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Volume 55, Issue 32
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August 9, 2012 | 68 Pages
34 Edgewater St. Kanata
Give the Gift of Life Walk in Stittsville John Curry
Helene Rivest of Stittsville celebrates her retirement at party in her honour. – Page 18
Tennis player from Stittsville is playing in national under 14 championships in Mont. Tremblant. – Page 4
Bea McDaniels of Stittsville hosts ‘dog party.’ - Page 7
EMC news - It’s going to be a first for Stittsville. It’s a Give the Gift of Life Walk in support of the Kidney Foundation which will be happening on Sunday, Sept. 9. While it is an outreach project initiated by the Stittsville United Church’s youth group, it is being planned as an event for everyone in Stittsville. Starting at the Stittsville United Church on Fernbank Road just west of Stittsville Main Street, the walk will go along Stittsville Main Street, going as far as Papa Sam’s at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Beverly Street, where the Walk will turn around and head back the 2.5 kilometers to the Stittsville United Church for a lunch sponsored by Sobeys. All of the churches in Stittsville have been invited to enter a team in this Give the Gift of Life Walk and these church teams will join the walk as it proceeds along Stittsville Main Street, since the route goes right by three churches – St. Thomas Anglican Church, the Community Bible Church and St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. But everyone in the community is urged to consider join this Give the Gift of Life Walk, not only to raise funds for the Kidney Foundation but also to increase awareness of kidney disease and organ donation. This first-ever Give the Gift of Life Walk in Stittsville is going to involve more than just the five kilometer walk along Stittsville Main Street. It’s also going to include activities at the Stittsville United Church including an inflatable obstacle course, cotton candy, games, and a Dixieland band. It’s being billed as “Fun Day Sunday.� Registration of teams or individuals for this Give the Gift of Life Walk on Sunday, Sept. 9 will begin at 10 a.m. that day, with the Walk beginning at 11 a.m. This has all come about because of kidney transplant which Elizabeth Hochster-Hurst, a member of the Stittsville United Church congregation, received thanks to a friend’s husband last December. At that time, the congregation held a kidney information event at which church members learned more about kidney disease. Elizabeth Hochster-Hurst, who is the Walk Ambassador for the upcoming Give the Gift of Life Walk in Stittsville, learned that she had polycystic kidney disease five years ago and was just about to start kidney dialysis when her kidney transplant came about. Of the 548 kidney transplants performed last year in Ontario, Elizabeth Hochster-Hurst’s was one of 208 to come from a living donor. “It’s all in the human spirit,� Elizabeth says. “It’s amazing what people will do in difficult times to support each other.� See WALK, page 5
John Curry photo
Ready to enjoy a cake welcoming them to Stittsville on their “Grass Roots Tour� cycling across Canada during their stop in Stittsville on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 1 are, from left, Graham May, Louis Plottel and Georgia Williams.
Cross-Canada cyclists pass through Stittsville John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - The “Journey To The Rising Sun� passed through Stittsville on Wednesday, Aug. 1. Three cyclists – Georgia Williams, 19, Louis Plottel, 18, and Graham May, 20 – arrived in Stittsville just after 4 p.m., stopping at the Welcome to Stittsville sign at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Hazeldean Road where they enjoyed cake and lemonade provided by the Stittsville News EMC. They left, heading east on Hazeldean Road, at 5:15 p.m. after enjoying a break and visiting the PetroCanada station across the road from the sign to replenish their water supplies. The trio was staying overnight at a Second Avenue home in the Glebe. This cycling trio were being joined in Ottawa by fellow cyclist Cello Mizumoto, 18, who has been with them since starting in Victoria, British Columbia on May 31st. Her bicycle had been damaged earlier in the day and she had to travel ahead to Ottawa
to have it repaired so that she could rejoin her fellow cyclists and continue their cross country bike trip. The “Journey To The Rising Sun� aka the GrassRoutes Tour is a 9000-plus kilometer long west to east cycling journey that six friends decided to undertake as a way of inspiring young people to become leaders in protecting the environment. The cyclists are also collecting donations along the way for a Youth Action Fund that, in partnership with the Environmental Youth Alliance, will support youthled environmental initiatives inspired by the bike tour. About $7,000 has been raised so far. The group started out as six cyclists but one, 19 year old Paul O’Brien, a student at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, left the group in Calgary due to job commitments. He will be rejoining the group in Nova Scotia. Another, 19 year old Oscar Boyd, had to drop out because of a knee problem. See CYCLISTS, page 2
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 1
Your Community Newspaper
Cyclists overwhelmed by friendliness, generosity Continued from page 1
The six all knew each other from attending a summer program at Pearson College United World College in Victoria. But while they knew each other, planning for this cross Canada cycling tour was not easy because the six are spread around the world: Georgia in Vancouver, Louis attending university in Abu Dhabi in the United Arad Emirates; Cello at the United World College in Costa Rica; Oscar at Oxford in England; Paul in Nova Scotia; and Graham at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick. So, planning meetings were conducted in the year leading up to the tour via Skype since they were all at different schools in different parts of the world. Planning involved applying for grants, preparing press releases and arranging for places to stay along the route, among other things. The group did receive a $600 grant from the Leadership Mount Allison program at Mount Allison University. The group has tried to pedal about 100 kilometers a day, although this varies. On the day that they passed through Stittsville, they were doing about 120 kilometers that day. The day before, they did only 54 kilometers as they stayed overnight in Lombardy. So far, the group has camped about half of the time, sometimes at the side of the road, while staying in private accommodations arranged through friends and family the other half of the time. They have been overwhelmed by the friendliness and generosity that they have encountered along the route. This has included not only campground operators who have welcomed the group once they hear their story to grocery store operators who have been donating food to the cyclists, again after hearing their story. “We feel that the entire country is looking after us,â€? Graham May says. He said that crossing Ontario has been a wonderful experience, calling the province so diverse with very welcoming residents. He recalled that one of the most memorable spots on the journey so far was going through the Rogers Pass in the Rockies and going downhill after the climb up, passing through four tunnels. They would emerge from the darkness of the tunnels to a scene which included a glacier and a magniďŹ cent view. Graham says that he feels more Canadian now that he has been cycling across the country, noting that he has now gone swimming in three of the Great Lakes (Superior, Huron and Ontario) and has experienced the Rockies. Biking is a wonderful way of travelling, Graham says, as it allows a person to experience so much in terms of both the landscape and the weather. There is no better way of touring, he says. Graham’s fellow cyclist, Louise Plottel, agrees, saying that cycling allows a person to engage all of the senses at the same
time while travelling. Louis says that the prairies have been the hardest part of the tour so far, with long, at and windy sections. He says that it was a tough part of the tour not only because of the topography but also because they had just lost one of their cyclists, Paul O’Brien, who had to leave the group in Calgary. The cyclists have cooking stoves with them so that they prepare their own meals along the route. So far the group has experienced lots of at tires which they repair. Other bicycle problems, such as trouble with a chain, are handled as they arise. Graham admits that none of the group is an expert on bike repairs but says that they are learning as they go along. Graham May says that anyone can cycle across Canada. You do not have to be a Superman to do it, since biking is easy, he says. He notes that the group has encountered a person with a two year old cycling across Canada and also a 69 year old who is doing the same. Keeping hydrated is important, Graham says, noting that having water available is important. He has noticed that his appetite has changed during the tour as he is now eating about twice as much as he used to. The tour was a way not only for the group to bike across Canada (for Graham May, for example, the British Columbia native will be back on campus at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick this fall without having to y across the country) but it also has its environmental focus as a way of inspiring youth to take steps to protect the environment in their own communities.
The cyclists have made some presentations about this along the route so far, presentations arranged through personal contacts. One such presentation was made at Portland just south of Smiths Falls earlier in the day that the group passed through Stittsville. Just like the cyclists decided to go across Canada on their bikes and are now doing it, Graham points out that youth today can achieve anything that they want if they are passionate about it and “just do it.â€? “We want to empower young people to take a leadership role in protecting the environment,â€? Graham says. “I truly believe that environmentalism starts in your own home,â€? he adds. “Environmentalism has to be about the big picture but it has to start with the small picture, what is outside your own door that is worth saving,â€? Graham, who is about to start his second year of a double major in environmental studies and international relations, says. “We are inspiring youth to protect what they already care about,â€? he says. “That is what makes this project special,â€? he adds. “We are not lecturing or dictating, just blowing the embers of what is already on ďŹ re.â€? The group hopes to reach its journey’s end in St. John’s, Newfoundland, on August 26, giving them time to disperse to their schools throughout the world. For more information about this GrassRoutes Tour aka “Journey To The Rising Sun,â€? check out the website at www. grassroutesbiking.com. Donations for the Youth Action Fund to help youth-led environmental initiatives can also be made through this website.
John Curry photo
Stopping in Stittsville on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 1 on their cross-Canada cycling tour which they have dubbed “Journey To The Rising Sun� as they are travelling from west to east are, from left, Georgia Williams, Louis Plottel and Graham May.
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Your Community Newspaper
Free classes on meditation John Curry
EMC news - Bhante Kovida has taught about meditation around the world. He is now going to do it right here in Stittsville through a series of four free classes on meditation offered at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library. A travelling Buddhist monk who is currently visiting the Cambodian Buddhist Temple on Hazeldean Road in Stittsville, Bhante Kovida will deal with psychotherapy, enlightenment, and the nature of fear in these free sessions at the Stittsville library that are open to everyone of all ages. These classes on meditation will take place on Wednesdays, Aug. 22 and 29 and Sept. 5 and 12 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Bhante Kovida says that meditation and related spiritual teaching is becoming more and more popular in western society because people are searching for deeper spiritual answers than those found in organized religion. He makes it clear that teaching about meditation and holding these free classes has nothing to do with Buddhism per se but is more focused on helping people develop a deeper understanding of themselves. In order to see the truth of things in nature, you have to train your mind to be focused, he says, and this is where meditation comes in. He likens meditation to the difference between driving a car and slowly walking and the resulting view of the passing landscape. When driving a car, the landscape passes by quickly in something of a blur. In walking slowly, the landscape becomes more in focus. Meditation allows a person to slow down, just like this walker, and see things more clearly. Through meditation, a per-
son learns how to be more peaceful and more patient in life, with less stress, he says. Bhante Kovida says that the benefits of meditation are universal. “It can help anyone,” he says, even those in hospital and those in prison. Even though Bhante Kovida has studied and practiced meditation for nearly four decades, he admits that he is still learning and dealing with life’s challenges. He says that there is no end to knowledge and to life’s challenges. Meditation helps a person understand and deal with the challenges in daily life, he says. This is the message that he wants to bring to others through these free classes about meditation that he will be offering at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library starting on Wednesday, Aug. 22 at 6:30 p.m. The first two sessions, on Wednesday, Aug. 22 and Wednesday, Aug. 29, will deal with psychotherapy which involves how a person deals with mental and emotional problems. On Wednesday, Sept. 5, the session will deal with the question “What is Enlightenment?” while the final session on Wednesday, Sept. 12 will be on the topic “The Nature and Ending of Fear.” Throughout all of these sessions, Bhante Kovida will be touching on the basic principles of meditation. Bhante Kovida’s meditation program, when practiced on a regular basis, is meant to help reduce anxiety and stress. Bhante Kovida has written two books, “An Inquiring Mind” in 2003 and “The World is Myself” in 2008. “An Inquiring Mind” deals with meditation and is available, as is “The World is Myself,” through the website www. bhantekovida.com Bhante Kovida, who was born in Jamaica, studied in
Canada before embarking on an overland journey to India and Nepal in 1974-75 where he began his study of Indian history and culture, Hatha Yoga and meditation, classical Indian music and Buddhism. After two more extended visits to India plus doing some social development work in Sri Lanka, Bhante Kovida was ordained as a Buddhist monk by Venerable Balangoda Anandamaitreya, a noted scholar, teacher and meditation practitioner, in 1991. Since 1993, Bhante Kovida has been travelling around the
his knowledge gleaned from his lifetime of studying and learning to Stittsville in these free classes on meditation and wisdom. No registration is required. For more information about these classes, please contact Bhante Kovida at 613836-0938 or email him at buddhadipa.99@gmail.com The classes are free and open to everyone of any age. While there is no requirement to do so, donations to help Bhante Kovida continue with his teaching efforts will be accepted and most welcome at these classes.
John Curry photo
Bhante Kovida will be giving a series of sessions on meditation at the Stittsville library branch.
Mom, can we go to another one?
Chance to meet with area’s MP
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John Curry
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Cumberland Heritage Village Museum Tall Tales to Tell: Presented with Vintage Stock Theatre Every Thursday until August 30 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
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Watson’s Mill Wine Tasting at the Mill Friday, August 10 7:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.
Goulbourn Museum Family Craft Day: Boat Races and Activities Sunday, August 19 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Pinhey’s Point Historic Site Riverfest! Sunday, August 12 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. 0809.R0011541166
EMC news - It’s face-to-face time with Carleton-Mississippi Mills MP Gordon O’Connor. He is back with what he calls “In Your Area Days” where he meets with interested constituents, first in a roundtable format and then in private, one-on-one meetings. He is holding a series of eight of these “In Your Area Days” in the coming weeks, with locations including Kanata, Constance Bay, Fitzroy Harbour, Carp, Almonte, Stittsville and Richmond. The meeting in Stittsville will take place this coming Monday, Aug. 13 at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library while the Richmond meeting will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 21 at the Richmond branch of the Ottawa Public Library. Like all of these “In Your Area Days” meeting, these meetings in Stittsville and Richmond will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will wind up at 8:15 p.m. The meetings will begin with a roundtable discussion at which those in attendance can share their thoughts on issues of federal government concern with MP Gordon O’Connor. This roundtable part of the meeting will be followed by private meetings with Mr. O’Connor, taking place on a first come, first served basis. Mr. O’Connor has held these “In Your Area Days” previously at locations throughout the Carleton-Mississippi Mills diring.
world while also visiting in Toronto, Hamilton, Halifax, Vancouver and Ottawa. Every two years or so, Bhante Kovida returns to Southeast Asia to visit friends and to teach the Dharma which entails the teachings about the laws of nature which Buddha discerned and pointed out. On these visits, he also teaches Hatha Yoga and Chi Gong exercises at Buddhist Temples and Dharma Centres in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong. He is now bringing his understanding of meditation and
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 3
Your Community Newspaper &
Summer Conservation Tips! The hot hazy days of summer are here, and Hydro Ottawa is sharing tips to help you conserve electricity while keeping cool.
Consider installing a ceiling fan, and set it to force air down in the summer.
Use fans to supplement or replace air conditioning.
Install a programmable thermostat to manage the amount of electricity used to cool your home, especially when you are not there. Jessica Cunha photo
Alexander Mironov of Stittsville stands with his display of trophies which he has won playing tennis.
Hydro Ottawa’s peaksaver PLUS program offers customers with central air conditioning a free professionally-installed programmable thermostat and an in-home energy display to help customers track and manage their electricity use. For details, visit www.peaksaverplus.net. When cooling is needed, we recommend that thermostats be set between 25 and 26 degrees Celsius (77 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit).
On summer nights, open windows and curtains/blinds to allow cooler air in.
Keep blinds and curtains closed to keep out the midday sun.
Representing Ontario in junior tennis nationals Jessica Cunha jessica.cunha@metroland.com
EMC sports - Thirteen-year-old Alexander Mironov is representing Ontario in the under14 junior tennis nationals this week. The A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary School graduate is competing at Mont Tremblant, Que. from Aug. 6 to 12 in his fourth nationals competition. “I hope I might be seeded,” said the Stittsville resident before the competition, adding he hopes to finish in the top 16 players. As of June 22, Alexander was ranked seventh in Ontario and 10th in Canada in the boys under-14 category. “I just enjoy the game, the challenge, the competition,” he said. “I just like being good at something.” Alexander’s bedroom is filled with records of his accomplishments. His more than 35 trophies, awards, medals and plaques line the shelves of a dresser. Alexander played the recent Kanata Klassic, winning his first match 6-2, 7-5. He lost to the fifth seed, Nicolas Vincent, 6-1, 7-5. In his first doubles match with Sasha Krishna, the two won 6-2, 6-2. They won 6-3, 6-3 in their second match, and lost 6-1, 6-1 in their third. A number of the players he went up against
were in their 20s, said Alexander’s father, Vladimir. “I think that’s he’s progressing very well,” said his Vladimir, who goes out to watch his son’s matches. “I’m so surprised sometimes; he’s so strong,” said Alexander’s mother Ludmila, who watches her son’s out of town games. “It’s an emotional sport.” Alexander, who will be attending Grade 9 at South Carleton High School this fall, first started playing tennis at age five. “My parents got me into it,” he said, adding they would take him to the park to bat the ball back and forth. He began training to compete at age eight, and hasn’t looked back since. Alexander trains five to six times a week in the summer and two to three times a week in the winter. “I like individual sports more than team sports,” said Alexander, who used to also play competitive soccer. “I just like relying on myself instead of other people.” Alexander, who will turn 14 in September, trains at Carleton University. He’s competed in a number of tournaments; his total victories versus defeats since 2009 come in at 113-56. “I just want to keep training,” said Alexander. “I want to keep getting better.”
Richmond Motor Classic Special to the News R0021490819
4 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
EMC news – Here comes Labour Day on Monday, Sept. 3 when the annual Richmond Motor Classic in Richmond takes place. Vintage vehicles will be on display at the
Richmond Plaza on Perth Street in Richmond. Hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Goulbourn, the event will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine, with free admission to members of the public.
Your Community Newspaper
City of Ottawa Councillor Reports By Shad Qadri, Councillor Ward Six Stittsville City of Ottawa
August 6th, 2012 Demand will be High for Fall & Winter Recreation Activities The Ottawa Fall-Winter Recreation eGuide and is now available online at www.ottawa.ca r Registration for swimming and aquafitness classes begins online and by touchtone phone (613-580-2588) Monday, August 13 at 10 p.m. and in person at City recreation facilities Tuesday, August 14 during regular business hours. r Registration for all other classes begins online and by touchtone phone Wednesday, August 15 at 10 p.m. and in person at City recreation facilities Thursday, August 16 during regular business hours. High volumes of online registrants are expected throughout the first week of registration, particularly the first evening, which could result in a longer registration experience than usual. Ottawa residents are advised to review the list of activities and registration procedures now to ensure they are ready to enrol in their favourite classes in a timely manner. Anyone registering will need a client barcode and a family PIN (Personal Identification Number). Review the list of classes by visiting ottawa.ca/recreationguide. For more information call 3-1-1. John Brummell photo
Ruth Richardson, left, one of the volunteer walk coordinators for the Give the Gift of Life Walk which is coming up in Stittsville on Sunday, Sept. 9 stands beside a sign promoting the event, along with Elizabeth Hochster-Hurst, right, who is also a volunteer walk coordinator for the event.
Walk in Stittsville on Sunday, Sept. 9
Golf tournament coming The ninth annual Tori Carswell Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, Aug. 25 at the Canadian Golf and Country Club west of Stittsville. All proceeds will go to Tori’s Helping Hand, part of the Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Support Programs Inc. For more information, please email Kim or Paul Carswell at kcarswell@rogers.com or phone 613-8362183. Sponsors and volunteers welcome.
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Hydro Ottawa Summer Conservation Tips These tips will help Ottawa residents conserve electricity while keeping cool during the hot, hazy days of summer. r Keep blinds and curtains closed to keep out the midday sun. r Consider installing a ceiling fan, and set it to force air down in the summer. r At night, open windows and curtains/blinds to allow cooler air in. r Use fans to supplement or replace air conditioning. r Install a programmable thermostat to manage the amount of electricity used to cool your home, especially when you are not there. r Hydro Ottawa’s peaksaver PLUS program offers customers with central air conditioning a free, professionally-installed programmable thermostat and an in-home energy display to help customers track and manage their electricity use. For details, visit www.peaksaverplus.net. r When cooling is needed, set thermostats between 25 and 26 degrees Celsius (77 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit).
Lawn Maintenance, Commercial and Residential, Interlock Walkways, Retaining Walls, Tree & Brush Removal, Top Soil, Sand, Gravel. R0021243567
This Give the Gift of Life Walk on Sunday, Sept. 9 in Stittsville will raise money to help people affected by kidney disease and help make a difference for those who hope for a better future despite the disease. While for some, like Elizabeth Hochster-Hurst, this means a kidney transplant, for many others it means being on life-sustaining kidney dialysis for the rest of their lives. The funds raised will support the Kidney Foundation of Canada’s research, advocacy and patient programs. The Walk, though, will also increase awareness in the community about kidney disease and organ donation. Over 2.6 million Canadians have kidney disease or are at risk of developing it. Today, over 1,100 people in Ontario alone are waiting for a kidney or a kidney-pancreas transplant. Organizers of this Give the Gift of Life Walk in Stittsville on Sunday, Sept. 9 are urging everyone to spread the word about the Walk, to speak to others about organ donations and to support a team or create a team by checking the website http://kidney.akaraisin.com/stittsville12 More information about registering or becoming a sponsor of
this Give the gift of Life Walk in Stittsville on Sunday, Sept. 9 can be obtained by contacting the Walk’s volunteer coordinators Elizabeth Hochster-Hurst at 613-836-6847 or via email at ElizabethAnne.HochsterHurst@csps-efpc.gc.ca or Ruth Richardson at 613-836-8735 or via email at bcuc@storm.ca or by contacting Craig Dunbar at 613-724-9953, ext. 4562 or visit the website www.kidneywalk.ca Stittsville is one of over 40 communities in Ontario that will be holding a Give the Gift of Life Walk for the Kidney Foundation of Canada this year. Other communities include Sudbury, Cornwall, St. Catharines, Peterborough, Thunder Bay, Mississauga, Pembroke, Renfrew, Guelph, Kingston, Perth and Hamilton.
Continued from page 1
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Ottawa Police Services Board Announces New Deputy Chief of Police The Ottawa Police Services Board is pleased to announce that it has selected Edward (Ed) Keeley, currently Executive Officer and Superintendent – Office of the Chief Directorate, as Deputy Chief of the Ottawa Police Service. Effective immediately, he will fill the position that became vacant in March when Charles Bordeleau was appointed Chief of Police. Along with Deputy Chief Keeley, we also have Deputy Chief Gilles Larochelle. It’s great to see two deputy police chiefs that have come through the ranks of our police services!
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Tuesday Night Movie Nights at Village Square Park These free movie nights on Tuesdays at Village Square Park are being sponsored by Stittsville’s youth connexion program with everyone of all ages welcome to attend. Showing next Tuesday August 7th at 8:30 is “Mr Poppers Penguins”! This is followed by “Racing Stripes” on August 14th, “The Lorax” on August 21st, and “The Muppets” wrapping up the summer series, on August 28th. These are great family movies for all to come out and enjoy a nice summer’s evening in the community! Official Opening of the Barbara Ann Scott Gallery Olympian Barbara Ann Scott is one of Ottawa’s and Canada’s most decorated athletes - among her many championship wins, she remains the only Canadian to win Olympic Gold at the Senior’s Women’s Figure Skating level. When she returned home to Ottawa after the 1948 Winter Olympics, she was greeted with a huge welcome home celebration, and the Mayor of Ottawa declared it a Civic Holiday and awarded her with the most prestigious award the City offers, The Key to the City. She was a true inspiration to many young athletes who have that same dream of someday winning Olympic gold. The opening of this gallery is not only a way for us to celebrate her many accomplishments, but also to thank her for her generosity in donating her entire collection of awards and memorabilia to the City of Ottawa. Join us on Thursday August 9th from 2 to 4 pm at Jean Pigott Place, Ottawa City Hall at 110 Laurier Avenue West.
