to all four of the movies of the series. Now that the first movie has been shown, the cost of the pass has been pro-rated, costing $27 for the remaining three films. The passes are transferable
so that if something comes up and you cannot attend one of the movies, you can give the pass to someone else to use. The Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville is presenting this international film series thanks to the cooperation and partnership of Film Circuit, the film outreach arm of the Toronto International Film Festival. For more information about this International Film Series, please call Valerie Wright, a member of the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville, at 613836-9125 or send an email to filmseries@stittsvillerotary. com.
Sarah Polley
Making your money count in fight to eliminate polio Special to the News
EMC news - How does $1 become $6? Easy. Just donate the money to the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville to support Rotary’s End Polio Now campaign. That’s right! A one dollar donation can grow to six dollars thanks to a couple of commitments that have been made. First of all, the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville has committed to matching the first $1,600 donated by members of the public to the End Polio Now campaign. So, your $100, for instance, is now $200. But there’s more. The federal government, through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), will match any donations made to Rotary for this cause. So, the $200 now becomes $400. And, on top of this, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has made the same offer, so add another $200 to those Rotary funds, bringing the total to $600. That’s how a $100 initial donation, for instance, becomes $600. It is matched by the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville (up to $1,600). This amount is then doubled by CIDA and then also doubled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. There is a one million dollar cap on the CIDA and Gates matching funds donations. This offer of matching funds from CIDA and the Gates Foundation is good until March 1, 2013. This End Polio Now campaign is meant to be a final push to get rid of polio in the world. This will be happening in the last three countries in the world where polio is still epidemic – Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. All donations of $20 or more will be issued an income tax receipt as well.
Those wishing to donate to help eradicate polio in the world once and for all should send cheques to 28 Renshaw Avenue, Stittsville, Ont. K2S 1G9. The cheques should be made payable to the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville. For more information, please contact Rotary Club member Leo Maiorino at 613-371-6975. Since the introduction of vaccines in the 1950’s, significant progress has been made in eradicating polio. Even in 1985, polio infected about 350,000 children in more than 125 countries around the world. However, today, polio is endemic in just three countries – Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan – and only in small pockets in these countries. Last February, India, which had half of the world’s polio cases just a few years ago, was removed from the list of infected countries after going a year without a single new diagnosed case. In Afghanistan today, where Canada has been the single largest donor to polio eradication, the virus is now largely restricted to the south of the country. Thanks to the support of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), more than seven million Afghan children are being vaccinated against the disease. There was something of a setback in Pakistan recently when the United Nations suspended its polio vaccination drive there after eight people involved in the effort were killed in a two day period. It is believed that militants responsible for the killings acted in the belief that the vaccination workers were acting as spies for the United States and also believe that the vaccine will make children sterile.
Rotary Trivia Challenge Night Special to the News
EMC news - Friday, Feb. 22 is when the eighth annual Trivia Challenge Night hosted by the Rotary Club of Ottawa – Stittsville will be happening at the Lions Hall in Stittsville.
There’s a $500 cash prize for the winning team. The runner-up team gets $250 while the third place team takes home $150. There will also be prizes, each valued in the $100 range,
that will be given away for the winning team in each of the ten rounds of trivia that are played that evening. There will also be a silent auction taking place that evening as well.
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 41
Your Community Newspaper
MARY COOK Mary Cook’s Memories When winter had socked in around us out in Renfrew County, I developed a whole new collection of fears, which oddly only occurred at night. In the daytime, I loved the look of the wideopen fields deep in the whitest snow, the West Hill where we slid on makeshift toboggans, and the sounds of the sleigh bells as the horses pulled us along the Northcote Side Road. But when night wrapped around us and we were bedded down upstairs, childish fears settled in, and I often had trouble finding sleep. I wondered if either of Mother’s predictions would come true while we were fast asleep in our beds. Mother, fearful of the raging Findlay Oval that had to be stoked every night by Father, was sure that the whole house would go up in flames and we would all be, as she said “fried in our beds.” She based her fear on the fact that during the winter, we could count on at least two or three flue fires. These didn’t seem to bother Father in the least. When the pipes turned red, he would simply take his time rising from his spot in the
Winter night fears ranging from fire to freezing to death in bed to wildlife
rocking chair, casually walk over to the bake cupboard, take out a bag of coarse salt, pour a good portion into a soup bowl and with his winter mitts on he would miraculously separate the stove pipe where two pieces joined, slip in the bowl of salt and go back to reading the Ottawa Farm Journal. It worked every time, but Mother was sure that one time it wouldn’t or that the flue fire would happen when we were fast asleep. Father assured her that as the night wore on, the fire would go down in the Findlay Oval. But that did little to put Mother’s mind at ease and of course I carried the fear right upstairs to my bed, which I shared with my sister Audrey. If Mother wasn’t worrying about the fire taking us all during the night, she was worried that we could easily freeze in our beds. The old log home, it seemed, was in a constant state of deep freeze. Even though Father, when the snow had come to stay, packed snow all around the foundation of the house, supposedly to keep out the drafts, it did little. Even the many braided rugs Mother put everywhere she could, including ones rolled up and put along the outside doors, we couldn’t
Historical Society Special to the News
EMC News - The Goulbourn Township Historical Society
keep out the cold night air. When we sat around the kitchen table at night, each of us had our own cushion to rest our feet on, and crudely-made felt slippers and heavy socks helped little. However, the cold in the kitchen was nothing compared to the cold upstairs. There was no insulation in the peaked ceiling and all winter, hoar frost appeared all along the boards. As soon as your feet hit the top step, day or night, you could see your breath. Even the contents of the chamber pot under our bed would be frozen in the morning. Mother tried to warm our beds before we plunged between the feather mattress and the top ticking, by putting in hot bricks wrapped in The Renfrew Mercury, but they soon chilled and did nothing to keep our feet warm. It wasn’t unusual for me to wear my long underwear under my flannelette pyjamas. But it was the night noises of winter that really terrified me. Wildlife surrounded the farm. Wolves howled at night and their eerie wails terrified me. I prayed that Father had secured the barn
promotes local history. Among its activities are identifying and marking heritage buildings in the community, encouraging historical research and promoting interest in local history. The Goulbourn Township Historical Society also runs an an-
doors tightly, and that our sheep would be safe. If it wasn’t the wolves it was the coyotes, which my brother Emerson said were one and the same as the wolves. He added to my worry by telling me he knew for a fact that they could wipe out a whole chicken coop in one night. And just as I tried to put all my night fears behind me, there would be a thunderous crack. The old log house would shudder, and I would lay there waiting for another blast of frost that would cause the timbers to respond to the bitter cold. Even my sister Audrey assuring me that the noise wasn’t someone trying to break down our door did little to console me. Eventually I would fall asleep, having prayed loud and long that a higher being would keep us safe during the night; safe from going up in smoke in our beds, safe from neighbours discovering our frozen bodies when we didn’t show up at Northcote School, and safe from the night creatures and sounds that surrounded our old log house in Renfrew County. In the morning, I would again see the wonders of winter, and all would once again be right in my world.
nual photo contest and holds regular monthly meetings featuring guest speakers. For more information about the Goulbourn Township Historical Society, please contact Historical Society president Barbara Bottriell at 613-836-2305.
Tax Saving Seminar for Seniors
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Seating will be limited, please call 613-595-1116 ext 703 to reserve. 480 Brigitta Street (Eagleson Road south of Fernbank) •
42 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
Your Community Newspaper
Country chicken casserole Public speaking, comedy, drama all possible in contest is a true comfort food Special to the News
turkey 125 ml (1/2 cup) frozen peas 500 ml (2 cups) torn whole bread pieces
Foodland Ontario Special to the News
EMC lifestyle - Start the year off right with this recipe for a creamy, comforting, good-foryou casserole. Kids can help tear the bread to make the rustic croutons. Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes Serves: Four Ingredients 20 ml (4 tsp) olive oil 3 cloves of garlic, minced 1 leek (white and green parts) chopped 250 ml (1 cup) sliced carrots 250 ml (1 cup) sliced parsnips 6 ml (1 1/4 tsp) dried thyme leaves 1 ml (1/4 tsp) each salt and pepper 45 ml (3 tbsp) all-purpose flour 250 ml (1 cup) part-skim milk 250 ml (1 cup) sodium-reduced chicken broth 10 ml (2 tsp) Dijon mustard 500 ml (2 cups) shredded cooked chicken or
Directions In a large saucepan, heat 10 ml (2 tsp) of the oil over medium heat. Saute garlic, leeks, carrots, parsnips, mushrooms, a 4 ml (3/4 tsp) of the thyme, salt and pepper for six minutes or until the vegetables are tender-crisp. Whisk flour into milk; gradually stir into saucepan along with broth and mustard. Cook, stirring for five minutes or until bubbling and thickened. Remove from heat. Stir in chicken and peas. Spoon into two-litre (eight-cup) baking dish. (Make ahead: Cool, cover and refrigerate for up to eight hours. Reheat in microwave until hot and continue with recipe). In a bowl, toss bread with remaining oil and thyme until coated; sprinkle over chicken mixture. Bake in 215 C (425 F) oven for 12 to 14 minutes or until the bread is toasted and bubbling.
Community spaghetti supper at Christ Church Ashton, Feb. 1 EMC news - It’s spaghetti time in Ashton this Friday, Feb. 1. The youth group at Christ Church Ashton is hosting a community spaghetti supper at the church this Friday, Feb. 1 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.,
with everyone welcome. The cost is $8 for adults, $5 for those aged 6 to 12 and free for those under 5 years of age. The youth group held a similar event last November to help raise funds for fixing the roof of the church.
Proceeds from this Feb. 1 spaghetti supper will go to help paint the church spire. Everyone is welcome to attend this community spaghetti supper, enjoying not only the great spaghetti but also the warm of community fellowship on a winter’s evening.
portunity to go on to yet another level of competition, namely the Multiple District level, competing against speakers from other Lions Districts. This year the Stittsville District Lions Club has inserted a new category into this local public speaking contest. If it not formal public speaking per se but rather this category is for any youth or group of friends who have a comedy routine or some original drama or presentation that they would like to present. This is a wide open category, with anything from a Jerry Seinfeld-like comedy routine to a Shakespearean soliloquy. Anything goes and it could be fun, both for the participant or participants as well as the audience that night. Oh yes, this public speaking contest being hosted by the Stittsville District Lions Club is being held on Wednesday, Feb. 13 at the Lions Hall on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville. So, there is a little over a month for youth to decide to participate and to prepare for the event. For more information about this public speaking event or to indicate your interest, please contact Lion Gordon MacIsaac at 613836-5871 or via email at Gordon_macisaac@ hotmail.com .
Helping children Special to the News
Main Street Community Services in Stittsville provides services for children and youth with special needs and their families. They are provided in a unique, caring way.
But this not-for-profit registered charity would not be able to do what it does were it not for the generosity of the community. That’s because Main Street Community Services depends heavily on fundraising to carry
on its programs and services. Main Street Community Services is located in part of the former Stittsville Public School facility (now Frederick Banting Alternate Program school) on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville.
