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Student Support Services

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Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry

We have high expectations for our students. Walking alongside them as they endeavor to meet those expectations means stepping in and providing counseling, guidance, and academic support so that every student can take full advantage of the opportunities we offer and achieve success.

That’s why we’ve invested in support services over the past several years, including adding full-time Middle and High School counselors and a team of learning specialists.

Robust student support services enable us to deliver on our promise of a holistic education and ensure a St. Joseph’s education remains accessible to a broad range of students from our community.

TODAY, OUR STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ARE SCATTERED ACROSS CAMPUS. As a result, academic support, counseling, and guidance aren’t as accessible as they should be. It’s di icult for our support team to coordinate their e orts and provide the comprehensive, holistic support our students need.

It’s time to unite our support team in The St. Joseph’s Way Center.

By bringing together our Middle and High School guidance counselors, our learning specialists, and our college counselors, we will be able to:

Provide cohesive, professional services that bolster our students’ academic, social, and emotional growth.

Expand programs that promote our students’ wellbeing—from mitigating social media to preparing for exams and handling anxiety.

Meet with students and families privately and comfortably.

Provide regular, in-house professional development that helps our faculty grow in their ability to teach and reach our students.

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