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Distracted Drivers & Seat Belt Use, the Focus of STEP Program in August The City of Ottawa’s Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) is targeting distracted driving and appropriate seat belt and child safety restraint use this month as part of its ongoing commitment to keeping Ottawa’s roads safe. Distracted driving: Between 2008 and 2010, driver distraction was either fully or partially the cause of 6,129 traffic collisions in Ottawa. The collisions resulted in nine deaths and 1,976 injuries (84 of them serious). Seat belt/child safety restraint use: Between 2006 and 2010, 26 people were killed, 50 suffered life-threatening injuries and another 202 were injured in Ottawa as a result of not wearing vehicle occupant restraints. Twenty of those 26 fatalities were male. Drivers need to make sure that they focus their full attention on safe driving and all occupants of a vehicle need to be using their seat belts or child safety restraints. These initiatives support the larger Safer Roads Ottawa Program, a leading partnership between Ottawa Fire Services, Ottawa Paramedic Service, Ottawa Police Service, Ottawa Public Health and the Public Works Department committed to preventing or eliminating road deaths and serious injuries for all people in the City of Ottawa, through culture change, community engagement, and development of a sustainable safe transportation environment. Ottawa residents have identified traffic safety as a top priority. The Safer Roads Ottawa Program is committed to using available resources to make Ottawa roads safer for residents.
Always listening and acting on your concerns As your Councillor, I always welcome your keen input and ideas on how we can sustain and improve Stittsville. Please contact our office anytime by phone at 613580-2476 or by e-mail at Shad.Qadri@ottawa.ca. I also encourage you to follow me on Twitter and on Facebook. Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 5
Your Community Newspaper
Cycling the capital Ottawa boasts it is one of the most cycling-friendly cities in Canada. With good reason – in 2004, the municipality had the highest percentage of bike commuters among all major municipalities in North America. Nearly three per cent of all Ottawans commuted to work using a bicycle, according to the study, prepared by Market
Opinion Research International. Hopefully that number will grow, according to the city’s 20-year cycling master plan, which aims to make biking to work a more attractive option by increasing the number of bike lanes, paved shoulders, wide curb lanes on multi-lane roads and off-road pathways, maintained by both the city and NCC.
Metroland Media decided to check out just how bicycle-friendly Ottawa really is, sending a group of reporters out to test four mostly off-road cycling routes from different parts of the municipality to Ottawa City Hall. The four routes start from Orléans, Nepean, Barrhaven and Kanata. All four reporters were novice cyclists and plotted as direct a route as possible but
that avoided busy streets and traffic as much as possible, making generous use of the National Capital Commission’s and the city’s off-road multi-use pathways. TWO-PART SERIES
Starting this week, Cycling the Capital, a two-part series, will explore a variety of issues dealing with the topic
of cycling to work, including the push to create cycling links throughout the city and prioritize the use of bikes as a mode of transportation, and a look at the impact of road construction on cyclists. Our series will also explore the importance of education – of both cyclists and motorists – and ways the city can make cycling a more comfortable option.
Detours cater to drivers: cyclists
Barrhaven paths offer pleasant commute Emma Jackson emma.jackson@metroland.com
When I began mapping my route from Strandherd Drive and Greenbank Road in Barrhaven to city hall downtown, I expected to ride on busy arterials for most of my 24-kilometre trip. At first glance, the bikefriendly route Google Maps spits out takes you along such major roads as Fallowfield, Woodroffe and Prince of Wales. But upon closer inspection, I was pleasantly surprised to find that most of those roads actually have wide, well-paved cycling paths running alongside them. For all the outcry about inadequate cycling links across the city, for my purposes it seemed like I was in for an off-road cycling dream. Beginning on Greenbank at 8:11 a.m., I started on a paved cycling path that kept me off the road but still travelling in the most efficient direction towards my destination. By 8:14 I had hit my first road block – a path was closed for construction – and the detour briefly turned my internal compass upside down. But I was soon back on the main path, heading towards Woodroffe Avenue. The path abruptly ended while running parallel to Fallowfield Road, but it at least connected to a well-marked bike lane, which I hopped on for about 30 seconds before crossing the Woodroffe intersection without problems and joining the Greenbelt Trail heading north. Now, this path was especially surprising. If I blocked out the clogged road to my left, I was free to enjoy the flat, smooth ride past horse ranches and farmers’ fields. At one point I found myself sailing through a cedar forest that briefly blocked the cars from view and allowed me to enjoy the soft morning light trickling through the thick stand of
We’ll meet with groups who are opposed to the city’s push to create more segregated bike lanes such as the 1.3-kilometre stretch recently introduced on Laurier Avenue. We will also look at ways to encourage children to commute to school. All Cycling the Capital stories and photographs will be posted on yourottawaregion. com.
trees. I even saw a rabbit. As a novice riding a pretty standard bike, it was humbling to think I had been so attached to my car, when all along I could have been enjoying a jaunt through the city’s green spaces. Connectivity did become an issue, however, through the Viewmount and Carleton Heights areas while trying to connect to Hog’s Back Road and the Colonel By pathway. Most of this section followed quiet residential roads, and the path sections were confusing, badly paved and often no wider than a goat path. Frustrated and running late, I eventually gave up trying to navigate the path and instead took a residential road I knew would get me to Prince of Wales. The major lesson I took from this was that the city’s path network is by no means perfect, and for a new commuter it will take several false starts to iron out a route that works. To be fair, between the city and the National Capital Commission there are 260 kilometres of pathways throughout the region. I only passed a handful of cyclists on my trip through Barrhaven and Nepean, and none of them looked like they were commuters.
Brier Dodge and Laura Mueller brier.dodge@metroland.com
CYCLING THE CAPITAL Bike commuting in Ottawa series Next week: We look at why the city needs to create more cycling links and how it is educating a new generation of Brier Dodge Reporter Emma Jackson takes to the streets and pathways of Barrhaven and Nepean to cyclists. find a safe and enjoyable route for bike commuting to the city’s downtown.
EMC news – Ottawa cyclists are calling for the city to follow its guidelines for providing detours when roads are under construction. In 2009, the municipality created a set of rules for providing construction detours for cyclists. The city is responsible for providing detours and advance notice of road closures resulting from contracted work or special events. In the construction zone, the contractor doing the work is responsible for cyclists’ safety. “The city offers detours for cyclists, for pedestrians and for motorists,” said city spokesperson Jocelyne Turner. “It works just like any other detours.” But the detours are often long and cater to motor vehicles, said cyclist Alex deVries, who has been commuting by bike for eight years. “The City of Ottawa actually has guidelines, but it’s very hidden, and appears to be hidden from the project managers of different sites,” deVries said. The National Capital Commission, on the other hand, doesn’t have any guidelines. For the NCC’s parkways and multi-use pathways, construction signs and detours are addressed on a case-by-case basis with a common-sense approach, said NCC spokesperson Jasmine Leduc. But there may be hope for improvements, as the city and the NCC are working on creating common guidelines to show cyclists where to go during road construction. The city provided its own guidelines for consideration, and the NCC has involved Gatineau in talks about a common approach, Leduc said.
What routes do you use for your commute? Tell us your cycling experiences at: www.yourottawaregion.com 6 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
Your Community Newspaper
Love at Benjiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place John Curry
EMC news - Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of love in the air at Benjiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place in Stittsville. At this Stittsville Main Street dog grooming studio, this prevalence of love all begins with owner Bea McDaniels. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love the dogs,â&#x20AC;? she says quite simply and it shows. There are no cages at Benjiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place; she does not believe that dogs should be cooped up in such restricted surroundings. She wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like it herself and so why would the dogs. And perhaps this is why you will not hear any barking dogs at Benjiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place. They are not cooped up but they can wander wherever they want through the premises. And when Bea is grooming a dog, she does it a little at a time. This relieves a dogâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stress, she says. She also hand dries every dog after a wash; no blow drier for her dogs. Although she has over 300 customers, Bea says that she knows every dogâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s personality. Bea also takes only three dogs at a time and they are usually with her all day long. She doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t scold them if they poop or pee where they shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t and she evens at times lies right down on the floor and plays with the dogs. She also feeds them and the
dogs always have water available. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I just love them,â&#x20AC;? she reiterates about the dogs, commenting that if she could not work with dogs, she thinks that her life would be over. She even muses that she thinks that she was a dog herself in a previous life. Her customers notice how much love she shows for their dogs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She just loves her dogs,â&#x20AC;? customer Marion Gullock says about Bea, noting that the love in mutual in that the dogs love Bea. Marion says that when her dog goes to Benjiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place, it is just like a day at a spa for a dog. But the love also involves the customers. The customers love and admire Bea. It was customers who installed a back door for her premises, cutting through the buildingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thick log wall to give her direct access to the rear parking area. And these customers also erected a small fenced area at the entrance to this rear door so that the dogs have an outdoor oasis. Customers will also bring Bea food if she is working late at the shop. Indeed, it is because of the generosity and loyalty of her customers that has seen Bea host a party for both customers and their dogs in the backyard at her Stittsville home on
the first Saturday of August. She has been doing this since 2001 and it happened again this year, just last Saturday afternoon. And while it is a party for both customers and their dogs, with at least 30 people and 10 dogs in attendance, for Bea it is a chance to be with the dogs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I play with them and they love me,â&#x20AC;? she says about what happens at the party, admitting that she spends most of her time with the dogs while the customers chat and enjoy food which Bea gets from Sobeys. Bea also feeds the dogs, feeding them chicken mixed with kibble, all on their own little plates. But Bea also makes it clear that the party is very much her way of showing her appreciation to her customers for their ongoing support and patronage. She says that her customers have done so much for her that she canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just say â&#x20AC;&#x153;thank youâ&#x20AC;? but wants to show her thanks by hosting this party. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I like it to be nice,â&#x20AC;? she says. Although Bea loves dogs, she no longer has one of her own. She used to have one but found it so traumatic and sad when the dog died that she does not want to go through such emotions again. So she has no dog of her own. But, as she says, she really has 300
John Brummell photo
Bea McDaniels, right, owner of Benjiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place dog grooming studio in Stittsville, prepares food for some dogs, assisted by Carol Joanette, left, at the annual â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dogs Partyâ&#x20AC;? event which she held at her Stittsville home for her customers and their dogs last Saturday afternoon, Aug. 4. dogs thanks to her customers. Indeed, she has a sign in her shop that advises customers not to tell her if they are having their dog put down, since she finds even this too distressing because of her connection to the dogs. Bea, who grew up in Massachusetts, came to Canada with two suitcases and $200 in her pocket. She says that she wanted to move to a foreign country but with only $200 she could not fly anywhere and so she came to Canada, settling first in Montreal. She
eventually migrated to Ottawa where she operated a floral design shop. Always a dog lover, she ended up taking an extensive dog grooming course and in 1996, she opened Benjiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place in Stittsville, taking the name from the canine superstar Benji created by author Joe Camp. Benjiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Place was originally established on Stittsville Main Street in premises adjacent to what is now the Stittsville Signs & Glass building. It then relocated to premises
in the former MacDougall Sales and Service building on the west side of Stittsville Main Street at Hill Street just north of Manchester Street. This was followed by a move to her present location on the east side of Stittsville Main Street just south of Orville Street, in a building adjacent to Stittsville Picture Framing. She likes the location because dogs can sit in the big front window and see passing pedestrians. Indeed, many pedestrians stop and talk to the dogs through the glass.
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Featured restaurants will include:
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 7
Your Community Newspaper
Investing in cycling will pay dividends
ust how bike friendly is Ottawa? The municipality has certainly been recognized in the past for its network of multi-use paths and cycling infrastructure. In 2010, Ottawa was one of four Canadian municipalities awarded a silver designation in the Bicycle Friendly Community Award Program, sponsored by the Bicycle Trade Association of Canada and Trek Canada. A study released in 2004 showed Ottawa had
the highest percentage of bike commuters among all major municipalities in North America. Nearly three per cent of all Ottawans commuted to work using a bike, according to the study prepared by Market Opinion Research International. The city is hoping to increase the number of people who commute by bicycle to work, an ambitious but obtainable goal â&#x20AC;&#x201C; weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not exactly talking about re-inventing the wheel here.
The city is on the right path with its 20-year plan to improve cycling infrastructure and educating both cyclists and motorists alike. Ottawa is a geographically large city, with more than 6,000 kilometres of roads, 1,500 kilometres of sidewalks, 300 kilometres of multi-use pathways and 150 kilometres of on-road cycling facilities, The cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cycling plan aims to make biking to work a more attractive option by increasing the number of bike lanes, paved shoulders,
wide-curb lanes on multi-lane roads and off-road pathways maintained by both the city and the National Capital Commission. It hopes to increase the number of trips taken by a bike from 4,500 in 2001 to 12,000 by 2021. Again, ambitious but doable. This week, Metroland Media presented the first of a two-part series on commuting in Ottawa by bicycle. The reporters tested four mostly off-road cycling routes from different parts of the city: Orleans, Kanata, Nepean
and Barrhaven. For the most part, the team was pleasantly surprised by how little time they had to spend on roads sharing lanes with fast-moving traffic. Both the city and the NCC possess an impressive network of off-route multi-use paths across Ottawa-Gatineau. But there is definitely room for improvement. Namely, connecting broken cycling links, improving signage and creating more bike-only lanes. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s face it, one of the biggest fears people have is sharing the road with fast-moving vehicles. Our team of cycling reporters encountered bike lanes that
suddenly ended and problems travelling on roads with other traffic near highway exit and entrance ramps. Some of the cyclists we interviewed complained about sharing narrow lanes with other vehicles and streets missing bike lanes. But in general, the cyclists we spoke to said they enjoyed travelling to work â&#x20AC;&#x201C; especially while travelling on the multiuse pathways maintained by the city and the NCC. Ottawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s investment in its cycling infrastructure will pay dividends over the coming years by convincing more motorists to park their cars and instead enjoy a leisurely cycle to work.
The last taboo BRYNNA LESLIE Capital Muse
hate breastfeeding. There you have it: The one thing youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not allowed to say in our culture. We can talk sex, drugs and rock nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; roll, but no one is allowed to say â&#x20AC;&#x153;I hate breastfeedingâ&#x20AC;? at a time when public health, the hospitals, the midwives, the World Health Organization and your mother-in-law advocate breastfeeding for up to two years of babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life. But I hate it. And hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why. Just the other night, I spent an hour waking my 10-day-old baby from a most glorious evening nap. (Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a bit sleepy and the consultants â&#x20AC;&#x201C; yes, they have highly paid consultants for breastfeeding â&#x20AC;&#x201C; told me I had to feed her a minimum of every three hours â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;round the clock. Strike one for breastfeeding.) I gave her a bath, tickled her toes, and got her completely naked, all while she slept peacefully. When she finally woke up after three-quarters of an hour of terrible abuse, I spent the next 45 minutes trying to latch a screaming, red, naked thing on to a painfully full breast to no avail. (Strike two for breastfeeding). I then danced around the living room half naked to Lullabies of the World for a quarter of an hour (strike three), only to trick her into suckling while we were still moving. I finally sat down in the designated breastfeeding chair, which has become a near-permanent part of my butt due to the 17 hours each day I spend there (strike four). I was sweaty and exhausted, but fully prepared to look down at babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gorgeous little face and coach her through the feed. Would you
believe it? There was Little Darling with her left hand beside her cheek, and I kid you not, she was flipping me the bird. (Strike five.) No doubt about it, breastfeeding really sucks. (Pun intended.) You can call me selfish â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sure you will â&#x20AC;&#x201C; but frankly, I have better things to do than sit in a chair for an hour every two hours and tickle the toes of a sleepy baby. I could be working, exercising, playing with my other children, or cooking a meal. Crikey, in 17 hours a day, I could be writing the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s greatest novel! But nope, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s me, tethered to a chair, attempting to nourish the baby and watching basic cable to take the edge of the boredom. This is the third time Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve done this, so itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not a matter of novelty. I stuck it out with the other two because of the purported health benefits for both mother and baby, despite the fact I believe some of them to be overblown. Sure nursing a baby helps your uterus to contract post-birth, for example. But frankly, whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s come off my middle has certainly just been tacked on to my rear end, on which I sit all day. Can we say pear-shaped? I may be the only one bold enough to say it out loud, but I know there are other moms thinking daily about how much they hate breastfeeding. In fact, just the other day, a friend and first-time mother had this to say on Facebook: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everyone talks about pregnancy and cravings. No one tells u about hunger, feeding a baby, no time for food and a feed/sleep schedule. I just ate a cob of corn standing beside the garbage after it sat in a pot cold for 6 hrs in under 3 minutes.â&#x20AC;? And that, my friends, is the reality of a breastfeeding mother. I havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even touched on the pumping, wet face cloths, cracked nipples and such. Believe me, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing glamorous about this exercise, despite public healthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attempts to make you think so. For the sake of a few dollars and the potential to ward off cancer, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll keep going for the moment. But if Little Darling flips me the bird again, I may just have to get out the bottles.
Editorial Policy
Published weekly by:
T: 613-224-3330 F: 613-224-2265
Should Ontario allow the sale of beer and wine by privately owned retailers?
A) Every day. My bicycle is my primary mode of transportation.
A) No. The current system works just fine for me.
B) Often. I cycle to work every once in a while or recreationally.
B) No. It will only lead to an increase in consumption and underage drinking.
C) Occasionally. I ride my bike a few times each year, but not frequently. D) Never â&#x20AC;&#x201C; I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even own I bicycle.
C) Yes. We need more convenience in Ontario when it comes to buying beer and wine.
To vote in our web polls, visit us at www.yourottawaregion.com/community/cityofottawa
Member of: Ontario Community Newspapers Association, Canadian Community, Newspapers Association, Ontario Press Council, Association of Free Community Papers
8 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
How often do you use your bicycle to get around town?
D) I could care less â&#x20AC;&#x201C; I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t drink. 0%
Stittsville News EMC welcomes letters to the editor. Senders must include their full name, complete address and a contact phone number. Addresses and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit letters for space and content, both in print and online at www.yourottawaregion.com. To submit a letter to the editor, please email to patricia.lonergan@metroland.com , fax to 613-224-2265 or mail to Stittsville News EMC, 80 Colonnade Rd. N., Unit 4, Ottawa, ON, K2E 7L2.
Web Poll
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Your Community Newspaper
New headquarters for Mississippi Valley Conservation john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - Construction is to get underway soon on the new headquarters building for Mississippi Valley Conservation (MVC). MVC exercises jurisdiction in watershed environmental matters over the Mississippi River and Carp River watersheds which includes Poole Creek in Stittsville. The city of Ottawa appoints some members to the MVC Board of Directors as one of the member municipalities of the MVC. The city of Ottawa provides the funding for about 91 percent of the MVC budget. The existing MVC headquarters office is located in the village of Lanark but the
MVC Board of Directors underwent an extensive process to determine where a new headquarters building should be built. It was finally decided to locate the new building at highway seven at the Mississippi River at Carleton Place. Longtime MVC representative Phil Sweetnam of Stittsville, who is a past chair and who is on the building committee for this project, points out that the new location will be convenient to reach using highway seven. It will also be closer to the more populated areas of the MVC watershed than the existing office in Lanark village is. The MVC will have up to 30 staff working out of this new headquarters building
when it is completed, hopefully next June. Paul Lehman, a Stittsville resident, is the longtime general manager of the MVC.
Another local connection to this five million dollar headquarters building project is the fact that the general contractor for the project is
the construction firm headed by Shawn Argue who grew up in Stittsville and who lives in Goulbourn near Stittsville. All of the site development
plans have been approved and all permits required for the project are in place. Site preparation will be underway shortly.
This is an artist’s rendering of the new headquarters building for Mississippi Valley Conservation (MVC) which is being built at Carleton Place. The MVC has watershed jurisdiction over Poole Creek in Stittsville.
John Curry
44th SEASON 2012 - 2013 By
Nöel Coward Directed by Susan Monaghan
2 divorced veterans of a tempestuous marriage arrive in France for a 2nd honeymoon (with new partners). “Ill met by moonlight” doesn’t begin to describe it.
By Stephen
Directed by
Wendy Wagner
It is the eve of Mary’s wedding. But it is 1914 and the world is headed into the uncertainty of war. A poignant story of innocent first love and the vicissitudes of fate.
Music and Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse & Anthony Newley Adapted for Stage by Leslie Bricusse & Timothy Allen McDonald Based on the book
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl Directed by Clare Flockton
By David Lindsay-Abaire Directed by Brooke Keneford A couple whose world is torn apart when their young son is killed by a car. An emotional examination of grief laced with wit and compassion.
Mary Chase
Directed by
Peter Williams
Elwood P. Dowd is a laid-back, charming, friendly, generous, middle-aged man. The only problem? His best friend is a 6’ 3.1/2” tall invisible rabbit!
Georges Feydeau
Translated by
Directed by
Jim Holmes
August 9 to 18
David Ives
Suspecting her husband of having an affair, his wife tries to entrap him by means of an anonymous love letter suggesting a rendezvous at a disreputable hotel.
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 9
Your Community Newspaper
Elton John music at Village Square concert John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - Here comes Elton John. Well, not the English rock singer/songwriter/composer/ pianist himself but the next best thing – Captain Fantastic, a musical group headed by Donnie Leafloor which reproduces the Elton John sound and music. Indeed, Donnie has the vocal ability to sound like Elton John and to play the piano so you think that you are listening to Elton John himself. Backed by a six piece band and two backup singers, Captain Fantastic recreates the full sound of Elton John, just like on his recordings. When you go to hear this tribute band in Stittsville, you will be hearing Elton John music from start to finish. The songs played will span Elton John’s 40 year career including tunes from such albums as “Don’t Shoot Me, I’m Only the Piano Player,” “Captain Fantastic,” “Madman Across the Water,” and “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.” Among the songs that Captain Fantastic plays include “Candle in the Wind,” “Crocodile Rock,” “Rocket Man,” “I Guess That’s Why They Call It the Blues,” “Sweet Painted Lady” and more. It’s a Elton John experience that you won’t want to miss. And it will be happening
on Thursday, Aug. 16 at 7 p.m. at Village Square Park at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Abbott Street in Stittsville. This is the third and final in a series of three free Thursday evening concerts in the park sponsored by Waste Management in conjunction with the city of Ottawa. The first concert, on Thursday, Aug. 2, featured the rock ‘n roll band Catalyst while Eddy and the Stingrays and their nostalgia rock ‘n roll sound are on stage for the second concert on Thursday, Aug. 9. Those planning to attend the performance of Captain Fantastic, this Elton John cover band on Thursday, Aug. 16, are reminded to take along a lawn chair or blanket for seating. Concert-goers are also reminded that the concert will go ahead, rain or shine. This concert, just like the two previous ones, is free but donations for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) will be collected. In addition, the 7 p.m. concert will be preceded by a cash BBQ which will begin at 6 p.m. under the auspices of the Stittsville youth connexion program of the city of Ottawa. All funds generated by the BBQ will go to support local youth initiatives. Elton John, in his four decade career, has sold more
than 250 million records. His song “Candle in the Wind” has sold over 33 million copies worldwide and is one of the best selling singles of all
time. Elton John has had more than 50 Top 40 hits and has won six Grammy Awards, an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award and a Tony
Award. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1994. In 2008, Billboard magazine ranked Elton John as the
most successful male solo artist of all time and as the third overall, behind only the group the Beatles and female artist Madonna.
John Brummell photo
Pointing out that the Captain Fantastic group will be performing on Thursday, Aug. 16 at 7 p.m. in the Concert in the Park series at Village Square Park in Stittsville are, from left, Megan Dillenbeck with young Harrison Dillenbeck, Mae Weese and Davis Weese.
