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Reunion in Hong Kong
For the first time in three years St Joseph’s representatives were able to make a trip East to catch up with alumni, current parents, prospective parents and agents in Hong Kong. The Covid pandemic may have put a pause on travel but certainly did nothing to diminish the welcome.
Mrs Clarke, the Principal, and Mrs Lee, International Liaison Officer, spent an enjoyable and very busy week in Hong Kong, renewing friendships and initiating new ones. They were delighted that such a large party of younger OBs gathered for a nostalgic meal aand only sorry that two of the slightly earlier vintage were not able to attend, Prof Berry Hsu and Mr Ian King, whose commitments ruled out a meeting. We are hoping that might be rectified in the future.

Another pleasant meeting for our travellers took place at Wycombe Abbey Hong Kong, whose Headmaster, Mr Howard Tuckett, is a former Head of St Joseph’s College Prep School and whose own children, are both Old Birkfeldians. Pupils at Wycombe Abbey HK enjoyed hearing about St Joseph’s College and two of the school’s pupils have confirmed places at St Jo’s for September.

Do please stay in touch, everyone, and do let us know of any St Joseph’s alumni who might have lost contact with the College. Representatives of the school hope to be back in Hong Kong and mainland China in the Autumn.