Big Game Big Flavour Farm Boy™ Fresh Salsa This Sunday, score a touchdown with your fellow football fans when you serve our authentic salsa. Made fresh every day with sun-ripened Roma tomatoes, real lime juice, green peppers, red onion, coriander, garlic and a touch of jalapeño. Add a bag of crispy Farm Boy™ Lime Tortilla Chips hot or mild, 475 g
Special to the News
EMC news - There’s a $100 prize for the winner in each category as well as prizes for all participants, so participation – and winning – does have its benefits in the public speaking competition for youth being held by the Stittsville District Lions Club.. This public speaking contest is open to students from grades 6 to 12, with three categories: junior for students in grades 6, 7 and 8; intermediate for students in grades 9 and 10; and senior for students in grades 11 and 12. The speech can be delivered in either English or French. In the junior category, participants will be required to give a speech three to five minutes in length. At the intermediate and senior levels, besides the prepared speech, participants will be required to give an impromptu speech at least two minutes in length. Winners in each category can go on to another level of competition if they wish, namely at the District level, competing against successful speakers from contests held by other Lions Clubs in the area. The winner at this District level has the op-
farmboy.ca Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 43
Your Community Newspaper
Tuesday, Feb. 5 deadline Ottawa’s #1 Ranked for photography contest Soccer Club Special to the News
EMC news - Field of Dreams. This phrase evokes thoughts of the 1989 American movie starring Kevin Costner that involved building a baseball field in a corn field, coining the now-famous line “If you build it, he will come.” But this phrase is also the title for the first class in the 2013 photography competition being hosted by the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society. Although organized by the Horticultural Society, the competition is open to everyone, although Society non-members must pay a fee of $15 which not only covers entry in the photographic competition but also covers membership in the Horticultural Society for the remainder of the year. Field of Dreams is the name of class number one in this year’s photograph competition. Entries in this class are to give a panoramic view of a field crop, a meadow or wildflowers. Class two has a typical Canadian theme as it is called “It’s Frozen.” Entries in this class should be a macro photo of a favourite plant or plants, tree, bush or leaf. “What is that?” is class three for the 2013 photography competition. It is to be a photo of a rare or unusual plant or
OSU’s Abdou Samaké achieves dream in joining Montreal Impact academy When Abdou Samaké’s family moved to Montréal-Nord from Bamako, Mali when he was 5, they carried big dreams. When Samaké began playing soccer at age 9 in Ottawa, it was the start of a new dream. And now at age 16, the dream of becoming a professional soccer player is that much closer for the Ottawa South United star who just moved back to Montreal to join the Impact’s youth academy. It was a big moment when Samaké’s parents took him out to dinner in early November to tell him the big news they’d received in an e-mail from the MLS club. “When my meal came, they told me, ‘Oh, by the way, you made the Impact,’” Samaké recounts. “I had to go to the bathroom and put some water on my face to make sure it wasn’t a dream. I was very happy.”
Special to the News
EMC news - Two computer-animated films, both big hits, plus a fantasy drama film will be shown at the upcoming winter movie nights in Stittsville. These winter movie nights, hosted by Stittsville’s youth connexion program, are open to those of all ages, with families encouraged to attend. The movies will be shown at 7 p.m. in the hall at the Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Centre. And best of all, they are all free – yes, that’s right,
Samaké was thankful that the OSU Force Academy and his coach Russell Shaw had taught him some defensive skills as a midfielder since he joined the club prior to last season. “I like defensive mid a lot,” he highlights. “It’s more touches on the ball and you kind of control the game. You’re like a maestro. You’re coordinating everything in the middle, attacking and defending.” For Samaké, the attraction to the OSU Force Academy was a combination of the opportunity to play in the OYSL, the professionalism throughout the club, and the top-notch coaching available. Shaw and head coach Paul Harris ( former Everton FC Academy coach) were a big help, he adds. “They really brought me to the next level and helped me take that next step to the academy,” Samaké explains. “There’s a thin margin between being good and being good enough to enter a pro academy. I feel they really helped me step over that bar.”
free. There will also be snacks and drinks available, although for a price. The first movie in this series to be shown will be “Happy Feet,” leading off the series on Friday, Feb. 8. “Happy Feet,” a 2006 computer animated musical family film, won the Academy Award for best animated feature film. It involves the story of Mumble, a tap dancing penguin who is an outcast from other penguins but who eventually saves the penguin colony through his dancing. This initial movie
will be followed on Friday, March 8 with the showing of “Ice Age 3,” also known as “Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.” This 2009 computer animated comedy adventure film went on to become one of the highest grossing animated films of all time, so you know that it’s good. This winter movie nights series will wrap up with the showing of the 2012 Walt Disney fantasy drama film “The Odd Life of Timothy Green.” It is about a magical pre-adolescent boy whose personality
and naivete have a profound impact on the residents in his town. Those planning to attend these winter movie nights are urged to take along chairs and blankets for comfortable seating. Everyone is welcome. However, just like for the summer movie nights at Village Square Park which were hosted by Stittsville’s youth connexion program, there is no supervision provided for children. Older youth can stay on their own but younger children will require parental supervision.
$700,000 fire damage at Cheshire Cat
A big part of the U16 squad that held its own in a competitive OYSL division this past summer, Samaké counts many fond memories from his time with OSU. “I’m going to miss my club very much. I love my club, I love my school, and I love my mom,” Samaké emphasizes. “She used to drive me to every game, every training, and every day she’d ask me how soccer went. It’s going to be weird not having that home feeling. I guess I’ll have to mature a lot very quickly.”
Special to the News
EMC news - An area restaurant popular with Stittsville residents has been gutted by fire, with damage estimated at
about $700,000. The Cheshire Cat restaurant, located in a former stone schoolhouse at the corner of Carp Road and Richardson
Sideroad, was destroyed in a fire which broke out in the early morning hours on Monday, Jan. 28. Ottawa Fire Services fire28+ Years of Real Estate Sales
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“Not a lot of soccer players get the chance to go to a professional academy. It’s really a dream for me,” Samaké says. “My main goal would be to go pro. It’s a great opportunity, and I want to prove to them that I am the right player for them.”
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Samaké will be moving to the Impact’s training residence along with two other players who’d started training with OSU this winter before now also joining the Impact – YannAlexandre Fillion and Nevello Yoseke. Force 2000 player Tarik Jouali is also amongst the younger players invited to the next round of trials.
44 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
inches when submitted. The photos must not be mounted. There is a limit of one photograph per person per class. All photographs must be identified with the person’s name, address and phone number. Remember, if you are not a member of the Horticultural Society, you must submit a fee of $15 with the entries. The Photographic Cup will be awarded to the person who accumulates the most overall points in the judging for the competition. The Carleton Security Cup will be awarded for the photograph judged to be the best entry across all of the classes. The winning photographs in this competition will be displayed on the Art Space Wall at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library and/or at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex on Shea Road in Stittsville. The winning photographs in the competition will also be printed in a centerfold collage in the Horticultural Society’s 2014 yearbook. For more information about this 2013 photography competition being held by the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society, please contact Penny Horeczy at 613-831-2320.
‘Happy Feet’ coming on Feb. 8
Samaké had previously attended open tryouts for the Impact academy, where he was suddenly thrust into a new role as defensive sweeper. “I was scared for my life,” reflects the bright Louis-Riel high school student who spent most of his career as a striker. “But I said, ‘You know what? If they put me there, it must be because they see something,’ so I played my best.”
weed. “Child’s Play” is class four, asking for a picture of a child in a garden. “Ouch!” is class five. Entries should focus on a prickly plant. Class six is called “Plume.” Entries should be of a flower, grass head or bulrush-like figure. And the seventh and final class is “My Vacation.” Entries should be photos of flowers or group planting found while on vacation. The location of the vacation should be listed on the back of the entry. Entries are now being sought in all of these classes for this 2013 photography competition. But you don’t have all that much time to get your entries ready and submitted. All entries must be submitted in a sealed envelop to one of the branches of the Ottawa Public Library in Goulbourn (Stittsville, Richmond or Munster) no later than Tuesday, Feb. 5. Results will be released just two weeks later, at the Horticultural Society meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 19. Photos entered in the competition can be black and white or colour and either from film or digital. The photos must be taken within the last three years and must not be any larger than 8 inches by 12
fighters were called to the scene at 4:27 a.m.. It took until 12:45 p.m. before the fire was considered under control, although even then firefighters remained on scene, on the lookout for remaining hot spots. The firefighters assumed a defensive attack on the fire since it was confirmed that there were no staff were in the building at the time of the fire. Firefighters managed to enter the building to retrieve some important items for the owner. Ottawa Police Services, Ottawa Paramedic Services, Enbridge Gas and Hydro One all had personnel at the scene. OC Transpo was at the site to provide shelter for the firefighters.There were no reports of injuries. Cause of the fire is unknown at present. Investigators had not yet entered the building as of Monday afternoon. The Office of the Fire Marshal has been notified about the fire but had not yet attended the fire scene as of Monday afternoon.
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 45
>L@;< )'(*
Day camps are packed with activities and fun.
A summer filled with activities pants to enjoy the outdoors while getting involved in supervised activities. If you decide on a camp lasting several weeks, you can pay for as many weeks as you choose depending on your own vacation. In municipalities, the program often follows a specific theme which evolves over the summer. The children meet every day in the school yard or in a park where they participate in many different games. Indoor activities are organized
during periods of rain. Camp programs often in clude time for swimming in outdoor pools or lakes as wel as trips to tourist attraction and other interesting sites. Nor mally, children still at primary school are grouped according to their age. Traditionally, the day camp adventure finishes with a big party to remember the high lights of the summer and fo everyone to say their good byes. – Metro Creative Graphics
EMC lifestyle - Even though we’re still in the middle of winter, it’s already time to think about the children’s long summer holidays. Among the myriad possibilities available, day camps organized by municipalities or private organizations are very popular choices. As soon as the school year finishes, the children can get together for a program packed with activities. Lasting from five days to six or seven weeks, the day camp allows partici-
46 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
>L@;< )'(*
Learning shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop just because school is out Brains need stimulation all year long; without it, kids can lose academic ground. A summer program at Oxford Learning keeps brains switched on and prevents students from starting next year behind. Which means a better start in the fall, and a better school year. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s amazing what 8 weeks can do. Â&#x2021; /LWWOH 5HDGHUV 6XPPHU &DPS )UHQFK DQG (QJOLVK DQG IXOO GD\V $JHV Â&#x2021; (OHPHQWDU\ +LJK 6FKRRO 3URJUDPV )OH[LEOH GD\WLPH DQG HYHQLQJ VFKHGXOH
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Finding the right summer camp involves balancing a number of different considerations, including your child's interests, day camp versus overnight camp, location, and cost.