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10 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
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Your Community Newspaper
Trip to Slots, BBQ’s, bingo, darts at Stittsville Legion Special to the News
Stittsville Legion president Norm Fortin and his wife Evelyn have become proud grandparents of twins, a boy and a girl weighing in at four pounds each. We wish the babies and their parents good luck and good health. The next trip to the Slots at Rideau Carleton will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 5. For more information, please contact Marion Gullock at 613-836-5254. BBQ’s are being held every Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Stittsville Legion Hall on Stittsville Main Street, with everyone welcome. Featured are hot dogs and hamburgers at very reasonable prices. Bingo is played at the Legion Hall every Wednesday starting at 6:45 p.m. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend. Euchre is played at the Legion Hall every Tuesday starting at 1:15 p.m. with everyone welcome to attend. Euchre is also played on
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Thursday starting at 7:30 p.m., again with everyone most welcome to attend. Fun darts are played every Friday starting at 7 p.m. at the Legion Hall. This is a great opportunity to practice your darts for the upcoming darts season this fall. An “Elvis Impersonator” will be appearing at the Stittsville Legion Hall on Saturday, Sept. 15, with tickets on sale for $35 each at the Legion Hall. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend this event. Cheryl Kelly had the ladies’ high score at the euchre party at the Legion Hall on Tuesday, July 31, with Myrna Robertson placing second. John Leroux had the men’s high score with Dicki Bird as the runner-up. Gladys Macartney had the hidden score while Maggie Boritin had the most lone hands. Denise Froment had the low score. Door prizes were won by Lynda Viau and Chris Forbes.
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 11
You’re never too old to play a kid’s game
Your Community Newspaper
Thousands of courses are available in the new Fall-Winter Recreation eGuide available online now at ottawa.ca/recreation. With an incredible variety of fun things to get involved with during the fall season, the City of Ottawa’s recreation and culture program line-up is sure to please! Adults and children alike can find something to tickle their fancy, excite the imagination and get physical for a healthy, active and creative life! Find classes at your neighbourhood recreation centre where you can try a new sport, play the guitar, perform on a stage and reach the next martial arts belt. Don’t regret not learning to play a musical instrument, a sport or a dance step, live those childhood dreams. Adults can get an introduction to tap, piano, creative writing and lots more! Remember dodgeball? Play it again in the Adult Gym class. Want to be more active? With Aquafitness through to Zumba®, our classes are geared for beginners to experienced, from crawling babies to sitting yoga. Learn a Sport for Life; practice your skills and drills and sign up to play the game. You can count on us to activate your spare time. There are lots of opportunities for children to learn a new skill with classes such as cooking, gymnastics or pottery. After School programs are a fantastic opportunity for kids to stay active and make friends, with activities focused on healthy child development and certified staff, passionate about delivering an outstanding After School experience.
Play together in our Family classes Mothers and daughters can learn Hip Hop or Belly dancing. Try wheel and handbuilding in pottery classes. Stretch and tone with Yoga for everyone. Take your family sports team out for badminton, basketball, soccer or volleyball. Learn discipline, confidence and movement with Martial Arts. Try photography, line dancing or computer skills. It’s never too late to improve your physical activity and we have classes for all levels and interests. Get outdoors with the Active Living Club on their weekly hiking outings. Try Pickelball – plenty of laughs, no skill required – a great active social game. The city Senior Recreation centres program for adults age 50 and over. You can fill your days with new friends, fun activities and exercise. Fall Classes start soon! Browse online at ottawa.ca/recreation to discover affordable fall and winter programs. Visit your favourite facility where knowledgeable and friendly staff will help you discover your next adventure. You can also call 3-1-1 for more details.
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Friends of Hospice Ottawa volunteer Alice Holst, right, who helped with the recent Pay It Forward golf tournament, presents Ruth Cameron, left, who is director of event planning and financial management for Friends of Hospice Ottawa, with a cheque for $2,500 as the proceeds from the tournament that have been directed to Friends of Hospice Ottawa.
$2,500 donation from golfers John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - Golfers have helped out Friends of Hospice Ottawa. A donation of $2,500 has gone to Friends of Hospice Ottawa from the “Pay It Forward” golf tournament which was held at the Kanata Lakes Golf and Country Club in Kanata on Friday, July 13. Friends of Hospice Ottawa was chosen as one of the recipients of the funds raised at the tournament. Friends of Hospice Ottawa provides a host of services and programs to meet the needs of those facing life threatening illness and their
families. These include in-home support, bereavement support, caregiver support, transportation and day hospice programs including a day hospice held weekly at St. John the Baptist Anglican Church hall in Richmond. The mission of Friends of Hospice Ottawa, which services the western portion of the city of Ottawa, is to provide life-affirming support to individuals with life threatening illnesses and to those who care for them. Friends of Hospice Ottawa frequently uses the following statement to describe its services to those facing life threatening illnesses: “While we cannot add days to your life, we can add life to your days.”
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John Curry photo
Older adults get to play too
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Your Community Newspaper
Goulbourn Jubilee Singers photo
Linda Crawford, centre, directs the Goulbourn Jubilee Singers as the group rehearses for a performance. The Goulbourn Jubilee Singers will be starting up again for another season this coming September and new members are always welcome.
Jubilee Singers starting again John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - Are you singing the blues because summer is more than half over? Well, consider turning your singing into fun by deciding to join the Goulbourn Jubilee Singers this fall and be part of a community choir that makes joyful music. The Goulbourn Jubilee Singers welcomes all singers, with no auditions required. Choir practices are held at the Stittsville United Church on Fernbank Road in Stittsville every Wednesday beginning in September. The first practice, indeed, will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 5 beginning at 7:30 p.m. And singing is no restricted to adults. The Junior Jubilees or JJ’s, which is the youth choir associated with the Goulbourn Jubilee Singers, also welcomes all boys and girls ages 8 to 14. This youth choir performs selected pieces at Goulbourn Jubilee Singers concerts and have developed quite a reputation for their delightful singing.
Weekly Wednesday practices for the Junior Jubilees or JJ’s will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 6 p.m. Again, just like with the adult choir, everyone is welcome and there are no auditions. For more information about the Goulbourn Jubilee Singers or the JJ’s, log onto www.gjsingers.com or call Sandra at 613-831-8414 or Elizabeth at 613-838-6078. The Goulbourn Jubilee Singers have now been making beautiful music in the community for over 35 years. The choir originated in Stittsville and Goulbourn and continues to welcome members from Stittsville as well as from surrounding communities. Musical director Linda Crawford, the longtime music teacher at Goulbourn Middle School, challenges the singers to improve their musical choral skills as they provide music in the community. The Jubilee Singers are also fortunate to have Doll Creelman and her amazing musical talents as the group’s accompanist. The Goulbourn Jubilee
Singers performs two concerts each year, one at Christmas time and one in the spring wrapping up the singing year. The choir also sings at seniors’ residences in the community and performs at special events such as at Village Fest in Stittsville. Earlier this year, the Jubilee Singers’ spring concert saw the Jubilee Singers perform with the Siamsa Singers of Montreal. A few weeks later, the Jubilee Singers travelled to Montreal to perform at the Siamsa Singers concert. This trip also included a Sunday journey to the Eglise St. Anne De Bellevue where the choirs sang “La Messe Quebecoise.” The Jubilee Singers’ Christmas concert this coming December, to be called “Christmas Jubilee,” will be held on Saturday, Dec. 8 and then again on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 9 at the Glen Cairn United Church in Kanata. The music will include a celebration of the choir’s 35th anniversary as well as the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and, let’s not forget, the Christmas season.
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 13
14 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
Your Community Newspaper
Having a good time at Village Square thanks to ‘Catalyst’ John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - Music associated with the Beatles, Irish singer Van Morrison, the Black Eyed Peas and the legendary Neil Diamond and more filled the air at Village Square Park in Stittsville on Thursday evening, Aug. 2. It was the first of three free Thursday night concerts in the park sponsored by Waste Management in conjunction with the city of Ottawa. Performing at this concert which drew about 200 people to Village Square on a warm early August evening was the Ottawa Valley-based band “Catalyst,” a five piece band that lived up to its pre-concert billing as a group that plays classic rock, retro and country hits. That the 7 p.m. concert started off with the “Have A Good Time,” the 1976 song by soul singer Al Green, set the tone for the hour and a half of music that was to follow and after which music lovers could easily say that they had a good, good time. “Catalyst” followed up this opening piece with “Brown Eyed Girl,” the 1967 song by Irish singer Van Morrison which over time has become his signature song and certainly is a standard at many a concert. And the hits kept coming from the band which performed at a temporary stage
set up at the eastern end of Village Square. There was “Stuck in the Middle with You,” the 1972 song written as a parody of Bob Dylan’s lyrical style and which has over the years been covered by such diverse musical talents as Juice Newton, Jeff Healey and, yes, even Michael Buble. What would any concert be without some Beatles music and “Catalyst” did not disappoint, with a rendition of “A Hard Day’s Night,” the title song from the great Beatles album which arose out of the 1964 film of the same name, followed by a rousing version of “Shake It Up Baby, Twist and Shout,” a 1963 Beatles hit. And so the evening went, with an applauding audience punctuating the end of every song offering with a solid round of appreciative clapping. There was “Tonight’s Going To Be a Good Night,” a song made famous by the American hip hop group the Black Eyed Peas. And Neil Diamond’s iconic “Sweet Caroline” caused a stir in the crowd. It is no wonder that Neil Diamond is one of America’s most renowned singers including induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. “Sweet Caroline” was a 1969 hit for Neil Diamond, written by him after he saw a photograph of Caroline Kennedy on the cover of Life magazine.
And the good sounds carried on including some Michael Jackson music. Yes, “Catalyst” covered many musical bases as they slammed a home run in this concert. It was also a home run for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) as donations for CHEO collected during the evening amounted to $320 as was announced as
the concert wound up at 8:30 p.m. The concert was preceded by a cash BBQ starting at 6 p.m. held under the auspices of Stittsville’s youth connexion program. All of the funds generated by the BBQ are going to support local youth programming initiatives. This concert featuring the group “Catalyst” was the first
of three Thursday evenings concerts being held at Village Square, a concert series that has become something of a summertime tradition in Stittsville thanks to the sponsorship of Waste Management. The legendary rock ‘n roll group Eddy and the Stingrays will be performing this Thursday, Aug. 9 at 7 p.m. while the concert series will wrap up on
Thursday, Aug. 16 at 7 p.m. when Captain Fantastic, an Elton John cover band, will take to the stage. Those planning to attend these free Thursday evening concerts are reminded to take along a lawn chair or blanket for seating. Concert goers are also reminded that the concerts will go ahead, rain or shine.
John Brummell photo
Members of the Ottawa Valley band “Catalyst” who are performing on stage at Village Square Park in Stittsville on Thursday evening, Aug. 2, kicking off a series of three Thursday evening concerts sponsored by Waste Management in conjunction with the city of Ottawa, are, from left, Herve Despres, Mike Delorme, Brian Briggs, Scott Jessop and Brent Swaine. R0011543122/0809
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 15
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16 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
Your Community Newspaper
prices up but safeTALK workshop House not necessarily taxes Jessica Cunha
EMC news - Suicide alertness and prevention training is like first-aid for a personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mental health. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The more equipped people are, the better,â&#x20AC;? said Arianne Richeson, manager of educational services for the Distress Centre of Ottawa. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The importance of training or dialogue about suicide is it takes away the taboo.â&#x20AC;? Richeson hosted safeTALK, a three-hour suicide alertness workshop â&#x20AC;&#x201C; held in partnership with the Kanata Haven Youth Centre and Reach Up Ottawa â&#x20AC;&#x201C; for around 15 people recently at the Lion Dick Brule Community Centre in Glen Cairn. The training session taught the audience how to respond if someone opens up to them about suicidal thoughts, how to spot potentially suicidal behaviour and how to connect people with resources. Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help from others but often itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s missed, dismissed or avoided, which can leave people feeling more alone and at greater risk, said Richeson. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good to know what to do or say if someone approaches you in distress.â&#x20AC;? The Distress Centre takes about 40,000 calls a year, she said. About 20 per cent of those calls relate to suicide. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The reality is, a lot of people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t call us,â&#x20AC;? she said. The safeTALK training â&#x20AC;&#x153;helps the community be stronger,â&#x20AC;? because people can recognize the signs of someone in distress. The audience for the workshop was a mixture of teenagers and adults. Nineteen-year-old Jenna Harding said suicide awareness and prevention training is important to learn because it can help save a life. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are a lot of suicidal people out there,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Obviously itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an issue.â&#x20AC;? According to the Distress Centre, about one in 20 people have thoughts of suicide. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a big community health issue,â&#x20AC;? said Richeson. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And yet we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t talk about it that of-
ten. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still, unfortunately, a lot of stigma around mental health and suicide.â&#x20AC;? The training offered by the Distress Centre teaches people: * How to recognize when someone you know or care about is in distress. * What to do and what to say to someone in distress. * How to connect them to help and outside resources. SafeTALK stands for tell, ask, listen, and keep safe. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re worried about someone, talk to them about things youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve noticed,â&#x20AC;? said Richeson, adding it could be a large shift in mood or behaviour. The next step is to ask directly if the person is thinking of suicide. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not an easy question to ask someone but it is doable,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Generally, the most common reaction is people are relievedâ&#x20AC;? if theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re thinking about suicide. Asking the question wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make someone feel suicidal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;After, you want to listen,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like a release valve. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s actually incredibly helpful.â&#x20AC;? It the person doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to talk, move to the final step: keep safe. The final step involves separating a person in distress from their means, such as flushing a bottle of pills, and connecting the person with outside help. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be the only person who knows about someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thoughts of suicide,â&#x20AC;? said Richeson. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to involve 60 people but definitely someone else.â&#x20AC;? Suicide prevention and alertness training helps make people more comfortable in dealing with the topic, said Richeson. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We need more people who are alert,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something that affects all of us.â&#x20AC;? The Distress Centre will be hosting another safeTALK workshop on Wednesday, Aug. 22. For more information, visit the website at www.dcottawa. on.ca.
Laura Mueller
EMC news - Ottawa residents shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go into a panic that taxes are going to go up, even though house prices are on the rise in Ottawa. That was the message from the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s deputy treasurer following news that Ottawa has seen a 24 per cent increase in assessed home value over the last four years, according to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about the same annual increase the city has seen since 1980, according to MPAC. But â&#x20AC;&#x153;boutiqueâ&#x20AC;? neighbourhoods like the Glebe, Westboro and other areas close to downtown are seeing increases above the 24 per cent average. Infill properties are in demand, the report reads, and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ottawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s greenbelt, increased congestion and commuting times to suburban communities including Orleans, and the amenities that come with being the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s capital, have all combined to keep sale prices increasing in the city.â&#x20AC;? The city is preparing a communications strategy for the fall to get the word out that such a large increase in value doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t necessarily lead to a corresponding increase in property taxes. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s when MPAC will be mailing notices to tell property owners their new assessments. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This does not mean that property owners in Ottawa will experience a 24-percent increase in municipal property tax,â&#x20AC;? deputy city treasurer Ken Hughes wrote to members of city council on July 25. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The effect of the change in the assessed value is different for each property.â&#x20AC;?
The cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website, ottawa.ca, will have an estimator tool so people can asses their tax impact when they receive their new assessment in the fall. Calculating how a change in a propertyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s assessed value will affect how much property tax the homeowner pays is a complex calculation, but the main consideration is how an individual propertyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s assessed value increase relates to the 24 per cent city average. For instance, a property evaluated by MPAC as having increased in value by 24 per cent over the past four years would see a municipal property tax increase equal to any increase in the city budget approved by council. Accordingly, an assessment increase over 24 per cent means your taxes would go up by more than the percentage budget increase set by city council. And if your assessment increase is below 24 per cent, your taxes would go up less than the increase set by city council, or your taxes could go down. Also complicating matters is a new four-year phase-in period. It means that the full impact of any increase in taxes due to an assessment increase wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be felt until 2016. If you have an assessment decrease, however, your taxes would go down immediately in 2013, with no phase-in period. MPAC analyzes actual sale prices of similar properties to determine the assessed value of more than four million residential properties across Ontario. MPAC also assesses more than 800,000 farm, commercial, industrial and other types of properties.
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All offers expire September 3, 2012. See Quick Lane Manager for complete details. Applicable taxes and provincial levies not included. Quick Lane Dealer may sell for less. Only available at participating locations. â&#x20AC; Ford Protection Plan is only available for non-commercial cars and light trucks. If an eligible Ford, MotorcraftÂŽ or Ford-approved part fails due to a defect in material or workmanship, wear out or rust through, it will be replaced at no charge as long as the original purchaser of the part owns the vehicle on which the part was installed. Labour is covered for the first 12 months or 20,000 km (whichever occurs first) after the date of installation. Emergency brake pads are not eligible under this plan. See Quick Lane Manager for complete details and limitations. §Excludes emergency brake pads or shoes. Machining or replacement of rotors and drums available at additional cost. Âą In order to receive a local competitorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s advertised price: (i) tires must be purchased and installed at your participating Quick Lane Dealer; (ii) customer must present the competitorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s actual, local advertisement (containing the lower price) which must have been printed within 30 days of the sale; and (iii) the tires being purchased must be the same brand, sidewall, speed and load ratings as shown in the competitive advertisement. Offer only available at participating Quick Lane dealerships. This offer is valid on the cost of the tire only and does not include labour costs, valve stems, mounting, balancing, disposal, and taxes. Offer does not apply to advertised prices outside of Canada, in eBay advertisements, by tire wholesalers and online tire retailers, or closeout, special order, discontinued, and clearance/liquidation offers. Limited time offer. Offer may be cancelled or changed at any time without prior notice. See your Quick Lane Manager. â&#x20AC;ĄApplies to single rear wheel vehicles only. Diesel models not eligible. *Up to 5 litres of oil. Disposal fees may be extra. Does not apply to diesel engines. â&#x20AC; â&#x20AC; Offer applies to single rear wheel vehicles. Taxes and disposal fees extra. Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) excluded. Dual rear wheel models qualify at additional cost. Up to 16 litres of oil.
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Conveniently located at: 1500 Carling Avenue
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 17
Your Community Newspaper
Celebration gathering for ‘retired’ Helene Rivest John Curry
John Curry photo
Miriam LaRue, left, and Helene Rivest, right, stand beside a life saving tube which was presented to Helene on her recent retirement as an administrative assistant for the Royal Canadian Navy, ending her 36 year working career with the Department of National Defense.
EMC news - Helene Rivest of Stittsville has retired from work. Family and friends gathered at the home of Bruce and Louise Beggs on Lucas Lane in the Heritage Corners subdivision off Fernbank Road west of Stittsville last Saturday evening to celebrate the occasion. Helene has retired after 36 years of service with the Department of National Defense, a career which began for her in March, 1976 in St. Jean, Quebec and included stops along the way in Lahr, Germany and Toronto as well as
in Ottawa. Since 2007, she worked as an administrative assistant with the Royal Canadian Navy. A replica circular life saving tube with her name on it which she was presented to her on her retirement was on display at the retirement gathering last Saturday. The gathering, on a warm early evening, also featured a display with a number of photo albums which outlined Helene’s career including photos of her retirement dinner. More than 40 were in attendance at the event at which everyone enjoyed not only Helene’s renowned tortiere
but also devoured a special retirement cake which featured a photo of Helene at her workplace. Among those at the event included former Goulbourn township mayor and city of Ottawa councillor Janet Stavinga, Stittsville Village Association president Marilyn Jenkins and Goulbourn Township Historical Society president Barbara Bottriell. Helene is an active volunteer in the Stittsville and wider community. She received a Community Builder Award from the United Way in 2007 and was Citizen of the Year in the Stittsville Appreciation Awards earlier this year.
Food Bank needs donations John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
White Lake Marina’s Popular Pre-Ordering Program Back for Second Year
White Lake Marina’s annual Open House is coming up on Saturday August 18th! Our excuse to invite everyone out and say “Thanks!” to our community, this year’s celebration will feature: amazing clear-out deals on all remaining in-stock inventory the chance to pre-order your dream Lund or Cypress Cay boat package for 2013 BBQ by the Lion’s Club (free to you – our treat!) bouncy castle and petting zoo for the kids! There is no cost for the activities or BBQ. However, if you are able, we do ask you bring a donation for the Arnprior Humane Society.
Pre-Ordering Program Back for 2nd Year! Premium products, unlimited customization options and fantastic deals: White Lake Marina’s highly successful Pre-Ordering Program is back for another year! Now is the best time to buy a new fishing or pontoon boat package by top manufacturers Lund and Cypress Cay. Buying a boat can be a wonderful experience, but it is a major purchase – take the time to design exactly the boat package of your dreams, and have it waiting to launch in the spring!
Best deals in 2012 for 2013 delivery of your dream boat!
Order by August 31 to guarantee exactly the pontoon or fishing boat package you want. There’s no reason to wait to buy in the spring! Order by August 31st and lock into pre-season pricing that is better than what will be offered during the calendar year, even during the show season! By ordering exactly the right boat package for you, we avoid the guesswork and uncertainty of predicting what our customers will be looking for, we save the expense of having to carry inventory – and we’re happy to pass on the savings! Relax this winter, knowing that your dream boat will be waiting for you in the spring.
The possible boat package configurations for 2013 are huge! Pre-ordering guarantees that you get exactly the pontoon or fishing boat you want – you choose exactly the model, colour, engine, trailer and package you desire – eliminating the chance that you are unable to find your dream boat in stock next spring.Taking advantage of this offer also allows you to further customize your boat. From the biggest items to the smallest details – from engine to flooring to accessories and graphics – you deserve to get exactly the boat you want!
Order your 2013 Lund or Cypress Cay boat package by August 31st, 2012 to take advantage of all these benefits. For details and pricing, please call Pete at White Lake Marina, 613-623-2568 or email pete@whitelakemarina.ca.
Candock’s Modular Floating Dock System: Marina’s Choice We’re not only a dealer of Candock’s revolutionary floating dock systems – we’re also a client! When the ice went off the lake on March 27th this year, we were open for business! Our Candock docks stay in year-round – no need to remove them over the winter! Don’t you wish your dock was as low-maintenance? Candock docks are maintenance-free, deterioration-proof, easy to assemble, and come with a lifetime guarantee! For details and pricing, please call Andra at White Lake Marina, 613-623-2568 or email andra@whitelakemarina.ca.
Visit us online at www.whitelakemarina.ca and don’t forget to like us on facebook!
EMC news - It’s drought conditions in the fields of the area these days and drought conditions also exist on the shelves of the Stittsville Food Bank. Right now the Stittsville Food Bank is in need of food donations of any kind other than pasta as its shelves are becoming too bare. Food donations can be dropped off in any of the bins around the community. These Stittsville Food Bank bins are located at Brown’s Your Independent Grocer, at Giant Tiger in the Jackson Trails plaza, at city of Ottawa Stittsville ward councillor Shad Qadri’s ward office at the Goulbourn Recreation Centre and at Holy Spirit Catholic Church on Shea Road. Monetary donations are also always appreciated. Cheque donations can be sent to the Stittsville Food Bank, P.O. Box 878, Stittsville, On. K2S 1B1. Tax receipts will be issued and sent by return mail. Monetary donations can also be done online at www.CanadaHelps.org – just indicate on the site that you want to give to the Stittsville Food Bank. The Stittsville Food Bank, founded in 1992, currently provides assistance to about 50 families per month. It is run entirely by a group of about 40 volunteers, headed by a volunteer Board of Directors chaired by Robin Derrick. The Stittsville Food Bank provides emergency assistance to those in need of food in the community of Stittsville as well as in the Ashton area of Goulbourn. The Stittsville Food Bank can be contacted by phoning 613831-0451.
