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College Counseling Forms Request for Letter of Recommendation

Date Submitted:

Classes Taught by Teacher:_____________________________________________________________

Important Things to Remember

Always MAKE YOUR REQUEST IN PERSON and remember that you are ASKING your teacher(s); NOT TELLING them. Select a teacher that can write about YOUR PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS/ ACHIEVEMENTS, INTERACTIONS/PARTICIPATION and ACADEMIC MERITS in the context of their class. Please remember to write THANK YOU NOTES to your teachers.

1. List three words that describe you well and why. Make sure that each word is di erent so that you are presen ng a varied and well-rounded view of yourself.

2. What is the single most important thing that you want the colleges to know about you as a learner? Give an example of how you have shown this.

3. Have you pursued any interests that relate to this subject outside of class? If yes, please explain (i.e. mentor, study group member, tutor, internships, clubs, projects, etc.). Have you received any Honors, Recogni ons or Awards in this subject area?

4. Describe how you made a personal contribu on to this class. Is there something speci c to dis nguish you from other students?

5. What are you most proud of from my class? Were there any papers/projects that you most enjoyed or found impac ul? Explain.

6. Describe at least one obstacle you faced in this course (i.e. classroom situa on, personal issues that a ected your performance, etc.) and explain the ac ons you took to overcome the obstacle. (Did you ever come in for extra help? Did you have a tutor?). If there is more than one obstacle, please provide more than one example. Be sure to include what you have learned about yourself as a result of this challenge.

7. Please share anything else that might be helpful in preparing your recommenda on. Example: Is there any addi onal informa on that you feel will help me understand your academic ability, poten al, lower performance or circumstance (make sure to explain)? You may also want to include why you are asking this speci c teacher to write a le er on your behalf.

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