How to choose a summer camp: a guide for parents Matt Barr
Only you can decide when the time is right. s #ONVENIENT LOCATION ,O cation is important because you will have to drop off and pick up your child every day. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll want to consider your drive time and also keep in mind the hours of the camp. s #OST /F COURSE THE COST is something to consider. The cost of camp should reďŹ&#x201A;ect the service provided. When comparing camps by price make sure that you are comparing apples to apples. Some camps include lunches, while others include snacks, T-shirts, hats, extended hours and ďŹ eld trips. Price alone can be misleading. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve always believed, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You get what you pay for.â&#x20AC;? See ASKING, page 16
Monday March 11th to Friday March 15th
ONLY 25 SPOTS AVAILABLE! 302 Legget Drive Kanata
EMC lifestyle - Summer is a great time for kids. They need to get away from the everyday stress of school as much as adults need to get away from their full time jobs. What better way to help kids relax and enjoy their time off than to send them to summer camp? (By the way, this gives parents a nice break too.) Before you make a camp decision for your child, there are a lot of factors to consider. You will want to do your homework before you drop your child off for the day to be cared for by people you hardly know. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not easy. There are so many camps to consider and they come in all shapes and sizes. There are
day camps, overnight camps, golf camps, horseback riding camps and science camps to name a few. Here are some general considerations: s 9OUR CHILD S INTERESTS What does your child like to do? Children know what they like and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like. Ask them for their input. If your child is active and loves to play sports, a sports camp is probably right for him or her. If your child is creative, then choose a camp that offers arts and crafts. s $AY CAMP VERSUS OVER NIGHT CAMP $EPENDING ON the age, maturity and independence of your child, he or she may or may not be ready for an overnight camp. Some overnight camps accept children as young as six years old.
www.browns-martialarts.com R0011843287
Beaverbrook MONTESSORI Mom, can we go to another one?
March Break Summer Camps/Activities
Bytown Museum Bicorn Hat making, Victorian games and scavenger hunts Family tours 12:00 in English and 2:30 in French March 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 15 all activities included with admission
Goulbourn Museum Camp Curator: don lab coats and learn how to handle artefacts, create an exhibit and dig for treasures! March 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 15, daily 1:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:30 p.m. $125/child
Diefenbunker: Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cold War Museum Spy Camp: learn the basics of codes, disguise and stealth as you sneak around the museum and uncover the mystery of Agent X. March 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 15, daily 8:30 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:30 $225/child for the week or $50/day ages 7 -12
Osgoode Township Historical Society and Museum Join us for Big Rock Candy Mountain Day, Junior Pioneer Day and for old-fashioned toys and games day! March 13 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 15 from 1:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:00 p.m. $5 per child
Nepean Museum Kids Crossing March Break Camp Join us for a week of fabulous fun, friends and themed programs at Nepean Museum and Fairfields Heritage Property March 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 15, mornings 9:30 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3:00 p.m. $7.50 per participant, per program
Vanier Museopark Sweet activities happening at the sugar shack: bird-feeder, taffy and butter making workshops. March 11, 13 and 15 at 10:00 a.m. $2 per activity Watsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mill Join us for Circus Camp on March 12th Watsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mill gets Goofy with all things Disney on March 14th 9:00 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:00, $25 per child & $20 for members of Watsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mill
Where Children Learn to Relate, Create and Cooperate
Tel: (613) 614-4904 Ages: 2½ to 6 years Toddler program: 14 months to 2½ years Summer Camp available Before / After School program for JK / SK
>L@;< )'(*
Little Dragons Karate Kanata Learn more than karate in our Little Dragons Karate Program. This program is speciďŹ cally designed for children aged 3-5 years of age. In addition to our high energy classes children also learn:
s 8 different skills s Stranger Awareness s Fire Safety s Social interaction and introduction to a class learning environment R0011877091
s Self conďŹ dence and most importantly Self Discipline.
s We have implemented a color belt system to help motivate & monitor your childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s progress
Martial Arts & Fitness
101 Schneider Rd. Kanata
Are snacks provided? This is just one of the many questions you must answer before enrolling your child in a summer camp.
Asking the right questons about summer camps
All Saints Catholic High School Presentation for Parents of Students who are moving from... Gr. 8 into 9 6:30 - 7:10 pm Cafetorium Gr. 9 into 10 7:15 - 8:00 pm LIbrary Gr. 10 into 11 6:30 - 7:10 pm Library Gr. 11 into 12* 7:15 - 8:00 pm Cafetorium
Continued from page 15
*(Important information for parents of graduating students.)
PATHWAYS to SUCCESS Course Selection Evening for Parents of Students entering Grades 9 to 12 Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (doors open at 6:00 p.m.)
All New Format!
5115 Kanata Ave., Kanata, Ont., K2K 3K5 (613) 271-4254
Panel Presentations Tailored to Each Grade Level Focus Programs: Web Production, Robotics Specialist High Skills Major: Arts and Culture, Information Communication Technology ICT, AP (Advanced Placement) Programs, Guidance Counsellors and Resource Teachers Available, Student Success Initiatives, Apprenticeship Information, Workplace Destination Information, Cooperative Education Information, Dual Credit Programs at Algonquin, Department Displays, Information Displays, Post-Secondary Representatives Student Representatives, Parent Council Presentations Workshop for Parents on â&#x20AC;&#x153;MyBlueprintâ&#x20AC;? Pathway Planner
Ottawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s #1 Soccer Club
COMPETITIVE SPRING PREP CAMPS UĂ&#x160;*, Ă&#x160;- -" Ă&#x160; / --Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160; BOOTCAMPS (AGES 12-16) UĂ&#x160;-*, Ă&#x160;/ +1 CAMPS (AGES 8-12) UĂ&#x160; * ,Ă&#x160; /Ă&#x160; *-Ă&#x160; (AGES 8-16)
>L@;< )'(*
July 8 - August 2 â&#x20AC;˘ Professional Teachers â&#x20AC;˘ Renovated Studio â&#x20AC;˘ Unlimited FUN!
Register Now! 1, 2, 3, or 4 week sessions Ages 4-5: 9am - 12pm Ages 6-12: 9am - 4pm (FREE: 1 hour daycare before & after camp)
1460 Merivale Rd at Baseline
Perfect for children age 4-12 Guarantee your spot. Call Today!
613 . 2 2 5 . 5 3 5 5
gretaleemingdance.com R0011879708-0131 R0011885163
Name a sport and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s probably a camp out there for your children to hone their skills while having fun this summer.
Sports fans have a lot of choice most popular sports during the summer. One or two weeks at a specialized summer school will allow young hockey players to develop their abilities and improve their play thanks to the advice and supervision of a qualiďŹ ed team of instructors. Apart from training sessions on the ice, the program usually includes off-ice exercises, video sessions and other recreational activities. Over the years, soccer has gained so much in popularity across the country that many camps now specialize in this sport for its young fans; a great way for players to de-
velop their talents and improve their technique. As well as being able to practise their favourite sport during the summer, fans of golf, tennis, baseball and athletics can also improve their skills at specialized camps. The programming at these camps can vary as to content and often include extracurricular activities. In short, there is no lack of choice for young people interested in a particular sport and who wish to develop their potential while experiencing a wonderful group adventure. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Metro Creative Graphics
Registration starts Monday, February 18 at 9 a.m.
Challenge your childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s imagination with a week of fun and learning â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in a bilingual environment â&#x20AC;&#x201C; at the Canadian Museum of Civilization!
819-776-7014 information@civilization.ca
100 Laurier Street, Gatineau, QC www.civilization.ca/summercamps
EMC lifestyle - Parents who are looking for a specialized camp for their sportsmad children next summer have lots of choice. More and more businesses and summer camp managers have developed expertise in order to offer programs speciďŹ cally adapted to the expectations of young athletes. By participating in a sports day camp, a child can acquire techniques and knowledge which will be very proďŹ table when the time comes to return to regular activities with the hockey, basketball or volleyball team next fall. Hockey is still one of the
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 49
>L@;< )'(*
Online registration opens March 6, 10 p.m.
Win a
FRoEf CEamp
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to map out your summer holidays.
fore June 1
e Register b
Let your children be your guides
50 Winne
Cityy of Ottawa
EMC lifestyle - Let your kidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; interests be your guide for a summer camp EMC lifestyle - Summer camps, day camps, specialized camps, nature camps: whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the best option for your children? What choice would respond best to family values and parental budgets? Do your children love the sciences, the arts, sports? Would they love to spend time with a crowd of other kids? Do they want to spend a week far from home or would they prefer to come back every evening?
Summer Camps
Come play with ith h us!!
Ottawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest variety of camps includes: . %$&(' . &(' . ( & )# . % !(- . & ' $$! . &' %
By discovering the answers to all these questions, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be able to ďŹ nd the ideal camp for your children. The next step is to compile a list of the camps which interest you and discuss the different possibilities with your children. A search for additional information on each of these camps will help in making a ďŹ nal choice. It is a good idea to take into account the length of the stay, the quality of the facilities and the food, safety considerations, the programs offered, the training of the instructors as well as registration cost.
Once the ďŹ nal selection has been made and you have decided on the dates, be sure to sign up as soon as possible because the same dates are often popular with a lot of other parents. In many cases it is possible to visit the camp during an open house in order to become familiar with the surroundings and with the personnel who will be in charge of your children. This is also a good occasion for both parents and children to feel more secure about the coming adventure. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Metro Creative Graphics
ottawa.ca/ summercamps
201301-205 PRCS
# -$)& # $)& $$ adventure.
Leaders you can trust. Excitement guaranteed! 50 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
A Fa Seas mily n Pa 8 =Xod `cp ss J\Xa t et G jf heXj j CXak lyk_ p\s o W: atXecp g NXk\ir GPjafr k Xib
>L@;< )'(* Enjoy the great outdoors safely the body cool and refreshed. Headaches, acting angrily, dizziness, and excessive sweating or cessation of sweating may be signs of a serious sun-related health condition WATER HAZARDS
It takes only inches of water to drown a person, especially a young child. Swimming only where there is a certiďŹ ed lifeguard can make water recreation safer. Individuals should follow the guidelines posted regarding swimming and avoid oceans when storms are brewing because of rip tides and undertows. Children should always be carefully monitored around water. Self-latching gates around pools can help deter
entry as well as safety covers or retractable pool ladders. Remember, pool ďŹ&#x201A;oats and water wings should not be used as a substitute for a life vest.
only at
Classical Dance Academy!
Mosquitoes, biting ďŹ&#x201A;ies, bees, wasps, and other insects are in full force. Using an insect repellent can help keep them at bay and avoid bites. In addition to insects, animals like bats, squirrels, raccoons and bears are more active in the warm weather. During the time of dawn and dusk deer may be on the prowl for food before the heat of day. Most individuals can enjoy the summer if they make safety a priority when planning recreational activities. - Metro Creative Graphics
Camps 4 Kids PD Day, March Break & Summer Register online, by email or phone. We offer both dance and non dance themed camps. Please visit our website for more information www.classicaldanceacadem.com
100 Castelfrank Rd. Kanata ON K2L 2V6
EMC lifestlye - While skin cancer and sunburn are the most obvious dangers from the sun, there are other hazards as well. Failure to protect the eyes from UV sun exposure can result in photokeratitis, irreversible sunburn of the cornea. While it may cause temporary vision loss, recurrent incidences of photokeratitis can lead to permanent vision loss as well. Individuals who are exposed to sunlight between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. without UV protection may become sunburned, increasing their risk for skin cancer. Dehydration and heat stroke are other potential hazards. Drinking plenty of water and other hydrating ďŹ&#x201A;uids (not diuretics like alcohol) can keep
Visit bellsensplex.ca e-mail senshockeycamps@bellsensplex.ca or call 613-599-0222 R0011887268
Kanata Montessori School offers March Break and Summer Camps for children 3 to 12 years of age. KMS camps have excellent child to staff ratios with plenty of indoor and outdoor activities in a safe environment.