What’s coming up? The ninth and final movie in this summer’s series of free movie nights at Village Square Park at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Abbott Street in Stittsville, sponsored by Stittsville’s youth connexion program, namely “The Muppets,” will be shown on Tuesday, Aug. 28 at 8:30 p.m. Refreshments will be for sale. Those planning to attend should take along a blanket or a lawn chair for seating. Everyone of all ages is welcome to attend. The Goulbourn Skating Club is holding an open house for the upcoming season on Saturday, Sept. 8 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex on Shea Road in Stittsville. Online registration at www.goulbournskatingclub.com A Give the Gift of Life Walk in support of the Kidney Foundation of Canada will be held on Sunday, Sept. 9 in Stittsville, with the 2.5 kilometer walk taking place along Stittsville Main Street. Registration at 10 a.m. at the Stittsville United Church, with the walk happening at 11 a.m. Activities and lunch following the walk. For more information including online registration and donations, please visit www.kidneywalk.ca The first choir of the new season for the Junior Jubilees or JJ’s, the youth choir associated with the Goulbourn Jubilee Singers that welcomes all boys and girls ages 8 to 14, will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 6 p.m. at the Stittsville United Church on Fernbank Road just west of Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville. For more information, please check the website www.gjsingers.com or call Sandra at 613-831-8414 or Elizabeth at 613-838-6078.
White Lake Marina is the first Cypress Cay dealer in Ontario. 18 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
Proud to offer Candock floating docks
The 168th Richmond Fair will be held from Thursday, Sept. 13 to Sunday, Sept. 16 at the Richmond fairgrounds at the corner of Perth Street and Huntley Road in Richmond.
Classical Dance Academy 100 Castlefrank Road at Abbeyhill Dr.Kanata (Glen Cairn)
613-225-9276 (Office) • 613-836-5725 (Studio) classical_dance@hotmail.com
CHILDREN ( 3 years and up )
Ballet ※ Tap ※ Jazz ※ Hip Hop ※ Breakdancing ※ Stepdancing ※ Pre - Ballet Combo ※ Lyrical ※ Acro ※ Vocal and Acting
Yoga ※ Chair Yoga ※ Belly Dance ※ Nia ※ Ballet Fit ※ Zumba and more (Daytime and Evening Programs )
※ FREE Pre-Ballet and Combo Classes until Christmas for AGES 3 to 6 while spaces last (conditions apply) ※ STEPDANCING - As a first year introduction, FREE until Christmas while spaces last (conditions apply) ※ RECREATIONAL AND COMPETITIVE PROGRAMS ※ Superior Sibling Discounts * Flexible Monthly Payment Plans ※ A.D.A.P.T Certified Teachers * Annual Recital ※ Studio rentals available for birthday parties and the like.
INTRODUCING CAPITAL CROWN TALENT AND BEAUTY PAGEANT CLASSES begin September, 2012 - REGISTER NOW for our Sweetheart Pageant coming in February, 2013 - Call ( 613 ) 836 - 5725 ( studio ) for more information
REGISTRATION : EVERY WEDNESDAY IN AUGUST (6:30pm to 8:30pm) OR BY APPOINTMENT CALL: (613) 225 - 9276 (office) or 836 - 5725 (studio)
Check out our web site for more details
www.classicaldanceacademy.com Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 19
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The Pharmacy Technician diploma proeaVc! bVg`Zi! VcY YZa^kZg hV[Z VcY Z[[ZXi^kZ gram is designed to prepare you for a Ă&#x2019;icZhh! lZaacZhh VcY ]ZVai]n a^[ZhinaZ egd\gVbh# challenging career in a Community/Retail HijYZcih YZkZade XjggZci! egVXi^XVa `cdlaZY\Z Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, ManufacVcY h`^aah ^c hjX] VgZVh Vh i]Z YZkZadebZci! turing Facility or Long-Term Care Facility. ^beaZbZciVi^dc VcY ZkVajVi^dc d[ Ă&#x2019;icZhh VcY The Pharmacy Technician program of lZaacZhh egd\gVbh! ]ZVai] egdbdi^dc! a^[ZhinaZ Algonquin Careers Academy is accredited bVcV\ZbZci! Ă&#x2019;icZhh VhhZhhbZcih! aZVYZgh]^e! by CCAPP. This 40 week diploma program hV[Zin VcY ^c_jgn bVcV\ZbZci# I]^h ^h V )% lZZ` includes a community pharmacy and hospital pharmacy co-op placement. egd\gVb ^cXajY^c\ V ( lZZ` Xd"de eaVXZbZci#
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20 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
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Your Community Newspaper
Farewell ceremony is living yearbook
John Brummell photo
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The French Award, presented to a student or students who demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning a second language, went to Liam Konrad and Matthew Massicotte. The Christian Excellence Award is presented to a student or students who have demonstrated kindness towards other, are always helpful, respects everyone with equality and follows Jesus as a role model. This year’s recipients were Taylor Davenport and Laura Devenny. The Bert O’Connor Humanitarian Award was presented to Corri Burke, Zoe Moore and Kate Pristanski. This award goes to a student or students who have put others’ needs before their own, who have sought out opportunities to help others and who have made the school environment a better place for everyone. The Friendship Award is an award whose recipient or recipients are chosen by the students themselves. This award goes to a student or students who have demonstrated the qualities of a good friend, who is friendly and polite and who is helpful and supportive of others. This year’s recipients were Joshua Mannoly and Ryan Sloan. The Overall Academic Award was presented to Jasmine Buckley, Ryan Dempsey, Gabrielle Roche and Jonah Sedge. This award goes to a student or students who have demonstrated a keen interest in learning, have consistently achieved high standards in all academic areas, have accepted academic challenges and have tried for personal bests. The Kiwanis Citizenship Award goes to a student who has helped others, understands the importance of volunteering and has provided service to others. This year’s recipient was Amy Doherty. The Director of Education Award was presented to Sarah Fett. This award goes to a student who exemplifies the Gospel values, is police, has high academic standards and has shown leadership qualities. R0011548925
NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE FUTURE SHOP AUGUST 3 CORPORATE FLYER On page 25 of the August 3 flyer, the LG 19.7 Cu. Ft. Stainless Steel Bottom Freezer Refrigerator (LDN20718ST) (WebID: 10104222) was advertised with an incorrect dimension. Please be advised that the correct depth for this refrigerator is approximately 35 inches NOT 85 inches, as previously advertised. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers.
7th Annual Scott Van’t Foort
MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Saturday, August 25th – Nationview Golf Club South Mountain
* Big Ball Drop – $500 cash prize * Dunk Tank * Live Auction * Fun, games and awesome prizes! Shotgun start at noon and chicken BBQ at 6 p.m. Proceeds to the Free The Childen, St. Francis Maternity Ward and Seaway D.H.S. Graduation Golf & Dinner: $70; Dinner only $25 To register contact: Samantha Ball 613-806-6520 or samanthball@hotmail.com Contact Nationview Golf Club to book cart
Dr. Marc Glavin Dr. Catherine Oliarnyk Dr. Shelley Hutchings Dr. Tara Young Dr. Michelle Hansford Dr. Alison Seely
With the continued dry conditions and the seemingly endless search for any substantial rainfall, I would like to remind residents that the burn ban remains in effect for the entire City of Ottawa. Similar burn bans are also in effect for neighbouring townships in Beckwith, Montague, and North Grenville. Ottawa Fire Services are also asking residents to be extra cautious when cooking outdoors and ensure that barbeques are not left unattended and all smouldering materials, such as charcoal, are completely extinguished with water. Mid-Term Town Hall Meetings I mentioned a few weeks ago about Mid-Term Town Halls which I will be hosting throughout the ward. We are currently in the midst of scheduling them during September, October, and November. As of right now, we plan to hold these Town Hall meetings in Munster, Richmond, Ashton, Fallowfield, Country Club Village, Burritts Rapids, Becketts Landing, North Gower, Kars, and Manotick. If you have any thoughts on meetings in these locations or feel I should add another, please let me know. We will finalize the dates and locations and send them out with plenty of notice. The idea is to discuss the two years since I took office and look at where we want to go together over the next two years and where you want your community to go well beyond my term in office. Communities on Facebook Keep in touch with the goings on in Richmond and Munster using Facebook. Visit www. facebook.com and search for the Munster Community Association and the Richmond Village Association. Rideau-Goulbourn is also on Facebook at facebook.com/rideaugoulbourn. For relevant community and city updates, also follow @RideauGoulbourn on Twitter and visit www.rideaugoulbourn.ca. Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact me at 613580-2491 or by email at Scott.Moffatt@ ottawa.ca.
2 convenient locations to choose from: Kanata home office Riverside Clinic Call today
Ottawa Catholic School Board trustee John Curry, right, presents the Director of Education Award to recipient Sarah Fett, left, at the Holy Spirit Catholic School grade six farewell ceremony in Stittsville.
ist; and Ryan who just might be a future prime minister of Canada with his dynamic personality and sense of humour; and Nolan who is an avid visual artist as well as a guitar player; and Kaitlyn who loves singing and performing while also being a keen athlete. So those at the ceremony were given a glimpse of the special talents and character of each and every one of the 35 grade six students who are now off in September to attend grade seven at Sacred Heart Catholic High School in Stittsville. A number of awards recognizing individual accomplishments and achievements were also presented at this farewell ceremony. The Female Athlete Award was presented to Amy Doherty, Allison Quintall and Kaitlyn Weatherall while the Male Athlete Award went to Ciaran Allman, Ryan Pawlikowski and Nolan Struss. These Athlete Awards are presented to recognize grade six students who have exhibited a positive attitude in sports, have demonstrated sportsmanship skills, have represented the school in a positive manner and have shown consistent sports skills. The Leadership Award is presented to a grade six student who leads by example, who encourages others to try their best, who is a role model for peers and who is an active member of the school community. This year’s recipient was Nolan Struss. The Gloria Sterling Award for Effort was presented to Ciaran Allman and Maxwell Cole. This award goes to a student or student who have demonstrated consistent work habits in all subject areas, who strive for personal bests and who have exhibited a positive attitude towards learning. The Creative Arts Award is presented to a student or students who enjoy performing for others and who share their personal artistic talents. This year’s recipients were Jeremy Morse, Madison Refausse and Isabella Siviero.
and spends time with special needs students; and Ryan who loves to read but also plays the drums and has a unique sense of humour; and Braeden who is always ready to help a classmate in need. Or what about Matthew with his extensive knowledge of geography; and Sean who likes the facts and learning how things work; And Jeremy who is a “jack of all trades” including a guitarist and song writer; and Kate who has a desire to make things better in the world; and Allison who spreads sunshine wherever she goes with her outgoing nature and athleticism; and Gabrielle who is interested in learning in all areas of the curriculum; and Bennett who wears his heart on his sleeve and helps out with both kindergarten and special needs students; and Isabella who has incredible skills as an art-
Special to the News EMC news - It was a grade six farewell ceremony, complete with certificates and awards. But Holy Spirit Catholic School’s ceremony on Tuesday, June 26 was much more than this. It was also like a living yearbook, with each student having a moment in the spotlight, a moment that not only included receiving the farewell certificate and for some an individual award but also featured a verbal description of the student, his or her attributes and perhaps a memory or two about the year gone by. So, you had Ethan described as a student with a wide range of interests, from science to computers; and Corri as an athlete but also one who helps others; and Maxwell who likes to spent time with his friends; and Jason who organizes new games in the schoolyard
I wanted to take the opportunity to publicly thank the men and women of Ottawa Fire Services and the many dedicated firefighting volunteers in Rideau-Goulbourn for their extremely hard work under trying conditions in the month of July. July was the driest on record and we also set several single day heat records. Throughout these conditions, our Fire Services men and women were faced with several forest fires throughout the western part of Ottawa including two located within Rideau-Goulbourn. Within days of each other, a 5-10 acre fire broke out just off Kettles Road, south of Munster and a 100 acre fire broke out in between Richmond Road and Moodie Drive, just north of Fallowfield Village. We are blessed to have these dedicated volunteers working out of stations in Richmond, North Gower, and Manotick. To our local firefighters: On behalf of the residents of RideauGoulbourn and the City of Ottawa, thank you for your service and dedication to our community.
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 21
Your Community Newspaper
35 students off to Sacred Heart
Special to the News
John Brummell photo
Maxwell Cole holds the Gloria Sterling Effort Award which he received at the grade six farewell ceremony for Holy Spirit Catholic School in Stittsville. R0011294477
Dr. Corrine Motluk
Dr. Alan Franzmann
Dr. Corrine Motluk
Dr. Louise Hale
Dr. Alan Franzmann
EMC news - Holy Spirit Catholic School in Stittsville said farewell to 35 grade six students at its annual farewell ceremony on Tuesday, June 26. The students all received a certiďŹ cate at the ceremony. The 35 students who will now be attending Sacred Heart Catholic High School for grade seven beginning in September are Ciaran Allman, Jasmine Buckley, Ethan Burgar, Corri Burke, Maxwell Cole, Jason Cowan, Taylor Davenport, Ryan Dempsey, Laura Devenny, Amy Doherty, Sarah Fett, Benjamin Figoni, Braeden Ingram, Liam Konrad, Jaena Lyle-Grimm, Joshua Mannoly, Matthew Massicotte, Sean McAsey, Rhianna McNamee, Liam Michaud, Zoe Moore, Jeremy Morse, Ryan Pawlikowski, Kate Pristanski, Kyle Purdy, Allison Quintal, Madison Refausse, Gabrielle Roche, Bennett Schmaltz, Jonah Sedge, Isabella Siviero, Ryan Sloan, Nolan Struss, Nicolas van Leeuwen and Kaitlyn Weatherall.
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John Brummell photo
Recipients of the Male Athlete Award at the Holy Spirit Catholic School grade six farewell ceremony in Stittsville are, from left, Ryan Pawlikowski, Ciaran Allman and Nolan Struss.
22 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 23
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Your Community Newspaper
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John Brummell photo
Top female athletes
Recipients of the Female Athlete Award at the Holy Spirit Catholic School grade six farewell ceremony in Stittsville are, from left, Amy Doherty, Kaitlyn Weatherall and Allison Quintal.
Mike Stoodley 613-688-1675 Email: mstoodley@theemc.ca We also provide flyer printing and distribution services.
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John Brummell photo
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24 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
To Ice or Not to Ice? That is the question By: Your Local Family Physiotherapy Team
• BBQ Lunch 11:30am-1pm
• Healy & Orr 12pm-2pm
Humanitarian Award
Recipients of the Bert O’Connor Humanitarian Award at the Holy Spirit Catholic School grade six farewell ceremony are, from left, Corri Burke, Kate Pristanski and Zoe Moore.
Schedule of Events
Ever wonder when you should be using ice on an injury? An ice pack can become a great ally in the rehabilitation process, but only if used correctly. Ice is typically used for injuries where there is inflammation (redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function). Applying an ice pack within the first 24-48 hours to an injury where inflammation is present should help to reduce both pain and swelling around the area. Ice can also be used as a preventative treatment in more chronic conditions caused by overuse or repetitive strain (i.e. tennis elbow). In these particular cases, ice should only be
applied to the injured area after activity to help control the inflammation. Never apply ice to a chronically injured area before physical activity. Take the following steps to get maximal benefits from your ice: 1. Ice immediately after a new injury (i.e. acute ankle sprain), or after you have irritated your chronic injury (i.e. shin splints) 2. Ensure a layeris between the ice and your skin. Wrapping anice pack in a wet hand cloth and placing it over the painful areais a safe and effective way to ice. 3. Ice for a maximum of 15 minutes. Icing for any longer
may result in damage to your tissues. 4. Elevate your injured limb to enhance the reduction in swelling. 5. Put 2 hours between consecutive icings to keep the icing effective. Make sure you have full sensation and the skin is warm to the touch before you start icing again.
To Ice or Not to Ice? That is the question
6501 Campeau Drive 613.592.2222 www.familyphysio.com
Your Community Newspaper
Exciting, awesome and priceless event Special to the News
John Brummell photo
Taylor Davenport holds the Christian Excellence Award which she received at the Holy Spirit Catholic School grade six farewell ceremony.
John Brummell photo
John Brummell photo
At Holy Spirit Catholic School
Friendship Award
Christian Excellence Award
Joshua Mannoly holds the Friendship Award which he received at the Holy Spirit Catholic School grade six farewell ceremony.
Laura Devenny holds the Christian Excellence Award which she received at the Holy Spirit Catholic School grade six farewell ceremony.
EMC news - Participation in the Ottawa Carleton District School Board’s year-end track and field meet at the Terry Fox athletic facility at Mooney’s Bay. Exciting. Placing third as a team in the intermediate girls’ division of the meet. Awesome. Breaking a Board-wide record in one event. Priceless. Yes, the participation of Goulbourn Middle School athletes in this Boardwide track and field event turned out to be all of these – exciting, awesome and priceless. In the intermediate girls’ division, Goulbourn Middle School’s group placed third with 30 points, just eight
points behind the winning Henry Larsen Elementary School and only three points behind second place Steve MacLean Public School. This was the only division of the four in the meet (bantam girls, intermediate girls, bantam boys and intermediate boys) in which Goulbourn Middle School placed in the top five. It was, though, a record breaking performance at the meet that really made this year’s track and field meet so memorable for Goulbourn Middle School. Shyvonne Roxborough of Goulbourn Middle School broke the meet’s intermediate girls’ long jump record, setting a new mark with her leap of 4.78 metres.
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 25
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Your Community Newspaper
Awards at Holy Spirit Catholic School
John Brummell photo
Creative Arts Award
John Brummell photo
Friendship Award
Ryan Sloan holds the Friendship Award which he received at the Holy Spirit Catholic School grade six farewell ceremony.
Madison Refausse holds the Creative Arts Award which she received at the Holy Spirit Catholic School grade six farewell ceremony.
Come and enjoy the beauty and history that is the Thousand Isalnds Country Club, Wellesley Islands only â&#x20AC;&#x153;Trueâ&#x20AC;? 18 hole golf course. With two 18th hole courses to choose from, one being the Old Course a Seth Raynor designed Championship Course with tee to green irrigation dating back to 1894 and the other the Lake Course, carved into and throughout the Historic George Boldt Farm, combined with our state of the art 15 acre practice facility. Thousand Islands Country Club is your only source for a fantastic golf experience at a tremendous value all at one location complete with restaurant, lodging and dockage. Call our Pro Shop for more information:
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Subject to availability. Must present coupon for offer. All prices and rates in US Funds and based on Double Occupancy. Offer expires August 31, 2012 / CC 8/1-31/12.
Call 315-482-9454 or 800-928-TICC Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 27
Your Community Newspaper
John Brummell photo John Brummell photo John Brummell photo
Creative Arts Award
Isabella Siviero holds the Creative Arts Award which Recipients of the Overall Academic Achievement Award at the Holy Spirit Catholic School she received at the Holy grade six farewell ceremony in Stittsville are, from left, Jonah Sedge, Jasmine Buckley, Spirit Catholic School grade Ryan Dempsey and Gabrielle Roche. six farewell ceremony.
At Holy Spirit Catholic School
John Brummell photo
French Award
Liam Konrad holds the French Excellence Award which he received at the Holy Spirit Catholic School grade six farewell ceremony.
With award
Jeremy Morse holds the Creative Arts Award which he received at the Holy Spirit Catholic School grade six farewell ceremony.
Historic photo archives at library Special to the News
EMC news - A glimpse of the past is now possible at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library. It’s all thanks to the Goulbourn Township Historical Society which has set up an historic photo archives on a computer at the library. Now, many scenes from the past that were photographed can now be
accessed through this computer. So you can see photos of the former Bradley’s General Store on Stittsville Main Street, the railway stations in Stittsville, Richmond and Ashton, schools, churches, farms, commercial enterprises and family and individual portraits, all from Goulbourn. All these can now be searched in
a data base of historic photos of the Goulbourn area now found on this computer that the Historical Society has set up at the Stittsville library. And you can do all this for free. Everyone is welcome to drop into the library and use the computer to look at these historic photos. They are available just for the simple pleasure of having a look at them or for
researching a particular person or building. The computer, desk and chair are located adjacent to the other computers in the Stittsville library. There are simple instructions there detailing how to conduct the search on the computer. Digital copies of any of these photos can be order from the Historical
Society with the proviso of a photo credit if any are used for projects, publication or exhibits. A small fee may be charged depending on the use of the photo. For more information about this computer at the library or about ordering digital copies of the photos, please email info@goulbournhistoricalsociety.org
4th Annual
“Women’s Fine Wining” Thursday, August 23, 2012 6:00pm - 9:30pm This fabulous event, for ladies only, is an evening to celebrate gourmet food, great wines and fantas c company. Hosted at the beau ful Marshes Golf Club For ckets call 613-592-8343 or visit www.KanataChamber.com Kanata Chamber Members $75+HST Non-Members $85+HST
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Offers apply as indicated to 2012 new or demonstrator models of the vehicle equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Ontario Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only (including Outaouais). Dealers are free to set individual prices. Dealer order or trade may be required. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ***Factory order or dealer trade may be required. ©The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. +Based on WardsAuto.com 2012 Upper Small segment, excluding Hybrid and Diesel powertrains. Standard 10 airbags, ABS, traction control and StabiliTrak®. ®Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG Inc. 2012 Chevrolet Equinox equipped with standard 2.4L ECOTEC I-4 engine. 2012 Chevrolet Orlando. 2012 Chevrolet Silverado equipped with available Vortec™ 5.3L V8 engine and 6-speed automatic transmission. Fuel consumption ratings based on Natural Resources Canada’s 2012 Fuel Consumption Guide and WardsAuto.com 2012 Large Pickup segment. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. Excludes hybrids and other GM models. Comparison based on 2012 Wards segmentation: Middle/Cross Utility Vehicle and latest competitive data available and based on the maximum legroom available. Excludes other GM brands. ©For more information go to iihs.org/ratings. Based on most recent competitive data available. ††2012 Cruze LTZ with PDA, MSRP with freight, PDI & levies $28,604. 2012 Sonic Sedan LTZ, MSRP with freight, PDI & levies $22,134. 2012 Chevrolet Equinox LTZ, MSRP with freight, PDI & levies $35,729. 2012 Orlando LTZ, MSRP with freight, PDI & levies $30,134. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offer(s) valid in Canada from July 4th 2012 until July 31st 2012. 0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank® or Ally Credit for 84 months on new or demonstrator 2012 Chevrolet Equinox, Cruze, Sonic and Malibu and 2012 GMC Terrain;72 months on 2012 Chevrolet Avalanche and Silverado Light Duty Trucks and 2012 GMC Sierra Light Duty Trucks; 60 months on 2012 Chevrolet Orlando, Traverse, 2012 Buick Enclave and 2012 GMC Acadia; 48 months on 2013 Chevrolet Spark. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: $16,995 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $202.32 for 84 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $16,995. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Offer(s) valid in Canada until August 31, 2012. 0% lease APR available for up to 48 months on a new or demonstrator 2012 Chevrolet Sonic or Cruze, O.A.C by GM Financial. Applies only to qualified retail customers in Canada. Annual kilometre limit of 24,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. Example Cruze LS 1SA : $17,150 at 0% APR, monthly payment is $233.00 for 48 months. Total obligation is $11,184. Option to purchase at lease end is $6458.10, plus applicable taxes. Down payment or trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade.
