1 minute read
Hot and Cold Exposure
Most of the experimental evidence suggests that immersion in hot and cold water helps reduce injuries in their acute stage through vasodilation and vasoconstriction, thereby stimulating blood flow and reducing swelling. This blood-bypassing action may be one of the mechanisms for eliminating metabolites, repairing exerted muscle and slowing metabolic processes.
Ice Baths Contrast Sauna
Preparationuse if:
First few sessions with contacts in preseason; first 1-2 days post tournament; if training in very hot weather.
Post lowmoderate session; after last training of the week; on days off.
Post intense session-heavy lifting; 3 times a week for HSPs, 3-5 times a week post injury.
Preparationdo not use if:
Trying to gain muscle mass; training to develop power, strength or speed.
Use in competition Post last game of the day.
Protocol example
10-15 minutes at 1115°C; full body immersion.
Need strong effects
Long aerobic conditioningrisks of dehydration; traumas and oedemas from collisions
In-between games - use shower time.
3 minutes hot - 1 minute cold x 4-5.
Evening of the first day
2 - 3 x 10-15 minutes with 2 minute rest in-between at 65°C or so.