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Financial Plan Es�mates
Significant changes to the financial plan during the first quarter include:
• Increase to the 1/1/2023 beginning balance due to stronger than an�cipated revenue performance in 2022, lower than expected 2022 expenditures, and addi�onal transfers-in made during 2022.
• Revenue es�mates remain unchanged but will be updated during the second quarter
• Spending es�mates have been revised to reflect supplemental appropria�ons adopted/an�cipated to-date.
• One-�me projects include: o $6.0 million to demolish the Jamestown Mall o $23.8 million for Police Department capital projects o $1.0 million to update the Comprehensive Plan
In March, PMB reinvigorated the Spark! Con�nuous Improvement & Innova�on Program, which provides process improvement educa�on and support to departments seeking to make their services more efficient and effec�ve. PMB hosted its first Green Belt Workshop (Introduc�on to Process Improvement) in March with eighteen staff in atendance. The workshop borrows concepts from Lean Six Sigma and other quality improvement methodologies that will help staff beter understand their processes, solve problems, improve the quality of their services, and reduce staff and customer frustra�on. Over the next 6 months, PMB plans to offer 6 more Green Belt Workshops and currently has over seventy-five staff registered In addi�on to the educa�onal opportuni�es, PMB will be providing direct support to individuals and work teams looking to improve their services.