Location Kanata Montessori School 355 Michael Cowpland Drive Kanata, ON K2M 2C5
Casa Program (ages 3-5) Includes 3 trips per week, crafts, outdoor play, active games, special guest visits and much more.
For ages 3-5
Junior Elementary (ages 6-9) Includes 3-4 trips per week, camping, hiking, swimming as well as crafts and games.
For ages 6-12
Call (613) 229-2537 E-mail carlie@kanata-montessori.com Call (613) 229-0799 E-mail kyle@kanata-montessori.com
*Senior Elementary (ages 10-12) Summer Only R0011877980
/ ! &0/1* &0! 2 3 4 #5 67 8. 9 5:
8 ( & ; & & & ( ) * + " "#" # ' ! "#$ %&' ( + ) ,% - -
" . *' Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 51
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3 0 ! # 3 $ , +) ! (Since 1990)
Fun, Fitness & Adventure March Break and Summer Camps ages 6 to 14 '/ ')2, s !-!:).' 2!#% 3!), 3%26% s -/5.4!). ")+% +)$3 +ANATA 3526)6/2 #!-0 s -/5.4!). ")+% +)$3 Held at Camp Fortune Ski Hill Transportation Included Pick-Up Points from Kanata, Nepean, Ottawa and Chelsea
Make sure the people who run your child’s summer camp are familiar with learning disabilities and the special needs of children with this difficulty.
Kids with learning disabilities can flourish at summer camp
NATIONAL TENNIS CAMP (National Tennis School)
For Information about any of our great programs go to
EMC lifestyle - For children with learning disabilities, all the various activities that fill a child’s world sometimes appear as difficult obstacles to overcome. The same may be true for their parents! This type of challenge may leave a family feeling discouraged when the time comes to consider summer camp for their child.
Before enrolling a child in a specific summer camp, parents should ensure that the person in charge is familiar with learning disabilities and the special needs of children
with this type of difficulty. The chosen camp should offer a certain amount of flexibility in the organization of activities and not have more than eight children for each camp counsellor. Camps that focus on competitive activities should be avoided. The regular routine of most summer camps is reassuring for children living with learning disabilities. They may enjoy the security of a structured environment that incorporates outdoor activities and other outlets for pent-up energy and frustrations. Indeed, summer camp may be a tremendous relief for
your child. Without the pressure of academic results, exams, and homework, a child with learning disabilities is freed up to improve his or her physical abilities and work on social skills with peers and interactions with people in positions of authority. SPECIALIZED CAMPS
Camps dedicated specifically to children with learning disabilities do exist. These special camps offer programs that are usually centred on the development of the child and his or her inherent abilities. - Metro Creative Graphics
Course and Option Sheet Information Night
Wednesday, February 13, 2013 School Auditorium -7 pm
The evening is appropriate for all parents of students who will be attending Earl of March Secondary School next year.
Information and discussion will include: • • •
• •
secondary school requirements for graduation courses offered in grades 9 to 12 special programs available to students • Advanced Placement • Certificate Programs • French Immersion • Innovative Technology Programs services and support provided by the school an opportunity to ask questions
Wednesday February 6th Wednesday February 6th Thursday February 7th Friday February 8th Monday February 11th
New to the Area? Please call us at 613-592-3361 ext 220 52 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
W. Erskine Johnston P.S. Katimavik E.S. Stephen Leacock P.S. Castlefrank E.S. Earl of March S.S.
If your student is currently attending Earl of March S.S., or one of our family of schools, they receive information for registering for courses on the following dates.
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Antiques for sale, visit our barn full of antiques. 3654 Hwy 29 North at Cedar Hill Road, Pakenham. Info: 613-794-5634 or 613-256-8937.
ARTS/CRAFT/FLEA MRKT Digital SLR Photography classes. One on one sessions $30.00 per session or $210.00 for 8. Brickmoir Digital Creations, Almonte. www.Brickmoir.com 613-256-1341 Ottawa Valley Crafts & Collectibles Show. Saturday, 16 February, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Glebe Community Centre, 175 Third Ave., Ottawa. 60 Local artisans. Silent auction in support of The Royal. Visit www.ovccshow.com for details.
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TOMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S CUSTOM
1 BEDROOM apartment Arnprior, gorgeous, renovated, hardwood, appliances, window treatments, heat, water, and parking included. Many extras, quiet, secure, non-smoking, pet-free building. $800 Call 613296-4521
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Almonte and Carleton PlaceGreat bachelor, 1, 2 and 3 bdrm units available! Parking and appliances included. Hurry these wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t last! 613-256-4309.
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Arnprior- large bachelor type apt. Everything included. Parking, cable, phone, internet. Can have microwave or small fridge. Close to downtown. Must like small dogs. Available Feb. 15. $575. 613-623-1521. Ashton, lower level country home, private ground floor entrance. 1 bedroom, 4 appliances. Phone line, satellite TV, utilities included. Outdoor garage, workshop, storage shed. No pets, no smoking. $1000.00. 613-253-2534. Carleton Place, bachelor suite, second floor apartment, $550/ month. Fridge and stove included. 613-223-0798. Carleton Place- Furnished room available February 1st in restored farm house for quiet non-smoking female. No pets. Horse board at additional cost. 613-257-1867. Hungerford Gate Apartments Kanata 1 & 2 bedroom apartments available for immediate occupancy; include fridge, stove, storage, parking, and ceramic flooring; security cameras, rental agent and maintenance person on site; laundry room; located near parks, buses, shop-ping, schools, churches, etc. To view, call 613-878-1771.
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3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms, 5 appliances and more, located in established area, on site management office, 323 Steeplechase Dr. (just off Stonehaven Dr) Kanata, K2M 2N6, call 613-592-0548 Partially furnished 3 bedroom basement apartment, includes all utilities, parking and laundry. $1200.00 Close to all amenities. 613-831-8832 or email: judy.campbell53@sympatico.ca Rooms to Rent- 3 bedrooms in shared large home in Village of Richmond. $600-$900/all inclusive. Full washroom on upper level. Cable, internet, parking. OC transpo bus route. Rooms available immediately. 613-8384155/ask for Rick.
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Moe & Kim Roose of Carleton Place (formerly Kanata) are pleased to announce the engagement of their son
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AUTOMOTIVE Ve h i c l e buyers are O N LY protected by OMVIC and Ontario consumer protection laws when they buy from registered dealers. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no protection if you buy privately and you risk becoming victim of a c u r b s i d e r. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint: www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800943-6002.
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 53
EARN EXTRA INCOME! Carrier contractors needed for early am newspaper home delivery in Kanata and Stittsville, 7 days/week. Vehicle a must. $500-$950+/MONTH 613-592-9786
Meat Cutter
The Town of Mississippi Mills is an urban and rural municipality with a population of 12,385 located in the County of Lanark. The Building Inspector reports to the Chief Building Official and is responsible for the following:
Full time person to work at Copy Expert in Kanata. Email resume: icrampton@corporate.on.ca
671 River Rd., Ottawa Joe 613-822-4749
GARAN FARMS LTD.Cutknife, Saskatchewan, Canada â&#x20AC;&#x201C; HIRING Full-Time Permanent Careers, (NOC#) Farm Supervisor (8253) Oversee all operations, agronomic advice. Equipment Operators (8431) Operation, Maintenance, upkeep of all farm machinery. Wage Range $18-$25 hour by position and experience. Email resume to: garewerts@sasktel.net
BUILDING INSPECTOR $54,470.13 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $64,693.43
â&#x20AC;&#x153;HELP WANTED!!! $28.00/ HOUR. Undercover Shoppers Needed To Judge Retail And Dining Establishments. Genuine Opportunity. PT/FT . No Experience Required. If You Can Shop - You Are Qualified! www.MyShopperJobs.com
For a detailed job descriptions the position, please check out our web site at mississippimills.ca
Invest in yourself. Are you willing to turn 5-15 hours per week into money using your computer at home? Training provided, flexible hours. jaynesminioffice.com
Residential Foundation Company looking for form setters, labourers as well as experienced boom truck, concrete pump, and stone slinger operators. Valid DZ and clean drivers abstract a must. Competitive wage based on experience with benefits. Please fax resume to 613-2563008 or e-mail to laura@westendforming.ca TRUCK TECHNICIAN, International experience an asset, competitive wages & benefits, MonFri Days, R&M Truck in Arnprior, Fax resume 613-623-5382 or email admin@rmtruck.ca or call 613-623-6508
LD SO on the News EMC
Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be
Licensed Truck Technician or Experienced Apprentice
The Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital, a progressive two site facility serving a catchment area of 44,000 residents of Perth, Smiths Falls and surrounding area. We are a fully accredited Hospital delivering a broad range of primary and secondary services and are currently seeking a:
VICE PRESIDENT, PATIENT CARE SERVICES & CHIEF NURSING EXECUTIVE Reporting to the President and CEO, the V.P. of Patient Care Services & CNE sets direction, aligns and motivates staff and evaluates clinical programs and activities to support organizational and departmental philosophy, goals and objectives of clinical care service departments. The V.P., Patient Care Services & CNE participates at the executive level and is responsible for tactical organizational and strategic planning and implementation, and supports an overall organizational culture conducive to safe, quality care. Provides leadership and direction in the management of the following areas: Diagnostic Imaging, Cardio-Pulmonary, Laboratory & Infection Control, Nursing Services, Clinical Nutrition, Staff Development, Pharmacy, Rehabilitation Services (including Physiotherapy, Speech & Language, Occupational Therapy, Palliative Care, Day Hospital Program), Discharge Planning, Disaster Preparedness & Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence. In conjunction with team, develops and implements departmental philosophy, goals, objectives and develops departmental plans. Education and Experience: Undergraduate degree in Nursing combined with a postgraduate degree in Nursing or in Health or Business Administration or equivalent combination of education and experience; certiďŹ ed and in good standing with the College of Nurses of Ontario; progressive management experience with at least 5 years at a senior level, Member of the Canadian College of Health Leaders and CHE certiďŹ ed, is preferred. Your other skills and attributes include an ability to forge excellent interpersonal relationships, proven leadership abilities, well developed communication and presentation skills, progressive attitude and excellent organizational and analytical competencies. For a complete position description and how to apply, please visit our website at www.psfdh.on.ca QualiďŹ ed applicants are invited to send a resume and letter of application by February 14, 2013 at 4 P.M.
WANTED: Part time bookkeeper in Carp. Min 3 years experience with A/R, A/P, payroll, bank reconciliation, and journal entries is required. 5 years preferred. Audit experience an asset. Must be expert in Simply Accounting and excel. Please send resumes to info@ecowellness.com or fax to 839-3909.
