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Teaching Mediation to Children

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Meditation at USC

Meditation at USC

As children we learn prayers. Mediation is a prayer practice that involves sitting still in silence with God for a period of time each day.

Typically, when meditation is practiced at school the children will meditate for the same number of minutes as their age.

First they learn to sit quietly and breathe with a relaxing breath

They sit in a prayer circle on the floor or in chairs. They may have a candle (battery operated), a small statue, a cross, some flowers in the center to denote this is a special prayer time.

There can be an opening prayer which ends with their prayer phrase Ma-Ra-Na-Tha which means “Come Lord” in Aramaic

Our minds are busy wanderers (perhaps use a visual like the “glitter jar.”)

Teaching Meditation with Children

We return to Ma-Ra-Na-Tha

We are quiet and safe in the place within us where the Holy Spirit resides.

We mediate until the timer chimes, and we return to our desks.

“It helps you let go of all the drama.”

How Does Meditation Make Children Feel?

“You can just feel relaxed and not be angry or sad or worried about something.”

“It gives you energy and confidence.”

“After mediation it’s easier to focus on our afternoon work.”

“It helps me think more clearly and make better choices.”

Be Still and Know that I am God: Spiritual Fruits of Meditation

“When we open our hearts to God, He fills us with His love.”

“You feel the goodness deep inside.”

“You become closer to God.”

“You become a kinder person.”


Galatians 5:22 Fruits of the Spirit





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