30 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
Stittsville News
Thursday August 9, 2012
r fo e e f th s sid o w in e e e su e N S e is ill ur sv MC y o titt E S
$4,000 for Friends of Hospice Ottawa
John Curry
EMC news - “Coffee for a Cause” at Mac’s stores in the Ottawa area has raised $4,000 for Friends of Hospice Ottawa. “Coffee for a Cause” is a fundraising initiative tied to the coffee sold at each of the 43 Mac’s stores in the Ottawa area on Tuesday, June 26. In addition, there were gift baskets given away at each store, with those who made a
services and programs which it provides, specifically in the west end of the city. Many of the Mac’s stores had a Friends of Hospice Ottawa volunteer at the store on Tuesday, June 26 to help in
spreading the message about the organization and its programs and services and to distribute information about the organization. Mac’s is planning to do this “Coffee for a Cause” fundraising event for Friends of Hospice Ottawa again next year. This “Coffee for a Cause”
fundraising for Friends of Hospice Ottawa began in 2010 when the idea was implemented in the Mac’s store in Richmond. Then, last year, the idea spread to a dozen Mac’s stores in the area. Now, this year, thanks in great part to the enthusiasm and support of Mac’s manager Diane Asche,
the program was extended to all 43 Mac’s stores in the Ottawa area. Friends of Hospice Ottawa provides a host of services and programs to meet the needs of those facing life threatening illness and their families. These include in-home support, bereavement support,
egiver support, day hospice caregiver grams and transportation. programs The mission of Friends of spice Ottawa, which serHospice es the western portion of vices the city of Ottawa, is to provide life-affirming support to individuals with life threatening illnesses and to those who care for them so that they may
feel empowered to live as fully as possible in their home with care and dignity. Friends of Hospice Ottawa frequently uses the following statement to describe its services to those facing life threatening illnesses: “While we cannot add days to your life, we can add life to your days.”
John Curry photo
Rashid Sandhu, centre, eight, manager of Mac’s in Richmond, accompanied by David Biesenthal, second from right, manager of Subway at Mac’s in Richmond, and by Mac’s manager Diane Asche, far right, presents a cheque for $4,000 to Ruth Cameron, centre, left, director of event planning and financial management for Friends of Hospice Ottawa, as she is accompanied by Friends of Hospice Ottawa volunteer Alice Holst, second from left, and by Kathleen Sterling, far left, a Board member of Friends of Hospice Ottawa. The $4,000 was raised by Mac’s 43 stores in the Ottawa area at its “Coffee for a Cause” fundraising event for Friends of Hospice Ottawa on Tuesday, June 26.
‘Racing Stripes’ at Village Square John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - There’s the old joke which asks “What is black and white and red all over?”, with the answer being “An embarrassed zebra.” But zebra humour reached new heights with the 2005 film “Racing Stripes” which features a zebra who is trained as a race horse. And, oh, did we mention that the movie also includes a whole barnyard of animals who talk to each other? This movie “Racing Stripes” is the next movie that is being shown in the summer-long free Tuesday nights at Village Square Park in downtown Stittsville. It will be shown on the big screen at the park on Tuesday, Aug. 14, starting at 8:30 p.m. The movie features live actors such as Bruce Greenwood, a retired horse trainer; Hayden Panettiere, the horse trainer’s daughter who wants to be a jockey and who names the zebra “Stripes;” and M. Emmet
Walsh, an old racetrack gambler. But the movie also features a number of voice actors such as Frankie Muniz as Stripes, the zebra who wants to compete in the Kentucky Open; Dustin Hoffman as Tucker, a Shetland pony who helps train racehorses; Whoopi Goldberg as Franny, an old nanny goat who takes Stripes under her wing; and Jeff Foxworthy as Reggie, the farm’s pea-brained rooster. The zebra ended up at the farm of the retired horse trainer and his daughter after being accidentally left behind as a baby when a travelling circus was packing up in a rush due to a thunderstorm. Rescued by the retired horse trainer, the zebra becomes part of life on the farm, with the other farmyard animals educating him about life on the farm. The zebra ends up being trained as a racehorse by Tucker, the Shetland pony. For a zebra to participate in the Kentucky Open horse race has its challenges but you have to see the
movie to find out what happens. The film has lots of music, 23 songs in total, including Sting’s “Taking the Inside Rail” and Bryan Adams’ “It Ain’t Over Yet.” When it was released in 2005, it was a commercial and financial success. These free movie nights on Tuesdays at Village Square Park at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Abbott Street in Stittsville are being sponsored by Stittsville’s youth connexion program with everyone of all ages welcome to attend. There are refreshments available for sale at these free movie nights. Those planning to attend should take along a blanket or a lawn chair for seating. This movie “Racing Stripes” is the seventh movie to be shown in this summer-long series of free Tuesday night movie nights. It will be followed by the movie “The Lorax” on Tuesday, Aug. 21 at 8:30 p.m. and by the movie “The Muppets” on Tuesday, Aug. 28, also
John Brummell photo
At Richmond Public School
Quincy Telus plays the piano in the year-end talent show at Richmond Public School in Richmond. R0011545765-0809
Stittsville News
SECOND SECTION Thursday August 9, 2012
$4,000 for Friends of Hospice Ottawa John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - “Coffee for a Cause” at Mac’s stores in the Ottawa area has raised $4,000 for Friends of Hospice Ottawa. “Coffee for a Cause” is a fundraising initiative tied to the coffee sold at each of the 43 Mac’s stores in the Ottawa area on Tuesday, June 26. In addition, there were gift baskets given away at each store, with those who made a donation to Friends of Hospice Ottawa at the store that day being entered in the draw for the gift basket. The Mac’s store in Richmond, where this whole “Coffee for a Cause” fundraising initiative for Friends of Hospice Ottawa began back in 2010, raised the most funds of any of the 43 participating Mac’s stores this year, namely $695. This was funds not only from the coffee sales and gift basket donations on Tuesday, June 26 but also from a BBQ which the store held on Saturday, June 16. Besides donating the proceeds from the sale of coffee in the 43 stores on Tuesday, June 26, Mac’s also arranged for signage for the “Coffee for a Cause” event so that customers would be aware of the event. “Coffee for a Cause” was not only a fundraising event for Friends of Hospice Ottawa but also provided a lot of opportunity to raise awareness in the community about Friends of Hospice Ottawa and the services and programs which it provides, specifically in the west end of the city. Many of the Mac’s stores had a Friends of Hospice Ottawa volunteer at the store on Tuesday, June 26 to help in
spreading the message about the organization and its programs and services and to distribute information about the organization. Mac’s is planning to do this “Coffee for a Cause” fundraising event for Friends of Hospice Ottawa again next year. This “Coffee for a Cause”
fundraising for Friends of Hospice Ottawa began in 2010 when the idea was implemented in the Mac’s store in Richmond. Then, last year, the idea spread to a dozen Mac’s stores in the area. Now, this year, thanks in great part to the enthusiasm and support of Mac’s manager Diane As-
che, the program was extended to all 43 Mac’s stores in the Ottawa area. Friends of Hospice Ottawa provides a host of services and programs to meet the needs of those facing life threatening illness and their families. These include in-home support, bereavement support,
caregiver support, day hospice programs and transportation. The mission of Friends of Hospice Ottawa, which services the western portion of the city of Ottawa, is to provide life-affirming support to individuals with life threatening illnesses and to those who care for them so that they
may feel empowered to live as fully as possible in their home with care and dignity. Friends of Hospice Ottawa frequently uses the following statement to describe its services to those facing life threatening illnesses: “While we cannot add days to your life, we can add life to your days.”
John Curry photo
Rashid Sandhu, centre, eight, manager of Mac’s in Richmond, accompanied by David Biesenthal, second from right, manager of Subway at Mac’s in Richmond, and by Mac’s manager Diane Asche, far right, presents a cheque for $4,000 to Ruth Cameron, centre, left, director of event planning and financial management for Friends of Hospice Ottawa, as she is accompanied by Friends of Hospice Ottawa volunteer Alice Holst, second from left, and by Kathleen Sterling, far left, a Board member of Friends of Hospice Ottawa. The $4,000 was raised by Mac’s 43 stores in the Ottawa area at its “Coffee for a Cause” fundraising event for Friends of Hospice Ottawa on Tuesday, June 26.
‘Racing Stripes’ at Village Square John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - There’s the old joke which asks “What is black and white and red all over?”, with the answer being “An embarrassed zebra.” But zebra humour reached new heights with the 2005 film “Racing Stripes” which features a zebra who is trained as a race horse. And, oh, did we mention that the movie also includes a whole barnyard of animals who talk to each other? This movie “Racing Stripes” is the next movie that is being shown in the summer-long free Tuesday nights at Village Square Park in downtown Stittsville. It will be shown on the big screen at the park on Tuesday, Aug. 14, starting at 8:30 p.m. The movie features live actors such as Bruce Greenwood, a retired horse trainer; Hayden Panettiere, the horse trainer’s daughter who wants to be a jockey and who names the zebra “Stripes;” and M. Emmet Walsh, an old racetrack gambler.
But the movie also features a number of voice actors such as Frankie Muniz as Stripes, the zebra who wants to compete in the Kentucky Open; Dustin Hoffman as Tucker, a Shetland pony who helps train racehorses; Whoopi Goldberg as Franny, an old nanny goat who takes Stripes under her wing; and Jeff Foxworthy as Reggie, the farm’s pea-brained rooster. The zebra ended up at the farm of the retired horse trainer and his daughter after being accidentally left behind as a baby when a travelling circus was packing up in a rush due to a thunderstorm. Rescued by the retired horse trainer, the zebra becomes part of life on the farm, with the other farmyard animals educating him about life on the farm. The zebra ends up being trained as a racehorse by Tucker, the Shetland pony. For a zebra to participate in the Kentucky Open horse race has its challenges but you have to see the movie to find out what happens.
The film has lots of music, 23 songs in total, including Sting’s “Taking the Inside Rail” and Bryan Adams’ “It Ain’t Over Yet.” When it was released in 2005, it was a commercial and financial success. These free movie nights on Tuesdays at Village Square Park at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Abbott Street in Stittsville are being sponsored by Stittsville’s youth connexion program with everyone of all ages welcome to attend. There are refreshments available for sale at these free movie nights. Those planning to attend should take along a blanket or a lawn chair for seating. This movie “Racing Stripes” is the seventh movie to be shown in this summer-long series of free Tuesday night movie nights. It will be followed by the movie “The Lorax” on Tuesday, Aug. 21 at 8:30 p.m. and by the movie “The Muppets” on Tuesday, Aug. 28, also at 8:30 p.m.
John Brummell photo
At Richmond Public School
Quincy Telus plays the piano in the year-end talent show at Richmond Public School in Richmond. Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 31
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Ottawa-Carleton Plowing Match is coming up
John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC news - Registration for fall and winter recreation activities offered by the city of Ottawa is starting next week. Registration for swimming and aqua fitness classes at city of Ottawa facilities including the Goulbourn Recreation Complex in Stittsville begins online and by touchtone phone (613-580-2588) as of this coming Monday, Aug. 13 at 10 p.m. and in person at city recreation facilities as of this coming Tuesday, Aug. 14 during regular business hours. Registration for all other recreation classes and pro-
grams other than swimming and aquafitness will begin online and by touchtone phone as of Wednesday, Aug. 15 at 10 p.m. and in person at city recreation facilities as of Thursday, Aug. 16 during regular business hours. The fall-winter recreation eGuide is now online at www. ottawa.ca. Residents are advised to review the activities listed and the registration procedures before the registration dates to ensure that they are ready to enroll in their desired classes in a timely manner. Those registering will need a client barcode and a family PIN (Per-
sonal Identification Number). Information about upcoming classes can only be viewed online. Residents who do not have personal access to the internet are encouraged to visit city recreation facilities or libraries with public internet access or visit service centres or recreation centres where customer service staff can provide such information. The list of classes is available on line at www.ottawa. ca/recreationguide. More information about this registration procedure can be obtained by phoning 3-1-1.
servation, improved secondary tillage and precision seed placement.
EARLY REGISTRATION Tuesday August 14, 2012 5pm – 8:30pm
Recreation registration
and improves soil aeration. Plowing today also plays a role in soil con-
EMC news - Here comes plowing time! The annual Ottawa-Carleton Plowing Match is coming up on Friday, Aug. 24 and Saturday, Aug. 25 at 4810 Brophy Drive which is between Twin Elm Road and Moodie Drive east of Richmond. Activities on Friday, Aug. 24 will include VIP plowing at 12 noon, a junior plowing competition, a plowing clinic, a coaching clinic and a judging clinic. The real action happens on Saturday, Aug. 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. when the competitive plowing happens including plowing with horses and antique tractors. The Queen of the Furrow competition gets underway at 1 p.m. Lunch will be available on the site with everyone welcome to attend and see the plowing
activity. The Ottawa-Carleton Plowmen’s Association, hosts of this annual plowing match, traces its history back to 1919 with the formation of the Marlborough and North Gower Plowmen’s Association. It was this group which hosted the 1932 International Plowing Match at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa. Plowing matches have been held throughout Ontario for over a century, providing an opportunity for farmers to display their skills in plowing and to teach the importance of soil conservation. Plowing is one of the oldest and most valuable tillage tools in agricultural history. Plowing prepares a seedbed with a top layer of soil that can easily surround the newly planted seed, encouraging germination. It also helps control weeds, increases water retention
John Curry
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40 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 41
Your Community Newspaper
John Brummell photo
Aida Attar sings â&#x20AC;&#x153;Please Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Goâ&#x20AC;? in the year-end talent show at Richmond Public School..
Talent Showcase Special to the News
John Brummell photo
John Brummell photo
Austin Nemchin, foreground, and Kassidy Gilchrist, Shayla Palmer, left, and Alicia Palmer, right, dance the music of background, dance and skip in a routine in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jailhouse Rockâ&#x20AC;? at the year-end talent show at Richmond Public year-end talent show at Richmond Public School. School.
EMC news - Two acts, 35 performances in total. Now thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a talent show. And this is exactly what the 2012 Talent Showcase was at Richmond Public School on Friday afternoon, June 22
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when a variety of performers took to the stage. The performances ranged from dancing to singing to playing the piano to fiddling to cheering to gymnastics to Jiu Jitsu. There was something for everyone. Mcâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for the first act, which involved 16 different routines, were Mackenzie Gorr and Alicia Morrow. Taking over as MCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for the second act, which had 19 different routines presented, were Amelia Joynson and Aurielle Assestine-Pope. Performers in the first act were Morgan Reynolds, art presentation; Trinity Shane and Grace King, art display; Amy Armstrong, Bryna Mason and Emily Herasimenko, school cheer; Jeffrey Meier and Lucas Meier, fiddle and dance; Shayla and Alicia Palmer, dance; Theo Mann, piano; Alyssa Dunlop, dance; Rylie McDowell, singing; Austin Nemchin, William and Kassidy Gilchrist, dancing and skipping; Emily Gilchrist, ballet; Quincy Telus, piano; Abby Gorr and Alysa Mowat, dance; Aida Attar, singing; Gracie Kinkade and Kyla Ferguson, dance; Tala Greer, singing; and the grade five girls, dancing the Macarena. Performers in the second act were Mr. Harveyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grade five boys, dancing the chicken dance; Evelyn Kenny and Carmen Foster, dance; Emily Brown, piano; Ellie Sheppard and Emelyn Lantos, dance; Shannon Arthurs, piano; Hannah Richard, song and dance; Sara Ferguson and Kayla Kranz, dance; Liv Fawcett, song; Haley Dunlop and Julia Bujold, dance; Angela Hill, gymnastics; Autumn Abrahim, Jiu Jitsu; Meghan Lair, gymnastics; Alyson Taylor, piano; Christine Usher, Dance; Robert Huntley, Layla Craig and Shelby Cassidy, drumming and dance; Brooklyn Burden, Julia Sanderson and Paige King, dance; Aria Mann, piano and song; Ky MacLaurin, dance; and Ainsley Burnside, Rachel Charles and Logan Tremblay, school cheer. Allison Walker was the music operator for the show while Meghan Lair was the stage tech. Teacher advisors for the show ere Mme. Michelle, Mme. Tara and Mrs. Fenton.
Your Community Newspaper
Here and there around the community of Richmond EMC news – The totem pole outside the Richmond branch of the Ottawa Public Library is no more. After 12 years since being erected there by the Richmond Scouts, the totem pole has rotted away below ground. Made out of pine, it was treated for decay but this only gave it a dozen years of life. Traditional West Coast totem poles are made out of cedar which does not rot away like pine. The totem pole will not be re-erected because of its decayed bottom…Former Richmond resident Bob Slack, who now lives with his wife Lois in Athens, Ontario,
has been elected president and director for Ontario for the term 2012-2014 of the Canadian Snowbird Association (CSA). He is a retired principal with the former Carleton Roman Catholic School Board. A past president of the Catholic Principals’ Council of Ontario, Mr. Slack served as a councillor for Richmond on the inaugural Goulbourn Township council after the amalgamation of the municipal villages of Stittsville and Richmond with rural Goulbourn township in 1974. He was also active in the Richmond District Lions Club, the Richmond Snow
Rovers Snowmobile Club and the Richmond Minor Hockey Association. His wife Lois is a retired teacher who taught at St. Philip Catholic School. The Canadian Snowbird Association is a national not-for-profit advocacy organization, dedicated to defending and improving the rights and privileges of Canadian travelers…Jabulani Winery on Jock Trail west of Richmond is having a robust year. The Jerepigo is all gone while the Barrel Select Reds are moving fast. There is only a small amount of the Barrel Aged Field Blend and Strawberry Field Blend left….
TOM (THOMAS) KERWIN, SALESPERSON tom@coburnrealty.com Phone: 613-226-8790 Fax: 613-226-4392 RURAL KANATA (CENTRAL) $1,190,000 Country living in Kanata. This 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom home is situated on 2 acres in Hillsview estates. Very private with mature trees backing onto Berrry Farm. Many upscale features incuding goumet kitchen with solarium eating area overlooking the in-ground pool. Fully finished lower level.
John Brummell photo
Theo Mann plays the piano in the year-end talent show at Richmond Public School in Richmond.
Ideal 4 bedroom family home on quiet court. Hardwood floors on 2 levels, living/ dining room combination, bright updated kitchen with ceramic and marble countertops. Main floor family room with gas fireplace and bay windows. Mudroom and half bath on main level. Large master bedroom has walk-in closet and updated 5 pc bath. Professionally finished rec room with built in cupboards and shelves, ceramic floor and powder room.
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 43
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Your Community Newspaper
Skating registration Special to the News
EMC sports - It may be summer but the figure skating season is not that far off. Online registration for the upcoming fall and winter sessions for the Goulbourn Skating Club is now available at www.goulbournskatingclub.com In addition, the Goulbourn Skating Club is holding a registration session on Wednesday, Aug. 15 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Goulbourn Town Hall (former Goulbourn municipal building) on Huntley Road at Stanley’s Corners just south of
Stittsville. The Goulbourn Skating Club is also holding an open house on Saturday, Sept. 8 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex on Shea Road in Stittsville. The Goulbourn Skating Club is Ottawa’s third largest skating club, created by the 2004 amalgamation of the Richmond Skating Club and the Stittsville Figure Skating Club. Now a member of Skate Canada in the Eastern Ontario Section, the Goulbourn Skating Club offers programming at the Johnny Leroux Stittsville Community Arena, the
Richmond Memorial Community Centre and the Goulbourn Recreation Complex. Every Skate Canada skating program complements the others and allows for unrestricted movement and development through the system. All programs are taught by professional coaches certified through the National Coaching Certification Program. CanSkate is Skate Canada’s flagship learn-to-skate program for beginnings of any age with the program teaching fundamental movements and basic skating skills. StarSkate offers opportunities to R001154439_0809
Fill your day with beautiful sights while traveling along a part of our historic Rideau Canal! Air conditioned coach for return comfort & lightlunch on board. SCHEDULE: Mondays: Merrickville To Ottawa Tuesdays: Ottawa To Merrickville Wednesdays: Merrickville To Westport Thursdays: Westport To Merrickville Friday Aug. 17 - Merrickville to Ottawa Saturday Aug. 18 - Ottawa to Merrickville
develop figure skating skills in several different areas. CanPowerSkate focuses on balance, power, agility, speed and endurance skills, all of which are important in sports such as hockey and ringette. AdultSkate offers CanSkate, StarSkate and CanPowerskate programs geared for adults. The Goulbourn Skating Club also offers a Special Olympics skating program. Kevin Timmins is the president of the Goulbourn Skating Club. Jennifer Fryer is the secretary while Adrienne Noble is the treasurer. Laura Laplante is the director for publicity while Melanie Henderson is the director for special events. Other directors are Leigh Prich-
ard, test chair director; Lisa Keyes, skater development director; Alison Halket, fundraising director; Megan Herasimenko, CanSkate director; Mary Curnow, member services director; Irene Streimikis, Special Olympics director; Marie Palladini Hamelin, coach representative; and Carole Lefebvre Johnson, immediate past president and Skate Canada Club delegate. Members at large on the executive are Sarah Wammes, CanSkate program coach coordinator; Addelle Neil, volunteer coordinator; Karen Risto, member services assistant; Susie James, member services assistant; Kathleen Navas, member services and guest services; Alun Fryer, information technology; and Chantal Kaye, webmaster.
Sunday August 26-Post time 6:30 pm
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 45
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46 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
Your Community Newspaper
What’s up, doc, around village of Stittsville …EMC news – The Glen Scottish Restaurant & Pub at the Jackson Trails plaza is holding a quiz night on Saturday, Sept. 22 starting at 8:30 p.m. Teams of two to six people will compete in this fun night of trivia, with categories of knowledge ranging from entertainment to music to sports. Prizes and raffle gifts will be provided by the Glen. Proceeds from this quiz night are being directed to Friends of Hospice Ottawa which provides hospice and palliative care programs and services in the western Ottawa area. Tickets for this quiz night, at $20 per person, are available by contacting Ruth Cameron of Friends of Hospice Ottawa at 613-591-6002, ext. 27, or the Glen at 613-836-5622….A new business, West End Music, offering music lessons in guitar, piano and drums, will be opening on Stittsville Main Street around the middle of this month. It will be located in downtown Stittsville in premises adjacent to Benji’s Place and Stittsville Picture Framing. The premises are undergoing some renova-
tions to accommodate this new music school. More information is available at 613-225-2919…Rev. Ross Finlan and Deacon Nuno Da Nova both officiated at their final mass at Holy Spirit Catholic Church on Tuesday morning, July 31 as both have now retired from their positions at the church. A reception featuring strawberries and a little bit of champagne was held in the parish hall at Holy Spirit following this final mass to celebrate the retirements. Monsignor Joseph Muldoon is the new parish priest at Holy Spirit, having assumed the duties last Wednesday, Aug. 1….Rumour has it that Stittsville native Matt Bradley will not be back with the National Hockey League Florida Panthers for this coming season but will be hooking up with another team. Matt, a right winger, played in 45 games for the Panthers last season, scoring three goals and adding five assists…A group from the 55 Plus Club at the Stittsville legion recently went on a day trip to Wilderness Tours at Forresters’ Falls in Renfrew
Booking appointments starting September 5, 2012!
County. No, they did not go boating down through the Ottawa River rapids but instead took a pontoon boat cruise upstream along the Ottawa River. They enjoyed a BBQ chicken dinner on the boat and enjoyed some beautiful river scenery. They even saw the nest of two bald eagles…Sixteen year old Corey Johnson, who plays basketball for the Goulbourn Hornets, was a member of the U17 Ontario boys’ team which won the Canadian Men’s National Championship 17 and under tournament last Sunday at Bishop’s University in Sherbrooke, Que. The Ontario team defeated Manitoba 102-65 in the final game….New stop signs have been erected on Abbott Street at Carbery Drive, east of Stittsville Main Street, creating a three-way stop intersection there....Signs for the Give the Gift of Life Walk on Sunday, Sept. 9 in Stittsville have sprung up along Stittsville Main Street south of Abbott Street, one at the NOLA French Quarter Eatery and one at the Vos Trailers lot....