City View Centre for child and family services. Are you interested in providing child care in your own home, have excellent English language skills and want to be self employed? If you live in Findlay Creek, Riverside South, Manotick, Stonebridge, Half Moon Bay or Stittsville Please call 613-823-7088. Experienced daycare provider in Morganâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Grant. Bright, spacious daycare, crafts, nutritious meals, lots of TLC! St. Gabrielâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bus. (613)271-1439. Experienced Home Daycare provider has full-time space available in Morgans Grant. Indoor/outdoor play, crafts, music, learning and fun! CPR/First aid certified; non-smoking environment. References upon request. Please call 613-254-9869.
Hunter Safety/Canadian Firearms Courses and exams throughout the year. Organize a course and yours is free. Call Wenda Cochran 613-256-2409.
LEGAL CRIMINAL RECORD? Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let your past limit your holiday plans! Since 1989 Confidential, fast affordable A+ BBB rating, employment & travel freedom, Call for a free booklet. 1-8-NOWPARDON (1-866-972-7366) www.removeyourrecord.com
LOST & FOUND Lost Wallet, December 31st, Shoppers Drug Mart parking lot, Hazeldean Rd., Kanata. If found please contact Kathy Bell 212-861-2070 or kathy.bell24@ gmail.com
Piano, Guitar, Accordion Lessons. Call 613-614-1978 to register. Call today ! www. wescarmusicstudios.com World Class Drummer From Five Man Electrical Band, is accepting new students for private lessons. Call Steve 613-831-5029. www.stevehollingworth.ca
Looking for Catherine Ann Bourgeosis, born 1956, Tasha Dawn is looking for you. Urgent. Contact hawkmar60@gmail.com or (613)795-8914.
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$$$NEED MONEY$$$ Do you have a pension plan from an ex-employer? (LIRA) or (locked in RRSP) Call NOW! 1-416-357-9585
Canadian Firearm/Hunter Safety Courses. Call Dave Arbour 613-257-7489 or visit www.valleysportsmanshow.com for dates and details of courses near you. Canadian Restricted (handgun) Course, February 26 and 27, Carleton Place. To register 613-257-7489 www.valleysportsmanshow.com
Hunters Safety Canadian Firearms Course, Carp, March 8, 9, 10. Call Wenda Cochran at 613256-2409
International Experience would be an asset Competitive wages & beneďŹ ts Mon. to Fri. Days Please send resume to: R&M Truck & Trailer Repairs Hartney St., Arnprior Fax: 613-623-5382 email: admin@rmtruck.ca or phone 613-623-6508
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54 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
PAID IN ADVANCE! Make up to $1000 a WEEK mailing brochures from home! Helping home workers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start immediately! www.mailing-cash.com
Information collected will be used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of job selection.
Looking for persons willing to speak to small groups, 1 on 1 presentations. A car and internet necessary. Diana (866)306-5858.
Moncionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s YIG
613-623-7207 for viewing appointment
EMC Classifieds Get Results! HELP WANTED
KANATA Beautiful treed views. 8 Ares of Park Setting Secure 24hr monitoring
GAS PLANT MANAGER, CARP The Gas Plant Manager/Operator is responsible for management and operation of the gas plant facility. Essential Duties and Responsibilities s Assures compliance for the plant with all local, state and federal laws in effect. This will include working with the site engineer to maintain all records on the plant regarding compliance. s 2ESPONSIBLE FOR THE TIMELY SUBMISSION AND ACCURACY OF ALL COMPLIANCE RECORDS TO THE site engineer for submittal to the respective governing authorities. s 'ATHERS ALL DATA ASSOCIATED WITH THE DAILY OPERATIONS OF THE PLANT AND SUBMITS ALL REPORTS AS REQUIRED 4HIS INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO -ONTHLY /PERATING 2EPORTS Startup /Shutdown and Malfunction Plans, Downtime Logs and Daily Operations 2EPORTS s -AINTAIN SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS 0ERFORM THE JOB SAFELY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL local, state and federal ESH laws, rules, regulations, and requirements. Ensure all 7- AND 7-2% SAFETY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ARE FOLLOWED AND ENFORCED 3UPPORT ESH management; participate in on-going ESH awareness efforts, which include conducting and attending EHS training. s 2EPORT INVESTIGATE AND TAKE CORRECTIVE ACTIONS NECESSARY TO PREVENT ACCIDENTS AND INJURIES s -AINTAINS EQUIPMENT lLES AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS FOR THE PLANT 4HIS INCLUDES lLES FOR ALL equipment in use at the plant. s -ANAGES TIME TO ACCOMPLISH ALL DAILY WEEKLY AND MONTHLY TASKS TO SUPPORT PROPER plant operations. s 2ESPONSIBLE FOR BUDGET REVIEW AND ADHERENCE TO ESTABLISHED BUDGETS s 0ERFORM ALL PLANT PURCHASING AS IS NECESSARY TO SUPPORT CONTINUED PLANT OPERATIONS s -AINTAINS PURCHASE LOGS AND PURCHASE lLES 4HIS INCLUDES VENDER lLES FOR ITEMS purchased. s !NY OTHER TASK AS ASSIGNED BY 3ITE -ANAGER OR -AINTENANCE -ANAGER AS DEEMED necessary to the success of the plant. Schedule and conduct plant tours for the community. Operator Key Responsibilities s 7ILL BE AVAILABLE FOR AFTER NORMAL WORK HOURS EMERGENCY CALL OUTS s 7ILL BE REQUIRED TO CARRY A PAGER AND RESPOND TO EMERGENCY CALL OUTS AT THE PLANT IN A timely, expedient manner. s 0ERFORM DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MAINTENANCE ON ALL EQUIPMENT AS SPECIlED BY 7-2% -AINTENANCE -ANAGER MANUFACTURER S LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE guidelines or established industry procedures. s 0ERFORM ALL HOUSEKEEPING FUNCTIONS OF THE PLANT INCLUDING SURROUNDING GROUNDS AS WELL AS OFlCE CONTROL ROOM AND ENGINE ROOM CLEANLINESS !SSIST WITH WELL lELD OPERATIONS AND PROJECTS AS TIME ALLOWS 0RIMARY FOCUS IS THE PLANT DAILY OPERATIONS HOWEVER ASSISTANCE WITH THE WELL lELD WILL BE ON AN hAS AVAILABLEv basis. s 0ERFORM ANY OTHER TASK AND DUTIES AS DIRECTED BY 3ITE -ANAGER OR 7-2% Maintenance Manager. QualiďŹ cations: s 3TRONG MANAGEMENT AND MECHANICAL BACKGROUND s 3HARP ATTENTION TO DETAILS %XCELLENT TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS !BILITY TO WORK independently s %XCELLENT ORAL AND VERBAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS s 3TRONG COMPUTER SKILLS s 0OSITION REQUIRES SOME HEAVY LIFTING L// LBS BeneďŹ ts At Waste Management, each eligible employee receives a competitive total compensation package including Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance and Short Term Disability. As well as Stock Purchase Plan, Company match and more! Our employees also receive Paid 6ACATION (OLIDAYS AND 0ERSONAL $AYS 0LEASE NOTE THAT BENElTS MAY VARY BY SITE Waste Management is an equal opportunity / afďŹ rmative action employer To apply please forward your resume to: pmauric1@wm.com
ONE MONTH FREE 100 Varley Lane
613-592-4248 www.taggart.ca
KANATA Available Immediately 3 bedroom townhouse, 1.5 baths, 2 appliances, unďŹ nished basement, one parking spot. $1058 per month plus utilities.
613-831-3445 613-257-8629 www.rankinterrace.com
Absolutely Beautiful 1&2 bedroom apartments
Secure 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Plus Building Carleton Place No Smoking No Pets $700.00 and up Seniorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Discounts
Call 613-720-9860 or 613-823-1694 CL392841
Your Community Newspaper
Warm up reboot great energy with Dance, Drums Alive and Super Foods. February 2nd www. innergizing.com 613-790-2298.
175 Acres off Goshen Road between Arnprior and Renfrew. Hardwood bush, good hunting. $175,000. More information call 613-623-7572
TRUE PSYCHICS 4 Answers Call Now 24/7 Toll Free 1-877-342-3032 Mobile #4486 www.truepsychics.ca
DOG SITTING Experienced retired breeder providing lots of TLC. My home. Smaller dogs only. References available. $17-$20 daily Marg 613-721-1530
613-256-6769 Tenders are invited for Ventilation Upgrade at Clayton Seniors
For more details and tender packages, please call 613-256-6769 or
Housing Corporation. Tender Release Date: January 31, 2013 Tender Closing Date: March 15, 2013 email: claytonseniors@storm.ca
CANCEL YOUR TIMESHARE. No RISK program. STOP Mortgage and Maintenance payments today. 100% Money Back Guarantee. Free Consultation. Call us NOW. We can help! 1-888356-5248
Clayton Seniors Housing Corporation Clayton, Ontario
House on 5 acres. Comes with 80.2 cent microfit contract. 18.5 years left on contract. Solar system tracks the sun for max return. Excellent investment opportunity. Call for details. 613-246-6603.
PETS Border Collie puppies. Looking for amazing families for these amazing puppies. 613-839-0582, ldalgity@gmail.com.
REAL ESTATE SERVICES Majestic hill top waterfront; Westport area. 12 Victorian historic mansion. Garage, studio and boat house. On 6.33 acres. $289,000. A picturesque beauty. Gerry Hudson, Kingston (613)449-1668 Sales Representative Rideau Town and Country Realty Ltd, Brokerage (613)273-5000.
VEHICLES Assortment of used tires, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.5. Summers, all-season and snows. Also used car parts. Gord 613-257-2498.
Marion G. Nesbitt
Mature women is seeking accommodation in the village of Richmond and area, 25 mile radius. apt. suite/or shared. Seeking also a Caregiver position, to someone needing a live-in companion/helper. Reference and police check can be arranged. Experienced and very easy to get along with. Please contact by email. joanjoanofarc@yahoo.ca
Certified Mason. 12 years experience. Chimney repair, restoration, parging, repointing. Brick, block and stone. Small/ big job specialist. Free estimates. 613-250-0290.
House cleaning service. Give yourselves some extra time. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll work for you to clean your house. We offer a price that meets your budget. Experience, references, insured, bonded. Call 613-262-2243, Tatiana.
Send A Load to the dump, cheap. Clean up clutter, garage sale leftovers or leaf and yard waste. 613-256-4613.
WEDDING Weddings, Baptisms & Funerals, location of your choice. Also available small weddings, my home, weekdays. The Rev. Alan Gallichan. 613-726-0400.
WANTED Wanted - furnace oil, will remove tank if possible. Call 613479-2870.
Peacefully, in hospital, Smiths Falls on Monday, January 21, 2013 Marion G. (Moore) Nesbitt at the age of 85. Beloved wife of the late George Burton Nesbitt. Loved mother of Barry (Judy) Nesbitt, Geraldine (Brian) MacArthur, Wendy (Bob) Murphy and Sandra (Michael) Millotte. Sadly missed by her grandchildren Tracey, Lisa, Sean, Jason, Brett, Chris, Sarah, Megan and Brianna and seven great-grandchildren. Loved sister of Kathleen Rae and predeceased by brother Clayton and sisters Olive, Irene, Ethel and Ella. Fondly remembered by her nieces, nephews, cousins, extended family and many good friends. Private family services will be held in the spring. For those who wish, memorial donations may be made to the Perth & Smiths Falls District Hospital or the Lanark Animal Welfare Society (L.A.W.S.).
