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Woodrow Wilson

Neve Hudson - Lower Sixth, Haslewood

Woodrow Wilson was an extremely successful president who should have more recognition for his achievements. The 28th President of the United States, Wilson was a two-term president, holding the position from 1913 to 1921. Wilson regarded himself as a personal representative of the people and was the leader of the progressive movement. He had a large and notable impact over the economy and international affairs of the country. Moreover, Wilson made an active effort to act in the best interests of the people. Significantly, he led the United States out of World War I victorious. His objectives of self-determination, collective security and free trade made him a strong leader. As a result, it can be strongly argued that Woodrow Wilson was a great and extremely underrated US President.

Wilson and Congress enacted a very cohesive, complete and elaborate program of economy. Through focussing on tariff reform, Wilson achieved the most significant reduction in rates since the Civil War. He initiated a program of progressive reform; introducing lower tariffs and campaigning on a program called New Freedom, stressing individualism and states’ rights. The introduction of tariff reduction engaged the economy. He became especially popular in the South and West, highlighting his use of the economy to look after the people. Furthering this, Wilson introduced the Underwood Act, reducing levies on manufactured goods, and attached to this was a graduated federal income tax; this Act could be considered one of Wilsons biggest successes. Also, by introducing the Federal Reserve Act, he provided the nation with the elastic money supply they needed to restore the economy from the war. Wilson enacted banking reform under the auspices of this system. Effectively, he federally regulated business and supported labour and collective bargaining. Significantly, Wilson initiated the modern income tax. To further from this, in 1914 antitrust legislation under Wilson established a Federal Trade commission to prohibit unfair business practices. It is evident that through his dealings with economy, Woodrow Wilson was a strong and notable president.

In addition to this, a massive strength of Wilson’s presidency was his assertion of international leadership and creation of New World Order after World War I. After a discussion with Congress, Wilson entered and won World War I. Wilson’s war victories for the US are likely overlooked when reflecting on the President; however, his position in winning the war should be noted as extremely significant. Furthermore, after long periods of Republican isolationism and mistrust of the global community, the war allowed Wilson to assert himself and the US on an international scale. Due to this, Woodrow Wilson transformed the United States and its foreign policy, from isolationism to internationalism. He was also a key negotiator during the discussions of the Treaty of Versailles, emphasising his position and power through his ‘Fourteen Points of Peace’. Most importantly, he had a significant role in creating the League of Nations, shielding the United States into a more international superpower. This establishment focused on peacefully managing conflicts between states and putting an end to senseless warfare. As a result, Wilson highlighted the need for collective security among the international community. Thus, it is clear that Wilson completely transformed both domestic foreign policy and international dynamics through his acts as President. Lastly, in regard to looking after the people, Woodrow Wilson was always acting in the best interests of the nation. This can be noted by a number of small but significant actions. For example, he prohibited child labour in 1916. Additionally, Wilson gave federal aid to education and agriculture in the US, placing a larger emphasis on the people. Also, he acted to look after the nation during and following the years of the war. After the years of laissez-faire attitude and hands off Republican government, Wilson’s government acted to interject and look after the people. Therefore, it is obvious that Woodrow Wilson aimed to look after the American public.

Ultimately, it can be strongly argued that Woodrow Wilson has not got enough recognition for his achievements as President. Through the strength of his economy, his government during the war and his international position it is evident that Wilson was a strong and capable leader. He has shaped the United States to be the global superpower it is today through his actions and aided the development of the country to a major extent. Overall, he should be more widely regarded as a strong and driven President who impacted the United States for the better.

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