Located at: 1347 Stittsville Main Street Unit #3, Stittsville, ON Appointments please call:
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Child and Youth Counsellors (CYC’s) are individuals who have been specially trained to do therapeutic work alongside children, youth and their families. CYC’s encompass knowledge and skills within a developmental context including behavioural and emotional development. CYC’s are advocates for children and youth and work to help empower and motivate each unique individual towards their optimal potential. ICYC specializes in working with children and youth who may be experiencing mental health and other day to day issues. ICYC is owned and operated by Julie Clarke, BCYC, CYC (Cert.). Julie is a full certified member of the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Counsellors. She can be contacted via e-mail at julie@independentcyc.com
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 47
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Your Community Newspaper
MARY COOK Mary Cook’s Memories Today, every farmer dreads a long spell when no rain falls and he watches helplessly as his crops burn before his eyes. Often, if the drought happens in the late spring or early summer, the sprouts of new crops do not appear at all. But a long dry spell in the days when I was a young girl meant disaster and added backbreaking work. We had many such spells, but one I remember most. Summer had erupted beautifully. The crops showed signs of good growth and the hot days meant that our large garden should produce enough vegetables for daily eating, as well as a bountiful supply to can away for the winter. Our old iron pump, close to the back door, received its usual coat of bright green paint and coughed up its regular gush of crystal clear water for household uses as well as providing a constant supply of drinking water for the farm animals. Two long galvanized troughs sat in the yard close to the pump and twice a day we took turns pumping while a couple of us hauled milk-pails full of water so the troughs were always kept full for the animals. The pump sat on a rickety wooden platform over the well and I can recall how we often would lie on our bellies with our eyes
Rain brings a breath of new life to Ottawa Valley pressed close to the cracks in the boards. Way down deep in the cavity we would see the well’s black pit, where we would drop in stones and marvel at the hollow sound as they plopped into the water below. That year, however, the hot sunny days with no rain continued on. It wasn’t long until the ground in our lane settled into wide cracks in the clay and the normally moist sand around our back door became dry and powdered. Gradually the crops stopped growing and our garden had to be watered daily by carrying pails of water up a steep grade at the back of the house. Soon we noticed that it took longer and longer to prime the pump. Often we would have to pump like fury before it would catch deep below and release the water. Then, just as if someone had turned off a tap, the pump had nothing more to give up. We were out of water. Still, we were better off than many farmers in the area. The Bonnechere River ran at the back of our property. It too was feeling the effects of the long dry spell, however, and the water had left its banks until just a three-metre span trickled down the centre. My father said we had no choice but to haul the water from the river. Daily, we hitched up the horses to the stone boat and with every available milk can balanced on the flat surface we made our way to the visibly-diminishing Bonnechere and filled the cans with water. Now, the troughs were only half full for the livestock and the reservoir on the Findlay Oval went for days without being filled. Our once-a-week baths were suspended and replaced with sponge baths and the Monday washing was shoved over for an-
other day, just in case it rained. Every mouthful of water we drank came from the Bonnechere and was boiled on the stove, but none of us had much of a taste for it. The drought went on for weeks and the talk around our supper table centred on how we would manage to feed the livestock over the winter if we had no hay. The evening singsongs ceased. Our parents wore worried looks that sent a pall over the entire household and I had a gnawing pain in the pit of my stomach that I couldn’t get rid of. Then one morning, very early, we heard the first gentle patter of a soft rain on the roof. It was only a matter of a few minutes until each of us ran to a window to search out the clouds in the early dawn. The sky was dark and we could hear Father yell, “It’s going to be an all-day rain, the sky is covered in cloud!” Soon it was teeming down like sheets of steel and our mother in her nightdress ran outside with the granite dishpan to place it under the eave to catch the soft water as it ran off the roof. We five children followed her out. In those days we slept in our underwear and we ran over the soaking grass like people possessed. It was the most beautiful feeling, with our hair hanging down over our eyes in sopping disarray. There was no thunder or lightning, just the soft beating of the rain that had come to breathe new life into our part of the Ottawa Valley. In the kitchen, Mother was frying a pan of home-smoked bacon and I knew there would be eggs and homemade jam for our toast, a breakfast usually reserved for Sundays. It was a day for rejoicing. The ache in my stomach was gone and I knew that once again, all was right in my world.
Cold turkey and ham dinner at Christ Church Ashton ing held at Christ Church Ashton in Ashton on Saturday, Aug. 18. The dinner will be served at 5 p.m. but things don’t end there. There will be a euchre following the dinner. What a way to spend and enjoy
an evening! Tickets for this dinner/euchre are available by contacting Marion Jones at 613-838-5405 or Rev. Jim Kirkpatrick at 613-253-2878. Everyone is welcome.
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Ian Millar still jumping for Olympic joy 65-year-old veteran hoping to lead Canadian equestrian squad to glory Brian McNair brian.mcnair@metroland.com
EMC sports - There surely can be no more interesting a bunch amongst the Canadian Olympians in London than the equestrian jumping team. Among the five team members, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one making a record-breaking 10th Olympic appearance, another coming off an historic individual gold medal win four years ago in Beijing, one who missed those Games with a broken back, a fourth who was at those Games and helped Canada win team silver, and a fifth who has made his way to Canada via France and Japan. And together, respectively, Ian Millar, Eric Lamaze, Tiffany Foster, Jill Henselwood and Yann Candele represent Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best hope for an equestrian medal here at beautiful Greenwich Park in the heart of London. Sadly, a big part of the reason for the performance four years ago in Beijing, where Lamaze won gold and the team won silver, was credited to Hickstead, Lamazeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brilliant horse who suddenly and tragically dropped dead last year. Lamaze had been eager to ride Hickstead again at these Games, and nearly pulled out as a result of his death, but decided to give it another go aboard Derly Chin de Muze. However, he admits it wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t quite be the same. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For me, with the tragedy that happened last year with Hickstead, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not coming to these Games really feeling like Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m defending my title. Hickstead would have still been in great shape and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sure having him here would have felt like defending my title,â&#x20AC;? said Lamaze, who lives in Schomberg, Ont. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Having said that, I come with a very, very young horse, we have a
great team. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to try our very best.â&#x20AC;? Millar is arguably one of the Games biggest stories, or at least should be considering heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s setting a record with his 10th Olympic appearance and is competing at the age of 65. Dubbed Captain Canada, Millar is a native of Nova Scotia, but now lives near Perth where he runs Millar Brooke Farms. He began his Olympic journey at the 1972 Games in Munich, and hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t missed one since, excluding of course the 1980 boycotted Games in Moscow. Known most for pairing up with the famous Big Ben, Millar rode In Style in Beijing and will mount Star Power at these Games. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The whole thing is just such an interesting journey and I guess what Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve really noticed the most is the evolution of the sport,â&#x20AC;? said Millar. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As we know all sports evolve tremendously and our sport is no different. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really not the same thing at all as it was in 1972. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a different type of horse weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re using, the style of riding is quite evolved, the way the courses are built, the material used. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s virtually unrecognizable over this period of time. Henselwood, who like Lamaze and Millar was a part of the Beijing team silver, loves the venue at Greenwich Park, where history and fan knowledge is unsurpassed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think this venue is going to be friendly to the horses, to the concentration of the horses,â&#x20AC;? said 49-year-old resident of Oxford Mills, who will ride George. The jumping competition involves Aug. 4-6 qualifying and an Aug. 8 final. Follow Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s athletes as they go for the gold at yourottawaregion.com.
Steve Russell/Torstar News Service
The Canadian womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eight rowing team celebrate during the medal ceremony after winning a silver at the London 2012 Olympic Games on Aug. 2.
Canadian womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eight win silver Dave Feschuk
EMC sports - Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eight won an Olympic silver medal on Aug. 2, bowing by half a boat length to their longtime rivals from the United States on the Eton Dorney rowing course. Racing in front of an estimated crowd of 30,000, the Canadians never really challenged the favoured U.S. boat. Canada finished 1.41 seconds behind the Americans to earn the Maple Leafâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second rowing silver in as many days. The Netherlands won bronze. The menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eight used a memorable late-race surge to place second to Germany on Aug. 1. Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eight included coxswain Lesley Thompson-Willie and Ashley Brzozowicz of London, Ont., Montrealâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Andreanne Morin, Darcy Marquardt and Lau-
ren Wilkinson of Vancouver, Reginaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rachelle Viinberg, Thoroldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Natalie Mastracci, Winnipegâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Janine Hanson and Krista Guloien of Port Moody, B.C. Thompson-Willie, a 53-year-old teacher-librarian, has been a mainstay of Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rowing program since she was named cox of the Canadian eight for the boycotted 1980 Moscow Games. Thursday saw her capture her fifth Olympic medal in a storied career that has seen her steer a Canadian shell at seven Games. Certainly the U.S. was a formidable foe. The defending Olympic gold medallists have gone undefeated since winning the 2006 world championships. But Canada, which had finished second to the Americans at each of the past two world champi-
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onships, had recently gained confidence that an upset could be in the offing. While the Canadians finished three seconds back of the U.S. in Beijing in 2008, by last summerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s world championships, where Canada won silver, they had narrowed the margin to 0.74 seconds. At their only preOlympic matchup this year, at a World Cup race in Lucerne in May, Canada was second to the U.S. by a scant three hundredths of a second. As Canadian stroke Andreanne Morin pointed out, that translated to a finish-line gap the size of a plum. Alas, the U.S. left no doubt about their superiority on Thursday, opening up a lead of a full second after 500 metres and increasing the gap to 2.3 seconds at the 1,000-metre mark of the 2,000-metre race. If an Olympic medal is al-
ways the culmination of an arduous journey, certainly some on the Canadian crew have been on the trail longer than others. Vancouverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Darcy Marquardt had been to two previous Olympics and finished fourth both times. After the heartbreak in Beijing four years ago, when Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eight faded late and, she took a break from trainingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grind and got a job in the financial services business. But the lure of another shot at stepping atop an Olympic podium â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x153;unfinished business,â&#x20AC;? she called it â&#x20AC;&#x201C; brought her back to a crew that also included Beijing eight holdovers Thompson-Willie, Morin and Brzozowicz. On Thursday, they celebrated a long-awaited moment on the podium. Torstar News Services
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Upside down cake is peachy Comfort food is food that makes you feel good. Very often, it’s something your mother made when you were young. It might be anything from creamed eggs on toast to chocolate pudding. For me, comfort food in August is peach upside down cake. My mother made it every year I can remember and, as soon as the fresh peaches are in season, I do the same. It’s as much of a tradition as turkey at Christmas. Although this cake has to be made from scratch, it’s very easy. Peeling and slicing the peaches probably takes longer than mixing the ingredients for the cake. The secret is making this at the right time of the day so that you can serve the cake for supper while it’s still warm. If you’ve never eaten homemade peach upside down cake, give yourself a treat and enjoy. Cake 1 cup buttermilk (or 1 cup 2 per cent milk with 1 tbsp. vinegar) 1/2 cup margarine 1 1/4 cups white sugar 1 egg 1 tsp. vanilla 2 cups flour 1 tsp. baking soda 1/2 tsp. salt Topping
Your Community Newspaper
1 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup butter, softened at room temperature 5-6 peaches, peeled and sliced
Champlain’s anniversary in 2013 Laura Mueller laura.mueller@metroland.com
EMC news - Plans are underway to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Samuel de Champlain at the site that would eventually become the city of Ottawa. Cumberland Coun. Stephen Blais, who brought the idea for a celebration forward, says the 2013 celebration will serve as a good dress rehearsal for the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017. “The more people who know about Champlain’s importance … I think the better sense of history we’ll all have,” Blais said. “From my perspective we would all be more enriched the more we know about our common history … It’s something I don’t think we do a good job at.” Most of the events associated with the Champlain celebration will focus on youth and educating them about Canadian and Ottawa history through the theme of discovery and exploration, Blais said. Youth visual art and literary competitions are planned, as is a short video contest, all with prize money available. But Blais said he would like to encourage all local community groups and organizations to adopt the Champlain/exploration/discovery theme for any regular or new events they are planning for 2013. Winterlude would be the biggest target, Blais
Now Tucker is a boy who will be always following you where ever you go.... if you want to have a “Bodyguard” he is your man. When you walk he’ll walk when you sit he’ll be on your lap asking for his pay cheque in the form of cuddles and hugs and kisses. If you ask him it is a very good payment system in which both parties get what they want. He is playful, affectionate and always happy to see a human anytime any where and he’ll demonstrate his love to anyone who gives him the time of the day. If you want some one to love you without reservation and be always by your side he is ready and able to fulfill your wishes.... all that love he has is ready to be given away... maybe to YOU????
Food ‘n’ Stuff
If you’re using milk and vinegar rather than buttermilk, combine them and let sit while you prepare the other ingredients. Line the bottom of a 20-centimetre square pan with aluminum foil. Sprinkle the brown sugar over this then dot evenly with butter. Arrange the peach slices in rows on top of this so that they completely cover the bottom of the pan. In a mixing bowl, cream the margarine and white sugar. Stir in the egg and vanilla. Gradually blend in the dry ingredients, alternating with the liquid. Spoon the batter over the peaches. Bake at 350 F (175 C) for 50 to 55 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. Remove from the oven and let sit for about five minutes. Place a large plate upside down over the cake pan. Holding both the plate and pan with potholders, turn upside down, then lift off the pan. Because the pan is lined with aluminum foil, it will lift off easily. Carefully peel the foil off the bottom of the cake. Serve warm with whipped cream. Serves six to eight.
said, and the city has approached the National Capital Commission about incorporating the theme into its annual winter festivities. A slew of community groups – particularly francophone groups – have already come onboard to help with the 130 events already in the works, Blais said. Champlain was an explorer and cartographer who helped colonize Acadia and found Quebec City in 1608. Known as the Father of New France, Champlain travelled along the Ottawa River while looking for the great “western sea” and came upon what is today Ottawa and the upper Ottawa Valley. Champlain was the first explorer to describe and document Ottawa, including detailing the presence of the Algonquin people in the region. A plan for the celebration also includes partnerships with business improvement areas across Ottawa to develop menu items related to the theme, including dishes served during Champlain’s time. Blais said he hopes to help create a dining passport that visitors could use to sample the Champlain-themed dishes at different restaurants. A report approved by city council’s finance and economic development committee lists $27,500 worth of funding for those initiatives. The city will also work with community groups to help them find other sources of funding if they want to put on Champlain-themed events.
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MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION RATED #2 FOR AT-HOME JOBS. Start t r a i n i n g t o d a y. G r a d u a t e s are in demand! Enroll now. Take advantage of low monthly payment. 1-800-466-1535. www.canscribe.com. admissions@canscribe.com.
AUTOMOTIVE Vehicle buyers are ONLY protected by OMVIC and Ontario consumer protection laws when they buy from registered dealers. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no protection if you buy privately and you risk becoming victim of a curbsider. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint: www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800943-6002.
ATTENTION! DO YOU HAVE 10 HOURS/WEEK to turn into up to $3160/month? Operate a Home Based Business. Flexible Hours, FREE Online Training at http://BobLoucks.MyShaklee.com
IS HIRING PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVERS for Edmonton/Calgary/Kamloops/Lloydminster/Saskatoon and Moose Jaw Apply Now! You must have 2 yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; driving experience (with AZ license) on B-trains or extended length trailers and a clean abstract. We conduct a pre-employment medical, drug screen and criminal record check. Westcan provides competitive wages, travel to/from work, and bonus opportunities. APPLY ONLINE AT: www.westcanbulk.ca under Join Our Team, or Fax: 780.472.6910. For further details CALL TOLL-FREE: 1.888.WBT.HIRE. LAIDLAW CARRIERS VAN DIVISION require experienced AZ licensed drivers to run the U.S. Premium mileage rate. Home weekly. New equipment. Also hiring Owner Operators. 1-800263-8267 TEAM DRIVERS & LCV TEAM DRIVERS in Cambridge, ON. TRANSFREIGHT OFFERS - Consistent Work Schedule, Competitive Wage & Excellent Benefits, No touch freight, Paid Training. REQUIREMENTS Verifiable 5 Year Tractor-Trailer Experience, Clean MVR for l a s t 3 y e a r s . To A p p l y : C a l l 855-WORK4TF (967-5483). Send resume to work4tf@transfreight.com. Visit: www.transfreight.com.
SAWMILLS from only $3997 - MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill - Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext:400OT. N o v a S c o t i a â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s E a s t e r n S h o r e Waterfront Lots for Sale. Excellent Climate Close to the Atlantic Ocean. Three Bedroom House Available for Rent. www.sawmilllanding.com waterfront@bellaliant.net 1-902-5222343, 1-902-328-4338
SERVICES CRIMINAL RECORD? You can still get a pardon. Find out h o w. C a l l 1 - 8 6 6 - 2 4 2 - 2 4 11 o r v i s i t w w w. n a t i o n a l p a r d o n . o r g . W o r k a n d t r a v e l f r e e l y. Guarantee by the National Pardon Centre.
EMPLOYMENT OPPS. $ $ AT T E N T I O N C H O C O L AT E $ $ Thank goodness, school is out for summer!!! Sell different products to make some Money easily $$$ QUICKLY...LIMITED SPACES available. 1-800-383-3589 www.chocolatdeluxe.com INSERTING MACHINE OPERATOR required for busy Alberta printing plant. Previous Alphaliner or other machine experience an asset. Mechanical & computer aptitude required; ejamison@greatwest.ca.
Connect with Ontarians â&#x20AC;&#x201C; extend your business reach! www.networkclassified.org Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 53
Competitive, Energetic, Honestly a MUST!
daily for landscaping work!
PART-TIME RECRUITMENT FAIR The Ottawa Senators Hockey Club and Scotiabank Place want your help in creating raving fans for life! We are a welcoming workplace and look forward to strengthening our team with you for the up-coming season. WHEN: Thursday, August 23, 5 - 7 pm Friday, August 24, 10 am - 1 pm and 4 - 6 pm WHERE:Scotiabank Place, Gate 2 (VIP Entrance), Coliseum Rooms Please bring several copies of your resume and 3 work-related references. For more information, visit ottawasenators.com
EARN EXTRA INCOME! Carrier contractors needed for early am newspaper home delivery in Kanata and Stittsville, 7 days/week. Vehicle a must. $500-$950+/MONTH 613-592-9786 Help Wanted!!! Make up to $1000 a week mailing brochures from home! Helping Home-workers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately! www.mailing-work.net
Interested in the entertainment industry? Local performance troupe looking for a business savvy high school student to fulfill the part-time role of “Promotions Director” starting September in Katimavik. Please e-mail: promo@ junkyardsymphony.com for more details if interested. Lone Star, Kanata, Now Hiring. Full time experienced,
line cooks & servers. Apply to: 4048 Carling Avenue. Competitive Wage. Come join the great Lone Star Atmosphere. Looking for persons willing to speak to small groups, 1 on 1 presentations. A car and internet necessary. Diana (866)3065858.
TRAVEL WORK OPPORTUNITIES Plus Travel, hotel jobs in England, Childcare positions in United States, China, New Zealand, Australia, Spain and Holland plus more. Teach in South Korea. Accommodations & Salary provided. Various benefits. Apply 902-422-1455 email scotiap@ns.sympatico.ca
Bridlewood, Kanata, caregiver with 21 years experience. Full and part-time spaces available. Insured. First Aide/CPR. References and receipts provided. 613-270-0507. Looking for someone to come to our house at 7:30 to get our two children on the bus and to do housecleaning. Must have own transportation. Hourly rate negotiable. Located near Canadian Golf Course. 613-257-3946.
EMC Classifieds Get Results!
Hunter Safety/Canadian Firearms Courses and exams throughout the year. Organize a course and yours is free. Call Wenda Cochran 613-256-2409.
If you possess strong computer, communication and organizational skills, are self-motivated and self-disciplined and have sales experience and access to your own vehicle we invite you to apply.
54 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
236139/1003 CL344268
MUSIC Certified piano technician, with Piano Technician’s Guild, extensive experience with tuning, repairing and rebuilding. www.piano4u.ca 613-284-8333, 1-877-742-6648.
$$MONEY$$ Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 90% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mortgage #10969 1-800-2821169 www.mortgageontario.com
Qualifications: Minimum 5 years meat cutting experience in a retail store enviornment.
CLARKE: Elizabeth “Betty” (nee Batten) A resident of Chatham, and formerly of Stittsville, Betty Clarke passed away at Riverview Gardens Nursing Home on Monday, July 30, 2012 at the age of 89. Born in Winnipeg, Betty was the beloved wife of the late Hugh M. Clarke (1992). Loving mother to the late Jeffrey M. Clarke (1999) and Susan Clarke (Claude) of Chatham. Proud grandmother of Andrew Clarke (Carla) of Stittsville, David Clarke (Ashley) of Orleans and Carley DaSilva (Joe) of Chatham. Great-Grandmother to Willem, Liam and Benjamin Clarke of Stittsville, Charlotte Clarke of Orleans and Avery and Meghan DaSilva of Chatham. Betty loved entertaining her family and friends, and playing a good game of bridge, but nothing made her happier than the love of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Cremation has taken place with a private family memorial to follow at a later date. Donations made in memory of Betty to the Heart & Stroke Foundation or the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences may be left at www.mckinlayfuneralhome.com. Arrangements entrusted to: MCKINLAY FUNERAL HOME 459 St. Clair Street Chatham, Ontario, N7L 3K6 519-351-2040 CL367268
Looking for Foster Parents We are currently seeking caring individuals/couples who want to open their home to children/youth that require strong structure/loving and nurturing environments. This is an opportunity to change the life of a young person. Compensation for time and expenses provided. If you are interested please call (613) 253-7881 ext 227
DUE TO OUR CONTINUED GROWTH WE ARE LOOKING FOR Full Time and Elect-To-Work Certified Industrial Millwrights, Welder/Fitters Pipefitting Experience Would Be An Asset (Minimum 5 Years Experience Required) Elect-To-Work is defined as being able to accept or decline work when offered without discipline and is subject to the availability of work. We are looking for results oriented tradespeople who have in-depth knowledge of their trade and who are capable of assuming bottom line responsibilities in the pursuit of excellence and delivery. Our environment is fast paced and results driven. Our team is energetic, intelligent and hardworking. Our company places a high value on establishing a workplace where people are challenged and respected every day.
A member of The Performance Group Of Companies
Responsibilities include: Providing superior customer service and satisfaction through consistent application of store processes and standards.
Imagine working with an industry leader where excellence in client satisfaction and expertise in our niche market is the standard.
Please e-mail your resume and cover letter by August 17th to Claire Petite Manager of Lettershop Services and Specialty Publications Performance Group of Companies cpetite@perfprint.ca
All YOU NEED IS LOVE Great Job, great friends, great ‘stuff? All that’s missing is someone great to share it with. Misty River Introductions will help you find the right one. www.mistyriverintros.com (613) 257-3531
At EMC Specialty Publications we are committed to producing top-quality Community Resource Guides that are the number one choice for consumers and provide great value for advertisers. We’ve been perfecting our directories for over thirty years and are proud to bring consumers and businesses together. We are currently looking for an Outside Sales Representative to prospect for potential advertisers across our 25 Ontario markets. Responsibilities include telephone sales, visiting clients, customer service and order processing.