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Superintendent Team As a team, you will both be responsible for customer service, cleaning, minor repairs and maintenance of the interior and exterior of a residential property in Ottawa. Related experience and good communication and computer abilities are a must. A competitive salary and beneďŹ ts package, including on-site accommodation, await you!
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Blair & Son Funeral Home, Smiths Falls (613) 283-2800 to send your condolences or for further information visit www.blairandson.com
Happy 90th Birthday Ruby Munro Please join her family in celebrating this milestone on Sunday, February 10th, 2013 from 2:00-5:00 p.m. at the Carp Agricultural Hall Best Wishes Only
You are cordinally invite to an OPEN HOUSE TO CELEBRATE THE 80TH BIRTHDAY OF DALTON CARRY Almonte Civitan Hall 500 Almonte Street, Almonte ON Sunday, February 03, 2013 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Your kind wishes will be the best gift of all
CA$H for TRASH CLR337170
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McNULTY, Helen Mary (Born Renfrew, Ont. May 31, 1950)
Condolences/Tributes/Donations www.pilonfamily.ca
Helen passed away peacefully at Trillium Health Care, Mississauga on Saturday morning, January 19th, 2013 following a courageous struggle with cancer. Helen Mary was 62 years of age. Beloved daughter of Mrs. Theresa McNulty (nee Rodier) of Arnprior and the late T.J. McNulty; formerly of Renfrew. Dearly loved sister of Larry McNulty (Dianne) of Arnprior; Terry McNulty (Gail) of Thornton; Brian McNulty (Deborah) of Orangeville; Catherine â&#x20AC;&#x153;Katieâ&#x20AC;? Rietta (Carmelo) of Mississauga and Darlene McNulty (Leo Sauceda) of Sugarland, Texas. Proud and much loved aunt to several nieces and nephews. Family and friends are invited to pay their respects at the Pilon Family Funeral Home and Chapel Ltd., 50 John Street North, Arnprior on Thursday, January 24th from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and again on Friday morning, January 25th from 10 a.m. until 10:45 a.m. and where a service to honour Helenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life will be conducted in the Pilon Family Chapel at 11 oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;clock. Pastor Clark Young of Glad Tidings Pentecostal Church ofďŹ ciating. Spring interment St. Francis Xavier Parish Cemetery, Renfrew. In memory of Helen, a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated by her family.
Call Sharon Today 613-688-1483 or Email srussell@thenewsemc.ca
Sales Consultant Stonehaven Manor, KANATA This contract (full-time) position is an exceptional opportunity for an energetic, motivated leader with sales and marketing experience in the seniors housing or hospitality industry, and knowledge of the surrounding area and communities. Drawing on your extraordinary customer service and sales training, you will follow up leads, develop and implement marketing plans and strategies, and promote our well-appointed, full-service residence to maximize occupancy. This is a critical role in developing and fostering productive community partnerships. Experience with seniors and computer skills are expected. A valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s licence and access to a reliable vehicle are essential. Please fax or e-mail your resume, in conďŹ dence, to Tracy Kennedy, General Manager, at 613-271-7332 or tkennedy@chartwellreit.ca. To learn more, please visit www.chartwellreit.ca. Thank you for your interest. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please. 5HVSHFW Â&#x2021; (PSDWK\ Â&#x2021; 6HUYLFH ([FHOOHQFH Â&#x2021; 3HUIRUPDQFH Â&#x2021; (GXFDWLRQ Â&#x2021; &RPPLWPHQW Â&#x2021; 7UXVW
Why not advertise in your Local Community Newspaper Today!
Carrie Hands, CAI, CPPA, Auctioneer & Appraiser Jason Hands, Auctioneer
-Estate Auctionto be held at Hands Auction Hall, Algonquin Saturday, February 2 @ 9 a.m. Diamond Rings & Bracelet, Carved Ivory, Birks Sterling, Franklin Mint Sterling Medallions, Shelley Dinnerware, Original paintings by Brenda Carter, H East and Hetherington, Mint and First Day Issue Stamps plus so much more. Online Bidding opens Friday, January 25 @ 9 a.m. and closes Friday, February 1 @ 12 noon. Simply visit www.handsauction.com, click Online Bidding button to view catalogue and pictures. Bid online or as always we are pleased to see you at the live auction, the choice is now yours. 5501 County Road 15, RR #2, Brockville, ON K6V 5T2 Phone: (613) 926-2919 E-mail: auction@handsauction.com www.handsauction.com Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 55
Your Community Newspaper
AGM for RVA on Tuesday, Feb. 5 John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - Here comes the annual general meeting of the Richmond Village Association (RVA). This annual meeting will be held this coming Tuesday, Feb. 5 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s United Church on McBean Street in Richmond. It will be followed by the RVAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s regular monthly meeting. Things are looking up for the RVA as it had three new Directors welcomed at its January meeting â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Beth Gordon, Justin Schmidt-Clever and David Proulx. If more volunteers come forward from the community to indicate a willingness to help out with the various community activities that the RVA organizes, then any thoughts of the disbanding or folding
David Proulx has indicated an interest. The RVA, as per its mandate to represent the views of Richmond residents on issues of concern, also plays a role in commenting on development proposals in Richmond and in monitoring initiatives such as the source water protection plan. The RVA also tries to be a community information source for the community through its website and facebook page and also through the distribution of ďŹ&#x201A;yers outlining upcoming community events and activities. The RVA was established in 1997 as an organization to represent the interests of Richmond residents on issues of concern. It also organizes events and activities of a community nature. Current RVA president Don Flanders can be contacted at donďŹ&#x201A;an@magma.ca
of the organization will be gone. Community events and activities which the RVA organizes but which depend on volunteer help to carry out include the annual Richmond Village Garage Sale, an Art In the Park event in June, the Christmas parade, the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lighting of the Parkâ&#x20AC;? ceremony, the winter street banner contest, maintenance of the Richmond village website, spring cleanup day in Richmond with its associated poster contest for students, beautiďŹ cation of Richmond through the hanging of ďŹ&#x201A;ower baskets in the summer and a garden/landscaping contest. In addition, there will be lots of planning and organization that will be need to be done for Richmondâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 200th anniversary celebrations in 2018. There is also a fundraising committee in which
Historical Soc iety Special to the News
EMC news -On Saturday, March 16, the Goulbourn Township Historical Societyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s program will welcome Linda Preston and Cheryl McCoy of Richmond who will tell about their writing and publication efforts dealing with the publication of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Voices of Goulbourn.â&#x20AC;? On Saturday, April 20, Grant Perry of Stittsville will make a presentation on antique time pieces at the Historical Societyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s monthly meeting. On Saturday, Nov. 16, Dave Brown will make a presentation on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Military Men at the Historical Society meeting.â&#x20AC;?
St. Patrickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FallowďŹ eld Roman Catholic Church
1489 Shea Road, (corner of Abbott) Stittsville, Ontario K2S 0G8
Preaching the Doctrines of Grace
Sunday Worship 10:30 am
Sunday and weekday Bible studies see our website for times and locations
15 Steeple Hill Cres., Nepean, ON 613-591-1135 www.stpatricks.nepean.on.ca
Parish ofďŹ ce - 613-836-8881 Fax - 613-836-8806
Grace Baptist Church of Ottawa 2470 Huntley Road
Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 9:00am & 11:00am
SUNDAY MASS TIMES Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am & 10:30 am Monsignor Joseph Muldoon, Pastor www.holyspiritparish.ca
Church Services
www.gracebaptistottawa.com ST. ISIDORE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Becoming Whole Through the Power of Jesusâ&#x20AC;?
We are a welcoming and friendly community that invites you to come and worship with us in our new church
Growing, Serving, Celebrating
Children's Church 140 Abbeyhill Dr., Kanata Rev. Brian Copeland
10:00 am: Service of Worship and Sunday School
613-836-4756 www.gcuc.ca
Please join us at 110 McCurdy Drive, 836-1429, www.trinitykanata.ca
Sunday Sunday 9:00 am: Worship Service, Nursery, Sunday School 11:00 am: Worship Service, Nursery Pastor Shaun Seaman Minister of Discipleship & Youth: Meghan Brown Saavedra Pastor Shaun Seaman
Pastor: Ken Roth Chapel Ridge Free Methodist Church 5660 Flewellyn Road, Stittsville 613-831-1024 email: office@chapelridge.ca www.chapelridge.ca
Sunday Eucharist .( 0 . # +$,-
8:00 am - Said ' $ 9:15 am - Choral Music, Sunday School & Nursery ' #)+ & .,$ .( 0 #))& .+,!+0 ' + $,! .,$ .( 0 #))& .+,!+0 11:00 am - Praise Music, Sunday School & Nursery 1 /// ,-* .&,#% )+"
.$1$7$ 81,7(' &+85&+
3UNDAY 3ERVICE AM AM Pastors: Jonathan Mills , Bob Davies & Doug Ward
1600 Stittsville Main Street, Stittsville
Pastor: Keith MacAskill
Nursery, Children & Youth Programs, Small Groups
Christ Risen Lutheran Church
OfďŹ ce: 613-836-2606 Web: www.cbcstittsville.com Email us at: cbcinfo@cbcstittsville.com Direction for life's crossroads
Sunday Worship Service 10:30am. Sunday School 9:15am. Adult Bible Class 9:30am. Rev. Louis Natzke, Pastor
3760 Carp Road Carp, ON
Office 613-592-1546 www.christrisen.com
The Anglican Parish of March
Stittsville United Church
St Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s South March 325 Sandhill Road, Kanata Sunday Services 9:00 am & 10:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am
56 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013
10:00 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Worship Service Nursery & Sunday School Available
Youth Group Mondays at 7:oopm R0011292067
St Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dunrobin 1118 Thomas Dolan Parkway Sunday Service 11:00 am
6255 Fernbank Road (corner of Main St. & Fernbank)
St Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s North March 2574 6th Line Road, Dunrobin Sunday Service & School 9:00 am
85 Leacock Drive, Kanata
WELCOME to our Church St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s United Church, Carp Rev. Karen Boivin 613-839-2155 www.stpauls-dunrobin.ca stpaulsunitedcarp@sympatico.ca
Rev. Grant Dillenbeck Church: 613-836-4962 email: suchurch@primus.ca Visit our web site: www.suchurch.com
2 Stonehaven Dr. at Eagleson Road Sunday 10:00 A.M. Worship Service Nursery provided
Sunday Services at 9:00 & 10:45 am
Service and Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Mass: Saturday at 5:00 pm Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 am Telephone: (613) 592-1961 E-mail: ofďŹ ce@stisidorekanata.com
A New Testament Church 465 Eagleson Road (also entrance off Palomino) 11 am Family Bible Hour (Nursery Available) Sunday School 6:30 pm Evening Bible Hour www.bridlewoodbiblechapel.ca 613-591-8514
1135 March Rd., Kanata, ON. K2K 1X7 Pastor: Rev. M.M. Virgil Amirthakumar
Seventh-Day Adventist Church
For all your church advertising needs email srussell @thenewsemc.ca Call: 613-688-1483
Your Community Newspaper
Special to the News
EMC news - “Goulbourn Stained Glass” is a new Goulbourn Township Historical Society book authored by Bernie Shaw. Stained glass windows have been a feature in churches for centuries. Evidence of stained glass windows in Britain can be found as early as the seventh century. Stained glass designs became more elaborate during the Middle Ages and in the following Renaissance and Reformation periods. And it has continued through to the present, with many new techniques and types of glass used. Goulbourn churches are part of this stained glass window tradition. In fact, there are more than 100 such stained glass windows in 12 Goulbourn township churches or former churches. In her foreword to the book, Historical Society president Barbara Bottriell notes that this was more than a book about stained glass windows. “This is a book about windows,” she writes, “but it is really about the families to whom the windows were dedicated
and their ancestors who first crossed the seas to come to Goulbourn Township.” The connection of each window to Goulbourn township is outlined in the book. Author Bernie Shaw, in his preface to the book, notes that the book attempts to give a representative picture of early life in Goulbourn Township illustrated through the lives of the families remembered in the church window memorials. Churches and their stained glass windows which are dealt with in the book include Stittsville United Church, St. Thomas Anglican Church and St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, all in Stittsville; St. Paul’s United Church, St. John’s Anglican Church and St. Philip Catholic Church, all in Richmond; St. Clare Catholic Church at Dwyer Hill; Munster United Church and St. Stephen Anglican Church (now the Munster branch of the Ottawa Public library) in Munster; and Christ Church Anglican, Ashton United Church and Melville Presbyterian Church (now a private residence), all in Ashton. The book also contained a brief de-
scription of the history of church stained glass windows as well as a map showing the location of the various churches in Goulbourn. The three photographers who took the pictures of the church stained glass windows which appear in full colour in the book are John Brummell, Mike Bryan and John Bottriell. Bernie Shaw did all of the research and writing for the text of the book while John Bottriell did all of the design and layout of the book. Barbara Bottriell was also involved with the production of the booking terms of overseeing its production as overall editor. Proof reading was done by Joan Darby and Georgia Derrick. The book features full colour photos of 105 stained glass windows found in Goulbourn churches. It is selling for $20 a copy and can be ordered with a cheque sent by mail to the Goulbourn Township Historical Society, P.O. Box 621, Stittsville, Ontario K2S 1A7. The cheque should also include $3 for postage for one copy or $5 for postage for two copies.
