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Product Design
Design and Technology –Product Design A-level
Edexcel (9DT0)
Why choose this course?
Do you love solving problems and being creative? Perhaps you just keep coming up with great ideas but don’t know what to do with them? Design skills and the ability to visualise new ideas can be useful in many jobs. Design and Technology is a valuable A-level that combines well with creative or science subjects taken alongside it.
Course content
Following on from the GCSE, the EDEXCEL Design and Technology—Product Design Advanced Level qualification is designed to equip students with an extensive knowledge of materials, processes and techniques. High level, creative design skills are developed alongside a thorough appreciation of how a variety of historical, economical, technological and global issues influence design. In Year 12, candidates will carry out a range of tasks to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of product design. • A manufacturing task helps develop enhanced knowledge of materials and performance characteristics, as well as greater confidence in processing woods, metals, plastics, smart materials and textiles using traditional processes and computer aided manufacturing (CAM). • A blue-sky thinking task encourages candidates to develop their creative design skills by using advanced graphics, modelling, computeraided design (CAD), and rapid prototyping (3D printing). • A product investigation task encourages a critical understanding of the influences of design movements, marketing, technological, economic and environmental influences on product design over the course of the past two centuries. In Year 13, candidates begin their independent Design and Make project, building on their experience in Year 12 to produce a high-quality portfolio that addresses the needs of a chosen client. Further theory, looking at wider issues of product design - such as digital technologies, legislation, advanced manufacturing technology and globalisation - are explored in preparation for the written examination.
Course assessment
Unit title
Unit 1 Principles of Design & Technology
Unit 2 Independent Design & Make project
Candidates are required to complete a written paper that includes short and open-response questions, calculations and extended-writing questions based on the course content acquired above.
Candidates are required to produce a substantial design and make project that will address the needs of a chosen client and demonstrate the practical application of the principles acquired above.
How it is assessed
2hr 30mins written paper externally assessed by EDEXCEL
50% (120 marks)
Internally marked and externally moderated by EDEXCEL 50% (120 marks)
Progression routes
This qualification would lead naturally to a wide range of design courses, including product design, industrial design, advertising and fashion; but with its broad consideration of communication methods and the impact of technology on society and the environment, it can complement almost any further study or employment. The knowledge and problem-solving skills developed in this course will give a huge advantage to those going on to science and engineering qualifications.