Specialty Publications
Attention horse fans!!! It’s time to saddle up for our Annual Toledo Horse Ride-a-Thon! Check out our website: www.saddleupintoledo.com
We are now hiring a part time CYW for our Foster Care Program. Must have experience working with adolescents. Group care experience an asset. Strong verbal and written communication skills. Flexible schedule to include days, evenings and weekends. Must have vehicle and valid drivers licence. Benefits package available following probationary period. Please fax your resume to 613-257-5475.
Fax Resume, Personal and CVOR Abstract to:
CRIMINAL RECORD? You can be arrested, jailed or deported if you enter the United States with a criminal record. A waiver clears you for entry. Call now, toll free: 1-8-NOW PAR-DON) 1-866-972-7366 www.removeyourrecord.com In business since 1989
has an immediate opportunity for a full time MEAT CUTTER
Kelford Youth Services Inc.
We offer: Very Competitive Wages, 5 day Week work 4 Day Bonus week Program
Horse stalls and hay steamers. HappyHorseProducts.ca 613715-1719.
If you are interested in this opportunity, pleaes send or fax your resume in confidence to: Steve Houle or Serge Robichaud Steve’s Independent Grocer 455 McNeely Avenue Fax: 613-253-4980
DZ Drivers Wanted
EMC Classifieds Get Results!
Strong interpersonal skills with demonstrated ability to lead and manage others. Minimum Grade 12 education.
HUNTING SUPPLIES Rideau Valley Outdoors. Come hunt with us in the heart of Eastern Ontario! We offer waterfowl, turkey, deer and black bear hunting. We are now booking for our specialty: guided goose hunts. Check out our website at www.rideauvalleyoutdoors.ca or call (613)284-7825.
100-$400 CASH
Home Builder Requires construction Labourers & carpenters. Must have own transportation, please fax resume to (613)523-3547.
HUNTING SUPPLIES Canadian Firearm/Hunter Safety Courses. Call Dave Arbour 613-257-7489 or visit www.valleysportsmanshow.com for dates and details of courses near you.
AZ DRIVERS enjoy the advantage of driving for a leading in-ternational truckload carrier -great pay, benefits and bonuses; steady miles; driver friendly freight; safe equipment; and weekly pay. Ask about our TEXAS Team program and our Lease Program! Just a few reasons why Celadon Canada was voted One of the Best Fleets to Drive For in North America for 2012! Hiring Company Dirvers & Owner Opera-tors. Cross-Border & Intra-Canada Lanes. Call recruiting at 1-800-332-0515 www.celadoncanada.com
HELP WANTED School Bus Drivers Wanted. 2 School Routes in North Gower, Stittsville Area. Contact Lisa at 613-489-3742.
EXPERIENCED FORMSETTER/ LABOURER NEEDED Full-time Monday to Friday for busy, smaller foundation company. Ottawa area. Must have own vehicle. DZ and knowledge of equipment an asset but not nec. Please e-mail resume to bencliff_66@hotmail.com
HELP WANTED Hiring part time tutor for after school program. Must be over 18 yrs and very patient. Training provided. Call (613)591-9351.
APPLY AT: salesandsupport@kilmarnock.ca or fax your resume to: 613-283-8649 no later than August 24, 2012 We thank all applicants; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of William Paul Rikely (Bill) on July 25, 2012 in his 88th year. Bill passed away at Ottawa’s Queensway Carleton Hospital following a brief illness. Bill was predeceased in 1984 by his beloved wife of 37 years, Pauline (Hare). He leaves behind his children Susan (Dan), Daniel (Geraldine) Kathryn (Brian) and Jennifer (Barry) and grandchildren Christopher Parsons (Jessamyn), Bronywn and Meredith Lazowski. In 1989 Bill was blessed to marry his loving wife, Janine (Rousseau), and to be embraced by her children and grandchildren: David (Julia and children Gabrielle and Chloe), Nicole (Jean Paul), Michael (Sheilah), Paul (Suzy and children Nicholas and Samuel) and Denise (David and children Lindsey and Logan). Bill had a distinguished career with the Canadian Military beginning as an RCAF pilot, then transferring to the navy where he rose to the rank of Commander. He was the proud Captain of the naval destroyer “Kootenay”. Following his 32 year military career, Bill joined the federal Aviation Safety Board. Since 1989, Bill enjoyed a rich and active retirement continuing to feed his lifelong passion for aviation and his love of the open seas. Bill will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by all those who love him dearly. A celebration of his life will be held on Monday, July 30th at 2:00 p.m. in the chapel at Pinecrest Cemetery. The service will be followed by a reception for family and friends. The family would like to thank the staff of the Queensway Carleton Hospital for their care and compassion during Bill’s final weeks.
TRAILERS / RVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S
Adorable Bichon Frise puppies for sale. Home raised, first shots. For more information please contact Kim at 613-2298110. DOG SITTING Experienced retired breeder providing lots of TLC. My home. Smaller dogs only. References available. $17-$20 daily Marg 613-721-1530
White Cedars Tourist Park Constant Lake/Eganville 2013 Seasonal Sites Available Now Big Lots, 3 Services Great Rate for balance of 2012 Season By Appointment Only 613-649-2255 www.whitecedars.com
Stunning 3 bedroom. 4 bath townhome on 12 Cedarock Dr. No backyard neighbour. Walking distance to all amenities, you must see. (613)2711902.
Christie Lake Cottages, cottages still available for August. 613-267-3470. www.christie lakecottages.com
Happy 65th Birthday Mom (Grandma) Helen Fisher (Kerr) Helenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family invite you to celebrate with us Sunday, August 19, 2012 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm St Clareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hall 4009 Dwyer Hill Road, Ashton Best Wishes Only
Seasonal Camping
White Cedars Tourist Park Constant Lake/Eganville Fully Outfitted Waterfront 2 and 3 bedrooms Cottages. Until Thanksgiving week-end. 613-649-2255 www.whitecedars.com
VEHICLES 2004 Chev Venture van, 7 pass., V6, 194,000 kms. Winter tires, new brakes, e-tested 2011. Tow package. Clean, one owner. Asking $2,750. 613-838-5982.
Wanted, garage space (Stittsville area) to store antique car from October 1 to May 30. 613836-7227.
BUTLER Vincent
WORK WANTED Certified Mason. 12 years experience. Chimney repair, restoration, parging, repointing. Brick, block and stone. Small/ big job specialist. Free estimates. 613-250-0290. Contract Tapers- Specializing in taping and mudding to get your project ready for painting. Free estimates. casey_dave@hotmail. com (613)219-1178 Send A Load to the dump, cheap. Clean up clutter, garage sale leftovers or leaf and yard waste. 613-256-4613.
To give yourselves some extra time allow us to take a grime. Call 613-262-2243, Tatiana.
Assortment of used tires, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.5. Sum-mers, all-season and snows. Also used car parts. Gord 613-257-2498.
Gone are the days we used to share, But in our hearts you are always there. The gates of memory will never close, We miss you more than anyone knows. With tender love and deep regret We who love you will never forget. Love Mabel and family
If you lose your keys, The War Amps can return them to you by courier â&#x20AC;&#x201C; free of charge. When you use War Amps key tags, you support the Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program.
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EMC Classifieds Get Results!
Attach a War Amps conďŹ dentially coded key tag to your key ring. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a safeguard for all your keys â&#x20AC;&#x201C; not just car keys.
In loving memory of a dear husband, dad and grandfather who left us on Aug 5, 2009
Local Gold Buyer. I will meet you & pay cash on the spot for your old gold, silver, platinum. HarryBuysGold@gmail.com
Didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get your War Amps key tags in the mail? Order them today!
Charitable Registration No. 13196 9628 RR0001
Buildin g
a future!
Miller Waste Systems Inc., a division of The Miller Group of Companies, is a diversified waste recycling company with operations throughout Canada. We currently have the following opportunities in our Ottawa location...
Residential Waste Collection Service Reps
In the position of Split Rear Loader CSR your responsibilities will include, but not limited to operating a 2-Man Rear Loader Truck or a one-man Side Loader Truck to ensure timely curb side collection of residential waste, recycling, organics, and yard waste. You must be highly productive and have excellent customer services skills.
2007 Jay Flight 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Bungalow Park model 37â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Three season sunroom with windows & screens Lot 4 Mississippi Lake RV Resort, Carleton Place, ON. This special RV home is nestled under trees on an extremely nicely landscaped premium location. Just steps from the beach, docks, restaurant, pool and visitor parking area. A Pickett fence adds to the privacy of this property. The retail investment of this spacious and well decorated summer RV home with all the comforts available is $97,300. It has just been REDUCED to $54,900 for a quick sale. Financing available OAC. For viewing visit Kijiji ID 371015693 or call (613)-799-5000.
You must be a team player with safe working habits, a valid DZ licence and a clean driving record. Waste collection and Rear Load or Side Loader truck experience and knowledge of the Ottawa area are assets. You are available to work Saturdays when required. Interested applicants are requested to apply to: David Freemantle E-mail: david.freemantle@millergroup.ca Fax: 905-475-6396 :H WKDQN DOO DSSOLFDQWV KRZHYHU RQO\ WKRVH VHOHFWHG IRU DQ LQWHUYLHZ ZLOO EH FRQWDFWHG
to be held on site at 170D Queen St., Smiths Falls, On K7A 58B (outskirts of town en route to Merrickville) on Mon., Aug. 27/12 @ 6 pm
~ 5 yr. old Semi-Detached ~ Unbeatable address! Experience the Rideau Canal Waterway only 300â&#x20AC;&#x2122; from your back gate. Complimenting this 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;w x 135â&#x20AC;&#x2122;d property is a trendy, smoke-free, semi-detached bungalow with living/dining area, kitchen with deck to front & rear yards, 4 pce bath & 2 bedrooms both having double closets. The basement houses a natural gas F/A furnace, HRV unit, 100 amp service, laundry area & is plumbed for a 4 pce bath. Finish the basement & double your living space. Transferable Tarion warranty. Double wide paved drive. On municipal water & sewer. Taxes approx. $2300.00. For private viewing, terms & conditions, please call our office at 613-267-6027.
Auctioneers & Qualified Appraisers JIM & TREVOR HANDS: THE VOICES OF EXPERIENCE Phone: (613) 267-6027 or (613) 267-1335 Fax: (613) 267-6931 www.jimhandsauction.com
Saturday August 11, 2012 10:00 AM sharp For Ken and Pat Kilgour, et al, to be held at their home located at 3231 Prestonvale Rd., Balderson, Ontario. Purebred Haflinger Mare â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 yrs old â&#x20AC;&#x201C; approx. 14 hands; Purebred Haflinger Mare 3 yrs old â&#x20AC;&#x201C; approx. 13 hands, both horses broken to saddle or harness. 9 yr old Appaloosa Quarter Horse cross Gelding â&#x20AC;&#x201C; selling with saddle and bridle â&#x20AC;&#x201C; very quiet; Purebred Mini Mare â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9 years old â&#x20AC;&#x201C; extremely quiet â&#x20AC;&#x201C; not broken. Creekdale Carriages 4 wheel buggy â&#x20AC;&#x201C; excellent condition; Pony cart â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2 wheel; Covered wagon; Double Horse tandem trailer as is; bridles, halters, tack. Ford 8N Tractor â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1947; John Deere 320 Lawn Tractor â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 17 HP, 48â&#x20AC;? deck; 11 HP snow blower; 5 HP Poulan Rear Tyne Roto Tiller; Gas Weed Eater; Table Saw; 16â&#x20AC;? Scroll Saw; Bench grinder; Sander; Skil Saw; Drills; Jig Saw; Orbital sander; Queen size bed, triple dresser, chest of drawers, 2 end tables; Wicker chairs; HD Soup Warmer- commercial use; HD toaster â&#x20AC;&#x201C; restaurant use; Electric Organ etc. etc. Everything is in excellent condition. The Horses will be sold at 12:30 immediately followed by the buggy. Owner: Ken and Pat Kilgour 613-267-5307 613-285-6067 Terms: Cash or Cheque with ID Auctioneer: John J. Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neill 613-832-2503 www.oneillsauctions.ca Owner or Auctioneer not responsible in case of loss or accident day of sale
THE 24TH ANNUAL ODESSA ANTIQUE SHOW AUGUST 11TH & 12TH, 2012 EASTERN ONTARIOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LARGEST OUTDOOR ANTIQUE SHOW The Odessa Antique Show and Sale, the LARGEST outdoor antique show in eastern Ontario, will be held this year on August 11 and 12, 2012. At this popular annual event, dealers from Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes display a wide variety of antique and collectible treasures. Collectors can count on discovering anything from furniture to household items, tools, textiles, paintings, folk art, jewellery and glass and china. Whether youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re hoping to decorate your home with heritage objects or retro pieces or add to a long-held collection, the Odessa Antique Show will no doubt yield many fascinating finds. The prices suit every budget, ranging from a few dollars to a few thousand dollars. The dealers arrive and begin unpacking their wares on Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. Keen visitors can pay the $20 early-bird admission, which includes re-entry on Sunday; checking in early allows you to peruse the stalls, examine the items up close and be the first to buy. Admission on Sunday from 8 a.m. onwards costs $8. An abundance of delectable homemade food, the Odessa Antique Show is an excellent deal and a great event for a summer afternoon, not only for antique lovers but for anyone interested in eye-catching memorabilia. No reproductions are allowed. This is an antique & collectibles show. Exhibitors More than 100 vendors from across Ontario, Quebec, and even Atlantic Canada, are expected at the event, which organizers describe as the largest antique show in Eastern Ontario. The event has survived for nearly a quarter of a century because it caters to both kinds of antique collectors. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You have a certain type of collector that is interested in purchasing items to decorate their house; theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not so interested in the investment value,â&#x20AC;? Dobson said , said Bill Dobson, who was the owner of the show until he handed it over to Karen Leacock-Brown in 2011. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The other area is people who want to purchase things as a fairly good investment for value in the future. CL407511 www.odessaantiqueshow.ca â&#x20AC;&#x153;The interesting thing about the Odessa show is itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so large and so diverse it satisfies all types of collectors.â&#x20AC;?
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 55
Your Community Newspaper
John Brummell photo
At Richmond Public School
Amy Armstrong, left, Bryna Mason, centre, doing the airborne splits, and Emily Herasimenko, right, perform a school cheer at the year-end talent show at Richmond Public School on Friday, June 22.
About Goulbourn Lawn Bowling Club Special to the News
EMC sports - Lawn bowling action at the Goulbourn Lawn Bowling Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s facility beside the Goulbourn Town Hall (former Goulbourn municipal building) at Stanleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Corners is happening every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. with treats and refreshments with conversation afterwards.
And this year these refreshments and conversation take place in a new tent shelter that has been erected at the lawn bowling green. This is providing a relaxing spot where lawn bowlers can stay out of the sun or inclement weather while enjoying themselves right beside the lawn bowling green. This new tent shelter was erected just in time for the
opening of the season. The Goulbourn Lawn Bowling Club and the city of Ottawa cooperated in the purchase of this new shelter, with the city supplying matching funds of about $7,000. This year the city of Ottawa has also fully funded a new mower for the lawn bowling green to the tune of $7,900. The Goulbourn Lawn Bowling Club is always open
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% &
' The Ottawa Valley Music Festival Presents
Emilie Capulet
to new members. It is a very economical sport, with the cost of lawn bowling for the ďŹ rst year being only $60. In addition, the Club supplies the lawn bowls. All a new bowler needs is a pair of ďŹ&#x201A;at soled shoes, shorts and a light top. You will receive lots of instruction and advice on how to play the game. For those who cannot bowl during the day, the Club is now offering lawn bowling on Tuesday and Thursday evenings starting at 6:30 p.m. Lawn bowling is a game that goes back to the possibly the 12th century and most definitely to the 13th century. It is also a sport that suits people from teens through to seniors because of its leisurely pace and its reliance on skill. For more information about the Goulbourn Lawn Bowling Club and the upcoming season, please contact Club president George Burns-Nichol at 613-831-0939 or email him at gjbn@rogers.com
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1251 Main St. Stittsville (second ďŹ&#x201A;oor of Browns independent) Is Please to announce that Dr. Sehti Is accepting new patients.
The Almonte Old Town Hall 14 Bridge Street St. Almonte, ON Adults $20 / Students $10
Please call or come in to register Space will be limited R0011243676
./ /#$ -) ! 4 / /# -) *.0- *!# +), *'#. 3 * "' * # " $$'!#. 0-+- */ -'+
(Free Admission for Kids under 12) TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR , at tickets@valleyfestival.ca www.valleyfestival.ca OR CALL 613-433-9457 R0011547536 56 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
Skipping at school
William Hunter skips in the year-end talent show at Richmond Public School in Richmond. This 2012 Talent Showcase featured 35 performances in total, ranging from dancing to singing to piano playing to fiddling to gymnastics to Jiu Jitsu.
Plays selections by Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy, Ravel, and Mozart
3 pm Sunday August 19, 2012
John Brummell photo
SALE $23.00
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Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm • Sat 9:00am-3pm Email: info@fdstore.ca
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 57
Your Community Newspaper
Dale Argue Cup at Sand Del Lee John Curry john.curry@metroland.com
EMC sports - Canada’s premier motocross racing series comes to Goulbourn this Sunday, Aug. 12. It will be the eighth round of the nine round, cross Canada series that began in June in Nanaimo, B.C. and has seen racing take place in Calgary, Edmonton, Ontario and Quebec before coming to Sand Del Lee Motocross Park on Conley Road west of Richmond.
And up for grabs at this Sunday’s Monster Energy MX Motocross Nationals at Sand Del Lee will be the Dale Argue Cup, named in honour of the founder of the Sand Del Lee facility 40 years ago. The Dale Argue Cup will be awarded to the top 250 cc and 450 cc class winners in this Sunday’s event. The Dale Argue Cup was established to honour the late Dale Argue, one of the forefathers of Canadian motocross racing. He opened the Sand
Del Lee motocross raceway 40 years ago, making it perhaps the oldest continuously run motocross track in Canada. In 2001, MX 101, the current operator of the Sand Del Lee Motocross Park, took over operation of the facility but Dale Argue continued to help with advice as MX 101 developed the raceway. Mr. Argue passed away in Aug. 2010 and the Dale Argue Cup was created in his honour at that time.
The Sand Del Lee Motocross Park was completely renovated by MX101 in 2006, including a new track layout, installation of access tunnels for spectator access, a watering system and a pavilion. The track features a 42 gate starting line and a three storey scoring tower. Pro lap times on the track are two minutes. This weekend will see the Monster Energy Motocross Nationals come to Sand Del Lee. This Saturday, Aug. 11 will
be National Amateur Day with a full day of amateur racing on the track from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This will be followed on Sunday, Aug. 12 by the big feature, Pro National racing as the eighth round of the Monster Energy Motocross Nationals takes place. There will be action on the track from 8 a.m. when practicing takes place through to 4 p.m. There will be an opening ceremony at 11:50 a.m. For a breakdown of the racing schedule, check out the website www.mx101.ca Tickets can be purchased at the gate this weekend. For adults, there is a $40 weekend pass or a $25 pass for either Saturday or Sunday. For youngsters up to age 11, there is a $25 weekend pass or a $15 pass for either Saturday or Sunday. Pre-schoolers are admitted free. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Monster Energy Motocross National series in Canada. The series
attracts top motocross racers not only from Canada but from around the world. Sand Del Lee Motocross Park can be reached from either Franktown Road west of Richmond or Fallowfield Road west of Huntley Road, taking Conley Road north from Franktown Road or taking Conley Road south from Fallowfield Road.
The late Dale Argue
Royal Lepage Team Realty 6081 Hazeldean Rd., Unit 12B
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58 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
REAL ESTATE, NEWS & SPORTS Golf Tournament Special to the News
Special to the News
Goulbourn Township Historical Society, is located just past the computer area in the library. This special issue of “Ontario History” features ten separate articles about the War of 1812, covering a wide range of topics such as “The Capture of York” and “Canada’s Fur Trade and the War of 1812.” This periodical cannot be taken out of the library but it can be read in the library simply for enjoyment or to provide research information.
Private Sale - 188 Arthur Street, Arnprior C Custom built b il bungalow b l 6 years old. ld All modern d features, f open concept, cherry hardwood floors, lower floor walkout family room to private large lot, 4br, 3bths. Master suit Jacuzzi. Chef’s delight kitchen with island, appliance, gas and radiant floor heating, recessed lighting and much more. Call for private viewing. 613-216-7515 or 613-266-8861 R0011550741.0809
Kathleen Vermeer Sales Representative
EMC news - “Ontario History,” a periodical published by the Ontario Historical Society, has published a special issue focused on the War of 1812. For those who are interested in the War of 1812 and who might find this special issue of interest, it can now be accessed in the reference material in the local history section of the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library. This local history section, which is maintained by the R00214642214
RE/MAX METRO-CITY John Roberts Broker REALTY LTD., brokerage 613- 596-5353 or 613-832-0902 2255 Carling Avenue Ottawa, ON K2B 7Z5 www.johnwroberts.com
NEW LISTING! 115 Porcupine Trail, Dunrobin Immacuate 3 bedrm bungalow with oversized 2 car garage, custom shed with loft, hardwd in living & dining rm, woodburning fireplace, updated kitchen & main bath, jacuzzi ensuite, spare room in basement, natural gas heat, c/air & more! A true gem! $349,900 NEW LISTING! 8 Terrace Drive #219, Bells Corners Gorgeous 2 bedrm, 3 bath 2 storey condo features renovated kitchen, new flooring, paint, trim & doors, wood-burning fireplace, balcony off livrm , master ensuite & walk-in closet, newer appliances, private yard & location, walk to stores & restaurants and bus stop. Fast access to all highways & major arteries! $209,900
NEW LISTING! 75 Creek Drive, Fitzroy Harbour Brand new 3+1 bedrm bungalow with Tarion Warranty 35 mins from Kanata! Open concept layout, hardwd & tile flrs on main level, granite counters in kitchen & bathrms, main flr laundry, fin. basement has 3 pce bath, recrm & 4th bedrm. Veranda, large back deck, c/air, 4 kitchen appliances & more! 123’ x 147’lot $369,900
NEW LISTING! 35 Sheldrake Street, Glen Cairn, Kanata Terrific starter home or downsizer, 3 bedrm, main flr den, updated kitchen, freshly painted, large yard with deck & above ground pool and shed, updated bathrms, rec rm, workshop & spare rm in basement! Includes appliances. Shows very well! $249,900
NEW LISTING! 311 Whistler Road, Constance Bay Completely renovated 2+1 bedroom bungalow with beautiful upgrades across from forest! Gourmet kitchen with stainless steel appliances, main flr laundry, gas fireplace in livrm, finished basement has 3rd bedrm, full bath & rec room, 2 car detached garage! $329,900
NEW LISTING! 15 Bethune Way, Beaverbrook, Kanata Needs updating! Spacious condominium townhouse in great area close to buses, shopping, library, schools and bike paths! Eat-in kitchen, fireplace in living room, inside access to the garage with garage door opener, full basement! Immediate possession available! $209,900
Visit www.johnwroberts.com to see more pictures and full details of all my listings!!
37 SPRUCE RIDGE RD. TEAM REALTY Independently Owned and Operated Brokerage
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6081 Hazeldean Rd., Unit 12B
3+1 full brick bungalow with oversized 2 car garage. Beautifully landscaped property located just minutes to Stittsville and HWY access.