Fairwinds Community Association Special to the News
EMC news - Calling all Fairwinds residents! The new Fairwinds Community Association is holding a meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 20 starting at 7:30 p.m. in the upstairs meeting room at Stittsville Sobeys at the corner of Hazeldean Road and Carp Road in Stittsville. It will be a forum to discuss ideas and concerns regarding the Fairwinds community. There will also be a vote taken to install Board members for the organization: a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer and directors. Indeed, if you have an interest in putting your name forward for one of these positions, please email Katie Young at contactus@fairwindscommunity.com.
The Fairwinds Community Association has a website at http://www.fairwindscommunity.com. The Fairwinds community is located along Huntmar Drive north of Hazeldean Road in Stittsville. A Mattamy Homes development, it involves streets such as Vendevale Avenue, Sonesta Crescent, Mistral Way, Burnaby Drive, Moncao Lane, Galleon Lane, Harmattan Avenue, Kohilo Crescent, Helm Circle, Tramontana Private, Coriolis Court, Shawondasee Street, Riverfront Court, Tempest Drive, Brigatine Avenue, Gallantry Way, Khamish Street, Par-La-Ville Circle, Maloja Way, Millbank Lane, Gates Lane, Cayman Road, Grenadine Street, Aquilo Circle, Messor Court, Santa Anna Lane, Martinique Lane, Kona Lane and Pampero Circle.
Historical Society publishes book about stained glass windows
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 57
Your Community Newspaper
Is joining band music to your ears? John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - Attention, musicians. The Stittsville Concert Band wants you. Yes, this community band, which was formed in 2008, is looking for musicians to join the group. The band is open to musicians of all ages from junior high school (grade seven) and up to senior citizens. The only requirement to join is that a musician must own or have access to an instrument. The band includes full brass and reed sections. It plays at community events, outdoor functions and senior homes. It also performs on occasion at festivals, pageants and other
events. There are no fees involved in playing with the Stittsville Concert Band. Students are encouraged to join as more experienced adult players are available for mentoring. High school students can use their band time for community service hours. Another benefit of involvement with the Stittsville Concert Band is that it can lead to playing with the smaller Main and Abbott Dance Band, a musical offshoot of the main band. The Stittsville Concert Band rehearses each Monday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the top floor of the Stittsville Legion Hall on Stittsville Main Street. This is the former Stittsville Loyal Orange Lodge meeting area that has now been R0011861147_0131
Where Quality Meets Affordability
converted for band purposes. This rehearsal space has been provided for use by the band thanks to the Stittsville Branch 618 of the Royal Canadian legion which is the band’s sponsor. The Stittsville Concert Band now has a library of more than 1,000 songs, so there is lots of variety to the music that the band performs. Frank Martens is the conductor and artistic director of the Stittsville Concert Band. New musicians who are thinking of joining the Stittsville Concert Band should just show up at a Monday rehearsal at 7 p.m. at the Stittsville Legion Hall or, for more information, should contact Christine Philipson at 613-8311575 or via email at c.philipson@sympatico. ca. The band’s website can be found at www.
Heritage Day program by Historical Society Special to the News
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stittsvilleconcertband.com. The Main and Abbott Dance Band, the smaller group associated with the Stittsville Concert Band, played its first three hour dance engagement on Thursday evening, Jan. 10 at the Good Companions Centre on Albert Street in downtown Ottawa. It played an extensive array of music including “Let’s Dance,” “Arrivederci Roma,” “Don’t Worry Be Happy,” “On the Sunny Side of the Street,” “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” “Moonglow,” “Fly Me to the Moon,” “Jersey Bounce,” “Sentimental Journey,” and “Come Fly with Me,” among others. Yes, indeed – these bands (Main and Abbott Dance Band and the Stittsville Concert Band) do play a wide variety of music, something for everyone.
EMC news - Wondering about what resources are available to you locally in doing historical research? Then you should consider attending the Heritage Day program being presented by the Goulbourn Township Historical Society at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library on Saturday, Feb. 16. This will be a drop-in event at which you will be able to learn about the archives which the Historical Society
has created at the library. You will be able to learn about the research potential in the Society’s family history files, in its photo collection and in the books and records which are available for review. In addition to the Historical Society’s archives, the library itself has an extensive collection of history and genealogical books and records. What is even better is that all of these resources are free. This Heritage Day drop-in will also include free refresh-
ments. And while at the library, you should view the display that will be on the Art Space wall there for the month of February. Featured will be images of the church windows featured in the Historical Society’s latest publication, “Goulbourn Stained Glass.” Everyone is invited to attend this Heritage Day dropin at the Stittsville library. It is open to members of the public as well as Historical Society members.
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Special to the News
EMC news - An estimated $8,000 damage to the exterior wall and garage door of a home in Stittsville was caused by a parked vehicle which had erupted in fire. Ottawa Fire Services firefighters from Station 81 on Stittsville Main Street responded to the call at 10:40 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 24. On arrival at the Steggall Crescent home, firefighters found that the vehicle, parked in the driveway about four feet from the home, was fully involved with fire in the engine compartment and in the front passenger area. Flames from the fire were impinging on the adjacent home but had not penetrated the exterior wall. Firefighters had the fire under control by 10:55 a.m. There was no damage suffered to the interior of the home with the fire damage limited to the exterior wall and the garage door. There were no injuries from the fire. One person was evacuated from the two storey home.
Historical Society Special to the News
EMC news - On Saturday, Feb. 16, the Goulbourn Township Historical Society meeting will be centred around Heritage Day. On Saturday, Dec. 15, the Goulbourn Historical Society meeting will have a Christmas theme.
Goulbourn Township Historical Society memberships are available for $15 a year for one person and $20 a year for a family membership. Memberships can be obtained by contacting the Goulbourn Township Historical Society at goulbournhistoricalsociety@gmail.com .
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Steggall Crescent fire
Your Community Newspaper
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013 59
Local events and happenings over the coming weeks â&#x20AC;&#x201D; free to non-profit organizations Fax: 613-224-3330, E-mail: john.curry@metroland.com A community spaghetti supper hosted by the youth group of Christ Church Ashton will be held on Friday, Feb. 1 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Christ Church Ashton in Ashton. Everyone welcome. Adults $8; $5 for ages 6-12; and free for those under 5. The 2013 annual Munster winter carnival is being held on Friday, Feb. 1 and Saturday, Feb. 2 in Munster. Friday, Feb. 1: Bonfire with Jack FM 92.3 at 6:30 p.m.; opening ceremonies and public skating at 7 p.m.; movie at 7:30 p.m.; snowmobile run at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 2: Pancake breakfast at 8 a.m.; rink games at 10 a.m. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Big Top Fun!â&#x20AC;? at Munster Elementary School gymnasium at 1:30 p.m.; bonfire, fireworks and hockey at 7 p.m. Weekend admission: $15 per family or $5 per person. The Richmond Munster Minor Hockey Association coaches will be playing the Ottawa Senators Alumni on Saturday, Feb. 2 at 3:30 p.m. at the Richmond Memorial Community Centre arena in Richmond. Tickets at $5 each can be reserved by contacting Lisa at shouldice@hotmail.com . Karaoke with Barry Martin is happening on Saturday, Feb. 2 starting at 8 p.m. at the Stittsville Legion Hall on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend and join in the singing and fun. The Stittsville Royals will play the Arnprior Packers in an Eastern Ontario Junior Hockey League game on Sunday, Feb. 3 at 2:30 p.m. at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex on Shea Road in Stittsville. A â&#x20AC;&#x153;Super Bowl Partyâ&#x20AC;? will be held on Sunday evening, Feb. 3 in the lounge at the Stittsville Legion Hall on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville, starting at 6 p.m. Everyone welcome to attend. Food will be available through the evening for a small fee. The annual meeting of the Richmond Village Association will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 5 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s United Church on McBean Street in Richmond.
