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Mark Nakamura ’23 was awarded the 2022 Bro. Albert Mosser Scholarship which was established in 1998 to carry out Brother Albert’s simple wish, “Make sure St. John’s is always there to help students.”
National Merit Scholarship
In March 2022, James M. Morrison ’22 was selected as a winner of the National Merit Scholarship which honors talented youth for their contributions and leadership in school and community activities. Morrison is currently a freshman at Georgetown University.

Dunn Family Scholarship
Amir Wallace-Jones ’25 was the 2022 recipient of the Dunn Family Scholarship. Focused on providing tuition assistance to students who demonstrate exceptional leadership in academics and extracurricular activities with a preference to team sports, the scholarship was created by the Dunn family to celebrate Catholic education and provide educational opportunities at St. John’s to deserving students.