>Ì ii ÛJÀ Þ> i«>}i°V>ÊUÊÜÜÜ° ÃÌ> `Ãi ÌÌ>Ü>°V R001154236/0809
EMC sports - The Canadian Golf and Country Club is the place. Saturday, Aug. 25 is the date. The 9th annual Tori Carswell Memorial Golf Tournament is the event. It is hoped that this year’s tournament will raise over $34,000, just like every tournament since 2006 has done. Indeed, over $300,000 has been raised by these tournaments since they began in 2004. Again this year all of the proceeds from the tournament will go to Tori’s Helping Hand which was established in 2005 and is part of the Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Support Programs Inc. It provides funds to palliative care oncology children and their families as well as to families whose children require a transplant. The funds for palliative children helps the families provide much needed comfort in their child’s last days. This comfort might come in the way of a comfortable chair, a spa visit, a puppy or other desired item. Anyone who would like to participate in this year’s tournament on Saturday, Aug. 25 should email Kim or Paul Carswell at kcarswell@rogers.com or contact them at 613-836-2183. Sponsors and volunteers are also welcomed as well. Last year’s eighth annual tournament, also held at the Canadian Golf and Country Club, saw $35,117 raised. The post-tournament evening was MC’d by Michael O’Byrne from CTV Ottawa. The winning team of golfers at last year’s tournament consisted of Paul Carswell, Steve Carswell, Ian Riggs and Don Cumming. The second place team included Gerry Chenier, Rick Raymond, Richard Dinelle and Gary Theoret. Most honest golfers in last year’s tournament were Steve Rogers, Jen Lanthier, NickyLanthier Rogers and Buzz Lanthier-Rogers. This tournament and Tori’s Helping Hand are named after Tori Carswell of Stittsville who died of a childhood cancer called neuroblastoma in Jan. 2004. Funds raised by friends, family and the community of Stittsville ensured that Tori had some special moments during her last weeks of life. This is what inspired the Carswell family to set up Tori’s Helping Hand so that other palliative care oncology children could enjoy the same experience. The $18,000 raised by the tournament in its initial year of 2004 went to the Neuroblastoma Research Fund and the Children’s Wish Foundation. Since 2005, the funds raised by the tournament have been directed to Tori’s Helping Hand. Tori Carswell was born in 1994 but she began having back and leg pains after turning five years old. That’s when she was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma – she was just three weeks shy of her sixth birthday. After a family Christmas in 2003, her health quickly deteriorated and she passed away on Jan. 16, 2004.
Special issue on the War of 1812
Kathleen Vermeer Sales Representative
TEAM REALTY Independently Owned and Operated Brokerage
613-769-3501 613-831-9287
6081 Hazeldean Rd., Unit 12B
Welcome to 524 Dalewood Crescent, this modified Colorado A - Monarch built bungalow is situated on wonderfully landscaped pie shaped lot. With an open concept main floor and additional finished family room in the lower level this home is perfect for those who love to entertain.
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Royal Lepage Team Realty 6081 Hazeldean Rd., Unit 12B
Barb Eamer Sales Representative
613-831-9287 50 ACRES NEAR RICHMOND 50 private acres to hike, walk, ski or paintball on. Spacious bungalow with 4 bay garage, heated inground pool, 3 fireplaces, large patio and your own creek. Properties like this within minutes of the City do not come up often. Must be seen to be appreciated.
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$269,900 www.3265AbbottSt.com
For all the homes in your life!
Annual Memorial
Your Community Newspaper
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 59
Local events and happenings over the coming weeks â&#x20AC;&#x201D; free to non-profit organizations Fax: 613-224-3330, E-mail: news@yourkanata.com
The eighth round of the nine round Monster Energy Motocross Nationals will be staged at the Sand Del Lee Motocross Park on Conley Road west of Richmond on Saturday, Aug. 11 and Sunday, Aug. 12. National Amateur Day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. Pro National racing on Sunday. Tickets available at the gate. For more information, check the website www. mx101.ca The Goulbourn Township Historical Society is planning a summer outing to the Waba Cottage Museum at White Lake on Saturday, Aug. 11. Members are to meet in the parking lot at St. Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Presbyterian Church in Stittsville at 11 a.m. for the drive in individual vehicles to Burnstown where lunch will be enjoyed before proceeding to the Waba Cottage Museum at
White Lake. Interpreters on site will provide a tour of the site which includes the Waba Cottage Museum, a church, a schoolhouse and gardens, all on the north shore of White Lake. Historical Society members planning to go on this summer outing are urged to indicate their participation by emailing goulbournhistoricalsociety@gmail.com so that numbers are known for reservations at the restaurant at Burnstown. St. Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Presbyterian Church on McBean Street in Richmond is holding a Vacation Bible School from Monday, Aug. 13 to Friday, Aug. 17 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon each day. For more information, please call 613-838-3723. Carleton-Mississippi Mills MP Gordon Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor is holding an â&#x20AC;&#x153;In Your Area Daysâ&#x20AC;? meeting on Monday, Aug. 13 starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library. All constituents are welcome to attend. Roundtable discussion from 6:30 p.m. followed by private meetings on a ďŹ rst come, ďŹ rst served basis. Share your thoughts on issues of
Saturday, August 18, 2012 9:00 am Civic #2250, County Road 31, Winchester, ON 613-774-7000 or 1-800-567-1797 Primary list at: www.rideauauctions.com
Cars: 08 G6, 139 kms; 08 Astra, 84 kms; 08 Taurus, 158 kms; 08 Edge, 77 kms; 07 Accord, 154 kms; 07 5, 191 kms; 07 Aura, 134 kms; 07 Cobalt, 91 kms; 07 PT Cruiser, 96 kms; 07 Jetta, 160 kms; 07 Magnum, 146 kms; 06 Allure, 136 kms; 06 RSX, 151 kms; 06 3, 114 kms; 06 Wave, 92 kms; 06 Impala, 247 kms; 05 Optra, 120 kms; 05 Sebring, 183 kms; (2)05 Allure, 108-109 kms; 05 300, 150 kms; (2)05 Impala, 145-197 kms; (2)05 Altima, 134-248 kms; 05 PaciďŹ ca, 213 kms; 05 G35, 179 kms; 05 Gr Prix, 137 kms; 05 SunďŹ re, 147 kms; 05 Taurus, 70 kms; 05 3, 128 kms; 05 Malibu, 222 kms; 04 Civic, 126 kms; 04 3, 150 kms; 04 Corolla, 171 kms; 04 Sebring, 119 kms; 04 Gr Prix, 198 kms; 04 Focus, 168 kms; 04 Altima, 149 kms; 04 Sebring, 153 kms; 04 Optra, 136 kms; (2)04 3, 139-177 kms; 04 Impreza, 225 kms; 04 Epica, 168 kms; 04 A6, 185 kms; 03 Focus, 258 kms; 03 Gr Prix, 133 kms; 03 Civic, 109 kms; (2)03 SunďŹ re, 149-218 kms; 03 ProtĂŠgĂŠ, 189 kms; 03 G35, 231 kms; 03 Focus, 176 kms; 03 BMW 3, 107 kms; 03 Impala, 158 kms; )3 Outback, 238 kms; 03 Aerio, 119 kms; (3)03 Gr Am, 130-377 kms; 02 Regal, 238 kms; (2)02 Corolla, 94-160 kms; 02 Gr Prix, 130 kms; 02 Esteem, 207 kms; 02 Taurus, 146 kms; 02 Bonneville, 207 kms; 02 Beetle, 174 kms; 02 Concorde, 155 kms; (3)02 Focus, 166-194 kms; 02 ProtĂŠgĂŠ, 155 kms; 02 Elantra, 234 kms; 02 Golf, 338 kms; 01 Maxima, 222 kms; 01 Echo, 141 kms; 01 Neon, 168 kms; 01 Accord, 243 kms; 01 Lesabre, 158 kms; 01 Beetle, 152 kms; (2)01 Outback, 213-230 kms; (2)01 Malibu, 132-141 kms; 00 Echo, 310 kms; 00 Camry, 136 kms; 00 Century, 62 kms; 00 Gr Am, 133 kms; 00 Lesabre, 231 kms; 00 Impala, 242 kms; 00 Neon, 194 kms; 99 EL, 186 kms; 99 ProtĂŠgĂŠ, 201 kms; 98 RL, 125 kms; 98 Corolla, 302 kms; 95 Accord, 210 kms; 93 I30, 266 kms; 98 Sentra, 221 kms; 98 Passat, 212 kms; 97 Mustang, 216 kms; 92 Camry, 138 kms SUVs: 08 Patriot, 151 kms; 07 Cherokee, 81 kms; 07 Liberty, 126 kms; (2) 07 Nitro, 107-201 kms; (2)06 Rendezvous, 149-257 kms; (2)06 Santa Fe, 91-105 kms; 05 Durango, 142 kms; 05 Escape, 110 kms; (2)05 Blazer, 138-192 kms; 05 Rendezvous, 109 kms; 05 Equinox, 161 kms; 05 Xtrail, 132 kms; 04 Trailblazer, 100 kms; 04 Envoy, 241 kms; 04 Cherokee, 196 kms; 04 Santa Fe, 141 kms; (2)04 Murano, 167-184 kms; (2)03 PathďŹ nder, 176-206 kms; 03 Liberty, 205 kms; 03 Montero, 171 kms; 03 Cherokee, 133 kms; 03 Yukon, 242 kms; 03 Rendezvous, 196 kms; 02 Explorer, 153 kms; 02 Jimmy, 210 kms; 02 Envoy, 185 kms; 00 CRV, 243 kms; 01 Blazer, 191 kms; 01 Explorer, 157 kms; 01 CRV, 174 kms; 97 Jimmy, 352 kms Vans: 08 Express, 233 kms; 07 Freestyle, 165 kms; (2)07 Caravan, 128143 kms; 07 Montana, 93 kms; 06 Uplander, 111 kms; 06 Caravan, 240 kms; 06 Freestar, 341 kms; 05 Caravan, 129 kms; 05 Freestar, 126 kms; 04 MPV, 141 kms; (2)04 Caravan, 134-152 kms; 04 Venture, 248 kms; 01 Venture, 199 kms; 03 Caravan, 212 kms; 03 Windstar, 126 kms; 03 Montana, 164 kms; 01 Caravan, 186 kms; 01 Odyssey, 233 kms; 00 Ford Cargo, 121 kms; (2)00 Caravan, 175-244 kms; 99 Caravan, 210 kms; 96 Caravan, 204 kms Light Trucks: 07 Colorado, 96 kms; 05 F150, 125 kms; 04 Colorado, 107 kms; 04 Ram, 220 kms; 03 F150, 288 kms; 03 S10, 102 kms; 02 Ranger, 166 kms; 01 Dakota, 168 kms; 97 Tacoma, 360 kms Heavy Equipment/Trucks: 05 JD 624J payloader; 04 E450, 177 kms; 02 Cutaway, 302 kms; 01 Cutaway, 207 kms; 00 Econoline, 316 kms; 99 Econoline, 23 kms Trailers: (4)Utility Trailers Recreational Items: Cadormat Fishing boat; Misc: Holder HB50; Alamo Ditch Mowers; Holder 4160AP; MF 1135, 4216 hrs; Case Backhoe 570 MXT, 3752 hrs; Pressure Washers; Rotary Cutters; Holder C9600, 4066 hrs; Air Compressor; MF 4245, 7583 hrs; Packer; 02 Raymond Forklift, 4044 hrs; Case 895; Finishing Mowers; resurfacer; Floor Sweeper/Polisher; Golf Carts; Tennant Floor Sweeper; Scraper blades; Bale Spear; Floor tiles; boat motors; lawn aerator; snowblower
NO CHILDREN ALLOWED List is subject to change. Website will be updated as new consignments are registered Buyers Premium Applies - Terms: Cash; Visa; MasterCard; Interac for $500.00 deposit & Cash, CertiďŹ ed Cheque, Interac for balance due on vehicle Viewing: August 15, 16 & 17, 2012 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pictures and description of items available at www.icangroup.ca Click on Ottawa
60 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
federal government concern. The seventh movie in this summerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s series of free movie nights at Village Square Park at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Abbott Street in Stittsville, sponsored by Stittsvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youth connexion program, namely â&#x20AC;&#x153;Racing Stripes,â&#x20AC;? will be shown on Tuesday, Aug. 14 at 8:30 p.m. Refreshments will be for sale. Those planning to attend should take along a blanket or a lawn chair for seating. Everyone of all ages is welcome to attend. The Goulbourn Skating Club is holding a registration session for the coming season on Wednesday, Aug. 15 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Goulbourn Town Hall (former Goulbourn municipal building) on Huntley Road at Stanleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Corners just south of Stittsville. Online registration at www.goulbournskatingclub.com is also encouraged. Waste Management, in conjunction with the city of Ottawa, is presenting a Concert in the Park at Village Square Park in Stittsville on Thursday, Aug. 16 at 7 p.m., featuring the band Captain Fantastic. A cold turkey and ham dinner will be served on Saturday, Aug. 18 at 5 p.m. at Christ Church Ashton in Ashton, with a euchre to follow. For tickets, please contact Marion Jones at 613-838-5405 or Rev. Jim Kirkpatrick at 613-253-2878. Everyone welcome. Carleton-Mississippi Mills MP Gordon Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor is holding an â&#x20AC;&#x153;In Your Area Daysâ&#x20AC;? meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 21 starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Richmond branch of the Ottawa Public Library. All constituents are welcome to attend. Roundtable discussion from 6:30 p.m. followed by private meetings on a ďŹ rst come, ďŹ rst served basis. Share your thoughts on issues of federal government concern. The eighth movie in this summerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s series of free movie nights at Village Square Park at the corner of Stittsville Main Street and Abbott Street in Stittsville, sponsored by Stittsvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youth connexion program, namely â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Lorax,â&#x20AC;? will be shown on Tuesday, Aug. 21 at 8:30 p.m. Refreshments will be for sale. Those planning to attend should take along a blanket or a lawn chair for seating. Everyone of all ages is welcome to attend. Bhante Kovida is holding a series of four free classes on meditation at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library on Stittsville Main Street in Stittsville beginning on Wednesday, Aug. 22 at 6:30 p.m. Everyone of all ages is welcome to attend. No registration required. For more information, please contact Bhante Kovida at 613-836-0938 or via email at buddhadipa.99@gmail.com
)LQG 2XW 0RUH 21/,1( ZZZ *R0F&R\ FRP Â&#x2021; ZZZ TXHHQVZD\WRXUV FD Â&#x2021; 0HULYDOH 5G 2WWDZD 21 . * -
Waste Management, in conjunction with the city of Ottawa, is presenting a Concert in the Park at Village Square Park in Stittsville on Thursday, Aug. 9 at 7 p.m., featuring the band Eddy and the Stingrays.
Your Community Newspaper
John Brummell photo
At Richmond Public School
John Brummell photo
Fiddling around
Alysa Mowat, left, and Abby Gorr, right, dance in the year-end talent show at Richmond Lucas Meier, left, and Jeffrey Meier, right, fiddle and stepdance in the year-end talent Public School in Richmond. show at Richmond Public School.
Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 61
Your Community Newspaper
Historical Society off to Waba Cottage Special to the News
After lunch at a bistro at Burnstown, the ďŹ&#x201A;otilla of individual vehicles will proceed on to White Lake and the Waba Cottage Museum. There will be interpreters on site who will be giving a tour. The site also has gardens which are well worth visiting. Besides the stone Waba Cottage Museum, the site also includes a church and a schoolhouse. The Waba Cottage Museum is located on the north shore of White
EMC news - The Goulbourn Township Historical Society is organizing a visit to the Waba Cottage Museum at White Lake this coming Saturday, Aug. 11. Historical Society members and friends will be meeting in the parking lot at St. Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Presbyterian Church in Stittsville at 11 a.m. that day to travel to White Lake, with a luncheon stop on the way at Burnstown.
Lake. The Museum has a display of the authentic belongings of Archibald McNab, the Laird of McNab, the 13th Chief of the clan McNab and the founder of McNab township. The original McNab home on the site was destroyed in 1936 but its remains have been faithfully restored on the original foundation. The old log schoolhouse on the site was built in 1878. The church now on the site was originally located in the village of White Lake.
An late breaking added attraction at the Waba Cottage Museum will be on an-site antiques appraisal. Ross Wilson from the Canadian Antiques Roadshow will be there to appraise military memorabilia while appraiser Kim Murray will also be on hand to give appraisals of china, glass and decorative objects. Each appraisal will cost ďŹ ve dollars. Historical Society members who plan to go on this excursion should
let the Historical Society know by emailing goulbournhistoricalsociety@gmail.com. This information is needed due to the lunch stop in Burnstown and ensuring that space is reserved for the group at the bistro there. The entry fee at the Museum is two dollars per person. The lunch will likely cost between $10 and $15. All costs are to be paid individually at both the Museum and the restaurant.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Becoming Whole Through the Power of Jesusâ&#x20AC;?
10:00 am: Service of Worship and Sunday School 613-836-4756 www.gcuc.ca
Children's Church
St. Patrickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FallowďŹ eld Roman Catholic Church
Pastors: Ken Roth, Phil Hamilton Chapel Ridge Free Methodist Church 5660 Flewellyn Road, Stittsville 613-831-1024 email: office@chapelridge.ca www.chapelridge.ca
Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 9:00am & 11:00am
Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church
15 Steeple Hill Cres., Nepean, ON 613-591-1135 www.stpatricks.nepean.on.ca
44 Rothesay Drive, Kanata, ON, K2L 2X1
Pastor: Rev. Pierre Champoux
Parish Mission Statement The Holy Redeemer Parish Community lives the Way, the Truth and the Life by reaching out with the Good News to Welcome, to Serve and to Care.
Sunday Mass Times: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.
Weekday Masses Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m
Email: parish@holyredeemer.ca Website: www.holyredeemer.ca
Pastors: Jonathan Mills , Bob Davies & Doug Ward
Pastor: Keith MacAskill
A New Testament Church 465 Eagleson Road (also entrance off Palomino) 11 am Family Bible Hour (Nursery Available) Sunday School 6:30 pm Evening Bible Hour www.bridlewoodbiblechapel.ca 613-591-8514
Grace Baptist Church of Ottawa
613-591-3469 R0011292295
1489 Shea Road, (corner of Abbott) Stittsville, Ontario K2S 0G8
SUNDAY MASS TIMES Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am & 10:30 am Rev. C. Ross Finlan, Pastor
2 Stonehaven Dr. at Eagleson Road Sunday 10:00 A.M. Worship Service Nursery provided
2470 Huntley Road
Preaching the Doctrines of Grace
Sunday Worship 10:30 am R0011470605
Sunday and weekday Bible studies see our website for times and locations
Parish ofďŹ ce - 613-836-8881 Fax - 613-836-8806
140 Abbeyhill Dr., Kanata Rev. Brian Copeland
Seventh-Day Adventist Church
FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH 613-591-3246 â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Church Rooted in Christ and Fruitfulâ&#x20AC;? 1078 Klondike Road, Kanata
Sunday 11:00am Worship Service with Nursery & Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ministry 6:15pm Evening Service Rev. Carlo De Vito, Pastor of Family Ministries email: fellowshipbaptistchurch@bellnet.ca www.kanatafellowship.com Rev. Colin N. McKenzie, Sr. Pastor
Mass: Saturday at 5:00 pm Sunday at 9:00 and 11:00 am Telephone: (613) 592-1961 E-mail: ofďŹ ce@stisidorekanata.com
Christ Risen Lutheran Church
We are a welcoming and friendly community that invites you to come and worship with us in our new church
85 Leacock Drive, Kanata PASTOR STEVE STEWART
Sunday Services at 10:00 am
Nursery, Children & Youth Programs, Small Groups
Rev. Louis Natzke, Pastor
OfďŹ ce: 613-836-2606 Web: www.cbcstittsville.com Email us at: cbcinfo@cbcstittsville.com Direction for life's crossroads
Office 613-592-1546 www.christrisen.com
St. Thomas Anglican Church
Sunday Summer Services .( 0 . # +$,-
' $ 8:00 am - Said Eucharist ' #)+ & .,$ .( 0 #))& .+,!+0 10:00 am - Sung Eucharist and Sunday School ' + $,! .,$ .( 0 #))& .+,!+0 1 /// ,-* .&,#% )+"
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Welcome to all seeking spiritual refreshmentâ&#x20AC;? Holy Eucharist 9 am
Sunday Sunday
# !
$# $ %
62 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
Nursery, Sunday School, Junior & Senior Youth Groups Open Table Dinner 3rd Saturday of the month at 5pm The Reverend Jane McCaig 1619 Stittsville Main Street 613-836-5741 email: stthoms@magma.ca www.stthomasstittsville.ca Rental Space Available at reasonable rates. Call for information.
Pastor Shaun Seaman
10:00am: Worship Service, Nursery, Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Program
Summer Worship Service 9:30am through July and August
1600 Stittsville Main Street, Stittsville
1135 March Rd., Kanata, ON. K2K 1X7 Pastor: Rev. M.M. Virgil Amirthakumar
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CLUES ACROSS 1. Disco light 7. London radio station 10. Aerospace Co. Morton ___ 11. Capital of Puglia, Italy 12. A phantom or apparition 13. Packed wine 14. The ocean below 6000 meters 15. 1st dynasty: AKA Xia 16. Every 17. Six (Spanish) 18. His ark 20. Segment or a circle 21. Pres. Johnson or Obama 26. 12th Greek letter 27. The First Lady
32. A blood group 33. Takes to task 35. Prints money (abbr.) 36. Airbus manufacturer 37. A instance of selling 38. 12th month (abbr.) 39. Baseball’s Ruth 40. 1959 Nobel biochemist Severo 43. Weights deducted to obtain net 44. To lie scattered over 47. 6th Jewish month 48. Physical maltreators 49. Founder Franklin 50. Published
CLUES DOWN 1. Fish of the genus Alosa 2. Rock singer Turner 3. Muslim weight from 1 to 5 pounds 4. Turkish unit of weight 5. Bovine genus 6. Popular shade tree 7. The principal foundation of 8. La ___ Tar Pits 9. Spanish hero soldier 10. Brains egg-shaped grey matter 11. Fundamental 12. Bast 13. Small angels 16. Not or 17. S Pacific island group 19. Ad ___: impromptu 22. Gen. ___ DeGaulle 23. Hasidic spiritual leader
24. Aluminum 25. Considerate and solicitous care 28. Popular Canadian phrase 29. Consumed food 30. Hayfields 31. About Andes 34. Secondary School Certificate 35. Pen maker Castell 37. Brand of clear wrap 39. Past tense of bid 40. Resort city on Lake Biwa 41. Big Bear was chief 42. A group of cattle 43. The bill in a restaurant 44. People of the Dali region of Yunnan 45. One point S of due E 46. Pig genus
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6FJ6G>JH " ?Vc '&$;ZW &Hide add`^c\ id di]Zgh [dg hdaji^dch id ndjg egdWaZbh! 6fjVg^jh# I]Z dcan dcZ l]d ^h fjVa^ÒZY id ]VcYaZ i]Zb ^h ndj VcY edhh^Wan V hedjhZ dg gdbVci^X eVgicZg#
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Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012 63
“22 NEW VANITY STYLES NOW IN STOCK!” 8” Oiled Bronze Faucet
1pc 1000Gram Dual Flush Toilet
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countertops included
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Custom Bathroom Granite
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60” Double Carrera Marble Vanity
BRAZILIAN GRANITE FREE sink or backsplash
/sq ft
64 Stittsville News EMC - Thursday, August 9, 2012
Walk In Tub With Combination Air and Water Jets
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Designer 5’x3’ Shower Door
1395 Reg. $3100
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Reg. $1900
Starting from
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Reg. $595
Reg. $395
- LUCITE Acrylic - 61” or 67” available - Waste + Overflow included
Clawfoot Acrylic Bathtub
ON SALE Starting at
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295 Reg. $445
- Lifetime Warranty - Ceramic Cartridge - Chrome or Brushed Nickel R0011543115
24” to 30” Solid Wood Vanities