2017 Mad Hui

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Memorandum to : from : date : subject :

All Northern Youth personnel Will Watterson, RYM 29 August 2017 MAD Hui 2017

Dear Cadets and Leaders This year’s MAD Hui will take place at Ruapotaka marae in Glen Innes from October 20th-22nd. You will notice that the dates are different from those on the Youth Calendar. This is due to the unexpected announcement of the Oct 6th 90 Years Grand Prior Awards this year. We’re aware this is a Labour Weekend.. however, the hui is going to be so amazing and action packed that there will be plenty of cadets and leaders who will want to be involved! The hui this year is focused on Maoritanga, and will take the form of a full noho marae, which means sleeping in the wharenui and fully participating in the life of the marae over the weekend.

2017 MAD HUI MEMO 2 Harrison Road, Mt Wellington, Private Bag 14902, Panmure, Auckland 1741 T 09 526 0522 F 09 526 0524 W www.stjohn.org.nz E youth.northern@stjohn.org.nz

Topics covered include: 1. Marae protocol 2. Tikanga 3. Te Tiriti – the facts, and what it means to be a bi-cultural nation 4. Te Reo 101 (pronunciation of vowels, consonants, phonemes, and some important words to know on the Marae) 5. Learning (and refining) the St John Waiata 6. Learning (and refining) the St John Haka

On the final day participants will discuss what they've learned and design bicultural/Maoritanga initiatives to launch in their divisions. Every young person will then be supported with mentoring and other resources required to roll out their own local project. Selections process: The selection process for MAD Hui this year is slightly different from previous years. We only have 40 cadet spaces available (approximately 5 spaces per District) so applicants will need to be pro-active! If a young person is keen to attend, they need to send an email to their District Youth Manager explaining (in 500 words or less) what they hope to get out of the weekend and why they believe they are well-positioned to take action on their new-found knowledge when they get back to their Division/District. Timings: • All applications to DYMs by 29th September. • Successful participants chosen and informed by 9th October.

I look forward to seeing some of you there! Nāku noa, nā

Will Watterson Regional Youth Manager Northern Region

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