A free winter movie night hosted by Stittsvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youth connexion program will be held on Friday, Feb. 8 in the hall at the Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Arena in Stittsville. Movie starts at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. All ages welcome. Bring chairs and blankets. Snacks and drinks available. The Eastern Ontario Junior Hockey Leagueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Metro/Valley Conference is holding its prospects game on Saturday, Feb. 9 at the Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Arena in Stittsville. This game is meant to be a showcase for the leagueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 16 and 17 year old first year players. Main Street Community Services is presenting its eighth annual â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nothing But A Childâ&#x20AC;? gala evening on Saturday, Feb. 9 at the Sixty-Four Hundred Celebration Centre at the corner of Hazeldean Road and West Ridge Drive in Stittsville. Cocktails at 5:30 p.m., three-course dinner at 7 p.m., silent and live auctions at 8:30 p.m. and music and dancing at 9:30 p.m. Tickets at $80 per person available by calling 613-831-6606 or via email at mainstreetcommunity@bellnet.ca . A Valendines Day dinner is being held on Saturday, Feb. 9 at 6 p.m. at the Richmond Branch 625 of the Royal Canadian Legion in Richmond. Dancing with music provided by the Rivermen. Tickets $20 each. Please call Mavis Lewis at 613-838-2749 by Monday, Feb. 4 if you plan to attend. The Stittsville Royals will play the Almonte Thunder in an Eastern Ontario Junior Hockey League game on Sunday, Feb. 10 at 2:30 p.m. at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex on Shea Road in Stittsville. St. Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Presbyterian Church on McBean Street in Richmond is hosting a pancake supper on Tuesday, Feb. 12 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Adults $8; children $4; children 5 and under FREE. Eat in or take out. Everyone welcome. For more information, please call 613838-3723. Simon Clarke, a British singer, will be en-
Pioneer cemetery near Dwyer Hill John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - A pioneer Roman Catholic cemetery near Dwyer Hill in the former Marlborough Township is the earliest known burial ground in the former Rideau township. It served a community of Irish Catholics centered around the Dwyer Hill area from the early 1800s until about 1867 when the current St. Clare cemetery at Dwyer Hill was established. This pioneer cemetery is considered unique in this area
and perhaps in all of Ontario, due to the nature of the graves. The graves take the form of a shallow excavation containing the body, covered with stones in a low cairn edged with limestone. At one time these graves were marked with pine planks inscribed with lead paint, outlining the data related to the grave. A low stone wall enclosed the original area of the cemetery. Only traces of this low stone wall remain. This old cemetery appears to have been used by Irish Catholics who settled in the Dwyer Hill area. However, it
is not identified in the 1879 Belden Atlas of Carleton County, but this could be explained by the fact that the cemetery was no longer being used actively at this time. An earlier area map, the 1863 map produced by H.F. Galling and published by D.P. Putnam of Prescott, also did not identify this cemetery, but this was near the time when the cemetery fell into disuse with the opening of the new St. Clareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cemetery at Dwyer Hill. The cemetery property, located in the former Marlborough township near the
tertaining in the downstairs lounge at the Stittsville Legion Hall on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville on Saturday, Feb. 16 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome. The Stittsville Royals will play the Metcalfe Jets in an Eastern Ontario Junior Hockey League game on Sunday, Feb. 17 at 2:30 p.m. at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex on Shea Road in Stittsville. The new Fairwinds Community Association is holding a meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the meeting room at Stittsville Sobeys at the corner of Hazeldean Road and Carp Road in Stittsville. Discuss concerns regarding the Fairwinds community. Vote for Board members including president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and directors. Real People Lose Weight With TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is holding an open house on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 6:15 p.m. at the Stittsville United Church on Fernbank Road just west of Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville. Everyone is invited â&#x20AC;&#x201C; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s free to try. For more information, please contact Denise Lavallee at 613-831-4694. A Spa Night Drop In for Richmond youth in grades 5-8 will be held by the city of Ottawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Youth Connexion program on Friday, Feb. 22 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Seniors Room off the main lobby at the Richmond Memorial Community Centre (arena) in Richmond. $5 registration fee. To register, use the barcode number 842192. The eighth annual Trivia Challenge Night hosted by the Rotary Club of Ottawa â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Stittsville will be held on Friday, Feb. 22 at the Lions Hall on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville. Karaoke with Yellow Dory will be held in the downstairs lounge at the Stittsville Legion Hall on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville on Saturday, Feb. 23 starting at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. The second annual â&#x20AC;&#x153;Quiz for A Causeâ&#x20AC;? trivia and chili night will be held on SaturGoulbourn boundary and now found in a part of the Marlborough Forest, was owned by T. Haggarty and James Hanrahan, as the cemetery most probably straddled the property line between their two properties. The great-great-grandmother of the late Elwin Vaughan of Richmond, namely Catherine Peralta, who was born in Tarifa, Spain, was buried in this pioneer cemetery about 1864 or 1865, just near the last days of its use. Catherine Peralta had married Charles Schweitzer of Germany in Gibraltar and they had come to Richmond when Charles Schweitzer was discharged as a sergeant in the
day, March 2 from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Community Bible Church at 1600 Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville. Proceeds to support projects in the Seje community in Kenya. You can download a registration form at www.cbcstittsville.com. For more information, please contact the Community Bible Church office at 613-836-2606. A free winter movie night hosted by Stittsvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youth connexion program will be held on Friday, March 8 in the hall at the Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Arena in Stittsville. Movie starts at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. All ages welcome. Bring chairs and blankets. Snacks and drinks available. An Easter egg decorating and hunt for Richmond youth in grades 5-8 offered by the city of Ottawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Youth Connexion program will be held on Friday, March 22 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Seniors Room off the main lobby at the Richmond Memorial Community Centre (arena) in Richmond. $5 registration fee. Use the barcode number 842193 when registering on the city of Ottawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website. A free winter movie night hosted by Stittsvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youth connexion program will be held on Friday, April 12 in the hall at the Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Arena in Stittsville. Movie starts at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. All ages welcome. Bring chairs and blankets. Snacks and drinks available. A â&#x20AC;&#x153;Smoothies & Moviesâ&#x20AC;? night for Richmond youth in grades 5-8 offered by the city of Ottawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Youth Connexion program will be held on Friday, April 26 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Seniors Room off the main lobby at the Richmond Memorial Community Centre (arena) in Richmond. $5 registration fee. Use the barcode number 842194 when registering on the city of Ottawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website. The Goulbourn Jubilee Singers and The Junior Jubilees will present their spring concert â&#x20AC;&#x153;Alphabet Soupâ&#x20AC;? on Saturday, May 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the Glen Cairn United Church at thecorner of Abbeyhill Drive and Old Colony Road in Kanata.
British Army. Charles Schweitzer is buried in the Anglican cemetery at Ashton, while Catherine, being a Catholic, was buried in the Dwyer Hill pioneer cemetery. The soil at the cemetery site is very shallow and so the graves were made in cairn-like fashion by constructing sides and ends of flag-limestone and covering the graves with these same limestone stones. These burial sites were originally marked with pine slabs about five inches wide, four inches thick and four feet tall. Heavy lead paint was used for writing the data on these pine slab markers. Sometime before 1940, the last of these
markers disappeared from the site, with no recording ever having been made of who was buried at this cemetery. In the fall of 1995, a fourmember survey crew working for the then-regional government located the pioneer cemetery, hidden in a thick maple and hardwood bush. The cemetery site, as they found it, consisted of the partial remains of a rock wall and 20 grave sites inside the wall. It was decided at that time that a number of graves are located outside the initial site of the cemetery as the original site was filled. The survey crew discovered about 16 graves beyond the rock wall boundaries of the cemetery.
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A Cancer Research Fundraiser thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s as simple as cutting your hair!
34. Shares a predicament 39. Old World buffalo 40. Loads with cargo 41. What part of (abbr.) 42. Partakers 45. Expressed harsh criticism 49. Doctors’ group 50. OM (var.) 52. A dead body 55. Jewish spiritual leader 57. An almost horizontal entrance to a mine 59. Anglo-Saxon monk (672-736) 60. Database management system 61. A swindle in which you cheat 62. Arabian Gulf 63. Six (Spanish) 64. Price label 65. Black tropical American cuckoo 66. Teletypewriter (abbr.)
CLUES DOWN 1. Foam 2. Tessera 3. Major ore source of lead 4. Directors 5. 9/11 Memorial architect 6. The goal space in ice hockey 7. The academic world 8. Standing roast 9. More (Spanish) 11. Gram molecule 13. Head of long hair 17. Cost, insurance and freight (abbr.) 19. Line of poetry 21. Originated from 24. One time only 26. A civil wrong 27. Female sheep 29. Bay Area Toll Authority 30. Afrikaans
33. Hold a particular posture 34. South American Indian 35. Paying attention to 36. Wife of a maharaja 37. Mild yellow Dutch cheese 38. Central Br. province in India 39. 4th month (abbr.) 43. Grooved carpentry joint 44. Present formally 46. Skeletal muscle 47. -__, denotes past 48. Aba ____ Honeymoon 51. Young lady 53. Any of the Hindu sacred writing 54. Where Adam and Eve were placed 56. Promotional materials 57. Play a role 58. Arrived extinct
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CLUES ACROSS 1. Film Music Guild 4. A rubberized raincoat 7. An upper limb 10. Wander 12. Biblical name for Syria 14. Former OSS 15. Norwegian capital 16. No. Am. Gamebird Assoc. 17. Taxis 18. Ancient Chinese weight unit 20. Third tonsil 22. Ancient Hebrew measure = 1.5 gal. 23. Piece of clothing 25. Overrefined, effeminate 28. Housing for electronics 31. Cut grass 32. Ghana’s capital 33. Prof. Inst. of Real Estate
6G>:H " BVg '&$6eg '%
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Ready for winter with InďŹ nitiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s advanced AWD System and all the servicing is up to date. 79,965 kmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
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2010 G37X AWD Sedan Premium Edition Just traded and originally bought and serviced right here. New brakes just installed and the full service history is available. 54,025 kmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Former InďŹ niti Service loaner with all servicing up to date. Ready to take on the snow! 17,906 kmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
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Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a sensation unlike any other. The InďŹ niti CertiďŹ ed Pre-Owned program is crafted to Stock # Q1659A
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Stock # WQ0378
2009 G37X AWD Sedan Premium Package
Get behind the wheel of this luxury sedan to see why all the InďŹ niti drivers are smiling. Leave the Audi & BMWâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in the rear view. 92,435 kmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
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2010 INFINITI FX35 AWD PREMIUM SUV One owner trade bought here at our Dealership. This sporty platform imbues the FX35 with nimble, carlike handling while the 303-horsepower 3.5-liter V6 provides enough oomph to satisfy most drivers. 55,000 kmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Stock #Q1301
2011 G25X AWD SEDAN Luxury Edition Save thousands on one of our former InďŹ niti service loaners. AWD performance to drive with conďŹ dence. 18,328kmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
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Stock #XQ0260
Navigation and DVD with a 7 speed automatic and 3.5-liter V6 that produces 303 horsepower and 262 pound-feet of torque. FX indulges occupants with a plush and modern cabin feel with all of the high-tech and luxury trappings. 49,500 kmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
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InďŹ niti - Arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you glad Tony Graham sells it! B < ^ ` B \ R U R `< \ J U Âł ^ Y \ B P J B \ B J R E J R J ` J A B < N B \
2185\Â&#x17D;w}Â&#x2019;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x201D;Â&#x17D;Â&#x152; Robertson Rd. åÿÿ \{F LÂ&#x161;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2DC; Ăż Â&#x2030;Â&#x201A;Â&#x152;Â&#x201D; g}Â&#x201D;Â&#x2DC; Â&#x17D;~ >r¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2019;} ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â?Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x152; @}Â&#x152;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;}
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62 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, January 31, 2013